• 2 months ago
Sexy Jenny in Live Show


00:00Come estamos amigos, bienvenidos, estamos en vivo en directo para todos ustedes.
00:03Tonight is going to be mainly English.
00:05FYI, just letting you know in case you're joining us
00:08and we're not going to do it English and Spanish because I'm going to go nuts.
00:10And we have to say hello to our beautiful Allison.
00:13How are you? Fine. Thank you. All relaxed.
00:16So I hope you guys tuned into last week's shows.
00:19Talked a little bit about everything tonight.
00:22We're really just open for your topics.
00:24So if there's something you would like to talk about, please let us know.
00:26Our chats are open in MiamiTV.com and also on YouTube.
00:29OK, so in the meantime, I'm going to grab one of you guys' e-mails.
00:33And there are other e-mails that I didn't get to, but I will eventually.
00:36OK, so we're going to talk about a little bit about love.
00:38Why not a little bit about love and relationships?
00:41Como estan? Bienvenidos.
00:42So let's first say hello.
00:45Let's say hi to Sam. Hi, Sam.
00:47Hi, Sam. Mike from Tallahassee.
00:49What's up, Pi? Hi.
00:52I love having one on one during lives.
00:55I feel like when you talk to someone that I don't know, it's just a little funner.
00:59No. Yeah. Yeah.
01:00And how how has your shows been?
01:02You feel like you're kind of getting the hang of it?
01:04A little bit. I feel like it's just been like I'm here on my own personal healing
01:08journey, and so every day kind of comes with its own personal challenges.
01:11And so like I love doing the show, but it's it's it's just another element
01:16of learning. Yeah.
01:17You know, if I'm going through something emotionally,
01:20it comes out on the show sometimes.
01:22That's good. Yeah.
01:23You know, we're sentimental people.
01:25Yeah. And I've never met everyday people crying on camera.
01:28I don't think ever. Do you like?
01:30Have you ever seen a person crying camera live?
01:32I mean, unless they're being like bullied or something, but I'm saying out of nowhere.
01:36Yeah. Right. How unique is that?
01:38I mean, I would watch it just because, you know, that the person is being real.
01:41So we need more real people in the world and on TV, you guys.
01:44Good evening. Been a big amount of love to both of you from India.
01:48Thank you. Queen Jenny and Queen Alison.
01:51Hello. Thank you. You both look amazing.
01:53Thanks, guys. Hey, y'all. Hey, hey.
01:55OK, welcome to our members as well.
01:57Many of them. So let's go with James.
01:59James. Jenny, I came across this article.
02:01It says, if you're planning on spending the rest of your life with someone,
02:05you should ignore everything that's good about them.
02:08OK, interesting to be the opposite of what we usually do. Right.
02:12Instead, think of the one thing about them that will drive you crazy.
02:17If you think you can stand to live the rest of your life
02:19enduring that, then you're probably found your soulmate.
02:23When we find ourselves newly in love.
02:25Do we tend to exaggerate the good things we see in a person and overlook the bad?
02:30Hmm. OK, so we're going to go with that for now.
02:34That would be the opposite of what usually people do, right?
02:36Yeah. I mean, really just glint into all the good things.
02:38Yeah, I think especially with romance, you just get rose colored glasses
02:42and you really want it to work.
02:43You want partnership to work.
02:45And so you kind of and I think a lot of women and men,
02:50we want to see the best in people.
02:51And so we tend to collect the good things
02:55and almost giving people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the bad stuff.
02:59But I mean, I think that this is a really great point because it what sense?
03:03Yeah. Like what came to mind for me is I've dated people
03:06who are really emotionally avoidant.
03:08And when things get too close, they disappear.
03:12And that's something that I don't think I could deal with in a long term
03:16like marriage type relationship because just disappear every now and then.
03:19Yeah. Sorry. Not available right now.
03:22Yeah. Unless they're willing to work on that coping mechanism.
03:24And it's just it's yeah, it's you want to be a pair unit.
03:29And then you've got somebody who's who's habitually individualizing themselves
03:33and taking themselves away without saying, hey, I need space.
03:35Give me a day or give me an hour.
03:38Space is always good.
03:39You know, I think that communication more than anything.
03:42But I do like the idea of doing that also, by the way.
03:45Yeah. Think of I would make a list.
03:47Yeah. I mean, if if you're going that strongly towards the person,
03:50make a list of just saying, why are you going off?
03:52I have you on me. No, I don't. Sorry, guys.
03:55Is there the good things and the bad things
03:56and just which one balance each other out?
03:58Because we were talking about this last week, actually,
04:01knowing how to perceive people's energies when like, how do you know?
04:04And we didn't finish.
04:05How do you know when somebody is coming to you
04:08and you might see the person as the most not beautiful,
04:11but the perfect person for you, like everything you've been looking for?
04:14But maybe, maybe it's just another one of those like lust moments
04:17of or moments of even desperation of thinking you're alone at this.
04:22You know, you fall for the person, the first person that comes up to you.
04:25And somebody we were interviewing two days ago at the beach.
04:28She was saying, yeah, I fall too fast, too hard.
04:31So also that I think first, really just take your time.
04:35Right. Yeah. Yeah. Slowly, very slowly.
04:38Yeah. And really notice how you're feeling in your body,
04:41because oftentimes we can mistake butterflies or chemistry
04:45for a kind of familiar trauma.
04:47Yeah. You know, they say we end up with our mothers and our fathers, right?
04:50We pick the people who feel familiar to us based on our family dynamics.
04:54So if your parents, you know, we're rough with each other,
04:56you might find yourself with a partner who's rough with you.
04:59Or, you know, in my case, I had, you know, some emotional abandonment growing up.
05:03So it's no surprise that my partners I pick, they're emotionally abandoning.
05:07So it's very familiar.
05:09Why do you guys think that that happens, that we pick people that remind us?
05:14Do you think it's something temporarily that maybe we have to, like,
05:16finalize something from our life and move on?
05:18Yeah, I think it is.
05:19It's like another opportunity for us to like in my case, growing up
05:24with a parental figure who really was not there emotionally.
05:28Same. Yeah.
05:29So then I call in these partners who are not available emotionally.
05:33And ultimately, I think the lesson there is for me to choose
05:38to take care of my emotions and make those important.
05:40And if some and say, you know, hey, I love you, you're a great person,
05:44but you're not a good partner for me
05:45because I need a partner who's going to be emotionally available
05:48and and really being emotionally available for ourselves
05:51because how we treat ourselves will ultimately be how we are treated. Amen.
05:57Absolutely. I've always said if you're not if you're not fixing yourself
06:01right now and you're single, then what are you doing?
06:04I mean, if anything, you want to meet your significant other, the right partner.
06:09When they don't have to deal with your shit, basically.
06:11Right. So it's like, you know, get your get your stuff together first
06:14and just go through any kind of emotional baggage you need to get rid of.
06:17Go through your cleansings, your regressions, your moments of learning.
06:21And then when the time is right, if your energy is vibrating
06:24in a most almost perfect or at least very good synchrony,
06:28then you are more likely to attract somebody that will just kind of help
06:31you finish that journey. Right.
06:32Because it's a journey that we never finish. Right. Right.
06:35So we die. Right.
06:36It's like clean the parts of yourself that you already know are dirty,
06:39because when you meet your partner, you're going to uncover new stuff.
06:42Oh, yeah. I needed fixing.
06:44So like and and that's a good thing because deep healing happens in partnership.
06:49You know, your partner mirrors yourself.
06:51And like, I think that that's just one of the most beautiful experiences to have.
06:55Like relationships allow us to be the most selfless at times.
06:59You know, like if you're in an argument with somebody
07:02and you're able to put your emotions aside
07:05to really be present for your partner's emotions,
07:07that is like some master class level control.
07:12Love. Yeah.
07:14You know, it makes me think something just came to my mind.
07:17And, you know, maybe you guys have thought about it before,
07:19but it makes kind of sense that every single person that we've attracted
07:23or in every single person that you've been somehow related to emotionally with
07:28is there to teach you a lesson.
07:30Of course, we all know that.
07:31But you're going to literally attract the person
07:34that is in the same level of spiritual growth as you are.
07:38So if you are looking at yourself in the mirror right now
07:40and you're saying, I got to fix this, I got to fix this, I got to fix that.
07:44There's going to be all those things that the person that you are
07:46that you are now attracting, that maybe they're not going to
07:49exactly the same things, but they're going through things
07:51that have the same vibration and problems.
07:55So you really just cling together and you should really see, well, what do you got?
07:59Oh, I got this, this and that, you know, this trauma, this thing.
08:01It's like, what do you got?
08:02Oh, I got this, this and that.
08:03It's like, OK, well, let's see how we can help each other in that.
08:05And then maybe just move on in a more.
08:08It's like you at least you use the relationship for something good.
08:11Right. So it's not a waste of time.
08:12Yeah. And that goes back to what you were saying about communication.
08:15I think that is just like can be the hardest thing to communicate
08:19vulnerably of things that make us uncomfortable or things that we might feel
08:22we don't have the words for yet, but or things that we might think,
08:25oh, this is going to scare them away.
08:26But coming to that your partner openly and saying, you know,
08:30here's what I'm noticing about myself.
08:31Here's what I'm working on with myself.
08:33You know, how can you help me?
08:35Or, you know, what bring working on each other as a partnership?
08:39And even like what James was saying about, you know, finding the things
08:44that you don't like about somebody necessarily really maybe going to them
08:48and saying, hey, I've noticed you have a habit of doing this when things get hard.
08:52You kind of bail and disappear for a day, five days or whatever.
08:56Is that and if they don't overcoming, they don't overcome it, then they're not.
09:00Right. Right. Because hopefully you'd be met with.
09:03I do that sometimes.
09:04I'm so sorry.
09:04It's something I want to work on because it causes disconnect in my relationships
09:07and I don't want their work.
09:09And then you can be like, OK, great.
09:10Well, now I have the space permission from you to say to you, hey,
09:14I think you're pulling away. It's day two.
09:16I haven't heard from you. I'm like, OK, I don't go away for more than a day.
09:22Yeah, definitely.
09:24Well, yeah, it would only make sense that you at least say something.
09:26Yeah. But and it could be that one of you is also
09:31a little bit more conscious than the other,
09:33because remember that we are constantly radiating.
09:35So you are constantly going to be attracting what you radiate.
09:38So if you have crap that you still need to work on,
09:41you're going to try people with crap that they still need to work on.
09:43It's as basic as that.
09:45So I would say that a good trick to not make so many mistakes is just get there first.
09:49So in that case, you're going to attract somebody that is in their best version
09:54of yourself and you're going to be in the best version of yourself.
09:57And that's it.
09:58Then you can just move forward from there,
10:01because how many times has it happened that there is one of the people
10:04in their relationship that wants to move forward?
10:07And the other one, you know, they're sinking the same in the same way.
10:09But the other one just says, this is too much for me.
10:11You know, I don't want to deal with that.
10:12I don't talk to me about energies or spiritual stuff or becoming a better person.
10:17I don't need it because I'm already perfect.
10:19Then what do you do?
10:20Right. Or or the old standby.
10:22Oh, this is just me.
10:24Yeah, I think take it or leave it.
10:25Yeah. It's like, OK, leave it.
10:28Yeah, you got to be really you just have to be willing to leave it.
10:30Like we all have to be willing to choose ourselves and walk away from with,
10:34you know, knowing that there's better out there.
10:38You know, of course. Absolutely.
10:40There's you guys, if you're ever stuck in a bad relationship,
10:42I feel like the fear factor is what pretty much gets to most people.
10:45Right. Where it's like, well, I'm this old now.
10:48Who's going to want me now?
10:49Or, oh, I got to get back to the dating scene.
10:51How annoying. And I know a lot of you are single and are in all different ages.
10:56We have people from all ages that always watch, but never give up,
10:59because if this is something you know, this is something that
11:02that hasn't appeared in your life yet, your significant other.
11:05It just means that there's still work that you need to do on yourself.
11:07And just I would honestly just kind of give thanks, because what good would it be
11:11if you attract a person that is not going to leave any good?
11:14And you have all this time to yourself.
11:16Yeah. Time for ourselves is super important.
11:18I think, too, that people take for granted.
11:20Yeah. And really honoring yourself.
11:22Like I've found myself in relationships where I will hide a whole parts of myself,
11:26like that whole spiritual side.
11:27I just won't I won't bother them with it, you know.
11:30But then that makes it so that I'm not developing the whole part of myself
11:34and I'm hiding to some extent a whole part of myself.
11:38And I think humans, whether they're conscious of it or not, can feel that.
11:41And so on some level, they feel a little bit rejected.
11:44There's always going to be this kind of like white noise between us
11:48and where they're like, something's not right.
11:50She's not being honest with me, but I don't know why.
11:52Like, why?
11:53So I think just being brave enough to be like, this is who I am right now.
11:57Like, this is what I'm interested in.
11:59If that's not something that you want to deal with, respect,
12:04then it's not the right.
12:05Why move forward?
12:07Not in a kind of like, here's me.
12:09This is who I am and I'll never change, you know, take the good, bad and ugly.
12:12But it's like, these are the things that I care about.
12:14These are the things that are important to me.
12:16And it's really important to honor what's important to you.
12:18And then make sure you surround yourself with people
12:21who are going to honor what's important to you, too.
12:23Yeah. Love yourself, right?
12:24Isn't that what she said also earlier?
12:26You got to love yourself first.
12:28If you don't love yourself, how can how can anybody love you
12:30if you don't love yourself first?
12:32Starts from there.
12:33Snoring would be a really deal breaker for me.
12:36Oh, you know what? Me too.
12:38But it's like, man, if you really find, you know, the person
12:41and they snore, just do like me.
12:44Get one of those beds that you can just.
12:48In the electric beds, you know, in the middle of the night.
12:51No, I'm lucky Enrique doesn't snore, actually.
12:53But my dad used to.
12:54Oh, my God.
12:54He used to snore and you could hear him like a full block away, probably.
12:58It was so loud.
12:59Have you ever gotten anybody that snores really loud?
13:01I've been really lucky.
13:03I have not. I have. I could not deal with it.
13:07I was with someone who had sleep apnea, though.
13:10That was a little bit.
13:11I did have to occasionally like roll him on his side so he could breathe.
13:15Save his life, meaning.
13:16Yeah. Don't die.
13:18My mom had sleep apnea for a while.
13:22But I mean, it's just one of those things.
13:24Like if it's a deal breaker for you, honor that.
13:26If snoring is really like the thing, you won't go there
13:28because maybe you've got trauma from growing up with someone who snored
13:32and they had a bunch of other stuff and you couldn't sleep.
13:34And yeah, or maybe maybe snoring is a trigger for you for something.
13:37I wonder how snoring works on the brain,
13:40because, you know, when we're sleeping, nobody's ever thought about this, I think.
13:44But when you're sleeping, it's when your whole body is basically reset in itself.
13:48It's like you're charging kind of like an electric charge, an electric car.
13:52Sorry. So I wonder how that affects our brain waves.
13:55I'm sure there's a test somewhere out there.
13:57We'll find it and share it with you.
13:58I mean, I can't imagine it could be good because like not at all.
14:02You're you're depriving yourself of oxygen.
14:05You're creating noise, which is going to disturb your system,
14:08even if you're unconscious to it.
14:09And I mean, even the vibration, you're like vibrating your body.
14:16And the person that's next to you, even worse, right?
14:19It's like you're constantly getting bombarded out with these waves of energy,
14:24of sound energy.
14:25My father shook the rafters.
14:27Oh, because he snored really loud.
14:29Yeah. And I kind of feel like sleep apnea is new.
14:33I know sleep apnea is something that's like new.
14:35I feel like snoring is maybe something that's also new to our human history
14:38because I can't imagine cavemen snoring like that.
14:41Seems really dangerous.
14:43Like, you know, like you're just snoring and like echoing through the canyons.
14:48And then a dragon comes and eats you.
14:51Yeah. Or, you know,
14:54you're not incognito at a very, you know, cavemen and snoring.
14:58Never thought about that.
14:59But, you know, we can think of anything here in Journey Live.
15:00It's just part of our imagination going wild.
15:03But it does make sense.
15:04Do you think maybe it's the food that we're eating?
15:06I think it's potentially the food.
15:08I think it's more of a posture thing.
15:10Like if you look back at photographs from people in the early like 1800s,
15:13everyone had incredible posture.
15:16Everybody had incredible posture.
15:17Their shoulders were back, they sit up straight.
15:20And I mean, sure, they had a different diet, but they also just had
15:23they walked everywhere. Yeah.
15:24They it was part of I think culturally it was just, you know, sit up straight
15:29with something you would hear a lot if you were slouching over.
15:31Now we've got our phones and everyone's just kind of like
15:34hurling into a little hole.
15:36Yeah, and I think the phones actually have a lot to do
15:40with the increase in sleep apnea.
15:41I think there are some muscles in our jaw and throat
15:44that are atrophying because of our modern posture.
15:47I believe it.
15:48And that's causing some issues with sleep apnea. Hmm.
15:52Interesting. Never thought about that.
15:54But yeah, it could be. Yeah.
15:55And yeah, I do think posture is also important.
15:58I have a horrible posture.
15:59You guys all slouch all the time.
16:00But but I try to remember and I'm working on it, I'm working on it.
16:03Having a similar background to your partner also helps.
16:07And I woke myself up in a meeting before.
16:12So you're in the middle of a meeting.
16:13Great. That's good to know.
16:16Um, let's see, como estamos?
16:19As you are single, depending time alone makes your heart empty.
16:22And when you get a part of filling that empty time with good or bad emotions,
16:27which you are not in condition to know about him or her.
16:30Did you understand that?
16:32Um, I understood the first part about when you're alone for too long,
16:36you maybe can pick up some like bad habits, but isolation.
16:39Well, it was I don't. Yeah, I did understand the bad part.
16:42But when you get a part of filling that empty time with good or bad emotions,
16:47which you are not in condition to know about him or her.
16:50Sorry, maybe if you explained a little better.
16:52Yeah. But but yeah, finding people that have a similar background.
16:57Yeah, I think I think it's interesting.
16:59Because at least you have things that you can share.
17:02And but even if you have things that you have nothing like you're
17:06you don't have anything in common and you can still find when there's chemistry,
17:09when the energy is right, when you just click.
17:10Because basically what we are is like plugs to a wall.
17:13So it's like each one of them.
17:15Each one of us is like this transformer. Right.
17:17And we all have our frequency, like twelve point five eight seven.
17:22And it's like, OK, where is the twelve point five eight seven in the world?
17:24And all you're doing is just plugging each other in.
17:26And it's just plugging each other in.
17:28So, yeah, everything is frequency.
17:30Everything is energy.
17:32That's that's how we exist.
17:33And that's exactly how we attract.
17:34It kind of makes sense when you look at the image of the Matrix, right?
17:37Which, by the way, what do you think about that movie?
17:39I haven't seen it in a while.
17:41So I don't remember.
17:42Not really. I just remember.
17:44I remember bits and pieces like I remember when he like figures it out
17:47and then he like floated and all the bullets go over him.
17:50That's what everybody remembers, right?
17:51The whole backward.
17:52No, because I was thinking of the letterings, you know,
17:55and thinking of us as frequencies and how we have to match.
17:58It's almost like if we're in this world where everything's a grid
18:01and we're just kind of all matching at some point or another.
18:04Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like magnetism, right?
18:06Like if you can if you heal yourself to a certain level,
18:10you are going to attract people at that same level.
18:12I mean, we were you've been saying that.
18:14Yeah, yeah. No. Yeah.
18:17Fabio, si, hoy solo en ingles, luego lo subtitulamos.
18:21Hello from Scotland. How are you?
18:22Have you ever made a wish at 1111 on the clock?
18:25It works. Yeah. You have.
18:28Oh, yeah. Has it worked?
18:29Yeah. I mean, I kind of see 1111 as like, good job, keep going.
18:33Why just 1111? Like, why not?
18:35Ten, ten, nine, nine, eight, eight.
18:37No, it has to be 11. Is it the one?
18:39I think 1111 is like the big one that you can, you know, people will say like,
18:43oh, two, two, two, four, four, four, five, five, five.
18:46Like all these numbers have different frequencies and different meanings.
18:50So like twos are generally partnership.
18:53Fives are generally change.
18:55So like if you are anxious about moving or something
18:57and all of a sudden you're seeing fives everywhere and it's five, five, five
19:00all the time, then you're probably getting messages that the change is necessary.
19:03Even if it's scary.
19:04Interesting. OK. OK.
19:07So but like, I don't know all of them.
19:08I know two is I think our partnership, but I think six is also part of it.
19:12But we're going to have to get back to you.
19:14Yeah, we can look into it.
19:16What do you go?
19:17I feel like everybody has one that we choose, right?
19:20Do you like evens or odds?
19:23Well, four is my favorite number.
19:25So it has to mean something, right?
19:27Our favorite numbers. What does it mean?
19:29Yeah. And but I also really appreciate anything that's got that three, six, nine
19:33patterning happening.
19:35OK. I mean, I'm an evens girl.
19:37Yeah. Even Stevens. OK.
19:39Level two going to be a blast.
19:42Level two on. Hey, Tony.
19:45How to purify your energy.
19:47What is the process to start?
19:49Oh, OK.
19:51What you start getting started.
19:54I mean, just being open to starting is really great.
19:57Yeah. Like that already.
19:59Bravo. Just being open to it.
20:01And just I think the first step is being willing to notice yourself,
20:07like find moments of observance for yourself where maybe
20:13if you catch yourself being anxiously twiddling with something,
20:16you can kind of like, oh, I'm doing that thing that I do.
20:18What am I thinking of right now?
20:19Or what am I like?
20:21Just try to kind of you're aware.
20:23Yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah.
20:25With nonjudgment, don't don't judge yourself, but just be aware
20:28of what you're doing and how you're feeling.
20:31If you can feel into your body more often, if you catch yourself
20:34like like anxious or something like I kind of tend to do this
20:37if I'm anxious and then I'll be like, OK, I don't need that.
20:40I don't know why. I mean, you know, so just noticing being an observance
20:45and then, you know, the more you do that, the more you'll give yourself
20:49pause before you have say you've got a short trigger with with certain things
20:55catching yourself before you, you know, it happens.
20:59Yeah. Before you get upset.
21:02And if you are someone with like a hair trigger for certain things,
21:05it's certainly acceptable to be like, I, you know, I'm going to need
21:09to take a break from this conversation.
21:11Let's put a pin in this and talk in about an hour or so.
21:14I just need time to kind of like decompress.
21:16I'm having a lot of, you know, feelings or whatever it is.
21:19But you can remove yourself, take time.
21:22But it's really just catching yourself.
21:24If you do have a hair trigger thing or if you if you have some
21:27habit that you're trying to change, just being nonjudgmental about it.
21:31I like that because that's exactly what I would have said.
21:34So there you go.
21:36You're at the first step is being aware.
21:39So Allison said it. I'm just going to repeat it.
21:43And you're doing it.
21:43You know, you're already asking how to do it.
21:46So bravo. Yeah, it's true.
21:48Not everybody gets to that point.
21:49It's just I feel like most people today are just living in La La Land.
21:53And it's like, whatever, this is me.
21:54Take it or leave it kind of thing.
21:55But no, we could do so much better.
21:56We can all the time. We could do so much better.
21:58And you're going to you're going to feel so proud of yourself
22:00when you start doing better.
22:01So start to look at things around also that do that do maybe tend to
22:07like that are tempting you to generate negativity and try to scratch those.
22:11These are really easy to find.
22:13I mean, you know, when you're doing something
22:15that's causing negativity in your life, whether it's being promiscuous
22:18or whether it's having any kind of addictions or bad habits,
22:24anything that you know, it's bad for you.
22:26You need to just basically just be very strict and say no more.
22:30And I know you're going to say it's difficult
22:31because maybe you tried before and it hasn't worked.
22:33But I think you never you never you can never stop trying.
22:38You know, it's until you actually get it right.
22:40And I feel like when you wish it enough,
22:42then things will kind of start moving because that wishful thinking
22:45and that wanting and energy that you're moving and saying,
22:47I have to do better. This is not the life that I want to continue.
22:50You know that you're that there's things that you need to change.
22:53But the only thing you need is a little push, you know.
22:55So if you're still stuck there and you need that little push,
22:58then definitely join our seminars on Sundays.
23:00That is definitely something that will fasten the way for your or the past to cleansing.
23:07I guess you could call it or to become more positive.
23:09So if you have a source where you can tap into and you can absorb energy,
23:14whether it be at that seminar or anywhere else in the world with anybody else,
23:18then take it because sometimes we need that little push.
23:21For me, it was in my I was in my 19 and I just kept like saying,
23:26I know that I'm not living the life that I'm supposed to be living.
23:29Like I know I love helping people just I want some kind of sign
23:33or guidance to just be in that route of being able to reach people and help them.
23:38And yeah, my umph wasn't a Jenny seminar on Sundays,
23:42but it was my mom's like meditation group where I got my little bit of energy
23:47that gave me the push so that I can continue from then on towards the next step
23:51because really it's all just steps, right?
23:54We just have to be aware when they're happening.
23:57So yeah, great job.
23:59What was it for you?
23:59Do you think that you ever got the little push to?
24:02I feel like I've gotten like various pushes,
24:05I guess because I feel like I've just been on this journey for a little while.
24:09But yeah, you kind of they come in unexpected ways sometimes
24:14and a lot of it is noticing like what feels good to you
24:16and what doesn't and also for me curating people in my life.
24:21Like I was spending a lot of time with people who were really unsupportive
24:25and you got a couple people like that out of your life.
24:27Yeah, it sounds selfish, but you need to move forward with your life,
24:31you know, so sometimes it means leaving some people behind
24:34until they finally get it and they unite you later on.
24:37Yeah, yeah.
24:37That takes courage.
24:38Right, and like if you've, I mean in my friend group,
24:41I just felt very othered for, but I accepted that otherness
24:45and there was always this like slight condescension happening of like,
24:49you know, I would talk about some spiritual experience
24:52and they'd be like, wow, well, you know, like.
24:55Yeah, okay, and then change the subject and I'm just like,
24:58all right, and you just learn to kind of dim your light a little bit,
25:01but you are, I think they say that you are the sum of the five people
25:05you hang out with the most.
25:06So look at your friend group, look at your family,
25:08look at who you're spending time with.
25:09Maybe you spend a lot of time at work.
25:11How are the people at work?
25:14You know, is there room in your life to bring in other groups?
25:17Like maybe there's meditation groups.
25:18Maybe there's, you know, any kind of group that feels good
25:22and there's Eventbrite, meetup.com.
25:24There's a lot of like really great.
25:25Oh, yeah, Eventbrite, all the network giving events are there,
25:28at least in Miami.
25:29There's a lot of like local events that you can find.
25:32Some of them are Zoom too.
25:33Like if you don't feel like going physically, you can go online.
25:36Don't do that.
25:37Just go out there.
25:38Go, be physical.
25:39But I'm just saying like there's people that might be in pain
25:42or feeling restricted or shy.
25:44It's a good way to start if you aren't, you know,
25:47because as you get older you start to feel like you can't make new friends anymore,
25:50but I'll tell you like you can.
25:52Like everyone feels that way.
25:56Is there really Zoom meetings?
25:58Is it like a networking Zoom?
26:00Oh, no, they have like Zoom meetings for everything.
26:02They'll be like...
26:03But it's just like random people Zooming.
26:05Yeah, it's just like, I mean, if you go to like meetup.com or Eventbrite,
26:08there'll be Zoom meditations.
26:10Oh, right, the meditation.
26:11Yeah, Zoom meditations, Zoom soundbath, Zoom like support groups.
26:17There's like all kinds of community and then some of them meet in person,
26:21which is great and some of them do it on Zoom,
26:22but you know, it'll help you kind of feel like you're not alone on this journey
26:28because it's a lonely journey no matter how you shake it.
26:30Like we come into this world alone pretty much and we go out alone
26:33and you know, a lot of it is spent, you know, it's us and ourselves
26:37and really if there's anything that you don't like about yourself,
26:40really analyzing that and giving that space some love.
26:45And the more you do that, the more you'll find the right people showing up to you.
26:49It'll just happen.
26:53Let's see.
26:54So we are going to have to keep some topics for tomorrow.
26:56We have another show tomorrow, but I'm going to read you guys.
26:58Are Garden Angels real?
27:00222 is your Garden Angel.
27:03I believe 1000% in Garden Angels because mine had a really, really difficult job.
27:09I think he was promoted to God.
27:13Because I, yeah, I should have died many times,
27:17but I highly believe in Garden Angels
27:19and I think that they also have a hierarchy where when they do a good job,
27:23they kind of get to that next level.
27:25What do you think?
27:25Yeah, I think so too.
27:26I think we have a whole myriad of like guides
27:28and I have yet to like meet my guides or,
27:33but I work with ancestors a lot.
27:35Like I will just call on my ancestors whenever I'm in distress
27:39or if there's something funky happening.
27:41I'll be like, can we just surround the room
27:42and all the grandmothers going back to me?
27:47Just the grandmothers, no grandmothers?
27:49Well, in certain situations, it's just like I just want this energy
27:52that's like nurturing but also like no,
27:55like not in grandma's house, like not to my granddaughter.
27:59I like that. Grandmothers are cool.
28:02Your awesomeness.
28:03Thanks, Rich. As in Miami, a good point and it's all good.
28:06All members live with each other.
28:07That makes your mind to understand which person is good for you or not.
28:10So you move towards with him or with her safety, safely.
28:14Yeah, of course, you know, you take your time and there's no rush.
28:17I mean, imagine if you were to rush into our relationship,
28:20how much like really it's how much more of a risk of making a mistake
28:25that is going to take years of your life or time that you're not going to get back.
28:30So by doing things right and taking your time,
28:33you're going to have more of a better outcome so that you know,
28:36time is precious. We don't get it back.
28:37So you want to make sure that you're spending your that sexual energy
28:41if you're sharing that energy with somebody is going to be somebody
28:43that you know is, you know, real.
28:47Saludos. Friendship is cement that holds the world together.
28:50Oh Jenny, please don't die. We're all going to die somewhat someday you guys.
28:55So don't be afraid. I feel like there's this whole concept.
28:59We could talk about that tomorrow.
