The Desert Fight

  • last month
00:03:00I'm going back to the car.
00:03:07No, you have to wait for 20 more minutes.
00:03:18No, no, I have amazing rejuvenative power.
00:03:30What are you drinking?
00:03:33I would like to have a screaming orgasm.
00:03:40What are you drinking?
00:03:43Sir, we would like two martinis.
00:03:50We don't have any martinis.
00:03:55I guess we'll have a couple of tequilas then.
00:03:59Oh, and why don't you pour yourself one, okay?
00:04:02Oh, hell cowboy, why don't you just set the whole damn bar?
00:04:09Is this the one that you lick?
00:04:14Make my orgasm just a little bit quieter, okay?
00:04:40Get right back there.
00:04:42Oh, sorry.
00:04:44Yeah, that's the dormer, man. You have to slow down for those things.
00:04:52Oh, that's so gross.
00:05:07What the f***?
00:05:12Get off of me, man.
00:05:15What the f*** is this? Come on, man, who the f*** are you?
00:05:19Shut up.
00:05:21Okay, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, all right?
00:05:23Apparently you don't know who you f***ing with, asshole, all right?
00:05:25Get these goddamn cuffs off of me, man.
00:05:27I have two black belts, asshole.
00:05:29And you got some nice jewelry, too.
00:05:31All right, all right, listen up.
00:05:33I'm really not into this S&M s***, okay?
00:05:35Who the f*** are you people?
00:05:37What do we look like?
00:05:39You guys cops?
00:05:41You're really bad at this game. Introduce yourself.
00:05:43This is a badge.
00:05:45Federal agents, United States Witness Protection Agency.
00:05:48And we are not holding you.
00:05:50Yeah, that would be illegal.
00:05:53This is your signature, right?
00:05:55It says here that you agreed to testify in a court of law
00:05:58in the case against Benny the Buzzsaw Buffalino.
00:06:00In return, the United States Attorney General's office
00:06:03gave you full immunity.
00:06:07And free rent.
00:06:09That sounds like a good deal.
00:06:10So why did you run, punk?
00:06:11I changed my mind.
00:06:14He changed his mind.
00:06:16You changed your mind?
00:06:17I changed my mind.
00:06:18That's not good enough.
00:06:19Listen to me very carefully.
00:06:20We do not have a deal, okay?
00:06:22No way not a uh-uh no, okay?
00:06:24Listen, you guys don't know Benny, all right?
00:06:26You don't understand.
00:06:27Don't understand?
00:06:28Sure we do.
00:06:29We get paid to understand.
00:06:31Immunity is in place to protect scum like you.
00:06:33Think Holiday Inn without the bill.
00:06:35Ooh, or the Continental Breakfast.
00:06:37That's good.
00:06:38Or those guys trying to kill me.
00:06:39That's not good.
00:06:40Oh, Benny's guys?
00:06:42They're good.
00:06:43We're better.
00:06:44I don't think so.
00:06:46Listen, people, just let me go, all right?
00:06:48I know my rights.
00:06:49Stand by to transport.
00:06:50We're coming out.
00:06:51No, no, no, we're not coming out.
00:06:52We're not going no fucking where, man.
00:06:54Undo these coats.
00:06:55Hold up, hold up.
00:06:56We have a car approaching.
00:07:01All right, I'm going to ask you this just once,
00:07:03because it's my job.
00:07:04Because I don't give a rat's ass about you.
00:07:06So here it comes, just once.
00:07:07Are you coming with us into protective custody,
00:07:09or do you want us to leave you here?
00:07:11If it's all the same to you, you can leave me the fuck here,
00:07:13OK, all right?
00:07:14I know my rights, Jack.
00:07:15You know what?
00:07:16The only right you should worry about is right there.
00:07:18See, you're not that hard to find.
00:07:19Now, you can go with them or come with us.
00:07:21It's your choice.
00:07:22And who would them be?
00:07:23My guess would be a bunch of bullets with your name on them.
00:07:31OK, I'm in.
00:07:33Come on.
00:07:34We're out.
00:07:55Oh, this does not feel like protected custody.
00:08:00I do not feel safe right now.
00:08:04Hey, bitch, get your ass over here.
00:08:19Wow, you know you really are sexy when you talk.
00:08:21Get him out of here.
00:08:23All right, keep it low.
00:08:24I'll cover him.
00:08:26Yes, sir.
00:09:15Do we really need Jack?
00:09:24What the hell's wrong with you?
00:09:27Excuse me.
00:09:28Excuse me, can I ask you a question?
00:09:29Get back! Get back!
00:09:32I'm here to you.
00:09:34Can we get the fuck out of here?
00:09:36That's your car?
00:09:37Yeah, it's a beauty too, ain't she?
00:09:39I'll tell you what, I'll bring you a couple keys to the car.
00:09:52Mr. Vernon!
00:09:54Oh, no, no, no.
00:09:55I'm not doing anything for those clowns, okay?
00:09:56They came to protect shit.
00:09:58This is Jack, we're on your two.
00:09:59We need a taxi to the Red Catalina.
00:10:01Get between us and the bad guys.
00:10:02Move it!
00:10:06You go high, I'll go low.
00:10:07Got it.
00:10:19Jack, look!
00:10:26Let's get out of here!
00:10:28Follow us and cover!
00:10:29Take the wheel!
00:10:32Move it! Move it!
00:10:43Take the wheel!
00:10:56Move it!
00:11:02Steph, this is Jack.
00:11:03Close it up, stay on my tail.
00:11:05Run interference in case we get followed.
00:11:06Now, who does this guy think he is?
00:11:08We're on your tail, buddy.
00:11:10Fucking guy almost got us killed.
00:11:11He took so long to get out of that place.
00:11:13You are tripping, PT.
00:11:14I'm not tripping, I just think he...
00:11:16He is good is what he is.
00:11:17He got us in and out of there as fast as humanly possible
00:11:19with your missing witness.
00:11:21I mean, Jesus, Stephanie, we all want to know
00:11:23why this outsider is suddenly dropped in our laps
00:11:26and running the show.
00:11:27I'm just curious of the powers that be, whoever they are.
00:11:29They are the National Security Agency.
00:11:31And he is not an outsider.
00:11:34His name is Jack LaRocca, and he is your new boss
00:11:36in this very delicate situation.
00:11:38Now, need I remind you,
00:11:39the reason we're in this fucking mess
00:11:41is because the four of you lost a key witness,
00:11:43this witness, right from out under your noses.
00:11:46Excuse me, uh, Jack,
00:11:48would now be the proper time to ask you
00:11:50to remove these handcuffs?
00:11:51Now would be the proper time for you to shut up.
00:11:53No, see, Jack, you don't understand, man.
00:11:54See, I really don't like handcuffs.
00:11:56It's a little quirk I got, you know.
00:11:58Come on, Jack, the cuffs.
00:11:59The cuffs stay on in your mouth
00:12:00and stay shut all the way to Los Angeles.
00:12:02Uh, let me tell you something, pal.
00:12:04See, I know my rights, and your job...
00:12:06My job is to get you to court by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning,
00:12:10That's my job, period.
00:12:13I think we have a right to know, okay?
00:12:15Know what?
00:12:16I think we need some background,
00:12:17some information, the skinny, who he is.
00:12:19Oh, fine, you looking for a date?
00:12:21He's just a highly decorated ex-Navy SEAL,
00:12:24a former CIA op.
00:12:26So tell me, what is Supercop doing on loan
00:12:29to the Witness Protection Agency?
00:12:31No, baby, we're on loan to him.
00:12:49Oh, shit.
00:13:19You want me to make those tighter?
00:13:38Is that supposed to be funny?
00:13:39So now you're a sadist and a comedian, huh?
00:13:41What a pleasant combination.
00:13:42Women must love you.
00:13:43Look, Jack, come on, man, take these cuffs off.
00:13:45These things are gonna kill me, man.
00:13:46I mean, literally.
00:13:47They're gonna cut off my circulation and kill me.
00:13:48They're gonna cut out your tongue if you don't shut up.
00:13:50Oh, you got some kind of nerve
00:13:51trying to boss me around while driving my car
00:13:53and not driving very well, I might add.
00:13:55This is your car?
00:13:56Yes, this is my car.
00:13:57Do I look like a liar?
00:13:58Oh, untrusting soul.
00:14:01You know, a stolen car wrap
00:14:03is the last thing I'm worried about, Jack.
00:14:05Do you know who I am?
00:14:06I know exactly who you are.
00:14:07You do?
00:14:08Justice Department has a file on me?
00:14:10More like a file cabinet, really.
00:14:12No kidding.
00:14:13What does it say?
00:14:14Oh, Manuel X's own press.
00:14:16It says you were at Stanford, educated in economics,
00:14:18but passed on a chance to work on Wall Street
00:14:20for a chance to work in Little Italy.
00:14:22And your real name is Frederick Smith.
00:14:24It was Frederick Smith, okay?
00:14:25My name is Rabbit now.
00:14:26I like Rabbit.
00:14:27Call me Rabbit.
00:14:28What else does it say?
00:14:29Sure, Fred.
00:14:30It says you spent the past couple years
00:14:31working for the mob,
00:14:32keeping their books with some creative math,
00:14:34which I actually find interesting.
00:14:35Because I don't know many brothers who are accountants,
00:14:37and I don't know any brothers who are accountants for the mob.
00:14:39You're a 21st century man.
00:14:40My father is Sicilian.
00:14:43Problem is, you weren't just working
00:14:44for the Buffalino family,
00:14:45you were working for the Russian mob as well.
00:14:46Oh, no, no, no.
00:14:47See, that's bullshit.
00:14:48That's bullshit.
00:14:49That's exactly why I left.
00:14:50The second that I found out
00:14:51that Vinnie and his boys
00:14:52was joining forces with that commie mob,
00:14:54I got the hell out.
00:14:55You're a better dad than Red, huh?
00:14:56Hey, hey, hey.
00:14:57Let me tell you something, Jack.
00:14:59While some may perceive me as a criminal,
00:15:01I am not a commie, okay?
00:15:03I am an entrepreneur, not a traitor.
00:15:05Is that so?
00:15:06Yes, that is so.
00:15:07A little history lesson for you there, Frederick.
00:15:09The curtain came down.
00:15:10They're not commies anymore.
00:15:12Once a commie...
00:15:13Always a commie?
00:15:14Yeah, that's right.
00:15:15God bless America.
00:15:38Yo, Jack.
00:15:39Can you tell us where we are?
00:15:42Yeah, I'm here.
00:15:43I'm just trying to figure out
00:15:44exactly where the hell here is.
00:15:47Oh, a great recon specialist
00:15:48who doesn't even know where we are.
00:15:50All right, don't worry.
00:15:51I'll find a map.
00:15:53You know, no map's gonna help you here, Jack.
00:15:55It's not a new map, anyway.
00:15:58But I suppose you know where we are.
00:16:00Oh, I know exactly where we are.
00:16:02It's my current line of work.
00:16:03It's all part of staying alive.
00:16:05I have been traveling these back roads for weeks now.
00:16:08Yeah, evading us.
00:16:09Yeah, and Vinnie and his boys.
00:16:11You know, all these back roads, Jack,
00:16:12they're not on any new map.
00:16:14They are all...
00:16:16They are all right here.
00:16:18Let me see that.
00:16:25Read it. Find out where we are.
00:16:27Uncover it.
00:16:29Leather or vinyl?
00:16:30Shall we find out?
00:16:31This is leather, Jack.
00:16:33It is fine Corinthian leather.
00:16:36So put your little toy away.
00:16:39No, no, no.
00:16:40Don't do that.
00:16:41I can read with the handcuffs on.
00:16:43All right?
00:16:44Just put that away.
00:16:46If tourists were the lifeblood of the road,
00:16:48nowhere was this truer than on one particular stretch
00:16:51near the California-Arizona border.
00:16:53That's where we want to be heading.
00:16:54Yeah, that's right.
00:16:55It was the most dangerous stretch of Route 66.
00:16:58The ones locals call...
00:17:02Route 6-6-6.
00:17:04Evil fucking numbers, huh?
00:17:06Officially condemned in 1969
00:17:08in the wake of a tragic chain gang accident.
00:17:10What did you say?
00:17:11That's weird. A chain gang accident.
00:17:21What did you say?
00:17:22That's weird. A chain gang accident.
00:17:25Travel on Route 6-6-6 is not permitted.
00:17:27However, nearby Rattlesnake Ranch is a must-see.
00:17:38Route 6-6-6
00:18:09Route 6-6-6
00:18:19It was underground.
00:18:20I'll be damned.
00:18:22Did I not say I knew where we were?
00:18:26The map and the guidebook is right on the money.
00:18:28There it is.
00:18:30That is the entrance to the old road
00:18:33to Route 6-6-6.
00:18:35What the hell is he talking about?
00:18:36It's how he's been playing hard to get
00:18:37using these abandoned roads.
00:18:39Well, it's not on the map.
00:18:40Yeah, well, it's not on your map.
00:18:42People, listen up and learn, okay?
00:18:44Frick, frack, frack and frack.
00:18:46All right, we are standing right here on Route 66, okay?
00:18:50That is where Route 66 turns into 6-6-6.
00:18:59Yeah, he's right.
00:19:00It starts right there and it goes all the way to the border.
00:19:04All right, looks like a shortcut.
00:19:05All right, all right, agreed.
00:19:06Okay, we take the old road.
00:19:07Any problem?
00:19:08Yeah, problem, problem.
00:19:09The road is condemned.
00:19:11It is condemned for a reason.
00:19:13I do not like it.
00:19:14Nobody asked you.
00:19:15P.T. is right.
00:19:16We're taking the shortcut.
00:19:17We just might get our witness to court on time.
00:19:19Excuse me?
00:19:20Your witness has a name.
00:19:22Not today, you don't.
00:19:26What do you say, Jack?
00:19:36It does look like it goes through.
00:19:37We can avoid another situation.
00:19:39Uh-uh, that's not a good idea.
00:19:42The copyright on this book is 1976 and we don't know the condition of the road.
00:19:47I don't know.
00:19:48He doesn't know.
00:19:52I think we should turn around and take the...
00:19:58Come on.
00:20:00I think we should...
00:20:01You think so?
00:20:06Come on.
00:20:19I think we should get moving.
00:20:20We're running out of time.
00:20:21Get ready to roll.
00:20:23Excellent call.
00:20:24Jack, what's he doing now?
00:20:25He's making a decision.
00:20:29Whoa, Jack.
00:20:30Jack, whoa, whoa, Jack.
00:20:31Not this road, okay?
00:20:32Jack, think about it.
00:20:33They closed this road because there were too many accidents.
00:20:35If the road is closed, there won't be a whole lot of traffic.
00:20:37That's not the point, Jack.
00:20:38Listen to me.
00:20:39I'm an accountant.
00:20:40I know numbers, okay?
00:20:41666 is definitely not a good number.
00:20:43All right?
00:20:44I'm for taking all these old back roads, Jack.
00:20:45Just not this one.
00:20:46This one is...
00:20:51That was government property.
00:20:52I am the government.
00:20:54Now shut up and get back in the car.
00:20:57All right, fine, big shot.
00:20:59See, but that's exactly why I don't pay taxes.
00:21:12You okay, boss?
00:21:15All right.
00:21:21It's okay.
00:21:24It's just weird, you know it.
00:21:28I've had a weird feeling ever since we got out here.
00:21:31My father is buried out here somewhere, I think.
00:21:36Didn't y'all used to live around here?
00:21:38Yeah, I was born around here.
00:21:40My mom was away before I was six.
00:21:42Never saw my father again.
00:21:43Never even really knew him in the first place.
00:21:49That's what you were thinking about up by the bar?
00:21:52I don't know what happened back at the bar.
00:21:55You know what?
00:21:56I have always wanted to ride in a 68 Catalina.
00:22:01You know, I've always wanted to ride in a 69 Catalina.
00:22:05You know I sense that about you?
00:22:25This road is bad news, people.
00:22:27We heard you twice the first time.
00:22:29Nobody's been on this road for 30 years, remember?
00:22:31No, no, what I remember is Benny Buffalino,
00:22:33who has hit men who think like kamikazes, okay?
00:22:35And don't even ask me about those Russian psychos.
00:22:38And the church, we dusted them.
00:22:40What you worried about?
00:22:41You got more security than the president.
00:22:43You got us.
00:22:45And four other U.S. Marshals.
00:22:47Those clowns in the suburban?
00:22:49They could not keep me safe before.
00:22:51Why should that change now, huh?
00:22:53Oh, that's why you ran?
00:22:54Oh, hell yeah.
00:22:55I mean, I drove around in that suburban with them for days.
00:22:58You should hear some of the shit they always end up arguing about.
00:23:02I am sorry, but Farrah Fawcett cannot be your favorite supermodel of all time.
00:23:06Why not?
00:23:07Because she's not a supermodel.
00:23:08What the hell are you talking about, Stetson?
00:23:10Farrah Fawcett was an actress who turned to modeling.
00:23:14Okay, she did both.
00:23:15No way, not the same.
00:23:17What are you talking about?
00:23:18When did you see Farrah walk down the runway?
00:23:20Well, I'm sure she's walked down a few runways.
00:23:23Name it.
00:23:25Name it.
00:23:27Any one.
00:23:28Name it.
00:23:29Fuck runways.
00:23:30I mean, come on, don't you remember she had that poster?
00:23:32You're telling me she's not a supermodel.
00:23:34Nick, help me out here.
00:24:05Gail, coffee.
00:24:14Pick up.
00:24:15What's up, Gail?
00:24:17Yeah, looks like they went down the old road.
00:24:21I'm going after them. Send me some backup.
00:24:24Hang on.
00:24:29Uh, what was that about Gil?
00:24:32He thinks the suspects went down the old road.
00:24:35What do you want me to tell him?
00:24:37Uh, tell him get off that old road, finish his shift, get on home.
00:24:43You got it.
00:24:45Hey, Gil.
00:24:46Talk to me.
00:24:47Talk to me.
00:24:48Boss says forget about it and go back to work.
00:24:51Forget? They're down that road. I can take them.
00:24:54Sheriff says keep off of that road.
00:25:12Fuck it.
00:25:18Oh, you like that, don't you?
00:25:22Oh, you're a natural born chicken killer.
00:25:26Wait a minute. Look at this. Look at this.
00:25:31Oh, diddy fuck. We got Barney Fife on our tail.
00:25:34I'll take care of this.
00:26:01Now what?
00:26:03What the hell are you stopping here for, Jack?
00:26:05You got somewhere to be?
00:26:06Do not make unilateral decisions.
00:26:08I'll take care of this.
00:26:09No, I'll take care of it, PT. Stand down.
00:26:11I wonder if I'd tag along and watch you take care of this. Maybe I'll learn something.
00:26:14Freeze! Hands up!
00:26:15Whoa! Hands where I can see them!
00:26:17No, no, no, no.
00:26:18Hands up!
00:26:19Easy, quickdraw.
00:26:20Federal marshals.
00:26:21Who are you?
00:26:22Federal marshals.
00:26:23Heard of us?
00:26:24Badge. Gun. Thank you.
00:26:27I don't care if you're fucking Santa Claus.
00:26:29Well, hopefully only Mrs. Santa Claus is doing that.
00:26:32This road is closed. This road is off limits to everyone.
00:26:36Because I said so. Because this is my jurisdiction.
00:26:40This was your jurisdiction until I showed up.
00:26:42The U.S. on my badge, that stands for United States.
00:26:45Deputy Conaway, what's your sheriff's name?
00:26:48None of your business.
00:26:49You're trespassing.
00:26:50No, I'm transporting a federal witness and you're pissing me off.
00:26:54Now, I got five other agents, each with handcuffs.
00:26:56One for each of your limbs and the other for your tongue.
00:26:58So, deputy, what's your sheriff's phone number?
00:27:03911, asshole.
00:27:06Dickhead. Nice work.
00:27:08Definitely handled.
00:27:09Navy SEAL training, right? Excellent.
00:27:17Hey, what the hell do you want?
00:27:18This is good enough for better to do.
00:27:20And you need to just sit still.
00:28:21Freaking asshole.
00:28:23You better get used to those, Fred. We got a little ways to go.
00:28:28The name is Rabbit. Call me Rabbit, all right?
00:28:30What if I called you two Mulder and Scully?
00:28:33Would you like that? Huh? Huh?
00:28:37Fred, it says in your file.
00:28:39That was Ben, now it's Rabbit.
00:28:43Dare I ask?
00:28:44Could be dangerous.
00:28:46All right, I'll bite.
00:28:48All right, I'll bite.
00:28:49Rabbit, how come they call you Rabbit?
00:28:53Because of my luck with the ladies.
00:28:57Oh, God, spare me.
00:29:00No, no, no. I may not be on the good side of the law,
00:29:03but I do happen to be on the good side of looking.
00:29:08Oh, I bet the ladies love that one, huh?
00:29:10Bingo. Tell me about it.
00:29:12Speaking of which, Steph, you know, after this is all over, babe,
00:29:16how about you and me, we go for a little bite?
00:29:21Fred, the only place you and I are going is to a courtroom in California.
00:29:25Now, I've never actually eaten there, but you got yourself a date.
00:29:32Whoa, what's that?
00:29:34Look at that.
00:29:39Jack, what is it?
00:29:41I don't know. It looks like a...
00:29:46What? What? What's he doing? What you doing?
00:29:48Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, man.
00:29:50I know you're not going to actually stop here.
00:29:52On this road at a graveyard.
00:30:01Well, this is charming.
00:30:03Yeah, all we need is a picnic basket.
00:30:12This won't take long.
00:30:13This won't take long.
00:30:15Shall I get the wine and cheese from the trunk, sir?
00:30:18Shut up.
00:30:19Any problems?
00:30:20No, there's no problem. Y'all just wait.
00:30:32What's up?
00:30:35Jack went to check something out.
00:30:37What, here at a cemetery?
00:30:39Something's wrong with this guy.
00:30:41What, he's stopping to sightsee?
00:30:43Or who knows the fuck what?
00:30:44We don't have time for this.
00:30:46Got time for a smoke?
00:30:50Y'all wait here.
00:30:51I'm going to check this out.
00:30:52Oh, may I accompany you, my love?
00:31:01You may stay your ass right here.
00:31:03Oh, there you go with that S&M shit again.
00:31:05Whoa, whoa, don't leave me here with Helen Keller and the three blind mice.
00:31:08I am not safe with them.
00:31:11I am not safe with them.
00:31:41I am not safe with them.
00:32:11Oh, your father.
00:32:35Hey! Hey!
00:32:37What the hell are you two doing out here?
00:32:39We're trying to raise the dead.
00:32:40It's 112 degrees in the shade.
00:32:44Holy shit.
00:32:49So this is where he ended up.
00:32:52This is Miles Hackman.
00:32:54You know about him?
00:32:55Are you kidding?
00:32:56I could tell you his shoe size.
00:32:57I studied criminal law.
00:32:59What are you talking about?
00:33:01Gentlemen, I think we need to get back to our prisoner.
00:33:03This guy.
00:33:04This guy was a serious career criminal.
00:33:07What other scumbags do we have here?
00:33:09Pekowski, murderer.
00:33:10Slater, murderer.
00:33:12LaRocca, bank robber.
00:33:14Well, this is a tough bunch to take a dirt nap with.
00:33:18You know what we have here, folks?
00:33:20The killers are us of the 60s.
00:33:26You know, it's hot out here.
00:33:28Let's wait in the car.
00:33:30Yeah, that's a good idea.
00:33:32Hey, Joe.
00:33:35Can you watch him?
00:33:36Yeah, go ahead.
00:33:38He ain't going anywhere.
00:33:40Well, I better go somewhere and pronto.
00:33:44My bladder's about to burst.
00:33:46Why don't you go here?
00:33:48Are you crazy?
00:33:49I'm not pissing on some dead guy.
00:33:51That is very bad luck, my man.
00:33:53My mother always told me never piss against the wind
00:33:56and never, ever, ever, ever piss on a dead guy.
00:33:59The worst.
00:34:01The worst, though, was Hackman.
00:34:03He would hack his victims up into little pieces.
00:34:06Petey, we're going.
00:34:07No, before they were dead,
00:34:08he would cut out their tongue to keep them quiet
00:34:11and then cut out their eyes.
00:34:14You know, the weirdest thing
00:34:16about these four freaks dying,
00:34:18all four of them, I mean, look at this.
00:34:20You got Hackman, 67.
00:34:21LaRocca, 67.
00:34:22Pekowski, 67.
00:34:24Slater, 67.
00:34:25They all kicked it on the same day,
00:34:27August 28th, 1967.
00:34:32It was some prison road crew accident.
00:34:38But they had it coming to them
00:34:40because they were the worst of the worst.
00:34:42They were the real deal.
00:34:43They were the psycho killers.
00:34:46Well, all of them except for one.
00:34:48I mean, there was LaRocca,
00:34:50they said was kind of a family man.
00:34:53I mean, the story goes that he met, married,
00:34:57knocked up a chick in a small town over the weekend.
00:35:01You know, that was fast.
00:35:02And they decided to take the straight and narrow for once,
00:35:05to try it, to give it a shot.
00:35:07It lasted about six years.
00:35:09And then, you know, the money went away.
00:35:10He got desperate.
00:35:11He went back to what he knew best,
00:35:14the father of the perfect bank job.
00:35:16But they nabbed his ass this time
00:35:18and he spent the rest of his life in prison.
00:35:21He never saw his wife or his kid again.
00:35:27Now tell me something, Jack.
00:35:32Why are you so interested in this?
00:35:36Holy shit.
00:35:40Jack LaRocca.
00:35:42He's your father.
00:35:46I knew there was a reason I didn't like you.
00:35:48I just didn't know the reason until now.
00:35:54Don't you start something you can't finish.
00:35:56I'm not just gonna start it.
00:35:58I'm gonna finish it.
00:36:09Is that all you got, tough guy?
00:36:11Oh, you won't get up a second time.
00:36:13I kind of doubt that.
00:36:14You have guns.
00:36:15Why don't you all just shoot each other?
00:36:52Okay, Joe, listen up.
00:36:53You really don't have to be such a consistent asshole, all right?
00:36:57I have to go.
00:36:58A grown man with a wet spot is not a pretty sight.
00:37:23Stay down.
00:37:24Stay down!
00:37:26Up! Get up! Get up! Get up!
00:37:30That was close.
00:37:32That was very close.
00:37:35I'm the damn witness.
00:37:36Shouldn't I be wearing that?
00:37:37Huh? Shouldn't I be wearing that?
00:37:39Shut up.
00:37:43Oh, fuck.
00:37:49Fucking dead man crawling.
00:37:52Stay down!
00:38:11Freeze! Federal agent!
00:38:17What the fuck?
00:38:22What the fuck are those?
00:38:26They're not freezing, Joe!
00:38:35Shoot them in the head, Joe!
00:38:38Shoot the son of a bitches!
00:39:13Shit! Goddamn shit!
00:39:32Get your asses out of this apartment!
00:39:35Hey, asshole!
00:39:36Over here!
00:39:49Staff, PT, come in.
00:39:52Come on! Come on!
00:39:55Come, you piece of crap!
00:39:59That asshole got a gun.
00:40:08How are those sacks?
00:40:34What the hell?
00:40:37Cover me!
00:40:46PT, on your nine!
00:40:56Get him out of here!
00:41:06Who's got the keys?
00:41:07I'm going to chew my fucking hand off here!
00:41:09Jesus Christ!
00:41:11Oh my God, he's dead!
00:41:12I'm coming!
00:41:13I'm coming!
00:41:16Alright, fine!
00:41:23Where's Joe?
00:41:24Joe is dead!
00:41:26They buried him in the fucking shoes!
00:41:28They pounded him in!
00:41:29Ro Roca!
00:41:31Jack, watch out! It's your father!
00:42:06Thank you!
00:42:09Staff, get out of here!
00:42:33What the hell are they doing?
00:42:36PT, let's move!
00:42:43I got him! I got him!
00:42:44Let's go! Let's go!
00:42:55Let's go!
00:43:07Let's run! Let's run!
00:43:25Let's go!
00:43:32Great fucking idea taking this route.
00:43:34A shortcut, huh, PT?
00:43:35Straight to goddamn hell!
00:43:37Shut up!
00:43:39The two of you, shut up!
00:43:40Now listen to me, head count.
00:43:41I got rabbits.
00:43:42Mary, you okay?
00:43:43I'm here, I'm fine!
00:43:45PT, you okay?
00:43:46I'm good, I've got a few cuts.
00:43:47What about Jack? Did they get him?
00:43:49Guess again.
00:43:50The unknown soldier, Mr. Fucking Superhero,
00:43:52crapped out!
00:43:53He hit the desert!
00:43:55What are we going to do?
00:43:56We're going to make a plan.
00:43:57That's what we're going to do.
00:43:58A plan? Here's a plan.
00:43:59They're on foot, we've got wheels,
00:44:01we keep driving,
00:44:02and Nick is on the cell phone to headquarters.
00:44:06We got no signal out here.
00:44:08Hey, you just stay on my ass,
00:44:10and maybe in a couple of miles we'll get a signal.
00:44:12All right.
00:44:15They're not on foot.
00:44:16You don't know what the fuck they're on.
00:44:18Look, Staff, I'm telling you what I saw, right?
00:44:20They went into...
00:44:22They went into the road, all right?
00:44:23They went under the road!
00:44:24Just give me a break!
00:44:25They cannot get off the road!
00:44:27I'm telling you,
00:44:28I think they get their energy from the road.
00:44:30They get their energy from the road?
00:44:32Where the hell does the road get the energy from?
00:44:35You smell something?
00:44:36Do you smell it?
00:44:37Yeah, I smell rubber.
00:44:39Staff, I think your tires are burning.
00:44:41Ours aren't, too.
00:44:42We better pull up.
00:44:43Pull up pronto!
00:44:44What about this shoulder?
00:44:45Can we drive on that?
00:44:46No, no way!
00:44:48It's a cactus farm.
00:44:49All right, look, we got two choices.
00:44:50We lose the tires to the road,
00:44:52or we lose them to the cactus.
00:44:54Your call.
00:44:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:44:56We don't have to get off.
00:44:57We don't have to get off.
00:44:58We just need a place to stop, all right?
00:44:59We need a place to stop and wait for help.
00:45:02Like there.
00:45:03Right over there.
00:45:44This is great!
00:45:45Oh, this is just fucking great!
00:45:47Jesus Christ!
00:45:48I paid real money for those.
00:45:50You know, those were not on this car
00:45:51when I stole this car, you know?
00:45:52I paid for those right out of my own pocket.
00:45:57Well, not that matters now, but check it out.
00:46:00The road's not hot anymore.
00:46:02Yeah, but it's hot out here.
00:46:03I mean, it's goddamn Africa hot.
00:46:05It's like a microwave oven, you know?
00:46:06I feel like a fucking baked potato here.
00:46:08Hey, Nicky!
00:46:09You hear something?
00:46:10Yeah, maybe we should make them shut up.
00:46:12Maybe we should get them out of the sun.
00:46:13Hey, hey!
00:46:14Come on, let's go find some shade.
00:46:15Wait, wait, wait.
00:46:16You gonna leave the cars here?
00:46:17Yeah, I'm gonna leave the car.
00:46:18Somebody might come by and see us.
00:46:19Not with those things coming.
00:46:21You think they're coming?
00:46:22No, you're coming.
00:46:23Let's go.
00:46:48You'll have some tea.
00:46:55No, thanks.
00:46:59How did I get here?
00:47:03No, I've got it!
00:47:04Just follow!
00:47:28I crashed.
00:47:29Did you bring me here?
00:47:31Yes, I did.
00:47:33Well, I appreciate it, but, uh...
00:47:35Look, I'm having the worst day of my life, and I really need to get back to it.
00:47:40That 4x4, is it still drivable, or did I trash it?
00:47:48No, thanks.
00:47:51It's good.
00:47:56Yeah, what's in that, peyote?
00:48:03Good answer, but I'll still pass.
00:48:06I will take some caffeine, though.
00:48:09Very well.
00:48:11I'll see you later.
00:48:17Very well.
00:48:23To all creation.
00:48:40Good tea.
00:48:42Yeah, good tea.
00:48:47How'd you come to find our land?
00:48:53From the old road, from the east.
00:48:56Oh, the old road.
00:48:59Now that's a special road.
00:49:03It's like a timeline.
00:49:05Right through our nation's history.
00:49:08Main vein, right through the center of the country.
00:49:11Carrying with it all the bloodlines of our past.
00:49:15Yeah, there's nothing like it.
00:49:18Doesn't matter if it's dirt or gravel or asphalt.
00:49:22They all got their special story to tell.
00:49:25Some good, some bad.
00:49:29Some dark.
00:49:31But there's none as dark as this road we've got right here.
00:49:35My people used to live along that road.
00:49:38Some still do.
00:49:40But they've been walking among those spirits there for years.
00:49:49Waiting for what?
00:49:51Waiting for you.
00:49:53You must walk among those spirits.
00:49:56And bring peace back to this land.
00:49:59And your soul.
00:50:38More tea?
00:50:40What kind of tea is that anyway?
00:50:43Peyote tea.
00:50:45Is there any other kind?
00:50:52Thank you for your kindness.
00:50:58Thanks for everything.
00:51:31They'll find us. Somebody will see the car.
00:51:33They? They.
00:51:35Who the hell are they?
00:51:38The deputy.
00:51:39That's right. They know who we are.
00:51:41So why don't you just chill, nigga?
00:51:43You're telling me to chill.
00:51:45I need a cigarette.
00:51:47I left mine in the car.
00:51:54Shit! For Christ's sake!
00:51:56That wasn't funny, okay?
00:52:00I hope you choke on your fucking cigarette.
00:52:02Instant emphysema on your monkey ass.
00:52:04You know, there better not be a hair missing on my mustache either.
00:52:08Yo, yo, Nick! Nick!
00:52:10Can you bring me back a smoke, man?
00:53:27Nick, come in.
00:53:29Hello, Nick!
00:53:32Radio's freaking out again.
00:53:33Steph, you don't think those things followed us out here, do you?
00:53:36I know.
00:53:38There's like 60 miles between us and them...
00:53:41whatever they are...things.
00:53:43That's not the point.
00:53:45Oh, here we go again. What's the point?
00:53:47The point is they can't come in here.
00:53:49And why is that, genius?
00:53:51Because they can't step off the road.
00:53:53Wait, what do you mean they can't come in here?
00:53:55Why can't they step off the road?
00:53:58Because this is dirt, not asphalt.
00:54:00They can't walk on it.
00:54:04Officer on deck!
00:54:06Well, well, well.
00:54:08It isn't Jack Frost.
00:54:10I thought you've got cold feet on us, my man.
00:54:12You watch your mouth, rodent.
00:54:14You know, deep down in my heart, I really believe I can kick your ass.
00:54:17Oh, shut up.
00:54:19You know what?
00:54:21I don't care what you think.
00:54:23I don't care what you think.
00:54:25I don't care what you think.
00:54:27I don't care what you think.
00:54:29I don't care what you think.
00:54:31Good to have you back, Jack.
00:54:35Yeah, how about you go easy on that, PT? We might actually need you later.
00:54:38Well, now that we're one big happy family again, what's our status?
00:54:42Well, we came up here to...
00:54:44Well, basically, Jack, it's like this. We're f***ed.
00:54:46You? No.
00:54:48We came up here looking for shade to make a base camp.
00:54:50Our tires melted.
00:54:52Yeah, I saw that.
00:54:54Mine got torn up by the rock and the cactus.
00:54:56Our phones don't work. Our radios don't work.
00:54:58We don't have any food. We don't have any water.
00:54:59You see, Jack? She's just repeating what I said.
00:55:01We're f***ed.
00:55:08Where's Nick?
00:55:10Wait, you didn't see him in the car?
00:55:14I'm going down there.
00:55:16PT? I'm right behind you.
00:55:18I knew you'd come back.
00:55:20Oh, how touching.
00:55:22Listen, Jack, now that you are back, could you remove these handcuffs?
00:55:27You want me to take those cuffs off forever?
00:55:29No, Jack.
00:55:31No problem, buddy.
00:55:33Not here in the desert, even a criminal like you doesn't deserve to have both hands behind his back.
00:55:37Jack, what the f***?
00:55:39You know, Jack, this is really...
00:55:41This is where you'll be.
00:55:43You know, I'm really starting to hate you.
00:55:45And we were just growing so fond of you, rabbit.
00:55:47Then I should be the one helping you.
00:55:50Look, guys, I'd make a great U.S. Marshal, you know.
00:55:53I mean, if there's anybody who knows where to find the dead bodies, it would be moi.
00:55:56Come on, guys.
00:55:59This is...
00:56:01Oh, shit.
00:56:03Okay, okay.
00:56:05Don't even think about coming near me, all right?
00:56:07I will stomp your ass to death.
00:56:09Hey, I'm not scared of you, you know.
00:56:11Do I look scared? Am I the one who looks scared, huh?
00:56:13Do I look... Yo, Jack! Jack!
00:56:16What the f***?
00:56:24Never mind, Jack.
00:56:27It's okay.
00:56:32And where the f*** did he go?
00:56:34Probably in the back seat, sleeping.
00:56:36All right.
00:56:42He just came down for a smoke.
00:56:44Nick! We need you now!
00:56:47Where the hell is he?
00:56:59Oh, shit.
00:57:30Oh, shit.
00:57:41It's okay.
00:57:51Jack! Jack!
00:57:59Dammit, shit! Help!
00:58:12PT! Some f***ing buddy!
00:58:20Where the hell do you think you're going?
00:58:23They're coming, Jack.
00:58:24They're f***ing coming.
00:58:25He's coming.
00:58:26Calm down. Calm down.
00:58:27He's f***ing coming, Jack.
00:58:29The convict! The convict!
00:58:30Where? Here?
00:58:31He tried to kill me!
00:58:32He f***ing tried to kill me!
00:58:33The one with the pickaxe!
00:58:35Don't do that!
00:58:36I thought you said they couldn't leave the road!
00:58:37Yeah, well...
00:58:38They said they were only working on asphalt.
00:58:39Yeah, well, it's...
00:58:42You know, he never got very far from that snack shack, so...
00:58:46He must have come up out of the floor.
00:58:48He must have come up out of the concrete floor.
00:58:50We got a new rule here.
00:58:51They can walk on concrete.
00:58:52How'd you get the pole up?
00:58:53What pole?
00:58:54It's in your hand, fool.
00:58:56I have no f***ing idea.
00:58:58Okay, a man does incredible things when face-to-face with death.
00:59:02Well, you're face-to-face with death, all right, and he's right there.
00:59:05I believe you.
00:59:07Yeah, you're not exactly Mike Tyson,
00:59:08so the only way you got that pole up is if you were pissing yourself.
00:59:12All right, I'm gonna phone some backup.
00:59:13Who's got a phone for me?
00:59:14I do.
00:59:15Right here. Here.
00:59:16The phones don't work out here!
00:59:18Well, PT, I don't happen to have a SATCOM uplink on me,
00:59:21and I don't have the time or inclination to rewire the car
00:59:23so I can tap out Morse code.
00:59:24So all I have is this phone.
00:59:26All right. All right.
00:59:28Jesus, calm down.
00:59:31Which doesn't happen to work.
00:59:33I told you so.
00:59:35We have no food or water.
00:59:36Our tires are gone.
00:59:37The phones and radios don't work.
00:59:39Nick is missing, and those things are out there!
00:59:49That's strange.
00:59:52Well, I'm not answering that.
00:59:53Hey, nobody knows I'm here.
00:59:57It's probably for me anyway.
01:00:14There's no one there, but there's a dial tone.
01:00:17Call 911!
01:00:22I'm always thinking.
01:00:36Ah, yeah. Sheriff?
01:00:40I can't hear you. What?
01:00:42Hello, Sheriff? This is Agent Jack LaRocca. Can you hear me?
01:00:46Yeah, I can hear you now.
01:00:48All right, Sheriff, listen. I'm on the old road off Route 66.
01:00:51I'm here with four other federal marshals
01:00:53and a witness I've got to get to Los Angeles by tomorrow morning.
01:00:56I need you to call the U.S. Marshals Office in Los Angeles.
01:00:59That number is 310-555-6212.
01:01:05I need an airlift and some extra firepower here ASAP.
01:01:09Yeah, I got that.
01:01:10Thanks. We'll be waiting.
01:01:12Thanks. We'll be waiting.
01:01:17That was them feds you pulled over.
01:01:20Agent LaRocca.
01:01:23Where they at?
01:01:25Still at the old road.
01:01:27They want me to call that Los Angeles Marshals Office
01:01:30and get them some backup.
01:01:32Seems that office don't know exactly where they are,
01:01:35so I should call them.
01:01:41Why, indeed.
01:01:59This fucking desert. I'm dying of thirst here.
01:02:02P.T., you want to share some of that?
01:02:05That's not good for you. It's tonic water.
01:02:07Yeah, right.
01:02:08Jack, I'm thirsty here.
01:02:10You got to give me some water.
01:02:12What's taking them so long?
01:02:14Pretty hard to find up here.
01:03:36I'm thirsty, people.
01:03:38I'm not a fucking camel, you know. I'm a human being.
01:03:40You know, I know my rights here.
01:03:42Quiet, please.
01:03:48What the hell are they doing here? That's not what I ordered.
01:03:53It's probably just local cops.
01:03:55Cops? Thank God.
01:04:03Never thought I'd be saying that.
01:04:05All right, Steph, Mary,
01:04:07go down there and bring those cops back up here, okay, P.T.?
01:04:09I got to pee.
01:04:11Well, cops make me nervous, Jack. I feel like I got to pee.
01:04:16All right, you two go ahead.
01:04:17I'm going to take this asshole to the bathroom.
01:04:20Steph, do me a favor. Cut him off, will you?
01:04:23P.T., the cops are here. Straighten your ass up.
01:04:28Come on, Jack, you don't even trust me to go in there and piss by myself?
01:04:31Well, in my custody, it is my job to keep an eye on you at all times and circumstances.
01:04:35Yeah, but these are extenuating circumstances, my man.
01:04:37You know, I'm really disappointed.
01:04:38As I'm sure your mother must be.
01:04:40Hey, don't go there, Jack.
01:04:42Whoa, shit. This is concrete.
01:04:45Well, then obviously you need to hurry.
01:04:49Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:04:53All right, get busy.
01:04:58I don't like this.
01:05:02Stage fright.
01:05:03Hold on, it's coming, it's coming.
01:05:05Why don't you turn that water on for me, would you, Jack?
01:05:07You know, you really ought to get your bladder checked.
01:05:09You got an infection or disease or something, because you piss a lot.
01:05:15You're on your own, pal.
01:05:23Hey, Jack.
01:05:26Your partner, Steph.
01:05:28Think she'd go out with me?
01:05:29No chance.
01:05:31No chance? Come on, man, there's always a chance.
01:05:33Come on, give me some odds.
01:05:35You and Steph?
01:05:37Ten million to one.
01:05:38Ten million to one? All right, I'm on the board.
01:05:40No, you are not, all right?
01:05:41There's no line on that bet. You're off the board.
01:05:46Ah, aha.
01:05:49You're hitting it, aren't you, Jack?
01:05:51Just shut up and piss.
01:05:53I'm trying, all right?
01:05:55Oh, Jesus.
01:05:59All right, get up, partner.
01:06:01There's an officer on deck.
01:06:02Now, let's go.
01:06:04Let's just take this little thing right here.
01:06:06Hey, hey, hey!
01:06:07Right here.
01:06:08All right, now hold it right there.
01:06:10Ooh, yeah.
01:06:14Well, where are the others?
01:06:19There aren't any others, it's just us.
01:06:21There aren't any others, it's just us.
01:06:26I, uh, I thought you said that there were seven of them.
01:06:30There were.
01:06:34Oh, come on, now.
01:06:36Come on.
01:06:38Just tell me.
01:06:41Where are they?
01:06:43Fuck you.
01:06:44Fuck you.
01:06:46Well, like they say, I guess, if you're going to teach a jackass anything, you, uh, you just first have to get his attention.
01:06:55No! No, you!
01:06:57You son of a bitch!
01:07:01Oh, you fuck!
01:07:03How can you shoot a woman?
01:07:06Son, when I was in NAM, we found that the women had to be treated with equal prejudice.
01:07:12We lost an awful lot of good men to the so-called weaker sex.
01:07:19But the question was, how many and where?
01:07:26Don't you fucking tell him, P.D.
01:07:31You have got big honies, ma'am.
01:07:35And it's really going to hurt me just to have to shoot them off.
01:07:41There were seven of us, all right?
01:07:43Three were killed earlier.
01:07:46And now Mary.
01:07:47Which leaves?
01:07:48One, Sheriff.
01:07:50Yeah, that's right.
01:07:54Unaccounted for.
01:08:01In the bathroom!
01:08:02In the bathroom. Stop him.
01:08:05I truly hope he is.
01:08:08For this little lady's sake here.
01:08:13Why don't you ask the guy in the can if he'd like to come join us?
01:08:16Yes, sir.
01:08:17I'm not going to get away with this.
01:08:29What the fuck are you doing?
01:08:31Hands up!
01:08:32Hands up!
01:08:33Hands up!
01:08:34Would you like to put this away?
01:08:36Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
01:08:38Put it away!
01:08:39One minute.
01:08:41Hang on.
01:08:43You see this badge?
01:08:44Do you see this badge?
01:08:45I am a federal marshal.
01:08:47You had better be the president.
01:08:48I don't care who you are.
01:08:49Come on, we got a little party for you.
01:08:50You know what you people are doing?
01:08:52You have any fucking idea?
01:08:54You know, you fucking people have bitten off much more than you can chew.
01:08:56You know that, don't you?
01:08:59You people are in very large trouble, okay?
01:09:02You have no idea who you are messing with.
01:09:04I happen to be a personal friend of the president.
01:09:09Twenty years on the job, I have never seen anything like this in my entire life.
01:09:13You know, you shit-kickers are looking at murder, kidnapping,
01:09:16interfering with the federal investigation and obstruction of justice.
01:09:20You know that, don't you?
01:09:21Now, sit down.
01:09:22No, I got a message for you people.
01:09:24I got a message for you.
01:09:26Mine's got a better point.
01:09:28Oh, yeah? Yeah? Yeah?
01:09:29Yeah? Yeah? Well, surprise, we've got backup on the way.
01:09:33I don't think so.
01:09:34Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, they're coming, okay?
01:09:36They were called four hours ago.
01:09:38Who the fuck stole my watch?
01:09:40Uh, I didn't make the call.
01:10:00Oh, ho, ho, ho.
01:10:02I can tell by your expression, nobody else knows where you are.
01:10:07They know.
01:10:09Oh, now, come on, Susie Q.
01:10:11We both played enough poker to know we're bluffing.
01:10:14You think?
01:10:15Is the Pope still Catholic?
01:10:17Why don't you look that shit up in your redneck dictionary?
01:10:26Yeah, maybe it's another one of them.
01:10:29Go bring him back.
01:10:31You know I will.
01:10:51Keep driving, Mario, or your brains will be all over the windshield.
01:10:57All right, try not to flinch.
01:11:01Look at him. He even shot out the tire.
01:11:08Oh, dear.
01:11:09It does look like your friend is toast, don't it?
01:11:17All right, stop the car.
01:11:28Now, get out slowly.
01:11:30And remember, I have no compunction whatsoever about shooting you in the back.
01:11:46All right, you know the drill. Hand behind you.
01:11:51All right, this way.
01:11:54Now, here.
01:12:01Not here.
01:12:02Not on the road.
01:12:04What did you say?
01:12:05Not on the road!
01:12:06I thought so, you piece of shit!
01:12:09You've known all along. You've known exactly what's going on!
01:12:12Fuck you!
01:12:17I'm bleeding.
01:12:18That's right, and you're going to bleed a lot more unless you tell me what the fuck is going on!
01:12:22I can't stay on the road.
01:12:24I know that part! Now I want to know why!
01:12:26Because they kill anything on the road!
01:12:28I know that! Why?
01:12:29What do you mean, why?
01:12:32They're coming! They're coming!
01:12:35Oh, God, help me! Help me!
01:12:40Uncuff yourself! Uncuff yourself!
01:13:04Don't let it go!
01:13:12Oh, God!
01:13:34Keep an eye on him.
01:13:35Yes, sir.
01:14:44There's a new marshal in town.
01:14:46Stay with me. Come on.
01:14:47Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.
01:14:48I am doing such a bad thing.
01:14:54Who the hell are you?
01:14:56Federal agent Jack LaRocca.
01:14:57I got a couple of questions for you, but first...
01:15:00That's for shooting a federal marshal.
01:15:05And that's for shooting an unarmed woman, asshole.
01:15:10Where is Gail?
01:15:12You know, that sounded like a question to me.
01:15:14Ask another and they'll be asking where your face is.
01:15:16Answer my questions and you might live.
01:15:18And false, but at least you'll be alive.
01:15:19Now, where's my backup?
01:15:21I said, where's my backup?
01:15:22They ain't coming!
01:15:27I didn't call them.
01:15:33Is this a game to you?
01:15:34Do you think this is a fucking game?
01:15:36Answer my question!
01:15:39Not until you tell me what happened to my son.
01:15:42Gail's my son.
01:15:46They got him, didn't they?
01:15:50They put him in the road.
01:15:52Why? Why did they do that?
01:15:56You don't know what you're up against.
01:15:58That gun, it don't scare me.
01:16:01And it ain't gonna do either one of us no good,
01:16:03because if we stay close enough to this road, they'll come.
01:16:07They can smell us.
01:16:09They feed on blood.
01:16:11And now they need more to keep strong.
01:16:13If they don't get it, they gotta go back.
01:16:16Under the road?
01:16:17Under the road, where them sons of bitches belong.
01:16:26What are you doing, Naropa?
01:16:27I ain't nothing to do with that!
01:16:29Get down now!
01:16:31I ain't nothing to do with that!
01:16:33Get down now, Naropa!
01:16:35Come on, move it!
01:16:39Come on!
01:16:58Open fire, boys!
01:17:06I ain't thought they were gonna run on my watch.
01:17:08My God, I'm gonna fix it so they can never run again.
01:17:12What are you gonna tell the warden, boss?
01:17:14Tell him it was an accident.
01:17:15Tell him he got caught up under the roller.
01:17:18We can't just bury him here, right in the middle of the road.
01:17:20Why not?
01:17:21This hellhole's as good a place as any to bury garbage.
01:17:24Tomorrow we'll put up four cheat markers.
01:17:26Who the hell's to know?
01:17:28You got a problem with that?
01:17:29No, boss.
01:17:38Come on!
01:17:54You son of a bitch!
01:17:56You were the road boss!
01:17:57You put them in the road!
01:17:58You buried them alive!
01:18:00I'm gonna put you on this fucking road!
01:18:04Son of a bitch!
01:18:05You made them!
01:18:06You're the reason the spirits are restless!
01:18:08Why my father can't rest!
01:18:14PT, no.
01:18:24We're gonna get his gun, let's go!
01:18:29You gotta let us up!
01:18:30They can smell us!
01:18:32They'll come, I tell you!
01:18:36Let's go!
01:19:01That's Mr. Boy to you!
01:21:06Come on.
01:21:36Come on.
01:22:06Come on.
01:22:36Come on.
01:23:06Come on.
01:23:36Come on.
01:24:17Yowza, boss.
01:24:25Route 66, take us home.
01:24:31Seems kind of peaceful out here.
01:24:37An evil old man.
01:24:40To kill him and bring peace to this road.
01:24:43To the walking spirits.
01:24:46To my soul.
01:24:48That's what the man said.
01:24:51The shaman in the cave.
01:24:53What shaman?
01:24:54What the fuck you been smoking, Josh?
01:24:57Yeah, it's a long story.
01:24:58I know.
01:25:01You know what, Rad?
01:25:02We might just get you to court on time.
01:25:03Hey, it's a date!
01:25:06It's a date.
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