Widow's kiss

  • 2 months ago
00:00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:01:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:01:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:02:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:02:30oh yeah No just another nightmare I was running, you okay? yeah you leaving here?
00:02:43Well im late already. long day ahead always a long day ahead. I can have Steve cover for
00:02:53Oh, that's okay. They do know how to order a pizza.
00:03:01Yeah, you look cool.
00:03:03New client.
00:03:06Did you hear from Ridley yet?
00:03:08Don't worry, he will.
00:03:10Yeah, it means more to you than it does to me.
00:03:14By the way, your grandmother's back.
00:03:17Would you do me a favor and have dinner with her tonight?
00:03:19Will you be there?
00:03:21I wasn't invited.
00:03:23That sucks.
00:03:25I'll give her time.
00:03:27And don't use that word in front of her.
00:03:33I'll call you later.
00:03:53Good morning, law offices.
00:04:02Yes, Margaret.
00:04:03Mr. Sager, your 1030 is here.
00:04:05Send her in.
00:04:06Yes, sir.
00:04:21Mrs. Fairchild?
00:04:24I'm so grateful you could see me on such short notice, Mr. Sager.
00:04:28It's my pleasure.
00:04:29Have a seat.
00:04:32You'd like me to prepare a will for you?
00:04:35Is that correct?
00:04:36Yes, it should be fairly simple.
00:04:38I'd like to leave everything to my son, Paul.
00:04:42Do you mind?
00:04:44Oh, not at all.
00:04:45As a matter of fact...
00:04:47Please, have one of mine.
00:04:50Don't mind if I do.
00:04:52I really should quit.
00:04:55My son's always after me.
00:04:58Mine too.
00:04:59He keeps leaving gruesome medical literature by my bed.
00:05:04Well, I think it's all right to have one tiny vice.
00:05:07Don't you?
00:05:11Well, in your case, I'm certain of it.
00:05:14I'll need a complete listing of all your assets.
00:05:17And any assets held jointly with your husband, of course.
00:05:21My husband died last year, Mr. Sager.
00:05:23I just moved here from Florida.
00:05:25My son and I needed a new beginning.
00:05:28I see.
00:05:30Paul will be starting Ridley this year.
00:05:34It's my alma mater.
00:05:35As a matter of fact, my father was a sailor.
00:05:38He was a sailor.
00:05:40It's my alma mater.
00:05:42As a matter of fact, my son will be a freshman there.
00:05:46His grades suffered a little this year.
00:05:49We lost his mother just before Thanksgiving.
00:05:55I'm so sorry.
00:05:58Thank you.
00:06:03Sometimes it just seems unbearable, doesn't it?
00:06:07Yes, it does.
00:06:10So, this shouldn't take more than a week.
00:06:14If you bring me the papers, I can begin.
00:06:18I'll have them sent immediately.
00:06:20Thank you.
00:06:21Thank you.
00:06:27Good luck with your son.
00:06:29You too.
00:06:40Hi, Sean.
00:07:01You're still mad.
00:07:04I'm not mad.
00:07:06I'm just a little upset.
00:07:07About what?
00:07:10I thought you were in Italy.
00:07:15And I'm back.
00:07:18I missed you.
00:07:20I was hoping we could be friends again.
00:07:23Is that what we were, Kelly?
00:07:25Sandbox pals?
00:07:27You know what I mean.
00:07:29That you can bail out of my life and just...
00:07:31stroll back in whenever you feel like it?
00:07:34Sean's whipped.
00:07:35He'll roll over like a dog.
00:07:37This was a mistake.
00:07:40I made the mistake.
00:07:42I trusted you.
00:07:47How many times do I have to apologize to you, Sean?
00:07:50What is it going to take to make you happy?
00:07:53My mother had just died, Kelly.
00:07:57I needed you here.
00:07:59You left me.
00:08:02I thought I was in love.
00:08:04I hoped that you'd understand that.
00:08:05Well, you left me for someone more mature.
00:08:08First I lose Mom.
00:08:10And then you.
00:08:14I don't need you here anymore.
00:08:17I don't need anyone.
00:08:22You know,
00:08:24when I left,
00:08:25you were a boy.
00:08:30I thought maybe that you'd grown up.
00:08:35I'm sorry.
00:09:01Don't just sit, darling.
00:09:03You know how to make conversation.
00:09:05Yes, Grandma.
00:09:07How was Palm Beach?
00:09:08Did you stay with your sister?
00:09:10Unfortunately, yes.
00:09:11She's married again.
00:09:13To a perfectly unacceptable man.
00:09:17How's your music coming?
00:09:20I've decided to go to Ridley, Grandma.
00:09:35You were going to Julliard.
00:09:37It was all settled.
00:09:40Dad wanted me to go to Ridley.
00:09:42Be a lawyer.
00:09:43Like him.
00:09:48Your mother
00:09:50was the most
00:09:52musical person I have ever known.
00:09:55It just...
00:09:56It seemed to flow out of her.
00:10:00You're very much like her, Sean.
00:10:06I miss her so, Sean.
00:10:10She was everything to me.
00:10:14I miss her too, Grandma.
00:10:17But you've got to stop blaming Dad.
00:10:19It wasn't his fault.
00:10:21It should never have happened.
00:10:23It should never have happened.
00:10:35I'm sorry.
00:10:59I didn't know you were back.
00:11:03You're jumpy.
00:11:05Everything go alright?
00:11:07Yes, Mother.
00:11:09I am now officially a member of the senior class
00:11:12of Ridley College.
00:11:14No problem with the transcripts?
00:11:16Of course not. I'm a straight-A student, remember?
00:11:22Don't get too comfortable, Paul.
00:11:26This isn't a game.
00:11:29Isn't it?
00:11:30We're not going to fail this time.
00:11:32And get a new wardrobe.
00:11:36This isn't Miami.
00:11:43Oh, yes. This is Vivian.
00:11:45Seven o'clock?
00:11:47Oh, I can't make it till 7.30.
00:11:50Thank you, Margaret.
00:11:53That was Justin Sager's secretary.
00:11:55The will is ready.
00:11:58Does that mean I'm rich?
00:11:59Only if you keep your grades up.
00:12:07Mr. Sager.
00:12:11Mrs. Fairchild!
00:12:13There was no one out front.
00:12:15Oh, I'm sorry.
00:12:17I tried to let Margaret go home at a civilized hour.
00:12:19Have a seat.
00:12:21I have your will ready.
00:12:25I think everything is in order here.
00:12:27Just a couple of points I'd like to go over with you.
00:12:31And you can sign it whenever you like.
00:12:34Oh, I'm sure it's fine.
00:12:36If you give me a pen, I'll sign it right now.
00:12:38Well, I'd rather you took it home with you
00:12:40and looked it over first.
00:12:42Anyway, we need two witnesses to make it all legal.
00:12:44You're very thorough.
00:12:46I like that.
00:12:49Well, where do we begin?
00:12:52Oh, well, it's very simple.
00:12:54Oh, well, it's very straightforward, actually.
00:12:58I just want to point out...
00:13:02Excuse me?
00:13:04My stomach is growling.
00:13:08The truth is, I'm too hungry to think clearly.
00:13:10Do you think we could finish this over dinner?
00:13:13My treat.
00:13:15Oh, I'm sorry.
00:13:17I tend to forget about time.
00:13:20Of course, on the condition
00:13:21that you let me do the treating.
00:13:25If you insist.
00:13:34They say all it takes is time.
00:13:37That's what they say.
00:13:40They lied.
00:13:43You know, when Allison died,
00:13:47I wanted to die, too.
00:13:49I thought, what's the point?
00:13:54If it hadn't been for Sean...
00:14:01For me, it was Paul.
00:14:04I think it was easier for me, though.
00:14:09Mason had a heart attack,
00:14:11but he had a good life.
00:14:15For you, Justin,
00:14:17feeling so responsible...
00:14:19Well, I was responsible.
00:14:21It was an accident.
00:14:23He fell asleep at the wheel.
00:14:28I'm pretty stuck, Mason.
00:14:35Is it all right?
00:14:47I should call Sean.
00:15:16I love you.
00:15:46I love you, too.
00:16:17Are you okay?
00:16:22I feel so alive.
00:16:29Thank you, Vivian.
00:16:33Thank you for giving me back my life.
00:16:39I'm sorry.
00:16:42I'm sorry.
00:16:46I'm sorry.
00:17:07Yeah, hello.
00:17:08Hey, did I wake you?
00:17:09It's after ten.
00:17:12I fell asleep in the den.
00:17:14You okay?
00:17:15Yeah, why?
00:17:17Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:19Last night, I was going to call.
00:17:21Listen, can you meet me at the boat today?
00:17:24I've got some stuff to do.
00:17:26What's wrong?
00:17:28I'd just like to see you.
00:17:30Okay, sure.
00:17:32How's one o'clock?
00:17:34One it is.
00:17:35Okay, bye.
00:17:42We got too many wires.
00:17:43I think we got too many thumbs.
00:17:46You know who could do this in five minutes?
00:17:52We had some great times on this boat.
00:17:58Some wonderful memories.
00:18:00Yeah, we were fishing and diving when we went diving.
00:18:04Oh, yeah.
00:18:05She taught me how to navigate.
00:18:07First time I had sex was on this boat.
00:18:10Me and Kelly.
00:18:11Me and Kelly.
00:18:14You never told me that.
00:18:17Mom knew.
00:18:24Can I live with you?
00:18:30I met someone.
00:18:34Well, her name is Vivian.
00:18:36She's a wonderful woman.
00:18:37I think you'll really like her.
00:18:38I hope you do.
00:18:40That's where you were last night?
00:18:45Sean, this has nothing to do with the way I feel about your mother.
00:18:51Then it's just for sex?
00:19:00Sean, I'm 48 years old.
00:19:02I gotta start having a life again sometime.
00:19:05You know?
00:19:06I thought we had a life.
00:19:08We do.
00:19:09You know that.
00:19:13I just hope you give her a chance.
00:19:21If that's what you want.
00:19:24Thank you.
00:19:29I better get back to the office.
00:19:31You go on.
00:19:32I'll clean up.
00:19:33You'll be alright?
00:19:35Don't electrocute yourself.
00:19:51I got accepted at Ridley.
00:19:54I knew you would.
00:19:59I'm so proud of you.
00:20:02Thank you.
00:20:24Cabo St. Lucas is the second home of movies.
00:20:35Harmony of Music Phonics 101.
00:20:38You've known this since sixth grade, man.
00:20:41Not exactly Juilliard, is it?
00:20:45But then you don't meet the right people at Juilliard.
00:20:49How bad could it be?
00:20:50You take some music classes and we'll still be together.
00:20:53Like the Stones, right?
00:20:58Do you realize Mick Jagger's older than my dad?
00:21:01Nobody's older than your dad.
00:21:03He didn't understand me.
00:21:05You know, my problem is...
00:21:08I got the soul of Byron.
00:21:10I got the genius of Horowitz.
00:21:12And I got the morals of Rin Tin Tin.
00:21:15I'm conflicted.
00:21:19Speaking of which...
00:21:21Have you seen Kelly since she got back?
00:21:25We fought.
00:21:26Oh, there's a surprise.
00:21:30Listen, I'm really worried about her.
00:21:33She keeps trying to see me naked.
00:21:36You wish.
00:21:38Oh, you wish.
00:21:44Sean? It's Dad.
00:21:46Where were you? I was worried.
00:21:48I'm at Vegas.
00:21:50Listen, son, I have something to tell you.
00:21:55Vivian and I just got married.
00:22:02Sean? Are you there?
00:22:05Yeah. Yeah, I'm here.
00:22:07Did you hear what I said?
00:22:09I'm married.
00:22:11Yeah, I heard you.
00:22:13We'll be home tonight.
00:22:15And just a second.
00:22:17Vivian wants to say hello.
00:22:21Hello, Sean?
00:22:23Oh, that's funny.
00:22:24The line's dead.
00:22:36You okay?
00:22:40That was my dad.
00:22:44He just got married.
00:22:49Put me down.
00:22:51Till I get you over bed, I won't.
00:22:53Oh, Justin.
00:22:55You'll drop me.
00:22:56We're home.
00:22:57Oh, I feel silly putting you down.
00:23:00Welcome home, Mrs. Sager.
00:23:02Welcome home, Mrs. Sager.
00:23:12We're home.
00:23:19What are you doing sitting in the dark?
00:23:23Congratulations, Dad.
00:23:25Well, this is Vivian.
00:23:27Vivian, this is my son.
00:23:28Welcome to Sager Manor, Vivian.
00:23:30Would you like a beer?
00:23:37Hello, Sean.
00:23:39I hope we'll be good friends.
00:23:44Too many friends already.
00:23:46Can't take on any more until one of them dies.
00:23:52I think Sean's tired.
00:23:54Why don't you take him up to bed?
00:23:55Good thinking, Viv.
00:23:57Dad's real good at getting people into bed, isn't he?
00:23:59What the hell is that supposed to mean?
00:24:01Where are you going?
00:24:02No, it's all right.
00:24:04It's all right.
00:24:07It takes time.
00:24:10I'm sorry.
00:24:11He's not usually like this.
00:24:12Don't give it another thought.
00:24:14I won't.
00:24:16I'm far too happy.
00:24:25I love you.
00:24:56I love you.
00:25:15That was great.
00:25:16You're Sean Sager, aren't you?
00:25:18I'm Paul Fairchild.
00:25:21Vivian Fairchild's son?
00:25:25That makes us sort of related.
00:25:27No, it doesn't.
00:25:31I don't like this marriage any better than you do, but it's done.
00:25:36Just because our parents act like jerks doesn't mean we have to.
00:25:41Yeah, you're right.
00:25:42I'm sorry.
00:25:44This is my friend Chris.
00:25:46This is my frat brother Chuck Niles.
00:25:49Listen, Sigma Delta's having a meltdown party at the frat house tonight.
00:25:52You're both more than welcome to come if you'd like.
00:25:56No, I wasn't planning on pledging a fraternity.
00:25:59It's not a rush, Sean.
00:26:00It's just a party.
00:26:04My mom told me your dad was a Sigma Delta.
00:26:07I think he'd want you to come.
00:26:09I'm pretty sure you'd have a good time.
00:26:13I know that he would.
00:26:16We'll be there.
00:26:22Valley Greeks.
00:26:23Inventors of democracy, olive oil, and naked wrestling.
00:26:28Our education has begun.
00:26:53Come on.
00:27:24Will you be joining us for dinner?
00:27:29I'm going out.
00:27:54Good night, Dad.
00:27:55Wait a minute.
00:27:56I'm late.
00:27:57Wait a minute.
00:27:58Now, Vivian says you deliberately exposed yourself in front of her?
00:28:03She's lying.
00:28:05Will you watch your mouth?
00:28:06That is my wife you're talking about.
00:28:07And I'm your son.
00:28:08Or doesn't that count anymore?
00:28:11You make sure that never happens again.
00:28:14From now on, I'll bolt my fucking door.
00:28:24You ready to rock?
00:28:30Hey, cutie!
00:28:31Want a ride?
00:28:32Yeah, I'll take a ride.
00:28:35So, uh, how do I look?
00:28:37You look suave.
00:28:38Hey, what's going on?
00:28:39How are you?
00:28:40How are you?
00:29:04It's not exactly a Thunderstare movie, is it?
00:29:08Hey, you guys.
00:29:09Can't be here without a beer.
00:29:13Oh, Jay?
00:29:18What's up?
00:29:28Dude, forget it.
00:29:33What are you doing here?
00:29:37You guys know each other?
00:29:39We used to.
00:29:40Can we talk?
00:29:41I don't have anything to say.
00:29:43Hey, it's okay.
00:29:44No, it's not okay.
00:29:47Why don't you finish this?
00:30:23Let me help you.
00:30:53I'm sorry.
00:30:54Don't worry.
00:30:55I'm just too tired.
00:30:59You've had too much champagne.
00:31:03That's all.
00:31:04I love you.
00:31:05I love you, too.
00:31:09I'll go make you a snack.
00:31:12Be right back.
00:32:18Where were you?
00:32:20I went home.
00:32:22There's nothing for me there, either.
00:32:26I'll talk to you. Come on.
00:32:37She's beautiful, you know.
00:32:40His new wife, Vivian.
00:32:44John, I'm sure your dad's been lonely.
00:32:47Give her a chance.
00:32:50Every woman deserves that.
00:32:51She's not as beautiful as you.
00:32:53She don't.
00:32:54Don't what?
00:32:55Love you?
00:32:58Too late.
00:33:05I always love the wrong people.
00:33:07That's not true.
00:33:14It's your dad.
00:33:15It's your dad.
00:33:26My dad, Justin Sager, where is he?
00:33:28Who are you?
00:33:29I'm his son. I just told you.
00:33:30Justin Sager, where is he?
00:33:31Well, Sean.
00:33:37Dr. Isaacs, where's my dad?
00:33:39I'm sorry, Sean.
00:33:41We did everything we could.
00:33:45We lost him.
00:35:01I know you.
00:35:05I'm a hospital.
00:35:07I think we should talk.
00:35:10About what?
00:35:14I was there when your dad died.
00:35:21So you were there in the room with him.
00:35:26Tell me.
00:35:28He was scared.
00:35:30Something was wrong.
00:35:31I could see it in his eyes.
00:35:32He's dying.
00:35:33That's scary.
00:35:34No, man.
00:35:36He kept saying,
00:35:39Over and over.
00:35:41Like he was trying to tell me something.
00:35:43He's dying.
00:35:44He's calling out his wife's name.
00:35:45I'm telling you,
00:35:46it wasn't like that.
00:35:48It wasn't like that.
00:35:50It wasn't like that.
00:35:52She was right there in the room
00:35:53and he was talking to me.
00:35:56Over and over.
00:35:59Why would he do that?
00:36:01Do you think something happened to her?
00:36:05She did something to him.
00:36:06I know it.
00:36:08And she's...
00:36:09She's a piece.
00:36:11But there's something about her.
00:36:12The doctor said he had a heart attack.
00:36:13I don't give a shit what the doc said.
00:36:16He wasn't there.
00:36:17Why'd you tell the cops?
00:36:20Oh, yeah.
00:36:21That's right.
00:36:22Me and the cops
00:36:23were like this.
00:36:26What's in this for you?
00:36:29You got any idea
00:36:30what my minimum wage is?
00:36:34Are you in there?
00:36:35All right.
00:36:36You find anything.
00:36:37You find anything real,
00:36:39I'll pay you for it.
00:36:42I'm sorry.
00:36:43It's all right.
00:36:44Carlos is just leaving.
00:36:45I don't care.
00:36:46He's just leaving.
00:36:47I can come back.
00:36:49No, no, no.
00:36:50It's okay, miss.
00:36:51The young republican's
00:36:52meeting is over.
00:36:54Sean here was just
00:36:55explaining to me
00:36:56the finer points
00:36:57of capitalism.
00:37:02Who was that?
00:37:07What are you doing here?
00:37:10I saw you leave the funeral.
00:37:14And I figured you'd come here.
00:37:16I was worried about you.
00:37:19A little late for that,
00:37:20isn't it?
00:37:27It's not gonna work, Sean.
00:37:32I'm not gonna leave.
00:37:34Suit yourself.
00:37:39Don't touch me.
00:37:40Nobody touches me.
00:37:41I miss him, Kelly.
00:37:43I know.
00:37:46I'm here.
00:37:49Please don't leave me.
00:37:52I won't.
00:37:58I'm here.
00:38:00I'm here.
00:38:02I'm here.
00:38:04I'm here.
00:38:06I'm here.
00:38:08I'm here.
00:38:09I'm here.
00:38:11I'm here.
00:39:11I'm here.
00:39:31No, Paul.
00:39:32That's too extravagant.
00:39:33You don't make the demands.
00:39:34No, it's not.
00:39:35You're rich,
00:39:36and I deserve it.
00:39:37Oh, really?
00:39:38And why is that exactly?
00:39:39I've been a very good boy.
00:39:40Have you?
00:39:41I kept my grades up, haven't I?
00:39:42The final exam is still to come.
00:39:46You remember Paul, don't you?
00:39:48He's decided to move into the spare bedroom.
00:39:50Hey, buddy.
00:39:51We were just deciding
00:39:52what his graduation gift would be.
00:39:53A trip to Spain or a new car.
00:39:55Help me out, pal.
00:39:56I'm trying to get her to spring for fall.
00:39:57Absolutely not.
00:39:58One or the other.
00:39:59We'll let Sean decide.
00:40:00What do you think, sweetheart?
00:40:01A trip to Spain or a new BMW?
00:40:03What happened to my mother's picture?
00:40:05Oh, I had it put away.
00:40:06I didn't think you'd mind.
00:40:07It seemed so morbid.
00:40:08Put it back.
00:40:10Sean, you're tired.
00:40:12I know this has all been
00:40:13a great strain on you.
00:40:14I said put it back.
00:40:15This is my house,
00:40:16and I want my mother's picture
00:40:17where it was.
00:40:21Oh, Sean.
00:40:22I'm afraid you're confused.
00:40:25This is my house now.
00:40:27This house and everything in it.
00:40:30That's a lie.
00:40:31Your father changed his will, Sean,
00:40:33shortly after we were married.
00:40:36He left it all to me.
00:40:38Everything he had is now mine.
00:40:40I don't believe you.
00:40:41My God, Sean.
00:40:43Why would I lie to you?
00:40:45She's just trying to do
00:40:46what's best for you.
00:40:50Well, she's got a fucked way
00:40:51of showing it.
00:41:04It's not here.
00:41:06Let's get out of here.
00:41:09What are you boys doing here?
00:41:11Where's my dad's will?
00:41:12Well, it's not in here.
00:41:13Stephen Rose is handling that.
00:41:15What about his Rolodex?
00:41:16I can't find it.
00:41:17It's in my desk
00:41:18for safekeeping.
00:41:20What do you want with that?
00:41:31If you tell me
00:41:32what you're looking for,
00:41:33maybe I can help you.
00:41:34That private detective,
00:41:35the one Dad used?
00:41:36Paula, why?
00:41:37What do you want with him?
00:41:38I want to hire him.
00:41:39What's going on here?
00:41:40What are you doing?
00:41:41I want to find out
00:41:42what happened to my dad, Margaret.
00:41:46your father died of a heart attack.
00:41:48What if he didn't?
00:42:07Is somebody home?
00:42:09Eddie Costello?
00:42:11My name's Sean Sager,
00:42:12Justin Sager was my dad.
00:42:20What time is it?
00:42:29It's about 4.15.
00:42:30You know, day.
00:42:37What day?
00:42:38Close the door.
00:42:39Let me get this straight.
00:42:48It's 4.15.
00:42:49You know, day.
00:42:50What day?
00:42:51Close the door.
00:42:52Let me get this straight.
00:42:53It's about 4.15.
00:42:54You know, day.
00:42:55What day?
00:42:56Close the door.
00:42:57Let me get this straight.
00:42:58It's about 4.15.
00:42:59You know, day.
00:43:00What day?
00:43:01Close the door.
00:43:02Let me get this straight.
00:43:03It's about 4.15.
00:43:04You know, day.
00:43:05What day?
00:43:06Close the door.
00:43:07Let me get this straight.
00:43:08It's about 4.15.
00:43:09You know, day.
00:43:10What day?
00:43:11Close the door.
00:43:12Let me get this straight.
00:43:13It's about 4.15.
00:43:14You know, day.
00:43:15What day?
00:43:16Close the door.
00:43:17Let me get this straight.
00:43:18It's about 4.15.
00:43:19You know, day.
00:43:20What day?
00:43:21Close the door.
00:43:22Let me get this straight.
00:43:23It's about 4.15.
00:43:24You know, day.
00:43:25What day?
00:43:26Close the door.
00:43:27Let me get this straight.
00:43:28It's about 4.15.
00:43:29You know, day.
00:43:30What day?
00:43:31Close the door.
00:43:32Let me get this straight.
00:43:33It's about 4.15.
00:43:34You know, day.
00:43:35What day?
00:43:36Close the door.
00:43:37Let me get this straight.
00:43:38It's about 4.15.
00:43:39You know, day.
00:43:40What day?
00:43:41Close the door.
00:43:42Let me get this straight.
00:43:43It's about 4.15.
00:43:44You know, day.
00:43:45What day?
00:43:46Close the door.
00:43:47Let me get this straight.
00:43:48It's about 4.15.
00:43:49You know, day.
00:43:50What day?
00:43:51Close the door.
00:43:52Let me get this straight.
00:43:53It's about 4.15.
00:43:54You know, day.
00:43:55What day?
00:43:56Close the door.
00:43:57Let me get this straight.
00:43:58It's about 4.15.
00:43:59You know, day.
00:44:00What day?
00:44:01Close the door.
00:44:02Let me get this straight.
00:44:03It's about 4.15.
00:44:04You know, day.
00:44:05What day?
00:44:06Close the door.
00:44:07Let me get this straight.
00:44:08It's about 4.15.
00:44:09You know, day.
00:44:10What day?
00:44:11Close the door.
00:44:12Let me get this straight.
00:44:13It's about 4.15.
00:44:14You know, day.
00:44:15That'll be the day.
00:44:20She took Mom's picture down.
00:44:22It's not right.
00:44:24Well, it has to be for the painting.
00:44:27We can hang it in here.
00:44:28Then we can both see it whenever we wish.
00:44:31Perhaps that'll make you feel better.
00:44:33It doesn't belong here, Grandma.
00:44:34It belongs at home.
00:44:52I found something.
00:44:54Oh, you scared me, man.
00:44:56How'd you get in here?
00:44:58It's a medical report on your dad.
00:45:00What kind of medical report?
00:45:01Very interesting one.
00:45:03Let me see it.
00:45:05You're funny, man.
00:45:08All right.
00:45:09How much are we talking about?
00:45:11How much are we talking about?
00:45:12All right.
00:45:13How much are we talking about?
00:45:15Three bills.
00:45:17I don't keep that kind of money around here.
00:45:23I figured.
00:45:25Here's my address.
00:45:27Come to my place tomorrow morning.
00:45:30Oh, and Sean.
00:45:31You really should get a better security system, man.
00:45:35Someone could rob you.
00:45:42All right.
00:46:06Where's that address?
00:46:09It's 15 Paloma, apartment F.
00:46:13He said he found a medical report.
00:46:16He said that already.
00:46:19Should be in the next block.
00:46:24That's Italian.
00:46:28No, nothing.
00:46:29I just...
00:46:31You don't...
00:46:32Like pizza?
00:46:33Sure I do.
00:46:35Look, kid.
00:46:37I don't chat.
00:46:39Especially at 10 o'clock in the morning.
00:46:43All right.
00:47:08Right there.
00:47:12All right.
00:47:51Holy shit.
00:47:55Holy shit.
00:48:10Why would he kill himself?
00:48:12He didn't.
00:48:14You can't be serious.
00:48:17Well, I'm afraid that I am.
00:48:19Mrs. Saker, your husband's will is very, very specific.
00:48:22Sean is his soul there.
00:48:26There must be some mistake.
00:48:29Justin changed his will.
00:48:31He told me he did.
00:48:34My partner was a very scrupulous Italian.
00:48:36I don't think he'd make a mistake.
00:48:38You inherit only in the event of Sean's demise.
00:48:41And I do think that Justin assumed
00:48:43that you would be well provided for
00:48:45from your previous marriage.
00:48:48How much is the estate, anyway?
00:48:50Just over $10 million.
00:48:55I don't want you around here when the cops come.
00:48:57So you better get out of here.
00:49:00I got work to do.
00:49:02Does that mean you're taking the job?
00:49:06And under California law,
00:49:08I'm sure you have some claim against the estate.
00:49:11But considering the brevity of your marriage...
00:49:13How much?
00:49:15Well, that would be up to the courts.
00:49:17But I would assume
00:49:19that it would be in the range of $3 or $4 hundred thousand.
00:49:28Out of $10 million?
00:49:59Here you go.
00:50:30I'm Mrs. Sagan.
00:50:33Mrs. Sagan,
00:50:35if you do intend to contest the terms of the will,
00:50:38then I should tell you.
00:50:40No, of course not.
00:50:42I would never go against Justin's wishes.
00:50:48I'm sorry.
00:50:50I'm sorry.
00:50:52I'm sorry.
00:50:54I'm sorry.
00:50:56I'm sorry.
00:50:59I'm wondering if you could do me one tiny favor.
00:51:02Yes, of course.
00:51:05Sean has been through so much.
00:51:08Losing his mother, now his father.
00:51:11I was hoping that we could delay telling him about all this.
00:51:14He seems so unstable right now.
00:51:16I'm afraid with all this money, he might...
00:51:19do something reckless.
00:51:23I will need some time to sort everything out.
00:51:25And I see no reason why I can't delay until Sean is...
00:51:29feeling better.
00:51:31Feeling better.
00:51:42I can't believe Justin would lie to me.
00:51:45I gave myself to him.
00:51:46Gave myself.
00:51:47$400,000 isn't that bad.
00:51:49$400,000 is nothing.
00:51:52Don't think small.
00:51:53Don't think small.
00:51:57I don't like that in you.
00:52:03You could always take it to court.
00:52:06No. No court.
00:52:08This is not going to happen again.
00:52:11Not for the second time.
00:52:41Has Sean joined the fraternity yet?
00:52:43No, he's not real big on brotherhood.
00:52:44I told you this is not a game.
00:52:46He has to join.
00:52:47Why is it so important?
00:52:50It's what Justin would have wanted.
00:52:53It's what Justin would have wanted.
00:52:58Good morning, Captain.
00:53:07What is this?
00:53:11Don't fuck with me, Costello.
00:53:12You'll lose.
00:53:14Well, if you're asking me if I did it or know who did.
00:53:16The answer is no.
00:53:17You called it in.
00:53:19What are you doing here?
00:53:20I'm on a case.
00:53:21And all I can tell you is the stiff's name is Carlos Fuentes.
00:53:25Who are you working for?
00:53:27Donald Trump.
00:53:28Would you like to go in, Eddie?
00:53:30On what charge?
00:53:31I don't know.
00:53:33What about being a pain in my black ass?
00:53:35Well, I do try.
00:53:37Get out of my face.
00:53:39Nice to see you, LaVonda.
00:53:42You're looking good.
00:53:45Hey, Sean.
00:53:46Where are you?
00:53:47I'm in here, Chris.
00:53:48You want to explain to me what it is we're looking for this time?
00:53:52Anything suspicious or unusual.
00:53:54One like this?
00:53:57This is serious, Chris.
00:54:01So is this.
00:54:05Hey, Sean, don't you think you're getting a little obsessive about this?
00:54:08Can you help me out, please?
00:54:10Check over there?
00:54:12Yeah, sure.
00:54:19There's nothing here, bro.
00:54:21Keep looking.
00:54:23Hey, Sean.
00:54:25You better take a look at this.
00:54:50Are you nuts?
00:54:52Are you nuts?
00:54:55She's back.
00:55:14Dude, she's a fuck.
00:55:16Shut up.
00:55:18Get out of here.
00:55:19Go out the back.
00:55:42You put my mother's picture back?
00:55:48I'm sorry.
00:55:51I never should have taken it down.
00:55:57I seem to have done everything wrong.
00:56:01You put it back.
00:56:04That's what counts.
00:56:08I don't blame you for hating me.
00:56:10It's my fault, everything.
00:56:13I don't...
00:56:15I don't hate you, Paula.
00:56:19I don't.
00:56:26I miss my mom.
00:56:29I know.
00:56:36I'm alone, too.
00:56:43Can we finally be friends?
00:56:45Can we finally be friends?
00:57:04What is it, Sean?
00:57:22All right, let's take it from line 14.
00:57:24Sega, try and get the bridge right, will you?
00:58:04What's up, guys?
00:58:05Why are we stopping?
00:58:08You got a problem?
00:58:09Yeah, you.
00:58:11Is that right?
00:58:12Yeah, that's right, you suck.
00:58:13Whoa, guys.
00:58:20Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:58:21Relax, man.
00:58:22You're nuts.
00:58:23You know that?
00:58:24Come on, fucking nuts.
00:58:25You're nuts.
00:58:26Come on, relax.
00:58:27Get out of here.
00:58:28What's with you, man?
00:58:29What's with you?
00:58:30You're out of control.
00:58:31Fuck him.
00:58:32No, this has nothing to do with him.
00:58:34This is you.
00:58:35You cut class.
00:58:36You don't want to work on our music.
00:58:39You know what these are?
00:58:40These are brush offers from Sigma Delta.
00:58:43For both of us, Paul gave them to me.
00:58:46This is what we've talked about since we were 12.
00:58:48School, music, you and me doing it together, and now you're blowing it for no reason.
00:58:52You don't understand, Chris.
00:58:53Yes, I do.
00:58:56You're obsessed with her.
00:58:58Hey, I understand.
00:58:59I saw her.
00:59:00But your dad would have been crazy not to marry her.
00:59:03This is psycho, dude.
00:59:04It's like you're hot for her yourself.
00:59:06Shut up.
00:59:07One more word, I swear to God.
00:59:08One more word.
00:59:15Have you seen my cigarette case?
00:59:17I don't smoke, remember?
00:59:19The only vice you've missed.
00:59:24You have such a beautiful body.
00:59:26My credit card.
00:59:4320-year-old skin hmm you're gonna spoil me yes, and that takes money
01:00:03Hey, I'm waiting for you man, but give me
01:00:14Oh, what's that you say you don't work for free
01:00:27What's this your allowance for the week I can get more
01:00:31You know what this is kid thousand dollars it's more money I've made in the last three months
01:00:49It's too easy you don't know it's gonna be that he's not talking about me. I'm talking about you
01:01:18What happened to you my dad said used to be good I
01:01:26Woke up one day, and I wasn't 25 anymore, and it pissed me off
01:01:32Well here's to your retirement fund
01:01:38Look at me kid
01:01:42Now your daddy stopped using me years ago, don't you think he had a reason well, I'm not my dad
01:01:51Found this
01:01:54Step in his bathroom
01:01:56That could be anything. I don't think so
01:01:59Fell out from underneath the drawer
01:02:04That's about
01:02:13Those are prints I think so
01:02:21I don't know if I can do this kid
01:02:30It's like riding a bike
01:02:36Dr.. Isaac yes, can I talk to you about Justin Sager what about it well? What does this mean sir?
01:02:45This is supposed to be confidential where did you get this what does it mean God?
01:02:50There's nothing here blood test toxicology post-mortem exams, it's all standard
01:02:56Toxicology report what does that indicate?
01:03:00trace alcohol
01:03:01Pseudo a fedrin that was where his allergies
01:03:05Nicotine ibuprofen nicotine is that normal if he was a heavy smoker yes
01:03:14Know these levels are pretty high, but the fact is the man worked too hard in his smoke too much. This is the result
01:03:26Hey doc one question
01:03:28Could nicotine if the dose were potent enough kill someone absolutely and the symptoms would be
01:03:37Don't know
01:03:39Kill someone absolutely and the symptoms would be
01:03:46It would look pretty much like a heart attack now
01:03:50Don't excuse me. Yeah sure have a good day
01:03:56So you want me to exhume Justin Sager dig him up that right right
01:04:01Because you think there might be something suspicious about his death right again get out of my face
01:04:07What is that a no?
01:04:09Don't provoke me Eddie. I'm not easy anymore
01:04:14The old pages are full of PIs why him because he's the best
01:04:19He was once excuse me captain. I have that information you wanted
01:04:25So what are you waiting for Heimlich?
01:04:28We ran the prints from the cigarette case to Miami PD there, this is Sager's turns out she has two priors
01:04:35Possession of marijuana she was released for the fine on both counts. Let's squat wait. There's more they remembered her
01:04:43Apparently she's a real looker seems. She met up with some Palm Beach socialite and charm the pants off of literally
01:04:49Two weeks later he marries her he was 75 she was 40. It was quite a scandal
01:04:55She told my dad she was 36 if it was a crime allowed by to age half the women in California would be in jail
01:05:00Yes, ma'am, but it gets better
01:05:01They go on their honeymoon cruise and guess what three days out the old guy turns up dead heart attack 75
01:05:08Married to a woman half his age. What did you expect guess who inherits the old man's fortune the widow Sager bingo?
01:05:15But the family's taken her to court so no money has changed hands, but about the syringe
01:05:20According to Miami PD. She's diabetic they let her inject herself with insulin, but we found something else inside the syringe nicotine
01:05:30You holding out on me
01:05:34Captain could I speak to you privately I mean without the boy
01:05:38Go by yourself a coat. No way this involves me to say what?
01:05:49We took fingerprints off the syringe man the stepfathers no man just the boys we had prints on the kid yes, ma'am
01:05:56We booked them last year he got kicked out of school for assault on another kid apparently he's got a real temper
01:06:03Way way way way now. We all know the boy handled the syringe of course his fingerprints would be on it and not hers
01:06:10She was supposed to put it there. I mean come on Eddie
01:06:13It doesn't make sense, so you're suggesting that the kid put the syringe under the drawer to set the stepmother up
01:06:18I'm not suggesting anything captain. I'm just telling you what we found
01:06:41Get out of my way
01:06:48What do you think you're doing I'm having a party showing I wanted to meet some of your father's friends
01:06:52Where did you get this your father gave it to me it belonged to my mother take it off
01:07:05That's a lie
01:07:06Sean it's all right listen to me your father told me you have emotional problems, but it's nothing to be ashamed
01:07:13There's nothing wrong with me of course there is the darling and no one thinks there is no
01:07:16Why don't you go upstairs to bed? I'll be up soon to make sure you're comfortable leave me alone
01:07:49Kelly Givens yes, I'm detective sergeant Burnett. I'd like to ask you a few questions about Sean Sager
01:08:27It's okay
01:08:29What do you want?
01:08:31I want to take care of you, darling.
01:08:34That's all I ever wanted.
01:08:40Don't be afraid.
01:08:44Don't be afraid.
01:08:59Don't be afraid.
01:09:29Don't be afraid.
01:10:00Who is it?
01:10:02Kelly, it's Sean. Open up.
01:10:05Kelly, come on. Let me in.
01:10:11Sean, you're crazy. Your parents are going to kill you.
01:10:14What's the matter?
01:10:16I'm coming in.
01:10:21Sean, what happened?
01:10:23Tell me.
01:10:26The police were on campus tonight asking questions about you.
01:10:29What did you tell them?
01:10:31I didn't tell them anything.
01:10:34Sean, you're scaring me.
01:10:36Don't. Don't be scared. Don't.
01:10:40I'll take care of everything.
01:10:48Dr. Gabriel.
01:10:50Justin Sager here.
01:10:52For the law firm of Sager and Rose, California.
01:10:56Yes, hello, sir.
01:10:58I represent Vivian Fairchild.
01:11:00And I'm trying to locate the medical records on her late husband, Mason Fairchild.
01:11:05I was wondering, doctor, if you wouldn't mind terribly faxing those records to me.
01:11:11Well, thank you. I appreciate it.
01:11:22Come in.
01:11:32Is he coming down?
01:11:34Not here.
01:11:37Maybe he got lucky.
01:11:39He did.
01:11:42Sean, I was worried.
01:11:46You shouldn't do that, Viv.
01:11:48Worrying causes wrinkles.
01:11:50You look older than you already are.
01:11:54So, Chris tells me you've invited us to join Sigma Delta.
01:11:59Yes, I did.
01:12:01Good. I accept.
01:12:05Well, you know the initiation's Friday night.
01:12:07Can't wait.
01:12:09Have a nice day, you two.
01:12:16You did it. Good boy.
01:12:18I told you I would.
01:12:20You will watch out for him, won't you?
01:12:22Of course.
01:12:24He's like a brother to me.
01:12:26And a son to me.
01:13:05Two men die with nicotine levels a hundred times normal
01:13:09within weeks of marrying the same woman.
01:13:12It's crap?
01:13:14Less than crap. Speculation.
01:13:16I don't dig up a corpse based on speculation.
01:13:19If Justin Sager was murdered,
01:13:21it is your job to find out.
01:13:23Are you telling me my job, Costello?
01:13:25If I have to.
01:13:28You have an opinion, too?
01:13:33I know exhuming a body is unusual,
01:13:35but so is nicotine poisoning.
01:13:37And the odds of it happening twice is so unlikely
01:13:39that I really feel that I have to...
01:13:41Spit it out!
01:13:43...dig a poor bastard up.
01:13:47Call Judge Lucas.
01:13:49But if this blows up in my face,
01:13:52you will find yourself policing urinals in the park
01:13:55for the next 20 years.
01:14:02Thank you, Lupon.
01:14:12Four years of marriage.
01:14:15How is he?
01:14:17He's there when I get home.
01:14:22Hey, one thing.
01:14:26You were never easy.
01:14:45I have something for you.
01:15:02For me?
01:15:03Of course.
01:15:05From now on, Mother only drives Bentleys.
01:15:15Don't disappoint me tonight, darling.
01:15:19I'll be waiting for you.
01:15:28There it is.
01:15:30A puncture.
01:15:32Very small, just under the tongue.
01:15:34It's not a puncture.
01:15:36It's a scar.
01:15:38It's a scar.
01:15:40It's a scar.
01:15:42Very small, just under the tongue.
01:15:44How would someone manage that?
01:15:47My guess is he was drinking.
01:15:49When he fell asleep, it wasn't very hard.
01:15:52Are you sure this is what killed him?
01:15:54He's got enough nicotine in him to kill a horse.
01:15:58Oh, and the red paint you got off the refrigerator door?
01:16:01I checked with forensics.
01:16:03Nail polish.
01:16:07Thanks, Doc. I owe you.
01:16:09Oh, you were right about Carlos Fuentes.
01:16:12What do you mean?
01:16:14When he hung himself, he was already dead.
01:16:18Oh, yeah. That's good.
01:16:32I thought you weren't going to join a threat.
01:16:35It was important to Chris.
01:16:37Why are you lying to me?
01:16:39Look, he told me to grow up.
01:16:44Thank you.
01:16:52I'm not saying he did it for sure.
01:16:54What I'm saying is the kid's too cool.
01:16:56It's like he's manipulating us, like he knows stuff we don't.
01:16:58And I don't like the way he looks at me.
01:17:00He's too innocent, too blank.
01:17:02Show me a teenage boy that don't look blank.
01:17:06A Kelly Gibbons call for you.
01:17:08Said to tell you that Sager kid
01:17:10went to a frat initiation at the old bridge
01:17:12with another guy named, uh...
01:17:14Paul Fairchild.
01:17:16And the Sager kid has a gun.
01:17:20Do that.
01:17:35Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
01:17:37Hello, Vivian.
01:17:39I've come for my daughter's portrait.
01:17:47Are we all men here?
01:17:48Yes, sir!
01:17:49Are you sure?
01:17:50Yes, sir!
01:17:53All right, pledgers, listen up.
01:17:56This is your final test of manhood.
01:17:58Each and every one of us has passed this test.
01:18:01Now it's your turn.
01:18:08Each one of us will choose one pledge.
01:18:11That pledge must have total trust in his brother.
01:18:14I made the jump yesterday.
01:18:16Thanks to my brother,
01:18:19I survived.
01:18:22Down there?
01:18:25You're not willing to do this.
01:18:26Just say so now and you'll be excused.
01:18:29Not everyone's cut out to be a Sigma Delta.
01:18:36Now, each one of you will step to the edge when your name is called.
01:18:39Your brother will jump first
01:18:41and then instruct you from the water below.
01:18:44You do exactly as your brother tells you.
01:18:49Do you understand?
01:18:51Yes, sir!
01:18:54Chuck, I don't want to see anybody step off.
01:18:57I didn't mean it, man.
01:18:59It's okay.
01:19:01I didn't mean it, man.
01:19:02It's okay.
01:19:03Hey, no talking!
01:19:09Oh, come on, you ugly chump!
01:19:13Come on!
01:19:20Let the games begin.
01:19:32I choose you!
01:19:35Step to the edge.
01:19:43Are you ready?
01:19:45Yes, sir! I'm ready, sir!
01:19:47One, two, three!
01:20:12Welcome to Sigma Delta.
01:20:19All right, which one do you want?
01:20:21Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
01:20:23Okay, definitely.
01:20:25Right there, right there.
01:20:28But, Stinger, I choose you.
01:20:35Get him, Paulie.
01:20:46Chris, if anything happens to me...
01:20:48Are you Kelly?
01:20:57Come on!
01:21:03Are you ready?
01:21:05Yes, sir! I'm ready, sir!
01:21:07One, two, three!
01:21:27Hey, Paul!
01:21:29Where are they?
01:21:47You see him down there?
01:21:48I don't see him, man.
01:21:49Quit fooling around.
01:21:51Stay back, please.
01:21:57Come on.
01:22:18You got a problem?
01:22:19You can't get out.
01:22:20Go down there.
01:22:24What do you mean, we're not down there?
01:22:26They got me down there.
01:22:58Where are you?
01:23:02I'm right here.
01:23:05What are you doing?
01:23:07I'm gonna kill you.
01:23:08Just like you were trying to kill me.
01:23:10Kill you? What are you talking about, man?
01:23:12I was trying to help you. I thought you were hurt.
01:23:14You're lying.
01:23:15But that doesn't surprise me.
01:23:17You and Vivian lie about everything.
01:23:19This is crazy, man.
01:23:20I'm your friend.
01:23:22No use pleading, Paul.
01:23:23I have emotional problems, remember?
01:23:25I don't know what I'm doing.
01:23:27Sean, please.
01:23:29Talk to Vivian. She loves you.
01:23:31She's trying to help.
01:23:32I saw you in bed with her.
01:23:35You're not exactly a poster child for mental health yourself, huh?
01:23:38Are you?
01:23:40What are you gonna do?
01:23:42Turn around.
01:23:47Turn around.
01:24:13Come on. Come on.
01:24:22Come on.
01:24:53You should have killed me when you had the chance.
01:24:57I will.
01:24:58You and your ugly mother.
01:25:00She's not ugly.
01:25:02And she's not my mother.
01:25:21Oh, God.
01:25:34Are you scared?
01:25:36What have you done?
01:25:47You're lying to me, kid.
01:25:48I'm not lying.
01:25:49He tried to kill me.
01:25:50I didn't mean to shoot him.
01:25:52It was an accident.
01:25:53It was your gun.
01:25:54I was scared.
01:25:56I mean, he tried to kill me, Eddie.
01:25:59Why didn't you tell me about the police records?
01:26:01Flipped my mind.
01:26:03It's the truth, all right?
01:26:04I swear.
01:26:05Look, I didn't want you thinking I had anything to do with my father's death, all right?
01:26:09Did you?
01:26:11But I love my father.
01:26:13Why won't you believe me?
01:26:14Why should I?
01:26:17I need someone to.
01:26:23Okay, Chuck.
01:26:25Let me see if I have this right.
01:26:28You gave underage boys liquor and told them to jump.
01:26:33Yes, ma'am.
01:26:34It was part of the initiation.
01:26:37Uh, we found one of them.
01:26:39He's dead.
01:26:44You didn't see shit, frat boy.
01:26:58Thank you.
01:27:18Celebrating, Vivian?
01:27:20It's almost.
01:27:21I thought you were dead.
01:27:27Sorry to disappoint you.
01:27:29That's not funny.
01:27:32You're hurt, Sean.
01:27:34What's wrong?
01:27:36Why would anything be wrong, Mom?
01:27:40I missed you.
01:27:45What is it?
01:27:47I'm a little unstable, remember?
01:27:50Not responsible for what I do.
01:27:53Sean, he's scaring me.
01:27:57I don't think so, Vivian. I don't think there's much that scares you.
01:28:00I do have some bad news, though.
01:28:03Paul is dead.
01:28:04Stop it, Sean.
01:28:06This is not amusing.
01:28:08He told me something before he died, though, Vivian.
01:28:10He told me you're not his mother.
01:28:12Just what does that make you, anyway?
01:28:14I'm warning you.
01:28:16You've got to be kidding me.
01:28:18Of course you know all about that.
01:28:20This didn't work, though.
01:28:21Right now he's lying in the woods, covered in his own blood.
01:28:23That's a lie.
01:28:25You haven't got the guts to kill anyone.
01:28:43You make me more of a man than I thought.
01:28:47I'm sorry about your father. I lied to you.
01:28:52I didn't lie to Vivian.
01:28:53Then why kill him, Vivian? He gave you everything. He loved you.
01:28:56I liked you right from the start.
01:28:58I knew you liked me, too.
01:29:00It was just a matter of time.
01:29:01Why didn't you tell me?
01:29:04It was a job.
01:29:09I met your grandmother in Florida.
01:29:11She made me an offer.
01:29:13An offer?
01:29:14She set it all up.
01:29:16Do you think I can use your father by accident?
01:29:18What do you mean, an offer?
01:29:19I'll teach you something.
01:29:21I'll teach you what I want.
01:29:44Come here.
01:29:46His name's Eddie Costello. He's a friend.
01:29:52Don't do anything stupid.
01:29:55Let the cops get you.
01:29:58There's something I've got to take care of myself.
01:30:12Well, friend, what do we do now?
01:30:17Now I call the police.
01:30:34Yeah, this is Eddie Costello.
01:30:37Connect me with Captain Harris.
01:30:41They think cops scare me.
01:30:46They just bore me to death.
01:30:52Not this one.
01:31:22Go on, Grandma, pick it up.
01:31:26You've taken everything else.
01:31:27You might as well finish the job.
01:31:32Come on, pick it up.
01:31:33Finish the job.
01:31:34Kill me, too.
01:31:40He killed my little girl.
01:31:45He's had to pay, Sean.
01:31:49He has to pay.
01:31:52No, Grandma, that's not the way it works.
01:31:56You pay.
01:31:58I pay.
01:32:01We have to live.
01:32:12You're all I have left.
01:32:17You have nothing left.
01:32:36You okay, kid?
01:33:00I can handle it.
01:33:02No, kid.
01:33:05We can handle it.
01:33:09Don't call me kid.
01:33:17How you doing?