• 2 months ago
00:00:30♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:01:00If you want to, you shouldn't have to think that hard
00:01:06It could be rocks and it could be glue
00:01:09It could be anything, anything
00:01:12And I heard about your vacation
00:01:15Cause I saw it on the TV station
00:01:19It came down, down, down
00:01:23Down, down, down, down
00:01:26Down like a dive bomb
00:01:29Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:01:59Dear Boney D, here are your test results.
00:02:24Well should there be a prayer or something?
00:02:28Quiet you.
00:02:29Dad, you okay?
00:02:30Piece of cake.
00:02:31We can do this.
00:02:34Let's go.
00:02:35On three.
00:02:42Are we happy?
00:02:44I don't believe you.
00:03:10Perfect score.
00:03:11Oh man.
00:03:12What are your scores?
00:03:16I guess I test well.
00:03:18So you know what this means, don't you?
00:03:24Big screw up at SAT Central?
00:03:26Free refills?
00:03:28We could all be in Boston together.
00:03:31Would you like that?
00:03:32Me and you?
00:03:37Sounds a little hectic.
00:03:38How come you never return my calls?
00:03:55Alright, just close your textbooks.
00:04:05Ladies and gentlemen, calculus is not for wimps.
00:04:11Twenty-eight percent of you did not pass the midterm.
00:04:13Mr. Tafio, shake the dust out of your skull.
00:04:19Mr. Buchanan, I've seen squirrels score higher on tests.
00:04:23True story.
00:04:24Mr. Faber.
00:04:25Knock it off, you're making everybody look bad.
00:04:32Mr. Boomer.
00:04:38You were flying high.
00:04:39Did you hit an air pocket?
00:04:40Excuse me, Mr. Mueller?
00:04:41Did you fall asleep at the controls?
00:04:45Is there terrorism involved?
00:04:47You're going down in flames.
00:04:51See me after class.
00:04:52Don't forget.
00:04:53Have your parents sign those and return them to me.
00:04:54You know the drill.
00:04:55Have a nice day.
00:04:56You wanted to see me, Mr. Mueller?
00:05:11Oh, you can take your form back.
00:05:15I won't be recommending you for Harvard.
00:05:19Mr. Mueller, it was one bad grade.
00:05:22Seventeen thousand excellent students apply there every year.
00:05:25Sixty-six percent don't get in.
00:05:27You do the math.
00:05:28But up until now, I've had great grades.
00:05:30Up until now, it's been literally...
00:05:31Look, I'll try harder.
00:05:34I'll bring my grade up.
00:05:37Well, I won't hold my breath.
00:05:41Close the door anyway, huh?
00:06:25Good one.
00:06:35Sometimes you just gotta scream, you know?
00:06:43I know how you feel.
00:06:49How's that?
00:07:03Hi, you guys.
00:07:11Isn't this great?
00:07:17Yeah, it's great.
00:07:23It's great.
00:07:27It's great.
00:07:31It's great.
00:07:35It's great.
00:07:40You look super tonight, Kim.
00:07:44Oh, my God!
00:07:47Oh, my God!
00:07:49I said super!
00:07:50Yes, you did.
00:07:51I don't know what's the matter with me.
00:07:52Every time I get around a girl I like, I turn into Greg Brady with better hair.
00:07:53I'm turning Japanese.
00:07:54I think I'm turning Japanese.
00:07:55I really think so.
00:07:56I'm turning Japanese.
00:07:57I think I'm turning Japanese.
00:07:58I really think so.
00:07:59I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:00I think I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:01I really think so.
00:08:02I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:03I think I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:04I really think so.
00:08:05I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:06I think I'm turning Japanese.
00:08:08You want to dance?
00:08:09Yes, yes.
00:08:13Oh, God.
00:08:15Bell, over here!
00:08:16I got your picture.
00:08:17I got your pitcher.
00:08:48Wait, why don't we come to these things again? Oh, I don't know I guess to appreciate it more when we're alone
00:08:58Mr. Smooth, oh, let's go up to the park. This is a man. I'll show you
00:09:03No, no, come on. Don't make me Oh
00:09:15So how about another poem?
00:09:18Okay, okay. Are you still cold? I mean if you are we can we can go back. Oh, no. No. No, this is nice. Um, I
00:09:33What I thought that you
00:09:38You know, I'm sorry just
00:09:42Let's go
00:10:07Can't talk now I'm being chased by a nun
00:10:20So you and Kirsten no mission scrubbed
00:10:25What happened pulled out a condom?
00:10:29I thought they wanted us to use condoms. No, I mean I pulled it out to her
00:10:35There's a time limit
00:10:44Yes, another exciting evening in Southport
00:10:53See that yeah
00:10:57Are you insane probably this will have something to do
00:11:08Wow, look at that. Yeah 66 Corvette sting
00:11:18You need some help you guys cool
00:11:25Yeah, we're cool, yeah
00:11:29I'll wait. You're the guy from the reservoir. Yeah. Hi, you wanna hop in? Thanks
00:11:39What reservoir is there a reservoir I'm supposed to know
00:12:00What kind of asshole doesn't carry a spare time um, I don't know I think it was a rhetorical question
00:12:07Thanks for stopping. I'm Vicky.
00:12:10Hi, I'm Todd. This is Faber.
00:12:12Hey! That has got to be just about the neatest car.
00:12:17Yeah, well, it's my husband's.
00:12:22If you're cold, there's a jacket back there that you can wear.
00:12:26Oh, yeah, thanks.
00:12:28Wait, stand over there.
00:12:36Can we take you anywhere?
00:12:38Where are you going?
00:12:41Nowhere. Nowhere.
00:12:44Me too. Nowhere.
00:12:48Okay, fine.
00:12:56Thanks, baby.
00:12:59And your lobster?
00:13:02I'm telling you, this is not right.
00:13:04There's something very weird going on here.
00:13:06If by weird you mean that we're hanging out with a gorgeously stunning woman,
00:13:09then yes, this is weird.
00:13:14Well, they're sending a tow truck in about an hour.
00:13:18Oh, great. Excellent.
00:13:23So, were you guys just out cruising tonight?
00:13:27No, we were down at the beach.
00:13:29Did a shindig.
00:13:33Shindig? When did you start channeling Dick Clark?
00:13:36I don't usually say shindig. It's just...
00:13:39He doesn't.
00:13:41I don't think I've ever said shindig.
00:13:43He hasn't. I can vouch for that.
00:13:45You want to order some food or something, and we'll drive you over later?
00:13:49Oh, um...
00:13:51Yeah. Yeah.
00:13:58So, what does one do at these shindigs?
00:14:02It's kind of been a while for me.
00:14:04A lot of anxiety.
00:14:08It's super.
00:14:13It's super.
00:14:15Are you okay?
00:14:18Ice cream headache.
00:14:20He gets them all the time.
00:14:40I just love ice cream. I haven't had it in ages.
00:14:44So, Vicki, what do you do?
00:14:47Oh, um...
00:14:49I'm kind of between things right now.
00:14:52Music, studying, sculpting.
00:14:58Yeah, it's mostly metal work.
00:15:00Kind of a hobby of mine.
00:15:09He did it.
00:15:13Great. Let's go.
00:15:18And 11 cents. Thank you.
00:15:22Shouldn't you at least, like, let us get the tip or something, please?
00:15:25If you want to.
00:15:29About $2.75.
00:15:31Ooh. Dude, she dusted you.
00:15:34Math degree, University of Vermont.
00:15:37Very useful.
00:15:42Math degree.
00:15:50So, do you know anything about calculus?
00:15:58See, I tanked this midterm,
00:16:01and if I don't pass this course,
00:16:04my life is basically over with.
00:16:06Oh, come on. I'm sure that's not true.
00:16:09Oh, it's true.
00:16:11Jeez, Todd, I could help you with calculus.
00:16:14Uh, sorry, guys.
00:16:31Well, here he is.
00:16:34You need us to follow you or anything?
00:16:37No, I'm fine, really.
00:16:40No, I'm fine, really.
00:16:44I was really having a bad night there for a while.
00:16:48But you...
00:16:52Anyway, I should go.
00:16:56Thanks for all your help.
00:16:58My favor.
00:17:13Totally amazing.
00:17:21Look, um, about calculus,
00:17:25you think I could get some help?
00:17:28Uh, I...
00:17:30Please, look, I don't have much time left.
00:17:33You'd be saving my life.
00:17:39I'll think about it.
00:17:41Yeah? Great. Thanks.
00:17:44Oh, hey, you can call me. I'm listed.
00:17:47Last name's Boomer. Two O's.
00:17:50Okay. Good night.
00:17:59Boomer with two O's.
00:18:01As in moron.
00:18:03Yeah, as in moron.
00:18:29Trick or treat.
00:18:31Where the hell were you?
00:18:37I'm sorry.
00:18:52Kind of late, isn't it?
00:18:55Why are you still up?
00:18:57It's not the best day of your academic career.
00:19:02I mean, I don't know what to say.
00:19:06I'm disappointed.
00:19:08I'm angry.
00:19:10And I'm sad.
00:19:12I'm sad that the one thing you've worked so hard for
00:19:15is just slipping right through your fingers.
00:19:18That is just what...
00:19:20Let me finish.
00:19:24We've worked so hard for this thing,
00:19:27and Harvard is there, you know, on a platter.
00:19:30It's just waiting for you, and you're just...
00:19:33You're just blowing it.
00:19:35I know. That's why I should get a tutor.
00:19:38So I'm just gonna...
00:19:40What'd you say?
00:19:42Yeah, Dad, I gotta kick ass on this course, right?
00:19:45I should get some help.
00:19:47You're gonna get a tutor?
00:19:49That's great. That is great.
00:19:51I'll help you get one.
00:19:53You know what? Actually, I've got it taken care of.
00:19:56You did?
00:20:26Thanks for meeting me here.
00:20:29The answers...
00:20:31to your math final...
00:20:33are here.
00:20:35That's my wife, punk!
00:20:55What is this, olive loaf?
00:20:57Yes, weasel, this is olive loaf.
00:21:06Well, finally hit the wall with my mom.
00:21:09She drives me insane.
00:21:11I'm gonna move out to that cabin and back.
00:21:15Faber, that's not a cabin. That's a tool shed.
00:21:17You realize this? You'll be sleeping with weed-be-gone.
00:21:23So, um...
00:21:25Have you spoken to Kirsten?
00:21:30Oh, but, uh, guess who called?
00:21:33She called.
00:21:35She called.
00:21:37Who called?
00:21:47I was thinking about the other night.
00:21:50Oh, yeah, me too. I'm sorry about that.
00:21:53No, no, I'm sorry. I think I overreacted a little bit.
00:21:57Oh, no, everything's cool.
00:22:01I guess I just need a little more time, you know?
00:22:07Time is good.
00:22:09But, um...
00:22:11Hey, not too much time, okay?
00:22:20I don't know.
00:22:50What up?
00:23:05But that is what therapy is for.
00:23:09No, Ellen, I disagree.
00:23:12I think it does qualify as a cult.
00:23:17I'll get it.
00:23:28Hi. Mr. Boomer?
00:23:30Yes. Whatever it is you're selling, I'll buy or give generously to.
00:23:35Uh, actually, I'm Todd's tutor, Vicki.
00:23:40You're Todd's tutor?
00:23:45Come in.
00:23:47Come in.
00:23:51Suddenly, I understand the world so much better.
00:23:56Elaine, come meet Todd's tutor.
00:23:59Hi, Todd.
00:24:03Vicki, could I ask you to take a seat for just a second?
00:24:08Great. Elvis?
00:24:11Well, Ellen, if you checked yourself in, you could check yourself out.
00:24:15I'll be right with you.
00:24:18Does, uh, she know anything about calculus,
00:24:21or are you just gonna take the 50 bucks an hour and have a party?
00:24:24Dad, she's got a degree.
00:24:26I don't know. Here, give her a try.
00:24:29All right.
00:24:32Vicki, would it be okay if I just asked you a question or two
00:24:38just to make sure you know you're up on this material?
00:24:41He's going to ask her a question or two.
00:24:44Uh, sure.
00:24:46All right, here.
00:24:48If 3a over 5 represents the change in force applied to a moving object,
00:24:52what equation represents its momentum?
00:24:58Oh, hold on, Ellen.
00:25:063 fifths times the integral of a.
00:25:15We're gonna be late for dinner. You guys have fun.
00:25:18I guess I was expecting someone a little more...
00:25:24Are you kidding? Todd is gonna work his butt off to impress a woman like that.
00:25:29Do you really think she's that attractive?
00:25:32For me, no.
00:25:34No, but I'm just thinking from Todd's perspective.
00:25:36You see, she's older, she's more sophisticated,
00:25:39and that can be very appealing if you, you know, if you go for that sort of thing.
00:25:45I don't go for that sort of thing.
00:25:50Okay. I thought we'd start off with your last test and see what went in.
00:25:56What are you doing?
00:25:58I'm sure I've got this right.
00:26:02I don't know.
00:26:07I have no idea what you just said.
00:26:14Cosine over sine is sine of the cosine.
00:26:19Do you have anything to drink?
00:26:21Oh, sure. Let's see what we have.
00:26:25Uh, well, we've got lemonade and chocolate milk.
00:26:30Uh, would scotch be possible?
00:26:36Scotch would be so possible. Just one second.
00:26:44So what else do you do, Todd Boomer with two O's?
00:26:48I don't know. Drawing.
00:26:52I draw a comic for the school paper.
00:26:56Maybe it sounds a little silly, but...
00:27:01No, it sounds great.
00:27:05What? I'm not supposed to be up here?
00:27:08Oh, no. No, stay, please.
00:27:24Oh, that's my meat. My meatloaf.
00:27:28Oh, I should let you have your dinner.
00:27:30Oh, no. No. I mean, I'm not even going to eat any of it.
00:27:33There's no meat in it. It's just loaf.
00:27:38No, actually, I should get home.
00:27:43You're really leaving?
00:27:45Yes, I'm really leaving, Todd.
00:27:49Well, thanks for your help.
00:27:54It kind of felt good to be, um...
00:27:57You know, I'm just glad I could help.
00:28:01So, why don't you give me a call after you finish the next chapter?
00:28:06All right?
00:28:16There's only three things I need to survive.
00:28:19Computer, tunes, food.
00:28:23And women.
00:28:25Hey, women will make the list someday.
00:28:28As soon as I learn how to speak to them without my tongue inflating.
00:28:34So, come on. What happened?
00:28:36We did calculus. And that's it?
00:28:38Yeah. I mean, it was probably the best calculus ever.
00:28:41It made me want to have a cigarette afterwards, but it was just calculus.
00:28:45Ooh, I love what you've done with the place.
00:28:47Bite me.
00:28:49Paul! Paul, where are you?
00:28:52Please, get in here right now!
00:28:55Note the beauty of the fully integrated tool-shed audio system.
00:29:09Paul! Get in here!
00:29:16Mr. Bodine, trawling the murky depths.
00:29:20Mr. Freed, bottom feeding. Again.
00:29:23Mr. Faber, smooth sailing. As always.
00:29:27Mr. Boomer, getting the wind back in your sails. Keep it up.
00:29:31Mr. McAdams, failing.
00:29:55Uh, hello.
00:29:57Vicki. Hey, Todd.
00:29:59Oh, hi. How are you?
00:30:03Hey, we got an 89 on this week's quiz.
00:30:07Yeah, I mean, we're in this together, right?
00:30:10Uh, okay.
00:30:13So, uh, think you could come by later?
00:30:19I'll drown without you. We're talking Titanic here.
00:30:23Okay, how about six?
00:30:26Great. I'll see you later.
00:30:32Hey. Oh, hey.
00:30:33How goes it? Goes good.
00:30:36Ooh, look at that.
00:30:38So I guess the tutor's working out, huh?
00:30:40Yeah, she's great.
00:30:42I mean, she's actually hideous. Really ugly and fat.
00:30:44Got that white foam stuff.
00:30:46That's gross.
00:30:47But she's effective.
00:30:48Well, that's all that counts.
00:30:50Oh, I gotta go to history.
00:30:52Oh, well, those who fail to go to history...
00:30:55Are doomed to repeat it.
00:30:57Oh, don't forget, it's diner night tonight.
00:30:59Oh, I can't make it. I gotta keep cranking, you know.
00:31:05Is something wrong?
00:31:10I don't know. You just, you seem, you seem kind of off.
00:31:14I'm sorry. Look, I'll try to get on more.
00:31:16I promise, you know, it's just...
00:31:19Man with a mission.
00:31:34Are you ready for your next lesson?
00:31:38My parents are downstairs.
00:31:57Shout ahead.
00:31:58You are... not here.
00:32:00Where are you? It's diner night.
00:32:02Oh, sorry, I can't make it.
00:32:04Vicky's coming over. Didn't Kirsten tell you?
00:32:07She's not here. I guess without the main attraction.
00:32:11Well, maybe I can stop by later.
00:32:19Well, I think maybe you should stop one medication
00:32:22before you start another.
00:32:25Oh, just a sec.
00:32:28Todd's tutor is here.
00:32:33Hey, there you are.
00:32:36Do you like hockey?
00:32:37Because there is a great game coming up.
00:32:39Bruins Leafs.
00:32:40Oh, I don't know much about it.
00:32:42Well, sit down, sit down.
00:32:43I'll explain the whole thing to you.
00:32:45Jack is forgetting that Vicky is here to work with Todd.
00:32:48Right, right.
00:32:49Um, he's upstairs.
00:32:51Probably quieter up there.
00:32:53I'll go find him.
00:32:56That's a nice girl, huh?
00:33:07Is this pool?
00:33:10It's coming up.
00:33:14Wild room.
00:33:17I'll just have a seat.
00:33:18I've got a chair.
00:33:24These are great.
00:33:26You did these?
00:33:29You're very good.
00:33:32You like them?
00:33:33Yeah, especially this one.
00:33:36Here, take it.
00:33:49Here's your stack, favor.
00:33:51Thanks, Hank.
00:33:53Take that.
00:33:58Guess who?
00:34:00Cindy Club, and you came back.
00:34:04Yeah, well, it's just me.
00:34:06Sorry to disappoint you.
00:34:07Well, I'm thrilled.
00:34:08I didn't think you'd make the trip.
00:34:10Are you kidding?
00:34:11Of course.
00:34:12I thought maybe without Todd.
00:34:15Oh, well, I guess he's all wrapped up
00:34:18in his calculus thing, right?
00:34:20Uh, yeah.
00:34:22He's obsessed.
00:34:26So next time we'll start with the new stuff.
00:34:29Do you think you could, uh,
00:34:31give me a ride to the diner?
00:34:34Um, sure.
00:34:36I owe you one.
00:34:40You made this?
00:34:44I'd like to see the rest of your work.
00:34:46Oh, I don't really show my art.
00:34:48Well, can it really be considered art
00:34:50if you don't show it to anybody?
00:34:52I mean, isn't that more like therapy or something?
00:34:55You're right.
00:34:57I'll think about it.
00:35:01I'm just gonna have a plain old burger.
00:35:04Mmm, that sounds good.
00:35:06Meanwhile, I get around someone I can't...
00:35:09I mean, I'd like to impress, like Kim.
00:35:13And my brain just fills with trail mix, you know?
00:35:17I mean, I just can't do it.
00:35:19Oh, come on, don't worry about Kim.
00:35:21You'll do fine.
00:35:23Yeah, I mean, I'm sure she'll be fine.
00:35:26Yeah, I mean, it's different with you.
00:35:34Hey, there's Faber.
00:35:40Who's... who's that?
00:35:42I'm not sure.
00:35:44Well, she seems sure.
00:35:46Faber, Vicki, from the car the other night.
00:35:50Sure, sure.
00:35:52Um, Vicki, this is Kirsten.
00:35:54Kirsten, this is Vicki.
00:35:58Todd was hoping you'd still be here.
00:36:00Todd's here?
00:36:02Yeah, sorry, uh, Vicki is Todd's tutor.
00:36:05I should have said that.
00:36:07Hi, guys.
00:36:13So you met Vicki?
00:36:16Although I didn't see any foam in the corners of her mouth, Todd.
00:36:23Is that something I said?
00:36:24No, it's my fault.
00:36:26I'll be right back.
00:36:30Kirsten, look, there's nothing going on.
00:36:32She's just helping me in calculus.
00:36:34Well, then why lie to me?
00:36:36What, I'm not mature enough to handle that your tutor's attractive?
00:36:39Give me a break, Todd.
00:36:42I don't know why I lied.
00:36:46Kirsten, come on.
00:36:47Just forget it.
00:37:46Is she pissed? And has she said anything?
00:37:52No, not really.
00:37:54I mean, I know I screwed things up with Kirsten, but Vicki's just...
00:37:58I love this.
00:38:00You gathered the wood, built the fire, climbed into the pot,
00:38:04and now, surprise, surprise, you're cooked.
00:38:06Hi, Paul.
00:38:08See you in class.
00:38:15Why does my life seem like a bad puppet show compared to yours?
00:38:25Go away, go away, go away.
00:38:29Oh, thank God.
00:38:31I hate Goalie.
00:38:33I mean, Vicki's talented, she's smart, she's beautiful.
00:38:36So Kirsten is, what, lower on the food chain?
00:38:40No. No.
00:38:44I don't know.
00:38:46Heads up.
00:38:53Nice stop, Pele.
00:38:56I'm a natural athlete.
00:38:59Oh, God.
00:39:15Oh, God. Oh, God.
00:39:29Oh, God.
00:39:34Well, has he said anything to you?
00:39:38Uh, no, not really.
00:39:46I'm sure he said something to you,
00:39:49but you're just being loyal to your friend, which I understand.
00:39:52Well, you're my friend, too.
00:39:58You're a sweetheart.
00:40:00Give me a hug.
00:40:02I don't think so.
00:40:04Look out!
00:40:10Somebody want to get that?
00:40:16Where are you... Faber?
00:40:18This'll come out with club soda.
00:40:20Mr. Todd Boomer?
00:40:22Nice to meet you.
00:40:24Nice to meet you. You're next.
00:40:26Uh, no, no. Oh, right.
00:40:29Not until the interviewer sits or he invites you to sit.
00:40:32Invites you, right. You got it.
00:40:34I've looked over your application to Harvard,
00:40:37but what can you tell me about yourself
00:40:39that I'm not gonna find on this piece of paper?
00:40:42Well, I value friendship.
00:40:44Mm-hmm. I value honesty.
00:40:48What about your, uh... what about your passions?
00:40:54I really love breasts.
00:40:56It doesn't really matter the size.
00:40:58You just don't want to do this. Is that right?
00:41:00Dad, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Relax.
00:41:02Dad, come on.
00:41:06What about your passions?
00:41:10Uh, drawing.
00:41:14I really love to draw.
00:41:16I draw a comic strip for the school newspaper,
00:41:19and, uh, I don't know, it sounds funny,
00:41:22but, uh, that's when I feel the most me, you know?
00:41:29I feel really proud when I create something.
00:41:36That's great. That's great.
00:41:41All right, the boat is traveling a distance of 200 yards
00:41:44at 25 feet per second.
00:41:47What is the rate of change of the angle of deflection?
00:41:50No. No, no, no.
00:41:52Come on, come on, come on. Somebody new for a change.
00:41:59The rate of change is...
00:42:04.04 radians.
00:42:06Yes! Three-pointer at the buzzer.
00:42:08Recommendation's looking better.
00:42:10Everybody see that?
00:42:12Now, if the boat continues at 35 feet per second...
00:42:19Vicki. Hi, it's Todd.
00:42:21Oh, hi, Todd. I was just thinking about you.
00:42:24You were?
00:42:26Uh, look, I-I had a really good time the other night.
00:42:30I mean, I mean, we got some really good work done.
00:42:33Yeah. Oh, and did you, uh, work everything out with Kirsten?
00:42:37Uh, Kirsten? Uh, no, not really.
00:42:41Look, um, are we still...
00:42:44Look, um, are we still on for tonight?
00:42:47Yeah, yeah, and, um, actually,
00:42:50I've been thinking about what you said about showing my art.
00:42:54And, uh, why don't you come over here?
00:43:00Yeah, it's 12 Chatham Lane. How about 6?
00:43:03Uh, sure, great, great. Uh, I'll see you then.
00:43:07Okay, bye. Bye.
00:43:15But, Ellen, I thought they stopped doing shock therapy years ago.
00:43:20It sounds drastic.
00:43:22I gotta go to Vicki's. I'm late. Bye.
00:43:24No, wait!
00:43:26Todd is going to his tutor's, and I don't know why.
00:43:30Oh, see, she has to take care of her dog. It's having puppies. Bye.
00:43:33Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey!
00:43:37Is Mr. Mueller writing that recommendation?
00:43:39It's not me on the record.
00:43:41Is Mr. Mueller writing that recommendation?
00:43:43It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
00:43:47It's not beyond the realm of possibility?
00:43:51He was wearing cologne.
00:44:12Wow. You did all of this?
00:44:19I can't believe you go through all this effort and you don't have shows.
00:44:22Nah, it's just for me.
00:44:25I mean, I'd love to show my work,
00:44:27but people might hate it or think I was crazy or something.
00:44:31I don't think you're crazy.
00:44:35My husband certainly does.
00:44:40You two don't get along, do you?
00:44:44Well, let's put it this way.
00:44:48What, have you spent about a minute in here with me?
00:44:54That's about a minute and a half longer than he's ever spent.
00:45:00Why do you stay?
00:45:04Why do you stay?
00:45:09That's a good question.
00:45:13Could we not talk about this?
00:45:18No, you should think about it, though.
00:45:23Well, anyway.
00:45:27Wait, I have something for you.
00:45:35Here, a present.
00:45:39A present? For me?
00:45:44For letting me help you.
00:45:47Shouldn't I be giving you the present?
00:45:49Come on, open it.
00:45:53It's Boney D.
00:45:55Did you make this?
00:46:03Wow, thank you.
00:46:05This is amazing, thank you.
00:46:17Of course not.
00:46:20So, Todd, what is the big fascination with Harvard?
00:46:24I mean, I thought you told me your passion was drawing.
00:46:28Most people wish they had something they could get excited about.
00:46:33I mean, you shouldn't waste that.
00:46:38Look who's talking.
00:46:49Oh, so you're going to play like that now, are you?
00:46:51No, you're not.
00:46:53No, you're not.
00:46:54Oh, you did.
00:46:56Oh, well, dog.
00:47:00Hey, I got an idea.
00:47:04What are you doing?
00:47:06I'm turning you into your alter ego, Boney D.
00:47:10Oh, man.
00:47:11Okay, now bark.
00:47:22Big, deep bark.
00:47:51Hey, you better go now.
00:47:55Parents might not believe you wanted to spend extra time doing calculus.
00:48:09You know, never thought I would say this, but...
00:48:17I really love math.
00:48:27I better go.
00:48:44It was... I don't know.
00:48:46I just see life so differently now.
00:48:49Oh, I'm sure you do.
00:48:50You just slept with somebody's wife.
00:48:52No, it's not like that.
00:48:53It's really not.
00:48:54I'm really into her.
00:48:56I wouldn't get too deep, Todd.
00:48:59We'll talk about this tomorrow.
00:49:00No, it's...
00:49:01Look, I've heard this guy is really awful to her.
00:49:04I mean, I'm not going to feel bad about this.
00:49:08No, no, as long as you feel good.
00:49:10That's all that matters.
00:49:12Jealous much?
00:49:14That has nothing...
00:49:15Just forget it.
00:49:16I thought you would be excited for me.
00:49:18Come on.
00:49:20We're friends, right?
00:49:24I got to get home, man.
00:49:25My parents are going to freak out.
00:49:29You should be happy for him.
00:49:43He's gone.
00:49:50I'm sorry.
00:49:59I'm sorry.
00:50:28Hey, wake up.
00:50:32Oh, I have to call my mom.
00:50:33She's going to be insane.
00:50:35I'm sorry.
00:50:36I should have woken you up last night.
00:50:39Oh, no, no.
00:50:40No, it's okay.
00:50:41I'm glad you didn't.
00:50:43She'll get over it.
00:50:45What are you doing?
00:50:48Morning breath.
00:50:50I know, me too.
00:50:53I got to go.
00:51:28Hey, mind if I join you?
00:51:53Kirsten, what's wrong?
00:51:55Todd, don't even start.
00:51:57Wait, let's talk about this.
00:51:59You figure you're just going to let me blow in the breeze,
00:52:00and if I blew away, well, then good.
00:52:02You won't have to deal with me anymore.
00:52:03Is that it?
00:52:04I don't know what you're so upset about.
00:52:05Because you fucked your math tutor and you lied to me.
00:52:27You told Kirsten about Vicky.
00:52:39I didn't tell her.
00:52:40Then how did she know?
00:52:42You told her.
00:52:44What is that supposed to mean?
00:52:51She was in my room when you came by last night.
00:52:56Well, why didn't you tell me?
00:53:01What, you snaked Kirsten?
00:53:03I didn't snake her.
00:53:04Nothing has happened yet.
00:53:09What's that supposed to mean?
00:53:10Nice ethics, nice friend?
00:53:11Hey, you blew her off for some fantasy,
00:53:14and you didn't even have the decency to tell her.
00:53:17I didn't know it was over.
00:53:18I didn't know it was going to happen between me and Vicky.
00:53:20I didn't know that.
00:53:24What the hell is going on here?
00:53:27You girls want to fight, take it outside.
00:53:30You can make yourselves useful.
00:53:31My car's parked out front in the tow-way.
00:53:32Keep an eye on it.
00:53:34All right?
00:53:35I'll be right back.
00:53:36Yes, sir.
00:53:43Since when do you start pushing people in the halls?
00:53:45When did you forget who your best friend is?
00:53:47I can't believe you're lecturing me about ethics.
00:53:50Oh, my God.
00:53:53Oh, my God.
00:53:54That's Vicky's car.
00:53:57Oh, my God.
00:53:58Oh, my God.
00:54:02This is...
00:54:03This is...
00:54:05This is a 66.
00:54:07Corvette Stingray, gentlemen.
00:54:08Don't touch.
00:54:10Nice car, sir.
00:54:12She's a beauty.
00:54:13Yeah, she's my lucky charm.
00:54:15And I'm feeling lucky today.
00:54:16Check these babies out.
00:54:20You want to catch me some dinner at the reservoir?
00:54:23Four dark.
00:54:24See you tomorrow, boys.
00:54:31I think I need to sit down.
00:54:44I guess you won't be getting the Harvard recommendation now.
00:55:12You know, what if he was here?
00:55:14He's not here.
00:55:20Mrs. Mueller.
00:55:26How could you not tell me?
00:55:30I don't know.
00:55:33Didn't seem to matter at first.
00:55:38What are we gonna do?
00:55:43I can't be with you.
00:55:46I know.
00:56:01How could you marry...
00:56:09What, he's not funny?
00:56:15He wasn't always like that.
00:56:24I should probably go.
00:56:36Get behind the shelves!
00:56:43Hey, hey, hey.
00:56:44Quit working on that crap for a minute.
00:56:47Look what I got.
00:56:56I'll just clean this up in the utility sink.
00:56:59I can't.
00:57:00Wait a while.
00:57:01I'm not really that hungry.
00:57:02You're not hungry?
00:57:03I'm starved.
00:57:04Reheat yours later.
00:57:07Boy, I'm telling you, this bait was incredible.
00:57:10I could have cleaned out the entire reservoir.
00:57:13Oh, yeah.
00:57:20Mr. Shermer, the earth science yahoo at school,
00:57:23gave me these things called dops and flies.
00:57:25Sounds great.
00:57:27Yeah, they start off as these ugly little...
00:57:31Christ, woman, watch yourself.
00:57:36No, I just lost my balance.
00:57:40Yeah, okay.
00:57:43Tell you what, why don't I grill these?
00:57:45That way I don't have to worry about you screwing them up.
00:57:54Oh, one other thing.
00:57:58There's a kid in my calculus class, Todd Boomer.
00:58:03I'm gonna write him a recommendation,
00:58:05but my printer's screwed up.
00:58:06Where's your old typewriter?
00:58:07Uh, I'll be in in a second and help you find it.
00:58:17I think I will call next time.
00:59:00Hey, hey.
00:59:18Good night.
00:59:20Oh, good night, Dad.
00:59:24You seem pretty miserable tonight.
00:59:26You all right?
00:59:29What, are you worried about the interview tomorrow?
00:59:31Forget about it.
00:59:33You are going to be great.
00:59:35Great, great, great.
00:59:38Actually, that's the least of my worries.
00:59:42Want to talk about it?
00:59:44I wouldn't know where to begin.
00:59:46Come on, give me a try.
00:59:47That's what I'm here for.
00:59:49Hit it.
00:59:53I slept with someone's wife,
00:59:54and now I'm afraid he might find me and kill me.
00:59:59I thought you said you had a problem.
01:00:04Yanking my chain, aren't you?
01:00:06Well, Dad, of course I am.
01:00:09Of course.
01:00:11I'll see you.
01:00:16Um, remember when I told you that I, uh,
01:00:21value friendship and honesty?
01:00:27I meant that.
01:00:29I knew you did.
01:00:32Well, um...
01:00:37you've screwed up before, right?
01:00:41No, I never have.
01:00:43No, I mean it.
01:00:46Yeah, once or twice.
01:00:51Well, all I can tell you is, at the end of the day,
01:00:55it's, uh, just you.
01:00:58So I would, uh, face up to it.
01:01:01Whatever it is.
01:01:03There's a guarantee of it.
01:01:05The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
01:01:09Does that help?
01:01:11Yeah, it does.
01:01:13Thanks, Dad.
01:01:17You're gonna kill him.
01:01:19You're gonna murder him.
01:01:21You're gonna massacre him.
01:01:25Ten thousand men of Harvard want victory.
01:01:31Your transcript and scores.
01:01:35Well, um, everything appears to be in order, Todd.
01:01:40Good grades, good SATs,
01:01:43some interesting activities.
01:01:46I'll tell you, I-I am a bit hazy on one point.
01:01:51Yes, sir?
01:01:53It says here that you are fucking your math teacher's wife.
01:01:58Is that right?
01:02:13Mr. Boomer.
01:02:15Oh, Mr. Mueller.
01:02:17Scared me there.
01:02:18Big day today, huh?
01:02:20Harvard interview?
01:02:22Yes, sir.
01:02:24I wanted to catch you before class.
01:02:26Did you have something you wanted to tell me?
01:02:29What was that, sir?
01:02:32Found this at my house last night.
01:02:35Any ideas how it got there?
01:02:37Uh, you and my wife?
01:02:40Uh, well, you see, um...
01:02:42And you honestly thought I wouldn't catch on?
01:02:48Okay, that's a mistake.
01:02:51I-I'm really sorry. I made a mistake.
01:02:53No, no, Boomer, you made two mistakes.
01:02:57A 98.
01:02:59Ha! I can't believe you actually thought
01:03:01you could get tutored by my wife and I wouldn't find out.
01:03:04Yeah, that was pretty silly. I mean...
01:03:07Yeah, well, I'm...
01:03:09Frankly, I'm-I'm glad to know where she's been.
01:03:12Anyway, look,
01:03:14I know you wanted me to think you got there on your own.
01:03:17It's okay to get a little help on the side.
01:03:19The show's initiative.
01:03:21I'm impressed, Boomer.
01:03:24Well, uh, I hoped you would be, sir.
01:03:27In fact,
01:03:29I decided to write that recommendation for you.
01:03:36Thank you. Thank you so much, sir.
01:03:39Don't tank on the final.
01:03:41Absolutely not.
01:03:45She's good, isn't she?
01:03:51She's the best, sir.
01:03:57Oh, thanks, man.
01:03:59You're welcome.
01:04:31Is everybody afraid to sit next to you
01:04:33after yesterday's scene?
01:04:35Well, not everyone.
01:04:37No, I'm a fearless man.
01:04:43I, uh,
01:04:45wanted to speak with you
01:04:47after the other night.
01:04:51I really appreciate you being there for me.
01:04:59I thought we should talk about
01:05:04Is there an us?
01:05:09I'd like there to be.
01:05:16Shall we us?
01:05:25you know I think you're the greatest.
01:05:28You know, if I was gonna us with anyone,
01:05:32it would be you.
01:05:34But I really need some time alone,
01:05:37you know, for a while.
01:05:39Just for now.
01:05:44It would kill me to lose you as a friend.
01:05:49It would never happen.
01:06:03Mr. Bodine, your brain could easily be mistaken
01:06:06for a can of tuna.
01:06:08And, Miss O'Brien,
01:06:10two words describe your semester.
01:06:12Wanna guess?
01:06:14Brain dead.
01:06:17People, let me make something clear.
01:06:21I'm not happy when you're having trouble.
01:06:24It pains me.
01:06:26Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.
01:06:30So, why do I come down on you so hard?
01:06:34Because fear motivates.
01:06:39Case in point, Mr. Boomer here.
01:06:41Six weeks ago, he was flushing a near-perfect high school record.
01:06:45I rattled his cage. Now look at him.
01:06:48Second highest grade this quiz.
01:06:50Poised to go to the school of his choice.
01:06:53So, if I tick you off, good.
01:06:58Use that.
01:07:00Prove that I'm wrong. Make me eat my words.
01:07:03Work harder.
01:07:05We'll both be happy.
01:07:07BELL RINGS
01:07:28Mr. Mueller?
01:07:33I appreciate what you said about me in class today.
01:07:36Don't let it go to your head.
01:07:40The point is that, uh,
01:07:42I really don't agree with the way you treat students.
01:07:46That's your prerogative?
01:07:49People don't deserve to be treated that way.
01:07:52Your wife taught me that.
01:08:00Todd, Vicki may be good with math,
01:08:03but I wouldn't take any life lessons from her.
01:08:21You slept with her, didn't you?
01:08:29Vicki. You slept with her.
01:09:13BELL RINGS
01:09:19Hi, this is Vicki.
01:09:23I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
01:09:25Vicki, it's Todd. Pick up the phone.
01:09:27Vicki, I told him. I didn't mean to, but it just came out.
01:09:29I told him I'm sorry, Vicki.
01:09:31Get out of there right now. If you can hear this, if you get this message,
01:09:33get the hell out of there, please, right now. Get out.
01:09:45Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
01:09:48BELL RINGS
01:10:01Hi, honey. I'm home.
01:10:06Rough day at the office?
01:10:10Oh, same old, same old.
01:10:12Some kid slept with my wife!
01:10:18Watch out!
01:10:20I'm sorry.
01:10:22Oh, you're sorry?
01:10:28One of my students, Vicki!
01:10:30You ruined my life.
01:10:32Now you're trying to ruin my career.
01:10:34Roy, stop it!
01:10:39Stop it!
01:10:46Look who's here.
01:10:48Uh, Mary Poppins.
01:10:52Mary, you fucked up.
01:10:55Never open an umbrella indoors. It's bad luck.
01:10:59Very bad luck.
01:11:01Okay, just relax, Mr. Miller, okay? Just relax.
01:11:04Wait, Todd, this is between me and Roy.
01:11:07Between me, too.
01:11:09Oh, boy, I underestimated you, huh, Homer?
01:11:14I thought I had you all figured out.
01:11:16You didn't have the brains or the guts
01:11:18to go to Harvard or anything else.
01:11:20But you're gifted.
01:11:22Mm, you're a genius.
01:11:24Tutoring was just the tip of it.
01:11:26You proved your scores
01:11:28and scored with my wife,
01:11:30all without me knowing it.
01:11:32And then I write you that recommendation for Harvard.
01:11:37That's genius!
01:11:40Yeah, you're... you're a wizard.
01:11:43You're a mastermind.
01:11:46You must be very proud.
01:11:51Now shake my hand.
01:11:57Shut up.
01:12:00Don't put this behind us.
01:12:18I'm sorry.
01:12:21Is he gone?
01:12:25You were really brave back there.
01:12:30I thought your choice in weapons was a little weak.
01:12:33Well, you know, if you were to spit at us...
01:12:43I'm sorry.
01:12:47I'm actually grateful.
01:12:51I should have gotten out of this a long time ago.
01:12:55What are you gonna do now?
01:13:02I think I'm gonna try New York.
01:13:05Try this art thing.
01:13:17I'm gonna miss you.
01:13:29Here. A souvenir.
01:13:32What's this?
01:13:34Your Harvard recommendation.
01:13:46What time is it?
01:13:48I don't know. Around three.
01:13:50Why don't you go get some sleep?
01:13:52I'm gonna miss you.
01:13:54I'm gonna miss you too.
01:13:56At three?
01:13:58My interview's at four.
01:14:10I'll come visit you in New York.
01:14:12Good luck.
01:14:27Watch out. Come through.
01:14:31Todd Boomer.
01:14:35Did Todd Boomer check in yet?
01:14:37No, not yet.
01:14:43Todd Boomer.
01:14:45I got a present.
01:14:47Okay. Need a minute?
01:14:50No, no, no. I'm fine.
01:14:52Okay. Come on in.
01:14:57Calculus teacher.
01:15:03Todd, looks like you're having a pretty tough day.
01:15:06No, I'm fine, really.
01:15:18Well, I've gone over your stats,
01:15:22and everything looks...
01:15:27But I'll be honest.
01:15:30You're not a typical Harvard candidate.
01:15:35I don't see you making the top five of your class.
01:15:39Not unless the chess club has some horrible accident, no.
01:15:46Todd, let me ask you something.
01:15:50Why do you want to go to Harvard?
01:15:55I guess my dad and I have always had a plan that way, you know?
01:15:59He looks up to the students here as something special.
01:16:05What I'm getting at is...
01:16:09why do you want to go to Harvard?
01:16:13Look, um...
01:16:16I've been pointed here like a compass my whole life.
01:16:21And now that I'm here...
01:16:25Look, I know Harvard is a great school.
01:16:28I mean, it's the greatest, right?
01:16:31But, um...
01:16:34I don't know.
01:16:37I don't know.
01:16:40It's, uh...
01:16:43I'm really not quite so sure it's for me.
01:17:03Okay, I'm ready.
01:17:05Now, just remember, eye contact, posture, smile, right?
01:17:09Firm handshake is all you need.
01:17:11Hey, Dad, thanks. I know. Thank you.
01:17:40Hey, how'd it go, buddy?
01:17:48Oh, my God, what happened to you?
01:17:51I got punched.
01:17:53Hang on, Alan. Todd got punched at his Harvard interview.
01:17:56I didn't get punched at the interview, Mom.
01:17:58No, wait, that's wrong.
01:18:00I got punched at the interview.
01:18:02I got punched at the interview.
01:18:05I didn't get punched at the interview, Mom.
01:18:07No, wait, that's wrong. Hang on.
01:18:10I need to talk to you for a second.
01:18:15It's, uh, pretty important.
01:18:18Hey, Dad! Hey, Dad!
01:18:23You said it was important.
01:18:28I don't really know how to tell you guys this.
01:18:32You don't want to go to Harvard, do you?
01:18:40I was thinking about applying to an art school.
01:18:49I should let you two discuss this.
01:18:55Can I ask you a question?
01:18:58Can I ask you a question?
01:19:01Why didn't you tell me about this before?
01:19:04Why didn't you tell me last night?
01:19:08I don't think I really knew until today.
01:19:12You're upset.
01:19:14Yeah, I am. I am upset.
01:19:18A little.
01:19:21It's your decision.
01:19:34Good, good, good.
01:19:36Oh, okay. You're doing very poorly.
01:19:39But, you know, this game was much more boring
01:19:43before they put the flippers in.
01:19:46Oh, wait. Yes. Yes.
01:19:49Here we go. All right. Bye.
01:19:51I'll be right back.
01:19:53Where are you going? Do me a favor.
01:19:55Come on. I'm on the street here.
01:19:57Okay. What's going on?
01:20:02Jesus, what happened to you?
01:20:07Did Mueller do that?
01:20:09Yeah, it's a long story.
01:20:11It's gonna be a long story.
01:20:13Did he do that?
01:20:15Yeah, it's a long story.
01:20:17It's gonna take a major pancake marathon to be told properly.
01:20:20I'll buy.
01:20:26You need to talk to Gerstner.
01:20:31All right, well,
01:20:34I'm gonna go build something. Toothpicks.
01:20:38Thanks, man. You're the best.
01:20:44So how'd you know I was here?
01:20:47Diner night.
01:20:49Oh, of course.
01:20:53So I made a decision.
01:20:59I'm not going to Harvard.
01:21:06It's a breakthrough?
01:21:09I figured that art school would be better for me.
01:21:12Yeah, I think you're right.
01:21:18That's not what I wanted to talk to you about, though.
01:21:30I guess what I wanted to say was that
01:21:34I'm really sorry.
01:21:36I know I hurt you,
01:21:38and I never meant to do that.
01:21:41I guess all I'm asking for is
01:21:45that you don't write me off as a friend.
01:21:55Never happened.
01:22:08All right.
01:22:32You know, I'm really gonna miss this spot when we're off at school.
01:22:35Yeah, me too.
01:22:37Where will we be in ten years?
01:22:40Well, you will be working on your second hundred million
01:22:44on interactive 3-D Smell-O-Vision computer games.
01:22:49The shed will be totally decked out
01:22:53with a jacuzzi and a water slide.
01:22:57Okay, and me?
01:22:59Okay, the place, New York, the event,
01:23:04and the writing of your first
01:23:07wildly successful collection of poetry.
01:23:10Wildly successful. I like that.
01:23:14What about me?
01:23:17Do you want fries with your order today, sir?
01:23:23Okay, 2008, we all meet back here and compare notes.
01:23:28What do you say?
01:23:30Never happens.
01:23:38Welcome to tomorrow
01:23:42I can't explain its truth
01:23:47All the blood upon these pages
01:23:51Takes me away from you
01:23:55But when trouble takes your spirit
01:23:59Maybe then you'll change your mind
01:24:04We're only someone's children sometimes
01:24:10And all the time the future's coming down
01:24:17I can hear the angels falling to the ground
01:24:27Yeah, I don't want to lose your voice
01:24:35Tell you I don't even want my second choice
01:24:43I can't get near it
01:24:58I'm in love with people
01:25:04But I hate them too
01:25:09I hate to see all the damage
01:25:14Being done to you
01:25:18When your eyes are broken windows
01:25:24Every time I see you smile
01:25:29It's like being back in heaven for a while
01:25:36And all the time the future's coming down
01:25:43I can hear the angels falling to the ground
01:25:52Yeah, I don't want to lose your voice
01:26:00Tell you I don't even want my second choice
01:26:08Hear me cry
01:26:11I don't want to lose your voice
01:26:17All I ever want to do now is rejoice
01:26:47© transcript Emily Beynon