Dance Moms New Era Season 1 Episode 9

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Dance Moms New Era S01E09


00:01I'm trying to create a team of stars if these kids don't pull this together
00:05She's not gonna want to take all kids to nationals in first place
00:09studio blue dance center
00:13We have one competition left before we go to nationals Gina's the only soloist I have at nationals
00:18She's the one I'm counting on Gina's messed up as much as everyone else and she maybe and she gets away with it
00:30Something sweet everything
00:40This is it
00:43It all comes down to the next two weeks we are heading to regionals in Miami, Florida this weekend
00:54And we stay in Florida and prepare for nationals in Fort Lauderdale
01:02Best teams in the country are in Florida
01:06They're just waiting for an opportunity to tell the world that they beat me that they beat teacher of the year and to take this
01:13National championship away from you guys
01:16Which brings me to last week's performance?
01:21You won but what should have been a joyful and fun number nearly put me to sleep it was flat
01:28You won because you were the best of the worst I guess
01:33That was nowheresville, Pennsylvania, what's gonna happen in Florida with the best teams in the nation
01:39Audrey you missed the back tuck
01:43And you let it affect the entire
01:46Performance after that you get in your head and you psych yourself out. I
01:51Was certain that when we started this team Audrey you were my leader
01:55But right now I'm counting on Gina to lead this team
02:01You fell apart on me this week she touched her hands down, but it's not even just about the tuck
02:08Each week there's been something
02:13I think like getting in my head's been like I think for a while
02:19Getting in my head's been like I think for a while
02:24One of you needs to prove to me you can lead this team to a national championship I
02:30Would love to be front and center for nationals
02:37Gina really want to be the leader in the team
02:43Audrey Audrey defend yourself. Do you want to be the lead of the team? Yeah
02:50Just think that like if you really want to win think you know in your heart and you know that I can do it and
02:55I will do it. This is the last week. You have one more week to show me that
03:01On to the pyramid the bottom row
03:09Smiley doing the steps is just not enough Smiley
03:13And I can't keep making the same corrections to you next on the bottom
03:21Lily this song was so fast and required so much energy and
03:27Just behind
03:30Next on the bottom row
03:32Bellatrix Bellatrix you were front and center and I was bored last on the bottom row
03:43Gave you a wow moment and you got in your head and you choked
03:51You can't let something like that affect the rest of your performance, especially when you're front and center second row
04:02Layla I
04:04Need great Layla all the time. I'm going to work
04:08Really really hard this week. I've heard the song before but I'm gonna hold you to it next on the second row
04:20You gave a good performance in the group. You had face you had energy
04:24You had some mistakes in your solo you covered them because you're a performer Ashlyn
04:30last on the second row
04:33Gina you gave a great performance in the group. I
04:38Still want you to work harder at other styles besides pretty
04:43and on the top row I
04:50Gave you something that you're not used to doing and you ran with it
04:54And I think you did a good job, especially given what happened that morning and you were so upset and arguing with your mom
05:00You don't need to cry me now
05:02Crying make the makeup needed redo it again
05:05To come back from that and give that performance was pretty incredible
05:10I'd like to move on
05:14We'll be performing a group with just five of you this week
05:21The five dancers in this group will be the five best technical dancers on the team
05:33I'll trick step forward
05:40Layla step forward
05:43Audrey step forward
05:55Gina step forward
06:05Trying something different
06:07But there will also be a second group this week
06:11Which all of you will be dancing in?
06:17Don't make me regret that these two groups will be competing against each other
06:25I've been very clear. You might not all be dancing at nationals
06:30I'm looking for the magic formula
06:35This week I'm testing out two different groups so I can get some clarity on who might be able to win me that national title
06:43Hopefully putting together my five strongest technical dancers will guarantee a win at regionals and that will be my lineup for nationals
06:51I'm giving everyone an opportunity, but I'm also putting my best foot forward
06:56Whoever brings me a win at regionals will be dancing at nationals
07:01Moms, you can leave we have a lot of work to do
07:05Well, I really wanted to be in both group dances
07:07I wonder if my school is like trying to figure out like if that group dance is really good
07:11It's like they should be the only ones going for nationals
07:14That makes me feel really left out because I've trained basically my whole life to dance at nationals
07:20She's acting like we don't have any technique
07:23The bottom line is that you guys have to kill it in this group dance, there's there's no other way
07:29So you guys know what's at stake this is your last dance before nationals you guys got one chance
07:44the group dance is
07:46Called heart stopper. It's inspired by the TV series
07:50It's about two girls in love, but people don't want them to be in love. It's real life
07:55People sometimes question what they don't understand. I applaud glow for this. This is I do this is brave
08:02Mm-hmm. There'll be two girls in love and the rest of you will be the bullies and
08:08Not really excited for them and their relationship and not supportive
08:12Excited for them and their relationship and not supportive
08:16Who are the two girls in love the two leads of the dance will be smiley and Lily
08:28It's what you've wanted is what your moms have wanted for you all season
08:33I'm giving you guys a chance
08:34I want you to lead this team to a group win, but you're gonna have to put in the work
08:38You guys are gonna have to work together. You can count on us and we can handle the pressure. We're gonna work really hard
08:43I think you will
08:45I've been wanting smiley to have an opportunity like this all season and I feel like they should take this and run
08:53Yeah, can you start performing it like you're young and happy?
08:57And in love we're all in love with something in life
09:01Five six seven eight and one two three, but where's your face on?
09:10Seven eight one two, three four
09:15Okay, that's why Lee those have to be articulated you're just your legs are just going now like a sloth it's and push and push
09:26It makes no sense that these are our leads going into regionals Ashlyn is our best shot at a win
09:33She has that spark that Lillian smiley cannot match
09:38Everyone has to do their job and everyone has to make the corrections now
09:44Make me believe that this team can do it
09:53Ashlyn I need a backup. You can be replaced any time
09:59Suddenly you're getting heated when you saw my girl and they're learning her part
10:04You two are competing for the lead and the dance at nationals
10:15Six chances Riley messing up has nothing to do with Ashlyn stop taking everything and making it about you
10:20I'm not
10:32We try the whole thing
10:37Is it out oh my god go go go go no go to the bathroom and spit out
10:41I mean, you're not gonna die. I just don't want blood all over the floor
10:51I saw you not a focus on dance. You just you know, you found a mirror. I don't know. What did you do?
10:57It's here is here
11:00Focus shut it down
11:02Five of you I'm counting on you to pull this together
11:06This dance it's called explosions in the sky. There are kids all over the world who are
11:14in the throes of
11:15War their homes are taken away people are killed the idea behind this dance is that you guys are
11:23Kids playing outside on the 4th of July you have not a care in the world your kids
11:28Then you hear fireworks which sound like maybe bombs to you. You could be in the midst of a war
11:36We're telling a story with no words. It's through your movement. It's through your emotion and your facial expressions
11:41I know all of you have good technique. I
11:44Want to see you bring this I'm counting on this group. All right, here we go
11:50I'm looking at performance here
11:54By choreographing with these five dancers it allows me to
11:59Make this dance more difficult and technical than anything. I've done all season
12:04Wait for it. You're not sure and at the same time
12:08I'm asking these girls to tap into an emotion and a story that they don't understand never could understand Gina and
12:17This is gonna determine for me who is going to be the lead of the group at nationals
12:22I know both of you are very capable, but at this point we're dancing for our lives
12:29Ready Gina tighten up
12:32Stretch that supporting leg Gina. You need to be stronger tight tight tight tight tight squeeze
12:36Audrey don't make it so jazzy when you go under I
12:40Still don't know who's going to be the lead of the group at nationals. There are pros and cons to both Gina and Audrey
12:46I know it's a really important decision and I'm not taking it lightly and it's still up in the air
12:51To three stop. I'm counting a certain tempo and you're just turning Gina any old time you want to you can't make up your own
13:00Do it again
13:01Ready one two, three four
13:10Gina you almost did another turn count. There's four
13:18It looks like Gina isn't as perfect as Jean likes to pretend she is
13:23Gina if you're gonna lead a group at nationals, you have to fix it. She leading nothing
13:31The irony of Audrey not being reliable now Gina's not reliable
13:37Gina the only one can challenge with the Audrey be the national leader in the team not worry about it
13:44She's been behind in these groups. I mean even today
13:48She's a beat behind
13:52Hello, do you know you're late
13:54Jing she knows she can rely on Audrey
13:59Gina is only guaranteed have the solo in a national
14:04Tell me you picking Gina because Gina is the only one is a stronger in this team competing with Audrey
14:11You guys talking so nasty to the Dina as like because you
14:23Did you hear
14:34Don't be here you don't be here
14:47Of course you don't care
14:59Arms have to come to first every time Laila
15:03Let's do the turns into that five six seven and one two
15:09Three four one two three plie
15:12No, wait, like you did
15:14Shanae then plie. I really don't want to mess up and the turns
15:19They're kind of hard a lot is riding on this dance, especially for Audrey and Gina
15:24So Laila really needs to be able to keep up you're my dream team don't turn this into a nightmare
15:30I want her to show that she deserves to be a part of this dance. I'm really scared. I'm gonna blow it
15:45All right, ladies
15:47Stretch quickly. We're gonna start with heart stopper
15:50We leave tomorrow and
15:52This dance needs to look good by the end of this day
15:55These two group dances are going head-to-head at regionals and the dance with all eight girls has got to win
16:03This is Ashland's only chance at getting to dance at nationals
16:13You why are you not paying any attention to each other?
16:19You're falling off that shirt every time your leap isn't together guys all eyes are on you and you're not together
16:27Look at each other
16:29Wait, no
16:32Lily look at her
16:35Anyone else feel like glows already kind of going pretty hard
16:42Smiley you look like you're looking at the floor the entire time
16:44You have to keep those eyes up and look at Lily. You're a couple and you have to portray that
16:50I'm not putting a routine on stage. That doesn't look
16:54good, I
16:56Will not put myself in that position
17:00Ashland come over here
17:05I want you to go have
17:08Smiley and Lily teaching
17:11Their parts, okay, I want you to learn them. I don't just I need you to know both of them. Mm-hmm. Okay, okay
17:18All right, miss glow wants me to learn lead parts. I feel bad
17:21But like at the same time I really want this for me because this is giving me a better chance to like show miss glow
17:26That I can do this and I'm nationals ready and I'm trustworthy
17:30worthy I
17:31Need a backup
17:33There is a backup there. You can be replaced anytime good
17:40Think she's trying to
17:43Motivate threaten them because she's telling them they're not grasping the character and they're not doing it and this is what she's been doing
17:50I don't think so higher. I really don't think so
17:52I'm a little concerned that Ashland's learning both leads because glow has it out for me
17:59But the success of this dance completely hinges on performance. Lily's got performance
18:05She's showing it
18:06Smiley just can't get it done and everybody can see it and Dominica knows it
18:11Either of them can mess up if she'll see Ashland that she could have she should have done the lead or something
18:16I mean, I hope so, but you know Ashland's got one shot
18:20No, Ashland's had many shots
18:23well right now in this group looking for
18:27Nationals glow is looking at these two groups
18:32This is an Ashland
18:35She's giving Lily
18:37Looking at these two dances for next week
18:43What because if she did smiley probably wouldn't be on the team anymore
18:46So what are you saying? You don't think smiley should be on this team. She's not looking back at all the past week
18:51She's looking at these two dances for next week, right? And if Ashland would have done a great job last week
18:58Maybe she would be a lead or maybe she would be in the other dance, but she wasn't
19:03It's not my fault that your kid is hanging by a thread on this team every week
19:08It has to be about Ashland. And if it's not about Ashland, then she's pissed
19:12They act the exact same way every time she acts that way here and her daughter acts that way in that room
19:18Suddenly you're getting heated when you saw my girl and they're learning her part
19:22Okay, that's a good idea. I'm good friends with Ashland. We have lots of chemistry
19:28You have to go back in there and make the dance as good as you can
19:56Go farther back
19:58Do the best?
19:59Yeah, okay
20:01All right, you gotta wrap up ramp up that performance
20:05Okay, how did you feel you were doing? She I heard miss Lowe saying that you were not doing your technique
20:25Breathe what am I supposed to do? You have Ashland right behind you?
20:37I'm just like in a lot of pain. I'm really gonna push through and work really hard
20:41I'm gonna try not to give this girl a reason to have asked to replace me
20:45This is my one shot the last time that you had a shot with the solo. What happened?
20:52Okay, and this time that you have a shot what happened?
20:56You have to go back in there and make the dance as good as you can
21:02You swear to God guys you can't make this up
21:09What baby she's scared they're gonna take the part away from her stomach
21:20Whose lead role are you focusing on? Okay, that's a good idea
21:26Smiley and Lily were at the bottom of the pyramid
21:29Smiley's literally like built like a comfortable mansion down there. She hasn't moved from the bottom
21:34So once I found out that Smiley was having stomach aches and this that and the other I went and said hey
21:41Prioritize Smiley's lead role. So who knows what can happen?
21:46She was actually already focusing on Smiley's and she should
21:51Because if Smiley's not feeling well, then she should focus on Smiley's. No Smiley's fine now. Oh, she's fine now. Yeah
21:58Okay, it's a miraculous recovery then
22:03Come on let's go moms you can come
22:11Leaving tomorrow. We're going to regionals and straight to nationals. I don't have to put this on stage. I
22:18Don't have an obligation to anyone but myself and my reputation
22:25All right, let's go
22:39Open your eyes
22:49Smiley the people around you were actually outperforming you big-time
22:54Ashlyn did you say you learned Smiley's part? Yeah, okay Ashlyn to Smiley's part Smiley do what you know of her part
23:10I'm good friends with Ashlyn. It's just very natural. Yeah, we're acting we have lots of chemistry
23:36Feel a connection between the two of you and I feels real and genuine I
23:42Find myself smiling at the two of you Lillian Ashlyn you'll be doing the leads
24:02Ashlyn you need to sell this you need to perform this I
24:05feel good because I got the lead role and I feel like this is like
24:10Like another chance to show Miss glow that I'm worthy to go to nationals
24:13Miss glow said I have to be in love with Lily
24:15So what I have to do is picture her as my dog because I love my dog so much
24:21Even though my dog can't dance
24:23I don't know what happened. I'm sorry
24:27I knew this was my one chance and I didn't want to disappoint you. It's not about me. I'm sorry
24:37There's tension between me and Jimmy I don't want this to get in between our friendship
24:41It will be the lady no matter what Layla. I already see you're crying you should be
24:54I'm going to Miami, Florida. Okay, we're super excited. Let's go to Miami
25:20Really don't know how to do it
25:33All that money and dance and not a swimming lesson
26:01Get the party started that's regional to nationals
26:07You even do the
26:13Ashlyn and Lily I am so excited for you guys today. You guys are gonna be amazing leads
26:22Gotta kill this. Okay. Otherwise getting my head. Okay. All right large group. Let's go
26:32Ashlyn you have to sell this. I
26:35Have told you for weeks that I will go to nationals with a group of people that I can depend on
26:41You have a lot of work to do in this dance to impress me
26:46Or you may be sitting in the audience watching your group next week
26:52Don't make me regret this
26:54Because I'm sure
26:56Domenico have a lot of a lot to say if you miss it
26:58Why do I have a lot to say Lisa and Ashton have had a lot to say all morning?
27:02Why don't you focus on I am very much focusing on trying to make it about what's happening over here?
27:07because it really sucks that when somebody's not taking it seriously and
27:11You have somebody else that wants it really bad and they see that it really sucks and they'll be here about it's all good
27:16They look before she is taking it. Seriously. All right, do you not see her performance? Like what is happening here?
27:23She's selling the no, it's like you gave Smiley a shot and then you just ripped it away from her
27:27I don't get away from Smiley because Smiley wasn't delivering. It's not my fault that Lily and Smiley look like lesbian twins
27:34What what did you just say?
27:37Literally, they were supposed to be in love and they both look similar and it's about for me
27:42I understand what I'm trying to say is that they look so alike
27:46You're so that's your excuse for why it didn't work. You should have just made the decision from the beginning Wow
27:51So, okay the next time Dominica, I won't give her the opportunity
27:59See that the dance is elevated with Ashlyn in the front dude stop you're just whining and wasting time
28:05I am not whining. This is the only chance Ashlyn
28:11Six chances are five chance. We're talking about nationals next week. This is a musical theater jazz routine
28:18It has to be a story. She wasn't telling the story
28:21It's been about Ashlyn every single week Smiley messing up has nothing to do with Ashlyn. Stop taking everything and making it about you
28:36Come here
28:39I really wanted to sleep hard. I
28:43Think I can't more than Ashlyn she's in there with a whole bunch of moms yelling at her and I'm sure any minute
28:48She's gonna walk out of the room because she can't handle it either
29:04If I've told the girls once I've told them a thousand times the competition here in Florida is nothing like they've ever faced
29:11They need to be flawless to even have a chance at winning with this dance today and prove that they won't completely
29:17embarrass me at nationals
29:20Is it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4, huh?
29:24That's your locker. You walk. That's it. Yeah
29:27We're about to go on stage and I'm really nervous
29:30This is a really big opportunity for me because this is my audition for nationals and I really want to dance at nationals
29:36So I have to do really well don't leave until I look okay
29:39Don't we want you to type it if this dance does well
29:42Then I get to dance at nationals and that's like almost that thing that I've ever dreamed for and everything
29:46I've worked for it. I just wish I was good that I can do this and that
29:50She made the right decision on putting me in this part. Let's welcome to the stage entry number 68. This is heart stopper
30:08Let's welcome to the stage entry number 68, this is heart stopper
30:19Want to prove me wrong and that I can do the leap art and that she shouldn't have changed it
30:42That I'm shining
31:26We know that we might need them
31:31For the day
31:58Energy wasn't great. I think they were scared. I didn't believe it and I thought it was gonna be so good. I
32:06Don't know if I made a mistake switching out the leads I
32:16Have a feeling she's gonna say that we did it better that day in the yellow room when you were a lead
32:23No, I'm not gonna stop it
32:29Let's talk about the group I just didn't feel it
32:35Actually, and I feel like you looked
32:38But you were thinking way too much about the dance to perform the way you should have so
32:44To me that indicates you didn't know that dance well enough
32:47I mean she did have one day in her defense to get into the role and I
32:52Very aware of that, but I chose her because I thought she could do it
32:57So was it the right choice?
32:59Wasn't the wrong choice
33:03At this point I have dancers who I don't know we're gonna get another chance I
33:12Pulled the five of you out to do this dance. Do not let me down
33:16Remember your story our world is in a constant constant state of war
33:23You two are competing
33:24For the lead in the dance at Nationals. I'm making a decision after this dance. I
33:29I don't want this to get in between our friendship. It's not
33:40There's a little bit of tension between me and Gina cuz like we're both going head-to-head for the lead and stuff
34:03Look there's nothing about this turn that you can't fix right now
34:07What I'm saying to you is you're doing all the turns and you get to the end and this is what you're doing
34:14Let's go
34:18Regionals is a huge deal
34:20These are the five best technical dancers on the team
34:23But this could be a risk because in a smaller group any flaw becomes that much easier for the judges to see
34:34I've never been in a group dance this hard. I
34:38Just want her to keep up and show glow that she does deserve to be on this dream team
34:43But she's struggling with these turns. I'm just praying this doesn't take her down
34:48Now I'm just a little scared. She'll just get into my head
34:56If I don't do the turns I'm done, please welcome to the stage entry number 67 explosions in the sky
35:23Please welcome to the stage entry number 67 explosions in the sky
37:44Hoped on every single one
37:49Turns were off Layla and Mina were hopping so lesson learned no more turn combos as a group
37:58Acting that was amazing
38:00I'm not gonna be able to dance. Yes, you will
38:07She messed up the turns hoping they can still pull out a win, but now I'm nervous
38:26All right dancers who's ready for some awards
38:31Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna start with our 11 and under groups
38:37fourth place goes to entry 61 a change in perspective
38:43Maybe the hard stopper dance wasn't spectacular, but there weren't a lot of mistakes like there were in the five-person dance
38:53Third place
38:55Goes to entry 68 hard stopper
39:09We're gonna move to our second place
39:12glow said that
39:14Depending on who performed better in this dance between Audrey and Gina that one of them is gonna be the lead
39:19For next week and I'm concerned because Layla messed up in the dance that it's gonna hurt Audrey's chances to be the lead at Nationals
39:29Second place
39:33It's going to entry 67 explosions in the sky
39:43I'm angry. I'm furious
39:46This is embarrassing and you're a small group champion today will be entry 64
39:57This is exactly what I didn't want to happen at regionals the competition here was too good and they blew it
40:14Already see you're crying
40:16You should be
40:18Layla, you didn't even try to be tight. You just started flinging like you never took a dance class and you were never trained to turn
40:27I'm sorry that I let you down
40:30You know, I have to say Layla you did you did let me down
40:34It was really bad
40:37Gina there were two or three places where you were late because you looked to see what was next
40:46This is not how we're going to Nationals Gina you screwed up today
40:52Belichick's you screwed up today Ashlyn you let me down today
40:57Layla you let me down today Audrey you let me down today
41:02Everyone in this room had mistakes
41:08Blew it you all let me down. Do you still feel like you're five or your dream team?
41:12I don't feel like I have a dream team right now. I
41:15Don't feel like I have a dream team right now. I
41:21Don't know what we're gonna do. I have a lot to think about
41:25But right now it's not looking good for most of you. I would rather sit in my hotel room than embarrass myself again
41:35You don't have a lot to say now do you I
41:41Want to show you something
41:48Am so frustrated because I still don't have a lead for Nationals and I've been planning the most shocking dance of my career
41:56But after today's performance, I don't think that I can trust them to handle it with the care that I need them to
42:02I'm hoping that if they see the prop they'll snap out of it and
42:07Realize that next week's dance is a matter of life and death
42:16You guys what is that
42:41Play time is over a win at Nationals can change your life
42:47This week we have a rematch between Gina and Audrey both of you need to fight for this with your life
42:53Do you think you're gonna win today? Yeah, why because I'm good. I do. Why do you think you're gonna win today?
42:59It's cuz I'm great. If you don't care just go home either. We start executing
43:05Or I start executing we only get one chance
43:09Do you want that win or do you want to go home losers from Nationals?
43:13I want this win some of you might not be back next season