Dance Moms New Era Season 1 Episode 5

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Dance Moms New Era S01E05
00:00It was hell week, my star dancer is carted off on a gurney to the ER.
00:08Audrey lives with Glow.
00:10Of course, Glow's gonna treat her like her own child.
00:12We don't have Audrey.
00:14I don't know if we'll make it through the season.
00:17Every single week, Audrey's the center of some huge drama.
00:20You're here to see Glow?
00:21You can go back.
00:22Jessica sent you a message to come to the studio, so...
00:23Now she's gonna cut somebody off the team because Gina's coming.
00:25I was with Gia.
00:27Are you replacing me with Gina?
00:34I don't think the kids are really focused.
00:36I'm questioning if I even chose the right team.
00:39No first place this weekend.
00:42Our only chance of getting first place every week and at nationals is for Audrey to be
00:47back here on this team.
00:48Audrey will be dancing next week and Gina will also be dancing next week.
00:55Bringing another team member is not gonna make anything better.
00:58We all auditioned for our spot in the team and Gina auditioned, but she didn't make it.
01:14We lost our strongest dancer last week, and I wasn't prepared for that.
01:18The team wasn't prepared for that.
01:20So I need someone who can step in and fill Audrey's shoes if Audrey can't dance.
01:27Maybe I should start replacing people, just do a whole new team.
01:31I'm glad that Gina's joining, but she keeps talking about her.
01:35Gina and Jing, they've been at the studio a year and a half, and Gina is a tough competitor.
01:40She's an amazing, amazing dancer, but Layla actually scored higher than Gina in one of
01:45the title competitions.
01:46If she's on the top of the pyramid, I'm gonna flip.
01:51Everybody, let's go.
01:54I'm bringing Gina in to compete and to scare the hell out of these children.
01:59Well, this last weekend was rough.
02:02We had grown women coming to blows with physical altercation.
02:06I dare you to come at me.
02:07Stop screaming at me.
02:08Ew, stop.
02:09Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:10You're scaring me.
02:11You're out of my face.
02:13It's not okay.
02:14Physical altercation was self-defense.
02:16You will not put my hands on me again.
02:18Next time, I will call the cops on you.
02:19You won't do it.
02:20Promise, I will.
02:21You will not be here.
02:22You don't get into people's personal space like that.
02:24I'm not doing this in front of my kid.
02:26We are a disjointed hot mess.
02:30I'm trying to create a team of stars.
02:33We can't go into a competition with three routines and come out with zero first places.
02:37In six short weeks, we're going to be in Florida for nationals.
02:41I don't know if you guys know the talent that comes out of Florida.
02:45We are in no way ready for that.
02:50I had major anxiety over the instability of this team.
02:56You had anxiety?
02:57Imagine how much anxiety they also had.
02:59Then they should work harder, Roxy.
03:01You don't think they did?
03:02No, I don't, actually.
03:04I'm going to make this very clear.
03:06This is not a veiled threat.
03:08Gina will be here tomorrow to dance with you guys.
03:12There will be eight people.
03:13Eight is not an easy number to choreograph to.
03:16Odd numbers work better for formations, which means someone will be dancing in this group
03:22So one of you is going to be benched this week.
03:25I need to make this an odd number.
03:27Let's go have a nap under about eight people.
03:31It could be six, but she's going to complain about that.
03:33And it's going to be five, she'll complain about that.
03:37And she'll be like, oh, I just want my team back.
03:41So are you intending to take eight, or are you intending for Gina to come and replace
03:45I'm intending to do what I need to do to have the best team moving forward.
03:50I don't want her to join the team because Miss Close probably didn't think that we suck.
03:54Or Gina could just give the team an extra protection to never lose again.
03:58But I'm not sure if that's going to be true.
04:02On the pyramid.
04:04On the bottom row.
04:11We have Audrey.
04:12Audrey, you didn't dance.
04:14You weren't here.
04:15However, never want to see you there again.
04:19Next on the bottom.
04:23You're picking up choreography faster, but you're just always a little bit behind.
04:28We got to work on that.
04:29Don't get comfortable there.
04:30OK, don't be happy just to be on the pyramid.
04:34Next on the bottom.
04:40Too good to be there, but I need you to bring what you bring to the stage to every single
04:47Last on the bottom row.
04:52To be clear, the only reason you're even that high is because the trio plays second.
04:59Bellatrix, your technique is really good.
05:03You need to work on the performance.
05:05On the second row.
05:15The only reason you're not higher is because your trio got fourth.
05:21And we're down to two.
05:23Mina and Ashlyn.
05:25And on the top of the pyramid.
05:37I saw absolutely how hard you worked, and I'm super proud of you.
05:42And I want you to continue doing that.
05:45Oh wait, sorry.
05:46Who's this on the second row?
05:51You know, you're eight years old, and your technique is amazing.
05:54But your heart was not in that trio last week.
05:57And you need to be open to all styles of dance, OK?
06:02We will be doing two solos.
06:05The solo is going to Audrey.
06:09Audrey, last week we didn't dance.
06:16You were injured.
06:17Tammy, you had a family emergency.
06:19I need you to show me that you are going to be healthy, there's not going to be any excuses,
06:24and that you're going to work hard.
06:27Last week, Glow's upset with Tammy.
06:29I guess this week they made up at the breakfast table, because lo and behold, Audrey's got
06:34a solo.
06:35My second solo this week is going to Mina.
06:40Mina, I think you need to grow up a little bit, and I'm hoping you can do that this week.
06:48And the third solo this week will be going to Gina.
06:59Gina's doing a solo, changing things up.
07:03Smiley has yet to have a solo.
07:04I feel like giving Gina a solo, I don't get the reasoning, I don't know why.
07:10Smiley's not ready.
07:12Gina will be here tomorrow for rehearsal.
07:16Moms, you can go.
07:22Glow is bringing Gina to put the fear into our kids.
07:26That's why she's bringing her.
07:27Bellatrix, she said, I'm very scared that she's going to take my spot.
07:30It is a threat.
07:31Miss Glow already has a team of stars.
07:34She doesn't need to bring somebody else in here.
07:37If she thought Gina was truly a star, then Gina would already be here.
07:41Ashlyn, I'm sorry, this looks terrible.
07:45Stop doing that.
07:46It's not looking good.
07:47It's choking me.
07:48OK, but it's not looking good when you do that.
07:50You've got to have it flat.
07:52So this week we're doing a beautiful lyrical routine.
07:56It's the story of migrations.
07:58It's about the flock of birds are supposed to be moving from one place to another.
08:02The group dance is about birdies.
08:04My favorite birdie is fat baby chickens.
08:10But one of our birds, our mama bird here, is broken.
08:14And you're helping her because you don't want to leave without mama bird, right?
08:18Spread out.
08:19We'll need to leave a spot for Gina.
08:22And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
08:281, 2, 3, 4.
08:31We've got to cut it out with these turns.
08:33Week one, she put in a crazy turn combo and they weren't together.
08:36That's a basic turn combo.
08:38They're not that simple, Corinne.
08:39They really are not.
08:40I'm saying Smiley should be able to do a four double
08:43no problem to be competitive.
08:45Are you saying Smiley's not an elite junior dancer?
08:48I'm saying at this level, they need to be doing
08:50those types of turn combos to win.
08:57Don't be late.
08:59I think Smiley also struggles in lyrical too.
09:03Of all the girls on the team, she was not keeping up.
09:07So if one person had to be removed to get an odd number,
09:11Smiley would be the weakest link on for this group.
09:18I know, they're taking care of it.
09:21Be right back.
09:23What's going on?
09:25On the turns.
09:27On the timing.
09:30I'm getting you everything you need.
09:35I really need to get my rights back.
09:39I'm just like trying my hardest.
09:41I mean, I'm just younger than everyone in that room
09:44except for Mina.
09:45They've all been dancing so much longer than I have.
09:48I just have so much more to work on and such a little time
09:51to fix it.
09:53Can you lean on your arm?
09:56Her saying that Gina's coming, you
09:57know she's going to just freaking
09:59blow through those turns.
10:00And then there's seven kids that can turn and one that can't.
10:06Elbow more up.
10:07There we go.
10:08Look, I believe in you.
10:14I need you to really rise this time.
10:16I just really wanted to show all these bitches what's up.
10:24I need you to not melt down on me today.
10:26I don't know if I can count on Audrey every week.
10:30We don't need anyone to replace us.
10:33You don't like Gina joining this team,
10:35but it doesn't matter, we will show you.
10:37My kids should have had a solo this week.
10:39I'm excited to announce the first place winner.
10:46You don't have to say, but I ain't nothing.
10:50You don't have to, but I got to know.
10:55We're going to get going on solo choreography.
10:58Any idea who Priscilla Presley is?
11:02Do you have any idea who Elvis Presley is?
11:04You do?
11:05Who's Elvis?
11:07He's like, wait, that's Michael Jackson.
11:10No, the moonwalk is Michael Jackson.
11:12Oh my god.
11:14So his wife's name was Priscilla,
11:17who is married to the biggest pop star in the entire world.
11:21Priscilla was only 14 when she met Elvis.
11:27Everyone wants to be her.
11:29Everyone thinks her life is just this magical dream.
11:31So your story is going to be the things
11:34that she's going through in this marriage
11:35and how hard it is for her.
11:37All of your frustration and your loneliness and anger,
11:41but I need you to work with me.
11:42I need you to not melt down on me today.
11:45Do you understand?
11:46All right.
11:47I don't know if I can count on Audrey every week.
11:49Audrey was out through the entire week last week.
11:52So I need to keep Audrey on her toes.
11:54And I definitely think Gina is a real competitor for Audrey.
11:58She's a different dancer.
12:00She's very graceful.
12:02Audrey is more of a powerhouse, but Gina
12:04has a little of that power too.
12:05Come on.
12:11Don't land on your kneecap, Audrey.
12:13This is a hard solo for Audrey.
12:15And if she doesn't hit it, she might not win.
12:19Corinne cannot help herself talking about me and Audrey.
12:24Keep saying our names, because the more she says it,
12:28the more attention we're going to get
12:29and the more famous we're going to get.
12:31That's not going to look good if Gina comes in and gets first.
12:35It's a lot of pressure.
12:42Dude, we have one day.
12:45I know that we're just starting out,
12:47but we got to get stamina quick.
12:49My Priscilla solo this week is really hard,
12:52because a lot of things in the dance
12:54I've never really done before.
12:56I've never really done it before.
12:58And Miss Chloe's expecting me to win everything.
13:01So the stakes are super high this week,
13:03because Gina's one of the best.
13:05Look at her.
13:06She's exhausted.
13:07I am not worried about what Audrey's performance is going
13:10to look like on stage.
13:17Where is Gina?
13:18Gina's, like, not even here.
13:20Like, that's not cool.
13:21She's not even officially part of the group.
13:24I hope that she's going to be in the group.
13:27I hope that she's only here for this week.
13:29I think if she does well, she's joining the team.
13:33That is my assumption.
13:35I don't think anyone will get cut.
13:37I think someone might get cut.
13:38She could very well bench as many kids as she wants.
13:41Oh, yeah.
13:42Why are you not making, like, you guys?
13:51How are you?
13:52I'm great.
13:53How are you?
13:54I'm so glad.
13:54I'm here.
13:56She was at the first audition.
13:58She didn't make it.
14:00What's the point of having someone
14:02who didn't make it at first, and now she can help us?
14:06But, Audrey.
14:07It's a really weird.
14:07You know?
14:08Wait, let me finish.
14:09Why do you always do that?
14:11You're always in a running opinion.
14:13You have a different, you're always in a running opinion.
14:14This week, we have three solos.
14:16All of you will be competing against each other
14:18for the overall solo winner.
14:21Gina, you're going to do Ave Maria, which is something
14:24you have done before, but it's a very
14:26different version of the song.
14:27So we're going to start with Gina now.
14:29All right, you guys can go out for a bit.
14:32Not fair.
14:34Gina's doing this over that she's been doing for a year.
14:36She did it last year.
14:38This is so unfair.
14:40We are all going to do so good, and we don't
14:42need anyone to replace us.
14:43Gina's here whether we like it or not.
14:45We have to just be nice to her, and I think
14:47we have to deal with that.
14:50That left arm back.
14:54You guys, look.
14:55Guys, watch.
14:58I want to see what she looks like.
15:01Take that back if you have to.
15:04Toes, toes, toes, toes, toes, toes.
15:06Sit up tall.
15:07You were supposed to look.
15:10She's good.
15:14Lift up out of that side, Ariel.
15:17Careful there.
15:18She's got extensions.
15:19There's a lot of technique.
15:20There's a lot of ballet moves in there that she executes.
15:22She's done for years.
15:24Yeah, she's been doing it for a year.
15:25Of course it's perfect.
15:34So good!
15:36Oh, I look like I'm watching you dance all day.
15:38So beautiful.
15:43I didn't get a hug.
15:44All she did was just complain.
15:46Good job, good job.
15:48Gina did a great job today, yeah.
15:50I'm pretty sure Gina is the best of dancers, yeah.
15:54I do everything for my daughter.
15:57So I don't care what they're talking about.
16:03Mina, you ready?
16:04There's Mina and Candy.
16:06My teddy bear's name is Candy Sweets.
16:09I bring him everywhere.
16:10Mina, you're doing a lyrical, and it's
16:14called Time to Grow Up.
16:17I think every little girl, they've
16:19gotten to a point where they had something
16:21that was their security.
16:23They've had to make that decision.
16:25Is it time to maybe leave it behind?
16:28Mina can be a brat sometimes.
16:31She gets mad when she's hungry.
16:33She yells at her mom.
16:34She's a typical eight-year-old.
16:37Mina has the talent to be a working dancer,
16:41but her lack of maturity will hold her back.
16:44She can't act like that in a professional environment.
16:49So you're going to be OK with letting him go?
16:52Yeah, only for a day.
16:53No, after the dance, we have to let him go.
16:56We're growing up and moving on.
16:57You're prepared for that?
16:59Are you?
17:00You're not OK with it?
17:01Ms. Glow wants me to let go of Teddy, but I'm not.
17:04She's not making the rules about Teddy.
17:14Take your time.
17:15Look at him.
17:16Mina not really understand.
17:20I think Ms. Glow just try to help Mina to tell
17:23the story with the emotion by taking away her Teddy bear.
17:29I don't want to, but I have to, to make her grow.
17:32Look at him when you go out.
17:33Now go around.
17:35Say, lunge, lunge.
17:36That's not a lunge, my dear.
17:43I need to help her do whatever is supposed
17:45to be a professional dancer.
17:50Nothing lasts the last of memory.
17:58I don't want to make her sad, but I have to.
18:01That's the way to grow.
18:03The process is pain.
18:21Three, four, five, six.
18:24World is new.
18:27You got it.
18:28She's doing the movement.
18:30Reach high.
18:33You're going to reach high.
18:40Reach high.
18:43Corinne, you saw that entrance?
18:44They were like, wait, what?
18:45I'm coming right now.
18:48I'm coming right now.
18:59It's like a flash mob.
19:01Oh, you guys didn't even know she was here yet.
19:03Welcome, Gina.
19:07Moving on.
19:08Let's just do a walkthrough.
19:10Oh, here she comes.
19:15Hi, Jane.
19:16Hi, Jane.
19:17There she is.
19:18You've been hiding from us.
19:19Where have you been, Jane?
19:21Is Gina excited to perform her Ave Maria solo again?
19:26Why not?
19:28It's a different music.
19:31What's different?
19:32Tell me what the difference is.
19:33What's the difference?
19:34It's the different music.
19:35That's it?
19:36Yeah, of course.
19:37If you have any questions, go ask Miss Glo.
19:39Oh, you trust me, we will.
19:40Not us, OK?
19:41Trust me, we will.
19:42And those girls have been working their asses off.
19:45If Gina is coming here to try to have a spot,
19:48she should come here, learn a jazz solo in one day,
19:51put it on stage, and get first place,
19:53and then you'll have all my respect.
19:55Gina was cut during the audition.
19:57Gina shouldn't have been cut out.
20:00Miss Glo told me it's not right time, right?
20:02So you think she's the right time now?
20:04Of course.
20:05Gina's set up to win and to score higher than any of them
20:09because she's been scoring high with this dance
20:11for over a year and a half.
20:12And so it's frustrating.
20:14We are going to run this a few times.
20:17I need you all to understand,
20:19we haven't set formations for the dance.
20:22And I only need 7 dancers in this dance,
20:25and so if you're not pulling your weight,
20:28you won't be dancing this week.
20:30Let's do this.
20:33♪ World is needed ♪
20:36I think I'm doing pretty good.
20:38There are these times when I'm early, but I went home,
20:41I worked for an hour, I practiced the dance,
20:43I practiced turns, I had a term private.
20:45I did everything I possibly could.
20:47Guys, have you ever heard of ballet?
20:50♪ All eyes to the sky ♪
20:54Get her hips up, get her hips up!
20:57Where are you looking, Smiley?
21:01Smiley, what number, what word is that?
21:05Drag on.
21:08Smiley, you're early again!
21:13Turn out your foot when you step up, Smiley!
21:16Smiley, you couldn't have possibly turned less on relevé
21:19if you tried, because you literally did that pirouette,
21:22this one, like that.
21:30Smiley, I'm not going to have you do the dance this week, okay?
21:39It's hard for me to sit Smiley out this week
21:42because she has worked so hard,
21:45but her technique isn't where it needs to be.
21:47She's still struggling,
21:49and I just have to do what's right for the team.
21:51I can't breathe.
21:53I can't breathe.
21:55I can't breathe.
21:57I can't breathe.
22:00It's not your fault, you know.
22:02It's not your fault, that's Miss Glo's decision.
22:05I still want to dance with my team,
22:08even though it's kind of heartbreaking
22:10for some of us, and I don't want to get kicked out.
22:17We didn't deserve this.
22:19Smiley has way too much potential.
22:21There is no way in hell
22:23I'm going to let my daughter fall through the cracks.
22:32It's her problem, she's crying.
22:34I'm not upset that she's not in the group dance.
22:37You're a mean girl.
22:39You cry, you don't want people to support you.
22:41You need some time by yourself.
22:43I'm scared of Mina.
22:46Have you seen Mina's mother?
22:49No surprise she is the way she is.
22:51I mean, Min has created this perfect little tear
22:55and an angel face.
22:57You can figure it out, not other people.
22:59You do it for yourself.
23:01Other people can't do it for you.
23:03I'm not really mean.
23:06I'm not really mean right now.
23:08Just care about yourself.
23:10I really don't have any emotions for all these girls.
23:13Just hug her and say good luck next time.
23:16Yeah, that's it.
23:18I did hug Smiley, and I wish for the best for her,
23:21but like, wait, Dan, how much time do I have left?
23:25I need to go poopy.
23:28Go hit him with the confidence.
23:34Go hit him with the confidence.
23:38Go hit him with the confidence.
23:42Go hit him with the confidence.
23:46Go hit him with the confidence.
23:50Go hit him with the confidence.
23:55Go hit him with the confidence.
23:59So this alter ego of Ashlyn's called Stop.
24:04Don't do that, you're going to make it worse.
24:07Stop, stop.
24:09Stop, you have to stop.
24:11It's not funny.
24:13I'm going to smack you today, I swear.
24:15I'm going to smack you.
24:18You have to stop, stop.
24:20No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
24:23Lisa, walk away, please walk away.
24:25All right, ladies, how's everyone feeling, solos?
24:28Audrey, Bebe?
24:30I think it's important today that I beat Gina
24:33because I think it just proves that I've been working so hard
24:37and that I clearly am the best dancer,
24:39and Miss Glo can count on me.
24:42Jean, you feel ready for the solo today?
24:45I think Gina is ready.
24:47Are you saying it's unfair that you're here
24:49with a solo that you've done before?
24:51You don't like Gina joining this team,
24:53but it doesn't matter, we will show you.
24:55When you brought your kid here to do this?
24:58Let's be clear, she didn't just bring her kid here.
25:02I asked her child's permission.
25:04She could have said no.
25:08I'm not going to sit here and let Gina be attacked.
25:10But she came here with a solo from over a year ago.
25:14That's not cool.
25:15It's not fair.
25:16I had one day to do it.
25:17If she's so freaking good,
25:19she could have been able to do it in one day,
25:21just like Smiley, in one day.
25:23What is wrong with you people?
25:25Miss Glo bring us to come here
25:27because Miss Glo want to win the competition.
25:29Smiley doesn't do it.
25:31And the moment that she told Smiley she was sitting out,
25:34what did you do as a mom?
25:36You allowed it.
25:37Put yourself in my shoes.
25:38It's not her decision, it's my decision.
25:41She's doing what everyone else does for their child.
25:44Go over here.
25:46You're all here because you want your kids to be stars.
25:49You all want to play a game, duck, duck, goose?
25:53Yeah, okay, let's go over here.
25:55She's getting special treatment, Glo!
25:57It's not your team, it's not your team.
26:03Let me go get a solo from 3 years ago
26:05so she can do it right too.
26:07You can let Bellatrix do it today.
26:11Roxy, shut up!
26:14Nobody wants to hear your mouth.
26:15This is not about you.
26:16I'm trying to actually help too.
26:18You make everything about you rough.
26:20That's not fair!
26:21All of you.
26:27This is my team.
26:28Nobody's spot here is promised.
26:31We're about to focus on solos.
26:33We are done.
26:53If you don't want to join this team,
26:54we can't go right now.
26:56I want to join the team.
26:58If you want it, try harder.
26:59Why Miss Glo bringing you here?
27:01She wants you to win the competition.
27:03You have to work hard to win that.
27:05Like, I can't hold back my tears
27:07and I don't know how you're smiling.
27:09I really don't.
27:10I feel like I just have so many conflicting emotions where,
27:13like, all these moms that have been coming after me
27:15and telling me that I don't belong here,
27:17I feel like they're rallying with me because inside they
27:20know and they don't want it to be their kid next.
27:23But, I mean, at this point, I feel
27:25like I can use whatever support I can get
27:28and try to get my kid to not be in this position again.
27:31All right, listen up.
27:33We have my strongest dancers going out there.
27:38You were chosen to do this for a reason,
27:39and we are not going to allow five
27:41bitter mothers to bring you down.
27:44I know that I'm good at what I do.
27:46I need the kids and the parents to trust that.
27:49I need them to stop fighting and bitching,
27:52and let's get to work and do this,
27:54because those children are the result of my hard work.
27:58Think about Candy.
28:00Mina, you're going to be amazing.
28:02Think about her.
28:02Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
28:05Oh, my God.
28:05Hold on.
28:06It's all right.
28:07It's OK.
28:08You're OK, Mina.
28:09It's OK.
28:12And she throws up everywhere.
28:14Throw up goes, like, all on her, like, bottom of her costume.
28:17And Gina's like, welcome, Gina.
28:22What happened?
28:23I threw up.
28:24Are you nervous?
28:25Are you nervous?
28:27I'm a little nervous, because I don't want to let go of Teddy.
28:31And I don't want to let Miss glow down.
28:34Entry 85, time to grow up.
28:37Let's go, Mina.
28:41Today is the day I say goodbye to my best friend, Candy Sweets.
28:47It's finally time to grow up.
28:50I know the day would come when we would say goodbye.
28:59I know the day would come when we would say goodbye.
29:07Our love tired to rise.
29:11Broken hearts to dust.
29:16Nothing left of us but memories.
29:24Now your eyes are colder than December.
29:28The fire is out.
29:30It's just a dying ember.
29:32I thought we were gone.
29:34We'll last forever.
29:36Then you said, well, all good things must come to an end.
29:43Our love tired to rise.
29:47Broken hearts to dust.
29:52Nothing left of us but memories.
29:58I'm always crying.
30:02Used to be the two of us together.
30:06You made me feel so happy.
30:09Remember, you're broken now.
30:12So distant, and I've never felt so low, so low.
30:18Used to be the two of us together.
30:22You made me feel so happy.
30:25Remember, broken now.
30:29So distant, and I've never felt so low, so low.
30:34Goodbye, Candy Sweets.
30:35I'll be right back.
30:51My mom said that if I cry onstage, which I did cry onstage,
30:54we can go back to that outlet mall and get another bear just like that,
31:00and I'm going to name him Candy, Candy, Candy Sweets forever.
31:04She did it, man.
31:06I need to breathe.
31:11All the pressure's on me because all the moms think that I can't do this,
31:15and they're jealous how I had an old solo.
31:19If I mess up, that ruins my reputation,
31:22and I really want to be on the junior elite team.
31:26I think if I work hard enough, I can be Audrey,
31:30and I'm going to prove to Miss Glow that I can be amazing.
31:34Lyrical solo ages 11 and 12, entry 86, Ave Maria.
33:04I am a little nervous because Gina was really good.
33:08I've never had, like, this much competition.
33:10It's a lot of pressure.
33:23I thought Gina was really good,
33:25but I'm pretty confident that I'll beat Gina today.
33:28I think it really just comes down to who's put in the most work
33:31and who wants this more, and that's me.
33:34Do your best.
33:36Forget the rest.
33:38I love you.
33:39Temporary solo ages 13 and 14, entry 87, Priscilla.
33:44All right, let's go!
34:06Play with fire and you'll get burned
34:12So the wise man said to me
34:19Every scar my body burned
34:26Tells a different story
34:34Crazy rides, I'm missing well
34:40The wise man has a tale to tell
35:37Play with fire and you'll get burned
35:44Play, girl!
35:55Oh, my God, they all look so good.
35:57Oh, my God!
36:01Nailed it. Like, literally speechless.
36:06You know what?
36:07Zero crumbles.
36:08Storytelling all over the place.
36:10Audrey, that was sick.
36:11Jane, do you think Gina won?
36:14I think Gina won.
36:16100%, she gonna be get the first place.
36:19I understand that you guys want to fight
36:21about Gina's performance, right?
36:23Because you're jealous.
36:25This is the place for her.
36:27Why you think Gina cannot join the team?
36:29But Gina is better than Smiley a lot.
36:32You're out!
36:33Yes, she's my daughter.
36:35Of course, I'm thinking.
36:36I don't care about another part,
36:38how they're thinking,
36:39because they're nervous.
36:40When you come to join this team,
36:42maybe baller tricks gonna be cut out, you know?
36:45You have to understand them, Gina.
36:48Can you not talk crap about them?
36:51I don't want to,
36:52but how they talk about you?
36:58Oh, my God!
37:03I'm so proud of all you guys.
37:06Gina out there dancing,
37:09I think she elevated to a whole other level
37:11that I've never seen them dance before.
37:13You should hope that she can only do the same
37:15for your kids in this group routine.
37:17You did amazing. I'm so proud of you.
37:20You were so good.
37:22Why you gonna let them take this away from you?
37:25She was so good.
37:28They always ask of us,
37:30why I allowed Gina to join this team.
37:32You know what?
37:33Seeing the kids on stage broke my heart
37:35because it was my kid that should have had a solo this week.
37:38Glow did this. It's Glow's fault.
37:40It sure is my fault.
37:42I will do with this team what I please,
37:44and if any of you don't like it,
37:47you can leave now, right now.
37:51Damn right Glow did this,
37:53and Glow will continue to do this, Lisa.
38:06So you know they are looking for your big mistake right now.
38:10They don't want you to join the team.
38:12So you have to work harder on your group dance.
38:16If the group goes out there and loses,
38:19I might not be on the team
38:21because this Glow brought me here to win,
38:24and I want to show the other moms
38:27that I can be just as good as their kids.
38:31You get one try to do this.
38:34One shot.
38:35I hope I made the right decision sitting Smiley up.
38:38I mean, the moms are going to be so proud of you.
38:42I hope I made the right decision sitting Smiley up.
38:45I mean, the moms are furious, the kids are freaking out,
38:49but this is exactly what I needed to shake things up,
38:53and sometimes the path to victory is a tough one.
38:57I love you guys! Kill it!
39:00I wish I could be on stage with my friends,
39:03but hopefully I'll be on stage next week.
39:11Contemporary small group, Migrations.
39:22-♪♪ The world as you knew it
39:26♪♪ Torn in the blink of an eye
39:33-♪♪ As you search for shelter
39:37-♪♪ One learns to survive
39:42-♪♪ So we look to the future
39:49-♪♪ And prepare to decline
39:55-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
40:00-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
40:06-♪♪ You're gonna reach high
40:13-♪♪ Reach high
40:18-♪♪ Now we look to the future
40:23-♪♪ And prepare to take flight
40:31-♪♪ Bring it on
40:37-♪♪ Bring it on
40:41-♪♪ Bring it on
40:46-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
40:50-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
40:55-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
41:00-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
41:05-♪♪ Reach high
41:07-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
41:12-♪♪ As you ride in the dead of the night
41:17-♪♪ Reach high
41:21They were pumped up.
41:22They were amazing.
41:23Every single one of them did their job.
41:31Are you ready?
41:36We're going to do what we call our Ignite Dynamite Awards,
41:41which is the highest-scoring award
41:45in the solo category.
41:46Overall soloist will be the solo who has
41:49the highest cumulative score
41:51out of all the age divisions.
41:53I expect one of them to get it.
41:55The highest-scoring award...
42:00...goes to...
42:04...Abe, Maria, Gina.
42:06Studio World, 297.8.
42:15Gina beat me because she's had that solo
42:17for a year and a half.
42:18I had a day and a half.
42:19If I had one more day, I would have beaten her.
42:23And here we go.
42:25Top junior groups.
42:31In third place...
42:34Charlie's Angels Passmore Dance Company.
42:39In second place...
42:43Boombayah CMG Dance Project.
42:46Bring it down.
42:47I didn't have a single win last week.
42:50And all I want to do this week is win.
42:52In first place...
42:57Studio World.
43:00Come on down.
43:02Studio World Dance Center!
43:05Congratulations, everyone in the top ten.
43:08I've done what I needed to do.
43:10Nobody lost.
43:11I know. You guys killed it.
43:13You understood the assignment.
43:15Had to scream to get there, but we did it.
43:18I am so proud of you guys.
43:21Glo's gonna say we brought in Gina,
43:23and now you guys won.
43:24But we did win without her, too.
43:26The trophy is here!
43:28I only care about today's trophy.
43:33Aren't you so proud of the kids?
43:36Congratulations, Glo.
43:38Clearly, Gina coming in lit a fire.
43:41It's about making a team of winners.
43:43And we only have five weeks left before nationals.
43:46And I have to make the right decisions for the team.
43:50And you guys should talk to your kids
43:52about stepping up to the level that they did on that stage.
43:57It wouldn't have come to this.
43:59I am thrilled to have her here on this team.
44:03So let me say that and be done.
44:06All right.
44:07So every week, one of our kids is not gonna dance?
44:13Every week.
44:14If she decides to invite Gina back,
44:16she didn't say if she was or not.
44:18If she was or not.
44:19I don't even know what this means.
44:21Like, is Gina on the team?
44:23Is she just here this week?
44:25If she is on the team,
44:26and if that means every single week
44:28somebody's gonna get cut from the dance,
44:30that's awful.
44:31That sucks.
44:32I hate it.
44:43Whether you give a s*** or you don't,
44:45you're gonna understand why we are upset.
44:47We have the three girls on the chopping block for this group.
44:50Ashlyn, Layla, Smiley.
44:52Over my dead body,
44:53is my kid gonna be cut from this group again?
44:56I can't do Janet Jackson.
44:58I wanna be outside.
44:59What else is it gonna take for her to snap out of this?
45:02She's gonna be cut from everything.
45:04Ashlyn stepped backwards in the circle.
45:07I just watched the video.
45:09Gina hit me in my belly,
45:11so then I messed up the rest of the dance.
45:14Ms. Bell's gonna yell at me, but it wasn't my fault.
45:17I just wanna quit.