2032 olympics:Lessons from Paris 2024 for Brisbane 2032

  • le mois dernier
Brisbane 2032 can learn from Paris 2024's use of unique venues, focus on athlete experience, security measures, resilience in the face of challenges, handling of negative media, innovative ceremonies, economic impact, financial prudency, and fostering a joyous atmosphere. Organizers aim to deliver a spectacular celebration of sport and community, drawing inspiration from Australia's strong Olympic tradition.#Olympics #Brisbane2032 #LessonsLearned #EventPlanning #CommunityCelebration


00:00Brisbane's turn to host the Olympic Games in 2032 is still a ways off, but the recently
00:06concluded Paris 2024 event offers a treasure trove of lessons.
00:12Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee President Andrew Liveris, freshly returned from his
00:17daily briefings with IOC and Paris organisers, shares what the Queensland capital can take
00:22away to make its Games spectacular.
00:25First and foremost, Liverpool notes how Paris' use of temporary venues at iconic landmarks
00:31was a brilliant move.
00:33Though Brisbane lacks an Eiffel Tower, it boasts stunning beaches and tropical scenery.
00:39The mantra?
00:40No rules for venues, turning every unique spot into an Olympic stage.
00:46Liveris emphasises, Australians love sports, place them where people already go, make it
00:52fun for everyone.
00:55But what's a great venue without comfortable lodging?
00:58Liveris recounts that the Paris Olympic Village's initial food and accommodation left much to
01:03be desired.
01:04You've got to make the athlete experience the very best.
01:09They train all their lives for this, he stresses.
01:13Ensuring athletes have hearty meals and a good night's sleep from day one is paramount.
01:19Paris also tackled a massive security budget to keep everyone safe, deploying an additional
01:2445,000 soldiers and police.
01:28While Brisbane might not need patrols with automatic weapons, Liveris underscores the
01:33importance of a solid security plan.
01:35The true measure of success lies in resilience, Liveris adds, reflecting on Paris' turbulent
01:42first days, from drenching rains to militant attacks, which were swiftly managed by comm
01:49This demeanour reassured the public and kept the Games on track.
01:54The Paris Olympics also demonstrated that negative media is inevitable.
01:59Still, as sport takes the forefront, the initial gloom lifts, delivering an unforgettable spectacle.
02:07Brisbane's organisers should channel this by focusing on seamless execution and public
02:11engagement, much like Mayer and Hidalgo's bold attitude.
