Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 126

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00:06Had a conversation
00:08So I can tell it all I'll never come back to that. I don't know what to do. Don't you can important don't know what they say
00:14Come on
00:16But what do you have a subtle algo hoy fuera de lo normal?
00:21Algo que te haya alterado
00:23Porque le tiene que pasar esto a él
00:26No, it's good
00:28Le queda mucho por vivir marta no hay explicación posible por eso duele tanto don damián yo solo venía
00:34a darle las gracias para haber pagado la fianza de tasio parte ya todo el mundo ha recuperado el dinero que me adelantó
00:40Tampoco te creas que nadie ha venido a pedirme disculpas por la denuncia o darme las gracias o algo así
00:44Vamos a hipotecar esta casa esta familia lleva demasiado tiempo en una situación que no le corresponde
00:49Marta puede ser muchas cosas pero no es ninguna invertida
00:53Quiero que te vaya a mi casa
00:55Voy a instalarte en la colonia es que no encontré mi medallita la tenía en la mesilla de noche y no está
01:00sé todo lo que hay que saber para ejercer la medicina pero no tengo un papel que lo acredite
01:05El problema es que yo ya no sé quién eres
01:07¿Dónde estaba?
01:09en el cajón de tu mesita
01:24Sueños de libertad
01:26Vivir de otra manera
01:28Alas para volar
01:30A donde el alma quiera
01:32Sueños de libertad
01:34El corazón no espera
01:36Está pidiendo otra oportunidad
01:38Sueños de libertad
01:40Aunque el pasado duela
01:42Volver a comenzar
01:44Amar a quien yo quiera
01:46Gritarles libertad
01:49Amar a quien yo quiera
01:51Gritarles libertad
01:53Vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:13Sueños de libertad
02:18Sueños de libertad
02:48Sueños de libertad
02:50Vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:52Sueños de libertad
02:54Amar a quien yo quiera
02:56Vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:58Sueños de libertad
03:00Vivir sin miedo
03:02Sube a tu corazón
03:04Su llama
03:06La llora
03:08Sube a tu corazón
03:10Sube a tu corazón
03:12Sube a tu corazón
03:14Sueños de libertad
03:18You're welcome.
03:20No matter how much I've slept, I feel like I've been beaten.
03:25Well, last night...
03:27Anyway, you were very upset, thinking you'd lost your mother's medal.
03:32I swear I can't explain how it could disappear and reappear as if by magic.
03:37I looked everywhere.
03:40It didn't appear by magic, darling.
03:43Did you find it in the drawer where you left it?
03:46When I looked, it wasn't there, I assure you.
03:50Calm down, calm down.
03:52You're very upset and I understand.
03:54But you have to deal with your state in some way.
03:56No, Jesus, I'm fine.
03:59Well, no, I'm not.
04:01That's why I want to go to London as soon as possible.
04:04To London?
04:05With that mental confusion that worries us all so much?
04:08What mental confusion?
04:10What happened yesterday was the result of having left the sedatives.
04:12That's it.
04:13Calm down, calm down.
04:14Stay seated there.
04:15Calm down.
04:16I'm fine, Jesus.
04:19I'm just a little stunned, but in a few days I'll get better.
04:22I assure you.
04:23Stunned, confused, you're not well.
04:26Darling, if you don't get better in a week, I don't think you should travel.
04:35No, please.
04:37Not that.
04:39You're going to have an episode of this again without me or Dina being here.
04:42But an episode of what?
04:44All I'm doing is resting and I need time to be alone, to reconnect with myself.
04:48Nothing more.
04:49Begoña, Begoña, my obligation is to take care of you and protect you.
04:52And if I let you go, would I be neglecting my responsibility?
04:56You're taking me for a stranger.
05:00I've already told you that I understand the reasons why you're like this.
05:04But I have to do everything I can to make you fully recover.
05:09And then you'll be able to go on that trip.
05:17Everything I do is for your own good.
05:19You know that, don't you?
05:23Maybe I'm right.
05:27You're the same as always.
05:30Look, a few more days.
05:32A few more days so we can see that you've regained your lucidity
05:36and I'll take you to the airport myself.
05:47Do you want me to warm it up a bit?
06:02See you later.
06:08See you later.
06:16Everyone will remember this celebration.
06:18We have to do something that is worthy of such an important anniversary.
06:22Well, what have you thought, Maria,
06:24for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Perfumería de la Reina?
06:28Well, I know that in previous occasions a mass was celebrated
06:32and then a meal was made with the employees.
06:34Well, that's not a bad plan.
06:37What's wrong? Don't you like the idea?
06:40I think we could do something that fits the new times.
06:42Yeah, but the mass can't be missed.
06:44Of course.
06:45And a good meal for the staff, right, Maria?
06:47Good morning.
06:48Good morning.
06:49Good morning.
06:50Well, that's what was said before, Andrés told me,
06:52but we're in a new stage.
06:54With the three brothers of the queen in front of the company.
06:56And the retired father, right?
06:58No, please.
07:00You will always be the soul of all this.
07:03How are you, Begoña?
07:05Better, thank you.
07:06And what? Are you going to explain your idea or have you not thought of anything yet?
07:10Well, after giving it a lot of thought,
07:13I think the most interesting and the most fun would be to have a feast.
07:18A feast? With orchestra and stalls and all that?
07:22Well, I don't think the truth is very serious, Maria.
07:25Of course, it sounds very festive.
07:27And that's the idea, right? Maria and I for the key.
07:30Why do we have a feast?
07:32To thank our employees for their work and loyalty.
07:35And they will love it, I assure you.
07:38They will feel in their sauce.
07:39There I give you all the reason.
07:41Maria, when you say verbena, do you mean decorating the factory
07:45with lanterns, garlands and all those gaitas?
07:49We will focus on the patio, yes.
07:51We will have to decorate everything like a traditional verbena.
07:54And we will hire an orchestra, the best one, so that people can dance.
07:58What is a party without a dance?
08:01Of course.
08:02The one that our workers are going to have, huh?
08:04Well, I refuse to set up that thing in La Colonia.
08:06For the mere fact of denying you everything, perhaps?
08:08For the mere fact that it will cost us an eye in the face.
08:10It's out of the budget.
08:12Well then, not to mention the fireworks.
08:16And a cake, huge, of several floors.
08:18The workers deserve that and more.
08:20I don't want it to be that expensive.
08:23We must have that detail with them.
08:27They are the ones who raise this company every day.
08:30And they already charge their good salaries.
08:32Come on, Maria.
08:34Next idea.
08:35And make an effort to see if it's a little better.
08:37You alone don't think it's good, Jesus.
08:43I don't dislike Maria's idea.
08:46A verbena.
08:49And if the problem is the money,
08:51she will tighten her belt and adjust a little, right?
08:55Of course.
08:56Shall we vote then?
08:59Why are you looking at me like that?
09:01For nothing.
09:02And there will be no need to vote.
09:04We will have verbena.
09:05But I demand that Isabel help Maria.
09:10Can I do it perfectly alone?
09:12Or with Gemma, if that's the case?
09:14I want a little common sense.
09:16She is very efficient
09:17and will be the one to contact the suppliers and adjust the budget.
09:19And you...
09:20Well, you can help Gemma hang the lanterns, if you want.
09:24Don't overdo it, Jesus.
09:25It's over.
09:28We will have the verbena that Maria wants
09:30and with Isabel supervising the expenses.
09:34The session is lifted.
09:36You can't even have breakfast, calm down.
09:43Hasn't your stomach gone down, daughter?
09:46I'll let him know.
10:14What are you doing?
10:19Did you want to check how I feel when I lose my sight?
10:22No, I feel much better today.
10:25Don't lie to me, Jaime.
10:27And don't try to protect me.
10:28Now I'm the one who has to protect you.
10:31Apart from the terrible headaches,
10:34sooner or later I will lose my sight.
10:38I was checking how I was going to feel.
10:47It was going to be hard.
10:52Not seeing your face again.
10:55The sunsets, Toledo.
10:58The colors, everything.
11:02I'll be by your side to explain everything to you
11:05so you feel like you're seeing it.
11:09I'm glad you're here with me.
11:11I'm glad you're here with me.
11:16Jaime, we have to talk.
11:19About what?
11:20About what we're going to do from now on.
11:23Wait, Marta, I can't do anything else.
11:28Wait, sit down.
11:30No, I want to continue with my life.
11:33You want to continue working at the dispensary, right?
11:35I want to feel useful, Marta.
11:38It's a bit risky.
11:40You mean for the patients?
11:43Of course.
11:44You're losing your sight.
11:45Luz will help me.
11:47She's been doing it until now.
11:50As far as I know, you're not together anymore.
11:54I don't know if it's fair to overload her with that responsibility.
11:58I've talked to her, she's willing to help me.
12:02Okay, fine.
12:05When are you going to tell the others what's wrong?
12:07No, no, no.
12:10I don't want to feel obsessed.
12:13I don't want them to be afraid of me.
12:15But as your illness progresses,
12:17you'll probably need special care.
12:19A nurse, I don't know.
12:22Will you agree to hire someone?
12:25Let's not get ahead of ourselves, please.
12:27I'm not getting ahead of myself, but there are things we need to talk about.
12:30I want to be able to organize myself to give you the best quality of life possible.
12:35Talk about things like...
12:38Like if when the time comes, you want me to take you to a hospital.
12:42Not a hospital.
12:44Then what?
12:46I don't know, Marta.
12:48I don't know what I'm going to want.
12:49I don't know how I'm going to feel.
12:51Let's talk about it when the time comes, please.
12:53Okay, forgive me.
12:55It's just that...
12:57It's just that...
13:00I just want to live in the present.
13:03Because I can't die tomorrow or at any moment.
13:05Don't say that.
13:06It's my reality.
13:11Things are going to get really ugly for me.
13:14And I would understand perfectly well that you wouldn't want to be here.
13:17All you have to understand is that I'm going to be by your side until the end.
13:21And that I love you.
13:26And that you're practically the only person who really knows me in this house.
13:29So when you're not here, I'm going to be very lonely.
13:33So you have to let me enjoy you as long as we can.
13:43As you wish.
14:00Claudia, what do you hear?
14:01He kicked her out of the house.
14:03I think Tassio slept in the living room.
14:05Oh my God, Fina.
14:06But how is that going to happen?
14:07She has to be okay.
14:08We're going to have a baby.
14:11Carmen, what's going on?
14:12Is she going to pay the rent on her own?
14:14No, she has the feeling that she's going away.
14:16I think she's going to leave the rent and come back to the room with us.
14:21Oh, I don't know, Fina.
14:24Mateo, come, sit with us.
14:29It's just that...
14:31Well, I have mass now, so I can't stay.
14:35If the same thing, Claudia wants to go, right?
14:39No, not today.
14:40Well, it's okay, if you don't want to come to mass.
14:43It's just that I have a lot of work today.
14:46Sure, me too. I also have a lot of work.
14:48But come on, if you want, I can go see you at the store later, right?
14:54No, if not, I'll go later. If not, to the chapel.
14:57Ah, well, very good.
14:59Of course.
15:01What's wrong with you?
15:06I'd better go.
15:09Is everything okay?
15:11Have a good day.
15:12See you later.
15:28Oh, Fina, we haven't kissed, but very little, huh?
15:45How are you, Carmen?
15:46No, no, please, don't go. I just want to know how you are.
15:48Fine. You?
15:49Well, without hitting or together at night.
15:51Conscience punishes you.
15:53No, what punishes me are the snores of the vice, which are horrible.
15:56God punishes you.
15:58Look, what hurts me the most is that you don't want to be with me.
16:02I've already learned the lesson, I promise you.
16:04Do you have any news from the Civil Guard?
16:06Well, no. I just know they're after him and nothing else.
16:09Come on, we're not going to get our money back, not even for Somo.
16:13Very well.
16:15I'm going to revoke our apartment contract.
16:17What are you saying?
16:18But what about our house?
16:20I'll take care of the money, really.
16:21Playing poker.
16:22No, I'm going to work until I get the last peso.
16:25Well, you're just going to have to give it to me to leave the postcard as it was.
16:28Well, I'll do whatever.
16:29I just ask you to be patient and stay at home, please.
16:34I'm very hurt, Tassio.
16:36A lot.
16:37But Carmen, you don't know how much I love you.
16:40What good is it to me that you love me so much?
16:42It's not just the money, it's your lack of common sense.
16:45They lose our savings, they almost kill you.
16:48You've risked our future because you wanted to.
16:51Carmen, I just wanted to have you as a queen, nothing more.
16:53Yes, well, look at how you have me in the ruin.
16:55And with a husband who is a prisoner.
16:57I've messed up, I don't know, I'm sorry.
16:59Yes, you've messed up, yes.
17:03I don't want to be with a man who doesn't respect me.
17:05Carmen, please.
17:06Tassio, I ask you to leave me.
17:09But Carmen.
17:10Tassio, let me go, you can't respect that, at least.
17:12Well, let him know that I'm not going to give up.
17:15Or you're going to waste time.
17:17I swear I'm going to fix it.
17:19And even if it takes 20 years for you to love me again.
17:22I'm leaving.
17:23Carmen, please.
17:24Give me a hope, one.
17:29I would be lying to you.
17:32I want you as far away as possible.
17:35I love you.
17:43But how did you kiss him?
17:45A kiss, a kiss.
17:46What kind of kiss?
17:47A kiss, a kiss, a kiss with all his sacrament.
17:51No, no, no, not with that, not with that.
17:54Oh my God, Claudia, please, he's the priest.
17:56I know, I know.
17:58I don't know under what stone to get into.
18:00But let's see, how was it?
18:04Well, you know that...
18:06That I...
18:08That I have a great time with him, that I'm very comfortable, that...
18:11That he makes me laugh and...
18:13And what? Are you going to thank him that way?
18:15No, Fina, but...
18:20But well, I feel attracted to him.
18:24And I think he feels attracted to me too.
18:28Of course, because we were in the warehouse and suddenly...
18:32Suddenly nothing, Claudia.
18:33A kiss doesn't happen all of a sudden.
18:35A kiss, well...
18:36Well, it implies an approach.
18:38I know, Fina, I know it's very bad.
18:40That we're going to burn in hell.
18:42And that's it, what can I do, Fina?
18:44Well, I don't know.
18:45You tell me.
18:47You're a priest, Claudia.
18:49With his vow of chastity, and you're going to be a mother.
18:53Oh, Fina.
18:55This is the worst of you.
18:56That this...
18:57That this is a forbidden love, forbidden, forbidden.
19:01Look, there are complicated, complicated loves.
19:05But this one...
19:09Claudia, you have to cut this out for the love of God.
19:13Otherwise, this creature is going to have a lot of problems,
19:15and not just because of Tassio.
19:17I know, Fina.
19:22I don't want them.
19:24I'm in love with him.
19:27Oh no.
19:31Oh my God.
19:35Well, I don't think it's good that your brother has framed Isabel.
19:38She's an efficient secretary.
19:39She can help you, Maria.
19:41No, Jesus just wants to control me.
19:43It's a moment in everything.
19:44I can't stand him, really.
19:47What do you think?
19:48That they have put an inspector on us for the verbena?
19:51Let's see if that's how the gentlemen have decided.
19:54Look, I know perfectly well what I want to do.
19:57With Gema we understand each other just by looking at each other.
20:00Getting in the way of a stranger is going to be very uncomfortable.
20:02Yes, it is true that later he will go with the story of everything, Jesus.
20:07It will be like being hand in hand with him.
20:09A nightmare, come on.
20:12He could already focus on controlling his wife.
20:15Why hasn't Mrs. Begoña come down for breakfast?
20:19Well, because she will be dead of shame after the number she set up yesterday.
20:22It is clear that she does not know about her mother's death.
20:24We have to be comprehensive with her.
20:26Even more?
20:28Hey, we haven't done anything to her.
20:30Like to go charging against every living creature.
20:33Poor Gema.
20:35Let's see, I was very calm.
20:37Because I hadn't touched the medal or anything.
20:39It is clear that she lost her nerves.
20:41Well, let her control herself.
20:44That not only she has suffered a painful loss.
20:46The most dramatic thing is to lose a child.
20:48And here I am, maintaining the type and the composure.
20:50You are admirable.
20:52Be polite and considerate.
20:54But no, she always has to be the protagonist.
20:57For the good or for the bad.
20:59She always has to stand out from the rest.
21:01Just like her husband.
21:02María, enough.
21:04I don't think she did it consciously.
21:06Don't justify it.
21:08Begoña is wrong.
21:10She doesn't even know what she's doing.
21:12The bad time that Gema had to go through.
21:14I'm sure she did it because she can't stand us being friends.
21:16Honestly, I don't think it's because of that.
21:19María, neither do I, really.
21:22What if you had lost your job?
21:24That would never have happened, María.
21:26What if you had lost your family?
21:28What if you had lost your medal?
21:30What if you hadn't?
21:32I had one of the worst days of my life, that's true.
21:34I'm a thief.
21:36Begoña didn't say that.
21:37Please, leave her alone.
21:38Well, she insinuated it.
21:39It's the same.
21:40And with that anger.
21:41The educated one.
21:42The one who has lived in London.
21:44You are absolutely right, María.
21:50Gema, yesterday was very unfair to you.
21:53Forgive me.
21:55I don't know what happened to me.
21:59What happened was that you lost your guts.
22:01And that you can't go through life without controlling your impulses.
22:05I know.
22:06And if you are so bad for whatever reason, you should look for help.
22:10There are shelters.
22:12Like the one your mother was in.
22:16What do you mean?
22:20I've been clear, haven't I? You've understood me.
22:24I'm very tired.
22:26I'm going to my room.
22:36You've gone too far.
22:39Don't you think the same?
22:41She's crazy, Andrés.
22:44Unless all this is a masterful interpretation and it's not being taken seriously, which would be worse.
22:49I have to go to the factory.
23:09No, Fina, no.
23:10No one saw us in the warehouse because there was no one there.
23:13They would have missed it.
23:15What I don't understand is how you got to that.
23:17Because he came to tell me that Tasio had already left the dungeon.
23:20I already knew that.
23:22Well, he came to tell me that he had sung it at 40 and that he had read the letter.
23:27Well, someone should read the letter to him too.
23:31Fina, it was a stupid robbery because of me.
23:34So you kissed him?
23:36No, he kissed me.
23:40But then I gave him the kiss back.
23:43Oh my God, it wasn't a kiss, it was two.
23:45Fina, don't make me more nervous.
23:48Okay, go on.
23:50Well, that's what I was telling you.
23:52That you know that a week ago I see him and I start laughing like a fool.
23:58That I feel butterflies in my stomach.
24:00I don't know what's wrong with me, Fina.
24:02Well, you're in love with him.
24:05And he's also attracted to me, Fina, because he told me.
24:08The mother he brought you.
24:10Come on, he wanted it too.
24:14Oh my God.
24:16And he has at least considered forgetting his vows and starting a family with you.
24:19No, no, that's not true.
24:20Why not?
24:21It wouldn't be the first time.
24:23And I don't know if you love each other that much.
24:25No, Fina, no.
24:26He loves the saints and the Virgin and God.
24:29Come on, no.
24:30I'm not going to turn him away from the path.
24:33And what are you going to do?
24:36What am I going to do, Fina?
24:38Forget about everything.
24:43And from time to time remember the almost the best kiss of my life.
24:50Oh, the Virgin.
24:55Come on, the other one.
24:56But you don't give me face, you bring me, right?
24:58What happened?
24:59What do you think?
25:02You've seen it.
25:05He apologized to me again.
25:07But don't tell me anything, I know I shouldn't forgive him.
25:11But it makes me sad.
25:14It's normal, Carmen.
25:15It's just that in the end you love each other a lot and you are very good.
25:19Yes, but Tassio is an adult now.
25:21And he should stop making mistakes.
25:23No, no.
25:24I'm not going to be on top of that.
25:25I'm telling you for free.
25:26Come on.
25:28But someone would have to take a look at him.
25:29Because I know him and I know he's going to start drinking, he's going to start drinking
25:32and in the end I'm going to feel guilty about all this.
25:36Why do these things have to happen to me?
25:39Let's see, Carmen.
25:40I can take a look at him if you want.
25:42Yes, man.
25:43You already have enough with what you have.
25:45I don't want to be someone who puts it straight like a candle.
25:53What is he thinking about?
26:06When we have the result, you'll be calmer.
26:09I hope so.
26:11You'll see, it's not important at all.
26:13And come here so I can give you the results, okay?
26:16Thank you, doctor.
26:17You're welcome. See you later.
26:34I'm busy, Luis.
26:35Hello, Luis.
26:42I've come to know more about you.
26:45Well, curiosity killed the cat, I warn you.
26:49And why are you so interested in knowing about me?
26:51After despising me so much?
26:55I don't despise you, Luz.
27:00I need to know everything about the person I fell madly in love with.
27:03What do you want to know?
27:07We can start at the beginning.
27:09Who are you?
27:11What's your name?
27:13My name is Luz Espósito.
27:15I have the last name of the children who are abandoned by their mothers and their mothers-in-law.
27:20Is that what happened to you?
27:24I only know that I was born in San Pere de Rivas, a municipality in Barcelona.
27:28My mother abandoned me when I was barely a year old and the nuns took care of me.
27:33And you didn't hear from your mother again?
27:36I don't even know her name.
27:38The nuns found me at the door of the dead, cold and unloved nun.
27:43I wasn't even in the latrine where they leave the newborns because she was walking.
27:48They were the ones who put me in Luz.
27:51Because they said she was very white.
27:53But now, do you see me?
27:58If you didn't know your mother's name, I understand you couldn't find her.
28:02I tried.
28:05I tried to make inquiries in the village, but no one remembered any young woman who had had a girl of my age, more or less.
28:12I even think that the nuns had made up the story of San Pere.
28:16How long did you live there?
28:19Until I was six years old.
28:21And then I went to another nun and then to another.
28:26They couldn't find adoptive parents for me.
28:29And that?
28:30Because marriages want newborn babies, not a rebellious girl like I was at that time.
28:36That had to be hard.
28:41Everything a child can wish for, which is to have a father and a mother, I never had.
28:49And Dr. Borrell?
28:54I went to serve at his house when I was 15, by order of the nuns.
28:58It was the first time in my life that I felt safe and protected.
29:05She had to be a good person.
29:07She was.
29:09He and his wife were.
29:11They went through a consultation at home and when he saw how much I liked medicine, he threw me out to make me his nurse.
29:18So you have nursing studies?
29:22No, Luis, I don't have studies.
29:24Only what I found in the books.
29:27In the books and in practice, next to Dr. Borrell.
29:31Medicine saved me.
29:34But it has also brought me many problems.
29:39You were in prison, but it wasn't for a demonstration.
29:46That was for practicing medicine without a degree.
29:50When Dr. Borrell died,
29:53I just wanted to do what I liked the most.
29:56I managed to change my name and look for a job.
30:00And in one of these, they found me and ...
30:03And they ...
30:05They arrested me.
30:08I understand.
30:10When I left, I couldn't do anything else. I just don't know how to do anything else.
30:16And soon after, I came to La Colonia.
30:23Ah, lights.
30:25We have to find an electrician to put lights side by side.
30:29Maria, remember that the charity market was a bit of a disaster.
30:32Oh, Emma, we did that in terrible conditions.
30:35Now we have time, money, I know very well what I want to do and how I want to do it.
30:39I like to see you so sure.
30:41You look like a businesswoman.
30:43I could have been.
30:45Hey, have you seen Begoña?
30:47She was like gone.
30:48Yeah, yeah, and I think it has to be for something else,
30:51than for the shame of her mother's death.
30:53Well, I don't know, but I assure you that Andrés will not be his dog again.
30:56Maria ...
30:58From now on, I'm going to set the rules in this house.
31:02I make sure that you have had a very hard life,
31:05but it is very serious that you attend to patients without being a doctor, light.
31:14I am a doctor even if I have no title and I think I have proven it.
31:17Too much.
31:18But what happens if at some point you make a mistake with a patient?
31:24Are you doubting my worth?
31:25No, I'm just putting on the table the consequences it would have for you and the company,
31:29that you make any kind of mistake ...
31:30That doesn't have to happen.
31:33Look, light, right now I am the director of the company.
31:36And it's not just about you ending up in jail.
31:38It is that the company would have to answer for you,
31:41with the consequences that this entails.
31:45You can do what you consider appropriate.
31:47If you want to report me, I'll understand.
31:51But why didn't you study medicine?
31:53Why didn't you do things right?
31:55With what money, Luis? With what money?
31:58You know how hard it is for us women to get to university.
32:03I know what I'm doing is a crime that is punishable by law.
32:07But what other option do I have?
32:13You're putting me in a very complicated situation.
32:17And it would have been the same if I had told you at the beginning of meeting us.
32:21I'm between a rock and a hard place.
32:27I don't know what to do.
32:34Blood, there must be blood.
32:36Lemonade, soft drinks,
32:39more beers,
32:41and liqueurs too.
32:42Wait, wait, we have to write it all down.
32:44Hurry up, we have to have everything ready for when the inspector of Jesus arrives.
32:48What can't she say? This mouth is mine.
32:49She's going to swallow all the toads, you'll see.
32:51Well, Joaquín has told me that she is a real raspa.
32:53Mare sabidilla,
32:55the joy of the garden, come on.
32:58Good morning.
32:59Hi, what do you want?
33:01I'm Isabel,
33:03the raspa.
33:05Don't listen to the gossip.
33:08A pleasure, I'm María de la Reina.
33:10And she is Gema, my assistant.
33:12I see that you have already advanced with the preparations.
33:14Yes, yes, yes, there is no time to lose.
33:16Can I see it?
33:18Of course.
33:20We haven't started with the expenses yet,
33:22which I suppose is why you're here.
33:23Yes, if you tell me what you need,
33:25I can make you the budget
33:26and adjust it to the data that Mr. Jesus has told me.
33:30Well, here,
33:32Jesus doesn't rule in this.
33:34The party is for everyone in La Reina,
33:35we want it to be a celebration above all else.
33:37And so it will be.
33:39You have a singing voice.
33:40We get down to business.
33:42Of course.
33:43Sit down, I'll explain.
34:00Excuse me, Father, could you help me?
34:02I'm looking for the...
34:03The secretariat.
34:04You're looking for it because, well,
34:05that's where they can inform you
34:06in case there's a vacant square,
34:08to work.
34:09No, no.
34:10I've only come to visit.
34:11What I was looking for is the store.
34:12Where is it?
34:13Oh, you have a Marian cross.
34:14How nice.
34:16I'm very religious.
34:18Ah, very good.
34:19Well, I'm very glad.
34:20And I have a good collection of crucifixes.
34:22I have a silver one with a beautiful cross.
34:26And an older one with the papal cross.
34:29That's great.
34:30Well, let's see if you can show it to me somewhere, right?
34:32It's just...
34:33I take it out for a walk
34:34in the Holy Week processions,
34:35but I don't know where it is.
34:37In the Holy Week processions of my town.
34:40Yes, even my friends tell me
34:42how I haven't gone to a seminary yet.
34:46And you've never thought about it?
34:48Get out, get out.
34:49Don't you start with that too.
34:52There are earthly pleasures
34:53that I'm not willing to give up.
34:56Of course.
34:57Yes, yes, yes.
34:58I understand it perfectly.
35:00So you understand it too.
35:03Excuse me?
35:05Excuse me.
35:07What a silly question.
35:09But how is he going to understand it
35:10if he has given his life to God?
35:11Well, then you're looking for the store, right?
35:14Because it's just on the left,
35:16so you've missed it.
35:18Well, you could, huh?
35:19Because I'm so clueless
35:20that I don't know if I lost the dog
35:22or I found a belt.
35:24Well, you were clueless,
35:25but at least you were funny, right?
35:28By the way, I'm Mateo,
35:29one of the priests of La Colonia.
35:31Nice to meet you. I am...
35:35José Francisco.
35:36But since I was a kid, they call me Joselito.
35:38But boy, what are you doing here?
35:40Well, nothing.
35:41I had a fair in Toledo
35:43and since I was nearby,
35:44I thought I'd see if Claudia was there.
35:47Come on.
35:48Oh, what a surprise.
35:49And you know each other and everything?
35:52Have you seen?
35:53He's a good friend of the priest.
35:55The priest is very nice.
35:57Of course.
35:58I've also heard a lot about you.
35:59Yes, he's my town friend,
36:01Mateo Joselito.
36:02Oh, Joselito.
36:04We were more than friends.
36:06Look, Mateo, to tell you the truth,
36:08Claudia is the only girlfriend I've had in my life.
36:11Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend.
36:12Girlfriend, girlfriend.
36:14Don't tell me you're not angry.
36:18Yes, she's very pretty.
36:20Well, thank you very much for your visit, Mr. García.
36:23We'll keep in touch.
36:29Well, what do you think?
36:32Good, isn't it?
36:33I didn't think you could afford the house for so much money.
36:36Why didn't you want to believe me?
36:38This house is wonderful.
36:39Thank goodness your uncle didn't give it to you
36:41when all that happened.
36:43All he's told me is that maybe I'll lower the price
36:45by being in his land.
36:48But the house is our property
36:50and the surrounding land too.
36:53Your uncle left it written.
36:55Well, now we just have to go to the bank
36:56and get the credit,
36:57putting the house as a guarantee.
36:59That's right, sister-in-law.
37:01With that and our savings,
37:02it should be enough to buy the land
37:04and start building.
37:07Well, let's toast.
37:08They just gave us good news.
37:11Let's toast to us.
37:17I'm fine.
37:22To us.
37:25Well, excuse me.
37:26I have to go back to the factory.
37:27Me too, to the big house.
37:29Wait, I'm going to change my shoes.
37:30My feet hurt a lot.
37:32And who's going to the bank?
37:34Because we have to go to the Madrid Central.
37:37And I've been out of work for many days.
37:39Don't worry.
37:40I'll go.
37:41Let's see if we're luckier this time.
37:45You can tell me later.
37:56Come in.
38:07Are you very busy?
38:08Well, I'm always up.
38:10But right now,
38:11the next patient won't arrive in a while.
38:13So if you want,
38:14you can even sit down.
38:17Tell me.
38:20I had a strange nightmare.
38:23What did you notice?
38:25Yesterday was a terrible day.
38:27First, she didn't go down to eat
38:29because she wasn't feeling well.
38:31And then she lost her sanity
38:33because she said she couldn't find her mother's medal.
38:36And was she agitated?
38:38Or was she stable?
38:40It was a strange light.
38:41On the one hand, it seemed like she was tired,
38:45It seemed like her head was aching.
38:47And on the other hand,
38:49she was very upset
38:50because she said the medal had disappeared.
38:53And it wasn't true.
38:55Begoña said she looked for it everywhere.
38:58That it wasn't in the drawer.
39:00But she found it right away.
39:02In that drawer.
39:06The pain from her mother's death
39:08can lead her to such an extreme state.
39:10Well, that and...
39:12and the streak she's going through.
39:14The decision to go to London
39:15is too many things.
39:17An extreme emotional tension
39:20can play two bad moves.
39:24This morning she went to the dining room.
39:26But she left right away
39:27because she said she wasn't feeling well.
39:29She's dazed, absent.
39:31It even seems like she's losing her balance.
39:34I don't know, it's very sad to see her like this.
39:37She says she's just fine in bed.
39:38In the bedroom.
39:41I don't know, they're...
39:42they're symptoms of melancholy.
39:44It could be.
39:46I don't want to mention it, but...
39:49My wife and Gemma think they could be signs of...
39:52Tell me.
39:54of having inherited her mother's illness.
39:59And you didn't have to help Maria
40:00with the famous berbena?
40:02Oh, look.
40:03She's been doing numbers and accounts
40:04with the secretary
40:05and they've put my head like a bomb.
40:07So I'll talk to Maria
40:08when she leaves.
40:09Her name is Isabel.
40:12And what does Isabel look like here?
40:14Well, Jesus sent her
40:15to frame the accounts.
40:17Maria has received her by the nails,
40:18but in the end
40:19all she needed to do was make a reverence.
40:21And only because he's screwed her,
40:22not for anything else.
40:24Uy, uy, uy, uy.
40:27You're not afraid
40:28that I'll take your job
40:29from Maria, are you?
40:32You're not jealous, are you?
40:33What are you saying?
40:34You're jealous.
40:35What are you saying?
40:36Maria and I are friends.
40:38I don't know,
40:39that Isabel,
40:40even though she seems like a perfect lady,
40:41I don't like her.
40:42Yeah, I don't like her either.
40:44There's something about her
40:45that smells like musk.
40:47Anyway, the less she's in the big house,
40:48the better.
40:52I can't wait
40:53to close our business
40:55and leave the Queen's people
40:56with a nosebleed.
41:07I'm leaving now.
41:12I really like
41:13seeing you so happy.
41:16See you later.
41:20I have to tell you something.
41:21I wasn't going to do it
41:22because it's a professional secret
41:23between a doctor and a patient,
41:26What is it?
41:27What is it, Luz?
41:28I gave Begoña some sedatives.
41:31And she used them as she shouldn't.
41:33What do you mean?
41:36Instead of taking one a day,
41:37she'd take five or six.
41:39When she'd get nervous
41:40or she'd have some discomfort
41:41because of something.
41:43Given the danger this poses,
41:44I had to get rid of them.
41:46So now she doesn't take them.
41:47And that's the problem.
41:49They create dependence
41:50on her.
41:51Maybe it's her body
41:52that's missing them.
41:53Just imagine
41:54if one day she found out
41:55she was at the dispensary
41:56trying to steal hidden pills.
41:58She promised me she'd leave him,
42:01But you should have told me before.
42:03Why didn't you control her more?
42:06this isn't easy to control.
42:09the most important thing
42:10is to know what's going on.
42:12You could go see her.
42:13It's more complicated for me
42:14to get close to her
42:15with Maria and Jesus' suspicions.
42:17Yes, don't worry.
42:18I'll go see her
42:19throughout the morning
42:20to see if I can get something out of her.
42:26Patience, Gemma.
42:28No matter how well things go,
42:30there's still time.
42:31I know.
42:34You're still upset with Begoña, right?
42:36What do you think?
42:37She's terrible.
42:39She made me go through
42:40with the happy little medal.
42:43It was very unpleasant, really.
42:44What's wrong with that woman?
42:46She's not well.
42:47It's obvious.
42:48She's not like that.
42:50And we should forgive her.
42:52She's already apologized to you.
42:54She apologized this morning,
42:55but she's still as angry as she was last night,
42:57so I don't know if those apologies
42:58are worth it or not.
43:01knowing how she is,
43:02you shouldn't judge her so harshly.
43:05Do you think
43:06she's as sick as her mother?
43:07Don't say that, for God's sake.
43:10I think she's very affected
43:11by Mercedes' death.
43:14She has a husband.
43:16I'd better not say anything.
43:18Just in case,
43:19I'll try to avoid Begoña
43:20as much as possible.
43:21Problem solved.
43:22If it's true
43:23that she has a mental imbalance,
43:24we should help her as much as we can.
43:27Don't you think?
43:29I guess.
43:31No matter how angry she is,
43:32I don't wish her any harm.
43:34Well, you know.
43:36Come on, let's go.
43:37I'll pick you up later.
43:38We'll be late.
43:43And this is the store where I work?
43:45Oh, the blessed glory.
43:47the aroma of perfumes and soaps.
43:50I'm lucky to work in such a beautiful place.
43:53and what you told me
43:54about the visit to the factory,
43:56I was impressed.
43:58This is a top company.
43:59It's one of the most important
44:01perfumeries in Spain.
44:02And now we're going to expand in France.
44:04They won't send you there, will they?
44:06No, no,
44:07I wouldn't like that.
44:08What's wrong?
44:09Aren't you comfortable here?
44:11No, no, I'm comfortable.
44:15let me introduce you to a good friend.
44:16Joselito Fina,
44:17Fina Joselito.
44:22She told you about me?
44:23Yes, a lot.
44:24Very good.
44:25Oh, Claudia,
44:26I'm so excited.
44:27But, come on,
44:28Joselito is leaving.
44:29He came to a fair in Toledo
44:30and he's in a hurry.
44:31Come on.
44:32Well, woman,
44:33there's no hurry.
44:35there is a hurry
44:37because Fina is very busy
44:38and I can't leave her alone
44:39with your work.
44:40Of course.
44:41Well, thank you, Claudia.
44:42See you later, Joselito.
44:46Hey, Claudia,
44:48I didn't come to any fair.
44:51you came because
44:52my mother sent you.
44:54She told me
44:55you'd be happy
44:56if I came to see you.
44:58Well, you know,
44:59I'm fine, Joselito.
45:00This is my new home.
45:02I like it here.
45:03She also told me
45:04you'd asked her a lot about me.
45:06And, of course,
45:07I've always liked you.
45:10more than that,
45:11I came to see
45:12if you'd like
45:14to be my boyfriend again.
45:17But, Joselito,
45:18we've never been boyfriend and girlfriend.
45:20Come on, woman.
45:21I haven't forgotten
45:22those two weeks.
45:23Well, those two weeks
45:24my mother gave me
45:25so I could give you
45:26a chance,
45:28Come on.
45:29It's good to see you.
45:31You even ate at my house.
45:33And that year
45:34they made you queen of the slaughterhouse.
45:36Let's see,
45:37my dear.
45:40what do you want?
45:41I'm not leaving.
45:43I'm going to buy a van
45:44for you
45:45and I can come here
45:46every weekend.
45:47But, Joselito,
45:48I can't.
45:52I'll give you another boy.
45:55No, not that.
45:56You don't love me anymore?
45:58Let's see.
45:59Your mother told me
46:00you didn't stop talking about me.
46:02I love you very much.
46:04You're going to get me.
46:05But, really...
46:07I'll treat you like a queen.
46:09I don't want you
46:10to treat me like a queen.
46:11I want...
46:12I want you to spend your life with me.
46:14As if you saw it.
46:15Look, Joselito,
46:16I'm pregnant.
46:24But when did you get married?
46:27you could have told me.
46:29I didn't get married, Joselito.
46:33These things that happen in the village,
46:35you know,
46:36it's happened to me too.
46:37More than once.
46:38Come on.
46:40I'm sorry
46:41I made you come all the way here, but...
46:45the truth is that...
46:47You think it's okay
46:48that I told you the truth?
46:49Well, yes.
46:51Because I came with very serious intentions.
46:53And, of course,
46:54imagine the damage
46:55if I find you
46:56with Bonbon at the altar.
47:00that's it.
47:01Problem solved, Joselito.
47:03You go back to Don Benito
47:05and there you'll find
47:06a good woman who deserves you.
47:08And if that's the case,
47:09you invite me to the wedding.
47:13I have to get back to work.
47:44can I come in?
47:45How did you get in?
47:47Did Jesus let you in?
47:49He let me in, Digna.
47:51Your husband isn't home.
47:53How are you?
47:55Well, now that you're here, I'm better.
47:59They told you, didn't they?
48:03The attack I had last night.
48:05I couldn't find my mother's medallion and...
48:08and I fought everyone.
48:11That's why you came, isn't it?
48:13Andrés told me something.
48:14He's very worried about you.
48:16I don't know.
48:17The more I sleep, the more tired I get.
48:19It's weird, isn't it?
48:21A little.
48:23Jesus told me that...
48:25that I can't travel in these conditions.
48:30Pegoña, you haven't taken pills again, have you?
48:33No, I already told you no.
48:34I stopped taking them.
48:36To be able to help you,
48:37you have to be honest with me.
48:39Luz, I'm not taking anything.
48:43I'm sure that if I look in the drawers or in the closet,
48:45I won't find them hidden.
48:47What are you insinuating?
48:48I'm not hiding anything.
48:49Don't you believe me?
48:52Okay, Pegoña.
48:54Then we have to see where that numbness comes from.
48:56That fatigue you feel.
49:01Does your head usually hurt?
49:04Well, sometimes.
49:06I don't know, it's just that...
49:07it's not pain.
49:08What I have is like...
49:11like a feeling of constant fatigue
49:13and the urge to sleep all the time.
49:15You should go out and get some fresh air.
49:17I just don't feel like it.
49:19What I want is to be calm
49:21and lie down without thinking.
49:27What are you doing?
49:28I'm going to draw your blood to do an analysis.
49:30For what?
49:32Pegoña, we have to know where that state comes from.
49:35Look at me.
49:36Let's see how you feel.
49:37What's wrong? You don't believe me?
49:39I told you I'm not taking anything.
49:41I'm not taking any sedatives.
49:42Pegoña, I just want to help you.
49:43Look, if you don't believe me, get out of here.
49:45We have to...
49:46Get out!
50:07I want La Reina and Los Merinos
50:09to celebrate the factory's anniversary
50:11together tomorrow.
50:13I'm really worried about this event.
50:15I need it to go well.
50:16I know.
50:17I work every day for La Reina
50:19and I know what their level of demand is.
50:21Get out of my sight.
50:22The radio you sold me doesn't work anymore.
50:24I don't know.
50:25How is it possible to record if it's high-end?
50:27What do you mean she's pregnant and she's not with anyone?
50:29I don't know.
50:30I don't know.
50:31I don't know.
50:32I don't know.
50:33I don't know.
50:34I don't know.
50:35I don't know.
50:36I don't know.
50:37Why can't you tell me if she's pregnant or not?
50:39Because I had a boyfriend and...
50:41The rest you can imagine.
50:43His son has been upset for a few days
50:46because of a piece of news broken his heart.
50:48You know who her father is.
50:49Luz told me about her past,
50:51what she's hiding.
50:52She's not rejecting you, she's begging you.
50:55That's not the same.
50:56Are you serious?
50:57You could be losing your mind.
51:00That's the last thing I want to face.
51:03I've been looking for you like an idiot.
51:05I'm really sorry.
51:06We told him to make another one.
51:07I don't want another drawing!
51:09When I kept it in my book, it was perfect.
51:11It was intact.
51:12Someone had to take it and destroy it.
