The Mallorca Files Season 3 Episode 1

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The Mallorca Files S03E01
00:00Previously, on The Mallorca Files.
00:09Welcome to Mallorca.
00:10Detective Blake.
00:11I work better alone.
00:13Detective Winter will join you.
00:15And of course, he's already saved your life.
00:17They sent me over from Munich as a liaison officer,
00:19but I liked it so much I asked to stay.
00:23Oh no, I'm not hugging you.
00:25His grasp of the local language is faultless,
00:27unlike his grasp of correct procedure.
00:29Yes, you should have listened to me,
00:30because I know what the hell I'm doing.
00:32Of course.
00:33Miranda Blake saving us all with her fantastic police work.
00:36I think you need a little Mallorca time.
00:38And stop asking me to pick up your dry cleaning.
00:40I'm not your secretary, Max.
00:41I asked once.
00:42She's a workaholic.
00:43Never have a relationship.
00:45Just because I don't go around being overly tactile,
00:48and thinking every stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet,
00:50doesn't make me inhuman, repressed, or antisocial.
00:53I have a life.
00:57Detective Blake is not my girlfriend.
01:00I'm not his girlfriend.
01:01We probably should get married.
01:03I'll think about it.
01:05You know, for a man who prides himself on his emotional intelligence,
01:08you're an absolute idiot.
01:09You told your office wife to maybe keep two office hours.
01:14That's detective Tonto to you!
01:15Great minds.
01:17Stay with me, 007.
01:20Three months ago, Alberto Alvarez,
01:22a geography teacher from Palma,
01:24walked into the Mallorca Mint,
01:26bought a million euros of gold,
01:28and used it to make this,
01:30his golden compass.
01:32Alberto then buried his compass somewhere in Mallorca,
01:35published ten clues in the Mallorca Times,
01:38and kicked off the biggest treasure hunt the island has ever known,
01:42Golden Legacy.
01:44Mr. Alvarez,
01:46a lot of people now believe Golden Legacy is a scam.
01:51The golden compass is out there.
01:54The issue here, the real issue,
01:56is that nobody has solved my puzzle.
01:59We understand you've started receiving threats.
02:03It's nothing.
02:04Just some silly people calling to say that they will break my legs
02:07if I don't tell them where I buried the golden compass.
02:09Can you believe that?
02:11They don't worry you?
02:12I ignore them.
02:13Some say your puzzle is impossible.
02:16Ha, ha, ha.
02:17No, no, no, no.
02:19It is entirely solvable.
02:21You just need a little bit of persistence,
02:23some lateral thinking,
02:25and perhaps a little bravery.
02:27May I remind the viewers how it works?
02:29Max, returning your call?
02:32Oh, yeah.
02:33You'll never guess what.
02:35You've had your hair shaved off.
02:37Ha, ha, ha.
02:38It's even more shocking than that.
02:41My dad's coming to visit.
02:43He's flying in tomorrow.
02:45It's the first time in my six years in Mallorca.
02:49What's brought this on?
02:50I'm not entirely sure.
02:52But he did say he's looking forward to meeting his future daughter-in-law.
02:56Wait, you haven't told him about you and Carmen?
02:59I was building up to it.
03:01He'll be fine.
03:03I'm excited.
03:05I can finally show him my island.
03:07And doing puzzles was a thing for us,
03:09so maybe he can help me solve golden legacy.
03:13Oh, what, that hoax?
03:15It's not a hoax.
03:18Oh, come on.
03:20It's one big publicity stunt for Google or Amazon.
03:23The only people still bothering with that are gullible fools.
03:27Well, I guess that makes me a fool.
03:32Go on, then.
03:33How close are you to the treasure?
03:35I solved two clues.
03:37Out of ten?
03:39Well, I've narrowed it down to the left half of the island.
03:45Plane sailing from here on in, then.
03:49May I give you my wish?
03:51The golden compass...
03:53It is buried somewhere out there.
03:54Are you there?
03:55And it will stay buried until somebody solves my puzzle.
03:59Perhaps that someone will be you.
04:09Thank you so much.
04:13Well, Alberto, thank you so much.
04:15You're welcome.
04:17Have a nice day.
04:22No, no!
04:42And you think that you've got a shot at me
04:46Better set me free
04:50You've got to set me free
04:54I surrender
05:08Alberto Alvarez is alive, but he will be shot in exactly 24 hours
05:14unless you hand over the golden compass.
05:16Further instructions in 12 hours.
05:18Received in an email at 8am.
05:20They're trying to trace it.
05:22What about Alberto's phone?
05:23It's been switched off since the abduction.
05:25It says an alert is about to go out on all media platforms
05:29about the van and the ransom request.
05:31Why the ransom request?
05:32Alberto claims he shared the location of the golden compass
05:35with the person who gave him the million euros,
05:37so we need that person to come forward.
05:58Do you think Alberto Alvarez is already there?
06:02What if this benefactor doesn't come forward?
06:05Then we'll just have to fight the compass ourselves.
06:07You're right.
06:12Miranda Blake.
06:13Pleased to meet you.
06:14Pleased to meet you.
06:15Please, come in.
06:16It's your first door on the left.
06:17It is.
06:20Rest assured, we're doing everything we can to locate your father.
06:25Do you have any idea who this mystery benefactor might be?
06:28Dad hates rich people.
06:30Actually, he hates everybody who's not contributing
06:33to the well-being of mankind.
06:35So, what about the threats?
06:37Has he mentioned those?
06:39The TV interviews was the first we heard of them.
06:42Well, let's be honest, Ray.
06:43He hasn't shared much with us recently.
06:46Why not?
06:48Six months ago, our dad accused Felipe and I
06:51of stealing money from his study.
06:53He demanded we give the money back.
06:55Which we didn't because it wasn't true.
06:57Since then, things have been a bit tense around here.
07:01How much did he accuse you of stealing?
07:0450 euros.
07:06He can be a bit unpredictable.
07:10Dad finds it hard to keep his craziness in check.
07:14And you both still live at home?
07:17We failed to launch.
07:19It's a financial thing.
07:21I am desperate to move out.
07:24So, what do you do?
07:25I'm an actress.
07:28And how's that working out for you?
07:31Yes, okay.
07:33And she did an ad for an oil company once.
07:35That ticked a lot of boxes for Dad.
07:40So, what about you, Filipe?
07:43Well, I play video games for a living.
07:46You see, we're both disappointing children,
07:48but I'm definitely the most disappointing.
07:57I thought me and my dad was complicated.
08:08This is it.
08:10The desk.
08:11We're about to create a golden legacy.
08:16Oh, wow.
08:24Have less than their shows.
08:26Speak less than I knowest.
08:28Lend less than thou owest.
08:31You know your King Lear.
08:32Yeah, did it at school.
08:35I was the fool.
08:39Controversial casting.
08:46It's the receipt for the compass and two prototypes.
08:54The original golden legacy clues.
08:58Have you ever tried to solve one of these?
09:03Well, I guess you don't have enough lateral thinking,
09:06persistence or bravery.
09:08I have plenty of all of those.
09:10Thank you very much.
09:12Just imagine if we did solve all these clues, Marina.
09:17Got a GPS of the exact spot the golden compass was buried.
09:21Dug it up.
09:22And then what?
09:23Deliver it to the kidnappers for the big swap?
09:56British man named Edmund Burgess threatened to sue Alberto
09:59earlier this year for two million euros.
10:02I don't know, he doesn't say.
10:04Looks like the case never made it to court.
10:06Well, there's someone who could have an axe to grind against Alberto.
10:23Oh. My. God.
10:26These are Alberto's notes for golden legacy.
10:34It's evidence.
10:41Oh, no.
10:43Gotta go.
10:55I waited for half an hour for you at the airport.
10:58I took a taxi to the hotel.
11:00I'm sorry, I wasn't the case, so...
11:02Oh, yeah.
11:06Did a drunken tourist lose his wallet?
11:10Actually, it's a missing person, so I'm afraid I can't stay.
11:17I'm sorry.
11:18Actually, it's a missing person, so I'm afraid I can't stay.
11:24Well, um...
11:25Welcome to my paradise!
11:32Great to see her again.
11:35I, uh...
11:37I gave her a wax specially.
11:48Sorry, um...
11:50That's Miranda.
11:51Just give it away.
11:55I thought her name was Carmen.
12:01That's all he said about Carmen?
12:03That he wasn't that surprised?
12:06I think he was confused.
12:09He kept asking if you were my girlfriend.
12:15Anywho, I left him with Christian.
12:18Yeah, maybe he'll bring out Dad's inner party animal.
12:21I gave him a golden legacy clue.
12:23Dad likes to be busy.
12:27Well, OK.
12:29No sightings of the white van,
12:31no word from Alberto's mystery benefactor,
12:33and I'm still waiting on details of that compensation claim from Alberto's solicitor.
12:38Well, we had no lack traits in the kidnappers you made,
12:42so, in other words, we have nothing.
12:44Not quite.
12:54The good news is
12:56Alberto's notebook was very, very helpful.
13:01What the hell? It don't.
13:05It gave me answers to clues, eh?
13:07Sawyer train station,
13:09Alcudia city walls,
13:11Castel de Belver and Beniz Arabs.
13:14So I now got six of the GPS numbers.
13:23So I can now confirm the golden compass,
13:26aka Alberto's ransom,
13:28must be buried somewhere here.
13:33That's 900 square kilometres, at least.
13:37Well, yes.
13:39But Alberto's notebook also revealed
13:42that one of the four remaining answers is near Espontas.
13:47I don't even know what that is.
13:49That's a rock in the sea.
13:51Oh, don't tell me you're going along with this rubbish.
13:53Just... Just get him back.
13:55Get him back.
14:05Bravery, persistence, lateral thinking.
14:17A rock. Yep.
14:19In the sea?
14:39Can I have a go?
14:43To the left.
14:49Straight on.
14:52There it is.
14:56A rock in the sea.
14:59According to Alberto's notes,
15:02we should be able to see a Mallorca flag from here.
15:06There it is!
15:50What about that thing?
15:58It's not a number.
16:00No, it's an eye.
16:02Like in the clue.
16:07And there's another one. Over there.
16:13It's two eyes.
16:15Both looking in this direction.
16:36Oh, my God.
16:56What a team, eh?
17:00Oh, my God.
17:02There must have been a freak wave.
17:04It was a little rubbish knot, Max.
17:06It was a double half hitch.
17:08I learned it at Wölfinger. I was a civil pioneer.
17:11Why the hell did I agree to this?
17:15Hey! Whoo-hoo!
17:17Can you get a boat?
17:23Can you get a boat?
17:25Thank you!
17:27Thank God.
17:31Thank you very much.
17:35Did you use the wrong knot?
17:37No. Yes.
17:39Right, well...
17:41One good turn and all that, what's the answer to the clue?
17:45That's why you're here, isn't it?
17:49It's six.
17:51Yeah? Mm-hm.
17:55So, um, how many answers have you got?
17:58Well, seven now.
18:00There's only three more left to go.
18:02There's only three more left to go.
18:04Yeah, same here.
18:06We know Alberto Alvarez.
18:09It's just terrible what's happened to him.
18:11Yeah, it's awful.
18:13Actually, we're with Palma Police. We're looking into his disappearance.
18:16Yep. So you could help us get Alberto back
18:19by sharing answers we don't have?
18:22Ah, sorry.
18:24But it would actually help to save Alberto's life, so...
18:28Ned's a bit competitive.
18:30Oh, yeah.
18:37With friends like that...
18:39He's a little worried.
18:41Cos we look like winners.
18:44Right, 19 hours to go.
18:46No more detours, OK, Max?
18:57Hey, guys. Max?
19:00Want one? It's a flying visit.
19:02I thought Miranda was getting a sandwich.
19:05Successful morning, then?
19:07Oh, yeah.
19:09Three hours in a military museum.
19:11Dream come true.
19:13You liked the anti-tank gun?
19:15Yeah, that was OK. And the bayonets.
19:18But the rest? Forget it.
19:20Well, I actually enjoyed it.
19:27It's code.
19:29For cannons.
19:31There are four of them in the museum.
19:33That's your answer.
19:35That's amazing. Thanks, Dad.
19:37Once I worked out that he was actually using the Alberti cipher,
19:41it was actually pretty easy.
19:47You seriously think that this could save that man's life?
19:59Alberto paid for the gold with his own money.
20:03He transferred €3 million from his own offshore account four months ago.
20:06€3 million?
20:08He's a geography teacher.
20:13So you had no idea he had that money or where it came from?
20:18He definitely didn't share any of it with us.
20:20Two weeks ago, your father withdrew €6,000 in cash.
20:23Do you have any idea what that was for?
20:25Who would stand to benefit from your father's fortune?
20:27Look, we just told you, this is the first we've heard of it.
20:29Wait. If there is no benefactor...
20:31Then, yeah.
20:33It's possible that no-one else knows where the golden compass is buried.
20:36Then how are you going to pay for the ransom?
20:38Oh, don't worry, Miss Alvarez.
20:40We're going to find the compass ourselves.
20:48I can't believe you just said that.
20:50I can't believe you just said that.
20:52I just wanted to give them some hope.
20:55Oh, finally.
20:58I found the white van.
21:10Presented to budget van in Manacor earlier today.
21:13Adhesive on the windows, registration plate tampered with.
21:17This is definitely a white van.
21:19So, what has it given us?
21:22This is the guy who hired it.
21:24Deb Harris. Do we think that's an alias?
21:26Not clear yet. We're running searches.
21:29And I'm chasing London on Edmund Burgess.
21:32We've got one hour till we're duty here from the kidnappers.
21:46Got it.
21:47The first bed of this clue is a ding bed of Lost City.
21:51I once read a novel called Lost City.
21:53It's about scuba diving.
21:54OK, please.
21:55We've got 12 hours to save this man's life, OK?
21:57The kidnappers are due to make contact any minute.
21:59Concentrate on the case.
22:37Thanks for coming, Dad.
22:39Oh, you're absolutely welcome.
22:41I'm glad you're here.
22:42I'm glad you're here.
22:43I'm glad you're here.
22:44I'm glad you're here.
22:46Are you absolutely certain that this is what you should be doing right now?
23:16Just like old times.
23:18Red Sea, 2003?
23:22No, please don't get another nosebleed.
23:35Hola, Blake.
23:41Perfecto, gracias.
23:46What's up?
24:06Go on, sink, Max. Pick up.
24:15Pick up the phone.
24:21Pick up the phone.
24:33That's code, right?
24:35I think it's an anagram.
24:41Like an arch.
24:42Like an arch.
24:44Let's try it.
25:32Are you having a nice time?
25:33Are you having a nice time in there?
25:43That was quite fun.
25:45Yeah, it was.
25:47So, look, Max.
25:49There's something really important I need to discuss with you, so...
25:52Let's do dinner.
25:58Hey, Miranda.
26:00Only one more clue to go.
26:04So, this is the famous Miranda?
26:06Oh, yes.
26:08Nice to meet you, Mr. Winter.
26:09Sorry I can't stay and chat.
26:12Someone's come forward.
26:14They're on their way to the station.
26:23A few days before Golden Legacy launched,
26:26my dad, he called me up to study.
26:29He swore me to secrecy,
26:32and he told me he was trusting me
26:34with the location of the Golden Compass.
26:36He wanted me to take it to the police,
26:38but only if his life was in danger.
26:41I asked him why he had chosen me.
26:44Why not Reina?
26:47And he said he'd seen Reina stealing money from his study.
26:51He wasn't sure he could trust her.
26:59Why didn't you come to us before?
27:03Because I really wanted to.
27:05Because I really did think
27:07this was a publicity stunt.
27:10But if there is no money man
27:12to come to save him, then...
27:22It's the wrong side of the island.
27:30How deep down would he have buried it?
27:34Deep enough to stop a dog picking it up by mistake.
28:08Still nothing from the kidnappers.
28:11News on Dev Harris, though.
28:13Turns out he was one of Alberto's former pupils.
28:17Clearly didn't rate him much as a teacher.
28:20He's a good kid.
28:22He's a good kid.
28:24He's a good kid.
28:26He's a good kid.
28:28He's a good kid.
28:30He's a good kid.
28:32He's a good kid.
28:34He's a good kid.
28:43It turns out that all that glistens is not gold.
28:50Solid brass.
28:51It's one of Alberto's prototypes.
28:54Great. So we don't have a ransom to hand over.
28:57Why the hell would he leave instructions to a brass fake?
29:01I don't know.
29:02But it means the real golden compass is still out there.
29:12Found Dev Harris.
29:28Someone saw Harris at the grocery store down the road.
29:31They recognized him from the news and followed him back to an abandoned flower factory.
30:08Jesus Christ!
30:13Don't kill me.
30:15I have money.
30:17Oh, thank God.
30:19Dev Harris, we're arresting you for the kidnap of Alberto Alvarez.
30:22Where is he?
30:24I think I need a lawyer.
30:32We've got 90 minutes to get a location from him.
30:35I'm afraid we've got a bit more time than that now.
30:46Found by a walker.
30:49The crushed bones suggest Alberto's body was dropped from one of the cliffs in the area.
30:55And based on the tide, he washed up here sometime late yesterday evening.
30:59Late yesterday evening?
31:03You said body.
31:04So he was already dead when he was dropped off the cliff.
31:07This is what killed him.
31:13And he's not from landing on a rock.
31:15So he wasn't shot?
31:18I'll obviously do all the DNA checks.
31:21Ah, one more thing.
31:24I found this in his pockets.
31:36Our father didn't deserve to die.
31:38He could be a really difficult person, but he really wanted to make the world a better place.
31:44Did you know he was ill?
31:51Your father was undergoing chemotherapy.
32:00Alberto had advanced bladder cancer.
32:05He'd arranged to write his will with his solicitor next week.
32:09Golden legacy.
32:11That was his legacy.
32:13The solicitor also shared the secret of his wealth.
32:16He invested 10,000 euros in bitcoin over a decade ago.
32:20And cashed out at 3 million euros.
32:22Clever man.
32:23Here's the thing though.
32:24Those 10,000 euros were lent to him by Edmund Burgess.
32:27The bloco wanted to sue him?
32:29Burgess clearly thought that he deserved a share.
32:31I'm getting him traced.
32:35Please tell me you have some good news.
32:37I found carpet fibres on our victim.
32:39But no identifiable DNA.
32:42Nor was any of Alberto's DNA at that flower factory.
32:46Damn it.
32:48Taken by a member of the public.
32:51They are saying we failed him, Winter.
32:53Palma police wasting time on a swim?
32:56Get me a confession from Paris.
33:045,000 euros.
33:06Found in your possessions.
33:09Who were you working with?
33:12Was it Edmund Burgess?
33:16What did he do to upset you?
33:18Upset me?
33:22Mr. Alvarez was the best teacher I've ever had.
33:26See, I'm missing the comedy here, Dev.
33:29Alberto's in the morgue.
33:31And if you killed him, forensics will confirm that very shortly.
33:34Wait, what?
33:37He's dead?
33:38My strong advice to you, Mr. O'Nutt.
33:42A confession now could take years off your sentence.
33:48I didn't kill Mr. Alvarez.
33:51Oh my God.
33:54I'll show you where I took him.
34:03This is where you brought Alberto.
34:06And then he gave me the 5,000 euros.
34:09Plus the rent that I paid for this place.
34:11Sorry, who did?
34:13Mr. Alvarez.
34:15Mr. Alvarez paid me to kidnap him and bring him here.
34:21The last that I saw of him was when he walked through those doors.
35:10This isn't a prison.
35:12It's a hideaway.
35:22So, Dev burbs into Alberto four months ago in Parma.
35:26Dev tells him that he's skint.
35:28Four weeks ago, Alberto gets back in touch with Dev and asks him to stage this kidnap
35:32and then to lie low for a few days afterwards.
35:35And it's only because Dev messes up and goes to the shop that we find him.
35:38Yeah, but why was Alberto faking his own kidnap?
35:41All Dev said was it was something that he needed to do.
35:52Look at this.
35:54There has to be a clue on this computer.
35:57Edmund Burgess is a British landscape gardener.
36:01Living in Majorca.
36:03Look familiar?
36:12Alberto was a friend or so I thought.
36:15My dad had died and left me some money.
36:17That's why he asked me to lend him that 10,000 euros.
36:19Thanks to you, he made a fortune.
36:21But wouldn't give you a cent of profit.
36:25Alberto seemed like this really warm guy.
36:28But when you got close, you found out he was made of ice.
36:31You must have been livid when the court threw your case out.
36:34See, we think you somehow found out where Alberto was hiding.
36:39You confronted him, demanded to tell you where the compass was buried.
36:42I mean, he owed you that.
36:44Maybe he told you, maybe he didn't.
36:46But either way, you're angry.
36:47Yeah, he owed me, all right.
36:50That's why we spent the past three months working on his bloody puzzle.
36:53But kill him?
36:55I'm not that crazy.
36:57Ned has been with me every minute of the past few days.
37:00And this might surprise you, but he hates confrontation.
37:06Well, if they are the killers, there is no sign they did it in there.
37:10Okay, well, whoever killed Alberto,
37:13let's just assume they got the location.
37:14They dug up the compass.
37:16Remind me what forensic evidence they may have left.
37:19Footprints, fibers of clothing, cigarette butt if it's your birthday.
37:23But I would get there quickly if I were you.
37:25You need to secure that crime scene.
37:35Okay, last clue.
37:37We can solve this, Max.
37:39That's Mary.
37:41But why is she being crossed out?
37:42This painting, I've seen this recently.
37:47Come on, Miranda.
37:58That's it.
38:00St. Bartholomew and John with donor.
38:04Nice work.
38:06Okay, okay, okay.
38:08Churches on me, okay?
38:09Okay, okay.
38:11Churches on Mallorca named after St. John or St. Bartholomew.
38:16Wait, there's a St. Bartholomew's Church in Palma.
38:22St. Bartholomew, formerly known as Santa Maria.
38:26That's it, Max. That is where the answer is.
38:29Let your thinking.
38:33Just get there.
38:47What do those mean?
38:49One of the line.
38:53What is it up?
38:58Or down?
39:04It's in the crypt.
39:09Let's go.
39:42The answer's eighteen.
39:44Thanks, guys.
39:48I've got a compass to dig up.
39:50Open this door, Burgess.
39:51Or what?
39:53You'll lock me up for a month.
39:55I'll take that for a million euros.
39:56Wait, wait, wait, please.
39:58You can keep the compass, okay?
40:00Just let forensics check the location first.
40:02You can't do that.
40:04I've got a compass.
40:06I've got a compass.
40:07Just let forensics check the location first.
40:09You accused me of murder.
40:11Why the hell should I trust you?
40:15Why did you shout out the answer?
40:18What's so funny, Max?
40:23Seventeen. You said eighteen.
40:27I heard someone following us.
40:28So, uh...
40:30Those two will be way out when they dig.
40:33I reckon he followed me to the aquarium and took the photo.
40:37Probably they followed us to the rock as well.
40:40Where's the lever?
40:43For the secret exit.
40:46Come on, Miranda.
40:48There's always a lever.
41:28This is it.
41:31X marks the spot.
41:36There's been no digging here.
41:39No one's touched it.
41:41Damn it.
41:47I'm sorry.
41:49I'm sorry.
41:51I'm sorry.
41:53I'm sorry.
41:55I'm sorry.
41:58If Alberto kept his secret till the end, why was he killed?
42:02And why did he put a fake compass on the other side of the island?
42:05The answer's on that computer. I know it.
42:07It's just another one of his bloody puzzles.
42:13What if the solution is the solution?
42:28Now that, Max Winter, is lateral thinking.
42:33It looks like some kind of tracking app.
42:35Serpent's Tooth.
42:38I've heard that before.
42:40Well, whatever it is.
42:42The black disk.
42:43That's quite close.
42:49It's in the building.
42:52It's in this room.
42:58Let's go.
43:12He put a track in his fake compass.
43:14Oh, great. Of course he did.
43:16Yeah, something else that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
43:19Yeah, and neither does this white disk.
43:25Do you have a visitor?
43:34You alright?
43:40So he died then.
43:42The man you were supposed to save.
43:47Yes, sir.
43:48Yes, sir.
43:50Do you know the real reason why I came to Majorca, Max?
43:53To help you.
43:55I was going to tell you that although time is not on your side,
43:58there is still a place for you back in Munich.
44:01In the firm.
44:03But what do I find?
44:05You're totally unsuited.
44:07You're an unsuccessful policeman messing around with puzzles.
44:12You can't even take care of my car.
44:15It's so disappointing.
44:24How much sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.
44:31King Lear.
44:33That's it.
44:34That's the answer.
44:36White disk is on the move.
44:37And I think I know why.
44:38Thanks, Dad.
44:39You've helped us a lot.
44:45I'm sorry if you feel I've let you down.
45:00There were two golden legacies.
45:02One was a real treasure hunt,
45:04and the other was a loyalty test.
45:06Okay, go on.
45:07Alberto had a fortune, right?
45:09And not long to live.
45:10But he mistrusted his children.
45:13So he challenged them to prove their love for him.
45:15Just like King Lear.
45:18You see, he didn't just entrust Felipe with a secret location.
45:22He did the same to Reina.
45:24And he buried the other brass compass there.
45:26Also with the tracker inside.
45:29Then he staged his kidnap,
45:30and what did he do?
45:32He killed Reina.
45:34Then he staged his kidnap,
45:35and waited.
45:38With Dad's life on the line,
45:39how would his kids respond?
45:41Well, one demonstrated his love by coming to us
45:44and sharing his information.
45:46And the other showed her greed.
45:47There you go.
45:59She's speeding up.
46:06We need to get our hands on that fake compass.
46:09It could be the murder weapon.
46:42Don't go, Reina.
46:45Reina, please.
46:51Listen, we know you must have been angry
46:52when your father told you
46:53that you failed his test.
46:55He treated me like an experiment.
46:57A tiny fraction of his fortune
46:59would have made my life bearable.
47:01So he just watched me suffer.
47:03That's why I had to take the compass.
47:06Yesterday he surprised you.
47:09I imagine he told you the compass was fake.
47:11And that he'd watched you betray him.
47:14And that he now knew
47:16he could never trust you.
47:19He's a monster!
47:20He's a monster!
47:30If I am a monster,
47:31it's because I was raised by one.
47:36Too late, Reina!
47:38You put it in the sea, you'll go with it.
47:51I'm sorry if it wasn't quite the visit
47:53you were expecting, Dad.
47:56But, um,
47:57at least
48:00we made the front page.
48:21Mr Winter.
48:23Your son cracked a really challenging case.
48:26And that happens quite a lot here.
48:30He's one of the best detectives
48:31I've ever worked with.
48:33I think you should be proud of him.
48:38I'll go wait in the car.
48:43I'm getting her a full valet tomorrow.
48:47The car, not Mirena.
48:50About Miranda.
49:06I feel 20 kilos lighter.
49:10I love my dad.
49:12And I'd be very happy for him to visit again.
49:15In about six years' time.
49:17Any last minute pearls of wisdom?
49:25Nothing I didn't know already.
49:47I feel a bit sorry for you.
49:51I don't.
50:16I bet you're itching to dig it up.
50:21we solved the puzzle.
50:23It's enough for me.
50:27We have an expression in German.
50:33It basically means
50:35I enjoy the chase more than the catch.
50:44about what you said to my father.
50:47Yeah, it's true.
50:50He's definitely one of the best 50 detectives
50:52I've worked with in my career.
50:58you're definitely the best
51:00Welsh female detective partner
51:02I've ever had.
51:17This season on The Mallorca Files.
51:20Let's do this.
51:24You're fast.
51:25But you're not that fast.
51:27Ramón Silva is
51:29Europe's most notorious and successful con man.
51:37What an escaped prisoner, though.
51:39Kind of interesting.
51:40It's hardly an electromag.
51:42I need my most diplomatic and
51:44sensitive officers for this case.
51:46Suddenly, they're not available, so...
51:48Yep, Max Winter is on the case.
51:53I got a new job.
51:55It's in Madrid.
51:57I mean, this is a relationship, Max,
51:59not cage fighting.
52:01I think you need to kiss me.
52:02I need to kiss you.
52:03You're scarce.
52:04We are only human.
52:05You know what's the difference between you and me?
52:07I want to be here
52:08more than I want to be anywhere else.
52:11Palma Police!
52:12Palma Police!
52:14Drop the gun!
52:15Drop the gun!
52:17I want this case closed.
52:19I really think we're a great team.
52:21The perfect match.
52:22Thanks, Max.
52:23I was talking to the car.
52:26Guard down. Guard down.
52:42If you want me now
52:47It's gonna have to wait