
  • 5 months ago


00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:10 [MUSIC]
00:00:20 [MUSIC]
00:00:30 What's up, Frodosaurus?
00:00:42 A perfect day to the Ceratops.
00:00:44 [MUSIC]
00:00:52 Morning, boys.
00:00:53 Hi, Trudy.
00:00:54 Same to you, Mrs. Baker.
00:00:56 Great turnout.
00:00:57 In my heart, I always knew that Brokenwood was bigger than a small town.
00:01:01 Bigger as a dinosaur, even.
00:01:03 Yeah, yeah.
00:01:04 Although some of them were actually quite small, like Compaginuthus, no bigger than a turkey.
00:01:08 Regardless, it is indeed the beginning of a new era.
00:01:12 Even Trudy's on board with it all.
00:01:14 Hey, sis.
00:01:16 Don't worry, she's excited.
00:01:18 What can you tell?
00:01:21 Good morning, Maggie.
00:01:23 How would you be on this suspicious occasion?
00:01:26 Oh, I'm good.
00:01:27 Good, thank you, Doug.
00:01:28 Got a little something for you.
00:01:30 Oh.
00:01:31 Oh, it's you.
00:01:36 I don't know what the smell was.
00:01:38 Is that your idea of banter?
00:01:40 I'll banter you if you don't watch it.
00:01:42 Oh, come on, you two.
00:01:44 You're a fool.
00:01:45 Good morning, everyone.
00:01:49 Great to see so many of you here on this special day.
00:01:53 Lucky for us, the weather gods have smiled and last night's storm has moved on.
00:01:58 I'm taking that as a good omen.
00:02:01 As mayor, I am incredibly excited to formally announce that Brokenwood is poised to become the dinosaur capital of New Zealand.
00:02:11 And all because of one remarkable woman.
00:02:15 Homegrown paleontologist extraordinaire, our very own Maggie Sturridge.
00:02:25 After years of toiling in the foothills of the Brokenwood Ranges, Maggie has found the unmistakable outline of a bone from and I have it written down.
00:02:35 A dinosaurid.
00:02:37 Yes.
00:02:38 Thank you, Todd.
00:02:39 What he said.
00:02:40 One of the big ones, anyways.
00:02:42 Yes.
00:02:44 Now, Maggie's find will be officially authenticated today by an international expert.
00:02:52 And to commemorate this, well, Maggie, would you like to do the honors?
00:02:57 Oh.
00:02:58 [Applause]
00:03:02 Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Brokenwoodosaurus.
00:03:06 [Applause]
00:03:14 Thanks, folks.
00:03:17 And as many of you will know, I've recently refurbished the old sawmill, now aptly named the Dinosaur and Pamper.
00:03:27 So please join us for a complimentary drink to help celebrate this aspirational day.
00:03:35 Had I known Ray was going to offer everyone free drinks, I mean, what's the point in even rebranding?
00:03:42 Wrapped delicious.
00:03:43 Yeah, I wanted that cozy feeling.
00:03:45 Wrapped us with these real cute pet-sized dinosaurs.
00:03:48 That also wounded and disemboweled other dinosaurs with their six-inch claws.
00:03:52 Did they?
00:03:53 But I won't tell my clones that when I bring them by for a coffee after they experience my Todd Taylor dino tour.
00:03:59 There's only one fossil.
00:04:00 It's going to be a pretty quick tour.
00:04:02 Where there's one, there's got to be tons of others, right?
00:04:05 That guy's keen, swimming at this time of the year.
00:04:12 Yeah, I heard it's freezing.
00:04:15 He is swimming.
00:04:17 Nah, if he was swimming, he'd be waving his arms around. He's just floating.
00:04:21 Because, um...
00:04:23 Bloody hell.
00:04:40 Oh, God, he's still alive.
00:04:42 Oh.
00:04:45 I don't think so.
00:04:47 What do we know?
00:04:55 Well, not much, unfortunately.
00:04:57 Male, Caucasian, probably late 40s.
00:05:00 Todd and Frodo pulled him from the stream with an ID on him.
00:05:03 Ice pack?
00:05:05 Yeah, something like that.
00:05:07 Todd and Frodo mentioned the unveiling ceremony this morning.
00:05:11 In honour of Maggie Sturridge's discovery.
00:05:14 A sightseer, maybe? Or fossil enthusiast?
00:05:19 Hello there.
00:05:26 You might have drifted on a stranger, but we'll do our best to find out how you got into this situation.
00:05:36 Do we know where this stream originates?
00:05:38 Here's Doug.
00:05:42 That's the Waterford stream.
00:05:44 Source is up there on the hills.
00:05:47 I wasn't exactly sure where.
00:05:49 But it flows down through the bush, over a heap of farmland.
00:05:53 There's really any number of places where a bloke could end up in that stream.
00:05:57 Best guess?
00:05:58 Well, it's not for me to guess. That's your job, isn't it?
00:06:01 Good morning.
00:06:05 This is interesting.
00:06:07 Yeah, an ice pick to the noggin. It's very reminiscent of the death of Comrade Trotsky.
00:06:12 This is not an ice pick. This is a rock hammer.
00:06:15 It's all much for muchness when it's buried in your forehead.
00:06:18 They are not the same thing at all.
00:06:20 Well, see.
00:06:22 Not the same thing.
00:06:24 This is an ice pick.
00:06:28 Quite different.
00:06:29 Very effective for deep penetration.
00:06:34 Gina, you carry around an ice pick with you because...
00:06:40 In my line of work, I must always be prepared.
00:06:43 We need some kind of idea how long the victim's been in the water.
00:06:47 It's too early to say, but I will run some tests and, of course, you'll be the first to know.
00:06:52 OK, thanks.
00:06:53 Oh, but I can tell you that he's a man of class and good breathing.
00:06:58 Look at his nails.
00:07:00 Beautifully manitubed.
00:07:02 OK, we'll keep that in mind.
00:07:04 Actually, when was the last time you had your nails done, eh?
00:07:08 That's it.
00:07:14 You don't even have a location for an actual crime scene.
00:07:18 Damn it.
00:07:19 What?
00:07:21 Well, Gina was right about the murder weapon. It is a rock hammer.
00:07:27 Similar implements are used in mountaineering, but the ones used in fossil hunting are smaller and more refined.
00:07:34 Like that one. So we know that much at least.
00:07:37 Hey, what do we know about this Maggie Sturridge's fossil research?
00:07:41 Well, apart from the fact that dinosaur fever has taken over the town, not that much.
00:07:46 We don't even know the location of her excavation, which seems to be an industrial secret.
00:07:52 Gina?
00:07:56 Mike, there is something I would like to demonstrate for you.
00:07:59 I'll be right there.
00:08:01 Let's start with this Maggie Sturridge.
00:08:05 Head over to the dinosaur and panther room.
00:08:08 See if she showed up at the festivities.
00:08:10 Why does Christine never listen?
00:08:12 There is nothing like the weapon that killed him.
00:08:15 I know about ice, Mike. And I know what kills people.
00:08:18 Uh, such as...
00:08:21 rock hammers.
00:08:23 Very effective.
00:08:25 It had penetrated three centimeters inside the cranium.
00:08:28 So death would have been instant?
00:08:31 Not necessarily.
00:08:33 Why not?
00:08:34 If after the initial blow he had been brought to a hospital, there might have been a different outcome.
00:08:39 But look.
00:08:41 Here.
00:08:44 See the contusions and grazes on the face?
00:08:47 They suggest that he fell forward, probably forcing the rock hammer further into his skull.
00:08:54 I say this is very unlucky for him.
00:08:57 Mike, what sort of dinosaur do you identify with?
00:09:03 Uh, not something I've given much thought to really.
00:09:07 I think a T-Rex.
00:09:10 Dominant.
00:09:11 Strong.
00:09:13 Thanks, Gina.
00:09:16 [BELL RINGS]
00:09:18 [CROWD CHATTER]
00:09:22 Everyone's very enthusiastic about this new discovery, aren't they?
00:09:32 Not to me. It's a game changer.
00:09:35 Is Maggie joining?
00:09:37 Yeah, she'll be along shortly. She's just having a meeting with that Professor bloke, so I'm saving her a seat.
00:09:42 Won't happen to smell the coffee, Doug.
00:09:44 Maggie's an intelligent, attractive, successful woman.
00:09:47 She's not interested in you?
00:09:49 Do you think it's the policy of this place to insult customers?
00:09:52 Only do it when you're being foolish, like you are.
00:09:54 Fool.
00:09:55 Judy.
00:09:56 Is Maggie Sturridge around?
00:10:00 She's not here. She went straight after the ceremony.
00:10:03 Anywhere to avoid a dewy-eyed Doug.
00:10:06 Do you happen to know where her dig site is?
00:10:09 I'm no knack, so if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
00:10:13 But I don't. No one does. Maggie keeps that to herself.
00:10:17 OK, thanks.
00:10:19 What did they want?
00:10:23 Probably something to do with that body we fished out of the stream.
00:10:26 What did you say?
00:10:27 I don't know.
00:10:29 Hi, I'm Detective Kristen Sims. This is Detective Constable Chalmers.
00:10:36 Yes?
00:10:37 Are you looking for Maggie Sturridge?
00:10:39 She's not here. I'm her daughter, Rowena. Can I help?
00:10:43 Would you prefer to talk to her?
00:10:45 I don't know where she is.
00:10:47 Jake?
00:10:49 This is my fiancé, Jake.
00:10:53 He's the police. Do you know where Mum is?
00:10:56 No, I haven't seen her.
00:10:58 She moves according to the Lord's will.
00:11:01 Could she be up at her dig site?
00:11:04 I shouldn't think so. Not after last night's storm.
00:11:07 Yeah, no, the diggings would need time to settle after all that rain.
00:11:11 Are you familiar with the site?
00:11:13 Familiar? Not really.
00:11:15 Jake helps Mum sometimes.
00:11:17 Yeah, but not lately, though.
00:11:20 OK, do you have her mobile number?
00:11:24 She doesn't have one.
00:11:26 She's so used to working in a remote area, she's never bothered.
00:11:29 In many ways, the Lord keeps us connected in the ways that matter.
00:11:34 OK, do you have a landline?
00:11:37 Yes.
00:11:38 Can you get her to call us when she gets home?
00:11:41 Of course.
00:11:43 God bless.
00:11:45 (DOOR OPENS)
00:11:47 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:11:50 (UPBEAT MUSIC)
00:11:59 (SIGHS)
00:12:08 Right. What are we doing?
00:12:10 Not at the pub, not at the dig site, not anywhere.
00:12:14 So this is a stakeout.
00:12:16 I prefer the term 'keeping eyes on'.
00:12:19 Because you hate stakeouts.
00:12:21 I do. But Rowena was not exactly helpful, was she?
00:12:25 Her mother's gotta come home sometime.
00:12:29 Yeah, believe they'll call us when she does get in?
00:12:32 Only if it's the Lord's will.
00:12:34 Such a suspicious mind.
00:12:36 Is that why I'm the deceiter and you're still just a...
00:12:43 detective constable?
00:12:45 Wow. So hurtful.
00:12:47 Mm. Sorry.
00:12:49 # I try to speak, tongue-tied and weak
00:12:54 # Each time I try to start
00:12:57 # Any fool with eyes could see
00:13:01 # Any fool with ears could hear
00:13:05 # My love for you is oh so clear
00:13:09 # To any fool with a heart... #
00:13:13 # You can see the forest for the trees
00:13:19 # I hear the rhythm pounding in my veins... #
00:13:22 (PHONE RINGS)
00:13:24 Mike Sheppard. Yeah, sir. Doug Randall here.
00:13:27 I found an abandoned vehicle up on Waterford Road, just past the bridge.
00:13:31 Doug, the front desk could have dealt with this.
00:13:34 This is a rental. It might well belong to your dead bloke.
00:13:38 OK. Waterford Road, you say?
00:13:40 Yeah, just past the bridge. Keep up.
00:13:42 Stay there. I'm on my way.
00:13:44 Oh, and, Doug, don't touch anything.
00:13:57 Yep. Definitely not an earthquake.
00:14:06 Looks like the Lord is on our side today.
00:14:15 Maggie Sturridge? Yes.
00:14:25 I'm Detective Kristen Simms, and this is my colleague, Detective Constable Chalmers.
00:14:29 What's this about?
00:14:31 I'm inquiring about... this.
00:14:33 Do you recognise it?
00:14:37 It's mine.
00:14:39 You're sure about that?
00:14:41 Um, yes. The, uh... the tape on the handle.
00:14:44 I put that there to stop blisters.
00:14:47 Where did you take this? Have you been up at the dig site?
00:14:51 No. We can explain more...
00:14:53 down at the station.
00:15:00 What did I say? Don't touch the car.
00:15:03 Where else did you want me to sit?
00:15:06 So, apart from using it as a sofa, you haven't touched the car?
00:15:10 What do you take me for?
00:15:12 Did you find anything more about the dead bloke in the river?
00:15:17 No, I can't talk to you about that.
00:15:19 What, so you don't even know who he is? Doug.
00:15:22 Whose property is that?
00:15:25 I don't know if I can talk to you about that.
00:15:27 Doug...
00:15:30 Freda Dunlop's.
00:15:32 She bought the old quarry about 15 years ago.
00:15:35 Guards it like a gun-toting rottweiler.
00:15:38 If this has anything to do with Maggie Sturridge...
00:15:41 Why would it?
00:15:43 Is this where her dig site is?
00:15:46 It's not really for me to say.
00:15:48 Maybe you should talk to Ron Abbott.
00:15:51 Because?
00:15:52 He's been sniffing around. Not in a good way, either.
00:15:56 I'll keep that in mind.
00:15:58 You do that.
00:16:00 Hi, it's Mike Sheppard.
00:16:04 I need a QVR from Brokenwood Rentals.
00:16:07 So, this was found in a man's head?
00:16:11 Oh my God.
00:16:13 And this man...
00:16:15 Who was he?
00:16:17 Well, we haven't established an identity as yet.
00:16:20 Well, that hammer is always stored on my dig site.
00:16:25 It was there yesterday.
00:16:27 So you were there yesterday?
00:16:29 Yes, I was showing a fellow paleontologist the find.
00:16:33 And their name?
00:16:34 Howard Wainwright.
00:16:36 Professor. He's from the US.
00:16:39 And this Mr Wainwright...
00:16:41 What did he make of it?
00:16:43 He seemed very positive.
00:16:46 The fossil, it must be the pinnacle of your career.
00:16:50 Well, I don't want to cut my chickens before they hatch, but...
00:16:55 I just knew, I knew the moment I saw it.
00:16:58 Given the shape and the texture of the bone,
00:17:01 I was certain it was a portion of a toe of a giant sauropod.
00:17:04 This would be the first evidence that Titanosaurids once lived in New Zealand.
00:17:08 (KNOCKS ON DOOR)
00:17:10 Apologies, son. A word?
00:17:14 Ah, excuse us a moment.
00:17:16 Doug Randall found a rental car out on Waterford Road.
00:17:21 It was rented to a Howard...
00:17:23 Wainwright, professor of paleontology.
00:17:25 From a mid-western US college.
00:17:28 He's our victim.
00:17:31 Maggie Sturridge was with him yesterday.
00:17:34 Maggie, this is Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Sheppard.
00:17:40 Hello, Maggie. Hello.
00:17:42 I understand you were with Professor Howard Wainwright yesterday.
00:17:47 Yes. Is he...
00:17:49 Is he the man who...?
00:17:51 We're yet to make a formal identification, but...
00:17:54 yes.
00:17:56 Oh, God.
00:17:58 Oh, that's why he wasn't at the chalet this morning.
00:18:03 (KNOCKS ON DOOR)
00:18:07 Oh, excuse me.
00:18:13 I'm looking for Professor Wainwright.
00:18:15 Have you seen him this morning? No, sorry.
00:18:18 After our meeting yesterday, he was supposed to show me his notes
00:18:21 before he sent them off to his university.
00:18:24 Broken wood chalets? Excuse me.
00:18:27 So you invited him here to verify the authenticity of your fossil?
00:18:36 Actually, no.
00:18:38 My daughter Rowena, she invited him.
00:18:41 When was this? Um...
00:18:44 The day before yesterday. I appreciate you coming all this way,
00:18:48 but I have more research of my own to do.
00:18:51 Maggie, I understand. This discovery is your baby, after all.
00:18:55 But without the testimony from the likes of me,
00:18:57 you will struggle to convince the paleontology community at large.
00:19:02 I don't mean this unkindly, Maggie, but you're an amateur who no-one has ever heard of.
00:19:07 No matter what you say, I'll be seeking a second opinion.
00:19:12 What is your reluctance based upon?
00:19:14 I researched him online.
00:19:16 There was some commentary about him trying to share credit for other people's discoveries.
00:19:21 But, um, he reassured me.
00:19:23 This is your find.
00:19:25 Tomorrow, then.
00:19:28 And in the end, he was a gentleman.
00:19:41 I have to say that initially I was sceptical about your discovery.
00:19:45 Titanosaurid on such young islands.
00:19:48 But?
00:19:50 Congratulations, Maggie.
00:19:53 Oh, my God!
00:19:55 Oh, thank you!
00:19:57 And then we left.
00:19:59 He promised to send through the images and specifications to his university to register the find.
00:20:04 Then did he do that?
00:20:06 Well, that's what we meant to discuss at the chalet.
00:20:11 Maggie, we need you to show us your dig site.
00:20:15 Oh, of course.
00:20:17 This is where Howard Wainwright's rental car was found.
00:20:26 Are you... are you sure?
00:20:28 How do you mean?
00:20:30 Well, we both left at the same time.
00:20:34 (Water splashes)
00:20:36 Why would he have come back?
00:20:45 This way.
00:20:48 (Footsteps)
00:20:51 (Footsteps)
00:20:54 (Door opens)
00:20:56 Oh, God!
00:21:22 Oh, no!
00:21:24 No!
00:21:26 (Gasps)
00:21:28 No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:21:31 The fossil!
00:21:33 The fossil! It's gone!
00:21:38 So, you're saying that someone has actually sawn off the rock containing the fossil and walked away with it?
00:21:49 Who would do such a thing?
00:21:51 Maggie, the saw, do you recognise it?
00:21:54 It's mine. I keep it up here with my other gear.
00:21:58 And the portion of rock that's been taken, whoever did this would need a vehicle to get it off site?
00:22:04 Um, yes, probably.
00:22:06 It would have been very heavy.
00:22:08 Ah, look who's here.
00:22:10 Gidday, Maggie. What's up?
00:22:12 Has something happened?
00:22:14 Oh, my fossil's been stolen.
00:22:16 Stolen? Bloody hell. By who?
00:22:18 I don't know.
00:22:20 Sorry, Maggie. Of course it's upsetting.
00:22:23 So, what are you doing about?
00:22:27 I'm not sure that's any of your business.
00:22:30 Could be. You guys are gonna have your work cut out for you.
00:22:33 There's murder inquiry, so you might need some help.
00:22:36 Yeah, I can help.
00:22:38 That won't be necessary. Time you two were moving on.
00:22:41 Right.
00:22:43 I'll let you know when I come up with something.
00:22:45 Ron, leave it to us.
00:22:48 Bye, Maggie.
00:22:50 We'll be in touch.
00:22:52 Some fans of yours, are they?
00:22:58 Bit sweet.
00:23:00 A bit a little embarrassing.
00:23:02 Oh, you poor thing.
00:23:04 One or other of them is always finding an excuse to visit me while I'm at work.
00:23:08 It's very distracting.
00:23:10 They've both been up here frequently?
00:23:12 Too often. I have to get back to Rowena so we can start the search.
00:23:15 This is now a police matter.
00:23:17 The removal of the fossil might be related to Wainwright's death.
00:23:20 So it's best that we handle the search.
00:23:23 Well, please, get on with it.
00:23:26 Maggie, I understand this land is owned by a Frieda Dunlop?
00:23:37 Yes.
00:23:39 And those horses, they belong to her?
00:23:41 Probably. All this land up here is hers.
00:23:44 What else can you tell us about her?
00:23:46 Not a lot.
00:23:48 She calls herself a survivalist.
00:23:50 She keeps to herself.
00:23:52 Her place is down there.
00:23:55 Okay, thanks. We'll be in touch.
00:23:59 [Birds chirping]
00:24:01 Hello?
00:24:26 Anyone home?
00:24:28 What do you two want?
00:24:39 DSS Mike Sheppard.
00:24:41 Detective Kristen Simms.
00:24:43 We're investigating a suspicious death.
00:24:45 On my land?
00:24:47 We're not sure yet.
00:24:49 So why are you telling me?
00:24:51 How well do you know Maggie Sturridge?
00:24:53 I don't.
00:24:55 Do you have her permission to dig for fossils on your land?
00:24:57 So?
00:24:59 So it might mean that you know her a little bit?
00:25:02 Well, she seems all right.
00:25:05 She's got a calling. I respect people with a calling.
00:25:10 We don't do tea and scones, if that's what you mean.
00:25:13 Did you see or hear any unusual activity at the dig site last night?
00:25:18 There was a storm.
00:25:20 I was inside. I didn't see anything.
00:25:22 Or down at the gate?
00:25:24 Why would I be down at the gate during a storm?
00:25:27 Well, if you do recall anything, please give us a call.
00:25:32 On what? I don't do phones.
00:25:34 There's an email.
00:25:36 You're lucky I might drop you a postcard.
00:25:41 She seems nice.
00:25:52 Morning. Morning.
00:25:54 Morning, ah. Coffee?
00:25:56 Ah, I love your work.
00:25:58 How'd you go at the chalet yesterday?
00:26:00 Yeah, pretty good.
00:26:02 I've got three things to report.
00:26:04 Firstly, I checked out Wainwright's chalet and his laptop.
00:26:09 [♪♪♪]
00:26:11 [♪♪♪]
00:26:40 [CHUCKLES]
00:26:42 [PHONE RINGS]
00:26:45 Todd Taylor's Cretaceous Tools.
00:26:50 Todd, it's Detective Chalmers.
00:26:52 OK. I'm just having a coffee, honest, and I've got witnesses.
00:26:56 Relax. You seem to know a lot about dinosaurs.
00:26:59 I need some inside info.
00:27:01 Uh, OK.
00:27:03 What was the biggest dinosaur of them all?
00:27:05 Oh, that's easy. Argentinosaurus.
00:27:08 They were a bloody massive dude, like a house truck with a mansion on it, but bigger.
00:27:13 Although, uh, the megalosaurus was pretty big, too.
00:27:16 Oh, I can check that and get back to you.
00:27:18 Thank you, Todd.
00:27:20 At 8.53pm, Wainwright sent an email to his university
00:27:26 detailing Maggie Sturridge's discovery.
00:27:28 And?
00:27:34 In my considered opinion, Maggie Sturridge has discovered the distal phalange of a titanosaurid.
00:27:41 Big time. I looked it up.
00:27:43 Wow. I can hear the champagne corks popping at rays now.
00:27:47 Second, the flat tyre on the victim's car was caused by a bullet.
00:27:52 The tyre was shot out?
00:27:54 Hmm. Forensics are testing, but it looks like a three-hour wait.
00:27:57 And the third thing?
00:27:59 Mike, I've been waiting.
00:28:03 That's the third thing.
00:28:05 Why didn't you tell me she was here?
00:28:07 She said something about a manicure.
00:28:10 What?
00:28:12 She said you would understand.
00:28:14 Hmm. Because you always do.
00:28:16 It's a special gift that only you seem to possess.
00:28:20 I want to talk to you about fingernails.
00:28:29 OK.
00:28:30 You'll remember that I remarked that the victim's fingernails were well maintained.
00:28:35 They were also long enough to retain a certain amount of sediment.
00:28:40 From the river?
00:28:42 No. Sediment from the river would have washed away.
00:28:45 This was noticeably coarser.
00:28:48 So, I ran some tests.
00:28:51 It was sedimentary rock.
00:28:53 This would not have come from the river.
00:28:56 And it found its place under his nails around the time he died.
00:29:01 Because if it had been there for any length of time, it would have irritated him.
00:29:05 Yes. He would have tried to get rid of it.
00:29:08 And it most likely came from the rock that contained the fossil?
00:29:11 Sedimentary rock, Mike. Yes.
00:29:14 Hmm.
00:29:16 Any update on time of death?
00:29:18 This is more complicated.
00:29:20 Unusual pH levels in his tissue have made it more difficult.
00:29:24 I will know more soon. OK. Thanks, Gina.
00:29:27 You know, I always aim to pleasure you, Mike.
00:29:31 You know that.
00:29:33 The sedimentary rock suggests that after Wainwright sent the email,
00:29:39 he went back up to the site.
00:29:41 Hence his car was there.
00:29:43 Hmm. But why?
00:29:45 From what I can tell, Howard Wainwright was a controversial figure in the world of paleontology.
00:29:50 Respected in some quarters, but criticised in others.
00:29:54 Howard Wainwright is one of the most formidable thinkers of modern paleontology.
00:29:59 Or the majority of the work on his resume was originated by other people.
00:30:04 So it's hardly exemplary.
00:30:06 Although his email clearly states that Maggie was responsible for the find.
00:30:10 Maybe he'd changed his ways. Or not, if he did try to steal the fossil.
00:30:14 How many people, apart from Maggie, knew the location of the dig site?
00:30:19 Uh... Ron Abbott,
00:30:22 Doug Randall,
00:30:24 Freda Dunlop. And the daughter and her fiancé.
00:30:28 Yeah, dig a little deep with them.
00:30:30 While you talk to Freda, see if she can shed some light on the flat tyre on Wainwright's rental,
00:30:35 given that she owns a rifle.
00:30:37 Rifle? Excellent.
00:30:48 (CLANGING)
00:30:50 Jake. Hi.
00:30:55 Rowena around? She's at church.
00:30:59 Not something you two do together? I do when I can.
00:31:04 Can you tell me a bit more about the work you do with Maggie up at her dig site?
00:31:11 Been up there a few times. Not for a while, though.
00:31:15 Can you be more specific?
00:31:17 Maybe a week ago.
00:31:21 She got pretty focused on the professor coming. Wanted to work on her own.
00:31:27 Paleontology always been a passion of yours?
00:31:31 Yeah, yeah. Ever since I was a kid.
00:31:34 Got a favourite era?
00:31:36 What do you mean?
00:31:38 Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleozoic.
00:31:41 Oh, I like all of it.
00:31:44 OK.
00:31:46 I'll try the church.
00:31:48 Have you located the fossil yet?
00:31:51 We're working on it.
00:31:53 I could give you a hand trying to find it, if you'd like.
00:31:56 Do you know something? No, no.
00:31:59 It means a lot to Maggie, and...
00:32:03 she's been real good to me, you know?
00:32:07 That's what Rowena's doing at the church.
00:32:09 She's praying for the fossil to be found.
00:32:13 We've got it under control.
00:32:16 Thanks.
00:32:18 Morning. Morning.
00:32:28 OK, folks. I want to thank you all for coming along here today.
00:32:32 I called this meeting because I have some grave news.
00:32:36 Our fossil—and I use that word deliberately
00:32:39 because I'm certain that's how we all look at it now—
00:32:42 has been stolen from Maggie's dig site.
00:32:45 Oh, no!
00:32:46 I want to thank Doug for informing us of this terrible transgression.
00:32:50 Only did what any of us would have done.
00:32:53 I thought it was important—no, crucial—
00:32:57 for the interested parties to get together
00:33:00 to formulate some sort of community action plan.
00:33:03 We need to locate that fossil undamaged.
00:33:07 Otherwise, my friends, the bright and shiny future
00:33:10 that we envisage for Brokenwood will rust and burn.
00:33:14 Well, we need to ask the police to help.
00:33:16 Well, you're missing the point of why we're here.
00:33:18 Is that not a good thing the cops will do?
00:33:20 Doug's right. We can't rely on the police.
00:33:22 That isn't to say they aren't great guys and gals,
00:33:25 but they're busy trying to find out who offed the scientist.
00:33:29 So, locating that fossil is up to us.
00:33:33 So where do we start?
00:33:35 The first step is staring us in the face.
00:33:38 We need to figure out who had the motive to steal the bloody thing.
00:33:42 Are you suggesting that we take the law into our own hands?
00:33:46 That's what it takes.
00:33:48 Are we forming a posse?
00:33:49 No.
00:33:50 Oh, I think that's probably for the best.
00:33:52 I prefer the term "vigilantes."
00:33:54 Oh, my God.
00:33:55 Ah, Detective Simms.
00:34:04 Hello, Reverend.
00:34:05 I'm looking for Rowena Sturridge.
00:34:07 Oh, you've just missed her.
00:34:09 Oh.
00:34:10 Any idea where she was going?
00:34:12 Sorry, I don't know.
00:34:14 Everything all right?
00:34:15 Yeah, just a couple of questions.
00:34:17 Well, she's been a devoted parishioner since she came back from the United States.
00:34:22 Quite devoted.
00:34:24 So say this to the people of Israel.
00:34:26 "I am" has sent me to you, for I am me, and you are...
00:34:30 Hallelujah!
00:34:32 Praise be to the Lord!
00:34:35 Praise be!
00:34:37 Frankly, the parish could do with a bit more of that sort of energy,
00:34:40 but perhaps not quite all of it.
00:34:43 And although the dinosaur was so much bigger than the family of humans,
00:34:49 because God created the world, he helped them become friends.
00:34:54 And they looked after each other in the same way that you look after your friends.
00:34:59 Her beliefs are very fundamental.
00:35:02 She views the Old Testament very literally,
00:35:05 believing that God made the earth and everything on it 10,000 years ago.
00:35:09 She believes humans shared the earth with dinosaurs.
00:35:13 Yes, which is not to question her true belief in God.
00:35:18 Well, that must make for some very interesting conversation
00:35:22 around the dinner table with her mother.
00:35:24 Quite.
00:35:26 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:35:28 Yes?
00:35:39 Rita. Killed her.
00:35:41 I didn't think the constable would charm us.
00:35:43 I've already spoken to your colleagues.
00:35:46 We're investigating a homicide.
00:35:49 We'd appreciate your help.
00:35:52 (DOOR OPENS)
00:35:54 You own a .308 rifle?
00:35:57 Yep. Registered and everything.
00:36:00 At the night of the storm, a silver car down at the gate
00:36:03 had its tyre likely shot out by a .308 bullet.
00:36:07 Know anything about that?
00:36:09 I hunt for rabbits round here.
00:36:13 One of my bullets might have gone astray.
00:36:16 We need to get your rifle examined
00:36:19 to confirm whether the bullet did come from your rifle,
00:36:22 stray or not.
00:36:24 What if I don't agree to that?
00:36:27 That would make us think you had something to hide,
00:36:29 and then I'd have to come back here with a warrant.
00:36:33 Wait here.
00:36:35 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:36:40 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:36:42 (WHISTLES)
00:37:04 (GRUNTS)
00:37:07 (GRUNTS)
00:37:09 Yeah.
00:37:19 (DOG BARKS)
00:37:21 Hey, boy.
00:37:34 (DOOR OPENS)
00:37:36 Here you go. There's a good man.
00:37:45 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:37:55 If you find 20 bucks under there, it's mine.
00:38:15 What the hell are you doing in my house?
00:38:20 I'm here to take it back.
00:38:22 Look, you've got a second and a half to start making sense.
00:38:25 You stole it, didn't you?
00:38:27 Stole what? Maggie's fossil.
00:38:29 You're going to be a fossil very soon if you don't get out of my house.
00:38:33 Yeah, I get it, mate.
00:38:35 Maggie's a lovely lady, and you did it to impress her.
00:38:38 So you stole it to keep it safe from that professor bloke.
00:38:42 I'm not the one showing off playing detective.
00:38:44 Now, bugger off!
00:38:46 I can have you up for assault.
00:38:48 Not my own home, you can't.
00:38:50 Look, if I'd stolen the fossil, which I didn't,
00:38:53 do you think I would tell you?
00:38:55 You're half-pissed and a bloody fool, Doug.
00:38:59 Don't call me that.
00:39:01 Fingerprints have pulled a print from the power saw.
00:39:07 It's a match for Wainwright.
00:39:09 Maybe he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
00:39:11 But by who?
00:39:13 Well, uh, educated guess.
00:39:15 This is from a trail bike.
00:39:17 As far as I can see, Frieda does a known one.
00:39:20 No, but Jake Anderson does.
00:39:22 And we know that he's worked with Maggie before.
00:39:25 Plus, he fancies himself as a bit of an amateur paleontologist.
00:39:29 He's in several chat rooms dedicated to the subject.
00:39:32 Although he did tell me that he hasn't been up for the dig site in a week.
00:39:36 Well, if he was up there before the storm,
00:39:39 the tracks would have washed away. These are fresh.
00:39:42 They look like they're the result of a skit.
00:39:44 Yeah, whoever the writer was, they lost control.
00:39:47 Likely the back tire slid out from under.
00:39:50 Because it was weighted down by something heavy?
00:39:53 Like a hefty slab of fossilised rock.
00:39:56 Yeah, maybe Jake paid a visit while Maggie was at the unveiling ceremony.
00:40:00 Hmm.
00:40:02 See if we can get SSG up there tomorrow.
00:40:04 There's a chance the offender has stashed the fossil in the bush until things cool down.
00:40:08 In the meantime, put pressure on the daughter and Jake.
00:40:13 One of them's hiding something.
00:40:15 Night.
00:40:17 Night.
00:40:19 Night.
00:40:39 (BIRDS CHIRP)
00:40:41 Nice bike. Did you ever get it off-road?
00:40:44 Not lately.
00:40:46 Yeah. It's pretty clean.
00:40:48 When was the last time you cleaned it?
00:40:51 What do you want, Detective?
00:40:53 Just a coffee. And a ketchup.
00:40:56 So how long have you been in Brokenwood?
00:40:59 About three months.
00:41:01 Right. That's not long after Maggie made her discovery.
00:41:04 Coincidence, I guess.
00:41:06 About the time you became a member of a chat room that brings amateur paleontologists together.
00:41:12 Yeah, I contacted Maggie initially.
00:41:14 She was reluctant at first, but after we met, she realised I was genuine.
00:41:18 I've been helping her out since.
00:41:20 In that time, me and Rowena, we got close.
00:41:22 Mm. Engaged, even.
00:41:24 That's a whirlwind romance.
00:41:27 She's a... a good Christian woman.
00:41:31 And our faith is important to both of us.
00:41:34 Mind if I take a couple of photos of your bike?
00:41:37 Do I have a choice?
00:41:39 Did you have much to do with Howard Wainwright?
00:41:45 Only when he came to the house to see Maggie.
00:41:48 Did you ever ride up to the deck site?
00:41:52 A few times, but like I said, not lately.
00:41:56 Not since the storm?
00:41:58 You sure about that?
00:42:03 Yeah. Totally.
00:42:05 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:42:07 Reverend Green tells me that you're the new star of his congregation.
00:42:15 Oh, that's very kind.
00:42:17 But we're all stars in the sight of our Lord.
00:42:21 He also mentioned that you've recently returned from America.
00:42:25 Yes. I was studying theology at Bloomington in Indiana.
00:42:30 I hope to become a pastor.
00:42:33 Is that where you met Professor Wainwright?
00:42:38 No. I met him when he came here.
00:42:41 Although your mother told us that you were the one who reached out to the professor.
00:42:48 I'd heard he was the best in his field.
00:42:50 I thought that's what Mum deserved — the best.
00:42:54 And how was your relationship with your mother?
00:42:56 I love my mother.
00:42:57 How better to show that love than by bringing Professor Wainwright here
00:43:00 to prove that she had found the bones of a dinosaur?
00:43:03 A dinosaur that roamed the Earth 65 million years ago.
00:43:09 Although some people believe that it was as little as 10,000 years ago.
00:43:16 Am I being judged?
00:43:18 How do you believe? Sit with your mother.
00:43:20 What's important is that dinosaurs were here on Earth, not when.
00:43:25 And on the night of the storm, where were you?
00:43:28 Between 4 and 6pm I was in the church, praying.
00:43:32 That's a long time.
00:43:34 There was a lot to pray for.
00:43:35 For example?
00:43:37 I was praying that Professor Wainwright would recognise the truth.
00:43:42 Creationists like Rowena believe that dinosaurs were wiped out after the Great Flood
00:43:52 while we humans survived, courtesy of Noah's Ark.
00:43:57 But before that, dinosaurs and humans shared the Earth.
00:44:02 But the dinosaurs didn't make it onto the Ark.
00:44:05 Apparently not.
00:44:07 Yeah, well I guess Noah didn't make the door big enough.
00:44:11 Yeah, but why would someone who believes the Earth is only 10,000 years old
00:44:18 engage a professor who would probably disprove her beliefs?
00:44:21 I mean, why would she encourage that?
00:44:24 People like Rowena are absolutely certain in their faith.
00:44:28 She'd believe that Wainwright would confirm that the fossil was indeed only 10,000 years old.
00:44:34 Where was she when Wainwright was last seen?
00:44:38 Well, she was very specific about that.
00:44:40 She was at church, praying between 4 and 6pm, which checks out.
00:44:45 Yes, Rowena was here between 4 and 5 at least,
00:44:48 communing with the Lord, as she does so well.
00:44:52 Roger's bought a new tandem bike.
00:45:06 We were late for our first ride.
00:45:16 Of course, later the heavens opened up.
00:45:19 But that's a saga I'd rather forget.
00:45:22 Gina is yet to give us time of death,
00:45:26 but it must have been after 5pm when Wainwright went up to the fossil site.
00:45:32 Rowena was left alone at church after 5pm when Reverend Green left.
00:45:37 Did she rendezvous with Wainwright at some point?
00:45:41 Or...
00:45:43 This is from Jake Anderson's trail bike.
00:45:50 Looks like a match to me.
00:45:52 I sense he's lying when he says he hasn't been up there recently.
00:45:55 But I'll check it out with the ESSG.
00:45:57 Ah, interesting.
00:45:59 Interim fingerprint report for the rental car.
00:46:04 Some positive matches for Howard, and a lot of others for someone else.
00:46:10 Maggie Sturridge?
00:46:12 No, it's a person unknown.
00:46:15 It's bloody dark.
00:46:18 Woah, diaries are awesome. I used to have one when I was a kid.
00:46:32 Look, I don't appreciate prying eyes.
00:46:34 Oh, no, all good, man. I would never dare read another man's personal thoughts.
00:46:37 Good. You getting bugger off?
00:46:39 No. I always thought that one day I'd write a memoir of my life,
00:46:42 but when I looked back in the diary, all that was in it was a list of what I had for lunch at school.
00:46:47 But the thing is, the detail was amazing.
00:46:50 I mean, like, was the brown bread better than the white bread?
00:46:53 Or the different brands of mayo?
00:46:55 How long did it take for the tomatoes to make the bread soggy?
00:46:57 Hard to see that as a bestseller.
00:46:59 [phone rings]
00:47:01 Doug.
00:47:03 Mike Shepard. We need you to come down to the station.
00:47:06 Yeah, I got a bit on today.
00:47:09 What's so important?
00:47:11 I think you know perfectly well.
00:47:13 Yeah, well, I just ordered a coffee.
00:47:15 No worries. It's already in the takeaway cup.
00:47:17 Now, Doug.
00:47:19 Thanks for nothing.
00:47:34 Anything?
00:47:35 Nothing here.
00:47:37 Are we gonna be much longer?
00:47:47 As long as it takes.
00:47:49 Well, there was a bunch of locals up here having a good nosy before.
00:47:54 Like some misguided posse.
00:47:57 So did they find anything?
00:48:00 There's no fossil here, mate.
00:48:03 What makes you so sure?
00:48:05 Someone goes to all that effort.
00:48:07 They don't leave it behind them, do they?
00:48:10 Hurry up with my gun.
00:48:14 Woman's gotta eat.
00:48:17 If you guys wouldn't have even found the damn car, it wasn't for me.
00:48:25 So why am I being treated like a crook?
00:48:27 We want you to explain why your fingerprints are all over it
00:48:30 when I specifically asked you not to touch it.
00:48:33 I had to check it out.
00:48:35 Make sure it was what I thought it was.
00:48:37 You had to make sure it was a car?
00:48:40 We know the keys were left in it. Did you move the car?
00:48:44 No. I left it where it was.
00:48:46 I thought it might belong to that professor bloke.
00:48:48 I was right, wasn't I?
00:48:50 The front tyre of the car was shot out with a rifle. Was that you?
00:48:53 Why would I do that?
00:48:55 Well, you have been known to shoot first and ask questions later, Doug.
00:48:59 Sounds like slaughter to me.
00:49:01 How much did you have to do with Howard Wainwright?
00:49:05 Nothing.
00:49:06 Did you see him on the afternoon before he died?
00:49:08 I don't know when he died, so how could I know that?
00:49:11 Did you see him, Doug?
00:49:13 I might have seen him heading up to Maggie's dig site.
00:49:17 I can see part of the forest track from my place.
00:49:20 What time was this?
00:49:24 Beer time.
00:49:28 And exactly what time is that?
00:49:30 Four o'clock-ish.
00:49:32 Usually when I crack open the first beer.
00:49:35 After a hard day's yacker, of course.
00:49:38 And Howard was using a walking pole?
00:49:41 Might have been.
00:49:42 And it was red?
00:49:43 I don't know. Poncy bloody thing, whatever it was.
00:49:46 So, if you were out there keeping an eye on things,
00:49:49 you would have seen Maggie and Howard come back through the bush?
00:49:52 Nah. The weather picked us out.
00:49:54 Mist and rain rolling in.
00:49:57 So I went back inside.
00:49:59 Did you take something from the car, Doug?
00:50:04 You're calling me a thief now.
00:50:05 Did you?
00:50:06 Why would I?
00:50:07 You see yourself as Maggie Sturridge's protector?
00:50:10 Her knight in beige armour.
00:50:14 That's pretty bloody insulting.
00:50:17 Apart from anything else, there was nothing to take.
00:50:19 Are you telling us the truth, Doug?
00:50:21 I've had enough of this.
00:50:22 You guys should be finding who took the fossil,
00:50:24 not hassling hard-working farmers.
00:50:26 I can find my own way out.
00:50:28 Do you think that there's a chance that Doug is flipping to us?
00:50:36 Without a doubt. I just don't know what about.
00:50:39 The SSG find anything?
00:50:42 Nothing so far. It's not looking good.
00:50:45 Well, given that there's no sign of the fossil at the dig site,
00:50:48 we have to consider the possibility that Jake or someone using the trail bike
00:50:53 did actually manage to get it out of there.
00:50:56 Okay. Get a warrant underway.
00:51:00 Hang on.
00:51:10 What are you doing here?
00:51:14 You enjoying a beer?
00:51:15 I was.
00:51:17 This seems to have curdled.
00:51:20 I was leaving anyway.
00:51:23 I'm off to the police to lay a complaint about you breaking into my house.
00:51:27 You're not serious?
00:51:28 Look at this face, Doug.
00:51:30 You're making your mouth out of a molehill.
00:51:32 I just want to make sure you don't do it again.
00:51:34 Or do it to anyone else.
00:51:36 I didn't break in.
00:51:38 The door was open, so I walked inside.
00:51:40 I suspected you were hiding stolen goods, so I had that right.
00:51:44 You're a bloody fool, Doug.
00:51:48 True that.
00:51:50 Who are you calling a fool?
00:51:52 Sorry. I got that wrong.
00:51:55 Doug, you're a complete bloody dipshit.
00:52:00 Wrong!
00:52:02 This is all we're going to do, is it?
00:52:06 Yeah, you old coot.
00:52:07 How dare you call me...
00:52:09 [Grunts]
00:52:10 [Screams]
00:52:17 [Screams]
00:52:19 [Screams]
00:52:24 Come on, cut it out, you two.
00:52:26 He started it.
00:52:32 Oh, how old are you?
00:52:33 You, get out of my pub.
00:52:35 What about him?
00:52:36 You threw the first punch.
00:52:39 [Music]
00:52:41 Paul, stop calling me that.
00:52:44 [Music]
00:52:50 [Music]
00:52:53 [Music]
00:52:56 [Music]
00:52:59 [Music]
00:53:01 [Music]
00:53:03 [Music]
00:53:05 [Music]
00:53:07 [Music]
00:53:09 [Music]
00:53:11 [Music]
00:53:13 [Music]
00:53:15 [Music]
00:53:17 [Music]
00:53:19 [Music]
00:53:21 [Music]
00:53:23 [Music]
00:53:25 Rowena, we have a warrant to search the house.
00:53:27 Oh, what do you think you're going to find?
00:53:29 I think you know what we're looking for.
00:53:31 This feels like police harassment.
00:53:33 Is Jake here?
00:53:36 No.
00:53:37 Well, do you know what we can find him?
00:53:38 I'm not his keeper.
00:53:40 You know what you're looking for.
00:53:43 Why would you think the fossil's here?
00:53:50 Jake, he sees himself as an alientologist.
00:53:56 Oh, he tries.
00:53:58 Paleontology is painstaking work.
00:54:00 In truth, he lacks discipline.
00:54:02 Patience.
00:54:03 I need to ask you about your movements on that other stall.
00:54:08 I took Howard up to the dig site.
00:54:12 We were there for about an hour or so.
00:54:14 The rain was coming, so we left the site, came back down to the cars.
00:54:18 What time was this?
00:54:20 Maybe 5.30.
00:54:23 All I know is that it had started raining.
00:54:26 And you're certain Howard Wainwright was behind you?
00:54:29 Yes, he was excited.
00:54:30 He said he wanted to write up his notes.
00:54:32 And where did you go?
00:54:36 I went home to give Rowena and Jake the good news
00:54:38 before I went to the pub for a celebratory drink.
00:54:41 [Music]
00:54:44 [Music]
00:54:46 Anything sign?
00:54:54 Nothing yet.
00:54:55 Hey, Mike!
00:54:57 [Music]
00:54:59 Handle it with extreme care getting it back to the station.
00:55:16 [Music]
00:55:18 [Music]
00:55:20 The fossil was found on your property.
00:55:41 Can you explain that?
00:55:42 Clearly it's a set up.
00:55:44 We need to know where Jake is.
00:55:47 That feels safe.
00:55:48 I don't know! I swear!
00:55:50 Get a 10-1 hour.
00:55:52 Alright, dinosaur in the house.
00:56:06 Did it assume that it was someone from that household?
00:56:08 Mm-hmm. Or someone that wants us to think that.
00:56:11 Get the fossil to the geoscience team.
00:56:14 See what they can find out.
00:56:15 Mm-hmm. I'm not sure that they're dinosaur experts though.
00:56:19 But knowing how old it actually is might be helpful.
00:56:22 See you.
00:56:24 Ron!
00:56:27 I've got something you guys might be interested in.
00:56:30 The question is, obviously, where did you get this?
00:56:37 I'd rather not say.
00:56:38 This belonged to a homicide victim, Ron.
00:56:41 You need to tell me how it came into your possession.
00:56:44 It came to me via Doug.
00:56:46 What? Doug had it?
00:56:48 And he dropped it.
00:56:51 Is Doug aware that he dropped it?
00:56:54 I guess he is now.
00:56:56 I saw you leaving Maggie's earlier today.
00:57:01 Can I ask what that was about?
00:57:04 Just being a friend.
00:57:06 She's been through a lot.
00:57:11 By the way, I want Doug punished to the full extent of the law.
00:57:16 That's a bit harsh.
00:57:17 Just kidding.
00:57:19 Okay, thanks.
00:57:26 How are your code-cracking skills?
00:57:31 Sorry, what?
00:57:32 This is what Doug was fibbing about.
00:57:35 It's Wainwright. Probably lifted from the rental car.
00:57:39 And it's all in code.
00:57:41 A very famous five.
00:57:43 See what you can make of it.
00:57:45 You know, I was actually very good at this stuff at high school.
00:57:48 When the fox is in the henhouse and the eagle has landed, I'll let you know.
00:57:52 Good, eh?
00:57:54 [Music]
00:58:21 Do you need a hand?
00:58:24 Nope.
00:58:25 Hmm.
00:58:28 Oh.
00:58:31 Yeah.
00:58:33 Because you... not.
00:58:36 That looks like short hand.
00:58:39 Yeah. No, thank you. I've got that.
00:58:41 Sheer luck.
00:58:42 Hmm.
00:58:45 [Music]
00:58:57 Yeah.
00:58:58 Yeah, I'll have this nailed tomorrow.
00:59:05 Go on.
00:59:08 Get some sleep, you know. Some fresh eyes on it.
00:59:11 Good plan. Good plan.
00:59:12 [Music]
00:59:15 Do not touch this.
00:59:16 [Music]
00:59:25 Good night.
00:59:26 Night.
00:59:27 [Music]
00:59:54 No, you did not.
00:59:57 Is that the whole diary?
00:59:59 Everything relevant, yeah.
01:00:01 You dirty little show-off.
01:00:04 And?
01:00:05 Ah, Rowena and Howard Wainwright were working a behind-everybody's-back arrangement.
01:00:10 Now, there's no trace of it in his laptop, but in the notebook, there are clear references to a deal being done.
01:00:17 Rowena paid his travel expenses and a fee on the understanding that he would find the truth.
01:00:24 Yeah, but why on earth would a paleontologist...
01:00:27 Join forces with a creationist?
01:00:29 Ah, there's more. Jake Anderson reached out as well, wondering what a fossil of this kind would be worth.
01:00:36 And what did Wainwright say?
01:00:38 A hundred grand for the right buyer, and that they would talk later.
01:00:42 Senior, for you. Sounds urgent.
01:00:44 Mike Sheppard.
01:00:49 It's Maggie Sturridge.
01:00:51 There's been a, um... I've been attacked.
01:00:55 Are you injured?
01:00:57 No, no. I'm a bit shaken, but I'm okay.
01:00:59 Is the offender still in the vicinity?
01:01:02 Jake's gone.
01:01:03 And Rowena's missing.
01:01:05 Try and stay calm. We'll be there as soon as we can.
01:01:08 Please.
01:01:09 [music]
01:01:33 [music]
01:01:43 [music]
01:01:53 [music]
01:02:09 Maggie. Are you okay?
01:02:13 I'm fine. Honestly, I'm okay.
01:02:15 You said it was Jake who attacked you.
01:02:19 Jake! Get out!
01:02:22 I want the fossil! I want it! I want the money!
01:02:25 [screaming]
01:02:27 I don't owe you anything!
01:02:29 [music]
01:02:36 Any idea where he might be headed?
01:02:39 Well, he got his bag and left.
01:02:42 Get roadblocks set up.
01:02:45 And Rowena, did she leave with Jake?
01:02:48 No.
01:02:49 But she was here when it happened.
01:02:51 No, she arrived back when he was leaving.
01:02:54 She came into the house.
01:02:56 I think she realised what happened and then she left.
01:02:59 There's been reports out of trail bikes,
01:03:01 but speeding on a farm about a kilometre away.
01:03:03 I'm on it.
01:03:05 And an ambulance is on its way to check you over.
01:03:09 Yeah, and we'll station a constable outside,
01:03:11 just in case Jake comes back.
01:03:13 Okay.
01:03:14 [music]
01:03:21 Sims?
01:03:23 Okay.
01:03:25 Great, thanks.
01:03:27 That was forensics.
01:03:29 The bullet in the tyre matches Freedas 308.
01:03:32 What the hell is Jake playing at?
01:03:38 And where's Rowena?
01:03:40 Probably at church, praying for his soul.
01:03:43 Well, well, well, if it isn't Alan Turing.
01:03:45 I've located Jake.
01:03:47 What?
01:03:48 You've been driving like a maniac to catch him that fast.
01:03:50 I didn't need to.
01:03:51 Where are you?
01:03:53 I'm just past the corner of Sadler's Line and McConnell's Road.
01:03:56 Do you need backup?
01:03:57 No, it doesn't look like it.
01:03:59 Jake, getting out of town, were you?
01:04:06 No.
01:04:08 Well, we'll need to have a chat anyway.
01:04:11 [music]
01:04:22 You can't stay away, can you?
01:04:25 Still waiting on my postcard.
01:04:27 I've answered all your questions.
01:04:29 And now we have some more.
01:04:30 Because that walking pole doesn't belong to you, does it?
01:04:39 We need to know your exact movements on the night of the storm.
01:04:44 I was at my place.
01:04:46 The whole night?
01:04:48 Yes.
01:04:49 The bullet we recovered from the tyre of the rental car came from your rifle.
01:04:54 So you must have gone out at some point.
01:04:57 Did you, say, go out to check on your horses, given there was a storm approaching?
01:05:04 All right.
01:05:06 I went and checked on my animals.
01:05:08 So what?
01:05:09 What time was this?
01:05:10 I don't know.
01:05:11 I don't wear a watch.
01:05:13 But it was getting dark.
01:05:15 No, it was daylight then.
01:05:18 Because after I made sure they were okay, I came back through the bush block.
01:05:22 And is that when you saw the rental car?
01:05:24 Yeah, I didn't recognise it.
01:05:28 Made me suspicious.
01:05:29 Maggie!
01:05:30 I went and checked on Maggie to make sure she was okay and she wasn't getting hassled by some local random.
01:05:38 Maggie?
01:05:39 Anyone here?
01:05:41 So I just figured she'd gone home somehow.
01:05:44 What state was the fossil in at this point?
01:05:47 I don't know anything about the fossil.
01:05:50 And the walking pole?
01:05:51 Well, I guess Maggie left it on the ground.
01:05:53 I just picked it up so I could give it back to her later.
01:05:56 The rain was coming.
01:05:57 I didn't want it to wash away.
01:06:00 You didn't see the fossil at all?
01:06:03 There was a blue tarp.
01:06:06 Maggie must have covered in it.
01:06:11 Why did you shoot out the tyre?
01:06:15 I was just sending a message.
01:06:22 And what message would that be?
01:06:25 My sign says trespassing is not advised.
01:06:29 People need to keep that in mind.
01:06:35 Jack Hansen, room one.
01:06:37 Medic's gave him the all clear.
01:06:42 Alright, let's try again, Jack.
01:06:45 How well did you know Howard Wainwright?
01:06:47 I didn't.
01:06:48 Yet your initials and contact details were found in a notebook belonging to him.
01:06:52 That doesn't prove anything.
01:06:53 He's been read his rights?
01:06:55 Mm-hmm.
01:06:56 Okay, let's get a warrant to gather his laptop, phone records, bank account.
01:06:59 Wait, wait, wait!
01:07:01 Okay.
01:07:02 Jesus.
01:07:04 Okay.
01:07:05 Jesus what?
01:07:08 Truthfully, I'm kind of chuffed he noted me down.
01:07:12 He's like dinosaur king me.
01:07:14 I was being a bit of a fanboy, that's all.
01:07:17 Hmm.
01:07:18 So was it as a fanboy that you asked Wainwright what the fossil was worth?
01:07:23 He mentioned it in his notebook.
01:07:26 Sure, out of curiosity.
01:07:29 Did you contact Wainwright first or did Rowena?
01:07:33 Rowena.
01:07:34 She met him at that college in Kentucky.
01:07:37 Excuse me for a moment.
01:07:46 You think Rowena's at church?
01:07:48 Bound to be.
01:07:49 Oh.
01:07:50 Bring her in and double check where she studied when she was in the US.
01:07:54 She told me it was Indiana.
01:07:56 Bloomington, I think.
01:07:57 Yeah, Jake's saying Kentucky.
01:08:00 Isn't that weird?
01:08:01 Professor Wainwright once, yeah.
01:08:06 Why would she lie about that?
01:08:08 Because she's been lying about everything else.
01:08:13 Can I go now?
01:08:14 No.
01:08:15 I want to run something by you.
01:08:18 Scenario, if you like.
01:08:21 Once Howard confirmed Maggie's find, knowing what it was worth,
01:08:25 you knew it was time to make your move to steal it from her.
01:08:28 No, I respect Maggie.
01:08:30 But something went wrong.
01:08:32 Maybe Howard got there before you did.
01:08:36 And when you found him trying to steal it.
01:08:38 There was a confrontation, thanks God, physical.
01:08:41 You grabbed the rock hammer.
01:08:43 He went down.
01:08:45 When you saw he was dead, you dragged him to the stream.
01:08:50 Don't put this on me.
01:08:52 Was Rowena part of this plan?
01:08:54 If there was a plan, I'd know anything about it.
01:08:57 So you're saying you had nothing to do with the fossil going missing?
01:09:00 I wasn't even there.
01:09:02 Jake, you have a trail bike.
01:09:05 We found tire tracks up near the dig site.
01:09:07 You're saying someone took your bike and went up there?
01:09:10 Come on.
01:09:11 All right.
01:09:13 I went up there the morning after the storm.
01:09:15 To steal the fossil?
01:09:17 Yeah.
01:09:18 Yeah, I did.
01:09:20 But when I got there, it was gone.
01:09:22 I thought Howard must have gone up there and taken it,
01:09:33 and that Maggie was in on it.
01:09:35 I panicked and I took off.
01:09:37 [engine revving]
01:09:40 They're trying to set me up.
01:09:44 Who?
01:09:47 Maggie.
01:09:48 Rowena, both of them.
01:09:50 You have any evidence of that?
01:09:52 I'm in here, aren't I?
01:09:53 And that's why you lost the plot.
01:09:56 You assaulted Maggie.
01:09:57 I want the money!
01:09:59 Are you going to deny it?
01:10:01 Yeah, I lost my cool.
01:10:07 I didn't mean to hurt her.
01:10:09 The stolen fossil was found in the house you were living in.
01:10:12 How did it get there?
01:10:14 I don't know.
01:10:16 Is that it?
01:10:19 Not quite.
01:10:22 We'll be charged with assaulting Maggie Sturridge in her home this morning.
01:10:26 Let's go.
01:10:30 [footsteps]
01:10:32 We agreed we were going to explore more things that we could do together.
01:10:44 Be adventurous.
01:10:45 Yes, we did, but riding that evil machine is not going to be one of them.
01:10:48 Sorry to interrupt.
01:10:50 By any chance, is Rowena here?
01:10:52 You'll find her inside.
01:10:53 Thanks.
01:10:54 Perhaps we should ask her how much fun our little adventure was.
01:10:59 What do you mean?
01:11:01 We went out for a pleasant bike ride, and unfortunately we got caught in the storm.
01:11:05 Rowena witnessed us being drowned rats, trying to pretend we were having a fun evening out.
01:11:10 Where was this?
01:11:12 In an effort to get out of the rain, we cut through the grounds of the shallows.
01:11:16 It wasn't my fault we ran over that broken bottle.
01:11:18 Lucas, please, you were staring.
01:11:20 Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't see you there. Are you all right?
01:11:23 Yes, fine.
01:11:25 Terrible night to be out in the pines.
01:11:27 Bless you, Reverend.
01:11:29 And what time was this?
01:11:32 We got to Walker's Ridge by six.
01:11:34 Drenched.
01:11:36 And then it took nearly an hour to walk back again.
01:11:39 Right, thank you. I'll leave you to it.
01:11:44 Perhaps you should steer next time.
01:11:55 Yes?
01:11:57 My apologies for disturbing you.
01:11:59 Mind if I have a word?
01:12:01 Certainly. How can I help?
01:12:03 Can I ask what you were praying for?
01:12:05 I was asking the Lord to guide and protect Howard Wainwright's soul.
01:12:10 It's interesting. That could suggest that you and he had a relationship of some kind.
01:12:14 The Lord asks that we care about all our fellow human beings.
01:12:18 Particularly those you went to university with.
01:12:22 You told me you went to a university in Indiana, but that wasn't true, was it?
01:12:27 I did. For a semester. And then I moved.
01:12:31 To the same university Howard taught at in Kentucky.
01:12:36 He taught there. I knew of him. I didn't really know him.
01:12:39 Can I ask, when you approached him about coming out here, what did you think would happen?
01:12:44 Howard is a research fellow in the world of paleontology.
01:12:49 A science based on the idea that dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.
01:12:55 What would lead him to declare that Maggie's fossil was only 10,000 years old?
01:13:00 In my heart, I knew that he would see the truth.
01:13:03 And if he didn't?
01:13:05 How did you react when he verified Maggie's discovery?
01:13:10 Did things get heated?
01:13:12 I never saw him after being to the site.
01:13:14 How did you find out then?
01:13:16 Mum told us.
01:13:18 Hey!
01:13:20 Well? What did he say?
01:13:22 It's good news. Well, it's great news.
01:13:25 It is a titanosaurid. Cretaceous.
01:13:28 Oh, wow! Awesome, Maggie.
01:13:30 Well, I'm going to get changed and then I'm going to go out for a celebratory drink.
01:13:34 And then what happened?
01:13:36 She went to the dinosaur and panther. We stayed home.
01:13:40 So, you're saying you never left the house?
01:13:44 The problem is I have witnesses who saw you outside Howard's Chalet sometime after 8pm.
01:13:52 So, what were you doing there, Rowena?
01:13:57 I don't feel comfortable talking about that in the house of the Lord.
01:14:02 Suits me.
01:14:05 Oh, Christ! You people!
01:14:07 I won't hold you up. Have you seen Maggie at all?
01:14:11 Nope.
01:14:13 Well, she's not down at the site or at home. I thought maybe she was...
01:14:16 Well, I guess you thought wrong.
01:14:18 Freda, you said something about a titanosaurid.
01:14:22 Well, I don't know.
01:14:24 I don't know if it's a titanosaurid.
01:14:26 I don't know if it's a titanosaurid.
01:14:28 I don't know if it's a titanosaurid.
01:14:30 I don't know if it's a titanosaurid.
01:14:32 Freda, you said something earlier, down at the station.
01:14:37 You said Maggie must have got home somehow, on the night of the storm.
01:14:41 What did you mean by that?
01:14:43 Well, she wasn't at the site when I came looking for her,
01:14:46 but down at the road her car was still there.
01:14:49 Maggie's car was still there when you shot out the tyre from the rental?
01:14:53 Yes, it was.
01:14:55 I know you don't wear a watch, but it would be helpful if you could give me some idea about what time this was.
01:15:00 It started to rain about the same time as it got dark, so maybe half an hour after that?
01:15:07 Where is Mike?
01:15:11 Ah, he's not here.
01:15:13 Where is he?
01:15:14 He's out, investigating a homicide.
01:15:17 That is disappointing.
01:15:19 Well, it's kind of what he does, so...
01:15:22 I have established an accurate time of death for the victim.
01:15:26 Gina, now you're talking.
01:15:28 Yes, I am. I know that.
01:15:30 The victim was in the water for approximately 12 to 15 hours.
01:15:33 Right, so that means...
01:15:35 I'm still talking.
01:15:37 However, rigor mortis suggests that he died between 4pm and 8pm, the evening he went into the water.
01:15:47 Okay, well thanks, Gina. We'll pass it on to Mike.
01:15:52 While I worked, it occurred to me what kind of dinosaur you two would have been.
01:15:59 You, Christine, obviously would have been something smaller.
01:16:03 Something snappy.
01:16:06 Like a reptile.
01:16:08 I can see that.
01:16:09 And you, something bigger.
01:16:12 Yes.
01:16:13 And very slow moving.
01:16:15 A diplodocus.
01:16:19 Thank you for these very penetrating insights, Gina.
01:16:23 You are always welcome.
01:16:26 You know, the diplodocus had the tiniest brain of all the dinosaurs.
01:16:32 If she's right about the time of death...
01:16:37 There's no way that Howard Wainwright could have sent that email at 8.53.
01:16:42 Because at that point, he was already dead.
01:16:48 (THUD)
01:16:50 That is awful.
01:16:57 Well, we're trying a new brand of beans, so sorry it's not to your taste.
01:17:03 Tastes like the devil's urine.
01:17:06 Okay, I'm not going to ask where you became acquainted with the devil's urine.
01:17:11 Oh, is sarcasm appropriate in this situation?
01:17:16 Your whereabouts from 5 till 9pm on the night that Howard Wainwright was killed?
01:17:21 I told you. I was at church.
01:17:23 Yes, between 4 and 6.
01:17:25 But it all gets a bit vague after that.
01:17:27 So what happened after Maggie went to the pub?
01:17:30 Did you and Jake go up to her dig site and steal a fossil?
01:17:34 No.
01:17:35 I mean, Howard wasn't really playing ball, was he?
01:17:38 He'd sighted the fossil and declared to Maggie that it was Cretaceous,
01:17:42 but he was supposed to declare that it was only 10,000 years old
01:17:47 to reinforce your creationist doctrine.
01:17:51 I thought he'd say it for what it really was.
01:17:55 Howard wrote in his diary that he was humouring you
01:18:01 to ensure that you invited him out here and collect his fee
01:18:05 and to become the co-author of any dinosaur find.
01:18:10 So you went up there to steal it,
01:18:13 to remove any evidence of the fossil's actual age,
01:18:16 but I'm guessing that Howard got there before you.
01:18:19 No, no, I never...
01:18:21 And then in an attempt to cover your tracks,
01:18:24 you went to Howard's chalet using his car...
01:18:26 I did not go up there!
01:18:28 Yes, the Lord is my witness. None of that happened.
01:18:34 Then what were you doing in his chalet?
01:18:37 Yes, I went to Howard's room,
01:18:40 but I need to talk to him to reason with him.
01:18:43 But he wasn't there.
01:18:45 That's all, I swear.
01:18:47 Maggie Sturridge left the dig site later than she said.
01:19:01 Does the word "Erinaceous" mean anything to you?
01:19:06 Not off the top of my head, no.
01:19:09 Have a look.
01:19:11 Huh.
01:19:19 - Print that out for me? - Mm-hm.
01:19:21 Of course I was pleased for her.
01:19:23 All I wanted was for us both to be right.
01:19:25 Is that too much to ask?
01:19:27 Does it really matter how old it is?
01:19:29 (KNOCK AT DOOR)
01:19:31 Excuse me.
01:19:33 The geoscience team have come back with their initial analysis.
01:19:38 What, they're saying that the fossil is potentially as young as 10,000 years old?
01:19:46 How could Wainwright get that so wrong?
01:19:48 Well, maybe he didn't.
01:19:50 And why would Rowena have a problem with that?
01:19:54 She wouldn't, but someone else might.
01:20:00 - Detectives? - Is Maggie Sturridge here?
01:20:17 I can't help you. Best be on your way.
01:20:20 Ron, you're aware that helping a suspect evade investigation is an offence?
01:20:24 Come on. Maggie hasn't done anything.
01:20:27 We'd like her to tell us that.
01:20:29 If and when I see her, I'll let her know.
01:20:32 Now, please have the decency to bug her off.
01:20:35 (DOOR SLAMS)
01:20:37 Maggie, don't.
01:20:39 It's all right, Ron.
01:20:41 Maggie, we'd like you to come down to the station to answer a few questions.
01:20:49 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:20:51 Ron, why don't you come along, too?
01:20:58 - Is that all? - Thanks, Ron.
01:21:02 - You pretty girl. - Oh.
01:21:14 - I'll hang around and wait for Maggie, if that's OK. - Sure.
01:21:19 That was Trudy Nielsen.
01:21:22 She confirms his story.
01:21:25 So at the time in question, Ron was where he said he was?
01:21:29 - Yeah. - OK.
01:21:31 Ready?
01:21:34 You got this. It's like you thought, except the other way around.
01:21:43 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:21:45 What's this about, Detective?
01:21:48 The post-mortem results tell us that Howard Wainwright died sometime between 4 and 8pm on the night of the storm at your fossil site.
01:22:01 We also have witness testimony that puts your car still parked at the roadside longer than you initially mentioned.
01:22:10 Given it was dark and raining and, well, Freda doesn't wear a watch, she's mistaken.
01:22:16 But it means that you were in the vicinity.
01:22:19 Actually, I, um... I spent the evening with Ron.
01:22:25 I'm sure he'll remember. I kept quiet about it because my, uh...
01:22:29 my daughter's so damn pious about that kind of thing.
01:22:33 - Ask him. - I have.
01:22:35 Yes, you were with Ron, briefly.
01:22:39 You went and had a drink and then made an excuse to leave.
01:22:42 You can take this back to my place. I've got some very old jazz records.
01:22:46 Another time. My, um... My heads aware with... with the news.
01:22:49 Yeah, of course. Congratulations, Maggie.
01:22:52 - Good night, Ron. - Good night.
01:22:55 So, yep, you made an appearance.
01:22:59 The early night, Ronald.
01:23:01 But for no longer than 30 minutes.
01:23:06 We also know that Rowena went to visit the professor at his chalet sometime after 8pm,
01:23:11 but had no luck, cos he wasn't there.
01:23:14 So that means that you must have arrived not long after that.
01:23:19 How about we go home and put the fire on?
01:23:21 Oh, yes, let's.
01:23:23 There's some of that cauliflower soup left in the fridge.
01:23:26 - Eat that. - Yep.
01:23:35 We've also seen the email sent from Howard's laptop that night.
01:23:40 It states that the fossil was a titanosauridae,
01:23:44 a species of dinosaur that went extinct approximately 65 million years ago.
01:23:50 Yes. Yes, that's right.
01:23:52 Mm. Although, Rowena wouldn't send an email
01:23:57 confirming such a rejection of her creationist beliefs.
01:24:01 And, well, Howard couldn't have sent it, not least of all because he was already dead,
01:24:05 but also because it quite simply wasn't.
01:24:09 It was an insectivore.
01:24:13 But you already know that, don't you?
01:24:16 (TENSE MUSIC)
01:24:18 (SIGHS)
01:24:30 I have been searching for fossils for years.
01:24:33 I sometimes ask myself, "Why on Earth do I keep doing it?"
01:24:39 It's not for the money and I don't care about fame.
01:24:44 All I wanted was recognition.
01:24:49 Acknowledgement.
01:24:54 And that's why it all went wrong.
01:24:57 I have to say that initially I was sceptical about your discovery,
01:25:01 a titanosauridae on such young islands.
01:25:04 But?
01:25:06 Congratulations, Maggie.
01:25:09 Oh, my God!
01:25:11 Oh, thank you! Oh, my God!
01:25:14 (BOTH LAUGH)
01:25:16 Congratulations on your discovery of a petrified, prehistoric hedgehog.
01:25:26 What? No! No, that's not... It's not possible.
01:25:30 It's absolutely possible.
01:25:32 Oh, this is one for the ages.
01:25:34 Maggie Sturridge discovers a fossilised hedgehog.
01:25:38 My colleagues will love this story.
01:25:40 And once the world finds out, imagine the memes.
01:25:43 You can't go public with this.
01:25:46 I'll demand a second opinion from someone who's more reputable.
01:25:49 Go right ahead. They'll all tell you the same thing. It's a hedgehog!
01:25:52 God save me from amateurs.
01:25:55 Pathetic waste of my time.
01:25:57 Before I knew it, the hammer was in my hand.
01:25:59 Hmm?
01:26:00 I just wanted him to shut up.
01:26:03 I decided...
01:26:21 I wouldn't let him have the last word.
01:26:24 Maggie!
01:26:39 Then I heard Freda looking for me.
01:26:50 Maggie?
01:26:51 Maggie?
01:26:55 Anyone here?
01:26:57 After she left, I... I went home.
01:27:12 Hey! Well? What did he say?
01:27:15 It's good news.
01:27:17 After the pub, I had to go to the chalet.
01:27:21 Too easy, Harold.
01:27:37 ♪ We're better off without that dinosaur ♪
01:27:43 ♪ And we're off on a long road home ♪
01:27:52 ♪ But we're better off without that dinosaur ♪
01:28:03 I headed back to the dig site to bury him.
01:28:07 I couldn't find him.
01:28:13 For a moment...
01:28:16 I thought, perhaps I hadn't killed him after all.
01:28:22 Maybe he managed to stagger out.
01:28:25 Then I saw the water.
01:28:31 [Water gurgling]
01:28:33 That must have carried him away.
01:28:38 Down into the stream.
01:28:41 Is that when you removed the fossil?
01:28:48 I had to finish what I started.
01:28:53 [Music]
01:28:59 With the fossil gone, nobody would ever know what Harold said.
01:29:04 ♪ Now we're off ♪
01:29:26 ♪ On a long road home ♪
01:29:29 ♪ We're better off without ♪
01:29:34 ♪ That dinosaur ♪
01:29:38 So, you went to the chalets, making sure you were seen supposedly looking for Howard.
01:29:46 And when you started questioning Jake and Rowena...
01:29:52 I thought that... that was as it should be.
01:29:57 You blamed them for bringing Howard into your life.
01:30:03 Jake was just an opportunist.
01:30:05 It was my daughter who ruined my life.
01:30:11 Maggie Surridge, you are under arrest for the murder of Howard Wainwright.
01:30:20 [Music]
01:30:22 I thought I'd call in on my way home.
01:30:32 Good news, I hope.
01:30:34 We've made an arrest for the murder of Howard Wainwright.
01:30:37 Oh, please tell us it's not Maggie.
01:30:40 I can't confirm the details of the arrest right now.
01:30:44 But the fossil itself, it is the real deal, eh?
01:30:49 Yeah, about that. You've got to be joking.
01:30:52 And we lose again.
01:30:54 Bugger!
01:30:55 Bloody stupid name for a coffee cart anyway.
01:31:04 Where do you want it?
01:31:18 We're going to the bloody dump, Todd.
01:31:20 Where else?
01:31:22 You better be here to apologise.
01:31:38 That's unbloody likely.
01:31:40 What then?
01:31:42 You heard the news?
01:31:43 About Maggie's fossil being a prehistoric hedgehog?
01:31:47 Yeah, I heard all about that.
01:31:49 You reckon we made dicks of ourselves?
01:32:01 Two old farts chasing after a lady murderess?
01:32:04 Yeah, that.
01:32:06 No chance.
01:32:08 Feel like a beer?
01:32:14 Yeah, don't mind if I do.
01:32:16 Cheers.
01:32:17 Cheers.
01:32:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:26 Cheers.
01:32:27 Cheers.
01:32:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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01:32:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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01:33:05 [BLANK_AUDIO]