• 2 months ago
Why against the law of Karma, parents and teachers do not bind karma on scolding children? What is the reason why parents and teachers are binding merit karma when they are dealing with children?
00:00You said once that hurting your parents is a big sin, it's a big sin, but what if they hurt you? Isn't that a sin too?
00:16Because, there is a reason behind it.
00:20Because parents, you feel that they are making me, they are hurting me.
00:26But, whatever they are doing, rest and only, we had a lot of discussion, we do think different, external and internally.
00:34So what is the intention, whatever your parents do for you, whether you like it or not, the intention of parent inside is always good for their kids.
00:46That's the only point which makes them creating punya, not sin.
00:53Only, this is the only one point where this is allowed because of the good intention of parents.
01:00Otherwise, in nature, law of karmas never allows if you hurt someone and you get punya.
01:09But only here, in case of parents and your guru, spiritual teacher, because they are always inside, they are in favor of their kids.
01:19Whatever hurting is there, that they don't like, but they are that much attached to their parents.
01:25I think you kids are not that much attached with their parents because their attachments are in different, different things, games and things, perfect, perfect, isn't it?
01:37So their attachment becomes lesser with their parents.
01:41So they don't feel that much.
01:44But if you have that, when you see, it's mutual.
01:51You become mutual and see.
01:54Don't take your own side.
02:00Try to understand your parents.
02:03They are inside you.
02:05They do good to them if they hurt you.
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