What is the root cause that leads to the binding of karma? How can we get the root cause and stop charging karma?
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00:00Fundamental knowledge we have to get is who am I and who is the doer.
00:11We don't know about who am I and who is the doer.
00:13That's why we are binding karma, we are doing mistake, somebody hurt us and we are blaming
00:23on others, we become angry, we become disturbed, we become depressed.
00:31So our mistake, Nathabhagwan says we are in this earth why we have to take birth and rebirth
00:43due to our mistakes and our blunders.
00:51Nobody, not a single evidence binding us or not a single person is binding us.
00:57Due to our blunders and mistakes we have to wander in this world.
01:06If we finish our blunders and mistakes, we can come out from our blunders and mistakes
01:14then we will get liberation.
01:18God is not creator of this world, God is not our boss, God is not above us but within
01:27us only.
01:28But due to ignorance of God, God is a pure soul, due to ignorance of pure soul we believe
01:36that whatever name given, I am Deepak, I am doer, is blunders, I am husband, I am father,
01:47I am son, I am engineer, I am doctor, these are the blunders, because really we are not,
01:55it is relatively husband, relatively wife, but we believe that really I am husband, really
02:01I am wife, that is called blunders and due to that blunders then he becomes a husband
02:12so he has problem with wife, possessiveness of wife, possessiveness on wife, attachment
02:21with wife, expectations on wife, doesn't fulfill the hatred on wife, these are the
02:28puzzle starts, but root cause is blunders, I am husband, why this is blunder?
02:37Because we don't know who am I, so due to this blunders mistake is going on, going
02:46on, again and again and that is root cause for charging new karma.