Los Momentos Que Paso Contigo Saben Diferentes - Pájaro Soñador

  • last month
00:47Companeros despido que mantenga las tiendas de campaña limpias en todas
00:51Hay un manual de instrucciones para su uso al terminar quiero que me lo devuelvan de acuerdo no tendrá ninguna duda del uso porque yo
00:57mismo redacte las instrucciones asegúrense que las tiendas estén bien armadas por favor y quiero que me regrese en mi manual y tú
01:03retírate por favor del fuego no quiero accidentes bien
01:07donde está san em está en aquella tienda gracias
01:13Muy buenas noches que se le ofrece se le perdió algo te conocí en el vecindario verdad no lo sé señor la última vez que
01:19Lo vi estaba mojado existe una diferencia entre una persona mojada y una seca el cuerpo mojado brilla y el cuerpo seco es más
01:25Deslucido el cuerpo mojado se considera sexy de un cuerpo seco no se puede decir nada y no
01:37Eso sí que no quiero que se sienta atacado pero esto es propiedad privada hay un límite de privacidad
01:44se verse
01:46Desaparece pero estaré cerca no lo olvide
01:55Señor John una mirador
01:59Un trauma de la infancia sería más conveniente
02:03Estás bien
02:06Necesitas algo tal vez una manta una almohada o agua
02:12No gracias
02:16Parece que después de regresar del mar todos nos miran extraño
02:23A mí no me importa que miren que hagan lo que quieran te molesta
02:34Vamos a caminar
02:53A ayudarla buenas noches
03:06No veo nada de él no lo sé tal vez se fue o se escondió no sé
03:11Te juro que era horrible
03:13Peludo negro con alas quería comer si de verdad tiene alas debió volar ya no está aquí
03:18Puede ser que por el miedo me haya confundido quise no tenía alas pero no puedo dormir aquí ya
03:24No exageraste un poco a mí me parece que si no hay ningún insecto puedes
03:28No siento que me muerde es como si algo caminara por mi cuerpo
03:36Señor ya no te desperté no quise llamar de nuevo ni quería molestarte estaba despierta
03:43yo también
03:44Salí para verte lo encontraba pero no está aquí
03:49estuve caminando un rato y encontré un pequeño lugar cerca del mar es probable que pase la noche aquí hay mucha gente a tu
03:56Alrededor y obviamente no podemos estar solos
03:59tienes razón
04:04Pero no cuelgues porque quiero oír tu voz
04:07de verdad
04:09es la primera vez que tenemos una plática romántica
04:13Tu voz me parece extraña es algo como
04:20si tuviera una
04:23profundidad especial
04:25Como siempre no sé ahora siento que tu voz suena muy bien
04:31mejor cambiamos de tema comienza a decir tonterías por los nervios voy a colgar está bien
04:38buenas noches dulces sueños
05:11Salim hola John
05:16Vine cinco minutos a verte está bien bienvenida
05:21Ahora que ya te vi tengo que volver no te vayas por esta vez podrías olvidar los pretextos no sé
05:27Tal vez puedas quedarte más tiempo que dices
05:33Claro si eso quieres
05:38Porque no nos sentamos
05:40Solo que necesitamos sentarnos al mismo tiempo para no perder el equilibrio
05:50Espero que no te moleste
05:54No pero tengo miedo sabes eres lo único a lo que le tengo miedo en la vida me tienes miedo porque
06:02no lo sé eres como el viento y
06:05a veces siento que no puedo atraparte como si tu naturaleza siempre fuera a huir
06:10no puedo retenerte entre mis manos y
06:13no sé cómo decirte lo que pienso para que no me malentiendas y salgas huyendo o tal vez me pides
06:19que me vaya
06:21Quiero pedirte perdón por lo que sucedió
06:25No digas nada dijimos que no discutiríamos ni haríamos preguntas dejemos que todo fluya
06:36Estás cómoda quieres recostarte creo que sería más cómodo
06:42Bueno lo intentaré es más sencillo si saltas anda salta aquí voy bravo
06:50No te parece más cómodo si las hamacas me gustan si ahora a me sernos un poco con el pie
07:01Cuántas estrellas hay esta noche de hecho cada noche a tu lado es
07:10No te detengas continúa di lo que quieras decir
07:16Tienes alguna estrella es decir una estrella favorita
07:21No tengo ninguna en especial pero por lo que entiendo tú si la tienes cuál es tu estrella favorita
07:29es orión orión
07:31elegiste más de una estrella es toda una constelación eso va bien contigo
07:36Conoce su historia
07:40Te la diré
07:42La hermosa artemisa era conocida por ser una gran a una mujer arquera me gusta
07:53Conoció a un gran y experto cazador orión y se enamoró de él
07:58Pero el hermano de artemisa apolo tenía celos que le prestara más atención a orión
08:04No quería que fueran felices ni que estuvieran juntos
08:10Así que
08:12Le tendió una trampa artemisa en serio en aquí
08:19Sigue contándome
08:24Le propuso una competencia
08:27Tenía que dispararle un objetivo lejano en medio del mar desde esa distancia parecía una roca
08:36Pero en realidad era orión
08:40Había entrado al mar a descansar y flotaba boca arriba para admirar el cielo
08:47Pero artemisa no lo sabía
08:50Lanzó su flecha y fue directo al corazón de su amado orión está herido de muerte
08:57Artemisa no podía con el dolor
09:00y decidió que para perpetuar su amor una constelación se llamaría orión
09:06Una vez más me cuentas una historia triste
09:10Dónde está orión podemos verla muéstrame tu constelación
09:13Es la más brillante de todas puedes verla desde cualquier parte del mundo de la mostraré
09:33Es mejor que me vaya por favor cinco minutos más por favor cinco minutos
09:40Por favor
10:56Buenos días buenos días
11:01Gracias por quedarte a solas conmigo
11:14Se acabó la noche en qué momento pasó tan rápido el tiempo no puede ser no lo entiendo
11:19Quieres una taza de té te dices tomarte no gracias no te molestes
11:24Te dije que me quedaría solo cinco minutos y de esto ve aquí toda la noche es mejor que me vaya donde está mi bolsa
11:29Ay estás bien ya nos vemos después no te preocupes por mí nos vemos adiós
11:41No recuerdas había una cáscara de plátano en el piso se cayó y me reí mucho
11:47Puedo ver ese episodio mil veces recuerdas al gato que era gracioso que es de mis animaciones preferidas también la mía
11:54casualidad tal vez algún día podamos ir al cine
11:57puede ser sí qué tipo de películas te gustan más las animaciones en primer lugar igual que a mí
12:04Cuántas coinciden
12:09Sí, pero casi nos matas de un susto en donde estabas
12:12Deren gritó toda la noche por los insectos no nos dejó dormir no la escuchaste sí claro que los oí
12:17Por eso estoy tan de buen humor date prisa el equipo viene en camino debemos preparar cierto compañeros preparamos todo
12:24Cuéntame qué pasó en la noche ya te contaré pero ahora no es el momento vamos tus padres están por llegar
12:30Sí lo que oíste vienen en camino
12:33De prisa despiertas a verse de a los demás
14:26Aquí tienes
14:28Esto si es un desayuno
14:30Miren la variedad Osman pensó en todos los gustos
14:32Muy bien disfruten las vitaminas
14:34and my mother's bread.
14:36Today I feel so happy and full of energy.
14:39Yes, that's obvious.
14:41I'm sure that your energy can be seen
14:44to the Galapagos Islands.
14:45I see life in a different way.
14:47What I propose to you will happen.
14:49And one day I'm going to have breakfast in the Galapagos.
14:51You'll see.
14:56Today we have a lot of work.
14:58We have to be practical, flexible and fast
15:01so that everything goes well.
15:02We don't have much time.
15:04But it seems to me that everyone knows what to do.
15:07That's good.
15:08There is coordination and also concentration.
15:10JJ, I don't want you to forget that tomorrow night
15:13you have to see the watchman
15:14to give him all that material, okay?
15:18Who told him to come so early?
15:20Just seeing her makes me stressed.
15:22The ex-girlfriend team looks very aggressive, Vereno.
15:25I won't fall for their game.
15:27It doesn't matter what they plot.
15:32Good morning.
15:33Good morning, Aileen.
15:35How are you?
15:36I wanted to welcome you with open arms
15:38and be the first to see your beautiful face.
15:41I missed you a lot too.
15:43I'm so happy about today
15:45that you won't interrupt my mood.
15:47Don't worry, I won't interrupt the recording.
15:50I'll sit down and watch.
15:51I'll watch.
15:52I'll watch.
15:53I'll watch.
15:54I'll watch.
15:55I'll watch.
15:56I'll watch.
15:57I'll watch.
15:58I'll watch.
15:59I'll watch.
16:00I'll watch.
16:01I'll sit down and watch how everyone else is working.
16:04Aileen, I'll take care of it.
16:13Good morning, Pauline.
16:14Good morning.
16:15Where's John?
16:17He was around here.
16:18I'll go get him if you want.
16:19I won't be long.
16:20Don't bother.
16:21It'll be easier if I look for him.
16:27Ah, there he is.
16:29Oh, that's right.
16:31I'm going with him, you know?
16:33I missed him so much last night.
16:35I missed him so much.
16:37Anyway, I'll see you later.
16:42Uh, Zanem.
16:44When you're done, can you bring me a coffee?
16:47Yeah, I'll take it.
16:49If you don't mind.
16:53How are you?
16:55Did you rest last night?
17:01You look tired.
17:04You didn't sleep?
17:05Yeah, I slept well.
17:07Better than other days.
17:08You know, I love this kind of place.
17:11The weather was wonderful.
17:12A little warm.
17:13It's a shame you didn't stay.
17:14You would have rested a lot too.
17:16Uh, no.
17:17You know, I'd like us to talk.
17:19Can we do it before the filming starts?
17:22We can talk in that area.
17:24There will be less noise.
17:27Let's go.
17:36Excuse me.
17:37By any chance, have you seen Miss Polen?
17:39Yes, I saw her.
17:40They're over there.
17:41She and John left together.
17:42The love between them is noticeable.
17:44I love them.
17:48I understand.
17:49I'll take the coffee he asked for.
17:50I don't think he's interested in your coffee for now.
17:52He's in a romantic moment.
17:54You understand me.
18:07John, I want to ask you something.
18:10Everything we've been through together for so many years,
18:14you don't care about it anymore?
18:19Of course I do.
18:22You care.
18:23I think about it and I still can't understand it.
18:26That girl is always after you.
18:28She doesn't leave you alone for a minute.
18:30I don't want you to deny it because I saw it myself.
18:33Besides, realize the kind of neighborhood you live in.
18:36You can think that someone from a place like this has things in common with you.
18:41Put your feet on the ground.
18:42You really don't believe it, John?
18:45Don't tell me that girl is good for you.
18:48Leave all this game, will you?
18:50Look, you can't even think about her to have a temporary relationship.
18:56Please understand.
18:58You'll break her heart and the worst thing is, she'll be hurt.
19:02She's a simple girl.
19:03She only sees where she lives.
19:07Don't do this, Pauline.
19:15I won't say anything else.
19:16I just want to ask you something.
19:18Let's spend time together.
19:20Until tomorrow night.
19:22That way you'll have time to think.
19:24And at night, you'll tell me your decision.
19:43What you're asking for is not a problem for me, Pauline.
19:47We can spend this time together.
19:50But let's not force it.
19:52I made a decision.
19:54I'll repeat it one last time.
19:55This is over.
19:58There's nothing else to think about.
20:01So, if you can't accept it, go back.
20:07I don't want you to feel bad, nor do I.
20:12Mr. John, whenever you like.
20:13We're ready.
20:14I'm going now.
20:16Go ahead.
20:28You have all the time in the world.
20:29Feel safe.
20:30Imagine that you're a girl from Havana.
20:32With that cadence.
20:33I want you to walk slowly, but with some movement.
20:36Something elegant, but simple.
20:39Look up and always smile.
20:40Exactly the same as what you do in the office.
20:42Smile at everyone.
20:43Be yourself, Gullis.
20:44Just that.
20:46Thank you very much.
20:47Osman, you did very well.
20:48You're still like that.
20:50Excuse me, Mr. DeVit.
20:51But what's so special about your performance?
20:53He's not handsome.
20:54I didn't see any innate acting talent in him.
20:56Anyone could do better than him.
20:58He's just a butcher.
20:59I could take his place and...
21:00Sit down.
21:01Sit down.
21:05If everything is ready, let's get started.
21:08How are you?
21:09Very well.
21:11I hope everything goes well.
21:12What are you doing, Sanem?
21:13This girl is really well dressed.
21:15It could be, JJ.
21:16But that's her way of being and...
21:48He's so handsome.
21:49He does it so well.
21:50Do you like it?
21:51I didn't change.
21:52Yes, very much.
22:03What are you doing?
22:09That's all.
22:10Let's take a few minutes to get rid of the shine on her nose.
22:16Do you want some water?
22:17I'd love to.
22:19You're very kind.
22:20I'll bring it to you, Mr. Jan.
22:24That's not right.
22:25That's not ethical.
22:26You can't sit next to the boss.
22:27Are we ready?
22:33I'll go correct her.
22:34You're right.
22:37To your positions.
22:39One more take.
22:40Osman, lift her up a little.
22:43Sanem, what are you doing?
22:45You can't sit next to the boss.
22:47Get up.
22:48Don't move me.
22:49Let go of me.
22:50I have something to do.
23:00No, Osman.
23:01Those weren't the instructions they gave you.
23:03Learn to listen.
23:04Learn to listen.
23:07What are you doing?
23:08Calm down.
23:09Sit down, please.
23:10What's wrong with you?
23:13Get out of here.
23:16Mr. Jan, I'm sorry.
23:17It won't happen again.
23:18Don't worry.
23:19It's okay.
23:20Let's all concentrate in your place.
23:21Didn't you see the product?
23:22It was something simple.
23:23The idiot just had to get up.
23:24Don't do the same thing, kid.
23:25Three, two, one, action.
23:35What kind of actor are you?
23:37I could have been much better.
23:38That's enough!
23:39I'll talk to someone else.
23:41Don't say that again.
23:54What's wrong?
23:55I don't understand why you do this.
23:56I want to try it.
23:57I have to talk to someone.
23:59Go with them, please.
24:01Be sure they don't hurt you.
24:02That's embarrassing.
24:03Why does he behave like that?
24:05It's the same madness of his mother, the heir.
24:10Hey, we said we'd be together, but I didn't mean something physical like this.
24:18Well, in my opinion, it's not bad.
24:27Yes, I like it too. I could stay here without any problems.
24:34Better look at your daughter's talents.
24:38What? Why? What's wrong with my daughter?
24:44We'll do it from another angle.
24:45Well, if it's so hard to do, forget it.
24:48Correct, we'll do it from there.
24:49Mevki, look.
24:51Why are you always so close to Jan?
24:53Oh, Nihat, maybe she's in love with him.
24:56No, if that were true, they would always be together.
25:00Mevki, look. She's always with Jan.
25:03My poor girl doesn't know how to behave in front of men.
25:06Look, Jan isn't interested. I think she's fooling herself.
25:12Uh, wait a minute.
25:14It's true, she's not interested.
25:15Get that out of there.
25:16Sanem is always following him.
25:18I'll take her back to the neighborhood, Mevki, look.
25:21Yes, go ahead.
25:23Take her.
25:25I'm working, Dad.
25:27I'm working, Dad.
25:28Yes, I know that, daughter.
25:30But come with me. We need to talk.
25:32What's going on?
25:33Nothing. I just want to tell you something.
25:35Are you okay?
25:36Yes, of course. Don't worry. But we need to talk.
25:39Goodbye. See you.
25:40Look, daughter. The car is here. We'll go home.
25:43Dad, I can't go.
25:44And now that he's following me, what are we going to do?
25:46I have to stay. I'm working.
25:47Well, do it, but don't bother people.
25:49You must leave space for people and stay calm.
25:54He can't.
25:55Our work is full of action. Sanem is right.
25:58Don't worry, daughter. Take it easy, okay?
26:01You have to be aware that no one is short of coffee.
26:05That's not the only thing I do here, JJ.
26:08Ah, well said, Sanem.
26:10Besides, what kind of business do you have?
26:12JJ, explain it to me.
26:14And besides, what kind of business life do you have, huh?
26:17Tell me.
26:18Spending wet hours without being able to sleep.
26:20They think they're famous.
26:21They drink strange cocktails.
26:22This is not real. It's a false world.
26:24The neighborhood is real.
26:25I'm from that neighborhood.
26:26And I don't allow anyone to insult my roots, you understand?
26:29Who was it? Who insulted your roots?
26:33The shoot is over and everything went very well.
26:36Thank you very much for your work.
26:38The food was fantastic, really.
26:40And you, Nihat.
26:42The service was wonderful. I'll save it today.
26:44Don't even mention it.
26:46In the end, it's what we eat every day.
26:48If you cook like that, I'll go to your house every day to eat.
26:51Well, do it.
26:55Ha, ha, ha, ha.
26:59And seriously, I would love for us to work together again.
27:03Okay? We'll pick up the things.
27:05Yes, we'll pick up the things. Goodbye, Dad.
27:07Mr. Jan, I'll take care of the tent shops.
27:09Mom, I love you.
27:10I'll see you later at home.
27:11See you later.
27:12It was a pleasure to meet you.
27:15See you later.
27:16God grant you wisdom.
27:18Sanem, wait!
27:19He is very polite and Sanem misinterprets him.
27:22Let's see, woman.
27:23You'll have to talk to her.
27:25As a father, it's better if she doesn't intervene.
27:28But I'll be watching from a distance.
27:31Of course.
27:32But you have to talk to her.
27:33Of course I will.
27:39Will you come home tonight, Jan?
27:41Uh, no.
27:42I have to edit the ad.
27:44And as you know, it's urgent.
27:46You won't go home all night?
27:48Exactly. I won't.
27:51The weekend starts tomorrow.
27:53You could go home and rest.
27:56That way we can spend time together.
27:58And we can celebrate my birthday.
28:00Isn't it next week?
28:02Uh, yes.
28:03But the day falls in the middle of the week.
28:05I'll make something to eat.
28:07I thought we could celebrate it this weekend.
28:09I love to celebrate.
28:10We have candles at home, Jan.
28:14It's your birthday, Polin.
28:18How nice, Sanem.
28:25Sanem, I'll take you home, okay?
28:28Don't try to be polite.
28:30It's war time.
28:32Don't leave them alone for a moment.
28:34Do whatever you can to avoid it.
28:36Let's go, Sanem.
28:41Normally I wouldn't ask, Mr. Jan,
28:43but I'm tired and I'd love you to take me home.
28:47You must be tired too.
28:49Besides, you have to keep editing and editing, right?
28:53In short, I'll take you to the door of your house.
28:55Yes, yes, take me.
28:57Do you want to?
28:58Very well.
29:00And by the way,
29:02remember that you have a speed phobia.
29:04It's not more than 80 kilometers.
29:07Oh, yes.
29:08It's true.
29:09I forgot.
29:10It's true.
29:11You're right.
29:12I guess I'll go slower.
29:14Well, if you want.
29:15Shouldn't I go a little slower?
29:17I remembered it while you two were talking.
29:19It's just that at the moment I didn't think about it.
29:21I forgot.
29:22It's normal.
29:32Actually, I'm very interested in physics,
29:34although I don't have time to dedicate to it on weekends
29:37because it's when I have free time.
29:39It's something I've been passionate about since I was little.
29:42We can say that for me,
29:43physics is a way of life.
29:45I find it fascinating.
29:52We still have a long way to go,
29:54but don't rush.
29:55You don't have to get off now.
29:58Don't worry.
29:59There's still time.
30:01Oh, yes.
30:02Thanks for bringing it.
30:06See you tomorrow, Mr. Jan.
30:08See you tomorrow.
30:09And say hello to your mother, please.
30:11Don't worry.
30:12I will.
30:15He said tomorrow.
30:16Tomorrow is Saturday.
30:18She's tired.
30:19Maybe the heat is affecting her.
30:22Yes, it's the heat.
30:23Lately, we've had very high temperatures in Istanbul.
30:26Obviously, it hit her hard.
30:28Yes, it must be.
30:38See you, Jan.
30:41If your mother...
30:42If your mother prepares more stuffed peppers,
30:44call me.
30:45I will.
