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00:01:30Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our
00:01:52breath away.
00:01:59FBI Los Angeles 224, this is Agent Solomon, Code 16 GM.
00:02:16Yeah, it's DeRitter, 31522NG.
00:02:18I'm going to need a cover for Lake Merrillville.
00:02:21Lake Merrillville?
00:02:22It's located in Northern California.
00:02:23I don't know how long I'm staying, but just send it to my phone.
00:02:2410-4, DeRitter.
00:02:25Will do.
00:02:28Lake Merrillville.
00:02:29Well, it looks like there's fish in there, huh?
00:02:51The fall she returned to Lake Merrillville, everything changed.
00:03:21What the fuck were you thinking?
00:03:38You almost got yourself killed, not to mention your backup.
00:03:41Please, I have a baby!
00:03:42Let her go.
00:03:44Yes, she was running, but she had no idea why she chose to come back here of all places.
00:04:08Holy Christ!
00:04:09Oh my God, shit!
00:04:10I'm sorry!
00:04:11I can't believe this is happening.
00:04:13I heard a scream earlier.
00:04:14Was that you?
00:04:15I just wanted to go for a swim.
00:04:16Now I can't.
00:04:17It's the only time that I have.
00:04:18Okay, um...
00:04:19Would you mind?
00:04:20Is it a little autumn for a dip in the lake?
00:04:21Is that any of your business?
00:04:22I'm not a swimmer.
00:04:23I'm a swimmer.
00:04:24I'm a swimmer.
00:04:25I'm a swimmer.
00:04:26I'm a swimmer.
00:04:27I'm a swimmer.
00:04:28I'm a swimmer.
00:04:29I'm a swimmer.
00:04:30I'm a swimmer.
00:04:31I'm a swimmer.
00:04:32I'm a swimmer.
00:04:33I'm a swimmer.
00:04:34I'm a swimmer.
00:04:35Is that any of your business?
00:04:42I'm fine.
00:04:43I'm fine.
00:04:44Just get off me.
00:04:47I just...
00:04:48Can you tell me which one of these godforsaken roads leads to Lake Merrillville?
00:04:50At our reunion last year, my college roommate told me about her amazing rusty cabin.
00:04:54Under dress?
00:04:58Oh, it's in the car.
00:04:59Do you mind?
00:05:00If that isn't too much to ask.
00:05:05So, who was your college roommate?
00:05:07Heather Adams.
00:05:11Well, quite a character.
00:05:12But no one's heard from her in forever.
00:05:17What did you say your name was?
00:05:21And you?
00:05:22Come here.
00:05:31She remembered her mother saying this sleepy burg was filled with rather eccentric and
00:05:36colorful characters, right out of a novel.
00:05:39I think that has...
00:05:40See, that has a little bit of a red...
00:05:43This is right here.
00:05:45I got you.
00:05:49And I'm going back to this...
00:05:51Do you have her cabin key?
00:05:52Uh, yeah.
00:05:53Come on in.
00:05:54Oh, man.
00:05:55Colin, you have really done it this time.
00:05:58Cassandra, darling, you can't figure it out.
00:06:00Nobody can.
00:06:02And you've got a few blue ones together over there.
00:06:05What is this?
00:06:06This is too challenging for you?
00:06:07Oh, shame on you.
00:06:09I'm sorry.
00:06:10Focus on the puzzle.
00:06:11I'm sorry.
00:06:12And you are?
00:06:15I'm here for the Heather Adams cabin.
00:06:16Property manager said they'd leave the key with you.
00:06:18Ah, yes, yes.
00:06:20We're just giving Colin's latest masterpiece a test run.
00:06:23Hold on one sec.
00:06:26Grandpants is famous.
00:06:27Oh, no.
00:06:28Not even remotely.
00:06:29He designs puzzles.
00:06:32First glance, it just looks like part of the design.
00:06:35But when you look closer, you can see that each and every piece has its own little story.
00:06:40And it isn't until you put all those pieces together that you can actually see the big picture.
00:06:47I used to do puzzles with my mom, but nothing like this.
00:06:51My mom thinks they're a waste of time.
00:06:53She's like, what's the point of sticking thousands of cardboard pieces together
00:06:57if you can just go to the store, buy a print, and frame it?
00:06:59That's hardly the point.
00:07:01Here you go.
00:07:02Oh, thanks.
00:07:03You are welcome.
00:07:05So, if you need any help getting settled in, my granddaughter here lives to be of service.
00:07:10No, I've got it.
00:07:11Thank you.
00:07:18Who am I?
00:07:21I just happen to be the sole writer slash editor and distributor of the Pine Mountain Gazette,
00:07:27which serves all 929 readers in a 50-mile radius.
00:07:32Of all the stories I've watched unfold, hers is by far my personal favorite.
00:08:18Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:08:21Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:08:22Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:08:23Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:08:24Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:08:25Hey, kid.
00:08:27Are you supposed to be out here alone?
00:08:28Where's your mom?
00:08:29Keechan, where's yours?
00:08:36Touch it.
00:08:43Soft things melt hard things.
00:08:51Um, hey, I've got to be somewhere.
00:08:55I'm sorry about what I just said.
00:09:03Lisa, who is taking care of you?
00:09:05As long as the Fabio Ladies Book Club can see me, I'm okay.
00:09:10My mom, she makes me wear this just in case.
00:09:14One time, I got lost, so...
00:09:16Yeah, yeah, I got it.
00:09:17Okay, I'm just going to go and make sure they know you're here.
00:09:20Better, because I could be halfway to Mexico by now.
00:09:28She was only here because she had promised her mother she would return.
00:09:36While she was a little too city for these parts,
00:09:40she had never broken her word to her mom.
00:09:43She wouldn't start now.
00:09:46Come on.
00:09:47She had no tolerance for patience.
00:10:06She thought she might go mad from boredom.
00:10:11And she was sick of this rustic cabin.
00:10:19She ventured into town, where the Pine Mountain Inn
00:10:22served as the general store, post office, and gossip central.
00:10:26Hey, you!
00:10:29Hey, come join us.
00:10:32I didn't think I'd call your name.
00:10:33I'm Lindsay, but most people call me Max.
00:10:36May I present boy of a million adventures, Freddie.
00:10:40And this one you've met is still my mother, Adele.
00:10:44And that handsome devil is Rodney,
00:10:47proprietor of Rodney's Rodeo Farm Ground.
00:10:50It's nice to meet you.
00:10:51Lovely to meet you.
00:10:53Within two visits, she learned Colin had been a highly revered philosophy professor
00:10:58until he chucked it all one night,
00:11:00moved into town, and began to design his complex and intricate puzzles.
00:11:07Widowed, he met the highly controversial Cassandra,
00:11:11an anti-feminist feminist who believed women could be insanely powerful
00:11:16and still be full of grace and beauty.
00:11:21Let me crash upon your shore and shipwreck in your thighs.
00:11:27She quickly came to understand why Mama Adele,
00:11:31founder of the Fabula Ladies Book Club,
00:11:33and daughter Kat were known to all as the Endless Biggersons.
00:11:37We're going to lose the worst battle we have ever fought.
00:11:39And you!
00:11:40She heard a term called Freddievision,
00:11:43but she would have no idea what that meant until much later.
00:11:57The Endless Biggersons
00:12:09Know what I love more than rice pudding?
00:12:11What, my sweet daughter?
00:12:14Star ventures!
00:12:18When the last star in the sky disappears,
00:12:21we begin our star venture.
00:12:23And there is only one rule for the day.
00:12:26No rules.
00:12:27We just go whenever our whim takes us.
00:12:34She had no use for nostalgia,
00:12:37bristled at the cloying, bittersweet memories.
00:12:43If she couldn't bury herself in her work,
00:12:46she would run.
00:12:47In any event,
00:12:49grief would not best her.
00:12:54The Endless Biggersons
00:13:06Kill her! We gotta go!
00:13:07If you go in there, you're going to get her killed yourself.
00:13:11Wait for the negotiator.
00:13:12The Endless Biggersons
00:13:20Hell, I've never seen a mother and daughter any closer than the two of you.
00:13:25We all loved her.
00:13:27She was one of a kind.
00:13:29But you didn't take the time you needed.
00:13:35I can see the fear in your eyes!
00:13:37I have a baby, please!
00:13:39Let her go!
00:13:42She's got the fucking balls!
00:13:47I'll fucking waste her!
00:14:13The Endless Biggersons
00:14:21Do it! Do it!
00:14:23You're off the case.
00:14:24Off duty.
00:14:2590 days.
00:14:29You'll never get it!
00:14:36The Endless Biggersons
00:14:43The Endless Biggersons
00:15:07You know, grief is a scraggy bitch.
00:15:10And she doesn't give a royal fuck about best intentions,
00:15:14or whether you have the luxury of waiting her out.
00:15:18You've got to find a way through this pain, Max.
00:15:21Not around it.
00:15:32Oh, glad I caught you.
00:15:33Actually, Grandpants wanted to know if you wanted to come in for some full moon mud pie?
00:15:38I'm not much of a dessert person.
00:15:40This is not just a dessert.
00:15:42This is a life-changing experience.
00:15:44You need to be here.
00:15:45He only makes it once a month.
00:15:47You don't want to get FOMO.
00:15:48It's real.
00:15:50Oh, and we're about to start a new puzzle.
00:15:53You look like you're trying to keep yourself busy,
00:15:55and this is not the place for that.
00:15:57Well, uh...
00:15:59I definitely don't want to get FOMO.
00:16:01Great. Uh, we start around, like, seven.
00:16:06All right, then.
00:16:12Colin's full moon mud pie came from the monthly Celestial Event,
00:16:17which made the inky night sky brilliant with stars,
00:16:21and became the blueprint for his puzzles.
00:16:25The End
00:16:33You can start.
00:16:34You don't have to wait.
00:16:35Okay, thanks.
00:16:38Like that.
00:16:39Oh, my God, that is so good.
00:16:41Right? Wow.
00:16:42I tell him he should be a chef.
00:16:45My darling man.
00:16:46Oh, thank you, darling.
00:16:47All right, let's see.
00:16:48Thank you.
00:16:49What have we got here?
00:16:50Where are we?
00:16:51Uh, Mademoiselle Does Borders.
00:16:54Mademoiselle Does Borders and the straight-edged pieces
00:16:57align themselves with Earth or Sky.
00:17:01Oh, God, I know this.
00:17:03In translation, the James Meryl poem.
00:17:05Every time they start a new puzzle, they quote it like scripture.
00:17:10Nothing is lost, or all else is translation.
00:17:14And every bit of us is lost in it.
00:17:20Oh, nice.
00:17:22Puzzle as existential metaphor.
00:17:26Go get some foam on.
00:17:27Yes, sir.
00:17:28This is Mackenzie.
00:17:31This gadfly is Gabrielle's sister, my granddaughter,
00:17:35who I like sometimes.
00:17:38In spite of herself, she was enjoying the company.
00:17:43And that damn pie.
00:17:45It was the best thing she'd eaten since she got there.
00:17:50It was so good.
00:17:58After much urging, she finally sat in on the weekly Friday chess tournament.
00:18:02Are you in?
00:18:05Get in.
00:18:07Okay, let's do this.
00:18:08Get in.
00:18:10Such disappointment is coming your way.
00:18:12You don't know my chess skills, okay?
00:18:16But he's going to whip you like a rented mule.
00:18:19I'm telling you up front.
00:18:26He seems harmless.
00:18:27Go easy.
00:18:28Like a lovely woodland creature, but no.
00:18:36This is the part where he sneaks up on you.
00:18:39No, no, no.
00:18:40Not that.
00:18:42Like a monkey in the woods.
00:18:43Nice, but checkmate.
00:18:52It's humbling, isn't it?
00:18:54Yes, it is.
00:18:55As you can see, it takes very little to stimulate.
00:18:58Yeah, but forget about that.
00:18:59Are you ready?
00:19:00Does a polar bear poop in the snow?
00:19:02I don't know.
00:19:03I did not go to college.
00:19:04All right, I'm getting a chili bar for the winner.
00:19:06And don't forget the whip.
00:19:09That's right.
00:19:10That's the attitude.
00:19:11They might be quaint and slightly odd, but they sure had a way of enjoying themselves.
00:19:17They all seemed skilled at making the simplest of rides quite extraordinary.
00:19:22I instantly regretted it.
00:19:24And that is how it's done here in Lake Merrillville.
00:19:28We're all about manners.
00:19:29We sure are.
00:19:46She still ran, but now she felt the cold morning mist wash over her, and she didn't hate it.
00:20:06So, you understand this isn't a part of the original instructions.
00:20:16It's a codicil to your father's will to be acted upon given certain criteria.
00:20:23What I'm about to tell you will certainly be counter to what you've heard or known all these years,
00:20:28but it's nonetheless the truth.
00:20:33Don't you just love the Count, even though he's a pernicious rapscallion?
00:20:38Like Rhett Butler carrying Scarlet up those fancy steps.
00:20:42They don't make men like that anymore.
00:20:45Yeah, thank all that is progressive.
00:20:48You know, why don't you team up?
00:20:50Well, afternoon, good townspeople.
00:20:52I know what you're thinking.
00:20:53Who invited George Clooney to this affair?
00:20:55Ooh, I did.
00:20:58No, actually, I'm just, uh, thought I'd swing by, see if you got the mixers I ordered.
00:21:02Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna mix that up.
00:21:05I'm gonna mix it right up for you.
00:21:07I wish you would, I wish you would.
00:21:09So, what do you say?
00:21:10You in?
00:21:11You in for some of the best fishing you'll ever see anywhere in these parts?
00:21:14Oh, I think I'll sit this one out.
00:21:16Maybe next time.
00:21:17Oh, what are you gonna do?
00:21:18Go home and cry about your life?
00:21:20I'm so sad.
00:21:22You're no fun.
00:21:23She's fun.
00:21:24No, I will not ease up.
00:21:33Uh, I'm kind of reading the paper here.
00:21:39What you reading about?
00:21:52Psst, did you have some art to be?
00:21:55Do you know I like cheese raviolis?
00:21:58You know what my mom always says?
00:22:03Because I like them a lot.
00:22:06Like a lot, a lot.
00:22:09And she also wishes that she was a spy like you.
00:22:16Mmm, that looks interesting.
00:22:19Well, that's crazy because I'm not a spy.
00:22:27Do you have somewhere to be?
00:22:28Nope, nope, nowhere to be.
00:22:30I could sit here with you all day.
00:22:34If you were stranded in the rainforest,
00:22:36what's one item you'd have?
00:22:38You stay here, I'm gonna go.
00:22:46She ain't coming back.
00:22:49This game is for philosophers.
00:22:57Hey, good luck.
00:22:59Gotta have good luck when you're fishing.
00:23:01That's right, because I've got questionable juju,
00:23:03so we need all the help we can get.
00:23:05All right, let's roll.
00:23:07Oh, I have to go to the bathroom already.
00:23:09Oh, shut up.
00:23:24I don't bite, you know.
00:23:30Oh, thank you.
00:23:44Your skin is soft.
00:23:47Okay, thank you.
00:23:50Okay, thank you.
00:24:30Hey, are you okay?
00:24:37I'm just in it.
00:24:41Can't you feel it?
00:24:47Memorizing it for next time.
00:24:52Next time?
00:24:54Like when I have to go to the hospital
00:24:56or get my blood drawn.
00:25:01You're something else.
00:25:02I know, but I didn't ask to be.
00:25:05Hey, I didn't mean it like that.
00:25:08Don't worry, I'm used to it.
00:25:11I think I don't know what people see.
00:25:14Gawking at me.
00:25:16Their eyes are like pinballs.
00:25:19Look anywhere but at the gork.
00:25:21That's what's in their minds.
00:25:23But out of their mouths were special needs.
00:25:27One must be a PC after all.
00:25:30It's okay, Max.
00:25:32I have a really good life.
00:25:34I do.
00:25:35And besides, I get to know things,
00:25:39and feel things other people can't.
00:25:44Like how your heart is so ginormous,
00:25:48and that's why it hurts so deep.
00:26:04Listen, try not to worry, okay?
00:26:07His lifeline's here.
00:26:08I can't get Rodney on his cell phone.
00:26:10He's a cowboy.
00:26:11He's got about as much use for a cell phone
00:26:13as a damn donkey.
00:26:14Don't defend him, Kat.
00:26:15No, I'm not defending him.
00:26:17I'm just stating a fact.
00:26:29So what's the story here?
00:26:32The story.
00:26:35Well, I mean, he's smart as a whip, this one.
00:26:41Yeah, but what is it?
00:26:48It's called Fanconi anemia.
00:26:51It's rare as hell.
00:26:53It clobbers the genes that do DNA repair,
00:26:57not to mention the seizures and the cancer.
00:27:02It's breathing down their necks.
00:27:04If that's not enough of a challenge,
00:27:06there's life expectancy.
00:27:12His mother, Sammy, she's a gladiator.
00:27:17I've never seen her buckle.
00:27:18I don't know how she does it.
00:27:20I mean, she's made out of steel and strawberries.
00:27:30I want you to join us for dinner tonight.
00:27:32Oh, no, thank you.
00:27:34No, no, you need to be with people.
00:27:38I won't take no for an answer.
00:27:40Well, in that case...
00:27:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:27:47You got one there, Monk!
00:27:49You got one?
00:27:50There we go.
00:27:52Oh, there we go!
00:27:53Got it, got it, got it!
00:27:56Let's take it over there.
00:28:03Hey, we better get you home.
00:28:09That's why I didn't eat the sandwich.
00:28:11Yeah, yeah.
00:28:12Mom, Mom, Mom!
00:28:14What could you possibly be thinking?
00:28:16And who the hell do you think you are?
00:28:18Do you have a kid?
00:28:19No, because if you did,
00:28:20you would have never taken my son without my permission.
00:28:23Mom, I...
00:28:24Sammy, Sammy, let's read it again.
00:28:25Don't even, because I know you went to the big lake.
00:28:27Well, of course we did.
00:28:28There's no fish in the small one.
00:28:29Everyone knows no big lake unless I'm along.
00:28:32Did you remember to take his afternoon meds?
00:28:35What if he had a seizure out there?
00:28:37I brought them in my bag.
00:28:39Oh, see?
00:28:40There you go.
00:28:41No harm, no foul.
00:28:42Stay out of this.
00:28:43No harm, no foul.
00:28:45Hey, Freddy, here's your cat.
00:28:46Oh, come on, Sammy.
00:28:48You can't take your fisherman's cat away from him.
00:28:50That wouldn't be right.
00:28:52Hey, I'm really sorry,
00:28:54but I would never hurt your son.
00:28:56Mom, Max is, like, crazy wonderful.
00:29:00She's an awesome storyteller.
00:29:06Imagine that.
00:29:07Let's go make some dinner.
00:29:09Let's go make some dinner.
00:29:12His party's over.
00:29:13So, I, uh, called Heather today,
00:29:18but her phone was disconnected,
00:29:20so I did a little digging.
00:29:22Ended up speaking to her mother.
00:29:25Heather died about five years ago.
00:29:28Look, my son always believes the best in people,
00:29:31but I don't suffer from that virtue.
00:29:33Stay the hell away from both of us.
00:29:36You're right.
00:29:37And I'm sorry I lied about Heather.
00:29:39But the truth is,
00:29:40I'm working a special assignment for the EPA.
00:29:45Uh, we're investigating
00:29:46potential environmental threats in the area,
00:29:48and it's classified, so we work undercover.
00:29:51I'm sorry for any confusion.
00:29:56All right, we'll see you later,
00:29:58officer, or whatever that is.
00:30:03Okay, it's possible I was a little too rough on her.
00:30:07Oh, come on. She's a good girl.
00:30:10Trust me.
00:30:11When have I ever led you astray?
00:30:12Do not answer that.
00:30:13Just go make my trout almondine the way I like it.
00:30:16Well, if you would behave like a woman...
00:30:19I'm trying to,
00:30:20but I've got women coming at me like bullets.
00:30:22Oh, man.
00:30:23It's a war zone for me.
00:30:25Did Mom ever get here?
00:30:26I have no idea.
00:30:28This looks nice.
00:30:29There you go.
00:30:30Thank you.
00:30:32She's joining us for dinner.
00:30:33I'm so sorry.
00:30:35You should have started without me.
00:30:41That's a good, super good breeding tip
00:30:43you've ever crammed into our little piggy.
00:30:45Shut it!
00:30:46Uh, this is our mom.
00:30:47Mom, this is Mackenzie Aaron.
00:30:49Lovely to meet you.
00:30:50How long have you been here?
00:30:52A week.
00:30:53Enjoying your stay?
00:30:56Mackenzie's a really great puzzler.
00:30:58Oh, so they've lured you into their little conclave.
00:31:03Hey, were you here a few summers ago?
00:31:09Well, you look familiar.
00:31:11Oh, just one of those faces, I guess.
00:31:15That's just so fascinating.
00:31:17Why don't you tell us what you're doing here?
00:31:19Oh, just getting away from it all.
00:31:22And yes, pointedly unfascinating.
00:31:27That's where I've seen you.
00:31:29Have you run by the big lake yet?
00:31:32Yeah, I've been hiking and running everywhere.
00:31:35It's, uh, it's some kind of beautiful out there.
00:31:38Some kind of beautiful.
00:31:40Some kind of beautiful.
00:31:50I, um, I understand you work for the government.
00:31:56Uh, yeah.
00:31:57Mom used to be a congresswoman.
00:31:59Now she's a consultant, though.
00:32:01And, uh, with the administration, you know,
00:32:03the phone's ringing off the hook.
00:32:05Yeah, not an easy gig.
00:32:07That house of cards selling is soul shit.
00:32:09I thought we had a rule here.
00:32:11Yeah, um, no iPhones or politics at the dinner table.
00:32:15We get enough of it everywhere else.
00:32:17That's because it's the latest spectator sport.
00:32:19Reality bites stupid America,
00:32:21where we await every day with sheer antisappointment.
00:32:25Aren't you clever, Sasha?
00:32:27I seem to recall you didn't show up to vote.
00:32:29If people want to know why millennials have checked out,
00:32:32it's because you made us check out.
00:32:34With all your lies, BS, spin, spin, spin.
00:32:36All right, tell us how you really feel.
00:32:38Okay, here we go.
00:32:39I think if the millennials checked out,
00:32:41it's because we coddled you so spectacularly.
00:32:45Jesus, you were still drinking back then
00:32:47for days at a time.
00:32:48And when I needed a mother, it wasn't you.
00:32:50What's the matter about what she hasn't done right?
00:32:52Look at you.
00:32:53What have you done right?
00:32:54This is bullshit.
00:32:55Sorry, Mackenzie, uh,
00:32:57my girls are usually a little more civilized.
00:33:01Oh, stop.
00:33:02Honey, Gabby up.
00:33:03Look at me, I'm such a rebel.
00:33:04Enough, Gabby up.
00:33:06All right.
00:33:07I forgot.
00:33:09You're ridiculous.
00:33:10Gabby up.
00:33:11Come with me.
00:33:12Gabby up.
00:33:13Gabby up.
00:33:14Don't, Katie.
00:33:15Have fun.
00:33:16This happens every single time you let her get away with everything.
00:33:18I'm gonna go help him.
00:33:20Oh my God.
00:33:21I'm gonna listen to you.
00:33:22It's not fair.
00:33:24Oh my God.
00:33:25Oh my God.
00:33:26Oh my God.
00:33:27Oh my God.
00:33:28Oh my God.
00:33:29Oh my God.
00:33:30Oh my God.
00:33:31Oh my God.
00:33:32Oh my God.
00:33:54Mackenzie knew from her years of FBI training
00:33:56that there were far deeper secrets buried here
00:33:59than her own.
00:34:02Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, that makes me feel so frisky in the core, in the core.
00:34:08Oh, it's whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, that makes me feel so frisky in the core,
00:34:13quartermaster core, quartermaster core.
00:34:15My eyes are dimmed, I cannot see.
00:34:22I have a knock, oh, brought my snack bag with me.
00:34:27I have a knock, oh, brought my snack bag with me.
00:34:33I'll be back.
00:34:35It's vodka, vodka, vodka, that made you think you vodka is the host.
00:34:40Now, who is the Russian?
00:34:41He's the only Russian to me.
00:34:44We just, we gotta get into the mood.
00:34:48I knew that before.
00:35:01Isn't this nice?
00:35:02You don't always have to talk, you know.
00:35:09You know what my mom's favorite word is?
00:35:13No, but I bet money you're about to tell me.
00:35:19Know what that means?
00:35:21Not even remotely.
00:35:23More beautiful for having been born.
00:35:28It's Japanese.
00:35:41It's cold.
00:35:44I know you didn't see any reason to meet your birth mother,
00:35:48and I assume that's in large part because you were told she left you.
00:35:54But in fact, that's not what happened.
00:35:59Does a cub look for dots?
00:36:01Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle?
00:36:04Are you feeding me?
00:36:07I love when you babysit me, Gabrielle.
00:36:09Oh, feelings mutual.
00:36:11Little man.
00:36:14I love you.
00:36:15I love you.
00:36:16I love you.
00:36:17I love you.
00:36:18I love you.
00:36:19I love you.
00:36:20I love you.
00:36:21I love you.
00:36:22I love you.
00:36:23I love you.
00:36:24I love you.
00:36:25I love you.
00:36:26Little man.
00:36:31Yeah, right.
00:36:34Don't listen to them, okay?
00:36:36They're jerks.
00:36:38Hey, what happened to you?
00:36:41Yeah, I stick your hand in some meat grinders.
00:36:44If you guys don't stop, I'm going to get Mom.
00:36:46Yeah, let's keep playing, okay?
00:36:47Yeah, lobster boy.
00:36:48Get a little too close to the lawnmower.
00:36:50Oh, look at you crying.
00:36:54Creeper creeper.
00:36:55What a freaker.
00:36:56Out of here.
00:36:59What a retard.
00:37:00I've never seen such a retard.
00:37:10Be cool, be cool.
00:37:13What do you want?
00:37:15What did you just say?
00:37:16What do you care?
00:37:18A hell of a lot is what I care.
00:37:20Now listen up.
00:37:21If you speak to anyone like that ever again,
00:37:23I'm going to find you.
00:37:24I'll make your sorry little lives freaking miserable.
00:37:27You got that?
00:37:29Fuck you.
00:37:32I'm sorry.
00:37:33He told me to.
00:37:34I really didn't mean it.
00:37:36It was his fault.
00:37:37Are you okay?
00:37:38I didn't want to.
00:37:39Then don't say it.
00:37:46Are you okay?
00:37:48Hey, that was cool, what you did over there.
00:37:52Well, they won't be bothering Freddy anymore.
00:37:54No, they certainly won't.
00:37:57Honey, were those the same kids from last year?
00:38:04I know that it probably doesn't feel like it.
00:38:08But it isn't you they don't like.
00:38:10It's themselves.
00:38:16What do you say we go get you two those chili bars?
00:38:20Can Max come?
00:38:22I'm sure she has some things she has to do.
00:38:33Thank you for that.
00:38:35You'd think in this day and age people would be a little more sensitive.
00:38:38I don't know how you deal with the bullshit.
00:38:41Well, they certainly don't hand out a manual.
00:38:45I don't know, you just learn to muddle through
00:38:47and hope like hell that people become less ignorant and less angry.
00:38:52You know, less fearful of those who look different.
00:38:55Or love different.
00:39:03Don't let them get to you.
00:39:06They just...
00:39:07See the special needs freak show.
00:39:09Hey, don't say that.
00:39:11Come on.
00:39:13You know why I think they call you special needs?
00:39:15Because of all that?
00:39:19It's not you who need us.
00:39:21It's all of us who need you.
00:39:27It's true.
00:39:29Don't know what I'd do without you.
00:39:39Look, I promised them I would take them for chili bars, so...
00:42:09In other news, the Sister Wives just took home a Grammy for Song of the Year, I Don't Play.
00:42:14Lead singer Lisa Jane remarked upon hearing the news
00:42:16that she hoped women everywhere would find inspiration from their journey.
00:42:25Hey, little man.
00:42:37What's wrong?
00:42:40Why don't you like Max?
00:42:45I know what you need.
00:42:57I know what you need.
00:43:17I know what you need.
00:43:37I know what you need.
00:43:57I know what you need.
00:44:17I know what you need.
00:44:37I know what you need.
00:44:57I know what you need.
00:45:17I know what you need.
00:45:37I know what you need.
00:46:05Thanks for your help the other day, but you're just here for a visit.
00:46:10But Freddie's full-time, not a roadside attraction.
00:46:13So please, whatever you do, don't play him.
00:46:17Hey, the last thing I'm doing is playing your son.
00:46:22Look, I shouldn't have said that.
00:46:25He's pretty damn insistent that I give you a second chance.
00:46:32He's got a heart that will overlook anything, and I just don't want to see him hurt.
00:46:42How about Saturday afternoon?
00:47:00So why puzzling?
00:47:06I guess it's showing me a whole new way to see things.
00:47:11It's taken me way beyond what I thought I could comprehend.
00:47:16How so?
00:47:19Well, none of us are remotely capable of experiencing the world we live in.
00:47:26I've created two- and three-dimensional boundaries just to try to make sense of things.
00:47:31But what lives inside the spaces of those boundaries?
00:47:36And you're able to see that when you're puzzling?
00:47:40Well, I've had some brief glimpses when I'm deep into a puzzle where possibilities are limitless.
00:47:50It's like looking at a cloud and seeing the face of God.
00:47:59Well, too puzzling.
00:48:01Oh, too puzzling.
00:48:02To going where no man has gone before.
00:48:04Oh, yeah.
00:48:06Live long and prosper.
00:49:41Let me help.
00:49:43You can't help.
00:49:45Oh, come on.
00:49:47Come on, Vivian. What can I do?
00:49:59Take me to the nearest bar.
00:50:07I can't see it. It's not her name.
00:50:50Can I help?
00:50:52No, I just need to wait for it to cool down.
00:50:55Actually, I'm pretty handy with cars. What's the problem?
00:50:59Well, it needs a new, uh...
00:51:02Well, everything.
00:51:04It's just not a priority on the list next to all the bills and...
00:51:08I mean, God, how am I going to pay for it?
00:51:12It's just not a priority on the list next to all the bills and...
00:51:16I mean, God, how I thought I could make a living being a dance teacher out here is beyond me.
00:51:21You got a lot on your plate.
00:51:24Look, I'm not a martyr.
00:51:26Oh, that's not what I heard.
00:51:29I heard that you never crumble.
00:51:32Oh, trust me. I have my days.
00:51:42While we're waiting, what do you tell me about him?
00:51:51And then when he was five and we had gone through one of his surgeries,
00:51:55one of my old dance friends came by and she proceeded to tell me how everyone felt so sorry
00:52:01that I didn't have a normal child and how it must be such a burden.
00:52:05Oh, my God.
00:52:07Yeah, and then I asked her why she thought I wanted a normal kid,
00:52:12because I didn't want Freddy to be anything other than who he is.
00:52:15And then she pulled me aside and she said,
00:52:17Don't ever say that again. It makes you sound crazy.
00:52:22Maybe I am crazy.
00:52:26Every day, Freddy teaches me something new.
00:52:29I mean, sure, the everyday challenges can be annoying, but, um...
00:52:36You know, we really are just very happy how we are.
00:52:40You know, I always say when you hug Freddy, it's like hugging God.
00:52:45I mean, how does it get any better than that?
00:52:49It doesn't.
00:52:55It's her! Quick, open the door!
00:52:58Oh, well, she's not going to vanish into thin air.
00:53:02Gosh, this is crazy awesome that you're here.
00:53:05Care for a surprise?
00:53:07Does heaven taste like cotton candy?
00:53:09Mom's made the most awesome cheese raviolis ever.
00:53:14We're going to have garlic bread, and for dessert, some apple pie.
00:53:21Look, Mom, this is called the nesting doll, and it's like the coolest thing ever.
00:53:26It's like seeing all the times of a person's life
00:53:31and how things stay part of you forever.
00:53:37Max got her first one from her mom when she was four
00:53:40and always got a new one at Christmas and birthdays,
00:53:43and she has, like, hundreds of them at home.
00:53:47Hey, I'm not that old.
00:53:53Okay, it's time for dinner and early bedtime for you.
00:53:57Can Max stay?
00:53:59I don't know.
00:54:02Can Max stay?
00:54:06I'd love to.
00:54:29Okay, little man, time for bed.
00:54:59Good night.
00:55:29Good night.
00:55:36It was only then that Max began to fully grasp their daily challenges.
00:55:50Wow, you weren't fooling around.
00:55:53The monkeys.
00:55:55Yeah, he collects them like you do nesting dolls.
00:55:59Why monkeys?
00:56:01Well, he used to love how curious George was,
00:56:04always busting out and doing things he shouldn't,
00:56:06until that man with that silly yellow hat.
00:56:11I say, don't mock me!
00:56:16That's right.
00:56:19I love you.
00:56:21The biggest, the mostest, and the foreverest.
00:56:30Love you the mostest.
00:56:48I love you the mostest.
00:57:48I love you the mostest.
00:58:21You had one, didn't you?
00:58:23No, no, I, I, um...
00:58:30But I'm fine.
00:58:32Look, more importantly, how are you?
00:58:34Because I know those kids were back at the lake.
00:58:37No, no, Max took care of that.
00:58:41You've been very quiet all night long.
00:58:45It's like when I have to go to my place at the hospital.
00:58:52And you know I have to be there until it's okay again, right?
00:58:59Yeah, sweetie.
00:59:02Is that where you've been?
00:59:07Well, Mackenzie does the same thing.
00:59:11She has to go to her place a lot.
00:59:15A lot, a lot.
00:59:17Because she hurts crazy awful.
00:59:21And she doesn't have someone helping her feel safe.
00:59:53♪ Steel on velvet, silk on stone.
00:59:58♪ Sunworn leather set against the water.
01:00:03♪ Your eye contact is what I've become.
01:00:08Looks like someone's been busy.
01:00:11I kind of want to be rude, but...
01:00:13Well, you were the other night. Left without saying goodbye.
01:00:16Yeah, I wasn't feeling well, sorry.
01:00:18Look, I'm not sure I buy that.
01:00:21I'm not sure what to think, actually.
01:00:25Freddie says you were just sad,
01:00:28and I will bet on Freddie every single time.
01:00:33♪ No one has touched me like you have.
01:00:40It's a monkey man.
01:00:43Come on.
01:00:45♪ You in my arms, breathless and sure.
01:00:50♪ I lay on a bare heart to blow.
01:00:55♪ So much in sin you gave me.
01:00:58So if Freddie's right,
01:01:02what are you so sad about?
01:01:04I'm not sad. I'm just tired.
01:01:07Okay, look, I'm not trying to intrude.
01:01:09I just wanted to say thank you.
01:01:11Thank you?
01:01:15Yeah, for making my son so happy.
01:01:19I don't think I have ever seen him light up
01:01:22the way he does when you're around.
01:01:27Well, he's a really awesome kid.
01:01:31He's maddening at times, but...
01:01:36♪ Like you for me.
01:01:43♪ You in my arms, breathless and sure.
01:01:48♪ Barefoot ballet on a bare heart to blow.
01:01:53♪ So much in sin you gave me.
01:01:56So if Freddie's right,
01:02:00what are you so sad about?
01:02:04Hey, I'm a pretty great listener.
01:02:08♪ Like you for me.
01:02:14Hey, you.
01:02:16We got some real you lovers out there.
01:02:18I'll take that.
01:02:20No, no, no, I found my car.
01:02:22No, you don't.
01:02:30Two for the price of one?
01:02:32How'd I get so much?
01:02:33Come on, let's go kick the shit out of some dancing, right?
01:02:36Have you seen this one dance?
01:02:37Uh-oh, you were in for a treat.
01:02:44Oh, no, oh, no!
01:02:46♪ So ashamed I bow my head.
01:02:51♪ Maybe good will come if I pray.
01:02:57♪ I can see your hurt.
01:03:01Hey, Robbie, we have to, like, change the keg.
01:03:04Oh, all right, dance by yourself.
01:03:07Dance by yourself.
01:03:09♪ I could help if I can.
01:03:12I'm a pretty great listener.
01:03:15Hey, Robbie, we have to, like, change the keg.
01:03:18Oh, all right, dance by yourself.
01:03:20Dance by yourself.
01:03:23♪ I could help if I can.
01:03:26♪ I'm not sure I can give you enough.
01:03:31♪ Yeah.
01:03:34♪ In a world going insane,
01:03:37♪ Love will leave you somehow.
01:03:52♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:03:58♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:04:02♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:04:07♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:04:10♪ Listen, listen, listen, listen,
01:04:13♪ Praying for a better day.
01:04:17Hey, have you decided yet?
01:04:20Look, you got to order something.
01:04:24Okay, you know what? A scotch double.
01:04:26You sure you want to go that way?
01:04:29All right.
01:05:18Your mother didn't choose to cut you out of her life.
01:05:21That was your father's decision.
01:05:24Your father was a dear friend.
01:05:26I watched him agonize over this decision.
01:05:36Thanks, Mamo. I love it.
01:05:39Oh, my baby Bobo, you're getting so big.
01:05:42Not big enough.
01:05:44I can't wait to grow up and become a policeman just like Daddy.
01:05:48You don't want to grow up too fast, sweetie.
01:05:51Once you've done it, there's no going back.
01:06:13It's a long November to recover, right?
01:06:18You have to work tomorrow?
01:06:20And those kids?
01:06:22You're getting so big.
01:06:44Do you always cut out on people without any explanation?
01:06:47No, of course not.
01:06:49I... I don't know what to think.
01:06:52Something about you is just not right.
01:06:55Something is off. I don't know what...
01:06:57My mother died.
01:06:59Last night a year ago.
01:07:01And I just... I lost it.
01:07:03And no, I'm not one to cut out on people.
01:07:06So I want to apologize.
01:07:14Come with me.
01:07:16Come on.
01:07:26My gun was in my pocket the whole time.
01:07:29I don't know how you put up with it.
01:07:31Yeah, I don't know.
01:07:45This isn't what I do.
01:07:48It's what you do to forget or...
01:07:51in general.
01:07:57Beckett, it's me.
01:08:01Listen, I need you to do something for me.
01:08:18Oh, man.
01:08:40So tell me about her.
01:08:44She was...
01:08:47She was the only person I ever trusted...
01:08:50with everything.
01:08:53You know, I used to get teased a lot about being adopted, but...
01:08:57I couldn't have been loved more by anyone else.
01:09:02She was, um...
01:09:13My dad used to bring me up here.
01:09:18if I ever need to clear my head, this is where I come.
01:09:24You never mentioned him.
01:09:26Does he live here?
01:09:28He, uh...
01:09:30He died when I was 23.
01:09:34I know what it's like to lose the parent that shaped you.
01:09:37He's still so fresh for you.
01:09:41Hey, I'm sorry about your dad.
01:09:43No. No, don't be.
01:09:45He was amazing.
01:09:48But when he passed, I sort of bottomed out.
01:09:53I stopped dancing.
01:09:55Ended up with Derek.
01:09:58And got pregnant within months.
01:10:02Something was wrong with the pregnancy.
01:10:05We just didn't know what.
01:10:07But the moment that he was born...
01:10:10everyone pushed for a DNR.
01:10:13So they...
01:10:15they administered the morphine and took him off the vent.
01:10:22And when they put him on my chest...
01:10:25my heart broke into a million pieces.
01:10:30He was so fragile.
01:10:33If there's a hell on this earth,
01:10:36it's trying to help your baby die.
01:10:40I just held him, and I prayed.
01:10:44And I told him it was okay to go.
01:10:47Whatever he needed, Derek...
01:10:51he left the hospital, said he couldn't be there.
01:10:57And I felt like I was in a horror movie.
01:11:02So surreal, just waiting.
01:11:06And waiting for him to pass.
01:11:11I need you. I can't do this alone.
01:11:14But he just kept breathing.
01:11:17And living.
01:11:22Derek, the doctors, my friends, everyone...
01:11:27they'd already given up on him.
01:11:30What are you saying? It's...
01:11:33It's too hard for you to watch him die?
01:11:36I spent 135 days in the NICU.
01:11:39We will never, ever come back from this.
01:11:44I'm done.
01:11:47135 days of...
01:11:50of strong babies dying and weak babies living.
01:11:55And it was all so arbitrary.
01:12:00You know what? It made me realize...
01:12:04motherhood is not an entitlement.
01:12:07It's a sacred privilege.
01:12:10So you damn well better bring it and don't complain.
01:12:15Oh my God, I'm sorry.
01:12:18We came up here to help you, and off I go on this rant.
01:12:22Are you kidding me?
01:12:25Thank you. Thank you for sharing that with me.
01:12:56I don't have to be sad anymore.
01:12:59Because you have us now.
01:13:03We're merged.
01:13:08Is he okay?
01:13:11What is merged?
01:13:14He merges the people.
01:13:17He merges the people.
01:13:20He merges the people.
01:13:24He merges the people he loves into his soul.
01:13:28Very few get that honor.
01:13:32I am honored.
01:13:36Please excuse my ignorance, but...
01:13:40when does he need the wheelchair?
01:13:43Well, when he's completely well, he doesn't need it at all.
01:13:47But when he's really sick, we use it to conserve his energy.
01:13:59So, does he have any contact with his dad?
01:14:06Anyone else since?
01:14:10It's one thing to date a single mom.
01:14:14Quite another when you add a wheelchair to the mix.
01:14:17How's that?
01:14:19Every night you come home, the first thing we talk about is Freddy's day.
01:14:23Doctors' visits, test results, therapy.
01:14:27Or maybe you finally fit in that tennis game, and...
01:14:32I'm blowing up your phone all day with texts from the ER.
01:14:38You know, forget anyone else's needs getting met,
01:14:41because my priority is the Freddy channel 24-7.
01:14:46Don't I sound like a perfect catch?
01:14:51I don't play tennis.
01:15:09Wow, that went fast.
01:15:11Gotta get him home.
01:15:13Oh, sure, sure.
01:15:20Hey, would you like to join us for dinner?
01:15:27Yeah, um, I just have to drop by my cabin, but then I'll be there.
01:15:31Say seven?
01:15:42Hey, Beckett, were you able to match it?
01:15:45Oh, good. Yes, yes, send it to me right away.
01:16:02Oh, fuck.
01:16:12How can I help you?
01:16:14What is your best bottle of red?
01:16:18You don't want to know.
01:16:20But I happen to have some of my private reserve
01:16:23for folks with, um, discriminating tastes.
01:16:27Be right back.
01:16:30Of all the gin joints.
01:16:33Vivian, it's kind of a shocker, huh?
01:16:40Um, Buck, can I get two shots of your best scotch?
01:16:45Oh, no, I don't want...
01:16:47No, no, it's okay, Buck, yeah.
01:16:50Pretty remarkable coincidence, if you ask me.
01:16:53My mother used to bring me here as a kid, so...
01:16:56Coincidence dispelled.
01:16:58I know who you are, Mackenzie.
01:17:00Okay, who am I?
01:17:04You're a Quantico rock star.
01:17:07Although you're off at present for disciplinary reasons.
01:17:11Oh, I see.
01:17:13I'm sorry, Mackenzie.
01:17:17Although you're off at present for disciplinary action.
01:17:21And I'm sorry about your mother.
01:17:25But I have to ask myself,
01:17:27why is it that we are both vacationing in this little town
01:17:30that I've made my second home?
01:17:32So who are you working for, and what is it that you want?
01:17:35You solve for yourself. I'm on leave.
01:17:38And what happened ten years ago is nobody's business, okay?
01:17:41So if you'll excuse me, I'm running late.
01:17:44I want you to stay away from my family.
01:17:47I still have some sway with your director,
01:17:49and I can make things very uncomfortable for you.
01:17:53I'll do whatever the hell I please.
01:18:08He's a liar sticking up.
01:18:11He's killing me.
01:18:18Jesus, he's burning up.
01:18:25I was afraid he was coming down with something.
01:18:28I'm gonna go get some Tylenol.
01:18:45Fucking ridiculous.
01:19:00Oh, no, I'm good. It's okay.
01:19:04It's okay.
01:19:11Let's go.
01:19:35Do we need to take him in?
01:19:38Unfortunately, his immune system is shot.
01:19:42Every time he goes in the hospital, he catches something even worse.
01:19:46And I've had plenty of practice breaking these fevers.
01:19:50Look, I'm sure you have other things you need to get to.
01:19:54Not a chance.
01:19:57Mom? Mom!
01:20:02Where's... What are you doing?
01:20:04Get over here quick and shut the door.
01:20:13Forget that. How do they know each other, and what the fuck is she doing here?
01:20:17They probably just know each other through work.
01:20:19Mom was on the intelligence committee. Couldn't they have just met there?
01:20:26Gabrielle, look at this photo, and try not to be a fucking Disney princess.
01:20:30What do you see?
01:20:31It's like she just can't help herself.
01:20:33I wonder what else she hasn't told us.
01:20:46These are the nights that I'm haunted.
01:20:49I can't stand to think of him suffering and...
01:20:52Hey, hey. He wants to be here.
01:20:56He's made that very clear.
01:21:00What can I do? What do you need?
01:21:03Get me out of my head, Mom.
01:21:07Tell me more about your mother the way that you do, Freddie.
01:21:15Okay. We would go on these star ventures.
01:21:19Star ventures?
01:21:20Yeah. We would get up in the morning with the stars,
01:21:25get in the car, and then go on an adventure.
01:21:29No rules. No shoulds.
01:21:32And we would have the best time you could ever imagine.
01:21:39When I was like six or seven, she started this tradition
01:21:44where we would go around the table,
01:21:48and Mama would ask,
01:21:50What was the best thing that happened to you today?
01:21:53And the worst.
01:21:56Or, if this was your last day on Earth, what would you do?
01:22:03And she would wrap it up with,
01:22:07What did you learn about yourself today?
01:22:11So, what did you learn about yourself today?
01:22:18That my greatest mom on Earth may have to share her title.
01:22:32I think his fever's finally breaking.
01:22:37You belong with us.
01:22:41I am here.
01:22:43I'm not going anywhere.
01:22:46I love you, Monkeyman.
01:22:57Wait a minute. What's this?
01:23:02You know what? Maybe we found enough dirt on her for one day.
01:23:06Do we really want to...
01:23:08Don't buckle now. Open it.
01:23:12God, how'd he do it?
01:23:14Keeping him well, the constant stress,
01:23:17and the constant anxiety.
01:23:21He's got a good heart.
01:23:24He's got a good heart.
01:23:27He's got a good heart.
01:23:30He's got a good heart.
01:23:33He's got a good heart.
01:23:36He's got a good heart.
01:23:40Keeping him well, the constant stress.
01:23:47I mean, isn't that the definition of irony?
01:23:51How absolute freedom of movement saves me from...
01:23:56The way that he's trapped inside his body.
01:24:00Like, if I didn't have dance, I don't...
01:24:05You could...
01:24:08I mean, the couch is comfortable. It's so late.
01:24:11Oh, no. I'm fine. Thank you.
01:24:14And thank you for sharing your son with me.
01:24:23Are you okay?
01:24:25How lame. I don't know why I'm crying right now.
01:24:28No, it's been a hell of a stressful day.
01:24:30No, it's not that.
01:24:33It's just...
01:24:35Well, no one has ever been like you are with Freddy and...
01:25:05It's okay.
01:25:08It's okay.
01:25:11It's okay.
01:25:34Oh, my God. I don't know. I'm so sorry.
01:25:37I don't know why. I just was...
01:26:07Oh, my God.
01:26:37Oh, my God.
01:27:07Oh, my God.
01:27:37Oh, my God.
01:28:07Oh, my God.
01:28:37Oh, my God.
01:29:07Oh, my God.
01:29:37Oh, my God.
01:30:07Oh, my God.
01:30:38Oh, my God.
01:30:41It goes so long without...
01:30:44Forget that passion ever existed.
01:31:08Did you and Mom have a sleepover?
01:31:15Like you and Kyle do sometimes.
01:31:17How about some orange juice and I'll make my special pancakes?
01:31:20Can we have another one tonight and we can all watch a movie?
01:31:24You know what? I would love that.
01:31:27But right now I gotta run.
01:31:31Oh, bye.
01:31:34So, what's the deal with Rodney?
01:31:38Are you jealous?
01:31:41He's my uncle, my dad's brother.
01:31:44That's how we ended up here.
01:31:46Are you kidding me?
01:31:48Oh, my God.
01:31:50Okay, okay.
01:31:52Is that better?
01:31:54Yeah, yeah.
01:31:56Hey, I need to tell you something.
01:32:04Oh, my God. We're gonna be late.
01:32:07I'm sorry. I interrupted you.
01:32:09You know what? Never mind.
01:32:11I can wait.
01:32:12You sure?
01:32:16Have you ever tried these little pig navels?
01:32:21I want to try one.
01:32:25Hi, everyone.
01:32:28Hi, everyone. Sorry we're late.
01:32:31Better late than never. Never late's better.
01:32:33Max, these are the pinch shows.
01:32:35Yeah, we've all met.
01:32:38Yeah, we're all practically family now.
01:32:40Oh, that's right. Your cabins are only a few down from Colin's.
01:32:44Yeah, maybe we should go. This looks like a family thing.
01:32:47No, no.
01:32:48Max, Max.
01:32:50Don't be shy now.
01:32:52Max, come have a seat.
01:32:55I need a beer can.
01:32:57In the chair.
01:32:59I like to make a toast.
01:33:01Oh, yes.
01:33:02To my beautiful daughter.
01:33:05My loving, lovable, tightly wound, complex daughter.
01:33:11You're not as young as you used to be, but you're not as old as you're gonna be.
01:33:15Happy birthday. We love you.
01:33:18Happy birthday.
01:33:20Thanks, Dad.
01:33:22Happy birthday.
01:33:24That's terrible.
01:33:26That was the worst.
01:33:28Oh, thanks.
01:33:32So, how do you all know each other?
01:33:35Max goes fishing with us, and she's pretty good at chess, too.
01:33:39And she tells crazy awesome stories.
01:33:45That is fascinating.
01:33:48You just make friends all over the place.
01:33:51Max is more than just a friend, Miss Vivian.
01:33:53Max and Mom are like Rodney and Cat.
01:33:56You know, friends with benedicts.
01:34:01I beg your pardon?
01:34:03That's not exact.
01:34:05You make me feel pretty.
01:34:07Well, Cat's out of the bag.
01:34:09Well, who can blame me?
01:34:11Here's to the young couple.
01:34:13I'm getting in on that.
01:34:16And when Max stays over tonight,
01:34:18we're all gonna watch a movie, right, Mom?
01:34:24Well, happy frickin' birthday, Mom.
01:34:26I am not gonna let this happen.
01:34:28I suggest that you leave Agent DeRidder.
01:34:31Agent what?
01:34:32What are you talking about?
01:34:34Your friend here, she's FBI.
01:34:36She's been here spying on me because of the upcoming hearings.
01:34:39I've read her files. She's dangerous.
01:34:41That's what she's doing.
01:34:43That's not, that's not...
01:34:45Vivian, calm down.
01:34:46No, I'm not gonna calm down.
01:34:48She's been suspended.
01:34:49She uses people, Sam.
01:34:52She's always on the make.
01:34:53You have to leave now!
01:34:55Vivian, calm down now.
01:35:00Mom, it's starting.
01:35:04I'm right here with you. You're safe.
01:35:06Give me my bag.
01:35:07Oh, Jesus.
01:35:08Right here, baby.
01:35:11You ready?
01:35:17You okay?
01:35:24You okay? Come on, breathe in, breathe in.
01:35:27It's okay.
01:35:28There you go.
01:35:33It's okay, baby.
01:35:36Hey, man.
01:35:37Hey, monkey man.
01:35:40Hey, monkey man.
01:35:41I need to get him home.
01:35:42Okay, yeah, let's get him out of here.
01:35:44You just do shaking hands. It's okay.
01:35:47Let's get him out of here.
01:35:49Okay, I'm coming.
01:35:50Leave him alone.
01:35:51I'm gonna get going as well.
01:35:55You couldn't just leave, could you?
01:35:56I told you!
01:36:01Hey, hey, hey, please.
01:36:02Just call me and let me know how he is.
01:36:07This was gonna happen.
01:36:08She just couldn't listen.
01:36:10Who are you?
01:36:12And all this time I was protecting you,
01:36:14thinking Sasha was too hard on you.
01:36:16I don't have time for whatever Sasha has fed you.
01:36:18The truth!
01:36:19The truth, Mom!
01:36:20Look, before we become judge and jury,
01:36:22maybe you ought to listen to some facts here.
01:36:24Or more tedious excuses.
01:36:26Okay, both of you, enough.
01:36:28Sit down.
01:36:30Go on, Viv.
01:36:31I'll take care of this.
01:36:32Go on.
01:37:08Your mother didn't choose to cut you out of her life.
01:37:11That was your father's decision.
01:37:13He gave your mother chance after chance,
01:37:15but she just couldn't pull it together.
01:37:18And then when you were two,
01:37:20she passed out while you were in her care.
01:37:22She quite literally lost you.
01:37:40And then a neighbor spotted you wandering down a busy street.
01:37:44That was the last your mother ever saw of you.
01:37:47So why are you telling me all this now?
01:37:49Because of this codicil to your father's will.
01:37:52I was directed to share this information with you
01:37:55when you turned 25 or when you got pregnant.
01:37:59He wanted you to meet your mother.
01:38:02Knock, knock, knock.
01:38:12Stop it! Stop!
01:38:20I don't understand.
01:38:24So, does that make her our sister?
01:38:33And Freddie's our nephew.
01:38:36Forgive me for staring.
01:38:41I'm just trying to take you in.
01:38:45That makes two of us.
01:38:47Samantha is Mackenzie's sister.
01:38:50That makes two of us.
01:38:52Samantha is Mackenzie. Can you just call me?
01:38:58It's me again. I'm sorry.
01:39:00Please, just call me. I'm going crazy.
01:39:03Your mother tried to do everything she could to mend fences
01:39:07during Samantha's pregnancy.
01:39:10They even began to forge a really nice relationship.
01:39:14What happened?
01:39:16Well, things blew apart when Freddie was born.
01:39:19I need you. I can't do this alone.
01:39:23I want to, honey. I'm just not strong like you are.
01:39:28We will never, ever come back from this.
01:39:35I'm done. Take me to the nearest bar.
01:39:40I love you.
01:39:42She didn't hear from Samantha for seven years.
01:39:46As Freddie grew older, he began to ask if he had any family.
01:39:51Is that why we feel so close to him?
01:39:56Or maybe you just can't help but feel close to him.
01:40:04Why, Mom? Why didn't you tell us?
01:40:07This really was up to Samantha to share with you.
01:40:11After all, she didn't have to make contact with me.
01:40:17Sasha, I know that you want to be angry with me to cover up your hurt.
01:40:22And yes, I have made such a mess of so many things.
01:40:27I am trying. I really am.
01:40:30And I can't even ask you to meet me halfway
01:40:33because I know that I have to earn your trust back again over time.
01:40:38But right now, I need to go and make sure that Freddie and Samantha are okay.
01:40:48Samantha, please just let me know that Freddie's okay.
01:40:53I know you're upset, but I can explain.
01:40:57And there's something I need to tell you, but I can't do this over the phone.
01:41:28Can you watch him?
01:41:32I need to run to the pharmacy to pick up a seizure medication.
01:41:35Oh, sure.
01:41:37Okay, I'll be right back.
01:41:45Miss Vivian?
01:41:47Yes, honey?
01:41:49You and I have a lot in common.
01:41:52How's that, honey?
01:41:54We only get one day at a time.
01:41:59So we've got to make each one count.
01:42:09Your mother must have forgotten her keys. I'll be right back, okay?
01:42:25What are you doing here?
01:42:27I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
01:42:29What are you doing here?
01:42:31I am here to help my daughter, and so help me God, you stay away from her.
01:42:38What are you talking about?
01:42:40My daughter, Samantha.
01:42:42I have just gotten her back into my life,
01:42:44and the last thing I am going to let you do is hurt her.
01:42:49No, no way.
01:42:51No, no way.
01:42:53I am just building a relationship with her,
01:42:56and it would be destroyed if she finds out what happened.
01:42:59She has to know, Vivian. I'm not going to lie to her anymore.
01:43:01What the hell is going on here?
01:43:03It's nothing. We knew each other from years ago.
01:43:06No, no. Someone is going to tell me what's going on.
01:43:08Oh, it shouldn't have happened.
01:43:11I was drunk, honey. I don't...
01:43:13No, that's enough, Mom!
01:43:20We were lovers.
01:43:32I want you both out.
01:43:36Now. I said now!
01:43:41Sam, I am sorry.
01:43:45I am so sorry, but I can't take this back.
01:43:48It was ten years ago.
01:43:50Why her? Why her of all people?
01:43:52Why didn't you say something?
01:43:54It only lasted a week, and how could I know that she was your mother?
01:43:58I was in D.C. for the Fallen Heroes Memorial,
01:44:00and we were both wasted and in so much pain, and...
01:44:03Oh, spare me! Spare me!
01:44:05I know! Pain, that's what this life is!
01:44:07It's filled with pain!
01:44:09It doesn't play fair! It kicks you in the gut!
01:44:11You don't have the luxury of self-pity or to go out and get wasted
01:44:15because you have a sick child to take care of,
01:44:17and every minute has to count because it can all go away in a heartbeat!
01:44:21Hey, look at me. Look at me, please.
01:44:24You don't have to be a rock every single day,
01:44:26and you don't have to do this alone.
01:44:29Hey, you don't.
01:44:31Oh, God.
01:44:32I don't know who I'm more in love with, you or your son,
01:44:35but I swear to you...
01:44:37Swear to me what?
01:44:39I'm in this! I'm in!
01:44:41A thousand percent.
01:44:43Not yet today.
01:44:45Maybe tomorrow.
01:44:48You have no idea what it's like to live with an expiration date.
01:45:02Watching the days go by...
01:45:06The more days you get,
01:45:09the sooner it will all expire,
01:45:13and you will simply expire along with it.
01:45:21Oh, no.
01:45:23We can't afford the time to see if you're telling the truth,
01:45:27especially with your track record.
01:45:31So leave.
01:46:03It was a year later when MacKenzie got the call.
01:46:20Thanks for agreeing to meet me.
01:46:24I'm sorry.
01:46:26I'm sorry.
01:46:28I'm sorry.
01:46:30I'm sorry you had to meet me.
01:46:35I guess things didn't turn out the way either one of us wanted.
01:46:40So why am I here?
01:46:43Because I needed to see your face when I tell you
01:46:48how deeply sorry I am for all the trouble I caused.
01:46:53I just got my year's chip.
01:46:55Hopefully this time it'll take.
01:46:58Thank you.
01:47:00I moved us all permanently up to Lake Merrillville
01:47:03so that we could be near Samantha and Freddie.
01:47:07That little boy.
01:47:10If we all had one-tenth the courage he has.
01:47:17Sounds like one big happy family.
01:47:29They need you, MacKenzie.
01:47:34Dear Max,
01:47:36Gosh, I've missed you crazy awful.
01:47:40So does Mom.
01:47:42She's gone.
01:47:44She's gone.
01:47:46She's gone.
01:47:48She's gone.
01:47:50She's gone.
01:47:52She's gone.
01:47:54She's gone.
01:47:56She's gone.
01:47:58She's gone.
01:48:00She's gone.
01:48:03She may not say it out loud,
01:48:05but like I told you,
01:48:07I can feel things.
01:48:11I know things got a little messed up last fall,
01:48:14and everyone made mistakes,
01:48:16but I kind of think mistakes are like birthday candles.
01:48:20The more you have to blow out just means the wiser you've become.
01:48:28Kind of like my mom's favorite word,
01:48:32We all got a little broken last year,
01:48:34but from the broken,
01:48:36we can become beautiful again.
01:48:43Mama said she's sorry she can't be here, but have a great trip.
01:48:46And you can't go without some home sweet pie.
01:48:50We're going to have to put it in the car.
01:48:55And postcards.
01:48:57Oh yes, and texts from everywhere.
01:49:00One, two, three, four, five.
01:49:14You ready for your first StarVenture?
01:49:16There's a poopy jelly bar.
01:49:18I don't know.
01:49:20StarVenture numero uno!
01:49:30Twelve incredible years passed,
01:49:34and I watched their love grow stronger and more intimate each day.
01:49:39Not that there weren't challenging times,
01:49:42but they weathered them with grace and dignity.
01:49:46In between the illnesses,
01:49:48we all made sure we lived each day like it might be our last.
01:49:52Max now fully understood
01:49:56that making the simplest things become special
01:50:00was the secret to being inside of life,
01:50:03not just a bystander.
01:50:05I love you, monkey man.
01:50:07I loved her with everything in me.
01:50:12We had a plan to convince Mom to have another child,
01:50:17because I knew she would want that.
01:50:21Because I know things.
01:50:25And I'll give you one.
01:50:27If you could tell me that I could stay a nesting doll forever,
01:50:32bundled in my shell of handmade fairytale flesh,
01:50:37I might consider staying.
01:50:45But I have grown very tired.
01:50:50I am full of peace.
01:50:54And it's their time now.
01:56:19I love you, Max.
01:56:21I love you.
01:56:49I love you.