• 2 months ago
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01:00How dare you you made it pretty clear you didn't want us so we had to make our own entertainment well then
01:07Since you're so pleased with each other's company. You may leave my house this moment. Oh, please my lady. Don't dismiss me
01:13I've never done anything like that before and I never will again
01:17Not in my house you won't because you won't spend one more moment in it
01:20What you do outside of it is no concern of mine. You can do it in the street like dogs for all I care
01:25Corda where's Corda Diana wait how dare you speak to me you little whore have you forgotten who I am and what you are
01:31I love of your life. You said I was the love of your life a hearts and flowers
01:38Listen to the little liar
01:52What an end to it all what are we to do? Oh, you'll be alright
01:55I suppose go back to your family and spinning some tale about where you've been. No, I won't go back there
02:00I couldn't I couldn't let them see me like this. We're in the same boat then aren't we miss?
02:05Don't you have any cash back you all?
02:07What's in the bag clothes the boys clothes I brought with me when I first came well, then what you mean
02:13We should put them on and pass his jeans. No, I mean we should sell them
02:16So well, it's that I'll sell ourselves. I reckon don't want to spend a night in the open. Yeah
02:30It's alright miss men and women is separate
02:41From luxury in a four-poster bed. I had come to this
02:46But I had Xena and a little money now
02:55Like close miss
02:58to the wolves
02:59You mustn't call me miss anymore. You must call me Nan
03:03We're equal now
03:05Funny Diana hadn't come in when she did
03:09It was fun though, wasn't it? So she came and spoiled it. It's always fun. So they catch her
03:16Won't be so bad, will you?
03:18We've got each other now
03:20We might make a go of it. Don't you think?
03:28Yes, I had lost my place of privilege, but I had found something better
03:33I told myself I had found a good pal in Xena Blake
03:46You're a good sleeper
03:52Where's my friend
03:54Where's my friend? Where's my friend? Where's my friend? She went hours ago dearie before it was light
04:00I saw her go and you never stirred a whisker
04:13Xena had gone and taken our meager funds with her. Spare some change, sir?
04:22Spare a penny for a cup of tea, sir?
04:30For the first time for over a year, I found myself longing for home. I thought of the warmth of the oyster parlor, mother's cooking, father's jokes. But I didn't have so much as a Tuckney bus fare. And how could I let them see me like this?
05:00But I had to find somewhere or starve on the streets and during that long night
05:06It came to me
05:09There was a place where I'd been made to feel at home
05:22Mrs. Milne! Mrs. Milne! Gracie! Gracie!
05:31Mrs. Milne!
05:39Mrs. Milne, Gracie, they used to live here. Where have they gone?
05:42Couldn't say. The lady before me took her back in November and her sister came and took her back to live with her
05:49But where?
05:50Bristol, Bath, Dunedin?
05:54Dear girl, you have been in the wars, haven't you?
05:59I have. And that's not all. I've got nowhere to live and nothing to eat and not a penny to buy bread.
06:05Well, we've got nothing to spare, so it's no use hanging around here begging. You'll get nothing by it.
06:11Mister, there was a girl who lived over there with her mother. Name of Florence.
06:15Oh, she's been gone this past year. Moved to Quilter Street and Bethnal Green, I think.
06:21Bethnal Green? But that's miles from here.
06:23Best I can do.
07:24Quilter Street.
07:26Quilter Street.
07:28Excuse me.
07:30Is this Quilter Street?
07:32Florence, where does she live?
07:34That's one hundred and fifty. Just up there.
07:48One hundred and nine.
07:50One hundred and eleven.
08:00One hundred and thirteen.
08:06One hundred and fifteen.
08:20What are you doing here?
09:06Is it waking up?
09:08Oh, there, miss.
09:10There we go.
09:12You feeling a bit better?
09:14There's no need to fear, you know.
09:16You're among friends here.
09:18Here. Here, let's help you up.
09:20Give us a hand here, Flo.
09:22There we are.
09:24I'll make you a nice cup of something hot.
09:26Would you like that?
09:28Yes, please. Thank you.
09:30It's very kind.
09:32You're both very kind.
09:34Would it make you very ill to tell me
09:36why you've come here?
09:38I met you once, a long time ago.
09:40Don't you remember?
09:42Yes, I remember.
09:44You left me sitting in that cafe.
09:46You made me feel a fool.
09:48I'm sorry.
09:50It was...
09:52I can't explain.
09:54Please don't send me away.
09:56Why should you go to such a lot of trouble to find me now?
09:58I couldn't think of anyone else I could go to.
10:00And I just always remembered you.
10:02I thought you'd remember me.
10:04I made a mistake.
10:06Didn't expect to find you like this.
10:08You've changed, I think,
10:10with a baby and everything.
10:12Here we are, then.
10:14Oh, she looks better already,
10:16doesn't she, Florence?
10:20this lady's a friend of Miss Darby's.
10:22That lady I used to work for.
10:26I'm afraid I've forgotten her.
10:30I'm afraid I've forgotten your name.
10:32It's Nancy Asley.
10:34Miss Nancy Asley.
10:36Pleased to meet you, Miss Nancy Asley.
10:38You're very welcome.
10:44That cheek still looks very sore.
10:46I suspect you're wondering how I came by it.
10:48It was a man
10:50with a ladder on the street.
10:54Now, I can't tell a lie.
10:57Truth is, I've been living with someone
10:59and they've thrown me out and kept all my things
11:01and I had such handsome things.
11:03A gentleman, I suppose.
11:10You must think me very wicked,
11:12but he...
11:14he said I was the love of his life.
11:17He was as rich as anything.
11:19He could do what he liked.
11:21He did what he liked with me.
11:23He used to like to make me dress up as a boy
11:25in a soldier's suit.
11:27They're the worst of the lot when they go bad, the rich ones.
11:29They think their money gives them the right to treat people like toys.
11:32I'm a socialist, Miss Asley,
11:34and we're working to try and put a stop to all that sort of thing.
11:36You ain't in trouble, are you?
11:40I was.
11:42But the gent fixed that when he...
11:44when he beat me.
11:49Oh, well, Miss Asley,
11:51if you truly have nowhere,
11:53it won't hurt for you to stay the night with us.
11:55Just one night.
11:57And tomorrow, I'll help you find a proper lodging.
11:59But I've no money to pay.
12:03Well, then I'll help you find work as well.
12:12I had thought and hoped
12:14Florence was a Tom like me.
12:17But here she was,
12:19married, with a child,
12:21and so stern and serious and thoughtful.
12:26He was kinder to me than she was.
12:40And there was nothing more in it than kindness.
12:43I was sure of that.
12:45Gentle as Jesus he was.
12:49And her...
12:51working, working for her friendless girls, no doubt.
12:55And never looking at the friendless girl
12:57who lay in her armchair,
12:59almost too weak to move.
13:23I'll turn in.
13:28Good night, Miss Asley.
13:33Hope to see you feeling better in the morning.
13:37Good night, and thanks for all your kindness.
13:43You do understand, don't you, that it's just for one night?
13:46I won't do to have you stay any longer.
13:48If the girls at the hostel heard about it,
13:50they'd all be clamouring,
13:51if she can stay with the family, then why shouldn't we?
13:56I can see that.
13:58I suppose.
13:59Have you got everything you need?
14:01Pepe's out back, as you know.
14:04Ralph will be up and out of the house by six.
14:06I'll get up a bit later.
14:08But you'll have to leave the house when I do at eight.
14:10You do understand that?
14:14You've been so kind to me
14:15when really you hardly know me at all.
14:18And your husband.
14:22Good night, then.
14:47Good night.
15:06Oh, Miss Asley, are you not up yet?
15:08You must get up now, I have to get to work.
15:11Oh, dear, I don't feel so well this morning.
15:14Well, I'm sorry, but you can't stay here.
15:17I must go to work and I must go now.
15:19If you keep me waiting any longer, I shall be late.
15:21Oh, please let me stay, just a little while,
15:23till my head clears and I get a little strength back.
15:25You don't need to wait.
15:27I'll let myself out later.
15:28I'll be gone by the time you get home.
15:31You could trust me.
15:33I wouldn't take anything.
15:36All right, you may do as you said and let yourself out.
15:39There's precious little to steal here anyway.
15:42Now, I've made you a list of places you might find a bed in
15:45and some places where you might find work.
15:48Oh, and Ralph left you this half-crown.
15:52He says goodbye.
15:55And good luck.
15:59He's so good.
16:02Now, I'm trusting you.
16:04Don't let me down.
16:15Who are you?
16:16Just a friend of the family.
16:18I was down on my luck and they let me stay the night.
16:20Yeah, that's them.
16:22Always doing things for other people.
16:24Miss Banner and her brother.
16:26They've got no time to look after themselves.
16:28He's her brother?
16:29But I thought they were man and wife.
16:32So, little Sue?
16:37No, nothing like that.
16:39He belonged to another girl.
16:41Their previous lodger.
16:46I see.
16:48Then, I knew what I should do.
16:53I would make myself indispensable.
16:56I would make myself the angel of the house.
17:00This will be my new home.
17:04It will.
17:09It will be yours.
17:13This will be my new home.
17:20This will be my new home.
17:22It will.
17:24It will.
17:26It will.
17:28It will.
17:30It will.
18:38Yeah, whoops!
18:54Who are you?
18:56I'm Nan.
18:58Actually, I...
19:00I'm just visiting here for a while.
19:02You've been making your presence felt.
19:04I've never seen it so tidy.
19:06Thought I'd come in the wrong house.
19:08Yeah, well, come to drop these leaflets off,
19:10I'd tell Flory.
19:12I'm Annie. Annie Price.
19:14Bet you can't guess what I do for a living.
19:16Chimney sweep?
19:18Hey, you're not far off.
19:20But I don't crawl up chimneys.
19:22I work around drains.
19:24I'm a sanitary inspector.
19:26It's the stinkiest job in London, and I love it.
19:28Mmm, lovely smell.
19:30What is it?
19:32Oh, beef and oysters.
19:34I'd better see to it, if you'd excuse me.
19:36Do you need any help?
19:38Oh, no, I'm all right, thank you.
19:40Oh, hello.
19:42Yeah, I brought them, like I said.
19:44Yeah, well, I've got to run now, or I'll be late.
19:46What's the smell?
19:48Something very nice, I think.
19:54You wait and see, I'm never wrong.
19:56Bye, Miss Astley.
20:02I wanted to do something for you,
20:04so I cleaned the house
20:06and made supper for you and your brother.
20:08Who told you that?
20:10The lady next door.
20:12I like my house the way it was.
20:14Please don't be like that.
20:16Oh, Florence,
20:18oh, Florence,
20:20please let me stay.
20:22It's not possible.
20:24Yes, it is. I could cook and clean for you like I did today.
20:26I could sleep downstairs like I did last night.
20:28I could do your washing and look after your baby boy
20:30while you were at work.
20:32My word, I never saw such a shiny doorstep.
20:34I was almost frightened to trip on it.
20:36Hello, Miss Astley, are you still here?
20:38Have we you to thank for all this?
20:48What are you doing?
20:50Let me have it.
20:52No, it won't do.
21:06All right, you may stay
21:08for a week.
21:10And if the week works out,
21:12we shall try it for a month.
21:14But if it doesn't work, you must go.
21:26And so I became
21:28a sort of housekeeper to them.
21:30It was a kind of work
21:32I'd never done much of before.
21:34Hard enough and dull too, you'd think.
21:36But it seemed like
21:38play to me.
21:48Oh, my God.
22:02Oh, my God.
22:04Oh, my God.
22:10Oh, my God.
22:12I miss you.
22:14I miss you.
22:16Oh, Sam.
22:17Oh, Sam.
24:15It would be oysters.
24:16No, beef and oyster pie for me.
24:18But oysters, definitely.
24:19And it would be a socialist paradise, of course.
24:21Equal shares for all.
24:23And who would be there with you to share it?
24:25What, in paradise?
24:28Flo, of course.
24:29And Cyril.
24:30And you.
24:31And Eleanor Marks, I think.
24:33And Keir Harden.
24:34And Mrs. Sykes from next door.
24:38Oh, that's you all over.
24:39You'd let them all come, you would.
24:43And who would be in yours, Nancy?
24:46You and Ralph would have to be there,
24:48making yourselves busy and telling everyone how to run it.
24:51And Cyril, of course.
24:53Can't leave my big boy out.
24:55And of course you would have to be in mine.
25:00Well, who else would make me oyster pie?
25:06I've had better compliments paid me, but...
25:08not recently.
25:11Thank you kindly, Miss Banner.
25:27up the wooden hill for me.
25:29Night, both.
25:35Lovely day it's been.
25:37Do you know, I don't think we've had a picnic in years.
25:40You do too much for others.
25:42You have to think of yourself now and then.
25:45Don't go up yet.
25:46Come sit down by me.
25:49All right, then.
25:57I wanted to say...
26:01for running away from you before.
26:04I was hurt at the time, Nan.
26:06The thing is...
26:07you kept wanting to know what I did and...
26:10and I couldn't tell you.
26:11Somehow I couldn't tell you a lie either,
26:13so I thought I just couldn't be with you at all.
26:15Lie to me?
26:17About what?
26:22I let you think it was a gentleman I lived with.
26:24But it was a lady.
26:26She picked me up off the street and carried me off in her carriage.
26:29And what was I doing on the street?
26:32I was selling myself to men,
26:34dressed as a boy.
26:36When you say you lived with this lady,
26:40do you mean as...
26:41As a lover.
26:42As a slave, more like.
26:45She dressed me up in fine clothes,
26:46but really I was just a kept whore.
26:49Oh, Nan.
26:51Have you never been truly happy?
26:53Oh, yes.
26:55When I was in love,
26:57that was a girl called Kitty.
26:59She was my first love and...
27:00and she broke my heart.
27:02And I've been happy since I've been living here with you.
27:05As happy as I could be,
27:06except I never felt able to tell you the truth about myself.
27:09But now I have and...
27:12I suppose you're going to say I have to go.
27:17I'd like to tell you something, Nan.
27:20That night, after you...
27:22after we parted,
27:24I went to that lecture
27:26and I met a girl there.
27:28Her name was Lillian.
27:29She was so very interesting looking,
27:31I knew I just had to know her.
27:33So after the lecture,
27:34I went up to her
27:36and we began to talk.
27:38We just went on from there.
27:40It was as if she understood all my thoughts.
27:44I'd never felt like that about anybody.
27:48You loved her.
27:51And she loved me too.
27:53Only not in the same way.
27:55The fact is,
27:56she had a man friend.
27:57He wanted to marry her.
27:59Only she wouldn't do it.
28:00She wouldn't be a man's property, she said.
28:02Though she loved him.
28:04And then when she fell pregnant,
28:06the man wouldn't stand by her.
28:08So she came here to live with us.
28:11And those were the happiest months of all my life.
28:15And then...
28:17And then she died.
28:20She died having Cyril.
28:22She was too slight.
28:24The confinement was a hard one.
28:25And she died then.
28:28I'm so sorry about your friend, Flo.
28:32It's been very hard since then.
28:37I've wished I might die myself.
28:41She'd only been gone six months when you came.
28:45And I couldn't bear the thought
28:46of having another girl in the house.
28:50She's the only one I could ever love.
28:53She's the only one I could ever love, you see.
29:04I'm just about good enough to do the cooking and the cleaning,
29:07but no hope of anything more, right?
29:09No, no, I didn't mean that.
29:10Yes, you did.
29:13I'm not good enough for you, am I?
29:16And no one ever will be,
29:18after her.
29:29I'm going to bed.
29:33Good night.
29:52What are you doing?
29:54Well, I can't stay here anymore, can I?
29:57After last night.
29:59You've been very kind to me.
30:02No, wait.
30:04I've been awake half the night thinking about things.
30:09I'm sorry too, Nan.
30:11I haven't treated you very gentle
30:12since you've been here, have I?
30:15It wasn't right to take it out on you
30:16because I was unhappy.
30:19I've liked it,
30:21having you here all these months.
30:25I'm glad you stayed.
30:27I was wondering,
30:29perhaps we could go out somewhere together.
30:33Just the two of us, tonight.
30:35All right?
30:42I thought you said it was all girls here.
30:45It is.
30:46You want to look a bit more carefully.
30:54Did you used to come here as a boy?
30:57Very, Nan.
30:58So he slapped down his sofa in,
31:00and Susie and me,
31:01fluff up for half an hour,
31:02and then tip the velvet
31:03while the gent looked on.
31:05It's the nicest work we've ever had.
31:07We could have done it for nothing,
31:08if only you'd known it.
31:10Tipping the velvet?
31:12Whatever can that be?
31:14You don't know?
31:16It sounds like something to do with
31:17dressmaking or millinery.
31:20I don't think it can be.
31:21Nobody would pay to watch that.
31:23It isn't.
31:25Well, what then?
31:30Oh, so I understand.
31:32So you managed to get her out of the house.
31:34Good for you, Nan, actually.
31:36I kept telling Flora this is the place for her.
31:38Oh, Flo.
31:40I'm in such a state.
31:41She's coming here tonight.
31:44I met this girl the other day
31:45in the office at the sewage works.
31:47Sitting in a ray of sunshine.
31:49I said,
31:50are you Sue Bridehead?
31:52My name's Jude.
31:54She gave me a little smile,
31:55and she took my hand,
31:56and I knew that I was in love again.
31:58Oh, you.
32:00Yeah, well, it's about time
32:01you was in love again, too.
32:03Perhaps you can show her the way, Uncle.
32:08Here she comes.
32:10Yeah, well, I won't bring her over
32:11if you don't mind.
32:12I want her all to myself.
32:23Excuse me, sweetheart.
32:25But, uh, didn't you used to be Nan King
32:27that worked the halls with Kitty Butler?
32:30I was Nan King.
32:33Who wants to know it?
32:34There you are.
32:35What did I tell you?
32:36It is her.
32:37Oh, come and give us a song, Nan.
32:39No, I'm finished with all that.
32:41Ah, you was the best, you and her.
32:43Half the girls in London
32:44was in love with you.
32:46Me and Jenny
32:48Oh, come on.
32:49Just one song, eh?
32:50Just to remind us.
32:53Well, go on.
32:54I'd love to hear you.
32:56Oh, all right, then.
32:58Oh, I can go out on the town
33:00To all the grand hotels
33:03Going at large till midnight
33:05With all the London swells
33:07But it ain't any good at all
33:12I can't help remembering
33:14I can't help remembering
33:17I can't help remembering
33:20The girls in London
33:26Oh, Rosie, do you remember
33:32The promises we made
33:34Only last September
33:38Why did I have to go away
33:42We said goodbye with a tear and a sigh
33:49And whispered all the pretty things
33:51That sweethearts say
33:54You promised me
34:11There's a place in my heart for you
34:32Miss King, delightful to hear you again
34:34and in such good voice.
34:36I shan't detain you,
34:37but if you are ever interested
34:38in a return to the boards,
34:40I can guarantee you excellent billing
34:42in any of my theatres.
34:45My card?
34:46Good evening to you, Miss King.
34:50Who was that?
34:51Mr Charles Frobisher.
34:53He only owns six theatres in the West End.
34:55So you really did.
34:57I did, and maybe I will again.
35:00Good night, little egg,
35:01and mind you, take care of her.
35:04Anyway, where are we going?
35:08Here come the Toms.
35:10Look at them, the dirty cows.
35:12How'd you like to see what a proper man can do?
35:15Come on.
35:16Who's first?
35:17Ignore him, just keep going.
35:19Come on, girls.
35:21First show you a thing or two.
35:24You can hardly get across the road,
35:26let alone get a cock stand.
35:28Show us a thing or two, I don't think so.
35:31Now get off home to your wife
35:33before I put you over my knee and spank you.
35:36Come on, Flo.
35:40Oh, Lord, they're coming.
36:01Come on, Flo.
36:07Oh, look, Nan.
36:09It's all frozen over.
36:31Oh, my God.
36:54Ralph must have gone out.
36:57We'd better be quiet.
37:02Oh, what a night for snitches.
37:14Praise be to God.
38:24What happened last night?
38:26Oh, don't say you wish it hadn't happened.
38:28I couldn't bear that.
38:30I was determined it shouldn't happen.
38:32I thought I could never care about another girl after Lillian.
38:36But when it came to it,
38:38I think you'd better speddle me with that song you sang.
38:41That was the idea.
38:43And you were really on the halls?
38:46Do you really mean to go back?
38:48Well, if Charlie Frobisher thinks I could still do it,
38:51I think I might give it a go.
38:54Would you mind?
38:57I think I'd be rather proud to be a friend of Nan King's.
39:02And very happy to be the lover of Nan Estley.
39:06Flo? Flo?
39:08Oh, God. Oh, no, stop it.
39:10Sorry to disturb you, Nan. You don't know where Flo might have...
39:13Oh, there you are.
39:18I was wondering if you could have Cyril for a few minutes,
39:21just while I get shaved.
39:24Here we are.
39:33I'll just get shaved.
39:44Oh, Flo.
39:46Your brother's just about the best kind of man, I think.
39:49OK, now, when we go round and talk, we're going up the stairs.
39:52I'll lift, you drop a bit, all right? All right. OK.
39:57That evening, we put the truckle bed back in the attic,
40:00and I moved my night things to Florence's room.
40:04And I put my gown beneath her pillow.
40:09And I felt I had come home at last.
40:14Right. Now, I've had enough of this.
40:17I've had just about as much as I can take.
40:22Look about you.
40:24At our great places and puppet buildings.
40:27At our country houses and our...
40:30Oh, damn! Our factories and our empire.
40:33In fact, you're right.
40:35You're right.
40:37You're right.
40:39You're right.
40:41Factories and our empire.
40:43Factories and empire. Thanks, Nan.
40:45That was very good till then.
40:47Well, get on.
40:49What is the rich man's wealth but robbery?
40:52Gradually, I was drawn into the centre of their lives.
40:55I'd never given a thought to politics.
40:58But now I couldn't escape it, it seemed.
41:00There was going to be a big rally at Victoria Park.
41:03Florence was helping to organise it, and Ralph was to speak at it.
41:08And my own life was opening up as well.
41:12This way, ladies.
41:32It's the best dressing room in the house, Miss King.
41:35I trust it meets with your approval?
41:39Yes. I think it'll do me very nicely. Thanks.
41:51Oh, Flo!
41:57What is the rich man's wealth but robbery?
42:00I steal the land, set a wall about it.
42:03They steal the fruits...
42:05Flo, please be quiet. How's a man to think?
42:08He steals the fruits.
42:10The fruits of our labour.
42:12And obliges us to buy them back from him.
42:29Hello, Nan.
42:34Sorry, Jimmy, could you give us five minutes?
42:39Tommy, five minutes.
42:41Top of the bill, I see.
42:44Charlie Frobert has done you proud.
42:47Do you remember when you first came to see me, I wonder?
42:52What do you want, Kitty?
42:54You haven't forgotten me, then?
42:56I was afraid you might have.
42:59Well, I wanted to see you again, of course.
43:04Nan, if you knew how I tried to find you,
43:08it was as though you'd vanished off the face of the earth.
43:12I was afraid you might have harmed yourself.
43:17It was you that harmed me, Kitty.
43:19I'm so sorry, Nan.
43:21It doesn't matter now.
43:23No, no, I can see.
43:25No, no, I can see.
43:27You're doing ever so well.
43:29And you, are you still married to Walter?
43:31You heard about that?
43:33Yes, yes, I am.
43:35But after a fashion, if you know what I mean.
43:38It's what you might call a marriage of convenience.
43:45Nan, so long I've thought about what I might say if I ever found you.
43:48I must, I must tell you now.
43:50I'm not sure I want to hear it.
43:56Would you come back to me, Nan?
44:00Aren't you forgetting you're a married woman?
44:02Oh, that needn't matter.
44:04Walter's very good. He lets me do very much as I like.
44:07Well, if we were only a little...
44:10We were always careful because you wanted it that way.
44:15You were always half-hearted, Kitty.
44:18And I was all for you.
44:20And now I've found someone who's all for me.
44:23And now I've found someone who's all for me.
44:29She isn't me, though.
44:31Is she, Nan?
44:36She's very different from you.
44:41I made a mistake with Walter.
44:45If you were to come back to me, I would leave him.
44:48It would be just you and me.
44:50I make it all up to you, Nan, I promise.
44:54I've never stopped loving you, Nan.
44:57You broke my heart, Kitty.
45:01Well, won't you let me see if I can't mend it again?
45:06My mermaid.
45:08My mermaid.
45:19You need time to think about it.
45:23I shan't beg you, Nan.
45:27You let your heart tell you what's right.
45:31I'll come to the show on Monday.
45:35Until then.
46:18Penny for your thoughts.
46:21That's torn it.
46:23The rally's off.
46:26The marquee company won't let us have the tents.
46:29Won't have no truck with political revolutionaries, so that's that.
46:32Oh, Ralph, we can't just give up just like that.
46:35Well, what else are we to do?
46:37Well, the theatre's dark on Sunday, so you could hold your meeting there.
46:40Oh, Nan, do you think you could wangle it for us?
46:43I think Charlie Frodo should do more than that to keep me happy.
46:46Nan, you're a chip-chopper, you are.
46:53I beg your pardon?
46:56They call it enterprise and capitalism, but what is it really?
47:02What is it?
47:04Oh, really?
47:05Robbery, swindling and slavery!
47:08Robbery, swindling and slavery!
47:11Ladies and gentlemen, quiet please. I give you Ralph Tanner.
47:15Go on, you'll be fine.
47:23Oh, Lord.
47:32Ladies and gentlemen...
47:34Why socialism?
47:36That is the question I will be inviting George Guthrie to discuss with you this afternoon.
47:40We can't!
47:42We can't!
47:44We can't!
47:46We can't!
47:48We can't!
47:50We can't!
47:52We can't!
47:54We can't!
47:56We can't!
47:58We can't!
48:00We can't!
48:02Why socialism?
48:04I shall keep my answer rather brief.
48:06Thank God for small policies!
48:15How many times have you heard economists say that England is the richest country in the world?
48:25I can't bear this.
48:28Nor can I.
48:32Order, ladies and gentlemen. Order, please.
48:34All right, ladies and gentlemen.
48:36Why socialism?
48:38We'll tell you why.
48:40Because we've been robbed and cheated long enough.
48:44Haven't we, Mr Bannon?
48:46Yeah, here we are.
48:49How old are we likely to be when we die?
48:52Do you know that?
48:54What's the average age of death in Bethnal Green?
48:57Mr Bannon knows. Don't you, Mr Bannon?
49:01Tell them.
49:05And your rich man lives to 70!
49:09And all this in the richest city on earth.
49:13And they call it progress.
49:17But what do we call it, Mr Bannon?
49:19We call it a disgrace.
49:22And it is a disgrace.
49:26And we want an end to it.
49:28Why is the rich man's wealth but robbery under another name?
49:32He did right.
49:34Babies should die for want of milk.
50:22The End
50:41Like a mermaid.
50:47I do love you.
50:49So very much.
51:07This is your beginners' call, ladies and gentlemen.
51:09Beginners, please.
51:19Five minutes, Miss Keane.
51:50Five minutes, Miss Keane.
51:52Five minutes, Miss Keane.
51:54The triumphant return of Miss Dan King!
52:24Hello again! Remember me?
52:29There's a lot of things that have happened since you and I last met.
52:32I've been up and I've been down, but here's the best thing yet.
52:35If all good things around us are sent from heaven above, they've sent me down an angel.
52:41I can't help it. I'm in love!
52:46I've got a girl, she's as pretty as a picture, she's the best pal in the world.
52:56She's not the kind who'd let you down, she's the sweetest little lollipop in London town.
53:04She's a dear, she's a darling, she's a little bit of heaven, she's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
53:13I've got a girl, she's as pretty as a picture, she's the best pal in the world.
53:21I've had a funny sort of life, with lots of ups and downs.
53:25I've worn a lot of different sorts of hats.
53:28I've trudged the streets of London, not a penny to my name.
53:32Next day a toff in Topper, Kane and Spats.
53:36I've seen a lot of pretty girls, a lot of plain ones too.
53:41I've felt the prick of Naughty Cupid's dart.
53:45I've known some girls whose kisses could leave you black and blue,
53:50and one or two could fairly break your heart.
53:57But now I think it's time I settled down,
54:02and built myself a cosy little nest,
54:07to share with the sweetest girl in London town,
54:14the one that I love best.
54:21I've got a girl, she's as pretty as a picture, she's the best pal in the world.
54:29She's not the kind who'd let you down,
54:32she's the sweetest little olipop in London town.
54:38She's a dear, she's a darling, she's a little bit of heaven,
54:41she's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
54:45Oh, I've got a girl, she's as pretty as a picture,
54:48she's the best pal in the world.
55:28I've got a girl, she's as pretty as a picture,
55:31she's the sweetest little olipop in London town.
55:36She's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
55:42She's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
55:48She's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
55:53She's a diamond, she's a ruby, she's a pearl.
56:23I had come so far from the days when I was a girl,
56:36standing on this beach, wondering why I didn't care for Freddie like I should.
56:42And here I am again, and though I shan't stay long,
56:46there's a part of me will always belong here,
56:49in Whitstable, where they have the best oysters in the world.
56:59Shall we go then? Have you got your carriage up?
57:02Are you ready to meet the family?
57:05If you are.
57:19It's only human nature after all.
57:49© transcript Emily Beynon
58:19© transcript Emily Beynon