Tripping the velvet 2

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00:55Oh, Miss Astley, you're back already.
01:03Hello? Are you awake?
01:05I came back early.
01:16What's this?
01:17Nan, you surprised us.
01:20We didn't look for you until tomorrow.
01:22We were going to tell you, Nan, when you came back.
01:24Tell me what?
01:30No, it isn't true.
01:35I'm so sorry, Nan.
01:37Tell me it isn't true, Kitty.
01:41It's true, Nan.
01:48No, don't touch me! Go away! Go away!
01:56Oh, Kitty.
01:59What have you done?
02:01It would be horrible to me, Nan.
02:03I couldn't help it.
02:04He forced you, did he?
02:06So that's what all your business meetings were about.
02:09All this time when I thought you were mine.
02:13No, it wasn't like that.
02:15Until last night, it was just...
02:18Just talk and kisses.
02:20I swear it, Nan.
02:22We were going to tell you everything.
02:27Good God, what more is there to tell?
02:29Kitty and I are going to be married, Nan.
02:31I'm sure in time you'll come to see it for the best.
02:42Don't you see, Nan?
02:43It wouldn't do to go on as we were.
02:45I believe you've killed me.
02:48The pair of you.
02:49Oh, come now, compose yourself, Nan.
02:51I know this has come as a shock to you, but this carry-on is quite out of proportion.
02:55Out of proportion?
02:57Don't you know?
02:59Hasn't she told you about us?
03:01I know that you were sweethearts of a kind.
03:03Of a kind?
03:04The kind that hold hands?
03:06Didn't she tell you that we fuck each other?
03:09I don't care to use such language, Nan.
03:11And if I did, I wouldn't use that word for anything a pair of girls can do.
03:16You need a man for that, I think you'll find.
03:19Hey, Kitty.
03:30Nan, Nan!
03:40You said we'd be together forever.
03:43You said you loved me.
03:44You said you'd love me.
03:46You said we'd be together forever.
03:48You said we'd be together forever.
03:50You said you loved me!
03:51Love me!
03:52Love me!
03:52Love me!
03:53Love me!
03:53Love me!
03:54Love me!
03:54Love me!
03:55Love me!
03:55Love me!
03:56Love me!
04:07Kitty and I are going to be married.
04:13I walked the streets all that day, not knowing where I was going.
04:17I wanted to see nothing, to feel nothing, to remember nothing.
04:22Everyone I knew and loved had betrayed me.
04:28You need a map, don't you? I think you'll find it.
04:32You need a map, don't you?
04:35You need a map, don't you?
04:39You said you loved me!
04:44How could you let him touch her?
04:47I hated them and wanted to die.
04:51But I wouldn't let them do that to me.
04:58Morning, Nan.
05:00Oh, you don't look a thing at all.
05:03Kitty's not in, is she? Or Mr Bliss?
05:06No fear, a bit early for them.
05:17Morning, Nan.
05:48I've come about the room.
05:50The house I keep here is a tidy one.
05:52I like my lodges ditto.
05:54I've had trouble with single ladies in the past.
05:56Who you see or what you do outside my house is your concern.
06:00But there's one thing I won't have.
06:02And that's gentlemen followers in a single lady's room.
06:06You don't like that, do you?
06:07No, I don't.
06:08You don't like that, do you?
06:09No, I don't.
06:10You don't like that, do you?
06:11No, I don't.
06:12You don't like that, do you?
06:13No, I don't.
06:14You don't like that, do you?
06:15No, I don't.
06:16You'll have no trouble on that score from me, Mrs Best.
06:25Five shillings a week.
06:27In advance.
06:29Later payments will not be tolerated.
06:31I expect the room to be kept clean at all times.
06:33No cats, no dogs.
06:39Now I was truly alone.
06:41A poor outcast from life's feast.
06:43Tormented by my memories.
06:59It's nice and hot.
07:01You really should take something, miss.
07:21I'm sorry.
07:23I'm sorry.
07:25I'm sorry.
07:27I'm sorry.
07:57I'm sorry.
08:18For nigh on two months, I never left that room.
08:22I barely washed and never changed my dress, for I had no other.
08:26I believe I would have faded away altogether if it weren't for the little maid, Mary,
08:30who brought me morsels of food and urged me to eat them.
08:33Nice to not, miss.
08:48Kitty and I are going to be married.
09:01You said you'd love me!
09:03It was done.
09:05It was over.
09:07I suppose I had been hoping that she would change her mind and come and find me.
09:11But now I knew for certain she was lost to me.
09:15It was time to face the world alone.
09:17Though I had no idea how I should live in it.
09:21But I found that to walk alone in London isn't an easy thing for a woman to do.
09:26Hello, darling.
09:30What's the matter, love? Not sixpence a pound a penny?
09:33You can't be old-timer mean, I'll treat you.
09:36Leave me alone! Leave me alone!
09:38All right, dear.
09:42I thought, what a cruel joke,
09:44that I, who had swaggered across the stages of London,
09:48should be afraid to walk upon the streets.
09:50And most of all, I wished that I could escape from my miserable self.
10:20Look out!
10:32Looking for a room?
10:34How long, dear?
10:36Just an hour.
10:38One hour only, mine.
11:00Hello, dear. You looking for a nice time?
11:05Not today, dear. Perhaps another time, eh?
11:08All right, dear.
11:10Well, don't forget now.
11:14And for the first time since that terrible day,
11:17I felt a sort of freedom, and a sort of strength.
11:20Somehow, I had taken the first steps that would lead me out of my misery
11:25and into some different way of living.
11:28Though I had no idea what that would be.
11:34My little stock of money was dwindling fast,
11:37and I was going to have to find some way of replenishing it, or starve.
11:41Necessity is a hard task, master.
11:45And if the opportunity had presented itself,
11:47I dare say I should have sunk so low as to become a thief.
11:53Good evening, Tommy Atkins. Buying a little present for your sweetheart?
11:57Couldn't afford anything here, sir.
11:59That's a shame. She'll have to be content with a kiss, then, eh?
12:02Haven't got no sweetheart. Not any more.
12:07No, sweetheart? A good-looking lad like you, I find that hard to believe.
12:11Are you up for it, Tommy? For a sovereign?
12:14For what, sir? I don't understand you.
12:16Come on. You know the game, Tommy. You're all attitude soldier boys.
12:19Your hands are never off each other's cocks.
12:22Not me, sir. I only joined up last week. I've never done anything like that.
12:26Then it's time you began, my boy. Just take it in your hand.
12:29Only a minute's work, and there's a sovereign in it for you.
12:34Have a heart, Tommy. I'm hard as a broom handle, and aching for a spend.
12:39Nan Ashley could never have given the answer that I gave him.
12:43But Tommy Atkins took us both by surprise.
12:54Come on, then.
13:05Slow and steady, Tommy dear.
13:13Go on.
13:24I thought, if this were Walter, I'd bite it off.
13:28Steady on.
14:00I suppose I should have felt ashamed.
14:02But I felt nothing but surprise, and a kind of fierce elation
14:06that in a couple of minutes I had earned enough to keep me for a couple of weeks.
14:11And so I began my new career as a streetwalker.
14:15And I found it not so very different from acting on the stage.
14:19I told myself it wasn't Nan Ashley who took men's spunk in my mouth, or in my hand.
14:25But Tommy Atkins, or Eaton Bertie, or Abel Singham Sims, or Bobby Brown from Bermondsey.
14:41Come on.
14:49But now I was in a regular way of business.
14:51I needed a more regular way of life.
15:01I had had enough of changing in filthy rooms that reeked of men's spendings.
15:06Perhaps this respectable lady would accommodate the needs of a rather unusual female.
15:13Good afternoon.
15:16Good afternoon.
15:25I've come about the room.
15:36Come in.
15:44Say good day to the Lady Grace.
15:46Good day, Grace.
15:49Oh, dear.
15:51To tell the truth, we were hoping for someone a bit older.
15:54A widow, perhaps.
15:56You see, um, my daughter's a rather unusual, trusting sort of girl.
16:03I wouldn't like to have young fellas coming in and out.
16:05There wouldn't be any young fellas, Mrs. Mill.
16:07That I'll guarantee.
16:09And I'd never get behind with my rent.
16:12You see, the thing is, I work as a kind of entertainer at parties and such like.
16:17And for that, I sometimes dress in gentlemen's suits.
16:20Now, if you and Grace don't mind that, I think I might do very well.
16:25Gentlemen's suits, you say?
16:28Well, Grace, what do you think of that?
16:30Would you like to see one, Grace?
16:35Come on.
16:41My eyes, Grace! What a beauty!
16:44Would you like to try it, Grace?
16:46Yes, please!
16:47Now, isn't that kind of a lady?
17:05She gave me the first floor front.
17:07Eight shillings a week.
17:09I think she'd have let me have it for nothing, for Grace's sake.
17:12Sometimes I thought she must have been as simple as her daughter.
17:16For she never asked where I went or what I did.
17:18I'm off then, Mrs. M.
17:20See you tomorrow, Grace.
17:22Take as long as you like, dear.
17:24Leave your own key.
17:26Bye, then.
17:35Some nights I didn't need to go out.
17:37I told myself that this was freedom.
17:40Perhaps that was the secret of happiness.
17:42To expect nothing.
17:44Or expect very little.
17:46What is it the soldiers say?
17:48If you're warm, dry and smoking,
17:50that's happiness.
17:56Evening, sweetheart. How are you?
18:00Come along, Florence. Get ready.
18:06Who knows what it is that draws one person to another.
18:08But for the first time in months,
18:10I felt something of my old self stirring in me.
18:12I wanted to see more of Florence.
18:14And soon enough, I did.
18:22Hello again.
18:24I hope I didn't frighten you the other night.
18:26I'm sorry, I don't...
18:28Evening, sweetheart. How are you?
18:30Oh, that was you.
18:32Quite right.
18:34You live up there, do you?
18:36I do. And you live there?
18:38That's right. We were very lucky.
18:40Mother and I lost our other house,
18:42but Miss Darby found us this one.
18:44And now I work for her charity,
18:46finding homes for others.
18:48Well, that's nice.
18:50I was just going to the park.
18:52Will you come with me?
18:54Oh, no. I've got so many calls.
18:56Oh, but I go along that way.
18:58So you're not in your trousers today, then?
19:02I like to change and change about.
19:04Boy one day, girl the next.
19:06Does that shock you?
19:08No, I don't think so.
19:10I can see it must have advantages.
19:12I suppose you can go where you like.
19:14You can do as you like.
19:16Exactly so. Hit the nail on the head.
19:18Well, Miss Darby would be most interested.
19:20She's writing a book about the woman question.
19:22Perhaps she'd like to put me in it, then.
19:24I certainly would.
19:26I didn't give a tinker's fart for Miss Darby
19:28or the woman question.
19:30But I knew I wanted to see more of Florence.
19:32I wonder.
19:34Would you like to come to a lecture with me?
19:36At the Athenaeum Hall?
19:38It's on women and labour.
19:40A lecture?
19:42I say, that's just my style, I don't think.
19:44But I'll give it a go, if you like.
19:48I said so, didn't I?
19:50Well, if you don't mind,
19:52I'd like to have a word with you.
19:55I said so, didn't I?
19:57When is it?
19:59Thursday. Six.
20:01We could meet for some tea beforehand, if you like.
20:07You live with your mother, don't you?
20:09That's right.
20:11Before that, we lived just round the corner.
20:13You know, I've never been out of Islington.
20:15Very adventurous, eh?
20:17You don't have to travel far to have adventures.
20:19Any more?
20:21You're not from round here, are you?
20:25So where do you come from?
20:27Kent. Whitstable.
20:29It's a seaside place.
20:31I used to work in an oyster bar.
20:33So do you go back there very often?
20:35See your ma and pa?
20:37They're dead.
20:41I'm sorry.
20:43No need to be.
20:45It was a long time ago.
20:47So what work do you do in London?
20:49In a shop.
20:51What sort of a shop?
20:53A hat shop.
20:55Well, I'd never have imagined that.
20:57Why not?
20:59I don't know.
21:01You just don't seem the sort.
21:03I bet they don't let you wear your trousers in there.
21:07No, of course not.
21:19What do you do there exactly?
21:23You serve in the shop or are you in the back making the hats up?
21:27I just can't seem to imagine you there somehow.
21:33I couldn't keep it up.
21:35She was so sweet and straight.
21:37I couldn't bear to lie to her.
21:41But I couldn't tell her the truth either.
21:43Is there a ladies lavatory here?
21:45Yeah, through there I think.
21:47I won't be a dick.
22:07What made me think
22:09I could be friends
22:11with a respectable girl?
22:13All that was over for me.
22:15If she could have seen me,
22:17known what I really did
22:19and what I really used those clothes for.
22:23I belonged in the gutter.
22:30They're watching her now's business.
22:34Can't do anything I want to do, dear.
22:41You going for it, sonny?
22:43It's a sob for a dubbing, two for a sack,
22:45but I won't be baggered.
22:47I don't pay more than a sob for a soldier.
22:49Dubbing or nothing then?
22:51Know a place?
22:53Follow me.
23:11This is the place, sir.
23:13Come on then.
23:15Let's see what you're made of, soldier boy.
23:17No, I said no!
23:19Let me out or I'll cut you, I will!
23:21Keep still
23:23or you'll get worse.
23:30All right, me boy.
23:32You're safe now.
23:34You come with me.
23:36You won't be hurt.
23:38Please, constable, let me go.
23:40For the very first time, sir, he made me.
23:44I'm no constable.
23:46Somebody's taking offense.
23:48It's you.
23:50You've got nothing to fear.
23:52I won't be baggered!
23:55In you go.
24:01Good evening.
24:03I never thought...
24:05Well, now you see you have nothing to fear.
24:07I'll see you safely home.
24:09Well, my own house is quite nearby.
24:11Let me offer you a hot toddy to calm your nerves.
24:13You were in a little difficulty just now, I think.
24:15Yes, thanks ever so.
24:19That chap said he'd buy me a drink
24:21and the next thing I knew he dragged me off the street.
24:23I had a bad fright there, but I shall know better next time, miss.
24:25Shall you?
24:27So you were perfectly innocent, were you?
24:29No idea at all what a gentleman on the town
24:31might want with a young soldier boy.
24:33No, miss.
24:35Well, now that's a surprise.
24:37I had the impression that you understood the game pretty well.
24:39I've been watching you for a while, young man.
24:41There's no need to be coy with me.
24:43I'm sorry, miss. You've made a mistake.
24:45No, I don't think I have.
24:47Truly you have, miss.
24:49I'm very grateful, but honest, I'm not what you're looking for.
24:51Oh, yes, I think you are.
24:53But I'm a girl!
24:55Do you think I didn't know that, you little fool?
24:57Though you wear the outfit far better than most of the lads do.
24:59And you have the legs for it, too.
25:01Oh, yes.
25:03And none of your gentlemen guessed.
25:05They did. They didn't say.
25:07And anyway, I was pretty strict
25:09about what they could and couldn't touch.
25:11And it all went off all right.
25:13Until tonight.
25:15Pretty strict, were you?
25:17I wonder, should I like you
25:19to be pretty strict with me?
25:21But there's no need to be afraid.
25:23This could be the luckiest night of your life.
25:25Come, come. Where's your sense of adventure?
25:35Take my arm.
25:51Don't think of making a run for it.
25:53Cawdor is quick as well as strong.
26:05That'll be all for tonight, don't you think?
26:07Yes, ma'am. Night, ma'am.
26:09Night, sir.
26:11Come, come.
26:35Night, sir.
26:50How warm it is in here.
26:52Not too warm for you, I hope.
26:54Perhaps a bit.
26:56What's your name?
27:02And I think you might have offered me a glass of wine and a cig.
27:04Beg your pardon, Miss King.
27:06My name is Leatherby.
27:08Mrs. Diana Leatherby.
27:10Have you heard that name before?
27:14All the better.
27:22If you were the king of pleasure
27:24and I were the queen of pain,
27:28you're very handsome, Miss King.
27:30Oh, no.
27:40What have we here, I wonder?
27:52So, all your promises
27:54come to nothing after all.
27:56Take those off.
28:00Give me the glass and the cigarette. Quickly!
28:04You may leave the jacket on.
28:06And the boots.
28:08And the hat.
28:33Now go through there into the bedroom
28:35and open the chest under the mirrors.
29:33Push it on.
29:35Push it on and come to me.
30:02Come here.
30:32Come here.
31:15You exquisite little tart.
31:45Oh, you sleep like a child.
31:47I've been up this half hour
31:49making a fearful row
31:51and still you slumbered on.
31:53I've run for breakfast.
31:55I hope you're hungry.
31:57Yes. Yes, I am.
31:59Good. Oh, here she is.
32:01Good morning, Miss.
32:03Very good, Blake. Draw a bath for Miss King.
32:05Oh, and tell Mrs. Hooper I'll speak to her about luncheon.
32:07Yes, ma'am.
32:11There's a Persian story I read as a girl.
32:13A beggar
32:15sets a genie free from a bottle
32:17and is rewarded with a wish.
32:19He can live in ordinary comfort
32:21for seventy years
32:23or in pleasure
32:25with a princess for a bride.
32:27Servants, every desire satisfied
32:29for five hundred days.
32:31Now, if you were that beggar,
32:33which would you choose?
32:35The pleasure.
32:39So did the beggar.
32:43will you stay with me now
32:45and be pleasured
32:47and pleasure me in your turn?
32:49Stay with you as what?
32:51Your guest, your friend, your servant?
32:53As my tart, you silly girl.
32:55No, no, no.
32:57In a hole and corner way,
32:59you'll ride out with me to the park,
33:01attend me at the theater,
33:03wear the finest clothes.
33:05But you'll belong to me
33:07and we'll pleasure each other.
33:09How does that seem?
33:11I don't know.
33:13I don't know enough about you
33:15to know whether I like you.
33:17And you don't know me.
33:19I know all I need to know about you.
33:21You're like me.
33:23You showed it last night
33:25and I can give you, don't you?
33:29There are moments in our lives
33:31that change us.
33:33That night when Kitty cast her rose at me
33:35and sent my admiration tumbling over
33:37into love.
33:39And this was another.
33:41The start of a new life.
33:53How do you like yourself?
33:55Not bad.
33:57Smarter than anything I wore down the dilly.
33:59It's your coming out suit.
34:01I had begun my new life
34:03and what a life.
34:05And what a world.
34:07It was so easy to get sucked in.
34:09Look how they eye you, men and women, both.
34:11They'd all love to have you, but they shan't
34:13because you're mine. Bought and paid for.
34:17you old rue.
34:19You've done it at last.
34:21Ladies, allow me to present my companion.
34:23Miss King.
34:25This is Mrs. Jecks, ma'am.
34:27Quite my oldest friend in London
34:29and quite the most disreputable.
34:31Everything she says and does is designed to corrupt.
34:33I'm afraid I've been corrupted already,
34:35Mrs. Jecks.
34:39That is Dickie, Miss King.
34:41Touch of the green-eyed monster there.
34:47So tell me, Miss King,
34:49where does a little treasure
34:51like you come from?
34:53Like me?
34:55There's no one quite like me, Mrs. Jecks.
34:57But if you want to know,
34:59I was born by the seaside
35:01in Whitstable,
35:03where the oysters come from.
35:07I can't believe it.
35:09She's a Whitstable mermaid.
35:13Like a mermaid to me.
35:21Come along, child.
35:23But the Whitstable mermaid
35:25was no more.
35:27This was my life now.
35:29For the most part, she kept me close
35:31and displayed me at home.
35:33The boy, they called me.
35:35She contrived tableaux
35:37so that they could feast their eyes on me.
35:39She enjoyed that,
35:41that they could look but couldn't touch.
35:43They knew that she would be enjoying me later.
35:51tonight we give you
36:32We were a perfect double act.
36:35I was the living proof of her perversity.
36:37I was the stain
36:39left by her lust.
36:41She had awakened something perverse
36:43in me, too,
36:45and I couldn't imagine a life
36:47beyond her shaping.
37:21Sorry, miss.
37:23I used you to put on and take off this stuff.
37:25Where's Mrs. Leatherby?
37:27Gone out, miss.
37:29She went out before you woke up.
37:31She might have told me.
37:33Not she.
37:35Not like you and me.
37:39Do you like being a maid here, Blake?
37:41It's a very good place, miss.
37:43But I'd rather be
37:45my own mistress.
37:47And what would you do if you were your own mistress?
37:49I'd set up
37:51my own boarding house
37:53in the colonies
37:55and save them from my wages
37:57towards it now.
37:59A boarding house
38:01in the colonies?
38:03Yeah, for ladies.
38:05Well, maybe I'll come and stay in it someday.
38:09You'd be very welcome, miss.
39:06To mark the passing of time.
39:08Do you know
39:10you've been with me longer than any of the others?
39:14Quite an achievement.
39:34Take our coats.
39:38Dickie, Clara, the boy will take our coats.
39:42What a little angel.
39:48Take care of him.
39:50Ladies and gentlemen,
39:52will you please carry along to your seats.
39:54The curtain will rise in three minutes.
39:56Thank you, sir.
39:58Two gents and two ladies.
40:00Don't you know me, Bill?
40:02Nan King.
40:04Have you got a second?
40:06Give us two ticks, Raymond.
40:08What happened to you then, Nan?
40:10What have you been doing?
40:12Ah, you was missed, and you still are.
40:14There's never an act like you and Kitty Butler's.
40:16Do you hear from Mr Bliss?
40:18Or Kitty?
40:20Oh, yes. They've got an act together now,
40:22playing just down the road, at the Strand Palace.
40:24Oh, tonight?
40:26What time are they on?
40:28Second half. Just after the interval, I think.
40:30What's the boy doing?
40:32He's talking to the nigger at the close.
40:34I'd better go. And thanks, Bill.
40:38Can't take him anywhere.
40:40I think you should get a collar and chain, Diana.
40:42And a whip.
40:46Excuse me.
40:48Call her nature.
40:58I had to see her.
41:00I had to see Kitty again.
41:12He's my only comfort
41:14and my only joy.
41:16Now his mother's gone to heaven.
41:18All I've got's my little boy.
41:22Can anybody tell me
41:24where's my little Wibby now?
41:46Thanks, Father.
41:48I've been looking for you all over.
41:50Oh, Willie.
41:52Come to your dad and give us a kiss.
41:58Now don't you ever run away again, me boy.
42:04Can anybody tell me
42:06where's my little Wibby now?
42:34Been taking the gents.
42:42Mary, you've been to my court.
42:44I followed you, but what I want to know is why.
42:46There was an act I wanted to see.
42:50A girl I used to know.
42:52Who, damn you?
42:54A girl I once loved more than anyone.
42:56More than myself.
42:58More than you loved me.
43:00Once more than I love you.
43:02I don't love you at all.
43:04I hate you.
43:36Oh, Kitty.
44:08I did it.
44:10That was the best.
44:20You feeling better, miss?
44:22You looked ever so poorly last night.
44:24Oh, yes. I shall live.
44:26Come sit down, Blake.
44:28Talk to me.
44:30What about, miss?
44:36What's your first name?
44:40Mrs. Letherby says she got you out of a reformatory.
44:42What were you there for?
44:44I was sent there
44:46on account of a girl I was friends with
44:48at a house in Kentish Town.
44:50We were maids there together.
44:52So you were a maid before you came here?
44:54I went out as a skivvy when I was ten.
44:56And then I got the place at Kentish Town
44:58when I was fourteen.
45:00I was a housemaid then.
45:04I got very thick with another maid there
45:06called Agnes.
45:08Agnes had a chap.
45:10She threw the chap over, miss, for my sake.
45:14That's how thick we was.
45:16And it was Agnes
45:18who got you sent to the reformatory?
45:20No, miss. It was another girl.
45:22She was jealous of me and Agnes.
45:24It was her that told the missus.
45:28And Mrs. Letherby, does she know why you were in the reformatory?
45:30Oh, yeah. She knows all right.
45:32She's a great friend of the lady governor.
45:36Has Mrs. Letherby ever tried...
45:38Not since you came, miss.
45:40It was only once or twice, in any case.
45:42I think she just wanted to make it clear, like,
45:44that she could do what she wanted with me.
45:46Oh, yes.
45:48I can believe that, all right.
45:54Will there be anything else, miss?
45:58Not just now.
46:02Very good, miss.
46:04Very good, miss.
46:08What had become of me?
46:10What had I become?
46:12She spoke of love
46:14and it touched me.
46:16But I felt too spoiled
46:18and stained for love.
46:22I was still obsessed with Diana
46:24for all her casual cruelty.
46:26I must have been.
46:28For it would have been easy enough, you would think,
46:30just to walk out of the house one day when she was out.
46:33Walk out forever and leave no word of farewell.
46:39I hated myself.
46:41But still,
46:43after nearly two years,
46:45I was on fire for her, as she was for me.
46:47I had started
46:49and I had to take that journey with her
46:51right the way to the end.
46:53Though I feared it would be a bad end.
46:57Did you miss me?
46:59As much as you care if I miss you or not.
47:01No, no, little soldier.
47:03No sulks.
47:11Of course I care.
47:15Don't you know you're the love of my life?
47:17Of course I care.
47:21Don't you know you're the love of my life?
47:26And then, in March,
47:28came Diana's 40th birthday.
47:30She decided to celebrate it with a fancy dress party.
47:34I chose to go as Antinous,
47:36Hadrian's favourite page,
47:38who drowned in the Nile.
47:40His sad fate suited my mood.
47:44I hated my life.
47:46But I couldn't leave it.
47:54What do you think?
47:56I think you look lovely, miss.
48:10I hated it all.
48:12But I still had my pride.
48:14I would still be the most beautiful thing in the place.
48:18Desired by all,
48:20inaccessible to any but my mistress.
48:24Ladies, ladies.
48:26I give you
48:40No dildo.
48:42He might come later.
48:44But remember,
48:46this is a very sweet and virtuous Roman boy.
49:02You look like a picture from a bugger's compendium, my dear.
49:06Thank you kindly, I'm sure.
49:08And what might you be wearing
49:10under that young man?
49:14Just a little ode of cologne, no?
49:16You mustn't touch.
49:18Or look.
49:20Just use your imagination.
49:22Don't get much chance to use anything else these days.
49:26God, look at Dickie.
49:28What's she supposed to be?
49:30Dorian Gray, I believe.
49:40Come on.
50:10I swear to you,
50:12it was as big as a boy's doodle
50:14and as stiff as my thumb.
50:16She blames it on her Hindu nurse.
50:18I've seen that amongst the Turks
50:20as well.
50:22They're bred like it
50:24in order to pleasure themselves
50:26of the Seraglio.
50:28You needn't go as far as that to find it.
50:30English girls in the slums all have them.
50:32They're brought up twenty to a bed,
50:34frigging all night.
50:36No wonder their little clitoris is blue.
50:38The backbiting,
50:40the bitching.
50:42Something inside me was getting ready to explode.
50:46If we had a girl from the slums here,
50:48I'd pull down her drawers myself
50:50and show you the proof.
50:52What does Antinous say?
50:54You used to be a little slum slut,
50:56didn't you, once upon a time?
50:58Of course, Blake, come here.
51:00Come here.
51:02You're a reformatory girl, aren't you?
51:04Aren't you?
51:08Lower your drawers and lift up your skirt.
51:10Oh, good God, girl.
51:12Don't have to come and do it for you.
51:14Leave her alone.
51:16Let her alone.
51:18Go back to the kitchen, Blake.
51:20Stay where you are.
51:22And as for you,
51:24do you think your mistress here?
51:26What's it to you if I ask my girl
51:28to show me what she's got between her legs?
51:30You've done the same thing yourself often enough.
51:32Get back behind the curtain.
51:34And when we finish with Blake,
51:36perhaps we'll all take turns
51:38upon Antinous.
51:40You shan't talk to me like that.
51:42You don't own me.
51:44Oh, Lord, what a bore.
51:46What a bore?
51:48Nothing to you,
51:50you old cow.
51:52Got out like a boy of 17.
51:54Dorian Gray, look at the glass.
51:56You're more like the portrait in the attic.
51:58And that goes for the rest of you,
52:00you tired old trotters.
52:03Why don't you all just fuck off?
52:05I own this girl's worth.
52:07Don't have any one of you.
52:09You're a little over-excited, Nancy.
52:11You'll go to your room now.
52:13And when you've had time to think,
52:15you will come down and apologize.
52:17Then we'll devise a little punishment for you.
52:21suitably Roman, maybe.
52:23What are you going to do then?
52:25Throw me to the lions?
52:27I know one thing.
52:29I'd make a tastier meal
52:31I'd make a tastier meal than you,
52:33you worn-out, pathetic old trollop.
52:35Oh, come on.
53:01I see them.
53:05What a night.
53:07I've got a cloth
53:09with a bit of ice in it.
53:11If you just let me.
53:17It's all right.
53:21What is it?
53:25Can I stay here with you, miss?
53:27I'm frightened to go back.
53:29I'm frightened to go back
53:31to my own room with those ladies
53:33roaming all over the house.
53:35Yes, you can stay.
53:37What's in the bottle?
53:43I thought for the shock.
53:45Give it here.
55:29Oh, miss,
55:31what are things to do?
55:57Did you used to freak yourself in the reformatory?
56:01You're as bad as them downstairs.
56:03To think of me with a cock.
56:09I'd like to see you with one.
56:15You don't mean...
56:55It's only human nature, I believe.
56:59Oh, some they like it this way
57:01and some they like it that.
57:03The lady dips a curtsy
57:05and the gentleman tips his hat.
57:07And some they like them big and fat
57:09and others big and small
57:11but whatever they say.
57:13It's only human nature after all.
57:15Last Sunday I went up the park
57:17just to take the airs.
57:19I saw a girl upon the swings
57:21and she was pretty fine.
57:23I said, now shall I give a push
57:25and catch you if you fall?
57:27Push on, she said.
57:29And some they like a pretty girl
57:31to cuddle in the dark
57:33and some they like a pansy
57:35and some they like a ball
57:37but whatever you say.
57:39It's only human nature after all.