• 2 months ago
Full History and Documentary about Israel


00:00Israel, whose official name is State of Israel, is a beautiful country in Western Asia.
00:08But this country has created a lot of chaos in neighboring Muslim countries, and thousands
00:15of innocent Muslims, children, old and young, have been martyred in this battle.
00:20May Allah protect our Muslim brothers and sisters and grant them help from the unseen.
00:28If we look at the number of Muslims in the world, it is more than 99% of Israelis.
00:35Despite this, Muslims are not able to do anything.
00:38There is only one country of Jews in the world, and that is Israel.
00:44The national language of Israel is Hebrew, which is called Hebrew in English.
00:49In addition to this, Arabic is the most spoken language.
00:53There is also a year in the Jewish religion when all the debts of the Jews are forgiven.
01:00This year is called Shemitah.
01:03No new business is started in Israel this year.
01:08Even investors from all over the world cannot start a new business in this country.
01:15And neither do the Israelis start their business anywhere in the world.
01:21There is a very famous saying in this country, and it is common, which means that if someone
01:28makes a mistake, he should be answered immediately.
01:31That is, the wrong thing should never be accepted and tolerated.
01:36To the extent that this country itself is doing a lot of wrong.
01:40Respected viewers, the borders of this country are Lebanon in the north, Syria in the north-east,
01:46Jordan in the east, Bahrain in the south, Egypt in the west, Rome and Palestine.
01:54As a true Muslim and as a Pakistani, I can never accept this country.
02:02And neither can I support it.
02:05The purpose of making today's video is only to inform the history, documentary and interesting facts of this country.
02:13This country was born on the map of the world in 1948.
02:17Before occupying the neighboring country, it is one of the smallest countries in the world.
02:23Even today, its total area is 21,937 square kilometers.
02:28According to which it ranks 149th in the world.
02:332.71% of this total area also has water.
02:39But this report is from 2015.
02:42After this, it was not updated till today.
02:46Yes, according to the new update of 2024, if you look at its total population, this country is only 98,35,040 people.
02:58According to which it ranks 93rd in the world.
03:02Respected viewers, this country with a population of less than one crore
03:06By occupying its neighboring Muslim country, it increased its country.
03:12And is doing a lot of injustice to the Muslims there.
03:16The capital of this country is Jerusalem.
03:19Which is one of the oldest cities in Western Asia.
03:23This city is located in the mountain range between the Bay of Rome and the Bay of Mordor.
03:29This city is an important city for Muslims, Christians and Jews.
03:36Both Israel and Palestine consider Jerusalem their capital.
03:42Israel has established its government institutions in this city.
03:47This city is the oldest city in the world.
03:50In this city, the beloved mosque of Muslims, Masjid al-Aqsa is also present.
03:56And the first Qibla of Muslims, i.e. Baitul Maqdas is also present.
04:00Respected viewers, the wall of the Jews in this city is also present.
04:06Where these people put their heads on the wall and pray.
04:12The total area of ​​this city is 125.125 square kilometers.
04:18And the total population of this city is 9,71,800 people.
04:24The whole world is famous for these people.
04:27That these people take a lot of risk.
04:30That's why they have come a long way in the world today.
04:34The Jewish people have a lot of harmony with each other.
04:38Which is the biggest source of their progress.
04:41Fahashism is very common in Israel.
04:44The girls here are very beautiful.
04:47More people in this country than in Europe are Fahash.
04:50In the present time or in the past, if you look at the beaches here.
04:56Then people bathe naked on many beaches.
05:00There is no restriction on it.
05:02The dance clubs here are the world's most Fahash dance clubs.
05:06Alcohol is open.
05:08People bathe naked and eat open.
05:11Israeli people will not be seen in any common department all over the world.
05:17These people only know how to do their business in the world.
05:22So much so that you will never find Jewish doctors and nurses all over the world.
05:28The big reason for which this nation prefers to invest instead of working.
05:34And make their country strong.
05:36Viewers, 73% of the total population here is Jewish.
05:4321% are Arabs.
05:45And the remaining 6% are the inhabitants of other nations.
05:49It is clearly written on the Pakistani passport.
05:53That Pakistanis can travel all over the world except Israel.
05:58The Israeli government provides its army with more facilities than other armies in the world.
06:05Its army also has a large number of women.
06:09Which is very beautiful.
06:11Israel makes all the necessities of life easier by cleaning its seawater.
06:17Even drinking water is made by cleaning the seawater.
06:22More than one marriage is allowed in the Jews.
06:26These people get married according to their rituals.
06:32Israeli people marry their daughters at the age of 18.
06:38They believe that if a girl commits a sin after the age of 18, her parents will be responsible for it.
06:46These people also perform the first engagement and then the rest of the rituals.
06:51If we talk about the weekly holiday in Israel.
06:55Then all the institutions here are off on weekdays.
06:59On this day, these people sit together, eat in good restaurants and spend time.
07:06Jews never invest in a business.
07:10Rather, these people invest in more than one business.
07:14They believe that even if a business goes bankrupt, the rest of the businesses continue to make money.
07:21Increasing your knowledge.
07:23The world's largest system hackers are also Israeli people.
07:28According to the report of 2023.
07:31Israel is also the country that provides the most financial support to India.
07:36Respected viewers, it is accepted all over the world.
07:40That during pregnancy, whatever the mother does.
07:44It definitely affects the child.
07:46During pregnancy, Jewish women always solve math questions.
07:52And solve the formulas of physics.
07:55Besides them, they read books.
07:57They believe that by doing this, children are born extremely intelligent and clever.
08:03During pregnancy, these people use the best food.
08:07All around this country, its enemies are sitting.
08:11As soon as they get a chance, they are in the process of eliminating it.
08:17This country is so strong that no Muslim country can look up at it.
08:23And neither can it do anything about it.
08:26The currency in Israel is New Shekel.
08:29Which is equal to Pakistani 76.14 rupees.
08:34And Indian 22.70 rupees.
08:37A festival is also celebrated in Israel.
08:41Which is called Hanukkah.
08:43If it is also called the festival of lights.
08:46Then it will not be wrong at all.
08:48On this festive occasion, candles are lit all over Israel.
08:52This festival is celebrated in December.
08:55It is celebrated every year when the Greek soldiers are defeated.
09:00Respected viewers.
09:01The Israeli army also has the honor of being the fourth strongest army in the world.
09:07This country has made such modern arrangements in its defense.
09:13That if any country attacks it.
09:16Then this technology destroys these missiles in space.
09:20To avoid life-threatening damage.
09:23Large bunkers have been built here in the ground.
09:27Alarms go off in case of danger.
09:30And all people enter these bunkers.
09:33Which are so strong that they do not even break with bombardment.
09:38You must have heard the name of Einstein, the world's famous scientist.
09:43This scientist was also a Jew.
09:45The Israeli government gives military training to all Israeli people after high school.
09:52Which lasts for 3 to 5 years.
09:55And it is necessary.
09:57Whether it is a boy or a girl.
09:59Everyone has to take it.
10:01This country has the best army in the world.
10:04In addition, the latest weapons and space technology are also available.
10:09Israel is the third in the world to search and launch the latest technology.
10:15The world's largest research centers are located in this country.
10:20Israel spends 80% of its country's budget on national defense.
10:25And the government here keeps making and breaking laws according to its people.
10:31The Israeli government provides its people with the most facilities.
10:36The annual GDP of this country is $ 537.140 billion.
10:42And the average income of the people here is $ 56,776.
10:48Israel has a driving right side.
10:51The country has a wide network of roads.
10:54The country has the best train and metro system.
10:58There is also the best system of bus, trams and taxis.
11:02Israel's calling code is plus 972.
11:06And the internet domain name is .il.
11:09Israel gives 10% of its total income to poor Jewish people for small or large businesses.
11:18Here too, a large number belong to the medium class.
11:22To strengthen them is like their mission.
11:26The smallest license in the world is motorbike.
11:30But in Israel, a license for road cycling is also made.
11:35Israel gives so much importance to its people that if a Jewish child is born anywhere in the world,
11:45he is issued an Israeli passport.
11:48With which he can come to Israel at any time.
11:51Respected viewers, these people love their country very much.
11:55But these people do not have as much passion and tolerance as Muslims.
12:00I am Allah, the Lord of Honor.