Travel to Canada

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00:00which is one of the largest in North America.
00:04Its 10 provinces and 3 areas range from the Ocean of Oceania to Bahra Al Qahil
00:10and to the north to Bahra Architect.
00:14This coast is the second largest coast in the world.
00:18With the United States of America, it is the longest international border in the world.
00:25The country's capital is Ottawa.
00:27This city is located on the banks of the Ottawa River and the Rondeau River south of Ontario, Canada.
00:34The total area of this city is 2,790.31 square meters.
00:40And according to the 2021 census, its total population is 10,17,449.
00:49People of Canada are considered the happiest people in the world.
00:54This is a very beautiful country, which is completely covered by nature.
00:59The total area of Canada is 9,084,670 square kilometers.
01:06Water accounts for 11.76% of the total area of Canada.
01:11The total population of this country is 49,085,480 people.
01:18The people here are called Canadians.
01:21If we talk about the religion of the people here,
01:24then the Christian religion is 53.3% and most.
01:2934.6% of the people are those who have no religion.
01:334.9% Islam, 2.3% Hinduism, 2.1% Sikh, 1% Buddhism, 0.9% Buddhism, and 0.8% people belong to other religions.
01:49Dear friends, Canada has recently issued a Work Permit Residency Plan,
01:54which will run from 2023 to 2025.
01:58This is a very big and golden offer.
02:01Those who choose an illegal path in the desire to go to Europe,
02:05those who have no love for life, can now go legally.
02:10To obtain this visa, you have to pay only $ 180,
02:16which has to be paid on Canada's online official website.
02:20So far, 82,880 permit residencies have been added.
02:25Canada's official language is English and French.
02:29Toronto is the largest city in this country.
02:32The total population of this city is 27,94,356 people.
02:38According to the 2021 census,
02:41it is Canada's largest and North America's fourth largest populous country.
02:47This city is an international city of business, finance, arts, sports, and culture.
02:55It is considered one of the most cultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world.
03:01This city is famous not only for its natural beauty, but also for its modern architecture.
03:08When this area belonged to Britain,
03:11Britain established a town called York in 1793.
03:16Later, it was made the capital of Canada.
03:19In the 1812 war, this town was a battlefield,
03:23which was badly damaged by the American troops.
03:27Then this city was named Toronto instead of York in 1834.
03:32Toronto is also the headquarters of music, theater, film production, television production,
03:38and Canadian media.
03:41This city is the center of tourism for 43 million people every year.
03:46The tallest tower in this city is the CN Tower, which is famous all over the world.
03:52After Silicon Valley and New York, it is the third largest center of technology.
03:58In the famous places of Toronto,
04:01hundreds of thousands of people visit Ontario's Leicester Bridge,
04:04Humber Bay Arch Bridge, Toronto Sign and City Hall,
04:08Royal Ontario Museum, Casa Loma, Scarborough Bluffs, etc.
04:17Paneer is used the most in Canada all over the world.
04:22The education system in Canada is very good.
04:25The people of Canada are considered the most highly educated people in the world.
04:30The health department in Canada is very modern.
04:33Many facilities are provided by the government.
04:37Doctors and nurses are very happy and cheerful.
04:41According to Canada Geographic, there are about 8,500 rivers in Canada.
04:47Canada is the country with the most lakes in the world.
04:50As of June 10, 2016, there are 8,89,800 lakes in Canada,
04:57which make up 62% of the world's lakes.
05:01Canada is the country with the most groundwater in the world.
05:06In terms of time, Canada is 9 hours behind Pakistan
05:10and 9 hours and 30 minutes behind India.
05:13But in terms of development, it is perhaps 900 years ahead.
05:17Canada's currency is the Canadian dollar.
05:20One dollar is equal to Rs. 216.40 in Pakistani currency
05:24and Rs. 62.03 in Indian currency.
05:28In Canada's law, you cannot marry more than one woman.
05:32This is a complete ban.
05:34The government believes that one marriage is enough for a lifetime.
05:3895,000 years ago, in the province of Ontario, Canada,
05:42traces of human population were also found.
05:46Canada has driving right side.
05:48The calling code here is plus one.
05:51Canada's internet domain name is .ca.
05:54Canada's annual GDP is $ 2.385 trillion.
05:59The average income of the people here is $ 52,722,
06:04which is ranked 15th in the world.
06:08Canada's capital, Ottawa, political center,
06:11House of Parliament of Canada,
06:13Residence of the Viceroy of the Supreme Court of Canada,
06:16Office of the Prime Minister,
06:18National Embassies,
06:20In addition to this, there are many other important institutions in this city.
06:24In all the cities of Canada, people of Ottawa are the most educated.
06:29In this city, there are colleges, universities,
06:32National Arts Centre,
06:34Historical sites,
06:36National Gallery are also present.
06:38Millions of people come to visit this city every year.
06:42This city is the busiest and most famous city in Canada.
06:46People of Canada are extremely beautiful and full of energy.
06:51Marriages are held in a very organized way in Canada.
06:59People in Canada prefer to marry in an open environment.
07:03The existing Pakistani and Indian communities in Canada also get married at a very high price.
07:10There is a lot of business in Canada.
07:12This is the most developed and strong country in the world.
07:15Here, even a normal truck driver can earn up to $ 7,000 to $ 10,000.
07:20Which is equal to Pakistan's Rs. 21,64,047.
07:25And Indian Rs. 6,20,735.
07:31Canada's national sport is Ice Hockey.
07:33In addition to this, football, baseball, basketball,
07:37Swimming, wrestling, horse riding and cycle race are also played.
07:43In the winter, Canada is completely covered with snow.
07:47The highest temperature here was noted as minus 63 degrees.
07:51Canada has one of the largest oil reserves in the world.
07:56Canada's national symbol is the maple leaf, which is also made on their flag.
08:02Canada's national animal is the North American beaver.
08:06Canada's national day is celebrated on July 1.
08:09This day is very festive.
08:11And fireworks are also done in many parts of the country.
08:14People express their love by holding their country's flag in their hands.
08:19Canada's national dish is Poutine.
08:22Which is made from French fries, gravy of different flavors on top, and simple cheese curds.
08:28Which Canadians love to eat.
08:31Canada's national tree is the maple tree.
08:34Canada's flag is composed of two colors, red and white.
08:38And in the middle, the maple leaf was made red.
08:42A large number of Canadians live in America.
08:47President and Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau,
08:51who was born on December 25, 1971.
08:54He is the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada.
08:57His vision for Canada is that every person can succeed here.
09:03Canada's Prime Minister is known around the world for his good morals and being a very young Prime Minister.
09:10Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of population.
09:15Canada has the largest amount of uranium.
09:19Which it also exports to other countries.
09:22Respected friends, 60% of the world's white rice,
09:26which is called a polar bear, is found in Canada.
09:30If we talk about the entertainment of the people here,
09:33then Canadians are among the most entertaining and fun people in the world.
09:38Toronto nightlife is famous all over the world.
09:41Girls spend the whole night on the roads,
09:44roaming around with a very lively atmosphere and looking for prey.
09:49The dancing bars here are very open.
09:52All kinds of liquor are available.
09:55The world's largest nude beach is also present in Canada.
09:58Where clothes are not worn, people bathe naked.
10:02The beaches here are among the world's No. 1 fastest beaches.
10:07Vancouver Beach is the world's fastest and steepest beach.
10:12There is a wide network of roads in Canada.
10:15Which goes to Canada as well as the neighboring countries.
10:18Canada's metro is the world's most beautiful and luxurious metro.
10:23You will travel for hours in minutes.
10:26In addition to the metro, the bus system and taxi system are also very wide.
10:31In addition to being honest, people in Canada are also very hardworking.
10:36The world's longest street is also present in Canada,
10:40which is called Yonge Street.
10:42The total length of this street is 2000 km.
10:45Canada's borders are with 13 countries in the world.
10:49Mine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
10:56Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington,