Travel to Hong Kong

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This documentary offers an immersive journey through the vibrant city of Hong Kong, showcasing its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and bustling urban life. Viewers will explore iconic landmarks, experience local traditions, and gain insights into the unique blend of Eastern and Western influences that define this remarkable destination. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and popular attractions of Hong Kong, all presented in Urdu for a deeper connection with the audience.


00:00It is also called the jungle of buildings.
00:02Some people call this place a city and some people call it a country.
00:06This country is so advanced that you may get lost in this place.
00:10The official name of this country is Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
00:16The total population of Hong Kong is about 7.5 million, which is number 105 in the world in terms of population.
00:23This is a small country.
00:25Its total area is 2755 square kilometers.
00:29Which is number 187 in the world in terms of population.
00:32Very few people know that Hong Kong is made up of 263 islands.
00:37If we talk about the border, its border is only with China.
00:41Friends, Hong Kong is a rich country.
00:43If we talk about its GDP, its annual GDP is $377 billion.
00:49And the annual income of the people here is also very high.
00:52The average income of the people in this country is $74,000.
00:56This means that every person living here earns 2 crore Pakistani rupees annually.
01:01Friends, Hong Kong means a fragrant port.
01:04Because there is also an important port here.
01:07There are two official languages in this country.
01:09One is English and the other is Chinese.
01:11But the Chinese language here is different from the Chinese language of China.
01:15Friends, you will see the most billionaires in this country.
01:19According to one report, the number of billionaires in this country is all sorts.
01:23Hong Kong is also a country and its capital city is Hong Kong.
01:27Where life is very modern and you will see tall buildings.
01:32According to the IQ level, the people here are number 14 in the world in intelligence.
01:37The people here are very creative.
01:40Friends, you can also see many beautiful beaches in Hong Kong.
01:44But you will be surprised to hear one thing.
01:47You can't go to the beaches and sing.
01:50If you do this, the police will catch you and take you away.
01:53Friends, Hong Kong is known as a business hub all over the world.
01:57You will see the most Rolls Royce cars in this country.
02:01Because everyone here is rich.
02:03It is said that Hong Kong has a limit to making China rich.
02:07Hong Kong has also won the Best Business City Award for 4 consecutive years.
02:12The reason for this is that business taxes are very low here.
02:16Because of this, big companies around the world have shifted their head offices to Hong Kong.
02:21Hong Kong has benefited a lot from this.
02:24It is not easy to buy a house in this city because houses are very expensive here.
02:29Only billionaires can buy a house here.
02:32The currency used in this country is Hong Kong dollar, which is equal to 26 Pakistani rupees.
02:38The nightlife of Hong Kong is different.
02:41As if the whole city wakes up here at night.
02:44You will see lights everywhere.
02:46There are nightclubs and bars everywhere.
02:49In Hong Kong, alcohol is easily available everywhere.
02:54Here you will find every rich person.
02:57Everyone spends a luxurious life here.
03:00Here number 4 is considered unlucky.
03:02Even after the 3rd floor in the lift, the 5th floor comes directly.
03:07Although there is a democratic government in Hong Kong.
03:10But most of the powers are with China.
03:13There are more than 9000 tall buildings in this small city.
03:17The number of tall buildings in any city in the world is not more than Hong Kong.
03:22The tallest building in this city is the International Congress Center.
03:27This building is 1587 feet high.
03:30This building is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
03:33This building has 108 floors.
03:36In addition to buildings, the transport system here is also the best transport system in the world.
03:41Where 600,000 people use transport every day.
03:45Here you will also see tunnels under the ground train and under the sea.
03:51Here you will not find dirt.
03:53Galleries, markets, everything will look clean to you.
03:57Friends, Hong Kong is the third largest financial hub in Asia and the third largest in the world.
04:03Hong Kong's economy is based on many things, one of which is tourism.
04:08There is also a financial district in Hong Kong.
04:11Where the head offices of all major banks in the world are also present.
04:15More tourists come here than the population of this country.
04:18According to a report, 34 million people come here every year.
04:23If you go to Hong Kong, be sure to take a double-decker train.
04:27It will take you all over the city.
04:29It also passes through the busiest streets of the city.
04:33This is one of the best options to see the whole city.
04:37There is also a great place to see the buildings touching the sky.
04:42Its name is Victoria Peak.
04:44The view of Hong Kong from here is admirable.
04:47And there is also another way to see the tall buildings by boat.
04:51By traveling here, you will see different things.
04:55Not only during the day, but also at night, the beauty of this city is worth seeing.
05:00But it was not always like this.
05:02Hong Kong was not so developed before 1970.
05:05And neither were the people here so rich.
05:08The people here used to catch fish and survive.
05:11But trade campaigns and less taxis have taken this country from the ground to the sky.
05:17Another big secret of development is that this city is located on the seashore.
05:22The port of this city is the busiest port in the world.
05:25Until 1997, this area belonged to Britain.
05:28Britain ruled this city for 156 years.
05:32But on some conditions, Britain returned this area to China.
05:36Which also included the condition that it would remain separate from China.