Gresh & Fauria: What to look for in the preseason opener

  • last month
00:00We're finally going to get a look at a lot of different things and in all seriousness for as tough as I've been on
00:06Gerard Mayo for just, you know
00:08Willy nilly whatever he's saying or whatever. This is an important night for the coaching staff
00:15They themselves need to go through the process of running a game. They need to go through the process to God
00:22You know what? I hope happens tonight. I want to challenge
00:26These coaches I cannot stress this enough and I know it's been one of my talking points from the beginning of the year
00:32These guys also don't know what they don't know. So they need to go through as much
00:40simulation with
00:41Officials where you have to manage the refs you have to manage the challenges
00:47You got a manager down and distance all of the things that come with a game
00:52These coaches need to go through I wish there was an extra preseason game quite honestly to give them four
01:00run-throughs because you're barely gonna get to the point of
01:05Preseason game number three when on the head coach's mind
01:08There's gonna be a lot of roster decisions and things like that when in reality
01:12They need as many days like tonight as possible to be able to get ready for the season
01:18Let alone the young players all the other stuff that kind of comes with it
01:22So yeah, there's there's a part of me that I'm expecting a lot of mistakes tonight
01:28That are correctable and there's a big difference in you know, I saw you wait
01:33Are you talking about from a coaches from an everyone standpoint?
01:37How many mistakes are gonna be made tonight where you can say they can work on that they can fix that
01:43Oh that guy ain't good enough that can't be
