अंतरिम सरकार ने कानून व्यवस्था को नहीं संभाला तो Bangladesh अगला Afghanistan बन जाएगा: Sajeeb Wazed

  • 2 months ago
छात्र संगठन चाहते हैं कि मुहम्मद यूनुस अंतरिम सरकार के प्रमुख बने इस पर बांग्लादेश की पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना के बेटे साजिब वाजेद ने आईएएनएस के साथ एक विशेष साक्षात्कार में कहा, "दुर्भाग्य से, यह पूरी स्थिति अब असंवैधानिक है और अंतरिम सरकार पर कोई संवैधानिक प्रावधान नहीं है प्रदर्शनकारियों की मांग पर कुछ नहीं होगा जो होगा वो संविधान के अनुसार होगा, लेकिन यह सब महत्व नहीं रखता है महत्व यह रखता है की बांग्लादेश में कोई कानून और व्यवस्था नहीं है, पूरे देश में दंगे, लूटपाट और बर्बरता हो रही है। उन्होंने कहा, मैं देखना चाहता हूं कैसे अंतरिम सरकार स्थिति को संभालती है


00:00I have nothing, I have no opinion on that. That is, that's what they want to do. Unfortunately,
00:05this whole situation now is unconstitutional. There is no constitutional provision for an
00:11interim government. And in fact, our Supreme Court in the last few years has ruled that any
00:17extra constitutional situation has to be dealt with in the ambit of the constitution, within
00:22the constitution. As in, you cannot have protesters demand something and that is what happens. It has
00:28to happen within the constitution. So, none of that matters, but the problem right now is this.
00:33Bangladesh, there is no law and order. There are riots, looting, vandalism going on throughout
00:42the country. Dhaka city, the military is deployed, so there's maybe some, a little bit of security,
00:49but outside of Dhaka, if you look on social media, it is complete anarchy. There is no police,
00:56because the police got blamed for killings. The police have run away. The police have said,
01:03we don't want, we don't want to be here, we are being attacked. So many, you know, everyone's
01:07talking about the students that were killed. So many police officers were killed. So,
01:14it is, even in Dhaka city, many areas of Dhaka now, in the nicer areas, there is looting going on.
01:22So, there is no law and order. It is anarchy. So, I'm waiting to see how an interim government is
01:28going to control this, because if an interim government cannot bring law and order,
01:33then Bangladesh becomes another Afghanistan. Today, he's talking about liberation from whom?
01:39Liberation for anarchy, for rioting, for vandalism. This is freedom for Bangladesh.
01:47If that is the freedom he thinks Bangladesh wants, if that is the freedom Bangladesh people
01:51are happy with, that's fine. Good luck to them. People are dying. There is no law and order.
01:58There's looting. Everybody's being looted. That is freedom. Well, okay, let's see. That's fine.
02:07Let him take over tomorrow and let's let him prove it. It's easy. We will see the results soon.
