Enders 7th August 2024

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Enders 7th August 2024


00:00Don't leave me hanging.
00:17We should film this, you know.
00:19No, I'm being serious. It's like a proper feel-good old people story, innit? You know
00:22it could go viral if-
00:25It's okay.
00:27I am. I just need some air.
00:34No. Don't bother. I'll go.
00:42No, Eve. Eve, listen, Eve!
00:49Oh, this drama's given me an appetite.
00:53What do you think?
00:55What, for the East?
00:57You're welcome to join us.
01:02I'm guessing you don't have plans with Eve.
01:20Did I, er, tell you that Annie's booked in for the hospital on the 19th for her teeth?
01:27Well, it's good, isn't it? I mean, well, not good.
01:30Mum, can you stop? We need to talk about this.
01:35Sit down.
01:46I know you don't get it.
01:48Of course I don't.
01:50What Annie's going through, right, is my fault.
01:54If Dean admits to the police what he did, then it's a new start.
01:58You know, I can be the mum she deserves. I can move on.
02:01Mum, he is playing you.
02:03He is promising you something he will never admit.
02:06Murder, and he is away for life. He is gone.
02:09But if I get on that stand and crumble, then he gets away with everything.
02:13This deal is a sure thing.
02:15Why are you so sure he'll stick to his word now?
02:17You could do all of this, and he could do whatever he wants.
02:20I'm not stupid.
02:22I'll get it agreed, a signed statement, before I go to the police.
02:25What, and then jobs are given, is it?
02:28You're an alcoholic, Mum.
02:31There is no quick solution.
02:33OK, yeah, Dean started this, but since Keanu, it's been next level.
02:37Yeah, which is why I'm taking action, all right? Positive action.
02:42What about the next thing that comes up?
02:44And the next. And then he's back.
02:46All right, you put Dean away for life, and you can rebuild.
02:50Get back everything you've lost.
02:52I'm going to. And this is the first step.
02:55Mum's left you in charge.
02:58Has Peter said anything?
03:00Well, I guess Cindy's made a decision, so he has to respect that.
03:03Did you make that batch yourself?
03:05Yeah, I did.
03:07I wonder where Mum had to go in such a hurry.
03:10Yeah, yeah, she didn't say. She just put me in charge.
03:13It will be OK, won't it?
03:16I reckon she played you.
03:18Yeah. Are you going to help?
03:21I've been on my feet all day.
03:23You've been shopping?
03:25You're the manager. You can do this.
03:27Oh, er, sorry.
03:29Hi, hi.
03:31Hello, ladies.
03:33Table for one, two, three, four.
03:38Do you remember when you were little and we used to have those sleepover nights?
03:42All of us in the same bed, watching films,
03:45all snuggled up together.
03:47I thought I could do the same thing with Annie and Ollie.
03:51You two, if there's room.
03:55You all right?
03:57Yeah, yeah.
03:59I'm just thinking...
04:01..you can't just retract a witness statement
04:04and expect them to be fine with it.
04:06I know it ain't going to be easy.
04:08What about the others?
04:10This whole murder case opens up again.
04:12What if Sharon goes down for it?
04:14No, Jack said they could still prosecute Dean on the evidence they've got.
04:17It's not going to come back on Sharon.
04:19Jack said that?
04:21Yeah, and I'll make sure of it.
04:23We'll just stick to our original story.
04:25Oh, Mum, you haven't thought this through at all.
04:27I will protect them.
04:29How? And why are you even willing to risk it?
04:34I have to.
04:41What was that about?
04:43Look, I was surprised.
04:45So you thought you'd mug her off in front of a pub full of people?
04:48Right, I just need to talk to her.
04:50Good luck with that. You made her look like an idiot.
04:52That was the last thing I wanted to do when you know it.
04:54Right, I just need to explain and find out what she was thinking.
04:57She was thinking about you two.
04:59Because she loves Sharon, you know that.
05:01Yeah, and I love her.
05:03But a proposal? Marriage?
05:05Stacey, you've only been out five minutes.
05:07Do you know, I thought even I were on the same page.
05:09This has come out of nowhere.
05:11What are you talking about?
05:13Are you stupid?
05:15Who do you think's been winding her up?
05:21So what shall we toast to?
05:23True love?
05:27Ah, that relationship was doomed from the start.
05:30You start anything in such a grubby way, it's bound to fail.
05:35They do love each other.
05:37How long do you reckon she was down on one knee for?
05:40Felt proper long.
05:42Ah, it was ridiculous.
05:44Wasn't it, Vinnie?
05:46Yeah, I mean, they didn't need to rub it in your face, did they?
05:49Yeah, I mean, proposing in public is so darn out anyway.
05:52No wonder she mugged her off.
05:54Oi, show some respect.
05:56Just saying it how it is.
05:58And you, get off your phone.
06:00I'm not disrespecting no-one. I'm just keeping my mind off the dialysis.
06:03Well, read a book.
06:05Read a book?
06:07Is this really how you want to spend your time?
06:09Leave him alone.
06:11Yeah, no good can come of it.
06:16Never a truer word was said.
06:22Mum's going to pull a witness statement.
06:24She can't.
06:26What's she playing at?
06:28Why don't you tell him, Jack?
06:30What? What's it got to do with you?
06:32I spoke to her.
06:34And you told her Dean would get convicted without her testimony.
06:37Jack! What were you thinking?
06:39I was trying to calm her down, all right?
06:41She was terrified and I was worried about her.
06:43But without her statement, Dean gets off and I'm back in the frame.
06:46Yeah, well, we all are.
06:48Well, I mean you, but the rest of us, accessory to murder,
06:51moving a body, lying about it for the past eight months.
06:54God knows what Phil's going to say.
06:56Look, don't tell Phil. Why not?
06:58Because he'll go in there all guns blazing, it's the last thing we need.
07:01Right, can we not talk about her like she's some loose cannon?
07:03OK, she's your mate, remember?
07:05Don't think you're the best at telling people what to do, mate.
07:08I'll talk to Linda.
07:10If she knows what's at stake, she wouldn't do it.
07:12Yeah, well, we keep it between us and just tread carefully.
07:15Well, like Jack did.
07:17I won't tell Phil unless I have to.
07:20But I'm doing this my way.
07:22Me and Linda have got each other's backs.
07:24She'll listen to me.
07:28Fish and chips, couple of gherkins, loads of salt, loads of vinegar.
07:36Oh, come on, Nan, cheer up, will you? Crack a smile.
07:39Told you, I'm not in the mood.
07:41What is it, Stevie?
07:43Don't be daft. I only knew him for five minutes.
07:47But nothing. He was a mate.
07:49Yeah, I'm your mate.
07:50Oh, he was a mate my age.
07:52Forget that.
07:54Tell you what you need, Nan.
07:56A hobby. Right, shut your eyes.
07:58Picture this, yeah?
08:00Great tits.
08:02Fluffy back boobies.
08:04I ain't a lesbian.
08:06In fact, Elvis had a pair of knockers on him, but that's not why I like him.
08:09I'm talking about birdwatching, you filthy moon.
08:12What, you think I'm Bill Oddie?
08:14I mean, in the right lighting, you might get away with it.
08:17Listen, all right, birdwatching, it's good for you.
08:20Me and Mum did it. It's calming and peaceful.
08:22It connects you with nature. You could do with that.
08:25The only connection I've got with nature is the rats on the tube.
08:28Exactly what I mean.
08:30Oi, watch it.
08:32What's her problem?
08:34Honestly, it's nothing I can't fix.
08:37I'm going to get her mate back.
08:39Oh. I didn't know she had any.
08:41Listen, she's got a heart of gold. You've just got to dig for it a little bit.
08:44Well, as long as you ain't tapping me up to be her mate.
08:47Stevie Mitchell. Actually, her and him, they're like Bonnie and Clyde.
08:50What, murderers?
08:52Besties. Anyway, I'm going to reunite them.
08:57We need to get some more liquor on,
08:59and I don't think you charged the last people the right amount.
09:02Yeah, OK, OK, I'll get to it. It's just these potless pies, they take so much prep.
09:05I don't know why Dad thought it would be a good idea.
09:07Healthy, aren't they?
09:09Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm calling my mum.
09:11No, please don't.
09:13This is disgusting. I'm not waiting for that.
09:24She's not answering.
09:26I can handle it. It's fine.
09:28If you don't stop saying it's fine, I'm going to shove that pie...
09:37Oh, hi. What can I get you?
09:46Bobby, that table are saying they're going to leave
09:49because they've waited too long for their food.
09:51Well, just tell them it'll be five minutes.
09:53And that guy said the mash has more lumps than a camel with mumps.
09:56Fine, mash is off the menu, then.
09:58In a pie and mash shop?
10:00Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Sorry.
10:02I just don't know what to do, Anna.
10:05But, look, we've only got 15 minutes until close.
10:07Let's just hang on until then.
10:09No. No?
10:15is your moment.
10:17We're not going home until everyone here has the best meal of their life.
10:21Really? Come on, Bobby. Get back in that kitchen.
10:26OK, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:28I'm really sorry about the wait, everyone.
10:30It won't be long, I promise.
10:32Excuse me, everyone.
10:34I know there have been a couple of issues this afternoon,
10:38but if you bear with us, we will give you fresh food on the house
10:42and we're staying open until everyone is fed.
10:52Want some? No, I'll stick to the tea, thanks.
10:57I knew Nisha would be involved in this somehow.
10:59Yeah, it's just been getting in her ear.
11:01You're dripping poison.
11:03Niggling at her and making comments about how close you and Ayesha are.
11:07Me and Ayesha? Oh, come on.
11:10Eve should know better. She knows what Nisha's like.
11:16Well, I mean, he has got a point.
11:18You two are pretty close. You've got shared history.
11:21I mean, no wonder Eve feels pushed out.
11:23We went through a lot together.
11:25And seeing her has brought a lot of things back, and not all good.
11:29Me and Eve, we're solid. She knows that.
11:32Does she?
11:34She just proposed out of the blue.
11:36And maybe she wanted you to say yes.
11:45Going to sit down?
11:47No, I can't stay long.
11:49You're withdrawing your statement.
11:52You're withdrawing your statement.
11:54Sharon, let me explain... Linda, please don't do this.
11:57If you pull your statement, it'll all come back on me.
12:00No, no, this will protect you.
12:02I'm the weak link.
12:04You know, if I get on that stand and fall apart, then we've lost everything.
12:08I mean, this way, Dean still goes down.
12:11You really think it's going to be that easy?
12:14This isn't just about you, Linda.
12:16No. No, it's about Annie and Ollie.
12:18OK? They need me.
12:19You're a good mum. You've always put them first.
12:22Oh, we both know that ain't true.
12:26Annie's got to have four teeth out.
12:28Under general.
12:30And the dentist made it clear.
12:32Now it's down to me.
12:34My drinking.
12:36Well, I've prioritised it over the kids, haven't I?
12:40Look, Dean going on record,
12:43it's closure.
12:45And then I can focus on the kids, you know,
12:47be the mum that I was to the others.
12:49What are they offering you?
12:52Dean will admit to rape.
12:56And I'll be free of him.
12:59Did you withdraw your statement?
13:02If I truly thought this was the best thing for you,
13:05I would face any consequences, honestly.
13:08But you're ill, Linda.
13:11And Dean admitting to what he did to you,
13:14it ain't going to fix that.
13:16Only you can do that.
13:19And I know it's hard, I know.
13:21I saw it with my mum, but we can help you.
13:28This ain't going to end well.
13:30You're making a deal with the devil, please.
13:33Please think about it.
13:39I'm doing what's right.
13:43And you're giving me no option.
13:57Well, you certainly know how to liven up an opening.
14:00Pete's working.
14:02Aren't they going to wonder where you are?
14:04No, Bobby won't even have time to think about it.
14:06He'll be rushed off his feet.
14:09What if him and Anna start asking questions?
14:11Makes it all a bit close to home, innit?
14:13Well, yeah. Literally.
14:16Look, we need to come up with a better arrangement.
14:20We can't just keep sneaking around like this.
14:22Yeah, but it's exciting, isn't it?
14:24And it's worth the risk, yeah?
14:28And so long as Ian's away, we're safe here.
14:32So what you're saying is we should make the most of this?
14:37I've got about ten minutes until I need to call Xavier.
14:41Race you then.
15:03Excuse me.
15:05I want a word.
15:07I'm sorry, Phil, but you can't change my mind.
15:09Get you off your high horse, Linda. Yeah.
15:12I know you. I am you.
15:14Oh, please.
15:16Your magic bullet is going to stop your drinking, eh?
15:19Well, guess what? There ain't one.
15:22Only you think your drinking's bad now.
15:24Wait till Dean Wicks gets out of prison,
15:26and your best mate gets banged up for a crime she didn't commit.
15:30A crime that you committed.
15:32And you think, oh, just let that go, eh?
15:35Let Sharon go down so she can lose another child.
15:38No. No.
15:40No, you don't want to muck about with me, Linda.
15:44If you do hear anything, it doesn't matter what time...
15:46Yes, I promise I'll let you know.
15:48I just need to speak to her. Just hear her voice.
15:51You give her time.
15:53It's not every day you get pied off in public, is it?
15:55Like a kilnish.
15:57Yeah, well, we tried that.
15:59It's OK, he just wants to get a rise out of you.
16:01Just don't give him the satisfaction.
16:03Oh, God.
16:08It's been quite a day for you.
16:10Come on, just leave him. No, no, no.
16:12Just send him my condolences.
16:14I don't need anything from you.
16:16Losing one lesbian lover is unfortunate.
16:19But losing two in the same day?
16:22Oh, it's just careless.
16:24Hey, come on.
16:26If Eve doesn't come back, I will kill you.
16:28Do you understand me? I will kill you
16:30and I will enjoy every second of it.
16:33Why would I care? I'm already dying.
16:35Not fast enough.
16:47None of you understand.
16:49I do.
16:50Being on the stand would be too hard for you.
16:52So you're just gonna dump everyone else in it?
16:54That is not what I'm doing.
16:55And this ain't about Annie or Ollie.
16:57This is all about you, cos that's all you do, is think about yourself.
17:00Now, if Sharon goes down for this,
17:03you won't know what's hit you.
17:05She won't go down. And I will take care of the others.
17:10I'll work it out.
17:11Well, that'd be a first, wouldn't it?
17:13Because you, you're a liability.
17:15And if anyone deserves to get banged up for this, it's you.
17:18And it'd be the best thing for your kids and all.
17:21You can get out of here and tell Sharon
17:23that I won't be threatened by anyone.
17:25Least of all you.
17:42You sure you're OK? You might need to get checked out, Dad.
17:45I'm fine. I'll get you some water, yeah?
17:48Vinny, Avani, you go home.
17:51Or I'll wear a nugget.
17:53Well, I mean, if that word is inheritance,
17:56I think I should stay.
17:58Avani, nice try.
18:00Come on, go home.
18:02I'll be fine.
18:03You sure?
18:05See you later.
18:12You know how you say you don't care what Dudley's doing?
18:17I don't.
18:19Then why don't you leave her alone?
18:24Because you do care, isn't it?
18:26Of course you do. Everyone can see it.
18:30I'm sorry.
18:35I'm dying.
18:37It puts me at risk.
18:40It puts things into perspective.
18:43You focus on what's important.
18:48There's only one person I want by my side when I'm dying.
18:57But you know she's with Eve.
18:59And she hates you.
19:01Love and hate aren't that far apart.
19:05A bond like mine and Suki's, that doesn't just go.
19:10The first few years of our marriage were magical.
19:13They were the happiest of my life.
19:15You know, it was us against the world.
19:19And if I could have that again, just for one moment...
19:24I'd die a happy man.
19:28And she don't want that.
19:30Not that she's... she's gay.
19:34She's the one.
19:40Sorry, but I don't...
19:42I don't see it happening.
19:47Your God is good.
19:50I just pray that he grants my last dying wish.
20:03Yeah, it's Linda Carter.
20:05Can you meet me now?
20:08What, Peggy's? Okay, yeah, I'll be there.
20:15You going out?
20:17Yeah, I thought I'd go to a meeting.
20:19Oh, well, I'll walk you there.
20:21No, no, I need some time on my own.
20:24I've put Annie and Ollie to bed, you know, brushing their teeth.
20:30Okay, so I'll...
20:32Yeah, see you later.
20:38There you go, shrimping.
20:40Yes, Fred. In time.
20:44You all right? Yes, yes, great, thanks.
20:46Listen, um, how's your dad?
20:49My dad? Yeah, Stevie.
20:51Look, he's a ledge round here. We all really, really miss him.
20:54You don't know if he's got plans to come back, do you?
20:57I didn't know you and him were that close.
20:59Well, well, it's more my nan, Mo.
21:01Look, you don't suppose that I could call you my dad, do you?
21:05Look, you don't suppose that I could call him, do you?
21:08You know, just to be neighbourly, polite.
21:10Like a neighbourhood watch? No, nothing like that.
21:13Cos he ain't your neighbour, mate.
21:15Look, what's your name? Freddy.
21:17Freddy. Freddy.
21:19Me and me dad, we're not on the greatest of terms right now,
21:22so I probably won't be passing on your best, if you don't mind.
21:25Right. Um...
21:27He does know who I am.
21:29You know, I just thought that maybe...
21:31A word of advice, son.
21:33Think less.
21:35And I'll have...
21:37cotton chips.
21:51Anyway, Ralph, decent is either a fortune
21:53or a two-bed at the end of the Met line.
21:55I can't believe Grey's doing this.
21:58Look, maybe Bernie will come up with something.
22:02Yeah, fingers crossed.
22:05I've got to hand it to you.
22:07You've played a blinder.
22:09I'm doing what's right.
22:11So, when are you going to the police?
22:13You are joking.
22:15I get the signed statement first.
22:17Someone's been watching too much Taggart.
22:19Dean signs a witness statement.
22:22He confesses to what he did to me.
22:25Once that is with the police,
22:27then I will withdraw my statement.
22:29And we want your guarantee.
22:32This is the end of it.
22:34No more accusations, no more lies.
22:36The end.
22:37The end?
22:38And you'll sign a statement saying that.
22:42Yeah, whatever you want.
22:44Thanks for asking.
22:46I'll have a whiskey. Neat.
22:58Yeah, it's me.
23:00All done.
23:03She's eating out the palm of my hand.
23:06I'll see you later, hen.
23:15What do you need me to sign?
23:19Fraser MacGuffin?
23:22I'm arresting you for blackmail and perverting the course of justice.
23:24Hold on a minute.
23:25No, no, you've got this wrong.
23:26You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
23:28if you do not mention when questioned something
23:30with your later alarming call.
23:32Anything else you do say may be given in evidence.
23:35You've backed up the wrong tree here, mate.
23:38No need for handcuffs.
23:39I haven't done anything wrong.
23:45It's for the best.
23:46It's not like Phil to get someone else to do his dirty work.
23:49He must be getting soft in his old age.
23:53Thanks, hen.
23:54You're welcome.
23:58I couldn't let you do it, Mum.
24:02Thank you so much.
24:03Thanks for your patience.
24:14Thank you so much.
24:16Oh, I don't know how I'm going to repay you, Anna.
24:19We both did it.
24:21We make a great team, don't we?
24:24You want to wash or dry?
24:26I want to lock the door and run away.
24:30What the hell is going on?
24:32I knew what I was doing.
24:33You were throwing away everything.
24:35I was ending this.
24:36Mum, it's OK.
24:37None of this is OK.
24:38I have got this.
24:39No, I don't want you to have this, John.
24:41I want to be your mum.
24:43I want to be the mum that I was.
24:45I want Annie and Ollie to know what that's like.
24:47I don't want to live like this.
24:49Let me fix me.
24:58The only reason I came back is because you didn't drop the keys off.
25:01I didn't expect to see the last days of Rome.
25:03Well, he did try and call you loads of times.
25:05Yeah, I was busy.
25:07What was so important that you had to leave the shop
25:09and put Bobby in charge?
25:11I thought I was getting a promotion.
25:13It just doesn't matter now.
25:14Let's just sort this place out, shall we?
25:16Oh, we're clocking off.
25:17You can sort this out.
25:18Come on.
25:19You can't just go.
25:20Yeah, Anna, I am the manager.
25:22No, come on.
25:52Just when you think this nightmare is coming to an end...
25:59This little Annie I'm worried about...
26:02It's not that Ollie has had it easy,
26:04but at least he had those years with Mick.
26:08Annie's known as chaos...
26:11and neglect.
26:15I can make this right.
26:16You better had.
26:18For all our sakes.
26:50I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm
27:17so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.