Hollyoaks 7th August 2024

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Hollyoaks 7th August 2024


00:00I can't have anything to do with this baby and I don't want you to tell anyone it's mine, okay?
00:04This is you making a promise to Dilly. You don't know you can keep. I have to put Dilly first.
00:08Guys, please.
00:10Shut it.
00:12You and Ste and Warren are gonna find out what happens when you take me on.
00:18At least have the guts to show me your face.
00:30I'm sorry.
00:32I'm sorry.
00:34I'm sorry.
00:36I'm sorry.
00:38I'm sorry.
00:40I'm sorry.
00:42I'm sorry.
00:44I'm sorry.
00:46I'm sorry.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:50I'm sorry.
00:52I'm sorry.
00:54I'm sorry.
00:56I'm sorry.
00:58I'm sorry.
01:00I'm sorry.
01:02I'm sorry.
01:04I'm sorry.
01:06I'm sorry.
01:08I'm sorry.
01:10I'm sorry.
01:12I'm sorry.
01:14I'm sorry.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:18I'm sorry.
01:20I'm sorry.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:26Now Zoe's out of your life, we should talk about our future.
01:37Well, I haven't come here to cause trouble. I'm just here to see him say it is.
01:48You know, I really thought you'd be a little bit more talkative before you died.
01:53But I'm going to go and pick my husband up from hospital,
01:56because after what you did to him, revenge seems like a fitting housewarming gift.
02:00I told you we were under orders from Warren.
02:03Who was under orders from Blue? It's always someone else, isn't it?
02:07And if you're not going to give me Blue's name, then you'll have to do. And Steve.
02:13Are you sure that's what Freddie would want?
02:17You really shouldn't write Freddie off so quickly.
02:19I know he comes across as a big romantic, but he certainly wouldn't let a brat like you ruin our lives.
02:24Grace, I'm sure we could come to some sort of arrangement.
02:28You know what? You really thought you could take my husband away from me and his daughter?
02:32Well, there's only one fit punishment for that, and it's for you to be in a hole in the ground.
02:38Chin up, Rex. Freddie's coming home.
02:43Look, I'm not saying that we start prying for a baby today.
02:46It's just, after everything that happened, I need the reassurance that we're progressing.
02:51Yeah, of course, yeah.
02:53And we were talking about it before, so...
02:56Well, there's one thing talking about it, but actually jumping in there and doing it.
03:02Oh, what, like you did with Zoe? Yeah.
03:08Look, I just... I want us to be happy again.
03:12Don't you want that?
03:14Yeah, obviously.
03:16And I just... I don't want you to feel like you're missing out.
03:20We already spoke about this. You are my number one priority.
03:24I know. And look, when the time is right, you will be the most amazing dad to our child.
03:30It's just something to think about.
03:34Are you two trying for a baby?
03:36Uh, we were just... We were just talking about it.
03:39Yeah, steady on.
03:41I've got to get to work. Talk to you later.
03:44Well, if you two are, then you'd better hurry up about it.
03:48Cos us McQueens, we need some good news on that front.
03:51You'd be a great dad. Unlike that deadbeat that knocks Zoe up.
03:55Chill out. You don't even know the guy.
03:57Yeah, and why would I want to?
03:59What guy gets a girl pregnant and then doesn't want to know?
04:04Thanks for these. Kids needed a few bits.
04:06No worries.
04:09Do you mind?
04:11What's in? Ow!
04:13What about kids?
04:15They're asleep. And in case you hadn't noticed, this is my house.
04:18Our house. And Cindy's more than welcome here. She's great with twins.
04:22Right, so come on. What's going on between you and Dave?
04:26Er, well, we're in a good place, but, you know, I do worry that
04:30it won't take much for him to slip back into bad habits.
04:33Are you going to talk to him?
04:35I wouldn't want to talk about the problems.
04:37I'd just rather bottle everything up and what happened with Lizzie
04:40still eats away at him.
04:48I'll get that, shall I?
04:51She is a godsend. You need to apologise.
04:54Dave's daughter died from the drugs that I sold.
04:57So I don't think sorry is going to make either of them feel any better.
05:01Since when did you care so much about Cindy, anyway?
05:04Since everyone in this village, including my own family,
05:07stopped caring about me because of you.
05:09Come on, Warren. I've given up so much here.
05:12At least you can do is be nice to me one and only mate at the minute.
05:24Your mum's away. Why don't you go watch the boxing at hers?
05:27Now, that is an idea I can get behind.
05:30See ya!
05:35Come on. Here he is.
05:39Oh, hello, sweetheart.
05:41She's so excited to see you.
05:43You got a little surprise for him when he comes home, haven't you?
05:46I've made you some proper grub.
05:48Since when do you cook?
05:50I've been teaching myself.
05:52When he comes to Uncle Darren's.
05:54Because I heard the food is proper rank in here.
05:57My little girl. All grown up.
06:00See, the only thing is, sweetheart,
06:02is Grace has got a place ready for me.
06:04But... but you can come back and live with us once I'm settled in.
06:09Yeah, well, I told her you'd come and stay with me, you know,
06:12just until you, you know, recovered properly.
06:15Grace is going to help me get better.
06:17What, Florence Nightingale?
06:21She's changed.
06:23Listen, that woman will always bring trouble to your door, no matter what.
06:27Do you really want that? She's behind the door.
06:29Hey! There is my favourite girl.
06:32I also think it's the only person that missed this one more than me.
06:37Yeah, I thought I told you Freddie was coming home with me.
06:42Right, then, shall we go and get the milkshake? Yeah? Come on.
06:45But you said that Dad would be coming home with us.
06:47So I did. But I'm just a silly Billy and I forgot, yeah?
06:51No-one listens to me anyway. Come on.
06:54See you.
06:57Right. Let's get you home, eh?
07:00Cos I have got a surprise and it involves someone being tied up.
07:03Whoa. Steady on.
07:05I'm still recovering.
07:07Well, it's a good job I've already found my victim, then.
07:09Rex is on the love boat.
07:14Eggs, bacon, let me guess, hangover cure.
07:17Here if you and the ladies were out on the town yesterday, weren't you?
07:20Well, actually, I went home early.
07:22I didn't have a drop to drink, thank you very much.
07:25Making new friends?
07:27Not really. I'm glad we met.
07:29I mean, it's what we're worth.
07:31Oh, yeah?
07:33Your mum, knocking down the market for her daily coffee.
07:35That's cos she's been away.
07:37Anyway, thought you had a new missus.
07:39Shouldn't you be keeping your eye on her and not my mum?
07:42You know, when I heard a man who'd just been shot was moving in next door,
07:46I wasn't best pleased.
07:48We've got a family home.
07:50My kids are there.
07:52Dylan, Nisbet.
07:54And you, now that you've moved your old fella along
07:56and got your feet firmly under the table.
07:58I've heard about your reputation, Warren.
08:00I need to know that you living next door
08:02are not going to bring trouble to our house.
08:04You'll get no trouble from me, as long as you don't ask for it.
08:11Why, Vicky's been going on about that fella.
08:13He's got a bit of a dodgy past, hasn't he?
08:17Used to fancy himself as a bit of a tough guy.
08:20Used to fancy himself as a bit of a tough guy
08:22until I had to put him in his place.
08:24Now he works for me.
08:27Well, I'm glad we had this chat.
08:29I think we've got a bit of an understanding, haven't we?
08:41No, I'm sorry.
08:43I'm going to get that coffee on this.
08:45Oh, come on, you two need to speak eventually.
08:47Mr Osborne?
08:50I see you're in your fineries.
08:55Who's the lucky lady?
08:57Oh, there's no lucky lady.
08:59Jack's playing in the final of the D Valley Balls tournament.
09:03He doesn't play without his morning coffee, I remember.
09:06I'll go get that for you, then.
09:08Make that decaf.
09:12You won't be bowling straight if you've got the caffeine shakes.
09:16I, um...
09:18I spoke to Nancy yesterday.
09:21Aye, she told me.
09:22But I should have been speaking with you.
09:27I should have stood by you when Frankie made those vile accusations.
09:32No, that would have been nice.
09:35I just wanted that young girl to feel like she was being heard.
09:40But in doing that, I didn't listen to you.
09:46I'm so sorry.
09:49Not only did I hurt you,
09:52I threw away what we had.
09:56I miss you.
09:58You're only human.
10:01You know what, Pearl?
10:03I miss you, too.
10:05You know what, Pearl?
10:07I miss you, too.
10:12Just make sure you bring that trophy back home.
10:15You hear?
10:20Are you ready to tell us what you know? Huh?
10:22Who are you working for? Who is Blue?
10:27You know, I can't tell you.
10:29But it doesn't mean you have to kill me, please. I'm begging you.
10:34Tell him.
10:35I'm not starting a new life with blood on my hands.
10:38Have you forgotten? He nearly killed you.
10:40But he didn't, did he?
10:42I'm still here. I'm still here with my wife.
10:45And that's all that matters, right?
10:48Don't make me regret this.
10:56Freddie, what are you doing?
10:59Get up.
11:04Does this mean you're not coming after Steve?
11:07What happened was down to Warren, not us.
11:09No-one is coming after Steve.
11:12Now get out!
11:17Freddie, you ruined everything.
11:19What are you doing? I was going to get my revenge.
11:21This is supposed to be our family home.
11:23For you, me and our kids.
11:25And if you don't want that, you can't have me.
11:33You can't have me.
11:56Listen, I'm going to be spending a lot more time with Mercedes.
11:59Me and her have agreed that the only way we can do that
12:01is if we all just get along.
12:02Is that what you both want?
12:04I think it's for the best.
12:05I can't have Dave having all this pent-up anger towards you over Lizzie.
12:08It'll send him off the rails again.
12:11Well, for what it's worth,
12:13if there isn't a second goes by, I don't regret what happened.
12:15I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to talk to me again.
12:18But man to man,
12:20I am genuinely sorry.
12:26If it keeps the peace.
12:29Well, that was easy.
12:31So you into boxing, Dave?
12:33Yeah. Why's that?
12:35Well, I've just got a couple of cans
12:37and I was going to watch you upstairs.
12:39Join me if you like.
12:41Since you got the beers in.
12:50Do you know what?
12:52I was only watching her upstairs because me and Cindy were squabbling.
12:55Why don't we go and watch it out the house on the big TV?
13:01Why not?
13:21You know I'm always happy to help you.
13:23But I don't like the fact that the father of your child isn't doing his bit.
13:27Grandma, do we have to talk about this again?
13:31Because you won't even give me a name.
13:33What's the point?
13:34Look, I don't have a number for him or anything.
13:36You won't be able to get a hold of him, can we just go?
13:40Hell, you forgot your change.
13:44I guess churros are my pregnancy craving.
13:48And it is me all this time thinking I'm serving you instead of this cheating cow.
13:52You, young lady, won't mind you treat my granddaughter with respect.
13:57Fat chance. She cheated on Hunter.
13:59Yes, she did.
14:01But I know she'd do anything to take back what happened, but she can't.
14:04You and you are barred.
14:09Prince, stop.
14:11I don't need your help.
14:13Me and my baby will be fine without it.
14:15We'll be fine without it.
14:17Come on, Grandma.
14:26What's happened?
14:28Grace Black happened.
14:29What? Where's she now?
14:31I talked her into dropping it.
14:33You don't have to worry about it anymore.
14:35So does that mean it's over then?
14:39Our war is still out there.
14:41Blue wants him dead.
14:43I need you to help me.
14:46What are you going to do?
14:48Are you going to force me to help you kill him?
14:50I thought black males were your style.
14:55Why did you make that video of us, Rex?
15:01You are planning on sending it to James, aren't you?
15:06I wish I'd never even met you.
15:08But you have met me.
15:09Just leave me alone, OK?
15:12I just want a normal life.
15:14That's me.
15:16And my husband.
15:18I won't show James the video.
15:20I'll delete it!
15:23Just do me one favour.
15:25Don't tell Warren I'm coming.
15:30OK, deal.
15:35But listen.
15:36Warren's a lot more dangerous than you think.
15:40He'll probably get to you before you get to him.
15:44That's a risk I'm going to have to take.
15:47And you know I love a risk.
15:55I mean it.
15:56Stay away from me and my family.
16:06So the gods were shining on you?
16:08The gods had nothing to do with it.
16:10I was victorious today because of you, Pearl Anderson.
16:14You know what?
16:15Why don't you catch me up?
16:16I just have this weird feeling that you want to be left alone with Pearl.
16:23Why would she say that?
16:25Well, I might have mentioned to Nancy that I've missed you.
16:31Oh, Pearl.
16:32I wish we could get back what we had.
16:35Oh, OK.
16:36And I wish I could find the words to say...
16:39Well, I'd like...
16:45Well, I would like to...
16:47I will consider it.
16:49But I haven't asked you yet.
16:53Jack, we're both too long in the tooth to play games.
16:57You were going to ask me out on a date, right?
17:01I was.
17:02Well, like I said, I'll consider it.
17:06As long as you agree to dress your dapper best.
17:09Oh, you better believe it.
17:12Well, then.
17:13It's a date.
17:18Do you know what I went through sitting by your bedside day and night,
17:22not knowing if you were going to live or die?
17:24Well, I'm here now.
17:25Yeah, but the people that put you in that position, that put me in tears,
17:28haven't paid for what they did to you.
17:30I'm alive, Grace.
17:32Killing Steve, killing Rach because of what happened to me,
17:35that's not payback.
17:36That's cold-blooded murder.
17:38That is how the game is played.
17:40Then maybe it's time you stopped playing it.
17:42It's the only thing I'm any good at.
17:43Hey, don't you dare say that about yourself.
17:46You are the best at something way more impressive.
17:49Yeah? What?
17:50Being my wife.
17:52That we can build a future for you, me, Lexi and Curtis.
17:57It's how we're getting revenge on anyone else.
17:59It's just us.
18:03Just us.
18:06Right, I'm going to go and freshen up, wash that hospital off me.
18:09Then what do you say?
18:10Shall we christen this place or what?
18:12Yeah, I thought you'd never ask.
18:20I promise you, things are going to be so much better now
18:23you're not trying to get one over on Steve and Rex.
18:36So you called me over here but you couldn't get me one?
18:38That's because I got you something I thought you'd appreciate
18:41a little bit more.
18:47You're the best.
18:52But how did you manage to get past Teresa?
18:54Do you think I'd go back to that place after how they treated us today?
19:01You read the note.
19:02I wondered why he should care after what you did to his brother.
19:06What am I missing?
19:10Probably just felt bad about what Teresa said.
19:12It's been nice.
19:15So, after everything, you two are still friends?
19:20Well, I hope so.
19:22It's good to have friends.
19:24But your child needs more.
19:29Let me finish.
19:31If I have to be a great-grandmother,
19:34and father, and babysitter, and who knows what else,
19:37I'll quite happily play all the roles.
19:40But you and I will make sure this baby receives so much love
19:46they won't know what to do with it.
19:51Now, give your grandmother some sugar.
20:02You said that, didn't you?
20:06What's this?
20:08I don't know, but I somehow got the boys talking.
20:10Okay, so you two are bezzies now, are you?
20:13Warren can't answer that.
20:15Well, I wouldn't say that.
20:17Baby steps.
20:18I'm just happy that yous are getting along.
20:20Hear me, both.
20:22Why don't you make yourselves at home?
20:25I am so proud of you, you know, the way you stepped up.
20:28Look at us.
20:29We're a proper family.
20:30It's all of us, aren't it?
20:32Yeah, and now we've got it, we're never going to lose it.
20:41Let's get it open.
20:59You're going to need a stiffer drink than that
21:01once you hear what I've got to say.
21:04Oh, yeah? What's that?
21:06So, I am really grateful for everything you've done
21:09in trying to get my Curtis back out of care.
21:11And I really wanted to find a way to say thank you,
21:13and this wasn't what I had in mind, but, um...
21:29Where'd you get this?
21:30I don't think that's a question you should be asking.
21:32I think you should be asking.
21:33Now you know, what are you going to do about it?
21:41I don't know.
22:19Hey, if you leave those there,
22:21what else you've got left to impress me with?
22:24My dancing shoes?
22:25Oh, I can't wait to see that.
22:28Hey, what about my flowers?