• 2 months ago
Emiten-emiten BUMN dalam IDX BUMN 20, dinilai akan menghadapi berbagai sentimen disisa 2024. Pengamat Pasar Modal menyebutkan, sejumlah sentimen yang mempengaruhi emiten BUMN diantara, respons pasar atas kinerja keuangan, kebijakan dan regulasi pemerintah, serta fluktuasi harga komoditas bagi BUMN disektor terkait.


00:00Indonesia is still in IDX Season Closing, and next we will talk about the election topic that has been collected by our editorial team.
00:13Where the BUMN emittents that are included in IDX BUMN 20 are estimated to face various sentiments in the rest of 2024.
00:21Capital market observers mention a number of sentiments that affect the BUMN emittents, including market response to financial energy, government policies and regulations, as well as community price fluctuations for BUMN in the related sector.
00:39The IDX BUMN 20 index, which is dominated by BRI, Telkom, and PTPP, is estimated to face a number of sentiments in the rest of 2024, starting from financial energy achievement to government transition.
00:51At the closing of trading on August 6, 2024, IDX BUMN 20 was 1.09% stronger at level 380.2.
01:00Nevertheless, the position still reflects a correction of 8.68% throughout the year.
01:07Investment consultant Reliance Securities Reza Priyambada sees that the prospects of IDX BUMN 20's future energy will depend on the realization of financial energy that is assessed by the market.
01:17In addition, sentiment from the industry and sentiment outside the market continue to affect the movement of IDX BUMN 20 shares.
01:24On the other hand, stocknow.id founder Hendra Wardana said that the reaction of IDX BUMN 20's growth will depend on a number of factors, including macroeconomic stability, government policies, and operational synergies from BUMN.
01:38A number of sentiments are estimated to affect IDX BUMN 20 in the rest of this year, including the development of global monetary policy that can affect the flow of capital and market sentiment, fiscal policy and domestic regulation, and finally the fluctuation of commodity prices, which will also be a determining factor for BUMN in the related sector.
01:57Next, still related to the prospect of BUMN's latest emission, the Indonesian Stock Exchange welcomes the plan of holding BUMN Indonesia's mining industry, or MINE ID, to make a public offer of shares.
02:09This follows a statement from the Ministry of BUMN, which says it is looking for a MINE ID opportunity to immediately land in the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
02:16As it is known, a number of MINE ID holding members have been listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange, such as PT Antam TBK, PT Bukit Asam TBK, and PT Timah TBK.
02:28The three MINE ID members book various stock movements until August 7, 2024.
02:35In addition to MINE ID, the ministry is also studying other BUMN holdings, which also have jumbo assets such as PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia, or INJOURNEY, to PT Pelabuan Indonesia, or PELINDO.
02:47Since that year, the special staff of the Minister of BUMN, Arya Sinulinga, said that to carry out the action, the Ministry of BUMN needs to prepare various economic values calculations, including the opportunity to boost the market based on the business line.
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