16 BUMN Dapat Suntikan Modal Negara

  • 2 months ago
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mengatakan kebutuhan Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) untuk sejumlah perusahaan pelat merah pada tahun anggaran 2025 mencapai Rp44,3 triliun.

Angka ini mayoritas dialokasikan untuk pengerjaan sejumlah proyek strategi nasional (PSN) yang ditugaskan pemerintah.


00:00Thank you for staying with us.
00:02The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, or BUMN, and the 6th DPR Commission
00:06agreed to approve the participation of state capital, or PMN, in 2025 for 16 BUMNs.
00:13The total amount of capital approved together is 44.24 trillion rupiah.
00:23In a meeting of the 6th DPR-RI Commission with the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, or BUMN,
00:28Minister Erick Thohir agreed to approve 100% participation of state capital, or PMN, for 16 BUMNs.
00:36The total amount of state capital approved is also 44.24 trillion rupiah,
00:41where the amount of PMN is in accordance with the proposal of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.
00:46In the agreement on the participation of state capital,
00:48Minister Erick Thohir ensured that the participation of state capital, 44.24 trillion rupiah,
00:53is used in a productive, effective, and efficient way for the development of the BUMN corporation,
00:58in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance, or GCG.
01:0316 state-owned enterprises agreed to receive state capital in 2025,
01:07including the BUMN infrastructure sector, electricity, pharmacy, train,
01:13food BUMN, and household BUMN.
01:16Here are the 16 BUMNs that will receive state capital of 44.24 trillion rupiah next year.
01:23BUMN, Indonesia
01:26BUMN, Indonesia
01:29BUMN, Indonesia
01:32BUMN, Indonesia
01:34From Jakarta, a report by Haidek Channel.
01:39Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir felt grateful that the last 16 BUMNs
01:43received state capital of 44.24 trillion rupiah,
01:47where with this state capital injection,
01:49Erick Thohir promised to maintain the commitment to become the backbone of the national economy.
01:54As many as 16 state-owned enterprises agreed to the 6th DPRRI Commission
01:58to get a capital injection from a country as large as 44.24 trillion rupiah in 2025.
02:07Erick Thohir insisted that the BUMN committed to become the backbone of the national economy
02:12related to the participation of state capital or BUMN.
02:15In addition, this capital injection is the first time BUMN was allocated to BUMN
02:20not based on state debt, but because of a larger dividend.
02:25With the support of BUMN, it is hoped that BUMN can be more optimal
02:29in playing its role as the driving force of the national pre-economy,
02:33while maintaining the stability and economic growth of Indonesia.
02:37This is one of the extraordinary improvements under the 6th DPRI Commission,
02:45where so far BUMN has been very dependent on state debt to foreign countries,
02:56but today we can be sure together that this is a sustainability
03:04when the dividend can be paid by BUMN itself.
