#HANZsabi?? | Gabay at patnubay sa kapalaran with Master Hanz Cua
00:00Rise and shine!
00:02Karens Pinoy, this is your guide, Patnubay Palalaat.
00:06Today is August 7th, Wednesday, from Master Hans Kuwa.
00:17For those who were born in the year of the rat,
00:19giving offerings and rituals
00:21brings peace and protection to those who do it.
00:28This will indirectly benefit your personal life
00:31and relationships with other people.
00:33To avoid stress in your career,
00:35don't make major or significant career changes
00:39like changing your job,
00:41launching a new project,
00:43signing important contracts after Ghost Month.
00:46Reg, good luck in the year of the rat!
00:50Let's go to the year of the ox.
00:52Participate in the rituals and offerings to appease wandering spirits.
00:56There will be harmony if you follow the Ghost Month tradition.
01:02For those who are planning to get married,
01:06this is not recommended.
01:08At this time, let's accept the fact that it's not okay.
01:12It's better to delay getting married after Ghost Month.
01:17Good luck in the year of the ox!
01:21Let's go to the year of the tiger.
01:22The higher the risk and losses in business,
01:25there will be more unforeseen complications.
01:29It's really advised to not invest in a new venture at this time.
01:35Use the time to do research and study the market.
01:39For the consumers,
01:41don't trust non-legitimate online sellers
01:44even if their products are cheap.
01:47Good luck in the year of the tiger!
01:50Let's go to the year of the rabbit.
01:52This is not the best time to make a major investment or financial commitment.
01:58Use the time of Ghost Month to study new skills
02:03or improve your existing skills.
02:06For those who are planning to pursue,
02:09have a little patience in courting.
02:14It's not good to start a new relationship during Ghost Month.
02:18There are higher risks of instability.
02:21However, the time is right to end a stagnant and toxic relationship.
02:26Good luck in the year of the rabbit!
02:31Let's go to the year of the dragon.
02:35Relationships might experience increased tension during Ghost Month.
02:39It's important to be more patient and understand your partner.
02:45This can avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.
02:50For those who want to go out with a purpose,
02:53there are more things to finish.
02:56So, focus on your work.
02:59If you are a business owner,
03:01avoid major changes after Ghost Month.
03:05Good luck in the year of the dragon!
03:09Let's go to the snake.
03:10Let's go to the snake.
03:11The energy during Ghost Month can sometimes feel heavy.
03:16There are many unsettled energies.
03:21Avoid major changes in your lifestyle.
03:24Water sports and extreme diets are not good during Ghost Month.
03:29To continue a good career,
03:31ensure all your current tasks are organized and managed efficiently.
03:36Don't plan new projects or give up on transferring your work to another company.
03:43For business owners, stop hiring during Ghost Month.
03:47The new vibes in the workplace can disrupt productivity.
03:51Good luck in the year of the snake!
03:56In the year of the horse,
03:58you should have clear and open dialogues with your partner.
04:02For business owners,
04:04avoid working-industry-workplace tensions
04:07to avoid escalating problems during Ghost Month.
04:11Avoid getting involved in fights,
04:15or office politics.
04:17For business owners,
04:18you should not lay off people
04:21because there will be disruptions to productivity
04:23due to negative energy.
04:26Good luck in the year of the horse!
04:30For the year of the goat,
04:32instead of starting new initiatives,
04:34concentrate on contemplating and improving existing projects.
04:38For consumers,
04:39especially impulsive buyers,
04:41always be aware of your budget,
04:43manage your expenses carefully,
04:45and avoid unnecessary spending.
04:47Good luck in the year of the goat!
04:51If your partner's family follows the Ghost Month tradition,
04:54show respect and participate in rituals.
04:57This demonstrates cultural sensitivity
05:02and can strengthen your bond.
05:06Health is wealth,
05:07so pay attention to your diet.
05:09Your food should be balanced and nutritious.
05:12Good luck in the year of the monkey!
05:16For the year of the rooster,
05:18your home should be well-ventilated
05:20with natural light.
05:23Open the windows regularly
05:25to allow fresh air to circulate
05:27to release stagnant energy.
05:29Stay focused on your career.
05:32During Ghost Month,
05:33enroll in training programs.
05:35Improve your skills and prepare for future opportunities
05:39instead of waiting for immediate advancement.
05:42Good luck in the year of the rooster!
05:46For the year of the dog,
05:48while it is advisable to avoid major career moves,
05:52networking or building professional relationships
05:55is beneficial especially during Ghost Month.
05:58Don't promise to join,
06:01but you can check them and research first.
06:04For love life,
06:06put rose quartz crystals in your bedroom
06:08to attract love and harmony.
06:11The same goes for singles.
06:13It's good to wear a rose quartz bracelet.
06:15It's a counter to negative energy
06:18because it's crystal red.
06:20Good luck in the year of the dog!
06:23It's good to attend industry events
06:26or connect with colleagues,
06:27but don't make commitments yet.
06:29Resume your normal work office
06:31and be more diligent.
06:33Make sure you're ready for your future.
06:36Always have an emergency fund.
06:39This provides a safety net and reduces financial stress
06:42especially during Ghost Month.
06:44Good luck in the year of the piggy!
06:47Last but not least,
06:48these are the tips and predictions
06:51of Master Hans Cua.
06:53Your success is in your own hands.
06:56So, always be positive and good luck,