Waqf Act में संशोधन को लेकर खुलकर बोले दरगाहों के सज्जादानशीन

  • 2 months ago
वक्फ बोर्ड की संपत्तियों पर नियंत्रण के लिए केंद्र सरकार के विधेयक संशोधन का अखिल भारतीय सूफी सज्जादानशीन काउंसिल की ओर से स्वागत किया गया है। अखिल भारतीय सूफी सज्जादानशीन काउंसिल के चेयरमैन सैयद नसीरु‌द्दीन चिश्ती ने इस मामले में आईएएनएस से कहा कि यह ऐतिहासिक कदम है, हमारी काफी पुरानी डिमांड थी हमने कई बार इसमें बदलाव को लेकर हुकूमत को मेमोरेंडम दिया है। हम बदलाव चाहते हैं, नए वक्फ बोर्ड में जो नियम आ रहे हैं उसमें दरगाहों को भी जगह दी जाए। इसके अलावा निजामुद्दीन औलिया दरगाह के सज्जादानशीन फरीद अहमद निजामी ने कहा कि हमारे सामने ड्राफ्ट आएगा तभी हम कुछ बता पाएंगे उम्मीद है कि बहुत सारी चीजें बेहतर बनाई जाएंगी। दरगाह फतेहपुर सिकरी के नायब फरीद अरशद ने कहा कि हमारा कहना है कि वक्फ बोर्ड अमेंडमेंट बिल को जब तक हम देख ना लें तब तक उसके बारे में किसी को कोई टिप्पणी नहीं करनी चाहिए। इस वक्त बहस छिड़ी हुई है कि कानून मुसलमानों के खिलाफ है। अगर उसके अंदर कोई चीज ऐसी है जो मुसलमान के हित में नहीं है तो उसका निश्चित रूप से समाधान होना चाहिए।

#Waqfboardbill #modigovernment #waqfactamendmentbill #waqfboardproperties #sajjadnashincouncil


00:00Welcome the decision of the government of India for moving the amendment of amendment bill before the parliament
00:05This was a long awaited demand
00:08We have given the memorandum to the government many times
00:11Many organizations have also given
00:13We want there to be an amendment
00:15There should be a reformation within the Wakt board
00:18In that, Sajjad Anasheen and Dargahs should get representation
00:20Dargahs are the biggest stakeholders of this country
00:23Most of the properties belong to the Dargah
00:26That property should be utilized in the proper manner
00:28And should be developed in the proper manner
00:30For the utilization of the upliftment of the society
00:33So we welcome the decision of the government
00:35And those who are opposing
00:37I want to tell them not to mislead the community
00:39Until the bill comes
00:41Without reading the bill, how can you say that the government is working against the Muslims?
00:44Keep hope
00:46The government is always a supporter of the society
00:48A supporter of its people
00:50And whenever the law comes
00:52It comes in favor of the people, not against them
00:54So we are hopeful that when the bill comes
00:57We will get a chance to speak
00:59And when it goes to the select committee
01:02We will speak
01:04We want a Dargah board to be made
01:06Because in the present act
01:08The definition of Dargah is completely silent
01:10The present act does not say anything
01:12About the custom and tradition of Dargahs
01:14About the position of Sajjad Anasheen
01:16Sajjad Anasheen is the spiritual successor of Dargah
01:18His position should be defined
01:20Because most of the Sajjad Anasheens are hereditary
01:22And their respect and dignity should be defined
01:24There have been many amendments
01:26But this is not the first time
01:28And it is a fact
01:30And when the draft comes
01:32When it is presented
01:34When it comes before the eyes
01:36We will know what is written in it
01:38We hope that many things
01:40Will be made better
01:42In the previous act, many shortcomings have been left
01:44Especially with our Dargahs
01:46Our Sufi culture
01:48Of Dargahs
01:50For protection
01:52We want amendments to be made
01:54And our customs should be protected
01:58This is our appeal to the government
02:00And we hope that
02:02In this amendment
02:04It will be taken care of
02:06Keep this in mind
02:08Most of the Dargahs of Khankhah
02:10Are of Dargahs of Khankhah
02:12At every Dargah you will find a mosque
02:14You will find a graveyard
02:16Most of the properties of the present
02:18Are of Dargahs of Khankhah
02:20So we told them
02:22In your amendment
02:24Dargahs of Khankhah should be mentioned
02:26Beneficiaries of Dargahs of Khankhah
02:30Should be mentioned
02:32What are their status and rights
02:34And our customs
02:36Which have been going on for centuries
02:38For their protection
02:40You should keep provisions in it
02:42How can you say this when it has not come before your eyes
02:44This is misguiding
02:46And then people should keep their words
02:48And if they have any objection
02:50That this is wrong
02:52Keep it in front of the government
02:54If you have no more expectations from the government
02:56Then keep saying this
02:58Our opinion is that
03:00As long as we see this
03:02No one should comment on it
03:04There should not be any confusion
03:06Which has started a debate
03:08That this amendment is against Muslims
03:10As long as it is not read
03:12It has not come
03:14The bill has not been tabled
03:16Read it
03:18If there is anything in it
03:20Which is not in the interest of Muslims
03:22There should definitely be a solution
03:24It should be removed
03:26And we will give suggestions to the government
03:28Regarding that
03:30And we want the government to bring a bill
03:32Which is transparent
03:34And which is in the interest of Muslims
03:36We want to say to them
03:38How can you doubt the bill
03:40Without reading it
03:42After reading the bill
03:44There is no question of doubting it
03:46There are reforms
03:48There is always a chance for reforms
03:50There have always been changes
03:52If there is a good change
03:54Then welcome it
03:56All these problems
03:58They should find a solution
04:00There are definitely shortcomings
04:02There are things
04:04They should find a solution
