Missionary Man (2007) Action Thriller

  • last month
A mysterious stranger en route to his friend's funeral drives into town on a motorcycle with the Bible and a desire for justice.
00:03:55What's your poison
00:03:57Tequila no lime no salt coming right up
00:04:42Never saw anybody drink tequila like that and still read the Bible
00:04:46It's exactly the kind of medicine this town needs
00:04:50You know what? I mean?
00:04:57Look you fucking loser
00:05:28It's none of your business
00:05:30God damn it. Get out of the way. Oh, we're gonna beat you too. Hey mister
00:05:35Step back
00:06:16Thanks a lot, I'm Billy
00:06:23Which way the cemetery
00:06:27That way over the bridge Kim is
00:08:23My condolences
00:08:40Guess I could say a few words for a dearly departed brother from the book of Samuel
00:09:03Lord brings death and makes alive
00:09:08He brings down to the grave and raises up
00:09:14The Lord sends poverty and wealth
00:09:17He humbles he exalts
00:09:20He raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap
00:09:26He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor
00:11:09Excuse me
00:11:15You read from the Bible that was very kind of you
00:11:24You got a minute I'd like to introduce you to the family
00:11:35This is my father white dear
00:11:40And this is my son jr. This is my daughter Kiowa
00:11:52Everybody loved JJ. Did you serve together?
00:11:58You could say that were you in his unit cuz I don't see in the pictures
00:12:09They say he drowned in a river, yeah, right
00:12:33Is a heck of a nice bike out there that belong to you
00:12:41Believe we've met John Reno pleasure. Hey, you friend of JJ's, are you?
00:12:49Yeah, well, he's a good man. You gonna stay with us long
00:12:55Maybe I
00:12:58Heard about your little adventure in town. They're trying to help that druggie kid out
00:13:04I think I tell you it's no offense, but you're wasting your time
00:13:08That's your business
00:13:10Anyway, you need anything. You let me know. All right
00:13:15You said you from up north that right boy boy
00:13:23Peace brother, this is a time for mourning not fighting
00:13:42Let go of me and don't you ever touch me again easy darling, I'm not gonna hurt you
00:13:50Pretty skirl in town won't give me the time of day how you figure that Murph
00:13:54Look, I'm all broke up about JJ. Just like you are. He's a friend of mine
00:13:59besides I
00:14:01Just want to warn you
00:14:03Bad things happening in this town to people right now
00:14:08Especially folks who don't mind their own business
00:14:11You understand that look
00:14:16Come see me at the dealership
00:15:08There why can I get you mister
00:15:13Guess I'll settle for a room. Okay. Well, let's see
00:15:17Since we only got a few customers each week. I think we can fit you in
00:15:25Staying long how much for a week?
00:15:30Okay, well, let's see it's 50 bucks a day and one day free for our seven-day special rate
00:15:36Let's call it an even 300
00:15:42You must be here for the funeral
00:15:46JJ was a good man. Great carpenter used to help me with the little things around here whenever he had the time
00:15:58If you need anything
00:16:00Just let me know
00:16:15Is that him
00:16:16No fucking way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's him
00:16:20That motherfucker who's he think he's messing with?
00:16:56Back off hound dog
00:16:59He's at the hotel boss
00:17:01He's at the hotel
00:17:03Why don't you thrill me with your analysis Murph? What do you think? He is?
00:17:07ATF fed what?
00:17:10That's kind of hard to tell
00:17:12Folks down at the funeral said he's pretty harmless
00:17:16Reads the Bible drinks tequila
00:17:19Pretty much keeps to himself. I
00:17:22see he
00:17:24Took us by surprise boss. It's not gonna happen again. It better not happen again
00:17:32from now on
00:17:33It's just gonna be business as usual
00:17:37Here on this great reservation. Yeah, that's right business as usual boss
00:17:46You just keep a goddamn eye on our mystery man
00:17:49What the biker with the fucking Bible Gomez pay attention I
00:17:53Want you to put a couple of men on it?
00:17:55Especially tonight. I don't want any problems not with his shipment
00:17:58And I don't want people thinking I'm starting to lose my grip on this miserable excuse for a town
00:18:04Understand sure thing
00:18:07Murph Murph
00:18:10Yes, sir, boss
00:18:17Come on Reno
00:18:19Come over here and ride me like the cowboy. I know you are
00:18:23I'm here darling. I'm gonna saddle you up like a quarter horse
00:18:26Shave just like I like it
00:18:29Mmm, you taste like a peach
00:18:49Heard you a friend of JJ's
00:18:55That's right, well, that's real nice funerals over he's dead and buried
00:19:09So, what are you still doing here?
00:19:22Got my eyes on you remember that stay out of trouble
00:20:05Might love a young bird perch angry lonely and nowhere to fly
00:20:12He didn't drown JJ knew something about Reno
00:20:26Oh, sweetheart, I know how close you were to JJ. He was the father to you
00:20:34But you have to think of the rest of the family now
00:20:37We have to be careful Reno can do just about anything he wants to in this town
00:21:02You're upset about JJ, huh?
00:21:07You really think that Reno tried to kill him
00:21:10It's crazy. I just can't take it anymore, but Kiowa if that happened to him because of what we're trying to do
00:21:19What about us?
00:21:23JJ was right. I mean other tribal council members might be on Reno's side
00:21:31That's crazy
00:22:20Council meetings getting ready to start everyone come in
00:22:54No, no heights welcome everyone this tribal council is in session
00:23:02We are finally ready to decide on two proposals for this council from last month I
00:23:10Wanted to postpone today's meeting
00:23:13because of JJ
00:23:15We all loved him
00:23:17He was one of the most respected members of this council
00:23:21Assistant chief Lance
00:23:24Suggested we still discuss the gaming three proposal
00:23:28The tribal council has carefully studied and weighed the advantages and disadvantages of both proposals
00:23:36We've had a proposal for the building of a casino on the tribal property
00:23:42by Lance's
00:23:44construction group
00:23:48This proposal would bring many new jobs and much revenue for our people
00:23:55I'm very concerned with the many negative aspects of this proposal
00:24:01For now
00:24:03There's a very innovative online gaming alternative
00:24:06Proposed by the late JJ his sister Nancy and their family
00:24:12This proposal offers more highly skilled jobs and training for our people
00:24:19And takes advantage of the gaming profits without the negative aspects
00:24:28Will recommend this proposal to the council
00:24:32And as you all know my veto counts
00:24:37We need to rethink this there is too much money on the table for this tribe to lose
00:24:46I'm sorry. My decision is fine
00:25:22Was everything
00:25:26Not bad
00:25:30Well, I don't know how to say this
00:25:34But you don't look like a mean old biker
00:25:38I'm worried sir
00:25:40For starters you wear funny-looking reading glasses
00:25:44And you read the Bible and drink tequila
00:25:48Just the way you talk and treat people I
00:25:52Heard about that fight this morning
00:25:55It's a really nice thing you did for that kid Billy, you know, so I don't want to be Brian, but then don't
00:26:27Heard you were still here man
00:26:31I'm just just thought I'd let you know that
00:26:35There was those guys you beat up man, they work for this guy Reno
00:26:42Come on, it's old town. He's got everybody scared
00:26:54These guys
00:26:56They drown somebody in the river if you know what I mean
00:27:04Know exactly what you mean. You want some coffee? No
00:27:14So what's on your mind everybody's favorite citizen Reno
00:27:19You have to do something about him
00:27:22It ain't that simple
00:27:24The last time I tried to have an investigation was called off quickly by that judge
00:27:29JJ's drowning was no accident
00:27:35We're all gonna miss JJ
00:27:37But accusing Reno it's not gonna bring him back
00:27:41And it's only gonna cause more problems for you
00:27:45Come on sheriff
00:27:48Now you be careful stay out of Reno's way
00:27:53Because it's a very dangerous man
00:27:56Come back any time
00:28:00You have a nice day, okay, that's it
00:28:06That's it
00:28:13Now when I was a boy
00:28:15The government came and took me away from my mother and dad
00:28:18And put me when they call a residential school
00:28:22They cut my hair off
00:28:24Cut my hair off my hair was long I
00:28:29Couldn't speak my language if I spoke my language
00:28:32They would beat me. That's why a lot of people my age can't speak our language anymore
00:28:37Because it was beaten out of us
00:28:45I am looking at the eagle up there. You share the same fate
00:28:51You were destined to soar free above all others
00:28:55carried by the wind
00:28:57Feared by those below
00:29:03Now in our culture four is a sacred number
00:29:09Because everything grows in fours
00:29:12the seed
00:29:14The branches the fruit and the leaves
00:29:17When we pray we pray to the Creator we pray in four directions
00:29:22And the four winds come in four directions
00:29:24So four is a very sacred number for us
00:29:40I'll take care of it
00:29:44Come in
00:29:47I'm gonna wait here
00:30:06Hey there, I'll just take some of these
00:30:11So that day my uncle JJ drowned he came here first, right
00:30:16So what just asking
00:30:25Came in
00:30:26Got a case of beer. The sheriff's already asked me about that
00:30:31They said he was drunk when he drowned
00:30:36You know, we didn't drink
00:30:46I was a beer for then Reno because Reno drinks beer
00:30:55Okay, was Reno with him that day look I'm busy you want to pay for that
00:31:13Good afternoon, miss
00:31:15Can I help you with those candy bars?
00:31:20I heard that you were at the tribal council meeting today. What did the old fools have to say anything interesting?
00:31:27Hey, just let me go
00:31:29I asked you a question little lady
00:31:32Anything interesting? Yeah, it was above your kindergarten education
00:31:39That wasn't very nice
00:31:43You need to tell your mother something for me she needs to drop that idiotic gaming proposal first, okay, that's none of your business
00:31:50Let him go
00:31:53Just fine
00:31:55How old are you sweetheart?
00:31:5715 nice nice nice
00:32:00How'd you like to come hang out at the pool with me and the boys?
00:32:03We sure would love to see you in a bikini
00:32:08Oh, you know what, maybe we don't even have to go in
00:32:20Come on, man. Look, I don't think this is such a good idea. She's just a kid. What are you doing soft on his house?
00:32:26Get her to do your fucking job
00:32:28Since when did we become child molesters? She's back off, man
00:32:39You just keep on riding mister this ain't none of your business
00:32:48Everything you do from now on is my business fucking asshole. We own this town and the sheriff included
00:33:08No, stop you tried to help me
00:33:20All right, man get out of here
00:33:34I'm fine. I think so. Are you sure?
00:33:39I'll take you home. All right, you follow
00:34:00Why don't you come have some dinner mom's a really good cook
00:34:09I haven't had home cooking in a while
00:34:14Especially not this good
00:34:19Hey, thanks for um
00:34:22What you did
00:34:23Nobody stands up to reno
00:34:26His family's got too many connections in this town
00:34:29People like reno you just gotta stand up and fight back
00:34:35Some folks it's the only thing they understand
00:34:39So you travel around on your bike all the time and help people
00:34:47Yep tend to move around a lot and things just happen along the way
00:34:54Doesn't it get lonely?
00:34:59You know, you remind me so much of jay-jay he was always helping people out
00:35:02Yeah, and look what happened to him junior as soon as i'm 18 i'm getting it out of here
00:35:09There's no way i'm gonna end up like him
00:35:12It's a real shame that in today's day and age we couldn't find the evil that took him
00:35:18My grandfather was born a free indian before the reservations before the civil war before the railway even
00:35:28Now they're poisoning our youth for what the white man's evil
00:35:34Alcohol drugs and money
00:35:37The greed is the evil that killed my son
00:35:42He was a good warrior for our people and a great son
00:35:51Kiowa honey, why don't you take our guest outside for some fresh air we can have dessert later
00:36:16You where's your family
00:36:22My family is my friends and my faith
00:36:30And my bike
00:36:33Well, you have friends here now
00:36:36So I guess that makes us family, huh
00:36:40It looks like it
00:36:47I know what you mean though. It's like you're searching for something or someone you can never find
00:36:59Have a few years to figure it all out, but sometimes the answer is closer than you think
00:37:11I never knew my father, you know
00:37:17JJ always took care of me like father never had
00:37:24I just miss him a lot
00:37:29Just so unfair he's like here one day and then gone the next I just don't understand it
00:37:41Sometimes things are better left alone and not understood
00:37:45It's easy for you to say you can just beat up anyone you want
00:37:54Don't you have a girlfriend
00:38:02White deer is a wise old man
00:38:05He's seen many things in his lifetime
00:38:07Yeah, he likes you
00:38:10You want to go say good night to him?
00:38:13Yeah, all right
00:39:46Put your weapons on the ground put them on the ground now
00:39:50Now nobody moves nobody gets shot, it's that simple
00:40:00Alex jump down there grab those bags
00:40:06Put them on the boat one at a time
00:40:10Hurry let's go. Let's go put it all on the boat every single one of them. Don't miss anything
00:40:17That's it
00:40:38Come on
00:41:00Listen up
00:41:06Where the hell is he I think we lost him boss is gonna kick our ass
00:41:16What is it
00:41:18All right, that's enough come on back to the boat get back here and get on board let's get out of here
00:42:10I want to know who the runaway was
00:42:13Sure thing boss
00:42:15Who the hell is he?
00:42:17Who else knows about the deal
00:42:19You get that one got some good news for you. That'd be a relief. Yeah
00:42:23found this
00:42:25It's pretty what the hell is it?
00:42:28Billy the uh indian kid that owes us two grand. Oh, yeah, billy
00:42:35I want you to take some guys and find that runaway piece of shit and I want him dead understand
00:42:42You got it boss. I know just where to look for him
00:43:20Big night in black river saturday night mind if I join you
00:43:27Let's do a shot first
00:43:48I've had this hotel for eight years now used to hate the big city now. I kind of miss it
00:43:56Just trying to save enough money find me a good man and get the hell out of here
00:44:04Got next game
00:44:13Go have a drink have fun. Did I buy you that outfit?
00:44:20You can never spend too much on a good looking woman
00:44:26So what are we playing here chief the late ball?
00:44:29The stripes are solids
00:44:34No more killing all right, I cannot be involved in this anymore, excuse me
00:44:42We got to be more careful your methods they're crude they attract way too much attention my methods, huh
00:44:52Why don't you just worry about your end of the deal let me worry about mine, okay
00:44:57Damn, I need some more lines. I'll be right back
00:45:07Why don't you just put that pretty little ass of yours down in this chair, why don't you just have a seat
00:45:11I've got to go to the kitchen better that how about in my lap?
00:45:16Excuse me, miss hold this
00:45:20So gentlemen, is there a problem? Yeah
00:45:31Bottom line, you know it and I know it
00:45:34because if I don't deliver this
00:45:36This casino to the boys up north on a silver platter. They're going to be pissed off
00:45:40And no matter what happens, they're going to want their money. You understand? Yeah corner pocket
00:45:46Yeah, I thought we had the council with us on that thing
00:45:49That casino deal I should have been ours
00:45:52Well, then why does jay-jay's family control the project?
00:45:54Did you or did you not tell me if I got jay-jay out of the way?
00:45:58The tribal council will be forced to give us the project. Isn't that what you told me?
00:46:01Yeah, that's what I said. All right, I hear what you're saying
00:46:04Just let me see what I can do too late for that
00:46:07You see now I got to wipe out the whole fucking family just to make my point
00:46:11That's what i'm talking about your methods man. Yeah, they're effective
00:46:16They're effective every time side pocket
00:46:21Thanks for coming. I wasn't sure if you'd make it or not. I want to show you something
00:46:28Look who decided to show up
00:46:32Oh good perfect timing hi dad
00:46:40So today we have a very special guest and he's going to talk to us about the bible
00:46:46So I want you to say a very friendly. Hello to our family friend
00:46:52All right
00:46:54And what this is
00:46:59I need these to see the words
00:47:07Show me your ways oh lord teach me your paths
00:47:12Remember not the sins of my youth
00:47:15And my rebellious ways
00:47:18Good and upright is the lord
00:47:22Therefore he instructs sinners in his ways he
00:47:26Guides the humble and what is right?
00:47:30And teaches them his way
00:47:34You see the bible it's
00:47:36It's like a guidebook
00:47:39It helps us lead a good honest life mom come down here hurry
00:48:00I didn't mean that. I didn't know where else to go. Let's get him to the house
00:48:12You're lucky to be alive we got to get him to a clinic
00:48:17Wait a second
00:48:22Hold this
00:48:28Let's go kids
00:48:41Don't know about this drug deal going on down
00:48:45Down by the river
00:48:48I was just hoping I could make a score, you know
00:48:53But I didn't know reno was gonna be there
00:48:57And I sure shit didn't know he was gonna be killing everybody shit
00:49:03Look at those guys that were chasing me through the woods
00:49:08My necklace, I lost my necklace
00:49:28Stay inside no matter what happens
00:50:00This is serious business mister
00:50:03We don't want any trouble from you
00:50:06We're looking for an indian billy
00:50:09He was shot and we heard he was around here somewhere
00:50:15He stole something from us we need to find him
00:50:21Go ahead and call the sheriff
00:50:24He used the phone inside
00:50:31No can do mister
00:50:34You know that
00:50:37No, this is our problem and
00:50:41We're gonna deal with it ourselves
00:50:43The old-fashioned way
00:50:46Well, i'm sorry
00:50:49Can't help you boys
00:50:52Well, it looks like we might have ourselves a little problem here now, don't we no
00:51:00It was the kids that told us where the bleeding indian was by the old campground
00:51:05You should have seen those little runs shitting themselves
00:51:14When I got a job to do
00:51:17Nobody better stand in my way
00:51:21You better back the fuck off and move on or else
00:51:29So what you gonna do now preacher man, well i'm gonna ask you
00:51:35To beg the good lord's forgiveness
00:51:40But not before I take this knee
00:51:46And break that nose
00:51:52You know what
00:52:00There ain't nothing you can do about it
00:52:08Fuck you
00:52:21You don't know how to use that
00:52:24Oh, that's one way you're using it
00:52:29Okay, okay we get your point we get your point
00:52:42All right, drop your pants wait a minute drop them
00:52:47Drop your pants you too. Go ahead
00:52:56Get out of here
00:53:23Make sure you take them someplace safe. Don't worry not even reno knows of this place
00:53:29Our ancestors always spoke of a man that would come from the north followed by the evil
00:53:35Take care of my friends
00:53:37My prayers are with you
00:53:40This is it, isn't it?
00:53:42I'm never gonna see you again. No matter what
00:53:47Sometimes it's better this way
00:53:52Let's go
00:54:20You got a choice to make
00:54:22We'll help you out. But after you go to the doctor you have to testify against rena
00:54:27Otherwise you can go out there right now and deal with reno yourself
00:54:35All right, okay fine i'll do it
00:54:43Otherwise i'm a dead man, right?
00:55:01We've got an assault battery here at 61
00:55:07Witness reports that reno's men were seen leaving the area. So keep an eye out
00:55:46We have reno cold billy was shot last night
00:55:50You have what you have to go and arrest him. He ain't exactly the best witness billy saw reno commit murder
00:55:57So he's not really a bad guy
00:56:00Let's go
00:56:16Good afternoon folks
00:56:18I'll have a little powwow out here
00:56:20Hell, I wish I'd known I put an eagle feather in my hat
00:56:24You got a van full of sick kids here. What do you want reno?
00:56:26since you asked so kindly.
00:56:29Couple of my men are thinking about filing assault charges
00:56:31against this one here for beating the shit out of him.
00:56:34I'm thinking about filing vandalism charges
00:56:36for damage done to my vehicle up on the Adobe Flats.
00:56:38Hell, I've already talked to a judge.
00:56:41Self-defense, as the Lord is my witness.
00:56:45Well, let's talk about that, you and me.
00:56:48Let's say we go have a drink at my bar
00:56:49and talk things over.
00:56:52Sure, why not?
00:56:54Good, follow me.
00:56:56Y'all have a good afternoon.
00:57:01Relax, everybody relax.
00:57:03I'm gonna have a little talk with my friend here,
00:57:04have a little drink, see if we can work something out.
00:57:08Give me a beer.
00:57:09I'm gonna give this man whatever he wants.
00:57:15Tequila, straight up.
00:57:18No lime, no salt.
00:57:26I don't give a fuck who you are or where you came from.
00:57:35I damn sure don't give a fuck why you're here.
00:57:38The way I see it, we got three options.
00:57:40First is I can just kill you now and be done with it.
00:57:44The second, you can walk out of this bar alive,
00:57:46get on your iron horse and ride out of town.
00:57:49Never look back, and when you're gone, you stay gone.
00:57:52Third option, and for my money, the most interesting
00:57:54is you could come to work for me.
00:57:56Hell, I could use a man with your skills and your,
00:57:58how'd you put that, Gomez?
00:58:00Your spiritual disposition.
00:58:03Might even help my reputation.
00:58:07What do you say?
00:58:16First, your reputation's bad, it's always gonna be bad,
00:58:22no matter who works for you.
00:58:24Second, I don't like people who take advantage
00:58:29of others for power and money.
00:58:32And third, I don't like you, Reno.
00:58:42Well, I'll take that as a no.
00:58:47Thanks for the drink.
00:58:51Don't walk away from me.
00:58:53Hold it!
00:59:02No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
00:59:10Get down!
00:59:12Stay down, don't kill everybody, stay down!
00:59:27Wait, wait, wait!
00:59:29This holy man's day of reckoning is at hand.
00:59:36I said stop, God damn it!
00:59:38Nobody walks out on me!
00:59:40Hold it!
00:59:43That's enough.
00:59:45Now put your weapon down.
00:59:49Sheriff, what do you think you're doing?
00:59:52You put your gun down, or I'll put you down.
01:00:07Let's go find a little Indian boy to scout.
01:00:10Back in the bar.
01:00:12Move it.
01:00:21Move it.
01:00:30Damn, that was stupid.
01:00:33Now Reno's got me in his sights, too.
01:00:41I gotta find your missing witness before Reno does.
01:00:48All right, Sheriff.
01:00:51Let's go.
01:01:14I knew you'd come back.
01:01:22That's the gun they shot you with.
01:01:28I got something else for you.
01:01:52I'm sorry.
01:01:58While my enemies are driven back,
01:02:01they shall fall and perish at thy presence.
01:02:24Not interrupting you, am I?
01:02:28You make my call for me?
01:02:30Yeah, yeah, I did, boss.
01:02:33They'll be here tonight.
01:02:34Good, good, that's grand.
01:02:36It's about fucking time, too.
01:02:38Should've done this a long time ago.
01:02:40Sugar plum, honey.
01:02:42You don't mind if we talk a little business, do you?
01:02:45All right.
01:02:47Move it.
01:02:50So, what'd my buddy up north have to say?
01:03:16Come on, hurry!
01:04:06Thanks for coming, partner.
01:04:08Glad you're here.
01:04:11The crew does look good.
01:04:14See, you still got the twins with you,
01:04:16and they are still writing their own material.
01:04:20Better leave home without them.
01:04:22Business going well, I take it.
01:04:24Everything going smooth up north?
01:04:26Ain't no problems here.
01:04:27You know, usual.
01:04:28Some killin', some fuckin'.
01:04:30Lots of hard partying.
01:04:32That's what pays off in this business.
01:04:34Every time.
01:04:36Hey, Eli, ain't you a Benjamin Terrian?
01:05:25My problem is I got a witness.
01:05:29He's just a local Indian boy named Billy,
01:05:31but he saw one of my drug raids go down.
01:05:33And just seeing it go down,
01:05:35it's no big deal in and of itself,
01:05:37but this one got ugly.
01:05:39Got messy in a hurry,
01:05:40and somebody shot one of my men.
01:05:42All hell broke loose, and everybody died.
01:05:46You fucked up.
01:05:49Killin' dealers wasn't part of the plan.
01:05:52A lot of Mexicans are gonna want payback,
01:05:54and these Mexicans don't fuck around.
01:05:56Took their money, you took their drugs,
01:05:58and put some of these fuckin' cars in.
01:06:00What were you thinkin'?
01:06:11You still got the money and the drugs?
01:06:13Yeah, sure.
01:06:16This is what we're gonna do.
01:06:18Put a pin on the Indian kid.
01:06:22Put the money and the drugs on him.
01:06:24Make sure the sheriff finds him that way.
01:06:27It's a damn good idea.
01:06:30You think so, Reno?
01:06:34I don't know, because you still seem nervous.
01:06:36Is there something you're not telling me?
01:06:43A couple days ago,
01:06:45this little boy comes riding into town
01:06:47on a strange-looking bike.
01:06:49Starts beating up my men,
01:06:51shooting up my bar,
01:06:53causing me all kinds of trouble
01:06:56Big, tall, rough-looking bastard.
01:06:58Military training, for sure.
01:07:01Here's the weird thing.
01:07:03He carries a Bible around with him
01:07:05everywhere he goes.
01:07:09Come on.
01:07:11Did you say he had a Bible?
01:07:13How do you know it wasn't just a big book?
01:07:15It was a Bible, for sure.
01:07:17My men even tell me he reads from it.
01:07:21Is it a tall guy, blond hair?
01:07:23Old hog?
01:07:26Yeah. Yeah, that's him, exactly.
01:07:32Impossible. I knew a guy like that once,
01:07:34but that guy's dead.
01:07:36He's dead?
01:07:38Well, you fucked up, because he's alive.
01:07:40And he's kicking my ass.
01:07:44I fucked up?
01:07:48I fucked up?
01:07:50No, because the way I see it, Reno,
01:07:52the only one that's fucking up around here is you.
01:07:54Drug dealers are dead.
01:07:56Business is dead.
01:07:58You got a murder witness running around free that should be dead.
01:08:00And to top it all off,
01:08:02we still don't have a fucking casino.
01:08:14You got a nice place here, Reno.
01:08:18Hope you don't mind if I live here when you're dead.
01:08:24Come on, let's go, you piece of white trash.
01:08:26We're going to Black River.
01:08:30Come on, darling. Come on, honey.
01:08:32Look at that ass.
01:08:34This time you're going to take him.
01:08:54Come on.
01:09:14I wonder if my kids are okay.
01:09:18They're in good hands.
01:09:20White deer is a wise old man.
01:09:24You remind me of their father.
01:09:26Every day I see their faces
01:09:28and I think of him,
01:09:30remember him,
01:09:32and how much they miss him.
01:09:38He was killed by a biker gang.
01:09:46maybe something good
01:09:48will come out of what I have to do here.
01:09:50Just remember,
01:09:53to make the most of it.
01:09:59Can't you wait till morning?
01:10:02Please don't go.
01:10:23Ho, ho, ho.
01:10:29He's in there.
01:10:33He's in there.
01:10:35He's in there.
01:10:37He's in there.
01:10:39He's in there.
01:10:41He's in there.
01:10:43He's in there.
01:10:46He's in there.
01:11:02You must be Billy.
01:11:06Nobody else can be stupid enough to sit on my bike.
01:11:10Yeah, Billy.
01:11:12Who the fuck are you?
01:11:16My name's Jarf.
01:11:20That's a funny name.
01:11:24You know, there's a funny story that goes with that.
01:11:28My mother and father, they were really bad drunks,
01:11:30and the last thing she gave me
01:11:32before she died giving birth to me
01:11:34was his fucked up name.
01:11:36Now, long story short,
01:11:38my mother and father,
01:11:40they were really bad drunks,
01:11:42and the last thing she gave me
01:11:45was his fucked up name.
01:11:47Now, long story short,
01:11:49she's at the hospital on a table,
01:11:51legs up in the stirrups,
01:11:53and I come popping out.
01:11:55The nurse turns to her and says,
01:11:57what do you want to name him?
01:11:59Now, she meant to say Jeff,
01:12:01but she was just so drunk and beaten,
01:12:03you know, the old man busted her jaw,
01:12:05that it came out Jarf.
01:12:07And then she died a few minutes later.
01:12:09So I guess you could say I came into this world
01:12:11a little fucked up, huh?
01:12:15I want you to have this right here.
01:12:17I don't do drugs, Billy.
01:12:19They're bad for you.
01:12:23Oh, Billy, what happened, man?
01:12:25You hurt?
01:12:27What happened?
01:12:29What's up, chief?
01:12:33You hurt?
01:12:35Man, please.
01:12:37This is about the other night.
01:12:39Please, man.
01:12:42I won't tell nobody.
01:12:44I won't tell nobody. Please.
01:12:46Let me talk to Rita. I'll talk to Rita.
01:12:48Please, man.
01:12:54You red-skinned fucks will never learn.
01:12:56This is a white man's world.
01:13:12Not so fast.
01:13:14You got an old biker staying here.
01:13:18Tall guy, blonde.
01:13:20Reads the Bible.
01:13:22Screw you.
01:13:24That's the idea.
01:13:26Listen, you dirty little whore.
01:13:28Maybe you'd like to have this conversation in private.
01:13:30I'm not a whore.
01:13:32That's what they all say.
01:13:36I'm not a whore.
01:13:38I'm not a whore.
01:13:40Hey, what's going on?
01:14:11Hey, up against the wall, asshole.
01:14:13Is there a problem, officer?
01:14:15I said up against the wall.
01:14:18Is there a problem, officer?
01:14:20I said up against the wall.
01:14:47I'm sorry, did you say something?
01:15:17I'm sorry, did you say something?
01:15:47I'm sorry.
01:16:17Kyla, come back here.
01:16:19Come back.
01:16:21No, I'm going to help him.
01:16:47There he is.
01:17:09Where do you think you're going?
01:17:13Yeah, I know.
01:17:17So are my two deputies.
01:17:19And you're not going in there.
01:17:25All right, Sheriff.
01:17:27But under the circumstances,
01:17:31I make an exception.
01:17:45You're on the other side of town.
01:17:47By the bike.
01:17:49Thank you, Dan.
01:17:51Put your tampon back in and go let them know.
01:17:53All right, let's go.
01:17:55Come on.
01:18:15He's coming.
01:18:17He's coming.
01:18:41Hey, man, over there.
01:18:43Hey, man, over there.
01:18:53You, go that way.
01:18:55You, go that way.
01:19:05Not even God himself can save the holy men
01:19:07of this piece of shit town from me.
01:19:09I'll burn this fucking place to the ground.
01:19:11I'll burn this fucking place to the ground.
01:19:41I'll burn this place to the ground.
01:20:25My arm!