Maharshi Part 3

  • last month
00:00So now the next problem for you is
00:03The function fx plus pi by 2 equals pi by 2 minus modulus of x
00:13Find the first derivative of pi by 2
00:17How is it even possible?
00:44Sir, clap sir
00:47Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
00:51Thank you
00:53Ajay, I thought you'd solve the problem this time
00:56But this time too Ravi won
01:08You? This is Ravi's room, right?
01:14Teacher, yes, what can I do for you?
01:17Nothing, I just came to meet you
01:20You're such a genius, Ravi
01:22Tell me, how did you solve so many problems in one day?
01:26It's a long story, I'll tell you later
01:28Okay, shall we go for coffee?
01:31No, no, no, don't do all this
01:34I already have a girlfriend in my village
01:36She blindly trusts me
01:38How can I cheat her?
01:39Ravi, I only asked you for coffee
01:43As a friend only
01:44You know, it's important to have clarity in life
01:46Otherwise, after coffee, there's lunch
01:48After lunch, there's dinner
01:49And after dinner, everyone knows
01:51You're hiding something
01:53No, no, it's nothing like that
01:55Just as a friend, that's it
01:57Okay, I'll see you tomorrow
01:58But since you're my friend, you'll pay the bill
02:01Okay, see you
02:02Bye, bye
02:03And you, thank God
02:06That you got to share a room with a genius like Ravi
02:09Learn from him and work a little
02:11At least, you'll pass
02:13That's true
02:14Bye, Ravi, see you
02:20Come here
02:21Rishi, listen to me
02:22You fool
02:23Can't you spend on such a beautiful girl?
02:27Does a guy like you have a girlfriend?
02:29Why? Don't you believe me?
02:30Come, I'll show you
02:33This is Pallavi, my girlfriend
02:35Her dad is my dad's friend
02:36So, dad won't agree to this marriage
02:38There's nothing like that
02:43Who's this?
02:44I've never met him
02:47But why is he stuck here?
02:48There's an old lady in my village
02:50She says he's her grandson
02:51He sells photos from America
02:52The old lady shows him around the village
02:53My grandson went to America
02:54My grandson went to America
02:56She says that and wanders around the village
02:58Looking at her, the American ghost inside me woke up
03:00If he can go, why can't I?
03:01I'll go there and take photos and come back
03:04The American ghost inside you woke up because of her?
03:06A ghost can wake up because of anyone
03:08You can't go to America because of her
03:10She's a jinx
03:11Tear her apart
03:16Hi, Ravi
03:18Actually, Ravi
03:19I can't solve these algorithms
03:22Solve this one
03:25This one
03:27So, you wanted to ask me this over coffee?
03:29Actually, I don't think much during the day
03:32You write it down on a piece of paper
03:33I'll eat almonds and solve it by morning
03:35Actually, just one sentence
03:36Look at this
03:37Hello, Baba? What?
03:38You fell in the field?
03:39Baba has fallen
03:40My brain won't work anymore
03:41I'll solve it by morning
03:46Come on, do it
03:49You must know how to use a satellite
03:52Do what you're here to do
03:54We'll talk about the satellite later
03:56This lizard won't leave me alone
03:59Ravi, one minute
04:00What's wrong with you?
04:02Ravi, stop
04:09What's this?
04:10You think you're a hero by solving problems?
04:13I'm not a hero
04:14I'm a side hero
04:15I'll tell you the truth today
04:17Come here
04:18Everyone, come here
04:19I'm going to reveal the truth today
04:20Hello, blue dress
04:22Come here
04:23Come here
04:24I haven't solved that problem at all
04:26Then who did it?
04:28K. Rishi Kumar
04:29My roommate
04:30He solved all the problems
04:31If you still have any doubts, ask him
04:40Hi, Rishi
04:41Hi, sir
04:43I had my doubts when I saw Ravi for the first time
04:47But now it's all clear
04:49If you had solved the problem, why did you let Ravi solve it?
04:52What could I have done by telling you, sir?
04:54You could have called me a scholar on the college notice board
04:57I didn't come here to do this nonsense
04:59Then why did you come here?
05:00I don't have a choice, sir
05:02Even if I don't want to do what I'm going to do
05:04I'll still need your college degree
05:06What do you want to achieve?
05:09I want to rule the world, sir
05:11What did you say?
05:15I want to rule the world, sir
05:22In the past, warriors used to go to the battlefield to rule the world
05:26But now there's no need for bloodshed and war to rule
05:31Google, YouTube, Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter
05:35Have made the world their slave
05:38If you make even a single software out of them, sir
05:41The world will come to an end
05:48Life is a long race, Rishi
05:50And you're running fast like a rabbit, leaving the tortoise behind
05:53Careful, careful
05:54If you sleep in overconfidence like a rabbit, you'll lose
05:58Oh, sir
06:00Do you know Mo Farah?
06:02Mo Farah
06:03Mo Farah?
06:05Who is he?
06:06And Usain Bolt?
06:07Who doesn't know Usain Bolt?
06:09He has won Olympic gold medals in 100 metres and 200 metres in a row
06:12He's a world champion
06:14Mo Farah is also a world champion like Usain Bolt, sir
06:18Mo Farah has won two gold medals in a row in the same Olympics
06:20In which Usain Bolt has won gold medals
06:24But those medals weren't for 100 metres or 200 metres
06:27They were for 5,000 and 10,000 metres
06:31No one will remember the 5,000 and 10,000 metres
06:33If people remember Usain Bolt, who only ran 100 metres
06:38The world only remembers those who run the fastest, sir
06:43Now tell me, is it wrong for me to run fast?
06:47I respect you, sir
06:49You worried about me, thank you for that
06:52But I'm not one of those who will stop
06:55I'm getting late for class, sir
07:15Shall we go for coffee?
07:18I'm not interested
07:19What did you say?
07:20I quit coffee
07:23The thing is, coffee has a lot of caffeine
07:26It affects the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach
07:28And I've heard that drinking too much can cause problems in the lungs
07:33I can't ruin my life by drinking coffee for you
07:36Okay? Find another goat
07:45Hi Rishi
07:48You were right
07:49Coffee has a lot of side effects
07:51But green tea is really good
07:55Have you tried green tea?
07:57What happened?
07:58A boy invented an app in Japan
08:00And an American company bought it for 500 million dollars
08:04The world is moving so fast
08:05And you're still stuck on tea and coffee
08:09Hey, Geeta
08:10Hi, Rishi
08:11Come to my room tomorrow for coffee
08:14Yeah, sure
08:18What happened?
08:19What happened?
08:20I'll explain the side effects of coffee to you
08:24Okay, I get it
08:25I said too much the other day
08:31I'm sorry
08:34If you had told me yesterday, I'd have had 4 litres of coffee by now
08:38Two coffees with cream
08:40I'm Pooja
08:42And you must have heard my name