Maharshi Part 2

  • last month
00:00But the truth is that defeat is the first step to your victory.
00:07So students, if anyone wants to say something,
00:10this stage is yours.
00:19Hi, sir.
00:21I'm Rishi.
00:23Just now, sir said that defeat is the first step to your victory.
00:27But I don't believe him.
00:29All these speeches are found in forwarded messages and social media for free.
00:34According to you, the world revolves around successful people.
00:38But maybe you don't know that the same world will completely deny you even if you make a small mistake.
00:45Sir said, don't think of anything other than victory.
00:48If you don't mind, can I say something, sir?
00:50I don't think you are successful.
00:53There should never be a full stop in success.
00:56There should be commas in your success.
01:00But you have put a full stop, sir.
01:04Then how did you become successful?
01:07You said that this institute teaches you to be successful.
01:11If that was the case, there would be fewer walls here to put up their pictures.
01:15Every person has their own way of being successful.
01:20You should work so silently that success makes noise.
01:37Wow! You rocked it today.
01:40After listening to your speech, I was speechless.
01:43Yes, I saw it too. He is looking here.
01:49Hi, I am Jagruti.
01:51I am Kirti.
01:52What a speech you gave about success.
01:54Superb speech.
01:56See you.
01:57Excuse me.
01:59Stay in touch.
02:01He is so handsome, isn't he?
02:04What is this, boss?
02:05If you didn't want to drink, why did you take it?
02:06I was just checking whether the speech had an effect or not.
02:10It had a very good effect.
02:13Hi, Rishi.
02:14This is Ajay.
02:16The only topper of this institute's entrance exam.
02:20By the way, if there is any speech competition, you will top in that.
02:23But don't even think of topping in the exam.
02:25Because you will top, but from the bottom.
02:29Hello, topper anchor.
02:37Go and study hard.
02:54Such a big building.
02:56The whole village will fit in this.
02:58Forget about the village.
02:59Worry about yourself.
03:00You are more concerned about the village than the headman.
03:02You eat on time and take your medicines.
03:04I am leaving.
03:09You also eat on time.
03:11Don't worry about me.
03:12Call me every other day.
03:15You can go now.
03:22Where is the way to the boys hostel?
03:27Go straight and turn left.
03:29There is a notice board there.
03:30Everything is written there.
03:31Go and read it.
03:34The box is very heavy.
03:35Will someone help me carry it?
03:40You came late earlier.
03:42You are asking for help after that.
03:43You lazy fellow, carry your own load.
03:46Do you think I am a fool?
03:47Get lost.
03:52Get lost.
04:08Excuse me.
04:09Where is the way to the girls hostel?
04:10Go straight and turn right.
04:11There is a notice board there.
04:12You know how to read it.
04:13Go and read it.
04:15The box is very heavy.
04:16Will someone help me carry it?
04:18You came late earlier.
04:19You are asking for help after that.
04:21Do you think I am a fool?
04:22Shut up.
04:23If you respect a girl, she will respect you.
04:26Don't you feel like helping a beautiful girl?
04:30Give it to me.
04:31Here you go.
04:32Thank you very much.
04:34Did you see that?
04:42It is better to help this poor fellow..
04:44..than to sit there and pamper girls.
04:46You will pass with his blessings.
04:48What is this world?
04:50Oxygen is getting depleted from the air..
04:52..and humanity is getting depleted from the earth.
04:57Where are you from?
05:00I never saw you there.
05:03This is a very bad college.
05:04You will have to be careful here.
05:06With whom?
05:08With these crazy girls.
05:09In the first month of the year..
05:11..they reserve a girl for nine months.
05:13And the girl who refuses to listen to them..
05:15..they burn her with kerosene or mustard oil.
05:19Do you like coffee?
05:22Because here, the fun starts with coffee.
05:25After that, it is all about kissing and all that.
05:30Yes, I know.
05:33So, shall we go for coffee?
05:39No, no.
05:40I am not like that at all.
05:42I thought you were that type.
05:47Where did you disappear after asking me for coffee yesterday?
05:55Bad luck.
05:58You are absolutely right.
06:00There are many such examples in college.
06:04I can carry my own luggage.
06:07Who is he to carry my uncle?
06:10What is this?
06:19She is not as decent as she looks.
06:21You come here. Let's have coffee. Come on.
06:29Hey, what is this?
06:31Hey, are you my roommate?
06:34Hey, why have you made the room into a hookah bar?
06:37I am mixing Lubaan in the coal and making Panoti run away.
06:40Hey, you are Panoti.
06:42Come on, get out.
06:59Okay, okay. I am too.
07:04Sit down. Sit down. Please sit down.
07:08Whenever new students come here, it is fun to teach them.
07:10Something great.
07:11And that is why every professor is curious to know who is the most brilliant student in his class.
07:18So, this is your solution board.
07:21The most difficult questions are written on this board.
07:24It can take many months to solve them.
07:26Sometimes it happens that you don't get the right answer until the semester is over.
07:30And the one who solves it, his photo is printed in the college magazine.
07:33They are felicitated on the annual day.
07:36So, the question I want to ask is this.
07:38If the expression x square minus 4cx divided by x square plus bx plus c square equals to what?
07:48This is the problem.
07:49Now let's see who solves it.
07:51I am there.
07:54Yes, sir. I will do it.
08:05Hey, switch off the light.
08:07Can't you see? I am solving the problem.
08:11Is it necessary to solve it now?
08:13Yes, it is necessary. That's why I am doing it.
08:15Looking at you, it seems that you are just passing time and not studying.
08:18But I am not like that.
08:19My poor father solved the problem and sent me here to study with high hopes.
08:26So, you have come here to solve poverty.
08:30So, you won't switch off the light until it is solved.
08:32It can be done. Maybe it can't be done.
08:56Is it solved?
08:59Now switch off the light.
09:02Did you know the solution to this problem in the class?
09:04Yes, I knew.
09:05Then why didn't you tell in front of everyone in the class?
09:08Because that day I didn't have a problem with the light.
09:14Switch off the light.
09:16Why didn't you tell in front of everyone in the class?
09:19Because that day I didn't have a problem with the light.
09:22Why didn't you tell in front of everyone in the class?
09:24Switch off the light.
09:27Are you deaf?
09:32How is this possible? Who did this?
09:35How did the problem get solved?
09:36In the history of this institute, no one has solved this problem in a day.
09:40Come on, who did this?
09:42Yes, who did this?
09:45Ajay, did you do it?
09:46No, sir. I didn't do it.
09:47Then who did it?
09:52He did it, sir.
09:55What? You did it?
09:57Sir, I solved it. I solved it, sir.
10:00Yes, sir.