Maharshi Part 1

  • last month
00:00Hello everyone, I'm as excited as you are to announce the new CEO of Origin.
00:06He is a man of commitment, a man of confidence, and a man of courage.
00:12He is one of us, Mr. Rishi Kumar.
00:15At the age of 39, Rishi Kumar has achieved so many heights,
00:20that no one in their entire life can even imagine.
00:24In the history of Fortune 100 companies, Rishi Kumar has become the youngest CEO.
00:29In the glorious history of Origin's 50 years,
00:32no one can sit on the CEO's chair in just 5 years.
00:36But Rishi Kumar did it.
00:38He is a visionary, a revolutionary, and now he is the future.
00:43Welcome him.
00:47Please sit down.
00:51These days, news, social media, everywhere is talking about
00:53reaching this position is like a dream come true for everyone.
00:58But I would like to tell them one thing.
01:00I don't believe in dreams at all.
01:02I only believe in myself.
01:04And it is because of this belief that I am standing in front of you today.
01:08Thank you, sir, for having your trust in me.
01:14All the best, Rishi.
01:16You too, sir.
01:17The world is yours.
01:29Whenever we talk about success, you are always mentioned.
01:32When do we know if we are successful or not?
01:37Our past determines the future of our future.
01:41And we can make the past easier with our hard work and dedication.
01:48Did you ever think that you would reach this point?
01:51I did. That's why I am here.
01:53Your salary per year is 125 million dollars.
01:56Which is 950 crores according to Indian currency.
01:59Plus company shares.
02:00You are already a billionaire.
02:02You have earned a lot of money.
02:04How do you feel?
02:09I was in the 6th grade when my father took a loan of 10,000 rupees.
02:14And he could never repay it.
02:17The lender used to come to our house every week.
02:21When you didn't have the strength to repay the loan, why did you take it?
02:24It took you a year to repay it.
02:26When will you repay it?
02:28I am shouting and you are laughing.
02:30Shameless girl.
02:33Brother, tea.
02:34Shut up.
02:35Keep your tea to yourself.
02:37You always make me drink tea.
02:39You are a burden on the earth.
02:41Go and drown in the water.
02:44If he stays with you, he won't be able to do anything.
02:55Since that day, I was scared of my mother.
02:58I used to ask the neighbors to lock the house... that the lender wouldn't come back.
03:07I am not happy that I have crores of rupees.
03:10As much as I am sad that I don't have 10,000 rupees.
03:15Money is a strange thing.
03:17If you don't have it, it's nothing.
03:19And if you have it, it's everything.
03:22When we run after money, it runs away from us.
03:27And when we don't think about it, it runs after us.
03:34My focus is on work, not money.
03:36That's great, sir.
03:38What is the definition of success?
03:42There is no definition of success.
03:51Hi, Rishi. Do you know you are the most searched person on Google? Really.
04:12Tell me something that I don't know.
04:15It's my birthday today.
04:18Happy birthday.
04:19I have a party in the evening.
04:21No excuses. You got to be there.
04:23Okay. I'll be there.
04:39That's great. Raju became a gentleman.
04:43But he forgot his friends.
04:45We are not less.
04:46Even if he forgets, we won't let him forget.
04:49Come in front.
04:57Rishi, my lion.
05:04What are you doing here?
05:16Hi, Rishi.
05:17Hey, Pankaj.
05:18How are you?
05:19I am fine.
05:22How are you?
05:23How are you, Rishi?
05:28And Geeta?
05:30Shall we go for coffee?
05:33You haven't changed at all, Rishi.
05:34Hi, Rishi.
05:45Sir, what are you doing here?
05:47It was a surprise for you, Rishi.
05:49That's why I left everything and came.
05:52Thanks, Nidhi.
05:53This is the mastermind of the surprise.
05:54Yes, Rishi.
05:55And I didn't throw this party for my birthday.
05:57It was a surprise for you, Rishi.
05:59Thanks, Nidhi.
06:02As a professor, I have seen many batches.
06:06But only a few of them were special.
06:09But you made your batch much more special for me, Rishi.
06:15Thank you, sir.
06:17And thank you all for making this day special.
06:21It feels good to see all of you here after years.
06:27I miss the university, sir.
06:28Oh, wow.
06:29Oh, yeah.
06:30Did you forget your first ride?
06:59Give this to Baba.
07:02A friend can interfere in his friend's love, fights and gains.
07:04That's fine.
07:05But when it comes to a friend's Hitler father,
07:07you shouldn't interfere.
07:09Baba, go and give it to him yourself.
07:10Okay, hold this.
07:13Are you out of your mind?
07:14Why did you send him when there was no one?
07:15I talked to the registrar and made all the arrangements.
07:17I spread the news.
07:18Sir, as per rules...
07:19Hey, just shut up.
07:20What rules?
07:21I don't know why he is behaving like this.
07:23I told you to throw him out.
07:26Sir, your father had appointed me.
07:29Why are you staring at me?
07:30Get out.
07:31Sorry, sir.
07:39Who is this Sanki?
07:41Why are you calling him Sanki?
07:42He is our junior boss, Rahul sir.
07:45Give all this to Mr. Narayan.
07:50Good shot.
07:51Let's go.
07:52Cover him.
08:01Watch the ball.
08:02Watch the ball.
08:03So, have you finally decided?
08:05I will do what I have decided.
08:07And he must not have even thought about what I am going to do.
08:10Here, hold this.
08:19His stick has flown away.
08:21Hey, who are you?
08:22Your father.
08:24And you talk to your father with respect.
08:26Hey, how dare you hit me?
08:36Who are you?
08:44When father and son are talking to each other..
08:47..they don't interfere.
08:59You want to wear a cap?
09:02Hey, you!
09:08What a shot!
09:10The wicket must have flown away.
09:14Didn't you wear a guard today?
09:16No, no.
09:17You should have worn it today.
09:23At least tell me why are you hitting me?
09:25You insulted the principal in front of everyone in the college.
09:28Didn't your parents teach you manners?
09:31Which college? Which principal?
09:33Whom are you talking about?
09:35Aren't you Amit?
09:37Who is Amit?
09:38I am Rahul.
09:41Come on, liar. You are Amit.
09:42I swear, I am Rahul.
09:45Hey, Khanna.
09:46Yes, dad.
09:47He looks like Amit, right?
09:48Yes, even I had the same doubt a while ago.
09:50Because Amit is a polar bear and he is a black bear.
09:52Why didn't you tell me earlier?
09:53You had put in such a good over.
09:54I thought why should I give you a no ball?
09:56Poor guy got beaten up without a win.
09:58You could have at least told me.
10:00I was enjoying watching it.
10:02You will be fine.
10:04Get some ice.
10:05Okay, brother.
10:14Dad, I don't understand your logic.
10:17You and your father don't get along.
10:19But if someone misbehaves with him, you beat him up.
10:21I agree we don't get along.
10:23But if someone misbehaves with him, I will spare him.
10:28Hey, your Hitler dad is here.
10:29I am leaving.
10:31It will take him three hours to come.
10:33Dad, there are only three floors.
10:34It takes five minutes to climb from the bottom to the top.
10:35Look down.
10:40And watch how the crowd gathers.
10:43Yes, they are gathering.
10:45Now everyone will sit as if you are going to give a sermon to dad.
10:49You are giving a perfect commentary without watching the match.
10:52It's a daily routine.
10:54Now look.
10:55A mad man must have come downstairs.
10:56Mad man?
10:58Yes, he has come.
11:00Now dad will put his hand in his pocket.
11:02He has put his hand.
11:03Did he take out the money?
11:05He took it out and gave it.
11:08The interest on the loan taken day by day is increasing.
11:12But the charity is not decreasing.
11:13Can I say something, dad?
11:14Your father has a lot of admirers.
11:16Love is nothing.
11:17The day there is no money,
11:19the dog will not bite him.
11:22You are right.
11:24Everyone is laughing like Gandhiji laughs at a 500 rupee note.
11:28They are laughing.
11:30Even after all this,
11:31they are hiding their sorrow and laughing for the people.
11:34That's why
11:36they are my role models.
11:37What did you say?
11:38I learn from them what not to do in life.
11:40Thank God.
11:42By the way, did you tell them about the M-Tech plan or not?
11:44Plan for us.
11:45Shock for them.
11:48This is given by Rishi.
11:53What is this?
11:55What is written?
11:56There is a letter of M-Tech admission in Vizag IIT, mom.
12:00After B-Tech, you wanted to do civils, right?
12:02I didn't want to do it.
12:03They wanted to do it.
12:05They couldn't become a collector themselves.
12:06They want to make me do civils.
12:08What will you do after M-Tech?
12:09I will go to the US.
12:10And then?
12:12I will do anything, but I will not be a slave like them.
12:14Some trust their fate.
12:16Some write themselves.
12:17I am one of them.
12:18Name, money and fame.
12:20I want to win all this, mom.
12:22Is this the only way to win?
12:26Do you just want to earn money?
12:27If I think like them, mom,
12:30then I will remain the same.
12:36They will make you smile every day.
12:38Not me.
12:53Is this how you talk to your father?
12:54Did you see how he left the food?
12:56He has run away from the truth
12:59that he can't even look at his son.
13:01When I look at him,
13:03I am scared that I might become like him.
13:04Stop it now.
13:05I can't listen to this anymore.
13:06I am fed up of you two.
13:08I am leaving the house.
13:11How will I live without you?
13:16Tell me once.
13:17I won't go to Vizag.
13:19I am your mother.
13:20Don't talk to me like that.
13:22I know you very well.
13:25Tell me.
13:26When are you going to Vizag?
13:30After two days.
13:39Welcome to IIET.
13:41Science says that the world revolves around the sun.
13:45But the truth is that the world revolves around success.
13:49Now look at the wall behind me.
13:52This institute was established.
13:54Since then, 50,000 students have passed from here.
13:59But only seven people's photos are on this wall.
14:02Because they achieved success.
14:05You will find competition wherever you look in this world.
14:09I used to be a student here once.
14:12And sitting here, I dreamt of becoming the dean of this institute.
14:17And I did.
14:18You will be trained for success in this institute.
14:22Many students must be scared of every word.
14:27But the truth is that...