• 2 months ago
A new AI companion device called " Friend" is aiming to revolutionize personal connections by offering Constant companion and support.
00:00A brand new humanoid robot called Figure-02 just got the internet's attention.
00:07It is backed by OpenAI and some other huge names in tech like NVIDIA, Microsoft, and
00:11even Jeff Bezos' private fund.
00:13So yeah, it's pretty big.
00:15Alright, so let's get into it.
00:17Figure, the company behind this robot, just dropped a teaser video for their latest model,
00:24The video is short, like seriously short, but it's packed with some really interesting
00:28details if you look closely.
00:31So let's check out the video first, and then I'll break down everything you need
00:34to know.
00:58Alright, so we see some robotic joints, limbs, and these futuristic looking flexible mesh
01:24designs that are probably part of the robot's body.
01:27And if you're into specs, they even tease torquey ratings up to 150 newton meters.
01:32To break it down, that's basically a measure of how much force the robot can exert when
01:36it's moving something.
01:38There's also something about a ROM, or range of motion up to 195 degrees, which is kind
01:43of a big deal in the world of robotics.
01:46Now Brett Adcock, the founder of Figure and this guy's not new to wild tech startups.
01:51He's also behind Archer Aviation and Vetteri posted on Twitter, or X as it's called now,
01:56that Figure-02 is the most advanced humanoid robot on the planet.
02:01Bold claim, right?
02:03But with the backing they've got, it's hard not to take them seriously.
02:06So let's rewind a bit.
02:08Figure as a company only started in 2022, which is like yesterday in startup terms.
02:13And they've already got a lot of people talking.
02:15They came out of nowhere in March 2023 with their first model, Figure-01, which was aimed
02:21at tackling global labor shortages.
02:23The idea is that these robots can step in to do jobs that are unsafe or just plain boring
02:28for humans, like working in warehouses, factories, and retail.
02:32And get this, they built their first full-scale humanoid robot in just six months.
02:38Six months, people.
02:39That's insane.
02:40They've got a team of 40 experts, including their CTO, Dr. Jerry Pratt, who's a big name
02:45in the robotics world.
02:46Their vision is pretty clear, make robots that boost productivity, make workplaces safer,
02:51and get this, they've promised they'll never weaponize these robots.
02:54So they're really going for that good guy angle.
02:57What's also cool is they've already inked a deal with BMW manufacturing.
03:02So we might be seeing these robots in action sooner rather than later.
03:06And to top it off, Figure-01 had some impressive integration with OpenAI's GPT-4V model, which
03:13is like the top of the line AI tech right now.
03:15Can you explain why you did what you just did while you pick up this trash?
03:20So I gave you the apple because it's the only edible item I could provide you with from
03:25the table.
03:28So you can bet Figure-02 will be packing some even newer AI models when it drops on August
03:346th, 2024.
03:36Now Figure isn't the only one in the game.
03:40The race to bring AI-powered humanoid robots into our homes and workplaces is heating up.
03:45You've got Elon Musk out there saying there's going to be a market for over 10 billion,
03:50yes, billion with a B humanoid robots.
03:53He's working on his own robot, Tesla Optimus, which is basically going to be a competitor
03:58to Figure.
03:59And then there's Nvidia, who's been showing off some pretty wild stuff with their Project
04:03GR00T using Apple Vision Pro headsets to help train AI robots through teleoperators.
04:09Oh, and don't forget Boston Dynamics.
04:12Those guys have been in the game for a while.
04:14And they're working on their own humanoid robot too, upgrading their Atlas model with
04:19electric motors to make it cheaper and more reliable.
04:26Now another really interesting development in the world of AI and robotics is coming
04:31from a startup called Oxford Dynamics based in Harwell, Oxfordshire.
04:35They're working on a robot called Strider, and this thing is specifically designed to
04:39venture into some of the most dangerous environments known to man.
04:43We're talking about places where chemical, biological, or even nuclear threats are present.
04:49Basically, situations where you really wouldn't want to send a human.
04:52Now Oxford Dynamics isn't just playing around here.
04:55They've already landed a one million pounds contract with the UK Ministry of Defence,
05:00MOD, to design, develop, and supply these robots.
05:03The idea is instead of risking human lives, why not send in a machine that can handle
05:08the job?
05:09Mike Lawton, one of the directors at the company, is thinking big.
05:12He's talking about building hundreds, maybe even thousands of these Strider robots in
05:16the future, all with the goal of making the world a safer place.
05:20So what exactly can Strider do?
05:22Well this robot is pretty versatile.
05:24It's got a long, multi-jointed arm that can take readings, collect samples, and retrieve
05:29contaminated objects.
05:31And it moves around on these tank-like treads, which means it's built to handle rough,
05:36unpredictable terrain.
05:38Think about how tough it would be for a human in a hazmat suit to navigate a place like
05:44Strider can do it without breaking a sweat.
05:45Well, if robots could sweat.
05:48The company started working on Strider in November, and they've got until September
05:52to deliver the finished product to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.
05:57They're hoping Strider can be used in scenarios like the 2018 Novichok attack in Salisbury,
06:02where dealing with contaminated objects was a serious challenge.
06:06This robot could swoop in, grab those dangerous items, and secure them in sealed containers,
06:11all while performing tasks that would be really difficult for humans.
06:15But Oxford Dynamics isn't stopping there.
06:17They're planning to integrate their AI software into Strider, and they're calling it AVIS,
06:22which stands for a Very Intelligent System.
06:25That sounds a bit like Jarvis from Iron Man.
06:27You're spot on.
06:28That's exactly what inspired them.
06:30Wake up, daddy-some.
06:31Welcome home, son.
06:32The possibilities here are endless.
06:35Shefali Sharma, one of the founders, even mentioned that this tech could be adapted
06:39for use in submarines or fighter jets in the future.
06:41For these guys, seeing this technology get into the hands of people who truly need it
06:45is the ultimate goal.
06:47Shefali said it would be a dream come true to see Strider out there, making a real difference.
06:52And it's not just the startup that's excited.
06:54Ewan Davies from DEFRA, the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, mentioned
06:59in a statement that it's great to see these concepts rapidly turning into a highly capable
07:04and flexible platform.
07:06So just like FIGURE is pushing the boundaries of what humanoid robots can do, Oxford Dynamics
07:11is showing us how AI and robotics can literally save lives by stepping into the most hazardous
07:16situations on Earth.
07:18It's a thrilling time for technology, and it's going to be fascinating to see how both
07:22of these projects evolve in the near future.
07:25So yeah, the competition is fierce.
07:28But with the kind of momentum FIGURE has, plus the backing of some of the biggest names
07:33in tech, they seem like they're in a really strong position to keep pushing forward.
07:37I can't wait to see what this FIGURE 02 is really capable of when it's fully revealed.
07:43All right, if you're interested in how AI and robotics are reshaping our world, make
07:47sure to stick around for more deep dives into the latest tech.
07:50Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you don't miss
07:54out on the next video.
07:55Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you in the next one.
