Open AI ORION (GPT-5) Arrives with Strawberry AI This Fall: AGI Soon!

  • 2 days ago
Open AI'S upcoming AI model,condenam 'Strawberry'
Promises groundbreaking advancement in solving complex problem and generating synthetic data, potentialy advancing towards AGI.
00:00AGI might be closer than we think with OpenAI's new model, Strawberry, and they've already
00:09tested it.
00:10And let's just say it's a bit terrifying.
00:12Launching this fall, Strawberry could blow past the limits of current AI, handling tasks
00:16that were previously thought impossible.
00:18This model is packed with next-level capabilities, from solving complex problems to enhancing
00:23existing AI tools like ChatGPT.
00:25So let's get into it.
00:26Alright, Strawberry is the codename for OpenAI's new AI model, which they plan to launch this
00:32According to various reports, Strawberry is being designed to perform tasks that current
00:36AI models struggle with or simply can't do at all.
00:39Think of things like solving complex math problems it's never encountered before, developing
00:44detailed marketing strategies, or even tackling advanced word puzzles.
00:48For example, Strawberry has reportedly been able to solve the New York Times' Connections
00:54Which is no small feat for an AI, but Strawberry's abilities are far more serious than puzzles
00:58and math problems.
00:59The model is set to dramatically improve reasoning capabilities, allowing it to perform in-depth
01:05research, generate high-quality synthetic data, and potentially revolutionize fields
01:09that rely heavily on data analysis and strategic planning.
01:13OpenAI has even demonstrated Strawberry's capabilities to U.S. national security officials,
01:18showing just how seriously they're taking this new development.
01:21The potential applications for Strawberry are vast, spanning from business strategy
01:25and supply chain management to research and security.
01:27Now, the name Strawberry might sound a bit light-hearted, but the backstory is quite
01:31the opposite.
01:32Originally, this model was known as Q-Asterisk, pronounced Q-Star within OpenAI.
01:39This wasn't just a name change for branding purposes, it came at a time of significant
01:42upheaval at OpenAI.
01:44The internal development and potential implications of Q-Star led to some intense discussions
01:48within the company, even contributing to a temporary ouster of CEO Sam Altman.
01:53Altman was eventually reinstated, but the incident highlights the kind of pressure and
01:56scrutiny this model has been under from the very beginning.
02:00The concerns around Q-Star, and now Strawberry, stem from its potential to be a significant
02:05step toward AGI, Artificial General Intelligence.
02:08AGI represents the kind of AI that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across an array
02:13of tasks, much like a human.
02:15The tech community has been cautious about AGI because of the possible risks it poses.
02:20Advanced AI that can operate with a high degree of autonomy might present challenges, such
02:25as aligning its objectives with human values and ensuring it doesn't lead to unintended
02:30There's a lot of excitement, but also a fair amount of caution.
02:33Now, let's get into some of the technical details, because this is where Strawberry
02:37really stands out.
02:38The model is reported to have scored over 90% on the Math Benchmark, a series of championship-level
02:44math problems.
02:45To give you some context, GPT-4, another well-known model from OpenAI, only scored 53%, while
02:53GPT-4-0, an improved version, managed to reach 76.6%.
02:57If Strawberry truly hits the 90% mark, it's not just a minor upgrade, it's a quantum
03:02leap in terms of AI capabilities.
03:04The model also shows advanced reasoning and planning skills, making it more versatile
03:09than its predecessors.
03:10It's capable of generating synthetic data, which means it can create its own training
03:14material to continually improve its performance.
03:17This ability to self-generate data is groundbreaking.
03:20It reduces the need for massive amounts of real-world data to train AI models, which
03:25is a huge advantage considering the challenges and limitations associated with data privacy,
03:30quality, and availability.
03:32Moreover, Strawberry will likely be integrated into products like ChatGPT, enhancing its
03:37capabilities with advanced reasoning.
03:39This would allow ChatGPT to engage in conversation, solve complex problems, plan strategies, and
03:44assist with real-time research, making it a more versatile AI assistant.
03:48But that's just the beginning for OpenAI's plans with Strawberry.
03:52This model is also playing a crucial role in training a new AI system codenamed Orion.
03:56Rumored to be the next step beyond GPT-4 and GPT-4-0, Orion could potentially become the
04:02highly anticipated GPT-5.
04:05With Strawberry laying the groundwork for Orion's training data, it's clear that
04:09OpenAI isn't settling for minor upgrades, they're gearing up for a major breakthrough
04:13in AI capabilities.
04:15The approach they're using involves something akin to a technique called STAR, self-taught
04:19reasoner, which was proposed by researchers at Stanford.
04:22This method involves training AI models to reason more effectively by generating explanations
04:27for their answers, filtering out incorrect ones, and then fine-tuning the model based
04:32on these self-generated explanations.
04:35This kind of self-improving AI could be a crucial step toward AGI, where the AI isn't
04:40just reactive, but proactively improves its understanding and reasoning abilities over
04:47However, as exciting as Strawberry's potential is, there are legitimate concerns about AI
04:51safety, particularly as AI models become more advanced.
04:55OpenAI has been no stranger to these concerns.
04:57In fact, there's been quite a bit of internal turmoil regarding AI safety at the company.
05:02Stats indicate that nearly half of OpenAI's safety team has left, dropping from about
05:0630 members to just 16.
05:08Daniel Kokodeshlo, a former researcher, mentioned that people focused on AGI safety felt increasingly
05:14marginalized within the company.
05:16This has raised some eyebrows in the tech community, especially given the potential
05:19risks associated with developing highly advanced AI models like Strawberry.
05:23Several high-profile departures have further fueled these concerns.
05:27John Shulman, co-founder and head of OpenAI's alignment science efforts, recently left to
05:32join Anthropic, a company specifically focused on AI safety.
05:37Ilya Sutskever, another co-founder and chief scientist, also left OpenAI earlier this year
05:42to start his own company, Safe Superintelligence Inc.
05:44Both Shulman and Sutskever were key figures in OpenAI's safety efforts, so their departures
05:50suggest a significant shift in focus for the company.
05:53While OpenAI insists it remains committed to AI safety and is actively engaging with
05:58governments and communities on these issues, the exodus of key safety personnel could indicate
06:03a pivot toward more aggressive development and deployment of new technologies.
06:07Despite the internal challenges, OpenAI has been rolling out some impressive new features
06:12and models.
06:13Earlier this year, they introduced an advanced voice feature for ChatGPT using the GPT-4.0
06:19which allows for hyper-realistic audio responses and real-time interactive conversations where
06:24users can even interrupt ChatGPT mid-sentence.
06:27It's a small change that could have big implications, making AI interactions feel
06:31more natural and engaging.
06:34They also launched a new tool called SearchGPT, which is currently in prototype mode.
06:38SearchGPT aims to provide more concise and relevant search results than traditional search
06:43engines by offering summarized answers with source links instead of just a list of links.
06:47And for those looking for a more affordable AI solution, OpenAI rolled out GPT-4.0 Mini,
06:52a smaller and more cost-effective version of their AI model.
06:55GPT-4.0 Mini surpasses GPT-3.5 Turbo in performance across various benchmarks, including textual
07:01intelligence and multimodal reasoning.
07:04It's a smart move to cater to a broader audience, from developers to businesses, while still
07:08pushing the envelope on what AI can do.
07:11Looking ahead, the introduction of Strawberry could mark a pivotal moment not just for OpenAI,
07:16but for the entire AI landscape.
07:18Its capabilities to handle complex tasks, generate its own training data, and potentially
07:23integrate into existing tools like ChatGPT could redefine what's possible with AI.
07:28This isn't just about making chatbots smarter, it's about creating AI that can think, reason,
07:34and learn in ways that are increasingly human-like.
07:36However, with these advancements come significant challenges.
07:40The debate around AGI, the balance between innovation and safety, and the need for responsible
07:46AI development are more pressing than ever.
07:48OpenAI will need to carefully navigate these waters, ensuring that their drive for innovation
07:53does not overshadow the importance of safety and ethical considerations.
07:58Competitors like Google DeepMind are also making rapid advancements, with models like
08:02AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry2 already showing impressive results in mathematical reasoning.
08:07Also, Google just announced the release of three new experimental AI models.
08:11The first model, Gemini 1.5 Flash 8B, is a compact but powerful AI with 8 billion parameters
08:18designed for handling multimodal tasks.
08:21It's particularly good at processing large volumes of data quickly and summarizing long
08:25documents making it a strong choice for businesses needing fast and efficient AI solutions.
08:30Next up is the enhanced Gemini 1.5 Pro model, which improves on its predecessor in every
08:37This model shines at managing complex prompts and coding tasks, offering a significant boost
08:41in performance.
08:42It's perfect for developers and companies focused on creating advanced AI applications
08:46that need a nuanced understanding of language.
08:48Finally, there's the updated Gemini 1.5 Flash model.
08:52While details are scarce, Google reports notable performance gains, emphasizing speed and efficiency.
08:58Critical for scaling AI solutions without sacrificing quality, these models are now
09:02available through Google AI Studio and the Gemini API, offering new possibilities for
09:09These models are ideal for tasks like high-volume data processing, long-context summarization,
09:14and advanced coding.
09:15The competition is fierce, and open AI will need to stay ahead not just in terms of capabilities
09:20but also in maintaining trust and ensuring the safety of their AI models.
09:24Alright, if you found this video helpful, smash that like button, hit subscribe, and
09:29stay tuned for more updates on the latest in AI tech.
09:32Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you in the next one.
