• last year


00:00:44Que sucede
00:00:50Terminemos con esto de agua llegan unos 15 minutos
00:00:53Señores ya están satisfechos la señora kawai no se siente muy bien no es cierto así es
00:01:03Necesito descansar un poco que dice señora hoy aquí
00:01:06ahorremos el recorrido por el templo y vayamos a sus oficinas
00:01:10ya confirmó su identidad y nos acompañó para verificar la propiedad también no le basta no
00:01:16me gustaría ver el templo por dentro
00:01:19Pero ya casi es hora de que estamos por comprar la tierra que la señora kawai y sus antepasados
00:01:24protegieron por muchas generaciones sería irrespetuoso cerrar el trato sin presentar nuestros respetos en el salón principal
00:01:31tal vez le sorprenda un poco esto pero a pesar de nuestra apariencia
00:01:36valoramos las viejas tradiciones
00:01:42Señora kawai nos daría permiso
00:01:48Muchas gracias
00:02:18Terminemos en 10 minutos
00:02:29Estafadores de tierras son un grupo de fraude inmobiliario que se hacen pasar por propietarios que intentan vender sus terrenos y robar grandes sumas
00:02:37usando documentos que fueron falsificados
00:02:40un grupo se conforma de un líder un negociador un informante un experto legal un falsificador de documentos
00:02:48y un coordinador y reclutador de los impostores
00:02:51para estafar miles de millones
00:02:54necesitan técnicas criminales precisas y muy avanzadas
00:03:07Giraremos a la derecha por la ruta 15
00:03:19Es algo realmente
00:03:23No conocía un templo que tuviera esta aura divina en el corazón de tokyo como decirlo es algo catártico
00:03:33Este es el salón principal
00:03:38Escuché que aquí tienen estatuas budistas consideradas patrimonio cultural
00:03:43nos permitiría verlas por favor
00:03:47Sigan me señores muchas gracias
00:03:54La que le importan esas estatuas
00:04:17Oye algún problema
00:04:48Se encuentra bien
00:04:50Las puertas no discúlpenme
00:04:55Disculpen es muy antiguo debe ser la humedad de la ayudaremos
00:05:11Entramos con su permiso
00:05:21Esto es hermoso
00:05:24Presentaremos nuestros respetos
00:05:43Ok es suficiente la señora kawai tiene trabajo que hacer en el templo así que ya hay que irnos no
00:05:50hay una última cosa que me gustaría confirmar de qué se trata
00:05:59Este correo de la semana pasada
00:06:08El remitente dice que fue enviado por la señora natsumi kawai
00:06:16Por favor lea lo que dice
00:06:30Qué me permite
00:06:35Dice que no piensa vender esta tierra que todo este trato es completamente falso y que nos están engañando
00:06:43No ven que intentan asustarlos es una campaña de desprestigio
00:06:48Saben cómo es eso suceden cosas como esta cuando se trata de un gran negocio por supuesto que ya lo sabemos
00:06:54Es posible que sólo se trate de un intento de sabotaje de nuestro competidor
00:07:00sin embargo también es posible que lo haya escrito la señora que está insinuando con eso
00:07:05la está insultando
00:07:07ella no tiene nada cierre la boca
00:07:10tenemos 11 mil millones de yenes en juego
00:07:24Y no disculpas en realidad les he estado mintiendo
00:07:35Las estatuas no son un patrimonio cultural que
00:07:46Por favor sigan me
00:08:20Esto son los cinco tataga
00:08:22Y muy rara vez se muestran al público
00:08:26estos son el verdadero
00:08:28patrimonio cultural
00:08:30Por favor también memoriza esto de aquí estatuas de buda si bromeas no no hablo en serio
00:08:40Se los muestro
00:08:42Porque considero que quien posee a esta tierra ancestral debe conocer todos los secretos que tiene y debía ser sincero
00:08:50No tengo nada que ver con esto
00:08:56Aseguró que esto no es algo que yo escribiría
00:09:03Buda es mi testigo
00:09:09Creo en su palabra
00:09:12Perdone mi falta de respeto con toda humildad les pido
00:09:19Que utilicen esta tierra en beneficio de la sociedad
00:09:30Gracias por todo
00:09:37Una disculpa de venirse señora kawai muchas gracias gracias venga por aquí
00:09:53Apurémonos el señor ávila debe ir a la oficina pido disculpas por lo de antes no me disculpo no fue mi intención levantarle
00:10:00La voz tomaremos taxis y regresaremos
00:10:03Bueno nos despedimos gracias muchas gracias vamos a cerrar la puerta un momento por favor
00:10:11No estaba seguro de si esto sería de su agrado pero le trajimos este pequeño obsequio señora que amable de su parte es un placer
00:10:18Bueno ahora sí me despido muchas gracias
00:10:22Las puertas
00:14:53Thank you for your hard work.
00:14:55Your work was very splendid, Takumi.
00:15:01First, I will send this money abroad and I will wash it.
00:15:05Please tell Goto and Areiko
00:15:07that it will take some time before I can transfer their share.
00:15:12Wasn't that Takeshita's job?
00:15:14It was, but now I will do it.
00:15:19Yes, it was Takeshita.
00:15:22The return of Natsumi Kawai was so soon from Okinawa...
00:15:27because of this, right?
00:15:53You must keep this in mind, Takumi.
00:16:00It is not your enemy who drags you down
00:16:02just when you are about to reach your goal.
00:16:06It is always one of yours.
00:16:13Although his work was really impeccable.
00:16:18So let's toast to Takeshita.
00:16:22It will be such a great job that there will be corpses everywhere.
00:18:25I know you're in there.
00:18:29I'm Officer Kuramuchi.
00:18:31We met at the cemetery.
00:18:35I'm here to tell you something.
00:18:38Could you open the door?
00:18:43It's something important that concerns
00:18:46your late wife, son, and father.
00:18:49Well, just listen to me, please.
00:18:54I discovered Nishtani's whereabouts.
00:18:57The smuggler you were looking for.
00:18:59And now I know all the details of what happened.
00:19:02Nishtani is a fake name.
00:19:05His real name is Kazuma Saeki.
00:19:08He's hiding in Manila, in the Philippines.
00:19:12A detention center?
00:19:13Yes, it's an installation that looks like a prison.
00:19:16In the Philippines, it's much safer for criminals
00:19:19to stay in the detention center than in a hotel.
00:19:22If you give money to the staff,
00:19:24you can have all the comforts you want.
00:19:26Saeki has been giving instructions from there
00:19:29to commit some frauds in Japan.
00:19:31And he's been accumulating that money.
00:19:33I asked someone to sneak into the detention center
00:19:36to hear Saeki's story.
00:19:38And it seems to have coincided.
00:19:41Remember I told you that Saeki ran away
00:19:43because someone almost killed him?
00:19:45It turns out that the one who tried to kill him
00:19:47was this guy.
00:19:49He's not...
00:19:51Harrison Yamanaka.
00:19:53It turns out that the fraud against Masami, Takumi, and Sujimoto
00:19:56was orchestrated by Harrison himself.
00:19:58And Harrison tried to kill Saeki
00:20:00after a discussion about how to split the money.
00:20:04Honestly, the guy is crazy.
00:20:06Unlike us, he's not interested in money.
00:20:09Frauds are a kind of crazy game for him.
00:20:12And once the job is done,
00:20:14he kills his partners and impostors for fun.
00:20:17And besides, the very sick one records everything.
00:20:22Look at my hands.
00:20:23And he didn't stop recording while he cut my fingers.
00:20:28Now I'll send everyone to hell.
00:20:33That idiot is not a human being.
00:20:36He's a fucking lunatic.
00:20:39Don't you think Harrison already knew everything from the beginning
00:20:42and that's why he asked you to become a land swindler?
00:20:47Can't you see that the one who destroyed his family was Harrison?
00:20:53I don't know what kind of real estate fraud
00:20:56you're trying to do right now,
00:20:59or what company.
00:21:01Or if you've already done it.
00:21:08I think Harrison plans to kill all of you.
00:21:19I'll leave the photo
00:21:22and my card with my data.
00:21:30Contact me when you're ready to talk.
00:23:25And then everything is reduced to whether you can or cannot
00:23:28trust yourself, right?
00:23:30That's right.
00:23:31Many people talk about other techniques
00:23:33like data, precedents or accomplishments.
00:23:35But those who let those things dictate their judgments
00:23:37are idiots.
00:23:40He's talking about you.
00:23:42Nobody explains this project to me.
00:23:44Almost everyone gave up.
00:23:47Shut up, idiot.
00:23:48At least I don't stay quiet.
00:23:49But you know something?
00:23:51I never gave up.
00:23:54I used my feet.
00:23:56I went in search of that land
00:23:59and I clung to it.
00:24:04I must say that you also worked hard on this,
00:24:07so thank you.
00:24:08Very well said.
00:24:12Congratulations on your great achievement.
00:24:14Once again,
00:24:15let's toast to the whole Aoyagi team.
00:24:21I'll get drunk tonight
00:24:23and you guys will too.
00:24:25Thank you, sir.
00:24:27Hello. Are you having fun?
00:24:29Good evening, sir.
00:24:30Good evening.
00:24:31I had a business dinner nearby.
00:24:33I came to say hello.
00:24:35Good job.
00:24:40About the next promotion meeting,
00:24:42I'll recommend you.
00:24:43Get ready.
00:24:46I'll also inform the director.
00:24:49Who is he?
00:24:50He's our president.
00:24:53And the next president after him
00:24:56will be our boss.
00:25:00Very well, everyone.
00:25:01Support this young man.
00:25:03Yes, sir.
00:25:07It's for all of you.
00:25:09A bottle of champagne from our president.
00:25:12Thank you, sir.
00:25:14You can be late tomorrow.
00:25:18Very well. I must go.
00:25:20Thank you, sir.
00:25:21Thank you very much.
00:25:22Thank you very much.
00:25:28Let's celebrate!
00:25:45Do you see that over there?
00:25:50Can you see a dark spot?
00:25:53Beyond that station?
00:25:56No, I don't see any.
00:25:58That's the land he got for $11.2 billion.
00:26:05How nice!
00:26:09Enjoy it.
00:26:13I was the winner.
00:26:16I am the winner.
00:26:39On this...
00:26:49One year later...
00:27:10Hi, Nagai. How are you?
00:27:12Hi, Takumi. You good?
00:27:14What's this? What's going on?
00:27:15It's just that I'm going to move.
00:27:18The job we just did was too big.
00:27:21I'd better go before the police find me.
00:27:23Of course, I understand.
00:27:25I'll leave the food here for the kittens.
00:27:27Oh, thank you.
00:27:29Good kitten.
00:27:30And what about you?
00:27:32All good?
00:27:33Ah, well, it's time for Sekio to discover
00:27:35that his request was rejected.
00:27:37I wish I could see his face.
00:28:12Excuse me.
00:28:14May I ask what you're doing?
00:28:18Ah, ah, wait a minute, please.
00:28:20Excuse me.
00:28:21Hey, can you come?
00:28:22It's just that someone left the temple.
00:28:24Yes, I'm coming.
00:28:26Ask him.
00:28:28Yes, tell me.
00:28:30It's just that...
00:28:31What is all this?
00:28:33Today we begin the study of the terrain
00:28:35and we appreciate your support in this.
00:28:37Hey, show him the agenda.
00:28:38Right away.
00:28:40This is the deadline for the demolition process.
00:28:42We would appreciate your understanding.
00:28:43We also deliver this brochure to your neighbors.
00:28:45Here you go.
00:28:48Shall we continue?
00:28:50Excuse me.
00:29:00From the first floor to the third,
00:29:02there will be an area of restaurants and cafes.
00:29:04From the fourth floor to the thirteenth floor,
00:29:06there will be rental offices.
00:29:08And from the fourteenth floor to the twenty-first floor,
00:29:10hotel accommodation.
00:29:12That makes this a commercial complex.
00:29:14However, there will also be cultural components
00:29:16such as cinema and theater.
00:29:18With that, we expect a greater number of customers
00:29:20as we do not limit the demography.
00:29:30This area has been called for a long time
00:29:32the South Gate of Tokyo.
00:29:34However, there is no notable reference point.
00:29:36What do you mean?
00:29:38Surely the Takanawa project
00:29:40will constitute a new milestone
00:29:42and will lead to the revitalization
00:29:44of this entire area.
00:29:46It is not the time.
00:29:48Besides, Torano Mons Hills is already being...
00:29:50It is urgent, sir.
00:29:52They called the police regarding the earthquake.
00:29:58Excuse me.
00:29:59We will take a break.
00:30:01Excuse me.
00:30:06What do you mean the police are there?
00:30:08What's going on?
00:30:09It didn't make much sense what they were saying,
00:30:11but Mrs. Kawai called the police.
00:30:14What's going on?
00:30:15In any case, we must go there.
00:30:17Hey, boss!
00:30:18It's an emergency!
00:30:19Legal matters!
00:30:20I just...
00:30:21What are you talking about?
00:30:23Legal matters.
00:30:24She just contacted us.
00:30:26No fuss. Speak up!
00:30:28They are saying that our request
00:30:31was rejected.
00:30:39They are saying that our request
00:30:41was rejected.
00:30:43They are saying that our request
00:30:45was rejected.
00:30:47They are saying that our request
00:30:49was rejected.
00:30:51They are saying that our request
00:30:53was rejected.
00:30:55They are saying that our request
00:30:57was rejected.
00:30:59They are saying that our request
00:31:01was rejected.
00:31:03They are saying that our request
00:31:05was rejected.
00:31:07Let him go.
00:31:18How stupid.
00:31:19What do you mean you don't know her?
00:31:22How is it possible to buy a land
00:31:24worth more than $10,000 million
00:31:26without meeting face to face with the owner?
00:31:28Explain yourself!
00:31:30Are you sure this isn't a land fraud?
00:31:32What if this land wasn't for sale?
00:31:34What is this?
00:31:37These papers can be easily falsified.
00:31:39This smells like fraud.
00:31:44I don't know anything about this.
00:31:48Excuse me.
00:31:50Can I...
00:31:52Can I...
00:31:54Can I talk to Ms. Natsumi Kawai?
00:31:58I am Natsumi Kawai.
00:32:07That's a lie.
00:32:13This woman...
00:32:15This woman...
00:32:17can't be Natsumi Kawai.
00:32:21You can't be Natsumi Kawai!
00:32:23You can't be Natsumi Kawai!
00:32:25You can't be her!
00:32:27You are not her!
00:32:35This isn't...
00:32:39This isn't happening.
00:32:44No, you...
00:32:46You are not her.
00:32:59Some shitty scammers
00:33:01will never achieve something like this.
00:33:06I will manage the assets of the company.
00:33:08You are being condescended, sir.
00:33:10I implore you, Koichi.
00:33:12You are not the owner of this company.
00:33:16I assure you.
00:33:18You are being condescended.
00:33:20You are being condescended.
00:33:22You are being condescended.
00:33:24This wedding is my destiny.
00:33:26This wedding is my destiny.
00:34:28The End
00:34:30The End
00:34:32The End
00:34:34The End
00:34:36The End
00:34:46It's started.
00:34:53He ran over her and ran away?
00:34:55What's this?
00:34:58There was a car accident with a wounded man.
00:35:00The victim is in critical condition.
00:35:02He seems to be a relevant person
00:35:04for the report of the crime committed in Kwanji,
00:35:06near the scene of the accident.
00:35:08The link between the crime in Kwanji
00:35:10and the accident needs to be investigated more thoroughly.
00:35:14We could get into trouble if we don't move.
00:35:16Takumi, what are you going to do?
00:35:18If you're going to flee the country,
00:35:20I'll get you a fake passport.
00:35:22Hey, Enagai.
00:35:24Could you do me a favor?
00:35:35The Sekio case.
00:35:37It's up to us, right?
00:35:39Actually, it's not over yet.
00:35:43I heard that Sekio hasn't filed a report yet.
00:35:47I have no idea.
00:35:49It seems they have internal disputes.
00:36:11Good morning.
00:36:13Hey, friend. How are you feeling?
00:36:15I'm fine now.
00:36:17But it looks like they're going to keep checking me.
00:36:19I can't wait to get out of here.
00:36:23The food they give tastes so bad
00:36:25that I almost prefer to be killed.
00:36:27Then take it.
00:36:31Oh, thank you.
00:36:37What is this?
00:36:39It's your share.
00:36:41I can't accept it.
00:36:43If Takeshita finds out, he'll kill me.
00:36:45Just take it and that's it.
00:36:47Either way, you haven't been able to locate Takeshita.
00:36:49And you have to pay the hospital bill, right?
00:36:51I appreciate it.
00:36:53But seriously,
00:36:55I wonder where Takeshita went.
00:36:57What if he's dead?
00:37:03Maybe he overdosed
00:37:05and died in some canal.
00:37:09Very good.
00:37:15By the way,
00:37:17what's your plan after this?
00:37:19Are you going abroad?
00:37:22Well, it's a possibility.
00:37:24I'm so jealous.
00:37:26I should become a swindler.
00:37:28Or what do you think?
00:37:30Do you think I can do it
00:37:32if I go back a few years?
00:37:38The truth is,
00:37:40it's better if you don't do it.
00:37:42Why do you say that?
00:37:44Don't you think I can do it
00:37:46because I left school?
00:37:52I'm so jealous.
00:37:54I'm so jealous.
00:37:56I'm so jealous.
00:37:58I'm so jealous.
00:38:00I'm so jealous.
00:38:02I'm so jealous.
00:38:04I'm so jealous.
00:38:06I'm so jealous.
00:38:08I'm so jealous.
00:38:10I'm so jealous.
00:38:12I'm so jealous.
00:38:14I'm so jealous.
00:38:16I'm so jealous.
00:38:18I'm so jealous.
00:38:20I'm so jealous.
00:38:22I'm so jealous.
00:38:24I'm so jealous.
00:38:26I'm so jealous.
00:38:28I'm so jealous.
00:38:30I'm so jealous.
00:38:32I'm so jealous.
00:38:34I'm so jealous.
00:38:36I'm so jealous.
00:38:38I'm so jealous.
00:38:40I'm so jealous.
00:38:42I'm so jealous.
00:38:44I'm so jealous.
00:38:46I'm so jealous.
00:38:48I'm so jealous.
00:38:50I'm so jealous.
00:38:52I'm so jealous.
00:38:54I'm so jealous.
00:38:56I'm so jealous.
00:38:58I'm so jealous.
00:39:00I'm so jealous.
00:39:02I'm so jealous.
00:39:04I'm so jealous.
00:39:06I'm so jealous.
00:39:08I'm so jealous.
00:39:10I'm so jealous.
00:39:12I'm so jealous.
00:39:14I'm so jealous.
00:39:16I'm so jealous.
00:39:18I'm so jealous.
00:39:20I'm so jealous.
00:39:22I'm so jealous.
00:39:24I'm so jealous.
00:39:26I'm so jealous.
00:39:28I'm so jealous.
00:39:30I'm so jealous.
00:39:32I'm so jealous.
00:39:34I'm so jealous.
00:39:36I'm so jealous.
00:39:38I'm so jealous.
00:39:40I'm so jealous.
00:39:42I'm so jealous.
00:39:45I'm so jealous.
00:39:47I'm so jealous.
00:39:49I'm so jealous.
00:39:51I'm so jealous.
00:39:53I'm so jealous.
00:39:55I'm so jealous.
00:39:57I'm so jealous.
00:39:59I'm so jealous.
00:40:01I'm so jealous.
00:40:03I'm so jealous.
00:40:05I'm so jealous.
00:40:07I'm so jealous.
00:40:09I'm so jealous.
00:40:11I'm so jealous.
00:40:13How long has it been since we formed a team?
00:40:19Five years, Harrison.
00:40:21It's been so long.
00:40:23In just five years,
00:40:25we've been able to make a long and successful journey.
00:40:31We wouldn't have gotten so far
00:40:33if we had worked alone.
00:40:37I personally think we can go even further.
00:40:39I personally think we can go even further.
00:40:44So, so far
00:40:46that our imagination can't reach us.
00:40:52You'll come with me, won't you?
00:40:57What about Eriko and Goto?
00:41:02Let's express your wish
00:41:04that this would be your last job with me.
00:41:07What will happen to them?
00:41:12Will they end up like Takeshita?
00:41:18It's possible that some kind of sanction
00:41:20will be necessary.
00:41:24It's a fact of life
00:41:26that to win something,
00:41:28you must lose something else.
00:41:37It's a fact of life
00:41:39that to win something,
00:41:41you must lose something else.
00:41:43It's a fact of life
00:41:45that to win something,
00:41:47you must lose something else.
00:41:49It's a fact of life
00:41:51that to win something,
00:41:53you must lose something else.
00:41:55It's a fact of life
00:41:57that to win something,
00:41:59you must lose something else.
00:42:01It's a fact of life
00:42:03that to win something,
00:42:05you must lose something else.
00:42:37Do you want us to go?
00:42:39What do you think?
00:42:41We've already saved enough.
00:42:43So I want us to live
00:42:45in a huge country
00:42:47instead of one as populated as this one.
00:42:49You told me you wanted them
00:42:51to study abroad, didn't you?
00:42:53Yes, I know,
00:42:55but isn't it too sudden?
00:42:57The one who doesn't take risks doesn't win, love.
00:43:01And the one who doesn't have lunch doesn't poop.
00:43:05Where's the bathroom?
00:43:07It's back there.
00:43:25you've been killing
00:43:27your partners and impostors
00:43:29as if nothing happened?
00:43:32¿Qué sucede contigo?
00:43:50Y también a mi familia.
00:44:02Así que ya lo sabías.
00:44:08Aunque no tuve que ver
00:44:10con lo que le pasó a tu familia.
00:44:12Fue tu padre el que lo hizo.
00:44:14No me hago responsable
00:44:16de lo que decidan hacer después.
00:44:20No es cierto.
00:44:22Prácticamente tú los asesinaste.
00:44:26No puedo culparte
00:44:28por pensar de esa manera,
00:44:30pero la verdad solo fue una coincidencia
00:44:32que te invitara a ser un estafador.
00:44:36Puedes recordar
00:44:38la primera vez que nos conocimos.
00:44:42Ya habías
00:44:46matado a alguien en el pasado,
00:44:48¿no es así?
00:44:52Mi instinto
00:44:54me lo dijo en ese momento.
00:44:58Los dos fuimos cortados
00:45:00por la misma tijera.
00:45:02Por esa razón,
00:45:04decidí tomarte
00:45:06como mi aprendiz.
00:45:10Cuando supe tu nombre días más tarde,
00:45:12me sorprendió mucho
00:45:14descubrir que eras el hijo del hombre
00:45:16al que yo había estafado.
00:45:18Y entendí
00:45:20que ese era en realidad tu destino.
00:45:22Te convertiste
00:45:24en estafador
00:45:26para encontrar al estafador
00:45:28que condujo a tu familia a la muerte.
00:45:30Posiblemente haya sido
00:45:32la decisión más agonizante
00:45:34de toda tu vida,
00:45:36pero era
00:45:38inevitable para ti.
00:45:42Eres estafador
00:45:44porque estabas destinado
00:45:46a ser uno.
00:45:49Hiciste todo
00:45:51lo que necesitabas hacer
00:45:53para encontrar a este hombre.
00:45:55Ese era tu propósito
00:45:57y seguro era genuino.
00:45:59Pero, dime algo.
00:46:01Te uniste a mi equipo
00:46:03e hiciste varios fraudes.
00:46:05Has engañado
00:46:07a mucha gente
00:46:09y contribuido a su caída libre
00:46:11al infierno.
00:46:13Y con el paso del tiempo
00:46:15no empezaste a sentir éxtasis
00:46:17ante el acto del engaño
00:46:21porque te convertiste
00:46:23en un estafador real.
00:46:33No lo soy.
00:46:39Yo no soy
00:46:41un estafador
00:46:43de tierras.
00:46:57Le pediste a Nagai
00:46:59que te la hiciera.
00:47:03¿Qué piensas hacer
00:47:05con ese juguete?
00:47:11Ya practiqué
00:47:13unos tiros con ella.
00:47:15De ti aprendí
00:47:17que debo ser meticuloso.
00:47:19Ahora voy a matarte
00:47:23y a entregarme
00:47:25luego de eso.
00:47:29Le diré todo a la policía.
00:47:33Así será esto.
00:47:37Me apena escucharlo.
00:47:41De verdad quisiera
00:47:43poder pasar más tiempo contigo.
00:48:03Orochi vino hace un rato
00:48:05a pedir mi consejo
00:48:07para convertirse en un estafador.
00:48:11Así que le di una prueba
00:48:13para demostrar su determinación.
00:48:15¿Entonces sí aprobé?
00:48:19Excelente. Ya.
00:48:21Entonces acabaré con él.
00:48:25Tengo que hacerlo.
00:48:31Tenías razón.
00:48:33Es de muy buena calidad.
00:48:49Un simio retrasado como él
00:48:51nunca podrá convertirse en un estafador.
00:48:53¿No lo crees, Takumi?
00:49:07En verdad, tú has sido
00:49:09mi mayor obra maestra.
00:51:53-¡Policía! ¡Carison Yamanaka! ¡Levante las manos!
00:52:24You're not going to shoot me.
00:52:30That other detective would have already done it.
00:53:24I don't know.
00:53:54We'll go to the next one.
00:54:29Takumi Sujimoto's confession
00:54:31exposed all the details of the Seikyo House land fraud case.
00:54:36The details and the loss of 11.2 million yen
00:54:39caused a stir throughout the country.
00:54:42Every day, newspapers and news outlets
00:54:45talked about the term land swindler.
00:54:48They revealed their elaborate techniques,
00:54:51as well as their brutality
00:54:53by not hesitating to kill anyone from their group.
00:54:58On the other hand, what aroused public interest
00:55:01was how one of the main real estate promoters in Japan,
00:55:05the Seikyo House,
00:55:07was so easily swindled for 11.2 million yen
00:55:11for a property.
00:55:13Once the fraud saw the light of day,
00:55:15they created an internal investigation team
00:55:18led by President Wadajima.
00:55:20It was his responsibility.
00:55:22What was the reason...
00:55:24They interviewed each and every one of the employees involved,
00:55:28but they all gave vague testimony
00:55:30because Aoyagi, the head of the development division
00:55:33and the person in charge of the transaction,
00:55:36had already passed away at the time.
00:55:39It was Aoyagi.
00:55:42Subsequently, a new investigation team of third parties
00:55:45was formed, including the police.
00:55:47The investigation is still ongoing.
00:55:50But of the 11.2 million yen,
00:55:53only 1,000 million yen had been recovered
00:55:56from the Abiru Holdings corridor.
00:55:59The remaining 10,000 million yen received by the swindlers
00:56:02has not been recovered,
00:56:04and they are nowhere to be found.
00:56:14How is he?
00:56:20Don't move. Stay like that.
00:56:24Thank you very much.
00:56:32Has there been any news since then?
00:56:40Nothing other than what everyone already knows by the media.
00:56:44I understand.
00:56:46If there is anything I can do to help with the investigation,
00:56:50I offer my full cooperation.
00:56:54I will interrogate him in great detail when he leaves the hospital.
00:56:58Of course.
00:57:04Mr. Takumi,
00:57:06may I ask you a question?
00:57:09Whatever you want.
00:57:11In five years as a swindler,
00:57:15what did you feel?
00:57:20I mean,
00:57:22I'm sure your motivation was revenge.
00:57:27But that also led you to deceive and devastate many people.
00:57:32There were also many deaths.
00:57:36But for me,
00:57:38it doesn't seem like someone who can bear the gravity of his actions.
00:57:42Then why did he do it?
00:57:45Harrison told me at some point
00:57:49that despite all the people he threw straight into hell,
00:57:54part of me must have felt ecstasy when he did it.
00:58:03But the truth is that I...
00:58:07I never felt any of that.
00:58:15I just wanted to escape.
00:58:19From what?
00:58:21What swindlers do is
00:58:25build a big lie.
00:58:28Everything is fake
00:58:31and something non-existent.
00:58:34That's why I think
00:58:37what I was looking for in all of this
00:58:40was to escape from my reality
00:58:45and live in a world where I was someone different.
00:58:49Even if you had to forget about your revenge?
00:58:53No, that idea never left my mind.
00:59:00How much longer was I going to do it?
00:59:05Something was taking over me.
00:59:10A part of me was enjoying it.
00:59:13I'm not going to deny that.
00:59:16What you were doing wasn't a job.
00:59:22You were doing something else.
00:59:27It's a crime.
00:59:29All of you,
00:59:31the land swindlers and Harrison,
00:59:34committed unforgivable crimes
00:59:37and you have to pay.
00:59:57By the way,
01:00:01have you heard from Harrison?
01:00:56I'm sorry.
01:00:58I'm sorry.
01:01:00I'm sorry.
01:01:02I'm sorry.
01:01:04I'm sorry.
01:01:06I'm sorry.
01:01:08I'm sorry.
01:01:10I'm sorry.
01:01:12I'm sorry.
01:01:14I'm sorry.
01:01:16I'm sorry.
01:01:18I'm sorry.
01:01:20I'm sorry.
01:01:22I'm sorry.
01:01:24I'm sorry.
01:01:26I'm sorry.
01:01:28I'm sorry.
01:01:30I'm sorry.
01:01:32I'm sorry.
01:01:34I'm sorry.
01:01:36I'm sorry.
01:01:38I'm sorry.
01:01:40I'm sorry.
01:01:42I'm sorry.
01:01:44I'm sorry.
01:01:46I'm sorry.
01:01:48I'm sorry.
01:01:50I'm sorry.
01:01:52I'm sorry.
01:01:54I'm sorry.
01:01:56I'm sorry.
01:01:58I'm sorry.
01:02:00I'm sorry.
01:02:02I'm sorry.
01:02:04I'm sorry.
01:02:06I'm sorry.
01:02:08I'm sorry.
01:02:10I'm sorry.
01:02:12I'm sorry.
01:02:14I'm sorry.
01:02:16I'm sorry.
01:02:18I'm sorry.
01:02:20I'm sorry.
01:02:22I'm sorry.
01:02:24I'm sorry.
01:02:26I'm sorry.
01:02:28I'm sorry.
01:02:30I'm sorry.
01:02:32I'm sorry.
01:02:34I'm sorry.
01:02:36I'm sorry.
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01:02:40I'm sorry.
01:02:42I'm sorry.
01:02:44I'm sorry.
01:02:46I'm sorry.
01:02:48I'm sorry.
01:02:50I'm sorry.
01:02:52I'm sorry.
01:02:54I'm sorry.
01:02:56I'm sorry.
01:02:58I'm sorry.
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01:03:02I'm sorry.
01:03:04I'm sorry.
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01:04:28I'm sorry.
01:04:30I'm sorry.
01:04:32I'm sorry.
01:04:34I'm sorry.
01:04:36I'm sorry.
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01:04:40I'm sorry.
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01:06:50I'm sorry.
01:06:52I'm sorry.
01:06:54I'm sorry.
01:06:56I'm sorry.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:07:00I'm sorry.