Only For Love (2023) Episode 15-cdrama

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00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team
00:25潮汐的眼泪,是流星雨冷后下坠 The tears of the tide, are the meteor shower after the rain
00:32冬天做的梦太易碎,缠绵声叫醒了熟睡 The dream I made in winter is too fragile, and I woke up from a deep sleep
00:39月落下沉醉,光透过我指尖消退 The moon falls into a drunken state, and the light passes through my fingertips
00:46睁开脸一心如潮水,让时间不再乏味 I open my eyes and my heart is like a tide, so that time is no longer in my way
00:51晚风轻轻吹,想来一杯 I want to have a cup of night breeze
00:56霓虹气泡水,一口夏天的早醉 A sip of summer morning dew, a sip of summer morning dew
00:59阳光正明媚,我和你刚好搭配 The sunlight is bright, and you and I are a perfect match
01:03加点冰,有微醺的风味 Add some ice, with a slightly smoked flavor
01:06不要再皱眉 Don't frown
01:09你像气泡水,蔓延心动的滋味 You are like a bubble, with a heart-pounding taste
01:13把笑随风吹,我为你沦陷几回 Let the laughter follow the wind, and I will find a chance for you
01:16等风醉,饮几杯,心似水 Wait for the wind to be drunk, and drink a few cups of water
01:20温柔太凌脆,舍不回 Tenderness is too fragile, I can't take it back
01:47你干什么 What are you doing?
01:49我打车去我的酒店 I'm taking a taxi to my hotel
01:51这儿就是你酒店 This is your hotel
01:53战狼就在附近,所以酒店我就订这儿了 The war wolf is nearby, so I booked the hotel here
01:55你也要去战狼,还要跟踪采访,所以跟我住这里 You're going to the war wolf, and you're going to follow the interview, so you're staying here with me
02:00跟你住 With you?
02:02怎么?你不想吗? What? You don't want to?
02:16拒绝,会不会显得我很侥幸? If I say no, will I look like a hypocrite?
02:20不拒绝,我们这算什么? If I say no, what are we?
02:46施总,这样不合适吧? Mr. Shi, this is inappropriate, isn't it?
03:04哪儿不合适啊? What's inappropriate?
03:05你好,二位的行李已送到 Hello, your luggage has arrived
03:25接着说,哪儿不合适啊? Then tell me, where's inappropriate?
03:28你拿着我的卡,不合适 You take my card, it's not appropriate
03:36我刚刚在车上呢,实验就坐我旁边 I was in the car, and Shi Yan was sitting next to me
03:57你说的话他都听到了? He heard everything you said?
03:59听到了正好啊,正好推他一把 He heard it just in time, just in time to push him
04:02他不会都这样了还没反应吧? He won't be like this before he reacts, will he?
04:03也不算没有反应吧,我现在就在他住的酒店 He won't be like this, I'm in his hotel now
04:10那你还有时间给我打电话啊? Then you still have time to call me?
04:12房间的对面 Opposite the room
04:15施延,不行 Shi Yan, no
04:19胡说八道什么呢? What are you talking about?
04:22你是经历了什么? What did you experience?
04:25你不知道旅游是促进男女感情的最佳时机吗? Don't you know that traveling is the best way to promote romantic relationships?
04:36你得抓紧 You have to hurry
04:38我不跟你说了,明天还有采访,挂了啊 I won't talk to you anymore, I have an interview tomorrow, bye
04:51那行吧 Okay
04:53郁老师,有你的快递 Mr. Yu, here is your package
04:56谢谢啊 Thank you
04:57谁记得? Who remembers?
05:28但是经过技术人员专业的调查和检测,发现事故跟电池质量本身并无直接的关系,湛蓝蓝的电池一直都有非常好的品控,所以请广大车主不用担心,放心驾驶。 But after professional investigation and testing, we found that the accident had nothing to do with the quality of the battery itself. The battery of Zhan Lan Lan has always been in very good condition, so please don't worry about driving
05:44调查结果没公开就急着公关,总感觉事情没这么简单 The investigation results are not publicized, but publicized in a hurry, I always feel that things are not that simple
10:24We lost again, Shanshan!
10:26We lost again!
10:30Shanshan drank too much today.
10:31I'll help her.
10:32A hero saves a beauty.
10:35Beer is good for equipment.
10:38Beer is good for equipment.
10:40No problem.
10:43Come on, Shanshan.
10:44Hurry up.
10:46I quit.
10:48It's boring.
10:50are you going to give up now?
10:51Didn't you say you were in a bad mood
10:53and asked us to accompany you?
10:54It's my fault.
10:57I just finished this glass.
10:58I can't accompany you.
11:23I'm sorry.
12:23Thank you.
12:24You're welcome.
12:53You look good in black.
13:05I like your black.
13:23You're welcome.
13:53I have something to do in the morning.
14:13Come to me when you wake up.
14:19You came here to get to know the war wolf?
14:21That's right.
14:22The war wolf, Jiang Shaoyuan,
14:23is a native of Ancheng.
14:25He is also a famous business man in his hometown.
14:27He mentioned several times in public
14:29that he would go to Xiaguang Temple in Ancheng.
14:32Ten years ago,
14:33Mr. Jiang returned to his hometown and founded the war wolf.
14:34Later, he expanded the war wolf
14:36and led the local economy.
14:38In recent years,
14:39whenever Mr. Jiang has a chance,
14:40he will talk about good mountains and good water
14:42and invite foreign tourists to Ancheng for a trip.
14:44So if you want to get to know the war wolf,
14:46you have to get to know Jiang Shaoyuan first.
14:47If you want to get to know Jiang Shaoyuan,
14:48how can you not come to the Xiaguang Temple in his mouth?
14:53What's the matter, Mr. Shi?
14:57You did a lot of homework last night.
14:58How long have you been memorizing this paragraph?
15:02We reporters have to have a reason to speak.
15:05Of course I have to do my homework before I speak.
15:23Look at the steps.
15:25If you fall,
15:26we won't have to know Mr. Jiang today.
15:28Your efforts will be in vain.
15:30I won't.
15:53Drunk in the sunset
15:56The light passes through my fingertips
16:00Open your face and fall asleep
16:03Let time no longer deviate
16:05The evening breeze blows gently
16:09Have a drink
16:11A sip of water
16:12A sip of summer intoxication
16:14The light is bright
16:15You and I are a good match
16:17Add some ice
16:18The taste of the summer
16:21The gentleness is too fragile
16:23I can't say it
16:25I'll send you the photos in a minute.
16:29Handsome and beautiful.
16:32You two are so handsome.
16:35You are the most suitable couple I have ever seen today.
16:42We are not.
16:43What's the matter?
16:44You don't know yet, do you?
16:46Today is the last day of the Xiaguang Temple to be open to the public.
16:49Don't forget.
16:50Starting tomorrow,
16:51the temple will be closed for more than half a year.
16:53It's such a coincidence that you two are here.
16:55It's so rare.
16:56Why don't I take a picture for you two
16:58and leave an experience?
17:00No wonder there are so many people today.
17:02We are really lucky.
17:04Do you want to take a picture?
17:07I don't know when the next time I will come here.
17:11It's meaningful to take a picture and leave a memory.
17:15Yes, yes, yes.
17:16Come here.
17:18This view is the best.
17:25Come on.
17:28Handsome and beautiful.
17:30Let's be more natural and intimate.
17:34Lean on the handsome side.
17:40You two are closer.
17:41More sweet.
17:47Come on.
17:56Handsome, don't be so serious.
17:58Be happy.
18:02Handsome, you have a nice smile.
18:04Beauty, you have a smile, too.
18:06Yes, yes, yes.
18:07Come on.
18:09One, two, three.
18:14This is good.
18:15It's sweet just by looking at it.
18:16How do you say that?
18:18It feels like a couple.
18:20How about you two?
18:24Thank you.
18:25You took a good picture.
18:26You're welcome.
18:27As long as you are satisfied.
18:28Two photos.
18:30Add me on WeChat.
18:31Send me.
18:32I'll send you the photo.
18:33It's so expensive.
18:35This is a couple set price.
18:37How much is the original price?
18:38The original price is 5 billion.
18:42It's cheap.
18:43It's cheap.
18:44One dollar.
18:46Good intention.
18:47Long and long.
18:52Come on.
18:53I'll fix the picture.
18:54I'll send it to you.
18:55I'll give you an extra guide.
18:58There's a place over there.
19:00Couples are most willing to go there.
19:02Go there and ask for a kiss.
19:03I wish you two a long, long time.
19:06Have fun.
19:10Handsome and beautiful.
19:12You two are so beautiful.
19:14You are the most perfect couple I have ever seen.
19:18Why do you say the same thing?
19:19You call me handsome and beautiful.
19:42You are so beautiful.
19:55Do you really want to kiss?
20:12Do you want to kiss?
20:20What do you mean?
20:23Come here if you have money.
20:32How much is my money?
20:34The hostess drew a high-level money.
20:37It's a big deal.
20:39But it seems that the hostess is in the wrong place.
20:43It's a bit of a mess.
20:45Isn't it a high-level money?
20:47Don't worry.
20:48Although it's wrong,
20:49but the marriage is now limited.
20:51The hostess is destined to be married.
20:54The hostess must be devoted to her husband wholeheartedly.
20:57You two can entrust your whole life to heaven.
21:03It turns out that the heart is already in the dream,
21:05but not aware of it.
21:09Mr. Yue did believe me.
21:11Shi Yan is Qin Le Zhi's uncle.
21:13But in the dream,
21:15does it mean that he has already...
21:21Thank you.
21:23Thank you, sir.
21:24I will remember your words.
21:25Goodbye, hostess.
21:30Do you really believe this?
21:32Why not?
21:33Marriage is destined to be married.
21:39Let's go back and take a look.
21:49Grandpa, look.
21:50Why is there so much money in the piggy bank?
21:53And the hostess has been standing there for so long.
21:56She must have done something.
21:58You are still young.
21:59You don't understand.
22:00This is the fate of heaven.
22:03The fate of heaven is more humane.
22:10Zheng Shu Yi, look at the road.
22:17Isn't this good?
22:21When are you going to Zhan Lan?
22:23I was supposed to go today.
22:25But because of you...
22:27Because of me what?
22:29Because you are going tomorrow.
22:31So I changed to the day after tomorrow.
22:33I read the news of Zhan Lan yesterday.
22:35I found that they are now unified.
22:37It is said that the accident has nothing to do with their battery.
22:40But there is no public evidence.
22:42Now is the critical moment for their financing.
22:45I guess they probably want to make a big deal out of it.
22:49So I plan to go to Zhan Lan with you tomorrow.
22:52See if there is any harvest.
22:54So that I can do this interview well.
22:58So I changed the time.
23:00But because of this, I can travel with Mr. Shi.
23:05So I am the one who takes advantage.
23:10There is still time. Let's go to the next destination.
23:13There is another one?
23:14I made a strategy.
23:25Two bowls of noodles, one bowl of spring onion.
23:27Okay, wait a minute.
23:31You really love noodles.
23:42Sister Shuyi, when will you come back?
23:46Have you finished the manuscript?
23:50I am now in the heat of the water.
23:53I need your help.
23:55Two days later.
23:57Two days later.
24:02I can't live like this for a day.
24:06In this case, I will send you some information about Zhan Lan.
24:10You can sort it out according to these.
24:14Sister Shuyi, you are so cruel.
24:19Leave it to me.
24:21I will make a mess.
24:24Hello, two bowls of noodles.
24:28Thank you.
24:30Enjoy your meal.
24:42Uncle, uncle.
24:44I have a lot of work to do.
24:47Uncle, when will you come back?
24:50Two days later.
24:53Why do you have to wait two days?
24:56I haven't eaten yet.
24:58I am so pitiful.
25:00I don't care.
25:02You have to bring me some souvenirs and snacks.
25:05To comfort my wounded soul and tired soul.
25:10I got it.
25:12If you are not serious when eating,
25:14you will have a bad stomach.
25:16It's my niece.
25:19What did she ask you to do?
25:21She wants souvenirs.
25:26Rich people are so interesting.
25:28They want everything.
25:29They even want other people's things.
25:31They even want souvenirs from small places.
25:33They are so different.
25:41Shiyan, what do you want?
25:44No matter what you want,
25:46have you ever thought about your father and your family?
25:49Have you ever thought about how I feel?
25:51I told you what I want.
25:52But you never understood me.
25:54I really don't understand.
25:56You have already got so much.
25:58Why do you have to give up these?
26:00Why do you want so many things?
26:01So different?
26:03Have you ever thought about what I want?
26:05In your life plan,
26:07is there anyone like me?
26:18Shiyan, let's break up.
26:25Break up?
26:31Of course.
26:32Mr. Shi is different from others.
26:35Chen Shuyi,
26:38do you also think that I am really unreasonable?
26:43I don't think so.
26:45I always think that
26:46you are a person who has a lot of ideas and ideas.
26:48You will do your best for your dream.
26:52There are so many people in the world.
26:54If you are the same as others,
26:55it will be boring.
26:57Besides, Mr. Shi has a good taste.
27:01Especially you chose me
27:09to do Yunchuan's interview and topic.
27:18I also think that my taste
27:20is really good.
27:40Yu You, Yu You.
27:42I am so tired.
27:45Do you know?
27:47If you don't know, why don't you ask me?
27:51I don't know.
27:58One dollar.
28:02Professor Yu just got off work?
28:09We are colleagues.
28:11Why don't I treat you to dinner?
28:14No, thanks.
28:17You didn't say you had dinner.
28:19That means you haven't eaten yet.
28:21Do you want to eat with your girlfriend?
28:28If you don't like it,
28:29you can reject it directly.
28:30In this way, you won't be hurt.
28:32Otherwise, it will be a doubt.
28:37I don't have a girlfriend.
28:40Professor Yu doesn't like men.
28:42I don't have a girlfriend.
28:45If you don't take credit,
28:47you don't need to reject it.
28:53What do you mean?
28:54Professor Yu has been talking to me for a day.
28:56Just like the breeze on the river,
28:58it blew away the haze that I had in my work bag.
29:00Let me see the spring breeze
29:02and embrace the sunshine again.
29:04Such a great credit,
29:05I have to treat him to a meal.
29:07At least ten meals.
29:10You don't have to reject it.
29:13Miss Qin, don't be so polite.
29:15If the work pressure is really too much,
29:17you can try to do something to relieve the pressure.
29:19For example, extreme exercise.
29:20Of course, don't force it.
29:23If you really can't relieve it,
29:24you can consider changing to another job.
29:29Yu You, which temple are you from?
29:32Why don't you respect women at all?
29:43Thank you, Mr. Shi, for playing with me today.
29:45I'll go back first. See you tomorrow.
29:55Say something.
29:56Don't you have to say thank you
29:58when others say thank you to you?
30:16You say.
30:19Do you want...
30:43What are you doing?
30:53Why are you calling me at this time?
30:55Go out to play.
30:56I'm at home.
30:58Don't mind me.
30:59How are you and Shi Yan?
31:02Not good.
31:06This is your golden time.
31:09There must be something wrong with her.
31:11The person who wants to chase you
31:13You're so smart, so smart
31:15Then I'd like to ask you
31:16What's the progress with the experiment?
31:18Did you hold hands?
31:19Did you kiss?
31:20Why do you care so much?
31:21Mind your own business
31:23It's not a big deal to hide
31:25I'm hanging up
31:26The person who wants to chase you
31:28You're so smart, so smart
31:30Then I'd like to ask you
31:32What's the progress with the experiment?
31:34Did you hold hands?
31:36Did you kiss?
31:38Why do you care so much?
31:40Mind your own business
31:42It's not a big deal to hide
31:44I'm hanging up
31:46The person who wants to chase you
31:48You're so smart, so smart
31:50Then I'd like to ask you
31:52What's the progress with the experiment?
31:54Did you hold hands?
31:56I can only keep checking her
31:58I have to tell you
31:59You have to figure out what to do
32:01If they know you have other plans
32:03They won't let you go
32:05I know
32:09Why do you leave Chen Sheng in Jiang City
32:12And go to An City by yourself?
32:16Didn't you go out tonight?
32:21I...I have something to do
32:23I have to go
32:54I'm going to bed
32:56You should go to bed early
32:58See you tomorrow
33:01Good night
33:23Good night
33:34Good morning
33:54We've been waiting for 20 minutes
33:56Did they say when they would pick us up?
34:00Mr. Shi
34:01I'm so sorry to keep you waiting
34:03Mr. Jiang is very busy today
34:05I'll show you around
34:07Then I'll take you to see Mr. Jiang
34:09Thank you
34:10This way, please
34:24Mr. Jiang
34:26Mr. Shi is here
34:28Hello, Mr. Jiang
34:34Who is this?
34:37This is my special assistant
34:42Mr. Shi and the special assistant
34:45Are you going to Xia Guang Temple in An City?
34:47The scenery there is very good
34:49It's worth a visit
34:50I've been there
34:53Have a seat
34:57It seems that Shi Yan has met a tough guy this time
35:05Mr. Shi is really young and promising
35:08Unlike the old companies like Zhan Lan
35:10It's been more than ten years
35:12It's more conservative
35:13The partners chosen are also relatively cautious
35:16They dare not take risks easily
35:19It's true that we are young
35:20So we like to face challenges
35:22We are not afraid of failure
35:24Yun Shuang attaches great importance to the cooperation with Zhan Lan
35:26For Yun Shuang
35:28This amount of money is not a small number
35:30So we will be very cautious when we face Zhan Lan
35:32This is also the reason why I personally visited
35:37What do you think, Mr. Shi?
35:40Mr. Jiang, do you know
35:42Have you tested the Hengxin new source in Jiang City recently?
35:50I haven't heard of it
35:54Oh, my special assistant is in that car
35:57Why don't you ask him to tell Mr. Jiang about what happened
36:05The car I was in that day was a Hengxin brand
36:08When the accident happened, the car suddenly slowed down
36:11Stopped suddenly without any warning
36:14Caused the rear car to catch up
36:20It sounds like the fault of the car driver
36:26Any product is uncertain
36:28Especially complex products like cars
36:30All aspects may cause accidents
36:33Just like your investment company
36:35Can you guarantee that every project you invest in is not at risk?
36:39And when the driver turned, there was still 30% of the battery
36:42This is completely a mistake
36:44It has nothing to do with the battery
36:50As an investment company
36:52What should be evaluated is the overall value and potential of a company
36:58Instead of just a single incident
37:00If this is the case
37:02Then partners like Yunchuang
37:04With us
37:06May not be able to go down together
37:10Then I would like to ask Mr. Jiang
37:12As an expert in the battery industry
37:14What do you think is the most important thing?
37:17As an expert in the battery industry
37:19Do you think this case was caused by the battery?
37:22Something like this has happened 18 times recently
37:25Is there a solution to this problem?
37:27Or is there a special team to deal with?
37:31These problems you have now
37:33Has already involved the confidentiality of my company
37:39In that case, why don't we stop here today?
37:42OK, thank you for sharing
37:48There are a total of six companies selected in the first round of the exhibition
37:51In the end, we will choose three of them
37:54Since Mr. Shi is a person who can afford to lose
37:57Then go back and find a new project
38:00Oh, on the way
38:02Think about it
38:04What kind of reasonable explanation do you want to give to the major shareholders of your company?
38:14What is there to explain?
38:16Mr. Shi personally communicated and investigated
38:18Confirmed the risk of investment
38:19After going back, choose a more sincere partner
38:22A project with less risk
38:23The shareholders are too happy
38:25What is there to explain?
38:26Is it necessary to explain that such a large company like the exhibition
38:29Facing the problem of products
38:30It's not the first time to find a solution
38:32But to choose Xi Shining?
38:34Before coming
38:35I have always admired Mr. Jiang
38:37I think you can stay in your hometown to develop your career
38:39Lead the exhibition to become the leader of the industry
38:41It is emotional and responsible
38:43I just didn't expect
38:44The gap between reality and imagination is so big
38:58Let's go
39:15What is he thinking?
39:17Will he be worried?
39:19I just said so much
39:21Estimated that Yunchuan will not be able to cooperate with the exhibition
39:24Then mentioned the shareholders
39:26Struck his heart
39:28He must be so angry now
39:36It's over, it's over
39:37Is he going to book a plane ticket and go back?
39:40It's over, it's over
39:41Is he going to book a plane ticket and go back?
39:45Go to Annie Restaurant
39:46Ok, Mr. Shi
39:49Is there any comment from Chief Zheng?
39:54I thought
39:55What do you think about me?
39:58I thought you were not hungry yet
40:02I'm hungry now
40:10I'm hungry now
40:17Is what Mr. Jiang said just now true?
40:19Are the shareholders of Yunchuan
40:21Are they all hoping that you can win the exhibition?
40:26Then do they all not know
40:28You came to Ancheng to research?
40:33Then what should I do now?
40:37Didn't you just say it for me?
40:39After going back, re-select a more sincere partner
40:41Less risky project
40:44Is this really ok?
40:52Is there anything else you want to ask?
40:58For this investment
40:59I have different opinions from the board of directors
41:01The accident this time did remind me
41:03So I will personally investigate and research
41:06I can accept imperfect products
41:08But I can't accept the attitude of avoiding the problem
41:10If the battery of Zhan Lan really exists
41:12There is a problem and there is no solution
41:14Then for Yunchuan, the risk of investment is too great
41:17So you are right
41:22What you said in Zhan Lan just now
41:24I really want to go back and tell the board of directors
41:34Chief Zheng's words are accurate
41:36Your words are powerful
41:38You set a good example for me
41:46Aren't you hungry?
41:47Waiter, order
42:06Are you going to the wrong place with Master Fan?
42:08He can't come
42:10You can't come?
42:12Then I'll take a taxi
42:16I don't take other people's cars
42:20Then we continue to wait
42:22You can go
42:30As long as I go, I can go
42:33As long as I go?
42:35You are a bit far
43:02I love you
43:04I love you
43:06I love you
43:08I love you
43:10I love you
43:12I love you
43:14I love you
43:16I love you
43:18I love you
43:20I love you
43:22I love you
43:24I love you
43:26I love you
43:28I love you
43:30I love you
43:32I love you
43:34I love you
43:36I love you
43:38I love you
43:40I love you
43:42I love you
43:44I love you
43:46I love you
43:48I love you
43:50I love you
43:52I love you
43:54I love you
43:56I love you
43:58I love you
44:00I love you
44:02I love you
44:04I love you
44:06I love you
44:08I love you
44:10I love you
44:12I love you
44:14I love you
44:16I love you
44:18I love you
44:20I love you
44:22I love you
44:24I love you
44:26I love you
44:28I love you
44:30I love you
44:32I love you
44:34I love you
44:36I love you
44:38I love you
44:40I love you
44:42I love you
44:44I love you
44:46I love you
44:48I love you
44:50I love you
44:52I love you
44:54If the wind is blind
44:58Don't go far