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Teen Mom The Next Chapter Season2 episode11


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Vous avez des petits amoureux à l'école.
00:33L'école de milieu est une scène étrange, vous savez.
00:35Vos corps changent.
00:37Vous êtes à trois ans de l'âge que j'étais quand j'ai eu vous.
00:42Les taux d'adolescence de l'IVF sont de 65 à 70 %.
00:45Si on laissait les tubes seules, on n'aurait pas besoin de faire des opérations.
00:49Je pense que l'IVF est la meilleure option.
00:52Donc maintenant, notre seul stress est mon sucre.
00:55On doit en arriver à un point.
00:57Mais elle ne m'a pas dit que je ne pouvais pas commencer l'IVF.
00:59Elle m'a dit que je devais l'arrêter avant qu'ils m'imprégnent.
01:04Je ne veux pas que mes enfants me disent que j'ai été gardée par ma grand-mère.
01:07Nova est la plus âgée, donc je ne veux pas que ça l'affecte.
01:09Je suis avec elle.
01:10Elle est très intelligente, très intelligente.
01:11Tyler, vous et moi avons parlé de vos sentiments
01:13de donner votre premier enfant pour l'adoption.
01:16Je suis vraiment, vraiment désolée.
01:19Désolée pour quoi ?
01:21Nous n'avons pas réussi à l'adopter.
01:23Ma mère est allée au centre de réhabilitation.
01:26Vous devez vous promettre à moi et aux enfants
01:29que vous allez rester là-bas.
01:31Pour autant que vous en avez besoin.
01:33Au final, pour moi, je le vois comme la personne la plus importante de ma vie.
01:38Parce qu'elle l'est.
01:39Mais juste parce qu'elle est une personne importante,
01:41ça ne veut pas dire qu'elle est une bonne personne pour moi.
01:43Ou qu'elle est bien, vous savez.
01:57Girls, I have some big and funny news.
02:00If anyone is available, hop on the Zoom
02:03because I'm vlogging on right now.
02:07Hi guys.
02:09How are you all ?
02:10Thanks for jumping on.
02:11Oh, guys, Leah just texted me.
02:13She's trying to join.
02:14She's just having some technical difficulties.
02:17Mackenzie, how is Kes doing ?
02:19Kes is good.
02:21We just decided that we are going to be doing
02:25So, Kassanio doesn't have any kids
02:28and we didn't know if he had good sperm.
02:31So, he had to go get a sperm sample.
02:34We have the magazines right there
02:36to make this process as smooth as possible.
02:40How was it ?
02:41One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.
02:44The sperm concentration years came back at 41 million.
02:47An average or normal sample is above 15 million, one five.
02:53He's got good sperm.
02:55Swim, swim, swim.
02:57So, Maisie, how are things with you ?
03:00I see that Ryan has a new girlfriend.
03:02What does Bentley think about her ?
03:04Her and Bentley get along really well
03:06and even when Ryan's at work
03:09and Bentley has a game or something,
03:11she will come to the game by herself.
03:15I like that.
03:16Don't say that.
03:18OK, we got it.
03:20We got it.
03:22Get up, he's cussing.
03:34And go !
03:48I do a picture.
03:49Oh, wow, let me see.
03:51Was that us on a swing ?
03:53In a tree ?
03:55I totally see it.
03:56That is so cool.
03:57I love you so much and I'm so happy
04:00that I have you as my father.
04:02When the daddy and the daughter...
04:03When the daddy and daughter dance happens.
04:05I know, it's tomorrow.
04:07Are you so pumped ?
04:09That's so sweet.
04:11All right.
04:12And then you guys are going to go out to dinner, right ?
04:14Yeah, right before.
04:15You have to show her how a real man treats a lady.
04:17Daddy-daughter dance !
04:18Daddy-daughter dance !
04:20Are you pumped ?
04:22I'm excited, I can't wait.
04:23We get dressed up, feel good,
04:25go out to a really nice restaurant.
04:27It's just very special,
04:29and sometimes it's only a one-life experience,
04:31so you gotta love it.
04:40Oh, my God.
04:42My first daddy-daughter dance.
04:44I think next year you'll have a...
04:47Yeah, that'll be fun, actually.
04:49I think things like this, it's also important
04:51because it shows daughters
04:53how they're supposed to be treated by guys,
04:55even if it is their dad.
04:57And it's just nice that these things,
04:59first off, they're not going to last forever.
05:02They're going to grow up
05:03and they're not ever going to want to do anything like that.
05:05Yeah, have fun with your kids.
05:09Nova's the first daughter that I'm actually raising,
05:11and so it's super important for me to make her feel special.
05:14I just wonder, is Brandon and Carly,
05:16do they go on those dances?
05:18You know what I mean? I wonder.
05:20I feel like they're a popular thing to do,
05:22so I would think so.
05:24I mean, like I said, I didn't get to do it with Carly,
05:27and it's my first daddy-daughter dance,
05:29and I get to do it with them,
05:31and it just makes you appreciate stuff a lot more.
05:34I think that's good core memories.
05:36Some good quality time.
05:39You gotta really just not take it for granted
05:41and really treasure it, you know what I mean?
05:55What you doing?
05:58Oh yeah?
06:01So how are your classes going?
06:04How about your friends?
06:05How is your friend circle?
06:08Do your friends have boyfriends?
06:09Yeah, well, some of them.
06:13Yeah, I got me a little boyfriend myself.
06:18A little boyfriend.
06:20Typical teenage stuff.
06:22But you know the, of course you know the rules.
06:25Open communication.
06:26I want to be able to listen to you
06:28and not be talking at you.
06:30I would like to see your path in life
06:32look a lot different than mine was.
06:34If you have any questions with your dating and social life,
06:38definitely let me know.
06:47Hey, what's up?
06:48Not much, what are you into?
06:50One of the reasons I was calling is because,
06:52did you know that Aaliyah's dating a boy?
06:54I don't know how I feel about it.
06:56Is this a normal age?
06:57Yeah, I mean, I think, you know,
06:59if they want to go on a date, then yeah,
07:01I think we should be open to that, you know?
07:04I know.
07:05I don't know what to think again.
07:07I don't know what to think.
07:09I don't know what to think.
07:11I don't know.
07:12I don't know what to think.
07:13I can't believe we're here.
07:19Well, and I think the way to go into that,
07:21it has nothing to do with the boyfriend.
07:23At the age of 13, they're actually supposed to go
07:25and see a gynecologist.
07:26But I was like, I thought that was a little too soon,
07:29so I was like, all right, you know,
07:30maybe now that they're 14,
07:32okay, maybe a gynecologist will open those conversations
07:35and talk to them about all of this stuff as well.
07:43I think overall we're doing the best we can
07:45as long as we stay on the same page.
07:47All right.
07:48All right, bye.
08:08What are you working on?
08:10Cleaning up the website.
08:11Put some stuff on sale.
08:17Hey, how are you?
08:18Good, how are you?
08:20I'm good.
08:21So I was talking to Amanda this week
08:23and we're going to go have lunch tomorrow
08:26and wondered if you wanted to join us.
08:28Yeah, definitely.
08:29That sounds cool.
08:30Okay, awesome.
08:31Yeah, just let me know where.
08:32I'll be there.
08:34All right, thank you.
08:35See you then.
08:38That'll be interesting.
08:39It will be.
08:40I haven't really got to, like,
08:41spend, like, a significant amount of time with her
08:43without, like, a bunch of people around
08:45or, like, at a sporting event
08:47where so much is going on, you know?
08:50It'll be cool.
08:51Did you know Amanda before her and Ryan got together?
08:53No, but kind of, yes.
08:55She was in my class.
08:56She was in the 16 and Pregnant episode.
09:02Oh, my God, what is that?
09:09That's funny.
09:10Isn't that crazy?
09:11Well, Ryan's come a long way in the last year.
09:14He seems like he's doing good.
09:16Fingers crossed and, you know,
09:18the little bit I've been around him and Amanda,
09:20they seem to be doing good, so...
09:23How do you feel about, like, our kids being around people
09:27that haven't had the easiest road
09:29or made the best decisions?
09:39I mean, it's fine, always gonna put my kids first,
09:41but, like, I'd rather get to know somebody first.
09:45But I also feel like it's important as parents
09:48to, like, let people show up...
09:52...and show who they are...
09:55...before just saying, like,
09:56oh, you've made this mistake or this mistake.
10:01I don't want anything to do with you.
10:03Like, I don't want my kids to be like that
10:05or treat people that way.
10:18What are you doing?
10:19Fixing a kid.
10:21How's your day been?
10:23So I'm having lunch with Macy and your mom tomorrow.
10:27Are you nervous?
10:28I'm always nervous.
10:31I want a friendship with Macy
10:32just because, for one, having the father of your kids
10:36new girlfriend, you want to know who they are,
10:38and you want your kid to be comfortable around them,
10:41trust them.
10:42I just want them to have that security with me, so...
10:46I think it'll be okay.
10:48It is important that they like me
10:49because I just want them to be comfortable around me.
10:52I want them to know
10:53the things they've heard or read is not me.
10:56It's just very important to me.
10:58Family is very important to me.
11:00And that their kids are okay around me.
11:02I just want...
11:05everything to be okay.
11:26Hey, guys.
11:27So my mom has been at the treatment center
11:31for about three weeks now for substance use.
11:34And it's really hard
11:35because I'm only able to talk to her once a week.
11:37But every time that I do talk to her,
11:39she just sounds more and more better.
11:42All the feedback has been really positive,
11:44so I'm glad that she's taking this treatment center seriously
11:48and she's getting the help that she needs.
11:58Hi, Mom.
11:59Hi, Mom.
12:00How are you, baby? You okay?
12:02Yeah, I'm good. How are you?
12:04I'm doing good. I have to tell you something.
12:05You're not going to believe it.
12:06Today, I ended the detox.
12:08Wow! Are you excited?
12:13I was shocked
12:14because I thought I had like two more weeks to go.
12:18But when they said that I don't have it no more,
12:20I was like, wait, what does that mean?
12:21She goes, you already detoxed.
12:22Do you feel better?
12:23I'm just exhausted because I haven't slept all week.
12:26It's okay. I'll fall asleep eventually.
12:28Well, are you proud of yourself?
12:30Yeah, I really am.
12:32You sound great.
12:33You sound happy.
12:34You sound alive.
12:36Yeah, I'm more optimistic.
12:37That's for sure, Brianne.
12:39The fact that I stopped drinking methadone
12:42is blowing me the **** away.
12:44It actually made me sad to think
12:46that I stood in that **** for pain
12:48and never advised me to get off.
12:52Yeah, but look at you.
12:54I know. I love you.
12:55I got to go, okay?
12:57I love you.
12:58I love you.
12:59I love you, buddy. Bye.
13:14Hey, I spoke to mom.
13:16How was that?
13:18It was great.
13:20She sounds absolutely amazing.
13:23How did you feel about talking to her again?
13:25It was fine.
13:26It was a good conversation.
13:27I don't think there's ever been a bad conversation
13:29since she's been out there.
13:31I'm also going to reach out to her therapist
13:34because I think that's much, much, much needed.
13:37She cannot come back home
13:39without us doing a session together.
13:43Uh-huh. I agree with that one a thousand percent.
13:45All right. Love you.
13:46Call me if anything.
13:47Okay. Bye.
13:48All right. Love you. Bye.
13:58Five. Seven.
14:00One. Three.
14:02Straight, Jackie.
14:04One. Three.
14:07Hands free.
14:08Thank you.
14:09Guess what, girls?
14:10A huge opportunity fell into my lap
14:12and I bought a cheer gym with one of my friends
14:15and I'm having a big grand opening
14:17in a couple of months.
14:19It's going to be a lot of work,
14:21but so worth it,
14:23and I'm so excited.
14:25Much better.
14:26There's a lot going on,
14:27and today I do have another appointment
14:29with the fertility clinic
14:31to get more information about IVF.
14:35Okay. We're here.
14:47I'm Brandy.
14:48I'm one of the IVF coordinators
14:49here at our Tampa office.
14:51So I printed a sample calendar
14:53so we can go over,
14:54and then I'll kind of give you an idea
14:56of what a cycle looks like with us.
14:58During your first week of birth control,
15:00we usually have you do something called
15:03a trial transfer.
15:04So I have to take birth control to get pregnant?
15:06We have you take birth control
15:08so that we can get a hold of your cycle.
15:10So that's the goal.
15:11I am a type 1 diabetic,
15:13so anything that messes with my hormones
15:17especially birth control,
15:19will literally cancel my insulin,
15:23and then my sugars will be high,
15:25which is very dangerous.
15:26But also, I tried birth control once in my entire life,
15:29and it made my sugar go through the roof
15:32and mess with my physical and mental health.
15:38The only thing is,
15:39if you don't do the birth control,
15:41if for some reason you ovulate
15:42or your blood level's off,
15:44we might have to postpone your cycle.
15:46So that's why we like to really do the birth control,
15:48so that we can get your hormones down to a baseline,
15:51we control it,
15:52and then we build on top of it with the hormones.
15:54What else is involved?
15:56So if that appointment goes well,
15:58we would have you start your injections
16:00usually the next day.
16:03So there's a lot of medications involved
16:05which all mess with your hormones.
16:11Well, you're trying to have a baby.
16:14I also went through awful, awful, awful,
16:17awful, awful depression
16:21after having my third.
16:23That's due to off hormones.
16:25Like when I say awful,
16:27I mean it was crippling.
16:32So you didn't have any help too with anything?
16:35I don't want to be depressed.
16:37Don't worry about it.
16:38Don't worry, I'll be strong for you.
16:41Oui, j'ai enfin un bon partenaire,
16:43mais je veux dire,
16:45j'étais comme...
16:50Donc cette médecine me fait peur.
16:59Si vous ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez
17:01souffre d'émotions,
17:02vous n'êtes pas seul.
17:04Visitez mentalhealthishealth.us
17:07pour plus d'infos et des moyens d'obtenir de l'aide.
17:22C'est bon?
17:24C'est un beau jour, n'est-ce pas?
17:28Vous avez 14 ans,
17:30et comme vous avez 14 ans maintenant,
17:32je pense que c'est important
17:33que nous vous réunissons avec un gynécologiste.
17:36Je pense que c'est à ce moment-là.
17:38Selon ce que j'ai lu,
17:40ils disent que vous devriez avoir
17:42environ l'âge de 13 ans,
17:44mais je ne pensais pas que vous étiez
17:46exactement prêts à l'âge de 13 ans.
17:47Mais maintenant, j'entends des conversations
17:49sur la vie sociale, des amis qui ont des copains,
17:52vous avez un copain.
17:54Pas moi.
17:55Tout ce genre de choses.
17:56Mais je sais que c'est à ce moment-là.
17:58De toute façon, c'est important
18:00d'être établi avec un gynécologiste.
18:03Pas seulement parce que la vie sociale
18:05et la vie en date,
18:06mais aussi parce que c'est extrêmement important
18:08que vous gardiez votre santé.
18:10Qu'est-ce qu'un rendez-vous
18:11avec un gynécologiste sera comme?
18:12Je pense que vous apprendrez
18:13de la santé des femmes.
18:14Je pense que vous apprendrez
18:15des options que vous avez,
18:16si vous avez des efflux lourds,
18:17si vous avez des efflux de vie.
18:19Je pense qu'ils feront des exams de respiration.
18:21Nous, les femmes, on vit beaucoup
18:22à la fin du jour.
18:23Vous pensez que c'est embarrassant
18:25C'est OK, si c'est le cas,
18:26parce que je pense que vous êtes
18:27à cet âge où c'est comme
18:28oh mon Dieu.
18:29Je ne m'embarrasse pas.
18:30Je ne m'embarrasse que
18:32Je ne m'embarrasse pas
18:33que mes amis sont embarrassés.
18:35Parce que je suis comme
18:36allez, c'est assez.
18:38Donc, je sens que je manque
18:40cette éducation.
18:41Parfois, je suis au dessus
18:43en essayant de l'exprimer
18:45à vous et d'apprendre
18:46à vous sur ce sujet.
18:47Et je peux comprendre.
18:48Mais à partir du moment
18:49où j'ai reçu l'information,
18:50j'étais déjà enceinte
18:52avec vous.
18:53Laissez-moi juste être
18:54au dessus de tout ça,
18:55parce que vous allez vous rencontrer,
18:56vous allez vous amuser,
18:57vous allez avoir une vie sociale.
18:58Je pense que je suis prête
18:59pour aller apprendre
19:00plus d'eux.
19:01Qu'est-ce que tu penses?
19:03Oui, je me sens prête.
19:05Et vous savez,
19:06vous pouvez toujours me parler.
19:07Votre santé et votre bien-être
19:08sont toujours mes priorités.
19:11Je vous aime.
19:12Moi aussi.
19:15Ah, probablement toi.
19:25Est-ce que tu es si excité
19:26d'aller avec ton père?
19:28Allons changer.
19:30Quand tu penses à être un parent,
19:31et puis tu penses à être
19:32un parent à la naissance,
19:33et j'ai fait les deux,
19:34l'adoption, c'est fou.
19:35Ça se sent différent.
19:36Tu fais beaucoup,
19:38beaucoup de pensées
19:40et de souvenirs,
19:41de questions.
19:42Tu es si jolie.
19:45Je veux dire, il y a toujours
19:46des « what ifs ».
19:47Parfois, tu y penses
19:48et ça te rend heureux.
19:49Parfois, tu y penses
19:50et ça te rend triste.
19:51Qu'est-ce que ça aurait été
19:52d'avoir pu prendre Carly
19:53sur une danse de père et fille.
19:55Je ne veux pas prendre
19:56ce temps pour rien.
19:57Je n'ai pas pu faire
19:58rien avec Carly.
19:59C'est spécial,
20:00pour elle,
20:01juste pour elle et moi.
20:02Donc, je dois m'assurer
20:03que je le fasse avec Nova
20:04et que je le fasse
20:05avec Veda et Rajesh.
20:06Ils deviennent plus vieux
20:07parce que ça se passe
20:08si vite.
20:10Quelqu'un est là.
20:11Oh, attends, qu'est-ce que c'est?
20:13Qu'est-ce que c'est?
20:14Mais il pleut.
20:15Réponds à la porte.
20:16Je sais.
20:20beau enfant.
20:23J'ai des fleurs.
20:25Tu es prêt
20:26pour notre date?
20:29Reste ici.
20:30Un grand sourire.
20:31Tu es prêt?
20:35J'aime ça.
20:37Tu es tellement jolie, Nova.
20:39Tellement jolie.
20:41Ok, tu es prêt?
20:46C'est parti.
20:52Ok, Nova Lee.
20:54Est-ce que vous pouvez
20:55faire un Shirley Temple?
20:56Elle veut essayer un de ces.
20:57Je suis bien avec l'eau.
20:58Ok, des poissons
20:59et des russes.
21:00C'est tout.
21:03C'est ta première danse.
21:04C'est ma première danse
21:06que je n'ai jamais fait avant.
21:10Je pense que j'ai
21:11amené ta mère ici.
21:14J'ai un date?
21:16Pourquoi vous et ma mère
21:17vous avez kissé à 14 ans?
21:18Pourquoi nous avons kissé
21:19à 14 ans?
21:20C'est une question.
21:21Parce qu'on s'aimait.
21:22On s'aimait.
21:23Et vous allez le garder
21:24je pense.
21:25Je ne pense pas, non.
21:26On s'est rencontrés
21:27quand on avait 13 ans.
21:30Pourquoi est-ce que
21:31vous pensez que c'est bizarre
21:32que moi et ma mère...
21:33Nous avons kissé?
21:35Quand on avait 14 ans.
21:37Non, je veux dire,
21:38si vous vous aimez
21:39autant que moi,
21:40je suis bien.
21:41Parce que si ça
21:42n'avait pas eu lieu,
21:43alors ça ne serait pas
21:45Oui, c'est vrai.
21:48Et je suis contente
21:49que je sois
21:50votre enfant.
21:51Oui, moi aussi.
21:52Je suis content
21:53que vous soyez mon enfant aussi.
21:54Ça fait un moment
21:55que je suis jeune,
21:56comme vous.
21:57Alors, qu'est-ce que ça signifie
21:58quand vous êtes...
21:59Qu'est-ce que vos
22:00copains et vos copines font?
22:01Et vous êtes géniaux.
22:02Qu'est-ce qu'ils font?
22:03Ils s'amusent beaucoup.
22:04Ils s'embrassent.
22:05Ils sont très
22:06propres ensemble
22:09Ils se kissent?
22:11Oh, ok.
22:12Je ne sais pas.
22:13Je ne sais pas.
22:15Je ne sais pas
22:16ce que ça signifie.
22:18C'est bien.
22:19Vous verriez
22:20si je le ferais.
22:21Je ne le ferais pas.
22:22Non, je ne le ferais pas.
22:23C'est pour ça que je vous demande.
22:24J'espère que vous me direz.
22:25C'est pour ça que je vous demande.
22:26Je vous dis la vérité.
22:27Non, non, non.
22:28Je vous crois.
22:29Je vous crois
22:30et vous me le direz.
22:32Ok, tu es prête, Freddy?
22:33C'est parti pour...
22:34C'est parti pour le danse.
22:35Le danse.
22:51Salut, tout le monde.
22:52Je vais manger avec Jen
22:54et Ryan's girlfriend, Amanda.
22:56Vous savez, Ryan et moi,
22:57nous avons travaillé très fort
22:58au cours des dernières années
22:59pour avoir
23:00une relation plus stable
23:01de coparenté
23:02et de thérapie
23:03avec Alana.
23:04Cela m'a rendue plus confiante
23:05dans la création
23:06de nouvelles relations.
23:08je vais manger.
23:11Comment allez-vous?
23:12Bien, comment allez-vous?
23:13Très bien.
23:14Ça me prend 30 minutes.
23:15Comment allez-vous?
23:16Très bien, comment allez-vous?
23:17Très bien, comment allez-vous?
23:18Très bien.
23:19Comment allez-vous?
23:20Très bien.
23:21Comment allez-vous?
23:22Très bien.
23:23Qu'est-ce que je peux vous offrir
23:24pour boire avec vous?
23:25Je veux du lait, s'il vous plaît.
23:26Je vais prendre du Pinot Grigio.
23:27Je vais prendre un Orchard Anglais.
23:28Est-ce pas fou
23:29que nous avons connu
23:30l'un l'autre depuis l'école?
23:31C'est fou.
23:32J'aimais cette école.
23:33Comment avez-vous
23:34fini à l'école de l'adulte?
23:35Je suis sorti de l'école publique
23:36juste pour faire des drogues
23:37et se battre,
23:38et être en travail,
23:39être arrêté
23:40à un âge jeune.
23:41Je veux dire,
23:42je ne sais pas pourquoi
23:43cela m'a pris si longtemps
23:44à apprendre,
23:45mais j'ai traversé
23:46le ringer.
23:47Je ne vais pas
23:48retourner là-bas.
23:49Avez-vous jamais été
23:50si âgée pendant tout ce temps?
23:51J'étais presque
23:52deux ans âgée,
23:53et c'est là que mes parents
23:54se sont endommagés.
23:56Ma mère était liée
23:57aux drogues.
23:58Elle était toujours
23:59en addiction active,
24:00et elle a commencé
24:01à l'utiliser avec moi.
24:02Je ne veux pas
24:03dire qu'elle était
24:04une mauvaise mère.
24:05Elle était jeune,
24:06et puis,
24:07bientôt après,
24:08mon père a eu
24:09le cancer de l'os,
24:10stage 4,
24:11et s'est endommagé,
24:12ce qui n'est pas
24:13une excuse
24:14de retourner,
24:15mais oui,
24:16c'était très dur.
24:17Et vous serez
24:18âgée pendant un an.
24:20Je suis contente
24:21de ce que j'ai vécu.
24:22Vous devriez être
24:23vraiment fière.
24:24Même quand j'étais
24:25âgée avant,
24:26je n'étais jamais
24:28ou émotionnellement contente.
24:29Je ne veux pas
24:30que quelqu'un
24:31me juge
24:32en fonction
24:33de tout ce que j'ai fait
24:34dans mon passé,
24:35et c'est beaucoup,
24:36comme elle et moi
24:37l'avons parlé,
24:38c'est grand pour moi
24:39ces derniers ans,
24:40surtout avec moi et Ryan,
24:41qui essayent
24:43une relation
24:44plus saine
24:45et coparentalisée.
24:46Et je ne peux pas
24:48la merde
24:49contre quelqu'un.
24:50Je sais qu'on s'est
24:51connus depuis l'école,
24:52mais même
24:53en se réunissant
24:54avec vous,
24:55j'étais tellement
24:57Je ne savais pas
24:59votre énergie
25:00allait être,
25:01mais je me disais
25:02qu'elle me fait
25:03me sentir
25:04tellement à l'aise.
25:05Pour moi,
25:06je ne sais pas,
25:07c'était votre énergie,
25:08mais aussi,
25:09je me sens
25:10tellement à l'aise.
25:11Je ne peux pas
25:12bouger avant
25:13ou commencer
25:14quelque part
25:15si vous pensez
25:17à d'autres personnes.
25:19je respecte ça.
25:20Je dois juste dire
25:21que vous et Ryan
25:22se trouvant ensemble,
25:23je ne comprenais pas,
25:24je ne voulais pas
25:25du tout.
25:26Oui, je sais.
25:27Je sais.
25:29j'étais tellement
25:30à l'aise avec vous.
25:31Dans ma tête,
25:32je me sentais
25:34de la même façon.
25:35C'était comme,
25:37tu as vécu
25:38tout ça jusqu'ici,
25:39et ensuite,
25:40vous allez vous rencontrer
25:41avec quelqu'un
25:42qui est en réparation.
25:43Je comprends.
25:44Si c'était mon fils,
25:45tu sais,
25:46je serais comme,
25:48Est-ce que tu es
25:49sûre de ça?
25:50On ne peut pas
25:52Je l'ai compris.
25:53J'ai ouvert ma tête.
25:54Je l'ai compris.
25:55On a discuté sérieusement
25:56et il m'a dit
25:57et je lui ai dit,
25:58si tu relâches,
25:59tu dois me laisser
26:00et vice-versa.
26:01Il m'a dit,
26:02si je relâche,
26:03je vais te laisser
26:04et il n'y aura
26:05aucune force attachée.
26:06On s'est d'accord
26:07sur ça.
26:09Mais j'ai aussi l'impression
26:12que si tu aimes quelqu'un
26:14et que tout ce que je veux,
26:16c'est qu'il soit bon,
26:17qu'il soit un père,
26:18parce que j'ai vécu ça
26:20depuis que j'avais 12 ans,
26:22c'est la consistance.
26:23Plus tu le fais,
26:24plus tu...
26:25C'est plus facile.
26:26C'est ça.
26:27Tu ne seras jamais heureux
26:29d'en utiliser.
26:30L'addiction active,
26:31c'est jamais...
26:32Ça finit toujours
26:33à la fin du chemin,
26:34c'est la même chose
26:35chaque fois.
26:36Chaque fois.
26:46OK, les gars.
26:47J'ai reçu un message
26:49de ma mère,
26:50un thérapeute
26:51au centre de soins.
26:52Elle me dit
26:53qu'elle va me donner un appel.
26:54Elle me dit
26:55que ma mère
26:56ne se passe pas bien.
26:58Je suis un peu confus
26:59parce que je pensais
27:00que tout allait bien.
27:02Ça me stresse.
27:09Salut, c'est moi.
27:11Comment vas-tu?
27:13Je suis là-bas maintenant.
27:14Ils m'ont dit
27:15qu'elle n'avait pas fait
27:16de groupes
27:17ou rien aujourd'hui.
27:19C'est ridicule.
27:20Elle ne fait rien.
27:22Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait
27:23tout le temps
27:24en s'isolant
27:25tout le temps?
27:26Elle est juste
27:27en mauvaise humeur
27:28ou elle va sortir
27:29avec une blanche
27:30autour d'elle
27:31et je l'ignore
27:32car je ne vais pas
27:33s'en occuper.
27:34Je lui ai dit
27:35que ce n'était pas
27:36une bonne chose.
27:37Je ne fais plus ça.
27:38Pendant que tu es là,
27:39tu dois travailler
27:40sur ce programme.
27:41Elle nous ment
27:42depuis tellement longtemps.
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33:15So, after the phone call
33:16with my mom's therapist,
33:18they suggested
33:19that me and Brittany
33:20and my mom
33:21do a virtual therapy session
33:23over the phone
33:24to figure out
33:25what's been going on.
33:26I was shocked
33:27because all the other
33:28phone calls that I had
33:29with my mom
33:30were good phone calls.
33:31Like, she seemed happy.
33:32She seemed alive.
33:33She even sounded different.
33:35So, to me,
33:36I took that
33:37as that was all a front.
33:40I brought you goodies.
33:41I wanted to show you
33:42the pool.
33:43I'm outside.
33:44I just wanted to show you.
33:46Look how cute this is!
33:48Is it a vibe?
33:49This is going to be so fun.
33:50Me and my lupus
33:51are going to have
33:52a great time this summer.
33:53Are you ready
33:54for the session today?
33:55Do you have anything
33:56you may want to say to her?
33:58I don't like her.
33:59She's a liar
34:00and I don't trust her.
34:01That's how she pretends
34:02she was doing good
34:03on the phone to you.
34:04Yeah, and she really wasn't.
34:05Like, I'm not having that.
34:06I think I just want to, like,
34:07ask her, like,
34:08what's really going on with you?
34:09Like, what's the tea?
34:10Because we're lost here.
34:11The tea is going to be live.
34:12Why are you even asking?
34:13Well, she can't lie
34:14because somebody's
34:15going to be there.
34:16I want my life
34:17to be stress-free.
34:18I'm sorry.
34:19You bring me no peace,
34:20just chaos,
34:21so stay the f*** away.
34:30Hey, Brie.
34:33Are you ready
34:34to merge with me and Brittany?
34:35Yeah, she's actually here
34:37with me right now.
34:43I don't give a f***
34:44what you say, Roxanne,
34:45because at the end of the day,
34:47you have never been a good parent.
34:50You're just selfish, Mom.
34:51F*** her.
34:55Get out of here.
34:56That's not how I felt.
34:58Get out of here, bitch.
34:59You're not f***ing
35:00talking s*** about my life.
35:01They were like,
35:02oh, we're working on
35:03her breathing exercises
35:04to get into her trauma,
35:05and I said,
35:06can I say something?
35:07I don't give a f***
35:08about her breathing exercises.
35:09I don't give a f***
35:10I don't give a f***
35:11about her breathing exercises
35:12or her motherf***ing trauma.
35:13Don't want you in my life
35:14if you're going to keep
35:15up the bulls***.
35:17So, yeah,
35:18that's how I feel.
35:19Case closed.
35:22I'll see y'all later.
35:32My sister just went off
35:33on my mom,
35:34and then my mom is saying
35:36all these mean things
35:37to my sister,
35:38like, f*** you,
35:39shut the f*** up.
35:40Like, it was just
35:41a back and forth thing.
35:42We had, like,
35:43this, like,
35:44toxic triangle going on,
35:46and it has to stop.
35:50Did you tell that
35:51to your mom?
35:56How'd she react?
35:58She understood
35:59because I have kids,
36:00and they play a big role
36:02in my kids' lives,
36:03both my mom
36:04and my sister.
36:10It's too much to handle.
36:12We had an hour
36:13to talk to my mom,
36:14and she hung up
36:1530 minutes in,
36:16and we didn't even
36:17really get to talk
36:18about anything.
36:19My mom's time there
36:20is very limited,
36:21and why am I the only one
36:22that is, like,
36:23acting like a f*** adult
36:24in this situation?
36:26It's unfortunate
36:27because there's
36:28kids involved.
36:30It's literally
36:31just me
36:32and the two girls
36:33and my mom
36:34and my sister.
36:37At the end of the day,
36:38we all have one goal,
36:40and that's for everybody
36:41to be able to get along
36:43and come together
36:44as a big happy family.
36:45And if we all have
36:46the same goal in mind,
36:47why are we all not
36:48working together
36:49to make that happen?
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