friday night live with huhnkie lee 167

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends, yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live, the Hunky Lee 167, Happy Friday.
00:00:11Let's see.
00:00:12Let's do some like a sword presence here.
00:00:25Practice martial arts safely.
00:00:26This is wooden sword.
00:00:27It's not metalic.
00:00:28It's made with wood.
00:00:29It's blunt wood.
00:00:32Practice martial arts very safely.
00:01:07I will show you the practice.
00:01:13Let's do some posturing.
00:01:15Like the Chinese movie, right?
00:01:16Like this.
00:01:17Like that.
00:01:21alright okay I think that's good enough
00:01:24it's okay so you have back grip right
00:01:29and then frontal grip
00:01:51okay good
00:01:56yeah then like a yeah stylized uh but i'm not good at it of course okay
00:02:02let's say five minutes okay thank you yeah it's fun yeah yeah wooden sword yeah
00:02:15five minutes thank you
00:07:51okay welcome back happy friday
00:07:58yeah welcome to friday night logbook episode 167
00:08:12there we go
00:08:50yeah so let's just go to the instagram live because
00:08:54we're gonna take a breath from mathematics you know yeah
00:08:58yes we do but let me refill this vodka bottles
00:09:11and switch them out
00:09:14all right
00:09:20yeah welcome
00:09:58by the way sometimes i block people from social media because it's time for them to graduate from
00:10:07human knowledge school okay yeah but they're my blessings okay yeah that's all yeah
00:10:18it's time for them to graduate and i
00:10:23let them go so that they do bigger and better things you know okay they have my blessings
00:10:36yeah oh yeah
00:10:45i think they are the only ones i need to switch out
00:10:58just this
00:11:10okay okay let's go to the same line we'll take a breath from mathematics
00:11:20oh yeah
00:11:29time check
00:11:37um okay it's been like more than 10 minutes okay yeah
00:11:51i like olympics i mean i i don't watch the games but i just
00:11:55watch the pictures in the news makes me cry sometimes almost they're so moving yeah these
00:12:01athletes great people yeah they worked so hard and now they get medals and
00:12:10very moving also no medalist yeah also great okay great stories yeah
00:12:36my hair i think it's good enough okay
00:12:52okay let me take selfie real quick
00:13:01um hello friends yeah welcome to uh friday and i love tom killey in second liberation
00:13:14happy friday good evening yeah so
00:13:23yeah cheers
00:13:25um it's quite warm today actually yeah welcome
00:13:37yeah good evening yeah
00:13:43there we go
00:13:49all right nice oh thank you yeah i'm right for your sprint oh thank you yeah yeah
00:14:01yeah thank you yeah
00:14:07wake up
00:14:32good evening
00:14:43welcome yeah
00:14:51happy friday
00:15:05yeah welcome yeah
00:15:06happy friday
00:15:25happy friday
00:15:33good evening
00:15:59yeah good evening
00:16:06yeah happy friday
00:16:12because i ate do you know
00:16:17yeah oh i'm doing good thank you yeah yeah good evening yeah
00:16:26so i'm like digest my stomach is digesting food right so that's why i'm a little bit blank
00:16:33in my brain right yeah
00:16:40so i watched that oh this um let me show you
00:16:52this is a high bush cranberry spring leaves which is edible okay
00:16:58hmm and i put vodka in there
00:17:09thank you yeah yeah it's healthy yeah
00:17:15high bush cranberry leaves has a lot of vitamin in there okay yeah cheers yep
00:17:22um yeah the edible plants right yeah
00:17:33so i watched that interview by african-american journalist compassion on uh with uh mr trump
00:17:43they asked him about this incident and i'm very sorry uh uh the you know the boiling water
00:17:52and uh police officer right yeah i i understand boiling water it can be very dangerous weapon
00:18:01it actually is ancient method like back in the days when they used to have castles
00:18:07castles like we're talking about like thousand years ago even two thousand three thousand five
00:18:15thousand years ago their castles and
00:18:21enemy army climb up the castle with big ladder so they used to pour like boiling water from the
00:18:31top of the castle through the enemy climb up the ladder okay so yeah boiling water can be a very
00:18:38dangerous weapon okay so uh and i'm sorry it happened that way i am very sorry okay so uh
00:18:47so uh the journalist asked mr trump about qualified immunity okay yeah welcome friends
00:18:58so uh that's a uh legal doctrine yeah i'm a lawyer so i know about this qualified immunity doctrine
00:19:08in america is that uh police officers uh didn't get some immunity even when they make mistakes
00:19:16make mistakes okay the purpose is to um
00:19:26let police officers do their job and let them not be afraid of legal consequences
00:19:35from making mistakes okay so that's the purpose qualified immunity doctrine but it's not
00:19:44it's qualified immunity it's not absolute immunity okay so that's american law okay yeah
00:19:52qualified immunity not absolute immunity okay so um yeah
00:20:02and the officer in that incident is charged with murder okay um well i think they are going too far
00:20:12okay uh it would be more of a manslaughter as opposed to murder okay
00:20:21do i agree with qualified immunity yeah i do okay it's because um
00:20:28um without qualified immunity police officers uh they will not be effective
00:20:36law enforcement because they'll be afraid of lawsuits they'll be afraid of going to jail
00:20:41then um they'll be less effective as police officers okay so yeah that law is in place
00:20:50for a good reason valid reason okay and but i'm sure it happened that way uh but uh
00:21:01but the thing with boiling water is this okay i mean if i have this you know pot
00:21:12boiling water okay and let's say there's alaskan bear invading my house
00:21:20and i'm just boiling pot of water let's do hey alaska bear
00:21:28uh yeah then bear will definitely go away right because it's too hot it is dangerous weapon okay
00:21:35but at the same time it's not like a handgun okay it's not that easy to manoeuvre
00:21:43boiling hot water you know pot
00:21:53the angle itself is like
00:21:55it's not an easy thing to manoeuvre okay yeah it's not like handgun okay so what i would have done
00:22:10if i had been a police officer in that situation yeah i would have pulled my handgun as police
00:22:17officer because this person has a potential dangerous weapon yeah pot with boiling water
00:22:23okay that's very dangerous okay but i would have backed away from that person
00:22:30because boiling water it does not go very far okay so uh the police officer did make a mistake there
00:22:40okay but to charge him with murder i think that is too much okay
00:22:49in my opinion it's at most manslaughter which is a lot less serious of a crime okay but
00:22:59given qualified immunity doctrine
00:23:04uh the police officer's manslaughter charge uh may be dismissed in court if done correctly
00:23:13if done correctly okay yeah so i i'm just giving very objective opinion here as a lawyer
00:23:24although i don't practice criminal law i practice civil law but
00:23:32all lawyers
00:23:33we take by exam right and they are mandatory
00:23:41subject matter that we must study in order to pass by exam criminal law is one of them
00:23:50okay so by exam okay mandatory subject matter yeah criminal law constitutional law
00:23:58tort law tort is like civil lawsuit okay like injuries that's which is what i do okay
00:24:04and um like negligence basically yeah mistakes okay and um
00:24:13wheels and estate estate law and uh family law because with like child custody divorce and stuff
00:24:20okay civil procedure criminal procedure
00:24:36uh conflict of law a little bit and property law
00:24:42like real estate
00:24:49um what else
00:24:57yeah law and evidence evidence okay yeah
00:25:06i have law books over there in the shelf so i'm kind of cheating okay so
00:25:09yeah about 10 subject matters okay yeah back in the days like secure transaction
00:25:15back in the days okay yeah they used to test that but nowadays they don't
00:25:19that's like business law basically okay but i i just studied for it why
00:25:24i didn't know no they don't test it anymore but it was nice business okay
00:25:30okay now let's take five minutes bro okay yeah thank you okay okay i'm sorry that happened okay
00:25:36and uh it was kind of mistake okay but uh i'm sorry it happened but uh i wouldn't
00:25:46if i were a prosecutor i would not have charged that police officer with murder no
00:25:56would i have charged him with something
00:26:07if had i been a prosecutor okay some of my friends do prosecution okay yeah some of my
00:26:12friends are prosecutors criminal defense attorneys some of my friends are even judges okay yeah
00:26:19because i'm a lawyer i have a lot of lawyer friends okay
00:26:23so but would i have charged him if i was prosecutor
00:26:33i don't think i would have to be honest okay uh because i
00:26:42okay i'm sure it happened all right but okay let's take five minutes break and we'll talk
00:26:48about it okay it's a complex matter that requires demands complex explanation okay
00:26:56analysis let's take five minutes and we'll talk about this okay okay five minutes okay thank you
00:27:03i need some rest okay thank you yeah it's it's sad very sad yeah
00:27:13and i'm very sorry if it happened the way it happened but five minutes okay thank you
00:30:12okay welcome back
00:30:18yeah welcome
00:30:23okay yeah welcome welcome
00:30:30welcome yeah thank you yeah thank you for your support
00:30:36mm-hmm yeah thank you yep
00:30:47yeah i'm good thank you yeah you speak french nice
00:30:53very cool
00:31:01so i mean that's why i don't practice criminal law okay it's just too much drama and i it's just
00:31:07too much okay yeah i'm doing good thank you yeah and um but uh when it comes to qualify immunity
00:31:14yeah i i support that policy it's it's a legal doctrine it's a case law based in like
00:31:21in america i think it's a good law okay yeah because police officers
00:31:29they're doing very dangerous job okay so sometimes they do make mistakes okay because
00:31:34uh this is their job yeah
00:31:59yeah yeah
00:32:05yeah so
00:32:10yeah so that's my opinion about that incident okay so uh yeah sorry that happened but
00:32:16um police officer they're human beings too they make mistakes sometimes okay yeah so
00:32:25okay yeah yeah welcome friends yeah
00:32:54yeah welcome
00:33:06by the way i don't have popularity okay it's just
00:33:11bring this folding of this chart but i do not have properly at all
00:33:21what are my function
00:33:35so policy wise i agree with mr trump in many many issues like when it comes to fossil fuel
00:33:43qualified immunity and um
00:33:49oil and gas fossil fuel like and uh building the border wall and
00:33:56and i do agree with mr trump in many different issues like no lgbt
00:34:07right but what i disagree with him is that mass deportation of illegal immigrants i disagree with
00:34:15that and his republican so he's anti-abortion i am pro-choice okay so i disagree with you know
00:34:23about that and also um he wants to bring back american companies job from
00:34:35the manufacturing factories from other countries back to america right i disagree with that i love
00:34:40outsourcing it's a good policy outsourcing okay how about american jobs you haven't
00:34:45created new jobs to america no problem like robotics drones yeah flying cars
00:34:52generalized animal farming you can't find any animal okay yeah sure welcome yeah
00:35:02welcome yeah yeah
00:35:09but looks like
00:35:14baseball yeah it's good sports yeah absolutely athletic oh yeah
00:35:24no no uh no violence okay yeah no violence okay
00:35:33and um
00:35:37so camilla harris compared to trump i disagree with her policies but
00:35:44but i like her energy her smile her laughter her sense of humor
00:35:53because trump he had his chance right and i like to download the trump sense of humor it's funny
00:36:03but we've seen enough of him but camilla harris well we've seen her as vice president but
00:36:12not like this not like as presidential candidate because when she was vice president
00:36:18she was in the shadow of president biden it's her job to not outshine him okay
00:36:28oh thank you thank you yeah i agree with you yeah i'm running for u.s president yeah and i'll
00:36:34continue to run yeah yeah i'm better than both of them okay yeah thank you
00:36:44oh thank you yeah yeah i'm better than biden harris trump thank you yeah
00:36:52so but hypothetically between harris and trump uh
00:36:56uh harris came out of shadow now she's running for president right and
00:37:08she's very photogenic very beautiful lady big beautiful smile she's like
00:37:20my camera is impression okay but trump
00:37:35bad impression
00:37:47yeah yeah
00:37:48um yeah thank you yeah i'm an actor as well performer okay so yeah
00:37:58i do that stuff sometimes comedian okay cheers yeah
00:38:07yeah so
00:38:13okay friends yeah good evening happy friday
00:38:17oh dr. paper fantastic yeah let's say five minutes okay i need some vocalist
00:38:21okay yeah thank you five minutes please thank you yeah welcome very cool
00:38:29fantastic future leaders very proud of you
00:42:38okay okay welcome back
00:42:44welcome back
00:42:47yes acting is very good hobby very therapeutic okay trump impression one more time
00:42:59uh welcome friends yeah
00:43:07oh good times huh yeah
00:43:12so after instagram live show i think uh yeah we will do the facebook live right
00:43:19and i i think i'm kind of wanting to go back to that uh biden trump debate yeah episode seven
00:43:28debate commentary right yeah because i i miss them okay yeah trump biden yeah they're they're
00:43:34funny okay i i miss them although bye is outdated because biden is no more in the race but
00:43:41but still is i miss both of them okay
00:43:51they're entertaining yeah
00:44:05so camera harris has changed some positions okay she's no longer against
00:44:10bragging that's like basically all i guess she's not against that anymore and that's good because
00:44:17uh things change world changes so they call it like cameleon kamala well but the thing is this um
00:44:32by the way kamala is very beautiful name okay so uh
00:44:36yeah changing the policy that's a good idea because the world is changing right
00:44:42yeah so kamala harris like flip-flopping from anti-oil to pro-oil that's good that's a good
00:44:51good uh it's good that she is evolving and changing her former untenable positions
00:45:00that's a good thing she's learning okay yeah that's good yeah cheers
00:45:12so what would help kamala harris would be that uh she need to uh agree concede to trump that
00:45:23building southern boulder wall is a good idea if she that's what she need to do
00:45:30then uh she has very good chance of winning against trump okay but will she be able to do that
00:45:39i kind of doubt it why because she's democrat right so that's her limit well that trump's
00:45:48limit too as a republican trump he obeys republican party's platform harris obeys
00:45:56democratic party platform the agenda right that's their limits so that's why i'm against
00:46:02two-party system because i'm independent okay there's a future of politics okay
00:46:07yeah it just doesn't work okay yeah
00:46:16welcome friends yeah thank you for joining us yeah thank you for gracing us with your presence
00:46:23yeah yeah that's english prayers i love from my friends quite recently cheers yeah
00:46:37also kamala harris uh she wants to ban assault rifle okay how about me
00:46:45me i understand that position i do okay but i would not ban also's rifle okay why um
00:46:58i live in alaska and this town wasilla i mean wasilla some part of wasilla have bears
00:47:09near the mountain okay
00:47:15and so my friends live near the mountains where there are bears sometimes bears come to their
00:47:23houses okay uh yeah bear spray yeah it works sometimes
00:47:36not not not always okay
00:47:47so hypothetical well it's not hypothetical at all
00:47:50even in anchorage alaska okay some people many people live in the mountains where they're and
00:47:58bears come to their houses okay so the the most effective way to uh stop this bear coming to house
00:48:14coming to house yeah bear spray sometimes works sometimes it doesn't okay
00:48:19but also rifle on a bear that will work
00:48:26okay well
00:48:32shotgun um with slug shots sure sure sure but i use it to like pump it right every single time
00:48:41it's but also try for against a bear invading a house that is a highly effective way to stop a bear
00:48:50okay okay yeah
00:49:01yeah so so we alaskans at least yeah we we don't need officer rifles because we are bears
00:49:08because we are bears invading houses okay yeah welcome friends yeah welcome
00:49:33okay good evening welcome happy friday let's take final spray okay i'm so vocalized okay yeah thank
00:49:40you final spray please thank you yeah welcome future leaders mighty proud
00:49:49come to your quick
00:49:55it's been less than one hour okay okay
00:50:00okay all right five minutes thank you yeah welcome yeah five minutes pray please thank you yeah
00:50:10future leaders my proud of you five minutes thank you
00:52:44welcome welcome welcome welcome back
00:52:50no let's think about scenario where uh
00:52:55uh bear spray won't work okay uh
00:53:05i'll tell you okay because uh i'm i'm in alaska right i've seen uh black bears
00:53:14they'll be very nice to me okay yeah out there in the wild but i have not seen like grizzly
00:53:19brown bear or polar bear only in the zoos or youtube videos right
00:53:36bears they come to people slowly just walking then bear spray will work
00:53:43okay pepper spray bear spray but if bears is charging a person running towards this person
00:53:52will bear spray work in that situation i don't think so bear they run very fast
00:54:02okay so it's bear big and they can be very big
00:54:09it can be very big some grizzly bears they are more than 1000 pounds more than 500 kilograms
00:54:20like 10 times heavier than a human being and they're very fast
00:54:29and if a bear is running toward me charging at me
00:54:36yeah bear spray probably won't work what will work uh yeah also the rifle
00:54:47they will stop the bear
00:54:54yeah at least in alaska we need also the rifle okay because bears
00:55:01there are bears okay yeah
00:55:12for shotgun you have to pump it pump it pump it to a shotgun right
00:55:16you have to do it every single time right yeah it's that's too slow okay yeah
00:55:33handgun uh well the thing is this also rifle is big magazine i was in the u.s army okay
00:55:44yeah we it was mandatory that we learn how to shoot also rifle m16 air 15 okay so
00:55:52uh the magazine is big magazine it carries many bullets okay yeah
00:56:06but shotgun the shotgun shell it could be a box shot with many bits or
00:56:12slug shot with one this lead big one uh shotgun does not carry that many uh
00:56:20shotgun shells maybe five all right i used to own a shotgun when i was in texas okay
00:56:26when i was in the u.s army it does not carry that many uh bullets in there
00:56:32maybe five of them okay so but also rifle how many bullets
00:56:37uh it's been a long time okay uh maybe 15 or 10 okay it's been there wasn't okay yeah
00:56:56welcome yeah yeah
00:57:00yeah welcome
00:57:07yeah sure uh handguns yeah i mean nine millimeter yeah you can carry
00:57:13quite a few bullets in there maybe 15 maybe okay yeah but typically handguns
00:57:21maybe 10 bullets maybe 15 around there okay so
00:57:25so yeah
00:57:39and i've read in the news in alaska uh
00:57:47down in sword about five seven ten years ago okay
00:57:51okay uh he was hiking down in sword okay he was attacked by a black bear
00:58:00okay he carried he was carrying his nine millimeter handgun and he did kill that black bear
00:58:08with nine millimeter which is relatively small size bullet caliber okay yeah another incident
00:58:17up in fairbanks uh again a man was hiking with his son and this time grizzly brown bear
00:58:27came to attack them okay so this father pulled out his uh 44 caliber handgun
00:58:34and the brown grizzly bear fell and ran away
00:58:38okay okay so even handgun can be effective to stop a bear if they are very good shots
00:58:51okay yeah
00:58:54how about me am i a good shot i'm okay with it i'm i'm not like
00:59:00sharp shooter or anything i'm not okay
00:59:04i'm okay with it okay yeah
00:59:26okay let's say five minutes okay thank you welcome happy brother yeah good evening
00:59:32promise okay thank you yep okay
00:59:38but don't get me wrong i love bears okay yeah i do
01:03:41okay welcome friends
01:03:55welcome welcome and uh let's talk about the presidential debates right like uh i mean in 2020
01:04:06debate between uh trump and biden uh trump performed very badly that's why he lost one of
01:04:12the reasons he lost election right 2020 i think it's because he was too tired as a president too
01:04:18busy right but biden he doesn't have a job back then okay so he's just president candidate just
01:04:25campaigning relaxed very well rested but trump 2020 he was like he was then president so he was
01:04:32too busy i think that's one of the reasons why he performed so poorly okay now four years later
01:04:392024 yeah trump biden debate now it's same situation but reversed trump doesn't have any
01:04:45job right just go golfing campaigning don't have any job kind of like retiree right so he's very
01:04:52rested relaxed and but biden is busy he just got back from european trip right so busy tired so i
01:05:01think that's why he performed very poorly in 2024 debate with trump okay yeah so that's understandable
01:05:13but when it comes to harris and trump debate in the future in september right
01:05:20unless trump back out of that uh yeah uh but harris is in a uniquely uh advantageous position
01:05:30because she's not president she's not that busy good evening welcome yeah welcome welcome future
01:05:37leaders yeah so harris is vice president in vice president yeah they don't do anything
01:05:44they just give out some speeches sometimes it's yeah easy job vice president okay so
01:05:52shake some hands fold off that's all that vice president okay any vice president like that okay
01:05:57so yeah they're not really doing anything okay so harris is in a very uniquely advantageous
01:06:07position over trump because she's not president she's vice president so she's
01:06:14not doing anything she's campaigning relaxed rested and um trump yeah i mean he's not a
01:06:23president either he's not that busy right but harris is younger than trump okay and now it's like
01:06:33she's kind of like brand new highlight fresh right trump same old same old okay yeah people
01:06:42have seen him enough so he's not very fresh per se right yeah
01:06:47hmm yeah i agree with you yeah harris very popular among young people
01:06:54she has very good sense of humor like coconut tree
01:06:59right yeah
01:07:07oh yeah also harris yeah big smile beaming smile and very photogenic
01:07:15very good looking lady and very fashionable and uh yeah uh and she's funny she knows how to dance
01:07:28and some people say she is a decent singer as well okay yeah so yeah
01:07:36and she's more open-minded right and trump uh is old school right and i like trump too he's funny
01:07:44but we've seen him before okay but harris as president of canada that's something brand new
01:07:54so yeah and also her being female
01:08:05with brown skin right yeah
01:08:14running for u.s president
01:08:20well nikki hailey she ran for u.s president but uh she's not funny nikki hailey no sense of humor
01:08:28whatsoever she's brown female nikki hailey right but uh she's not very good looking
01:08:36but camilla harris she's very good looking okay yeah so she's charming camilla harris right yeah
01:08:45nikki hailey she's not a very good looking lady okay although they're both brown female
01:08:54most likely about the same age but camilla harris she has great sense of humor nikki hailey
01:09:00no sense of humor whatsoever right she's boring
01:09:10oh yeah yeah yeah yeah of course i'm running for u.s president too but uh i'm not that famous in
01:09:17america or any other places so uh hypothetically we'll just talk about trump and harris for now
01:09:24right but things may change i who knows maybe i'm gonna be a president okay that's possible
01:09:35yeah yeah uh i do agree with you uh uh i i do agree with you i think uh harris camilla harris
01:09:44i think she has better chance to win
01:09:49against trump this year
01:09:55um i'm running for u.s president yeah i ran for u.s senate two years ago
01:10:04yeah so yeah thank you
01:10:17yeah so
01:10:23thank you
01:10:35so although i'm running for u.s president i do appreciate other candidates like harris trump
01:10:42i do appreciate oh thank you thank you yeah thank you for your support future leaders
01:10:49yeah thank you yeah thank you cheers yeah
01:11:00yeah thank you
01:11:08i mean we love all races so hillary clinton ran for president 2016
01:11:16she's beautiful lady hillary clinton yeah but she's too arrogant
01:11:26and she does not have good sense of humor she's not funny she's boring and she's arrogant
01:11:34although she's very good looking lady so i mean but camilla harris she's like down to earth
01:11:42she is funny she can dance some say she can sing
01:11:50and yeah so
01:11:55yeah yeah i agree with you yeah hillary clinton too much elitism
01:12:04i agree with you out of touch not relatable and she's just elitist and
01:12:13like high class and
01:12:22arrogance elitism and
01:12:29no sense of humor whatsoever right
01:12:43yeah i'm doing some whiskey beer vodka yeah
01:12:48thank you good evening future leaders mighty proud of you let's have fun this way okay
01:12:53i have some vocal rest okay thank you for joining us yeah fun is back please thank you
01:12:59mm-hmm yeah very cool yeah okay five minutes thank you yep very cool
01:15:32that's great
01:17:04okay welcome back we're back
01:17:10yeah we're taking a break from mathematics and catching up with the news okay
01:17:18yeah welcome yeah
01:17:24well i i'm like i think a little bit okay i don't drink too much i drink like
01:17:30sleep like beer a little bit whiskey a little bit
01:17:34vodka a little bit i think very slowly okay so thank you
01:17:48so another news in in the news these days like uh again crime scene in united kingdom
01:17:57i am very sorry okay the kitchen knife attack
01:18:05horrible horrible i am very sorry okay that's why in humanology school we heavily emphasize
01:18:12martial arts lessons okay yeah people need to learn martial arts okay self-defense very
01:18:17important also defense of others as well okay yeah martial arts two kinds okay yeah
01:18:24without weapons or with weapons okay yeah
01:18:32what kind of weapon yeah you can use your belt even necktie whatever chair broomstick
01:18:43you can throw a cup right water bottle
01:18:52whatever okay and people need to learn martial arts self-defense defense of others okay
01:18:59yeah that's the only way to prevent crimes like that okay so
01:19:11we need to learn martial arts okay
01:19:16yeah weapon martial arts uh i mostly learned from youtube youtube yeah just type martial
01:19:23arts lessons in youtube right yeah like nunchucks that i learned from youtube also from my friends
01:19:33and um uh also movie clips thank you friends for your support thank you future leaders yeah belt
01:19:45belt it's called medial hammer okay yeah vodka sure yeah yeah cheers yeah
01:20:01yeah sure sure you're getting me drunk huh
01:20:08cheers yep
01:20:13yeah very cool
01:20:16oh yeah
01:20:19so martial arts very important okay so self-defense defense of others okay you know Jonas yeah sure
01:20:29sure if internal works
01:20:36oh yeah yeah
01:20:44welcome yeah how are you i'm good thank you yeah
01:20:50nice nice that's the vodka pretty good oh yeah yeah nice nice cheers
01:21:01cheers yep
01:21:02yep yeah
01:21:10oh let's try that guy wants to join
01:21:15yeah sure if internal works
01:21:25yeah thank you yeah
01:21:41how's it going pretty good how about you i'm all right why are you asking i don't know i'm just
01:21:48gonna ask him how's everyone's day how good is your day how good is my day yeah it's pretty good
01:21:58you know why you look like that though
01:22:05my question for you are you voting for honky lee 2025 or not yeah i'm voting for honky lee
01:22:11the question is are you voting for honky lee i doubt it doubt i'm gonna i'm gonna vote for him
01:22:16like 10 times in a row yeah you know i love you so much thank you
01:22:24i love you bro thank you
01:22:30thank you thank you
01:22:45oh yeah you're future leaders and uh you're amazing people yeah yeah
01:22:54uh i'm egalitarian so i love you equally thank you yeah okay okay but honky i got a question
01:23:07and blake too yeah what's up what's up hi um hockey do you speak english or spanish
01:23:14are you or what yeah i speak korean english and uh i do speak some spanish yeah
01:23:22okay okay so you do speak english yeah okay okay like what you do
01:23:32all right do you speak english yeah i speak english all right all right question for both
01:23:38of y'all all right yeah whoever moves first is gay
01:23:43is it one more time
01:24:01i'm sorry internet yeah let's say one more time
01:24:04uh i was just asking like where are you from okay yeah uh i gotta go real quick i'll be a
01:24:15i'll be back okay that's all right okay yeah all right i'll be back probably sometime yeah
01:24:30okay yeah
01:24:44okay in the chat room a question uh
01:24:53yeah plumbing professionals fantastic yeah they're like engineers
01:24:58yeah great professionals okay advice on ladies yeah well focus on education
01:25:04career development okay so no dating until you turn 25 okay focus on education
01:25:14after you turn 25 after you focus on career and education development okay
01:25:18yeah and you have good job and you're professional then uh then after 25 years old then uh
01:25:32yeah you will be popular among ladies because you're stable okay
01:25:40okay okay thank you friends
01:25:50and let's take five minutes break how about that okay we'll take five minutes break and then uh
01:25:56we'll invite our next guest how about that okay yeah thank you yeah five minutes break please
01:26:02thank you yeah welcome welcome yeah future leaders oh yeah five minutes break okay thank you yeah
01:26:09welcome yeah time to real quick
01:26:20we have more than 30 minutes left okay good yeah five minutes break please thank you
01:26:26welcome happy friday good evening future leaders might be proud of you yeah
01:26:31isn't it yeah very good
01:30:48okay welcome back thank you for joining us yeah how nice right yeah very cool happy friday yeah
01:30:57uh yeah if internet works yeah uh
01:31:06okay thank you for your patience yeah yeah let's see if the internet works
01:31:17hello welcome welcome yeah
01:31:19welcome you know what i'm hunky yeah i'm good thank you yeah yeah um so what is your life
01:31:32thoughts about like the earth and everything like do you believe like in a god or like
01:31:37or do you believe in evolution or believe in the big bang or what do you believe in both
01:31:43both the big bang and god uh not big bang but um evolution and god yeah
01:31:53okay okay so like what type of evolution do you believe in like humans came from monkeys or what
01:32:00yes yes yes okay okay so like what's the reasoning why you think like
01:32:04us humans came from monkeys yeah hey thank you for academic discussion thank you you're
01:32:11very inspirational yeah for sure it's like um like uh biology right
01:32:29science science what way are we similar to monkeys though
01:32:36uh okay it's biology zoology
01:32:45so uh monkeys and homo sapiens humans we share like 99 percent of the genes
01:32:55you said we both have hands yeah we have prehensile thumb
01:33:05and um monkeys they know how to use tools and what are we talking about though like
01:33:14stick stick screwdrivers or what all right just just stick stick like this
01:33:18okay okay yeah they use sticks yeah so uh do you think like any animal that become
01:33:30like a koala because koalas have five fingers too do you think we evolved from them possibly yeah
01:33:39so you think we we evolved from a small furry bear like that how is that even possible to even
01:33:46how come we don't see evolution happening today
01:33:49of us how come humans ourselves haven't evolved to a different type of creature
01:33:57oh again thank you for academic discussion inspiration thank you it's like this okay so
01:34:05evolution happens over millions of years it happens very slowly
01:34:11right but what's the evidence of the earth being millions of years old though
01:34:19uh the planet earth probably uh the history of planet earth i mean then wikipedia right
01:34:27but uh google but uh the history of the universe they estimate it as a 46 billion years
01:34:35and planet earth something like 10 billion years something like that okay but how we how do we know
01:34:41that the earth is very that old though uh yeah that's not biology that's more like a um like
01:34:52material science uh though uh it's like a it's about carbon dating it's like a material science
01:35:02okay so it's about like this half-life of this radioactive atoms uh half-life
01:35:11of radioactive atoms like radium or uh uranium like uh yeah it's it's about that so yeah it's
01:35:22material science yeah so do you believe in christianity to be true and the only true religion
01:35:32i used to be a christian i used to be a christian and i grew up as a methodist
01:35:38protestant in seoul south korea and um uh i appreciate christianity still and um
01:35:46big part of me is still very christian and um i i do appreciate christianity but
01:35:53hey look uh what's that video okay i i have i have to let you go because you're being too
01:35:59naughty that's not as appropriate yeah like that's very naughty
01:36:07oh yeah i have to let you go yeah get rid of them get rid of them
01:36:14okay that's not very respectful yeah that's not respectful
01:36:21so you used to be christian so like what would what is the what was the analogy that you know
01:36:26about christianity so uh uh what did you learn from yeah yeah like mr jesus uh
01:36:39said love your enemy turn the laptop and
01:36:49forgiveness therapy
01:36:55and that's great
01:36:59right right so do you believe that jesus was a real person
01:37:05yeah okay so do you believe like even the miracles that he did
01:37:13okay well i'm a scientist humanologist so like um a miracle uh could have happened
01:37:28but i do not know because if it happened it happened like 2 000 years ago before i was born
01:37:39so i i just don't know i don't know but it could have happened yeah so why would you believe that
01:37:48george washington was actually a president and uh was part of the revolution in your war why would
01:37:54you believe in that but not believe in jesus christ doing miracles and even the high witnesses
01:37:58of jesus christ witnessing and doing miracles okay so uh george washington to be honest i'm
01:38:07not a huge fan of that guy okay i'm not a huge fan okay but uh uh i am a huge fan of mr jesus
01:38:17uh when it comes to jesus walking on the water uh it could have happened
01:38:24and i just do not know because i was not there so jesus didn't claim to be god so
01:38:31jesus claimed to be god wouldn't you think that that would be possible for jesus to be able to
01:38:35walk on water and be able to heal people wouldn't that make sense if jesus claimed to be god
01:38:44well uh did you just say he's son of god right
01:38:48no he claimed to be god it's not an actual like son about how like us humans are
01:38:54it's it's difficult for us humans to understand because we're not god but it's three different
01:38:59jesus isn't like the literal son of god but that is what he's uh he's standardized standardized as
01:39:06the son of god but he's not like like god god's father isn't his like actual daddy
01:39:13jesus is god and you know what do you know what the trinity is yeah right so all three of them
01:39:20are one they all have one understanding they all agree on one thing right so jesus was claiming to
01:39:27be god what did you believe that it it may and most likely would have been possible for him to be
01:39:33able to do miracles and be able to walk on water yeah all right so uh my question is why would you
01:39:45believe in george washington being an actual president why wouldn't you why do you believe
01:39:49that he was the actual first president even though you wasn't even there to witness him
01:39:54being the first president well uh we have some historical documents uh so uh
01:40:07i think they may be biased but i do not doubt the existence of george washington
01:40:18do you doubt the existence of jesus at all no
01:40:23so why would you doubt the eyewitnesses and the thousands of manuscripts and the dead sea scrolls
01:40:30of jesus christ what miracles the uh the actual manuscripts of the actual first bible the actual
01:40:42eyewitnesses that watch jesus do miracles and everything like that why do you why do you doubt
01:40:49those but you wouldn't doubt the uh the manuscripts of george washington
01:40:55okay it's because um uh george washington okay maybe some people say yeah the american
01:41:03revolution against british kingdom maybe some say it was miracle that such a few army in colonial
01:41:14eastern post right uh yeah but they defeated the mighty british navy right uh some say some may say
01:41:23it was a miracle but i don't think it was a miracle because logistically speaking yeah american
01:41:30soldiers there are a few of them okay but british well they're not that united kingdom is not a big
01:41:38country okay so they don't have that many soldiers either okay but they're more experienced like navy
01:41:45right and but they have to sail across atlantic ocean after united kingdom coming to america
01:41:54navy they're tired okay and but and but george washington general his people they know the
01:42:03territory and they're already here okay they have food so when it comes to logistics it was
01:42:10not that much of miracle okay uh in military standpoint of view but when it comes to mr
01:42:16jesus walking on the water uh uh that is a miracle that's uh more difficult to achieve
01:42:25than george washington defeating british navy right but the difference between george washington
01:42:33jesus is that jesus was god and george washington wasn't god so it says jesus is god he has all
01:42:39power to do anything which is hard for us as humans to understand because we've never seen
01:42:45anything like that ever happen i feel like it would be it would be very understandable to be
01:42:52able to uh if someone was claiming to be god and then they're doing things that no human on earth
01:42:58could do you know so why would you doubt someone that claimed to be god to be doing things like
01:43:05that can i ask you some questions yeah go ahead how old are you i'm 18 okay
01:43:18what denomination
01:43:19i'm a baptist baptist okay yeah
01:43:29when was the very first time you went to church
01:43:33last time i went to church was on wednesday night i mean the very first time
01:43:39my first time uh i can't tell you so i just went out to live okay
01:43:50yeah when i was i'm 46 so but when i was 18 like you are now that was like uh
01:44:0146 minus 18 that's like uh 28 years ago
01:44:08okay i was just like you i was devout christian i grew up as a methodist
01:44:14protestant in south korea okay and i was just like you okay uh i did believe everything
01:44:27in the bible
01:44:31back then
01:44:35may i ask you a quick question real quick yeah
01:44:37yeah all right so you said that you used to be christian at my age right
01:44:42yeah so what what is the way that christians go to heaven or where they go after they die
01:44:51one more time please so if we're christian how do we get to heaven
01:44:57do you remember how christians get to heaven
01:45:00yeah in christianity yeah charity like help out the poor people and love your enemies and
01:45:10so doing like good things yeah okay okay so what if i were to tell you that that's actually not
01:45:17true based off what the bible actually says yeah tell me yeah okay so basically
01:45:25god says that no one on earth is good the only person good is god so in god's standard all of us
01:45:33were all sinful and hell is where people where every single person who has sinned so let me ask
01:45:41you this right have you ever lied before yeah okay all right so what would that make you if you lied
01:45:49one more time what would what would that make you if you lied before yeah a former liar
01:45:59that'll make you a liar okay and have you ever stolen anything
01:46:04yeah when when i was a child yes okay okay so uh so what would that make you if you stolen something
01:46:11so what would that make you if you stolen something uh i'm a former thief yep yep okay
01:46:18so actually you're a lying thief though you're both a lying and a thief yeah yeah past for now
01:46:24i don't do it anymore yeah right so have you ever uh looked at a woman with lust
01:46:30yeah yeah okay and uh have you ever used a guy's name and thing like saying omg or anything like
01:46:39that yeah okay and uh would you ever use like your parents name as a cuss word as your own
01:46:48mother as a cuss word yes okay so so based off what you're telling me here like hunky lee
01:46:56you're telling me that you're a liar you're a thief you're adulterer you are a blasphemer and
01:47:02god's gonna judge you for this you know it's just like a regular judge you know the judge
01:47:07is looking at you on court day he's looking at you and he's seeing that you've stolen from
01:47:12a bank thousands of dollars no not that much no no i when i stole something when i was at
01:47:18elementary school i stole a candy there was like maybe less than one dollar
01:47:26but i'm using like the example of like a judge judging someone else that's stolen a thousand
01:47:31right all right so if god's gonna judge you based off the sins that you committed
01:47:37where would you end up would you go to heaven or hell
01:47:42heaven or hell yes if he was if he was judging you based off what you've done
01:47:48what would be your punishment if you've sinned would you go to heaven or hell okay uh look uh
01:47:56there's this concept in islam
01:48:00okay i want you to open your mind i want to uh venture out outside of christianity okay
01:48:08it's very important okay i've studied islam before too yeah but let's just let's stay on
01:48:12this topic real quick though if god was judging you if you were to die today and you just told
01:48:17me that you're a liar thief all that would he send you would you go to heaven or hell
01:48:22if he was judging you based off what you did okay uh now i will answer that question but we need some
01:48:31more background story to answer that question this is very complex question okay
01:48:39so in islam they are from middle east uh yeah algebra is based on arabic
01:48:48algebra the repair okay so uh it's from islam okay i mean not it was before islam is
01:48:57middle east arabic okay so it but in islam uh they say it's very algebraic it's an audition
01:49:05subtraction okay there's a theory in islam it's wonderful i love that theory in islam okay
01:49:15okay so you sum up all the good things that you did and all the bad things you did and if
01:49:21you sum it make summation sum it up but it goes to negative you did more bad things than good
01:49:28things then you go to hell but you sum it up you did more good things than bad things then you go
01:49:33to heaven i like that theory yeah okay so here's here's the thing though okay so if we're just
01:49:40basing off the christian theory all right so like let's say all right so let's say a judge
01:49:44and it's an invalid the felon the felon stole thousands of dollars from a bank but then he
01:49:49tells the judge hey judge look at all these good things i've done you know i fed a poor
01:49:55i helped an old lady cross the street you know i think i shouldn't go to jail for this
01:49:59now what would the judge do he'd be like nope doesn't matter what you've done
01:50:03you still stole that money so your punishment ultimately is going to be jail so that's the
01:50:09same thing with god all right it doesn't matter any of the good stuff we do our good deeds cannot
01:50:14outdo our bad deeds because our bad deeds are way way heavier than our good deeds we've done a lot
01:50:19more bad things than we've done good on this earth so god's going to look at you on judgment day
01:50:24and he's seen all the things that you've done and he's going to help you'll go to hell right
01:50:29you'll go to hell if you don't uh you'll go to hell based off what he showed you off right
01:50:36that's you'll go to hell if we're going based off not the islam theology but we're going based
01:50:41off the christian going based off what the christian god believes in right
01:50:46once you go to heaven or hell based off what you've done
01:50:51because god is a just judge he's he's gonna he's gonna punish you for what you deserve
01:50:57yeah i answer your question i think i will go to heaven
01:51:00right so uh why would you go to heaven even though if god's a just judge why would you go
01:51:06to heaven and not know because i think i did more good than bad right but it's the same thing with
01:51:12the judge you know that criminal he's done a lot of good things but he still ends up in jail it's
01:51:18the same way with god god is a just judge you have to understand he's a just judge he'll he's
01:51:24he's a just judge he'll he's gonna send you for whatever whatever uh sin that you committed is
01:51:30where your punishment it will be hell okay hey friend are you good at mathematics mathematics
01:51:38yeah i'm all right i'm all right okay so it's simple algebra okay so we're talking about robin
01:51:45hood robin hood yeah so robin hood is a bank robber so he still he go to a bank robin hood okay
01:51:59he's a thief he go to a bank and he's still one million dollars and out of one million dollars
01:52:09he donate seven hundred thousand dollars to poor people okay and but did he still get punished for
01:52:19what he sold hey can i talk please i'm sorry sorry okay so robin hood is a thief go to a bank
01:52:27go to a bank still one million dollars and he donates seven hundred thousand dollars to charity
01:52:36to help out poor people feed the poor okay but he takes the rest like three hundred
01:52:46thousand dollars to himself that's why he should go to jail
01:52:51okay okay so math math math okay okay so robin hood that's a he wasn't a real person right
01:53:04correct me i don't know i i believe that uh it's actually i think that's a fairy tale
01:53:09so i'm saying like you cannot compare something like that to what a real life situation
01:53:15you know if mr beast he's done he's giving away tons of money right
01:53:20you know mr beast yeah and if he wanted if he wanted to kill somebody
01:53:25where would the judge send him would he would he be free or would he go to jail
01:53:32i he should go to jail
01:53:35right because that's what he deserves and it's the same thing with me and you hunky we both
01:53:39deserve hell because of what we've done on earth the sins that we have done so do you want me to
01:53:45give you the answer how we go to heaven now well my guess would be i i think look i read bible
01:53:54three times okay so i was christian for like many decades okay yeah maybe you're talking about
01:54:00believing in jesus christ and accepting as your savior and then your sin will be forgiven then
01:54:06you go to heaven to start your sins right yeah i don't understand yeah you don't understand
01:54:15i mean i understand what your your thought process although i disagree with you
01:54:23okay okay so why do you disagree that jesus would be the only way to heaven except for good words
01:54:31does mr jesus christ know anything about martial arts
01:54:38what does he need and what does he what does he need to know about martial arts
01:54:42because that's what we need to uh protect ourselves
01:54:50okay but uh again my question is why would uh jesus not be the only way to heaven for us
01:54:57sinners i mean i learned a lot from mr jesus okay i'm admiring mr jesus okay so
01:55:06uh just give me one second uh time is running out here uh in daily motion um yeah we are like
01:55:13five minutes left in daily motion okay look uh i admire mr jesus but uh he does not know martial
01:55:21arts he did not tell people yeah people i'm jesus love martial arts he never said that i do okay
01:55:30because uh people need to love martial arts to protect themselves and protect other people
01:55:36or surrounding them okay uh so that's one thing i disagree with mr jesus okay um well like there's
01:55:47other ways how we can protect ourselves we don't need to just only know martial arts i mean
01:55:51protecting ourselves is just a natural habit that we as humans have almost protected ourselves in
01:55:57any way i just even if we don't know how to fight we still fight someone you know so i feel like
01:56:03that argument isn't really the best because us humans we already have the natural habit
01:56:09of fighting but i mean i don't know why why you would need jesus to do that and here's the thing
01:56:18not everything that jesus did the bible says that there's so much more that jesus has done that
01:56:24they didn't have everything written yeah because there's just so much so maybe in some way i'm not
01:56:30saying it's true but maybe in some way that jesus did teach people martial arts i have no idea
01:56:37right but we don't know every little thing and you don't know every little thing about anything
01:56:42we didn't know every little thing about george washington right so you can't just judge and say
01:56:47that he didn't do this but you also can't judge and say that i can't say that he did do this
01:56:53my saying is that jesus is truly the only way it's not it doesn't matter what we've done
01:56:58jesus went on that cross and died for the whole world's sins right and then he he resurrected
01:57:05after three days all right and all you all you truly have to do is accept him as your lord and
01:57:11savior and repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness right and truly believe in jesus christ
01:57:18yeah i i do appreciate your religion okay uh but uh uh uh well i read bible three times back to
01:57:27back okay so mr jesus said to uh saint peter he's this one of his disciple okay yeah
01:57:37or other disciples okay do you have some knives yeah and he himself said yeah we have three knives
01:57:44three knives and he said yeah that's good enough because uh we are going through some difficult
01:57:51times here okay and give me one second let me do time to look okay so uh daily motion okay so
01:57:58okay yeah daily motion yeah i'll see you tomorrow okay thank you yeah we are
01:58:02having some interesting discussion thank you friends yeah yeah thank you