friday night live with huhnkie lee 169

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live with Hunky Lee, episode 169.
00:00:10All right. Happy Friday.
00:00:18Let's do double side kick.
00:00:34Let's see what it would look like. Okay.
00:00:45How about that?
00:00:48Five minutes break, please. Thank you.
00:00:52Oh, yeah.
00:00:56All right.
00:01:18All right.
00:01:48All right.
00:01:49All right.
00:01:50All right.
00:01:51All right.
00:01:52All right.
00:01:53All right.
00:01:54All right.
00:01:55All right.
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00:02:01All right.
00:02:02All right.
00:02:03All right.
00:02:04All right.
00:02:05All right.
00:02:06All right.
00:02:07All right.
00:02:08All right.
00:02:09All right.
00:02:10All right.
00:02:11All right.
00:02:12All right.
00:02:13All right.
00:02:14All right.
00:02:15All right.
00:02:16All right.
00:02:17All right.
00:02:18All right.
00:02:19All right.
00:02:20All right.
00:02:21All right.
00:02:22All right.
00:02:23All right.
00:02:24All right.
00:02:25All right.
00:02:26All right.
00:02:27All right.
00:02:28All right.
00:02:29All right.
00:02:30All right.
00:02:33Thank you everyone.
00:02:34We appreciate that.
00:02:35I hope everyone enjoyed it and found it helpful.
00:02:39All right.
00:02:40Thanks everyone please h…
00:06:55okay welcome back
00:07:03some corrections yesterday Facebook live episode we checked out some US army
00:07:13training and some correction there okay so it's just upload to YouTube okay now
00:07:22we're in daily motion which is fantastic yeah so some Facebook live
00:07:29episode I record sometimes I upload to YouTube okay because I'm filming my
00:07:34cell phone and daily motion does not allow that format okay so that's the
00:07:40reason yeah I love daily motion and YouTube equally okay now so I we looked
00:07:48at during the Facebook live we looked at the
00:07:58YouTube footage of this female captain US Army medic MOS is not 69 whiskey 68
00:08:07whiskey we added to the okay here 68 whiskey US Army medic okay and yeah I
00:08:15made friends there
00:08:23is this Fort Sam Houston somewhere near San Antonio I don't remember the army
00:08:31base there yeah they do the medic ART training there and so and in some of the
00:08:44YouTube videos they say it's a 70 75 pounds no it's not because it's 35
00:08:49pounds okay rocks okay when I was doing the special force training that where I
00:08:55dropped out but I did finish the rock march part it was at least 45 pounds okay
00:09:02yeah this special forces okay but the expert field medic batch test maybe back
00:09:13then it was different maybe it was more okay but now this 35 pounds at least okay
00:09:19even special forces now this 35 pounds minimum 35 to 60 pound okay okay so
00:09:30technically it is made it easier in special forces okay back in the days
00:09:35yeah at least 45 pounds okay now this at least 35 pounds even in special forces
00:09:41okay so the expert
00:09:45med field medic batch I do not know what standard that was back then when the
00:09:53female captain a very famous one she fell but she finished the line our limit
00:10:00yeah three hours 12 miles okay yeah I think it was that like that yeah and but
00:10:10back then special forces yeah selection course service in hell okay now there's
00:10:13two weeks in hell okay this is take a minute easier okay
00:10:20I don't know why
00:10:24yeah cheers yep
00:10:28hmm so you're taking a break from mathematics yeah let's talk some more
00:10:33about economics okay sure um this another cause of inflation we talked
00:10:44about several causes of inflation yesterday right there's another one okay
00:10:50can you think of one yeah if you want to yeah five minutes okay yeah thank you
00:11:02yeah economics
00:11:36this one's good
00:11:45so I went to the park during the lunch and to run there yeah like Lucy Park and
00:11:52they were doing road construction the asphalt road you could before they was
00:11:58dark road okay to go to the park and yeah great professionals yeah
00:12:03construction workers okay oh so I was one of the very first people who drove
00:12:08on that brand-new road asphalt road and it was great yeah I also I greeted the
00:12:14construction workers there and flaggers and yeah great professional fantastic
00:12:20yeah that was nice okay five minutes okay yeah then we'll talk about another
00:12:26cause of inflation okay yeah if you want to think about it yeah five minutes
00:12:32thank you yep
00:17:27oh yeah after I came to work I mean came from work I went outside and yard if I
00:17:39got home and well grab my plastic bag and disposable rubber gloves and picked
00:17:50fly agaric that's those are some of them are in my yard and they're poisonous
00:17:57mushrooms and I don't want them in my yard so I picked them and put them away
00:18:01okay yeah
00:18:06also some edible mushrooms
00:18:11if I call them pancake mushroom because they look like pancakes but they do not
00:18:16taste like pancake they taste like mushrooms okay edible mushroom is
00:18:20pancake mushroom let me look for in the mushroom book okay this is a mushroom
00:18:25Bible I'll show you
00:18:42burnt orange bullet it could be this one
00:18:51yeah you see
00:18:57this one okay burnt orange bullet I think that's what it is I think
00:19:06and the other book okay I have eaten some in the past and they taste pretty good
00:19:48okay so let me start to go a little bit let me have some tongs
00:20:23so the yeah inflation okay
00:20:30the let me have some
00:20:38I will scrub a vodka here
00:20:43yesterday the juicing the juice didn't quite come out yet today probably that I
00:20:53don't squish them okay I just put them as it is I don't like squeeze them these
00:20:59berries so that you last longer okay so you give out juice little by little over
00:21:06a long time
00:21:23here's happy Friday
00:21:29okay okay nice
00:21:33didn't give up the juice not quite yet it takes a while no problem
00:21:40so inflation okay okay yeah it's energy price if energy price go up it could be
00:21:49fossil fuel or electricity whatever for whatever reason energy price go up then
00:21:55inflation happens everything become more expensive why to produce a product
00:22:02that it requires energy
00:22:11what are some source of energy yeah fossil fuel whatever wind power hydraulic
00:22:17power and electricity and nuclear plant yeah they produce electricity and so for
00:22:26whatever is an energy price go up then all the products price go up now another
00:22:34source of energy
00:22:37food okay agriculture
00:22:42so people need food and people are needed in order to produce goods and
00:22:51services that we collect them called products okay so if food price go up
00:22:56then everything every product goods and services price go up okay
00:23:04with food is energy source
00:23:12if food price go up then everything else price also go up okay
00:23:19with food is energy source okay good now
00:23:31so Republicans are criticizing Tamela Harris's economic policy they published
00:23:44good they call it as like a price control just how Republicans would
00:23:49characterize it price control
00:23:54so let's talk about that okay
00:23:59Republicans they advocate for like free market
00:24:05no government interference just capitalism
00:24:12and price control by government government like interfering with free
00:24:21commerce free market Republicans see that as a socialism totalitarianism
00:24:27socialism communism that's how they characterize okay yeah so let's talk
00:24:31about that okay we need to categorize markets into
00:24:38different categories okay welcome to Humanology okay yeah we know about
00:24:46economics we are economists as well
00:24:51because we are primers we know everything cheers
00:25:05I drank too much wine lately and so I ordered around lunchtime my gum and
00:25:13teeth start to hurt a little bit because too much sugar okay yeah so I gotta go
00:25:19easy on this wine okay so yeah I brush my teeth after lunch okay so now it's
00:25:25fun yeah so I brush my teeth three times a day I see some today when it
00:25:35hurts I do extra brushing okay yeah that's fine
00:25:44now let's say five is broken yeah let's take it easy yeah okay
00:25:52and economics room
00:28:19okay so economics is such a big field just like biology okay very big field so
00:28:28we need to categorize markets before that we need to categorize products
00:28:34meaning yeah well first categorization of products goods and services goods
00:28:40yeah the things we buy the money service yeah like barbershop service
00:28:46cleaning service yeah the human labor restaurant like food cooking yeah to
00:28:54services okay and restaurant actually this is both okay
00:29:01barbershop or massage those are human labor services okay we don't get
00:29:07products when we go to barbershop or massage therapy okay but restaurant
00:29:17yeah the human labor like cooking we buy food in a restaurant right also we get
00:29:23served yeah waitresses okay waiters okay so combination of both goods and
00:29:30services in restaurant okay yeah okay and pure goods yeah we go to grocery
00:29:38store and we just buy them right oh because we pay for the cashier the labor
00:29:44just including the price okay okay and
00:29:52and products okay there are essential products like food water electricity
00:30:02heating car gasoline tire that everybody needs
00:30:11right essential products okay and then non-essential products like ring jewelry
00:30:20good we don't need that
00:30:26necklace bracelet we don't need that to survive
00:30:31okay so those are consumed by people who have disposable income wealthy ones okay
00:30:38cheers yeah
00:30:45but wedding ring I guess it can be seen as an essential product sure but not
00:30:53marriage is not necessary to survive yeah okay
00:31:00maybe so for some people it is sure more social people yeah they want to have
00:31:07family so maybe it is an issue for that marriage okay but not to everybody okay
00:31:15what medicine like diabetes medicine insulin they are essential for some
00:31:24people with diabetes they need insulin diabetes medicine but not everybody has
00:31:31it not everybody has diabetes I don't have diabetes okay
00:31:39and but food everybody needs it but some people eat rice some people eat bread
00:31:50instead carbohydrate okay they're substitutable some people eat noodles
00:31:57like me I ramen noodles bread the only time I eat bread is when I need when I
00:32:06eat like hamburger or hot dog that's the only time I eat bread the bombs okay
00:32:19but rice I sometimes eat ramen noodles noodles I eat that pasta I eat that but
00:32:26they're substitutable okay bread pasta ramen noodle with bread or they're
00:32:35substitutable okay yeah you can choose one of them
00:32:47all of them just different times okay yeah
00:32:52but insulin injectable insulin that is not substitutable at all yeah people
00:33:02with diabetes disease you cannot substitute insulin with something else
00:33:09all right so these different kinds of product it's not like rice or wheat bread
00:33:15okay yeah do that not substitutable they need insulin period people who die with
00:33:22this okay and I there's no substitute for that okay yeah
00:33:30they need insulin period okay Cheers
00:33:39no price control of insulin I learned this already from Donald Trump great
00:33:47yeah like $35 per month insulin price originally from Donald Trump you know
00:33:55limited cases and after Joe Biden took over he expanded that program
00:34:05and he signed into a law federal statute okay yeah so in a way it's bipartisan
00:34:14idea I guess they work together just great yeah
00:34:22well party politics is fun they're attacking each other like making fun of
00:34:27each other it's fun but they need to work they need to learn to work together
00:34:32too Republicans and Democrats okay yeah
00:34:38cheers and I see they're doing more and more so they're learning slowly that's
00:34:58let's take five minutes break I need some vocal rest okay yeah welcome to Friday
00:35:03Nihong Lee Humanology Weekend Edition yeah nice very cool
00:38:11Oh price control okay again insulin case
00:38:17originally started from Donald Trump before he was president okay yeah
00:38:23it's a good thing and I'll tell you why okay because insulin is essential
00:38:29product for people with diabetes right and okay so
00:38:36Kamala Harris said something like yeah we're gonna prevent price gouging okay
00:38:44I think I heard about that term long time ago so and I think what they mean
00:38:51by that price gouging is this like let's say there are two producers of
00:39:00apples okay two different brands okay
00:39:06they have a meeting two producers of apples and they agreed to fix the price
00:39:13of Apple instead of competing each other yeah let's agree that price of one
00:39:22Apple would be $10
00:39:26as opposed to you and I competing like lowering the price no let's set the
00:39:32price very high let's agree to that that's called price fixing okay something
00:39:38like that okay or maybe price gouging okay some different terms about it I
00:39:44don't remember okay it's kind of conspiracy okay yeah
00:39:50and to the detriment of consumers and to the benefit of producers sellers okay
00:39:56yeah okay
00:40:01is it legal I don't think so okay so can I anything yeah you're gonna make sure
00:40:08that law is enforced okay yeah that's fine
00:40:14hmm and cameras has also I don't know what exactly she said okay but
00:40:23Republicans are kind of like interpreting as a press control in not
00:40:27just insurance but anything else okay okay so my criticism against Republican
00:40:37party Trump team is that Tim Trump is that they're resorting to lies
00:40:47dishonesty deception and also threatening like fear like like Trump is
00:40:55saying oh if if camera has wins then there be World War three nuclear war
00:41:01Great Depression it's fun to hear him saying those things it's like drama
00:41:10like fiction horror fiction right I like him it's funny okay but I those are the
00:41:17reasons why he should not win okay because a campaign based on fear
00:41:24mongering and threatening lies that's highly moral okay morality is so
00:41:32important okay that's why I think he should lose and I want to see him lose
00:41:39Trump Vance okay I want to see them lose fair and square that's what I'd like to
00:41:46see okay okay I'm running for US president too okay so honkily Kamala
00:41:52Harris and Trump okay yeah in that order okay yeah Cheers
00:42:01so Kamala Harris's idea press control I do not think it's a good idea because
00:42:08free market is good although it does need to be regulated so American
00:42:14financial law economy is not pure capitalism this because there's some
00:42:23regulation okay it's a halfway between communism and capitalism there's
00:42:27American economy law and policy okay yeah it's desirable okay yeah it is
00:42:44so a regulation of insulin price that's a good thing okay this price fixing is
00:42:53kind of like monopoly okay monopoly people with diabetes they need this food
00:42:58this not food this drug usually okay and they need that actually insulin is a
00:43:05hormone you know about it but they just don't have they need more insulin okay
00:43:10so and so
00:43:18I'm out breath let's take five minutes break
00:43:31let's take five minutes break Cheers
00:43:37you okay let's take it easy it's Friday okay but we are discussing something
00:43:45very important economics okay yeah five minutes thank you oh yeah
00:47:23oh okay let's get back to the categorization of products okay general
00:47:29products special products general products is like food gasoline
00:47:35electricity water that everybody needs tire car everybody knows that okay yeah
00:47:43like car repair of services you'll need that okay general product now special
00:47:49product only some people need it like insulin only that people who die by this
00:47:55need that okay so it's a more narrow market niche market okay so and but
00:48:01essential product because they did it okay yeah so in those cases like narrow
00:48:12market yeah special product also special essential product like insulin okay then
00:48:21yeah price control makes sense okay yeah
00:48:30otherwise you'd be like price fixing price gouging or like monopoly oh we
00:48:38don't want that okay so yeah
00:48:43but when it comes to I mean Republican criticism on Kamala Harris's policy
00:48:52goods and bads okay yeah but they did point out some good points like in the
00:49:00morning when I drive to work yeah Dana show okay yeah she's smart and she's
00:49:08funny she's Republican okay also during the lunchtime as I drive the radio
00:49:14what's his name foremost the secret service agent for my NYPD then I don't
00:49:27remember his name okay yeah but yeah he's Republican yeah
00:49:33definitely he's very engaging and high energy and I enjoy their show although I
00:49:40don't want to agree with that okay so cheers
00:49:54basically Kamala Harris is Democrat so Democrats their attitude is they blame
00:50:00the wealthy corporations they want to tax the rich and feed the poor yeah it
00:50:08is communism idea
00:50:11and this is not necessarily a bad thing
00:50:17so basically they blame the wealthy individuals for greed selfishness yeah
00:50:25so that's their attitude the Democratic Party
00:50:38so some Republicans are saying oh yeah Kamala Harris if she gets elected it will ruin
00:50:44American economy I don't think so okay why because American economy is very
00:50:51strong why yeah all the technological innovation agriculture America is a big
00:51:00country with a lot of people Canada which is about same size as America
00:51:06Canadian population one-tenth of America about I learned about that fact about two
00:51:16months ago when I was in Canada briefly okay yeah Canadians told me taught me
00:51:26okay I'm very grateful
00:51:29because I had actual interaction with Canadians okay all around the world okay
00:51:36very cool great people cheers
00:51:42and Canada has a lot of natural resources okay and so does America okay
00:51:49and so America is a lot of people 300 million more than that okay yeah so and
00:51:56great technology great education okay yeah civilized people and politically
00:52:06stable country America okay so American economy is very strong okay yeah so even
00:52:15if Kamala Harris's economic policy is somewhat flawed even not too much harm
00:52:22to damage American economy because American economy is very very strong
00:52:28okay so I agree with more I agree more with Republicans when it comes to
00:52:38piracies except for mass deportation except for anti-abortion okay other than
00:52:47those two issues I agree a lot with Republicans because I used to be a Republican
00:52:54I'm a center right okay moderate conservative that's what I am okay
00:53:03and yeah
00:53:11but I still think that because I I should win over that that's out of
00:53:19question okay because I'm smarter than both okay but between Trump and Harris
00:53:29hypothetically okay I think Harris should win because Trump too morally bankrupt I
00:53:38mean there's some good in him he has some virtues yes some Christian values
00:53:45there like love your enemy he loved Putin he loved Kim Jong-un so yeah
00:53:51there's charitable love love for your enemy and he want to get along with Iran
00:53:58that's something very cool about Trump and I appreciate that I do that's very
00:54:04Christian okay charity love your enemy very Christian yeah I do appreciate it
00:54:10okay but in other departments yeah he lied too much I mean he's funny but he's
00:54:19confusing fiction and reality okay my recommendation to Trump write a fiction
00:54:24write novels like I do you need to separate fictional space where you make
00:54:31up stories and reality you should not confuse the two if you do then you
00:54:38become a liar mr. Trump okay he's a good storyteller though it's funny yeah
00:54:51okay now how time do you have
00:55:00it's been less than one hour okay okay
00:55:04I think that's pretty much it and
00:55:18let's take five minutes break and then let's go to the time lapse together yeah
00:55:23that's all I have to say
00:55:41do you like this tart
00:55:45maybe sure well it's been almost one hour I think that's good enough okay so
00:55:50let's wrap up this episode and then take five to ten minutes break and then
00:56:01you maybe do one more segment okay because I want to do at least one hour
00:56:08we are like if you do four more minutes then it'll be more than one okay sure
00:56:17one more second one okay five minutes break thank you yeah yeah
00:56:22welcome to pride and I love honky-link yeah oh nice
00:58:46okay so now let's switch the topic let's talk about um masturbation okay uh i educate for
00:58:55masturbation yeah for guys three times a week uh for females maybe once a month
00:59:01uh but i cannot speak for females because i'm not a woman i i don't know how often they did it
00:59:08okay but for guys yes about three times a week that's reasonable okay masturbation okay so it is
00:59:15important okay i know it sounds like a joke but i express expressly said this during my campaign
00:59:22trail but two years ago 2022 uh usn campaign in alaska yeah
00:59:29yeah it's a stand-up comedy you know bar yeah i can talk about it okay
00:59:36all right cheers yeah
00:59:43so so about two years ago okay uh a gentleman joined us in instagram live and um uh he said um
00:59:52well i disagree with you uncle uh masturbation is bad i'm paraphrasing what he said okay
00:59:58it's not masculine it's not manly to do masturbation okay okay
01:00:12and some others oppose masturbation based on from religious perspective okay yeah
01:00:23oh well but the thing is this okay uh king solomon in old testament bible
01:00:29he wrote uh some kind of pornographic
01:00:35poem yeah solomon's songs song of songs okay yeah
01:00:46it's kind of masturbatory okay
01:00:55so why do i advocate for masturbation when it prevents unwanted pregnancy it prevents abortion
01:01:06it prevents sexual crimes too yeah and also is scientifically proven that um
01:01:15masturbation is healthy yeah doctor said medical scientists it prevents prostate cancer
01:01:23and it makes sense why yeah the semen for males yeah don't let it go stale
01:01:30or stagnant yeah keep it flowing
01:01:36yeah circulation of liquid materials or water yeah drink a lot of water okay yeah
01:01:47i was carrying my water bottle everywhere i go okay okay cheers
01:01:52right exercise yeah eat drink and go to bathroom yeah circulation keep it flow
01:02:06exercise blood circulation okay masturbation yeah circulation yeah let it flow three times a week
01:02:14guys yeah it's safe healthy and
01:02:24cheap okay yeah
01:02:29uh when i do that uh yeah i watch uh in the internet adult entertainment
01:02:36films for free in the internet okay yeah again yeah some people are against that
01:02:42but i appreciate uh the adult film actors actresses performers i think they're great artists
01:02:54i appreciate them appreciate them as performers and artists i do okay although i do not recommend
01:02:59people to go into the industry because it's too dangerous std sexually transmitted diseases okay
01:03:08yeah but we have enough archives in the internet like past ones okay yeah that's good enough okay
01:03:18you don't need to make brand new ones it's just too dangerous you know
01:03:24okay it's been more than one hour okay so yeah let's uh let me let's wrap up for this episode
01:03:33and then after five to ten minutes break and then we'll go to instagram live okay
01:03:40no martial arts too okay very important yeah see you soon we'll see you tomorrow okay thank you