• last year
00:00He is in a rehab assignment.
00:03What is Lou Maloney looking for, both in terms of timetable
00:06and then any potential contributions to a maybe
00:10playoff run here?
00:11Yeah, I think it's going to be interesting,
00:13because as we saw with Story that missed five months
00:16and came back last year and wasn't much.
00:18And even Yoshida, the first three weeks he came back,
00:20that's kind of what I expect.
00:21Like, I think you go down to AAA these days,
00:23and you don't go down there to get your timing,
00:25because the pitching sucks.
00:26You don't go down there, you just really go down there
00:29to kind of test your body and see how your body feels.
00:31And for him, that's swinging a bad heart.
00:33But when he comes up here, and to be honest,
00:35it'll probably be quicker than I think it should be.
00:37Like, I wouldn't be surprised if he's up here
00:39in a week to 10 days, where probably he needs
00:41two or three weeks down there.
00:43I don't expect much from him the first two or three weeks.
00:46I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised,
00:48but I just think this league is really hard,
00:50and he's going to come in here,
00:51and it's going to be a different level of pitching,
00:53regardless of how many at-bats he's already had in his mind.
00:56It is different, and to be honest with you,
00:59I would love to be able to get the production from Casas
01:03that you've gotten from Dom Smith in the last month.
01:07You know, I wouldn't be shocked if after, like, a week,
01:09you're like, Jesus, am I going to start playing Dom or what?
01:11Because his timing is off, and he just,
01:13he doesn't look right at the plate.
01:14Like, that wouldn't surprise me,
01:16because missing four months, and then coming back
01:19after a week of games is really, really hard.
01:22And hopefully he can figure it out by September
01:24and have a really good month.
01:25That's my goal.
