• 3 months ago
00:00the nightmare scenario is they get fed up with boone in new york and you look over next year
00:05and alex cora is in yankee stadium managing the yankees to which i asked what's a worse
00:10nightmare scenario alex core to the yankees or bill belichick to the jets because i don't think
00:14it's as ridiculous as some would uh think it may be um but no he is riding high people are even
00:21forgetting the one black mark against him is the way the team has fallen apart the last couple
00:25stretch runs after the trade deadline team doesn't do what the players want
00:30they pout he maybe pouts he loses energy focus whatever they fall apart down the stretch what
00:37if that happens again what if all these promises of being buyers even um even the general manager
00:44is now talking about buying breslau greg breslau i couldn't think of what you called him yesterday
00:49greg i called him greg greg breslau says they're going to uh be buyers let's just say they don't
00:54and let's just say the same thing happens the wheels fall off they just lose focus and intensity
00:59because they're like well if you're not going to try why should we try for the next month and a
01:02half two months blah blah blah if the wheels fall off is he so teflon right now is alex cora no
01:07matter what when he hits free agency is he the top manager on the market absolutely i agree absolutely
01:14that's why he's going to get 50 million dollars and i don't know how the cycles work in major
01:18league baseball because i know in the nfl i feel like every year there's like six to seven new job
01:25opportunities you mentioned boone okay i do think it's going to be the top market teams with the
01:32most money to spend with the most at stake right with the most eyeballs right so it's boone with
01:39the yankees it's uh dave roberts with the dodgers right for all the talent and for everything the
01:46dodgers have done all the money that they have spent they still only have one world series since
01:53he took over only one they've been in the conversation they've been they've had the
01:57opportunities but they've always lost and the one world series that they won was during covid a a
02:03covid shortened season right just like the lakers when they won their championship the the dodgers
02:09are no different so i think those are two teams that can easily not only will have the the the
02:16the financial ability to do it and the just the almost psychotic willingness to spend extra
02:21because that is the one piece that's missing not the fact that everybody's heard on the dodgers
02:27that has nothing to do with it you know or the fact that aaron boone has i don't know when the
02:31last time the yankees won a title back in what 2001 ish i'm not gonna be sure when that was
02:36it's been forever yeah this price is gonna go up and they're gonna lose them because they just they
02:41they screwed this one up also
