Death Note Ep10

  • 2 months ago
Death Note Ep10


00:30夢 理想に変える
00:41誰もが 望んだ 終わりを
00:51広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の次に
01:02いつか僕が見せてあげる 光輝く世界を
01:26夢 理想に変える
01:56夢 理想に変える
02:26This is just a friendly game of tennis, nothing more.
02:30In and of itself, it won't determine if Light is Kira.
02:34But I know Kira hates to lose.
02:44Fifteen love.
02:47Wow, Ryuga, you sure don't mess around.
02:51He who strikes first wins.
02:53What do you mean you're not at liberty to say?
02:56I'm sorry, sir.
02:58We're under orders from L not to discuss the case with anyone, including you.
03:02I'm not asking for details here, just what you're doing and where.
03:06I'm very sorry, sir.
03:11You know, Yagami, it's been four months since this case came to the public's attention and they want results.
03:17People are saying that the NPA is incompetent, that L is incompetent.
03:21With all due respect, sir, the rest of the department runs away with their tails between their legs and we're incompetent?
03:28Do you have any idea how many people are left at task force headquarters these days?
03:32If you're concerned with public opinion, then you'll want to suppress the fact that most of our detectives would rather let a serial killer roam free than risk their lives.
03:41Please excuse me.
03:44Yagami, what about this L character? Can he be trusted?
03:51In my opinion, he's a lot more capable than we are. Right now, even as we speak, he's risking his life.
04:03Are these two really amateurs? Who are they, anyway?
04:06I think their names are Light Yagami and Hideki Ryuga. These are the same two guys who scored perfect on the exam.
04:13Relax, Light. While it's true that Kira hates losing, it's also true that most people would rather win than lose. It's human nature.
04:21Is he going to think that I'm Kira if I go for the win? I suppose I could just lose on purpose, but if I do, it could work against me.
04:28Since he'd expect Kira to want to win, he might also expect me to throw the match to avoid suspicion.
04:33I don't see any way that he can profile me based on a tennis match, so I have to assume he has some other goal in mind.
04:43No way. I'm not going to let him win.
04:51Look at that. He's going for the win.
04:54That's four games all. Light Yagami to serve.
04:59And just like that, we've got an umpire and a line judge.
05:03You won't believe this. I thought I'd heard the name Light Yagami somewhere before, so I checked. He was the 0203 Junior High Tennis Champion.
05:11Apparently, during the third-year awards ceremony, he announced that he was hanging up his racket. And I guess he hasn't played competitively since.
05:18Hey, hey, what about my Ryuga? Don't tell me you haven't noticed him holding his own against this former Junior High champ.
05:26I can see the wheels turning, Light Yagami. I'm already in your head.
05:31There's no way this tennis match will deepen our friendship. This is a token gesture. An elaborate act will go through so we can say we're closer.
05:39Because I wanted to play tennis with you, you'll assume that I'm preparing to take a step closer, laying the groundwork to get to know you better.
05:47And then you're going to try and trap me by getting me to say something that only Kira would know.
05:52However, I'm sure you'll tell me you need to know if you can trust me first. And of course, the only way to win your trust will be to share what I know about Kira.
06:00If you want me to discuss Kira with you, it only makes sense that I'd want to ask for proof that you are in charge of the investigation, and more importantly, that you are really L as you say you are.
06:10So it goes without saying that the first thing you're going to want from me is...
06:14Some kind of confirmation from a third party that you really are L, which means we'll have to go to Task Force Headquarters.
06:23In all things, one cannot win with defense alone. To win, you must attack!
06:31Game and set! Won by Light Yagami! Six games to four!
06:37Just as I expected. You beat me.
06:40It's been a while since I had to play that hard. I'm feeling kind of thirsty. Plus, there's something I wanted to ask you about. You want to go somewhere for a drink?
06:49You humored me with a tennis match. The least I can do is answer some of your questions. But before this conversation goes any further, there's something I must tell you.
06:58What's that?
06:59I suspect that you, Light Yagami, are in fact Kira. Now, if you still want to ask me something, then please go ahead.
07:10You think I'm Kira?
07:12Well, when I say I suspect you, it's only a 1% possibility.
07:16That aside, I don't mind telling you that once I'm sure you aren't Kira, and I can verify that your deductive skills are up to par, then I'll let you go.
07:23That aside, I don't mind telling you that once I'm sure you aren't Kira, and I can verify that your deductive skills are up to par, then I'll let you go.
07:31I'd like nothing more than to have you work with me on this investigation.
07:371%, huh? That was well-worded. Because no matter how little he says he suspects me, it means he has grounds to prevent me from meeting anyone on the task force.
07:48That was quite the preemptive move on his part. He got me.
07:54This coffee shop is one of my favorites in the area, and if we sit here, there's no chance of anyone overhearing us.
08:01Thanks for showing me this place. I can see why you like it.
08:05Not to mention, we're so out of the way here, no one's going to give you a hard time about the way you sit.
08:09I don't sit like this because I want to, I have to sit like this. You see, if I were to sit normally, my deductive skills would immediately be reduced by roughly 40%.
08:18So, what was it you wanted to ask me?
08:20Right. I'm sure that can wait until you're convinced that I'm not Kira, so please, let's talk about whatever you want to.
08:27You're under no obligation to do this, but would you mind submitting yourself to a test of your deductive reasoning skills?
08:33Sure, why not? Sounds like fun.
08:37All right, then. We can begin by taking a look at these.
08:40Photographs of three notes, written by prison inmates while under Kira's control, just prior to their deaths. None of this information has been made public.
08:48You can take as long as you want to look them over. Please let me know what you think.
08:54Very interesting. Come on, this is child's play. There's a print number on the back of each of these photographs.
09:02If I ignored this fact and was still able to come up with the phrase, L.D.U.,
09:07gods of death love apples, what would that mean?
09:11Clearly, if I read it the way Kira intended on my first attempt, I'd only look more suspicious.
09:16But the fact that I'm able to solve this silly code isn't enough on its own to prove that I'm Kira.
09:21It would be quite amazing to learn that not only could Kira kill others, but could also control his victims' actions.
09:28I think Kira wrote these and it seems he's encoded a message for you as well, almost as if he's mocking you.
09:33If you line these notes up side by side and take a look at the first letter of every line, it reveals a message.
09:38Rearranging it like this gives you...
09:42L.D.U., gods of death love apples.
09:47But there are obvious print numbers on the back of all these photographs.
09:51Arrange it in that order, we get...
09:54L.D.U., love apples, gods of death.
09:58L.D.U., love apples, gods of death.
10:03That doesn't sound right.
10:05And based on that, it's hard to believe that Kira would have wanted you to read it this way.
10:09That's incorrect.
10:11The thing is, there were actually four photographs.
10:15When we add this one, it reads...
10:18L.D.U., gods of death who love apples, have red hands.
10:23It's a fake!
10:24I never made any criminal write the letter in this fourth picture.
10:28Is he stupid?
10:30But seeing as I only had three photographs to work with, my deduction was perfect.
10:34No, it wasn't.
10:36The truth is, there were four of them.
10:38If you'd figured that out, it would have been perfect.
10:41Even though you knew the message was incomplete, you decided that there were only three notes.
10:46You never even considered that there might be a fourth.
10:49What do you make of that?
10:51Damn him! This wasn't just about gauging my deductive reasoning skills.
10:55He wanted to see what my reaction would be.
10:57If I keep falling for his tricks, I'll be playing right into his hands.
11:02Well, you got me there. I didn't think of that.
11:05In any case, the likelihood this message will lead you to Kira is not very great.
11:09Besides, we all know gods of death don't exist.
11:12If you were me, faced with someone who might be Kira,
11:15how would you go about establishing this person's innocence or guilt?
11:18You'd need to be absolutely sure.
11:20I would probably try to get him to say something that was never made public in any way.
11:24Something that only Kira could know.
11:26Kind of like what you were doing just now.
11:29Truly amazing.
11:31What's incredible is that I've asked countless detectives that same question,
11:35and it took most of them minutes to even come up with an answer.
11:38But you...
11:40You immediately thought of a scenario in which Kira is speaking directly to the investigator.
11:45I'm impressed.
11:47You'll make a fine detective, Light.
11:49But it's a bit of a double-edged sword.
11:52The more impressive my answer is, the more of a suspect I become.
11:55Yes, it's about three percent now.
11:57However, it's made me that much more determined to work with you on this investigation.
12:03You see, I'm in a position where even if you are Kira,
12:07it would still be to my benefit to have you working alongside us.
12:11Do you know why I'd say that?
12:13If I cooperate with you, there's a chance I can help the investigation to move forward.
12:18And if I'm Kira, I might reveal myself.
12:21In other words, whether I'm Kira or not, you stand to gain either way.
12:25It's a very smart move on your part.
12:28But I think you might be getting the wrong idea.
12:30It's true that I do have an interest in the Kira case, and yes, detective work is a hobby of mine.
12:35But I know that I'm not Kira, and I certainly don't want to be killed by him.
12:40Besides, what proof have you been able to give me that you yourself aren't Kira?
12:44I mean, it hardly seems fair for just one of us to be investigated, wouldn't you say?
12:48At this point, neither of us can prove that we're not Kira.
12:51However, if you are in fact L, I don't imagine it would be that hard for you to prove it to me.
12:56I think I'd be convinced if, say, my father or someone else from the Task Force Headquarters was able to confirm your identity.
13:03If you can't do that, then I'm afraid I just won't be able to help you.
13:07You sure talk a lot, don't you, Light?
13:10Typical for someone who hates losing.
13:13Think that 7% could it really be him?
13:17I don't remember saying you couldn't meet anyone from Task Force Headquarters to verify my identity.
13:23I am currently working alongside your father, as well as several other senior detectives from the NPA.
13:29Now, if I understand you correctly and I take you to Task Force Headquarters, you'll help us with the investigation.
13:35Am I safe in making this assumption?
13:38Does this guy have a death wish? I don't understand, what's he thinking?
13:43Excuse me.
13:44Excuse me.
13:46Oh, there goes mine.
13:50Ryuzaki, I have some bad news.
13:52Light, your father is...
13:54Light, it's your...
13:56My father, he had a heart attack!
14:00To be continued...
14:12Okay, see you tomorrow. Have them call home if you need me to bring anything.
14:16Light, you take care of him, okay?
14:24So the doctors think stress was the only cause?
14:26Yeah. To be honest, I thought it was Kira when I first collapsed, but I'll be alright.
14:31It seems I've been pushing myself a bit too hard lately.
14:34Indeed. It must have added to your stress knowing that Light is a suspect in this investigation.
14:39You actually told my father that?
14:41Yes. In fact, I've told him everything. It's true he even knows that I am L.
14:48That's correct. This man is L.
14:51To protect his identity, we on the task force refer to him as Ryuzaki. But make no mistake, it's him.
14:59This guy is the real L. My father wouldn't lie. The very same man who's been controlling the police up to this point.
15:06If I get rid of him and the rest of the investigative team...
15:09No. No, let's face it. It wouldn't be that simple.
15:13There's no need to rush. I have time to sit back and watch.
15:16But for now, I'm the Light Yagami who's worried for his father.
15:20So, Ryuzaki. Now that you've had the chance to talk to my son, is he cleared as a suspect?
15:26When I say I suspect him, you should know it's very minor.
15:30We've gone over this, but I'll explain it again.
15:33Not long ago, Kira killed twelve FBI agents who'd come to Japan to assist us.
15:38They were instructed to follow people connected to the Japanese police.
15:41One of these agents, Ray Pember, exhibited unusual behavior before he died.
15:47I understand. And I was one of the people Ray Pember was investigating before he died.
15:52It only makes sense I'd be a suspect.
15:55Nope. To be more precise, there's no one else you could suspect.
15:59I find Light's deductive powers quite impressive. He's always quick and to the point.
16:05Ryuga, I'd like to help with the investigation.
16:07My father has erased any doubts I might have had regarding your true identity.
16:11Also, I'd like nothing more than to catch Kira so I can prove once and for all that I'm not him.
16:16No, Light.
16:18This is a time in your life when you should be studying to become a police officer.
16:22It won't be too late to join us once you are done.
16:25Come on, Dad. What are you talking about? Who knows how many years that'll take?
16:29Besides, don't you remember my promise?
16:32That if something ever happened to you, I'd be there for you.
16:35That if something ever happened to you, I would find Kira and make sure he gets executed.
16:43I refuse to believe that my son could turn out to be Kira.
16:48This doesn't seem like an act to me. Or if it is, it's too cheesy.
16:53Light, listen to me.
16:56Kira is pure evil. We can all agree on that.
17:00But recently I've started thinking of this whole situation in a different way.
17:05What is truly evil is the power to kill people.
17:09And any person who has come to possess this kind of power is cursed.
17:13No matter how you use it, no true happiness can be obtained like that, not by killing other people.
17:21I think you're absolutely right.
17:24If Kira is just a normal person who somehow obtained this awful power, I would say that he's cursed.
17:31Ryuzaki, I'm sorry for all this trouble, but I'll be back at work as soon as the doctors let me out of here.
17:37Excuse me. Visiting hours were over ten minutes ago.
17:48Ryuga, what would it take to get you to believe that I'm not Kira? Please, isn't there something?
17:54If you aren't Kira, it won't be necessary. Let things run their course and the truth will be revealed.
17:59I can't take this anymore. Put yourself in my position. How do you think it feels to be accused of being Kira?
18:07It was one of the worst feelings ever.
18:10What if you were to lock me up for a month in a place with no TV or any other kind of access to the outside world and keep a constant watch over me?
18:17Would any normal person be willing to go to such extreme measures to clear their name?
18:22That's no good. I can't do anything that would deprive you of basic human rights.
18:26And furthermore, it's complete nonsense for the investigator to take suggestions from his suspect.
18:32I understand.
18:34Don't worry so much. Be patient. It'll become apparent to us if you're not Kira.
18:40And listening to that conversation between you and your father, I was almost convinced you might not be him.
18:46Light, please take good care of Mr. Yagami.
18:49One more thing. I know I agreed to help with the investigation, but I don't think I'll be able to do much until my father is healthy again.
18:56Yes, of course.
18:58Well then.
19:03Hideki Ryuga. Ryuzaki. He's the L I've been fighting this whole time.
19:10What is his real name?
19:14Light Yagami. Are you not Kira?
19:22I never once felt cursed since I picked up the Death Note. In fact, the thought never even crossed my mind.
19:28I'm happier than I've ever been, all thanks to this power. I'm going to create a perfect world.
19:36Honestly, I could care less whether you feel cursed or happy to have a notebook.
19:41I'll leave that sentimental crap to you humans.
19:44But normally humans who come into contact with the Shinigami have nothing but misfortune.
19:52That's interesting. But I have no intentions of repeating that pattern.
19:59Well, I hope you're right about that.
20:03What is this crap? Don't tell me this is your idea of a proposal!
20:07Listen, you people must think that just mentioning Kira's name is enough to get us the ratings we need, huh?
20:13Well, you're wrong! Our program gets the ratings because we cover the stories that the other stations won't touch.
20:17If it bleeds, it leads! What I need is a good freakin' story, not this crap!
20:24Now get out there and find me a story!
20:26But the police won't talk, sir. It's been impossible to get details from them lately.
20:30Idiot! I don't pay you to complain. If they won't give you anything, then get creative!
20:37Mr. Demikawa, sir. This is for you.
20:41What is it? So who is this from?
20:48Now this is more like it. This is what I call a story.
20:55It's almost too good to be true. A message to the world from Kira.
21:01If you do not broadcast these tapes, I will kill your company's board of directors one by one!
21:07Who wouldn't air these? If this is for real, our ratings are gonna go through the roof!
21:12Holy crap! I'm so excited I feel like I'm having a heart attack here!
21:17To be continued...
21:47Thank you for watching!