
  • 3 months ago


00:00I don't want to get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution, so I won't let it get in the way of anyone's revolution
00:30今、理想に変える 誰もが望んだ終わりを
00:51広がる闇の中が教えあった革命の地に 誰にも邪魔させるわけにはいかない いつか僕が見せてあげる 光り輝く世界を
01:21今、理想に変える 誰もが望んだ終わりを
01:52I'm very sorry we're late. Currently, the five of us are...
01:58What the hell was that?
02:00If I were Kira, you'd be dead, Mr. Soichiro Yagami, chief of the NPA.
02:06Kira needs a face and a name in order to commit murder, but I'm sure you've already figured that much out, haven't you?
02:13Please do not give out your name so carelessly. Instead, let's value our lives.
02:19I knew that he needed a face to kill someone, but I don't remember any evidence that showed that he needed a name, too.
02:25There's no way to verify if this is related, but criminals whose names were never released publicly or whose names were spelled incorrectly in the media have not been targeted. We briefly went over it at one of our meetings.
02:37That's enough small talk for now. Come this way.
02:40Oh, right.
02:42Please turn off all your cell phones, handhelds, and any other communication devices and leave them on the table right there.
02:49What, do you think we're going to be using our cell phones during this meeting to leak information?
02:53It's all right. Just do as he says.
02:56I realize he's been cautious from the very beginning, but I still can't tell if he trusts us or not.
03:01No, I just find him distracting. I can't stand it when people's cell phones are ringing while I'm trying to talk.
03:08Let me start by saying nobody takes notes on anything that's said in these meetings. That means when we leave headquarters, any information we need is committed to memory.
03:17Please make yourselves comfortable.
03:43Excuse me, Al?
03:44From now on, I'll have to ask that you stop calling me Al. It's Ryuzaki now, just to be safe.
03:50Okay, Ryuzaki. If we know that he needs a name and a face to kill, couldn't we cut down on the number of victims by keeping criminals' names from the news?
03:59If we do that, we'll only be putting the general public at risk.
04:03The general public? Why?
04:07Kira is childish and he hates losing.
04:10But how do you...
04:12Just what do you mean?
04:14I'm also childish and I hate to lose. That's how I know.
04:19Ryuzaki, would you mind being a little more specific for us?
04:24Early on in the investigation, I tried to provoke Kira with that broadcast. Up until then, we thought that Kira would only go after criminals, but as we all witnessed, he didn't hesitate to kill my stand-in.
04:36Also, as soon as I said we knew he was in the Kanto region, in defiance, he made sure his next victims came from within Japan, as if to say,
04:45And what are you going to do about it?
04:49He's met each of my challenges head-on, and he's never missed an opportunity to return the favor.
04:54Now, what do you think would happen if we tried to use media restrictions to hide criminals from someone like that?
05:00I guess...
05:01If you choose to withhold the names of your worst criminals, I'll kill petty criminals or the innocent. I'm holding the whole world hostage, so who's it gonna be?
05:11I'm not the evil one here, but all those who oppose me by hiding criminals, you are truly evil.
05:19That's exactly how Kira thinks. In any case, let's look at another way we can use the media to draw him out.
05:26But how?
05:28How about something like this?
05:30Death of FBI agents infuriates the U.S. Latest killings anger the international policing community. Nations agree to send 1,500 investigators to Japan.
05:39For Kira, this will be way beyond what he faced with the FBI. He'll see everyone as a potential threat.
05:46Psychologically, he'll start to feel cornered, and that will cause him to take some kind of drastic action.
05:52That's interesting. So he'll think there are 1,500 when there are really only seven of us.
05:57And since none of these investigators exist, Kira won't be able to kill them. It just might work.
06:04Well, before we celebrate, I'll tell you the rest of my thoughts on the Kira case.
06:10Kira works alone. He had access to all our classified information.
06:16What evidence do you have that he's working alone?
06:19Hold on, Aizawa. Let's listen to his entire theory before asking questions.
06:23We know he needs a name and a face to kill.
06:27And to some extent, he can control a victim's time of death and their actions before dying.
06:32We already know that much. Please keep that in mind.
06:36And listen carefully to what I have to say next.
06:40On December 14th, 12 FBI investigators enter Japan.
06:47Here we are on December 19th.
06:50Using prison inmates, Kira conducts experiments manipulating his victims' actions before they die.
06:55In other words, during this window of only five days, Kira became aware of the FBI's presence and obviously felt threatened.
07:04Because he didn't know any of their names or faces, he was at a disadvantage.
07:08He needed to know how much control he had over his victims before he could use it against the 12 agents.
07:14And as we all know, on December 27th...
07:17I got a hold of a file which contained all the names and faces of the FBI investigators in Japan.
07:23And I succeeded in killing each one of them.
07:27It's practically impossible to guess which agent gave the file to Kira.
07:31But I have to make sure that no one ever finds out that I came into contact with Ray Penber.
07:41Huh? How come you're not using the Death Note today?
07:44You studying for those entrance exams?
07:46Those are the least of my worries. Plus, it's a little late to start now.
07:50Huh? Whatcha doing?
07:51December 19th to December 27th. I've been most active during this period.
07:58During this period, to the best of our knowledge, at least 23 individuals died of heart attacks.
08:04But these victims were different from Kira's previous targets.
08:08They were all alleged criminals, ex-convicts or suspects in ongoing investigations.
08:12So legally speaking, they were innocent.
08:14That's true.
08:15What this indicates is that Kira had to manipulate these lesser criminals in order to kill those FBI agents.
08:22He killed that many people so we'd be unable to tell the decoys from those who were actually used.
08:28In truth, he probably only needed a few.
08:31He waited eight days so the FBI could investigate other suspects,
08:35which meant there'd be no timeline linking him to their deaths.
08:38I suspect Kira had to be one of the people being investigated by the FBI between the 14th and the 19th of December.
08:46In fact, I have no doubt.
08:49These are files provided by the FBI, and they contain additional information you might find useful.
08:55For obvious reasons, you're not permitted to take these out of this room, but...
08:59Amazing! There might only be five of us, but with this much information, we should be able to cover a lot of ground.
09:04We'll split into two teams. One team traces the FBI agents, the other looks at the heart attack victims.
09:10There weren't that many people who had access to information from headquarters,
09:13and of those, the FBI only investigated a small group in the first five days.
09:17Yeah, yeah.
09:19So, does anyone have any questions?
09:22Actually, Ryuzaki, I do have one question for you.
09:26And it pertains to what you said to us earlier about how you hate to lose.
09:30Does the fact that you've shown us your face mean that you've lost?
09:32By just being here, are you admitting defeat to Kira?
09:36That's right. By showing my face to you now, and by sacrificing the lives of twelve FBI agents, I have lost the battle.
09:43But I'm not going to lose the war.
09:46This is the first time I've ever put my life on the line.
09:49I want to show Kira that we're all willing to risk our lives if that's what it takes.
09:54And that justice will prevail no matter what.
09:58Hey, yeah, that's right.
09:59I like the sound of that. We can do this!
10:02All right, then. Let's do this, Ryuzaki.
10:04Well, I had my doubts about whether it was really him at first.
10:08But there's no mistaking it. This man is L.
10:12Before we go any further, I have to be absolutely sure that none of you are Kira.
10:17So I'll need to speak with each of you individually before you leave today.
10:20Huh. What's the deal? He still doesn't trust us?
10:24No, I think it's a fair request. Try to see it from his perspective.
10:27Kira's been getting information from our headquarters from the very beginning.
10:32So there's a good chance that he's one of us.
10:34Chief's right. Working this case has given us a chance to see him in person.
10:38He's risking his life to be here.
10:42Things are going well.
10:44Just one clue, a single decisive factor is all I need.
10:48Just one oversight.
10:51A single piece of evidence is all it would take.
10:54It could cost me my life.
10:57Just one thing.
11:22You already finished studying?
11:24I guess.
11:26I'll be fine. I haven't missed anything.
11:29The biggest risk I've taken so far was that busjacking incident.
11:33But they'll never be able to connect it with Kira.
11:36Fortunately for me, both the police and L don't know that Kira can kill people by means other than a heart attack.
11:43However, if anyone were to discover that fact, I'd be in a lot of trouble.
11:48What? Does it have to be now?
11:51Your father's been pulling overnighters with no change of clothes, so you're going to bring these to him.
11:55Mom, I totally promised my friends that I'd go out with them today.
11:58Why don't I go? I could use a break.
12:01Thanks, Light. I owe you one next time.
12:04So, I guess this will give you a chance to spy on the police.
12:08I won't go further than the reception desk.
12:14Oh, you're bringing a page? Planning to kill someone?
12:18No, but lately I've been bringing a page with me every time I go out, just in case.
12:26That day, Ray said that he was planning to go to Shinjuku.
12:35That same day, four people died of heart attacks in the Shinjuku area, and there was the busjacking.
12:44There's no way it was a coincidence.
12:46That's it. Kira can kill in other ways. It doesn't have to be a heart attack.
12:53That's unusual for Kira.
12:58I wonder if he's in a meeting right now.
13:03Please, I need to speak directly with someone from the Special Investigation Task Force.
13:08I'm sorry, but I can't.
13:11Please, I need to speak directly with someone from the Special Investigation Task Force. It's urgent.
13:17I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't help you.
13:19As I've told you already, there is no one at Task Force Headquarters right now.
13:23There's no one at Headquarters? Dad's cell is turned off. What's going on?
13:29Can't you contact them somehow? I have information relating to the Kira investigation.
13:34The Kira investigation?
13:35Look, I'll call Headquarters one more time for you. One moment.
13:39Hi, I'm Detective Soichiro Yagami's son, Light Yagami.
13:43I brought my father a change of clothes, but it doesn't look like he's in. Can I leave them here?
13:47Sure. Hey, I haven't seen you in a while, Light.
13:50Oh, I'm sorry.
13:52What, you don't remember? You helped solve the insurance fraud murder investigation sometime last year.
13:57But hey, no one remembers the receptionist, do they?
14:00I'm sorry, I'm terrible with faces.
14:02I just need to sign my name on this form, right?
14:05So, Light, does this mean you're going to be helping us with the Kira investigation too?
14:09Sure. If all goes well, maybe I'll find Kira before L does.
14:12Find him before L does?
14:14As I thought, there's no one at Headquarters.
14:17You're going to have to trust me on this, ma'am.
14:19I'll be sure to give them your message as soon as I see them, I promise.
14:22That's not good enough. I have to tell them in person.
14:25Excuse me, my father is actually in charge of the Kira investigation.
14:29If you'd like, I could pass your message on to him.
14:32His cell phone is off at the moment, but I should be able to contact him soon.
14:36A number of FBI agents were just killed, and a lot of detectives have quit the case because they're afraid of Kira.
14:42So he's pretty busy right now.
14:44Uh, Light, it's probably better if you don't discuss this with...
14:48True, but it's practically common knowledge at this point.
14:51Besides, I feel like I can trust her. You can almost see it in her eyes.
14:56She's a wise and careful person.
14:57You heard about what happened.
14:59And you must have figured out that the police had a leak of some kind.
15:02And that's why you wanted to tell them in person.
15:05You thought this through.
15:07Well, am I right?
15:12I'm sure my father will be calling me back once he checks his messages.
15:15When he does, I'll give you the phone and let you talk to him.
15:19You're sure that's alright?
15:21Oh, yeah. You understand why I can't just give you my father's cell phone.
15:24But I have no problem letting you use my phone to talk to him.
15:27You'll have to trust my father and I, which I hope won't be too difficult for you.
15:33Why is he so happy?
15:36Thank you so much.
15:38She walked right into that one, didn't she?
15:44I've gotta say, you must be pretty brave to be getting involved in the Kira case like this.
15:49Not really.
15:51So, according to you, is Kira some...
15:56We've been talking and I just realized I don't even know your name.
15:59My name is Light Yagami.
16:01Light's written with the character for moon, and Yagami with the characters for night and God.
16:05Kinda weird, huh?
16:07My name's Shouko Maki.
16:09It's written with the characters for shining.
16:11Ko as in child, space and ki as in tree.
16:13Miss Maki?
16:16Ko as in child, space and ki as in tree.
16:18Miss Maki, right?
16:22Miss Maki, I've been thinking about Kira's powers.
16:26And I believe they enable him to somehow control his victims before they die.
16:30So do I.
16:32It's odd that you say that, because that's exactly what I've been thinking.
16:35Kira's able to control their actions before he kills them, but there's more to it.
16:39If my analysis so far is correct, Kira can kill in a number of ways, not just with a heart attack.
16:46She knows?
16:48Who is this woman?
16:50I don't think anyone else knows this yet.
16:53But if the police are willing to consider it, I bet it would help them catch Kira.
16:57You know, that possibility never even crossed my mind.
17:00So what you're saying is anytime Kira wants one of his murders to go undetected, he wouldn't use a heart attack.
17:08I'm almost positive that someone I know may have met Kira.
17:11Met Kira?
17:12Oh, I'm sorry, but if a person came in saying they'd met Kira, the police would be more than a little skeptical, to say the least.
17:20I know. That's why I need to explain it in person to someone from Task Force Headquarters.
17:25Otherwise, I'm afraid they'll just write me off.
17:27But wouldn't it be better if your friend spoke to them instead?
17:31It probably would, but he's no longer alive.
17:34He was one of the twelve FBI agents who came to Japan to investigate Kira.
17:39An FBI agent?
17:42Who met Kira? Could it be?
17:46You see, he was also my fiancé. While he was working, he got caught up in a busjacking.
17:51And I have reason to believe that he met Kira on that bus.
17:55Ray Penber...
18:03Is something wrong?
18:05Nothing. I'm sorry to hear that he passed away.
18:09So, what makes you think he met Kira on that bus?
18:14Because eight days after that bus was hijacked, he died, along with the other FBI investigators.
18:22The same man had attempted to rob a bank two days before he hijacked that bus.
18:26Then he dies in an accident? Just like that? I mean, really, what are the odds?
18:32I've come to believe that Kira set up that busjacking.
18:36It was planned to bring him into contact with my fiancé,
18:39in order to obtain information regarding the identities of the other FBI agents, so he could get rid of them all.
18:44Anyway, what stands out to me is that the hijacker died in an accident.
18:48In other words, it suggests that heart attacks aren't the only way Kira can kill people.
19:02Okay, so the busjacker didn't die of a heart attack.
19:06And based on that, you're saying Kira has other ways of killing people?
19:12Don't take this the wrong way, but I think that's a bit of a leap of faith.
19:16There's no other way of looking at it.
19:18If Kira was controlling the hijacker, chances are he killed him, too.
19:22I still don't see it.
19:24I've been wondering about that busjacking ever since my fiancé first told me about it.
19:27After he calmed down, I asked him for details.
19:31He didn't mention any names or anything like that, but he told me one thing.
19:35What did he say?
19:37That he'd been put in a situation where he had to show his FBI ID to someone.
19:45The operation was undertaken secretly, without the NPA's knowledge.
19:49He wasn't allowed to show his ID.
19:51I think whoever saw his ID that day,
19:53is responsible for the deaths of all the agents.
19:58She figured it out.
20:00This must be the oversight Light was worried about.
20:03I understand.
20:05You're the only one who knows any of this,
20:07and you want nothing more than to avenge your fiancé by bringing Kira to justice, right?
20:11And now you're convinced that Kira can kill without using a heart attack?
20:17There's no doubt in my mind your deductive skills are excellent,
20:19but you can't deny that you have a personal interest in the case.
20:22Still, your theory is worth looking into.
20:25That's for sure.
20:27Your testimony could be central to the case.
20:30It could.
20:32If what you're telling me is true,
20:34then it'll only be a matter of time before the police catch up with Kira.
20:37The person your fiancé showed his ID to on the bus that day,
20:41it had to be Kira.
20:44That's right.
20:45It had to be Kira.
20:47That's right.
20:55That was close.
20:57This woman...
20:59If she'd spoken to the police before I met her...
21:04It seems there's a god on my side after all.
21:07And not just a god of death.
22:15To be continued...
22:45To be continued...