Girl hit by car (Made by Cornelius McDonald - JCAW Girls)

  • last month
This video wasn't recently today, it was made back in December 19 2022


00:00Wow, my bestie friend, Brittany, we have fun together for girls night out at this fancy
00:11seafood cuisine in our cute and nice comfy dresses together.
00:16I agree Ashley, we're both princess girls, because we went out together in our dressy
00:21dresses together and went eat for girls night out, I had a lot of fun with you Ashley, you
00:26are my bestie.
00:27Me too Brittany, and say, let's go home and I'll drop you off back to your house and we'll
00:31hang out again tomorrow.
00:34That is exactly right, Ashley, I will absolutely hang out tomorrow too, let's go.
00:40Uh oh, I forgot my phone, oh I'm sorry, I didn't, wait Brittany, no, no, no, no, no,
01:01no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
01:08ouch, ouch, ouch, I have lots of broken bones.
01:131-2-3, lift.
01:15Don't worry madam, we'll take care and recover and help her as fast as we can.
01:21Thank you sir, I hope she feels better soon.
01:25I have to go get Brittany's phone from inside, and then I'll head to the hospital and come
01:30her. Okay, now I got Britney's phone. I am on my way to the hospital to come to her.
01:35I am still crying because I feel bad for her when she got hit by a car.
01:50Okay, Britney, so you got blood all over you because you were hit by a car at a seafood
01:58cuisine restaurant and then you have you have like 15 broken ribs, a broken pelvis,
02:05a broken leg, and a broken arm, and a broken skull. So we check your x-ray, you have all
02:12these stuff, and then we have to change you into a hospital gown out of your dress.
02:17Let's go. Change. And we'll get you to the hospital shortly.
02:28Oh, poor Britney. I still feel so bad for you when you got hit by a car last night.
02:36But here is your flower and tea. I hope you feel better soon, my bestie.
02:41Thank you so much, Ashley.
02:43You're welcome, Britney. And also, I've been in this hospital for like a few or amore hours,
02:48but I have to go home now. I can't believe I have been wearing my dress all night long
02:52at a restaurant and here longer at the hospital too. I'm dirty and I have to take this dress off
02:57when I get home and I'll change and get a shower. I have to go, Britney. I hope you feel better
03:02and stay well, my bestie.
03:05Thank you, Ashley.
03:06No problem, Britney. I have to go now. Bye.
03:10Bye, Ashley.
03:12Okay, Britney, since you have 15 broken ribs, broken pelvis, broken legs, broken arms,
03:19and broken skull, it will take six months to recover and you will be staying in the
03:23hospital for six months.
03:25Man, I can't believe this. I can't wait that long. I can't stand this.
03:30I wish I didn't have to do this. I feel poor myself and I'm hurt.
03:34Don't worry, Britney. We will recover and take you care as fast as we can.
03:38Okay, thank you.
03:55Thank you.
