Steve and Kate's Power Outage (Made by Cornelius McDonald - JCAW Girls)

  • 2 months ago
This video wasn't recently today, it was made back in March 5 2023


00:30World War II, the beginning of the jeep and the beginning also of the jeep equipment
00:57story. Millions of G.I.s saw the many different military jobs the jeep could do and realize
01:01Okay, Britney, we are going to have some fun today, young lady. We are going to my house
01:11since your parents are out on adult vacation. Yes, Grandpa, my parents are going to Las Vegas
01:17and Grandpa, I'm going to stay with you for the whole week. Yes, Missy Brits, hee hee,
01:21and later Miss, we should go eat hot dogs tonight. Yes, Grandpa, I am so excited to
01:27eat hot dogs. I am too, Britney. Oh, and hey, what is that? Grandpa, look out.
01:37Uh oh. Uh oh, what just happened? Oh, Kate, the power went out, so there is a power outage.
01:59Uh oh, oh no, what are we going to do? There is a power outage, holy shoot.
02:06Dadgummit Kate, can you please not scream? It hurt my dagnabbit ears.
02:11Just chill out, the power may come back on soon as someone fixes it.
02:18Power outages suck and I feel scared. Chill out, Kate, the power may come back on soon.
02:24The Duke Energy are working on it.
02:26Who is at the front door?
02:37Can I help you, officer?
02:39Hello, Miss Kate. I'm going to all people's houses to go let them know this, but...
02:43I'm sorry to tell you this, but...
02:45We have no electricity coming any time tomorrow, because...
02:48Duke Energy ran out all their supplies and electricity stock from their tanks,
02:52but they're restoring it at their company in North Carolina.
02:55And for this, the power will be out for the rest of the day, and it will be back on tomorrow!
03:07Why? Just why?
03:09Why the crap is the power out for the whole day?
03:11Why wait until tomorrow?
03:13That means we have to eat cold food and also sleep in the cold and we'll get sick!
03:18Here we go on this, now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now.
03:22Ma'am, chill out, we're sorry for this, but we're working as hard as we can to get the power back on, and it'll take one day to finish, but anyway miss Kate, I gotta go and tell on the rest of the residents, see you later.
03:41Why is my wife crying and banging the door and on the floor?
03:48Oh my god, Steve, this is the worst day in my life.
04:10I know it is, Kate.
04:12It's already night time and the room is completely dark and nothing shows up in here but dark.
04:17But I lighted up the candles just in case.
04:20I'm sorry how this day has been.
04:22I punched the door because I felt scared about this power outage and I was crying.
04:26Because I'm scared of the dark.
04:28Well I'm afraid now.
04:29Please help me, my sweet husband, Steve is Steve.
04:33I know, my pretty and beautiful wife, Kate, but don't worry, we'll keep candles at
04:38all times.
04:39I heard you crying on the floor, because I know you are scared of power outages, especially
04:44at night also.
04:45It is so cold in here, but don't worry, we'll wrap up in blankets when we go to
04:51It's only 9 o'clock, so, the power went out at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and
04:56the power has been out for 7 hours that it's awkward.
04:59Oh, Steve, do you mind if we kiss?
05:02Of course, Kate.
05:12Dadgummit, this looks scary and I'm afraid that the monsters are going to get me.
05:16Oh no that's not going to happen, that don't exist in real life, come on, let's
05:21go to bed and wrap up in blankets.
05:23Good idea Steve.
05:42Uh oh, why did the candles go out, I am so dadgum screwed in this dadgnabbed arc of godfreak
06:05La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la I had a terrible nightmare, that was scary,
06:17that was a bad dream-hehe.
06:20Kate, what just happened?
06:21I had a bad dream about monsters coming in here that you were dead with blood and the black red eye, which scared me.
06:27But that was a nightmare, thank God.
06:29I'm right. It don't happen in real life. It was just a dream.
06:33Oh, my God. Kate, it's just a dream. It's not even real.
06:37Go back to sleep and get us wrapped up right now.
06:40Don't worry, Stevie Steve. I'm coming back to bed and we'll wrap up.
06:50Okay, now we just woke up and the power is still out.
07:11Ugh, I know, honey. Yesterday sucked so whoring bad.
07:14When will the power come back on? Oh, please.
07:17And also our phones were at low battery and we haven't charged them due to this dadgum power outage.
07:23I agree, Steve. I had the worst dream ever. It was horrible and I don't like power outages.
07:29It is so awkward. Dagnabbit.
07:31Of course, Kate, it sucked. We ate cold food yesterday and it sucked hard as the freakin' brick.
07:41Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:44The power is back on! Finally, it's back on! Hooray!
07:48Thank God that the scary power outage is finally over!
07:52It's over thank God! Now the power is back on! Yay!
07:56Woohoo! The power is back on! I agree! Kate, thank God the power is back on!
08:01Thank God that horrible power outage infamous day passed by and it's over!
08:05Thank God it ended, and the power is finally back on!
08:09Okay Steve, we got our phones charging up now!
08:12That's right Kate, thank God the power outage grappling dad nabbit is over!
08:33Thanks for cruising with us, we may help you!
08:35I'll have a burger with fries, barbecue sauce, and sweet tea,
08:39and my wife Kate wants chicken nuggets with fries, ketchup, and coca-cola!
08:44Will that be all for me sir?
08:46Yes son!
08:47The total is $11.99, how do I do?
08:50Thank you!
08:53Have a good one!
08:54Thank you!
09:00Ah Steve, McDonald's is so good and I'm ready to eat it in the living room!
09:04I am too Kate, but anyway, we're close to there!
09:08Okay Stevey Steve, we just got finished with our lunch,
09:11now we're just going to relax and watch Scooby-Doo, my husband!
09:15That's right Kate, I love this cartoon that it's my favorite!
09:19Oh yeah, and it's still the weekend, and thank God the power is back on!
