Sarah Arellano grounded for using TikTok (Made by Cornelius McDonald - JCAW Girls)

  • 2 months ago
This video wasn't recently today, it was made back in January 23 2023


00:00Introducing the Arellanos. Sarah Arellano is the troublemaking girl of the family.
00:10Hello. I am Sarah Arellano. I was born in 2005 and I'm 17.
00:16Hello. I am Harry Arellano. I was born in 2007. I am 15 years old. My sister Sarah is a troublemaker.
00:24Hello. I am Hudson Arellano. I am the father of Harry and Sarah, so I am also 49 years old.
00:32So, Sarah is the troublemaking girl in the family.
00:35Only girl in the family, but troublemaker. There are 2 boys and 1 girl.
00:39So anyway, today's video, Sarah dances on Tic Tac and gets grounded. Anyway, enjoy.
00:45And don't you dare use that app because it sucks. Get off of Tic Tac now.
00:51Um, Sarah, why are you on your phone? It's rude at the dinner table, you know.
00:56I agree with your brother. Put your phone up and eat your food right now, young lady.
01:01Okay, fine.
01:02When Sarah got done eating, she goes in her closet and starts up with the troublemaking idea.
01:09I am going to wear this dress so I can do a Tic Tac dance.
01:12And also wear it all day and keep it on because I love dresses.
01:16Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
01:21Oh my god, I look so beautiful. Now I can do my Tic Tac dance.
01:29Oh my god, I look so beautiful. Now I can do my Tic Tac dance.
01:39Wait, Sarah, why are you wearing your dress?
01:42Yeah, why? You're not going to a party or something.
01:46Oh, I decided to put on my dress because I'm a girl and I can wear it.
01:50Oh, okay, it's all you.
01:54Sarah, don't you dare. Wait, we know what you're trying to do. You are doing Tic Tac.
02:00Yeah, Sarah, Tic Tac is the most disrespectful, cringe, inappropriate, disturbing, and disgraceful app ever.
02:09You better not, bad girl.
02:11I can do Tic Tac whenever I want because I want to dance in my dress and be pretty to my besties.
02:35Uh oh, I am in big trouble.
02:37Oh my freaking god, Sarah Carolina Arellano, are you out of your mind right now?
02:42We cannot believe you right now, young lady. How dare you use Tic Tac? What is wrong with you?
02:48We told you a million times that app is very cringe, disrespectful, inappropriate, disgraceful, and disturbing.
02:55That app sucks. We break your phone because you are a troublemaker.
02:58We hate Tic Tac. You will be out of that app forever. Screw that app.
03:03That's it, Sarah, for dancing and using that app.
03:06You are grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded, grounded forever.
03:12Go to your room now.
03:21You better shut up right now and go to your room, young lady.
03:25Thank you for watching me, Cornelius, and Walter's video.
03:28And the lesson is, never ever ever use Tic Tac, ever. Stay off that app.
03:33Now, that app sucks because it is inappropriate, harmful to children, disturbs the peace, stupid music,
03:40troublemaking girls on that app, and also disgusting, disgraceful, and disrespectful like middle fingers.
03:47Stay off of that app. Now, it is against our rules. We hate that app.
03:51We hate that app. If we see you use or dance on it, me, Simon, and Walter are going to send security and the cops and you will be kicked your butt in jail.
04:00If you are a Tic Tac-er, then leave the premises before we kick your butts in prosecution of arrest in prison.
04:06But anyways, like, subscribe, and comment and we'll see you next time.
