Its Love Your Local time, and this week at lovely traditional country pub: The Cross Inn at Kinver.

  • 2 months ago
The Cross Inn in Kinver is a lovely traditional Black Country Ales that has had some money spent on it in recent times, increasing the internal space. We meet the landlord to find out about the cobs and pork baps they offer.
00:00So we're here at Kinva at the Cross Inn, how you doing sir?
00:08I'm good thank you sir.
00:09What's your name boss?
00:10My name's Andy.
00:11And how long have you been here at the Cross Inn Andy?
00:14Over 9 years.
00:159 years and you've had a few different pubs around the black country so you know the game.
00:20Where are you from originally, where did you grow up?
00:22I grew up in Tipton.
00:24Oh right yeah, you're not a million miles away.
00:26And what's special about this pub here then?
00:29Walk us through, if no one's been to the Cross Inn, kind of you know entice them in
00:34Well people come to the Cross, it's a community pub, a lot of activities going on here, open
00:40mic music scene, traditional games, board games, darts, dominoes, that sort of thing
00:47that you'd expect from a black country house pub.
00:50Freshly made cobs from the Kinva bakery, give them a plug.
00:57What more would you like?
00:58And of course fantastic ales.
01:00Fantastic ales, and let's mention your pork sandwiches.
01:03Of course.
01:04Because we're used now into these black country house pubs that you know, the odd pubs around
01:08the black country, we get a good cob, that's what we expect.
01:11But to have a pork sandwich, that's quite a, that's a bit of a speciality of yours isn't
01:16That you've carried with you through your different trade pubs.
01:19They're popular, pork sandwiches.
01:20They are very popular.
01:22And come winter time, I also introduce an old black country dish, the old Grey Pays
01:26and Bacon.
01:27Ah, yeah, yeah.
01:28Which would go down well.
01:29I never heard of them until I brought them over here.
01:32They're going down the tree come winter warming.
01:33You've got a nice veggie samosa sack, snacks that come over from Wolves, a proper authentic
01:40place as well.
01:42And what's your most popular beer then?
01:44Without a doubt, BFG or Bradley's Finest Golden.
01:47Oh right, okay.
01:48And you've got a nice little beer garden, you've got loads of hanging baskets looking
01:54glorious this time of year.
01:57They really get a town, don't they, the Black Country Isles?
01:59The pubs are kind of, you feel warm in them, you feel there's a bit of love to them, like,
02:03you know.
02:04They keep the tradition of an old black country pub or setting.
02:11So without a doubt, Black Country Isles keep the theme of the traditional black country
02:16And being in Kinvery, what's, is it kind of your locals or do you find you get many people
02:21visiting the town just for like a day trip, tourist kind of thing?
02:25Yeah, we do get a lot of cyclists, dog walkers, ramblers, because the walks around Kinvery
02:33are gorgeous, beautiful.
02:35So it's a great stop gap to just pop in, have a sandwich and a beer and continue your walk.
