Dragon Prince SO1 Ep 6 in hindi

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00:00Humans and elves don't trust each other.
00:03Once this egg reaches Zediya, the situation can change.
00:07Rela, have you forgotten this bond?
00:09There is only one way to break it.
00:13I will immediately send a special delegation in search of the two princes.
00:17I can send my two children, Sorin and Claudia, as the leaders of this delegation.
00:23Look, you give me this egg now, so that I can take it to the roof and hide it immediately.
00:30What? But why?
00:31This is very important.
00:53To be continued
01:23To be continued
01:53To be continued
02:11You scared me, dear child.
02:17Do you love me very much?
02:19I wish you could cut this bond from my hand and separate it.
02:24What happened?
02:30I have never caught an elf before.
02:33This was very easy.
02:35To be continued
03:05To be continued
03:35To be continued
04:05To be continued
04:35To be continued
04:43If they come to know, they will hate you.
04:45Shut up!
05:05To be continued
05:09You were lucky, elf.
05:11But next time I will win.
05:13Where will you win?
05:15In the pit?
05:21So Callum, do you know that you keep talking in your sleep?
05:26Whose dream were you seeing?
05:29I don't remember anything. Why did you ask?
05:31I didn't take anyone's name in my sleep, did I?
05:33No, but you said you were dreaming of mango juice.
05:36Yes, yes, I remembered.
05:38I don't know why I am dreaming of mango juice these days.
05:41For the first time in my life, someone liked mango juice so much.
05:46Shall I say something?
05:47When you grow up in a few years,
05:49then my friend, we will talk about mango juice together.
05:58Come on, let's go from here.
06:00What happened now?
06:02Where did you go?
06:03We should eat something first.
06:05Look at the condition of my stomach because of hunger.
06:07This is not the time to eat.
06:09It is very dangerous to stay here.
06:11What happened? At least explain to me.
06:13I am not here to explain everything to you.
06:15Let's go now.
06:17Okay, let's go.
06:42It feels good to meet up here.
06:44After climbing so many stairs, my legs feel good.
06:47We have to talk about something very special.
06:49Keep your mind cool.
06:51You just keep talking.
06:53Everything you say will sit in my mind.
06:55This evening you will go for a special work with your sister.
06:59To find both the prints, right?
07:02Okay, I am an expert in such a difficult task.
07:05You have to complete this task.
07:07The future of the kingdom will be decided on that.
07:09Yes, I understood.
07:11We will find them.
07:12Yes, I know that too.
07:14But you have to bring a news along with it.
07:18If the prints come, then the news will be made.
07:21Listen to me carefully.
07:23You have to come back with a news
07:26in which the prints will not be there.
07:29Say it again.
07:31I was wrong, so I thought you were wrong too.
07:34Say it again.
07:36You have to come back with a news
07:39in which the prints will not be there.
07:49This path is very easy.
07:51No, not at all.
07:52It is as easy as it should be.
07:54No, no.
07:55The path is clear.
07:56There is no upturn.
07:57It is straight.
07:58Very soon we will find someone on this path.
08:04We have to go up from that path.
08:06The difficult path is safe for us.
08:08The more difficult, the better.
08:10Okay, but not for us.
08:12This path is also difficult.
08:14You may not know how heavy this egg is.
08:17No, no.
08:18Because you do not let me lift that egg.
08:21Because we do not trust you.
08:22And why?
08:23You are still hiding something from us.
08:26Then lift this heavy egg yourself.
08:29And stop crying like a child.
08:31We will go this way.
08:37Tell me one thing.
08:38If we come with the news of the prince's death,
08:41won't we fail?
08:44Son, the coming war will determine the future of humans.
08:47And people will remember these pages of history in the future.
08:50So you mean we can write this history ourselves?
08:53You are right.
08:54You mean anything can happen?
08:59There are ups and downs in history.
09:03If we are strong enough to make the right decisions,
09:06then humans will be able to go to Zadia.
09:09And they will be able to reclaim their right on that magical land.
09:13But if a foolish king rules over us...
09:16Then his decisions will be useless.
09:18Not useless, but weak decisions.
09:21The face of history will change.
09:23And Zadia's powers will not only crush our Catalyst,
09:26but the five kingdoms will be in their clutches.
09:30So I have to bring the news of the prince's death, right?
09:33But what I don't understand is...
09:36What will I do if I find those two alive?
09:40You know what's right for the future, right?
09:43For the future?
09:46But I don't know if I can do that.
09:49Such small accidents happen every day in the dense jungle.
09:54Life-threatening accidents.
09:57My child.
09:59This is not easy.
10:01But you are brave.
10:03And don't tell this to anyone, not even Claudia.
10:06Keep this secret in your heart.
10:15I don't like taking this throne like this either.
10:18But one day you will have a say in it.
10:26Come on, friends.
10:28Let's stop here and eat something.
10:30I'm very hungry.
10:35Oh no.
10:36I don't have any food.
10:39You just had to do one thing.
10:41You had to keep the food of the humans with you.
10:43You couldn't even do that?
10:45You were in a hurry.
10:46You were shouting at me.
10:47And that's why I couldn't do it because of you.
10:49Oh, you're right.
10:51I remember I was shouting for three things.
10:53Hurry up.
10:54Come on, let's go from here.
10:56And remember, don't take any food with you.
11:01Now don't argue with each other.
11:03Think about food.
11:05By the way, if you want, you can drink my moonberry juice with me.
11:10It has a lot of power in one sip.
11:12I still have a lot left.
11:14It's over.
11:15Someone drank it all.
11:16Tell me, who dared to do this?
11:18I didn't even touch your things.
11:19Don't look at me like that.
11:20Okay, I didn't drink it.
11:21Neither did any of you drink it.
11:23So who did it?
11:27How dare you?
11:30The stomach can't do that.
11:32You're blaming him for no reason.
11:34Don't say anything to him.
11:36Look how his color has changed.
11:38By the way, the color of the stomach keeps changing with his emotions.
11:41When he's alone, it's a different color.
11:44When he's hungry, it's a different color.
11:45When he's angry, it's a different color.
11:47And when he's hungry, it's a different color.
11:49That means when he's angry because he's hungry.
11:52Yes, I know.
11:53Hungry means that.
11:55So who is this color for?
12:00To be honest, I've never seen him in this color before.
12:04He's a little red, blue, a little berry-like.
12:08Yes, that's why he's Priya.
12:11Now I'm hungry.
12:13I'm hungry too.
12:40I'm hungry.
12:45Show me your real face.
12:56You're such a stubborn mirror.
12:59Do you think I didn't try?
13:01I tried eight different tricks.
13:03None of them worked.
13:05Sir, all I saw was my angry face.
13:10Maybe it's just a regular mirror.
13:13All the precious treasures, artifacts, things,
13:16are kept in the cave of the Dragon King and the Queen,
13:19where they used to sleep.
13:22This is special.
13:23Then we'll find out.
13:25It'll take some time.
13:27You heard that, mirror?
13:28You'll always be under my watch.
13:31I just felt like this mirror was staring at me.
13:34I think this is what's staring at me.
13:37We need to talk, Claudia.
13:39Are you ready?
13:40To go find both the princes?
13:43And you have a very important, secret mission.
13:48you have to find the Dragon Egg.
13:51If it's with the prince, I'll get it easily.
13:54Prince, egg,
13:55if there's a third mission, let me know.
13:57I'll do it easily.
13:59That egg shouldn't be in anyone else's hands.
14:01It's very powerful and dangerous.
14:03No matter what happens,
14:05no matter what happens,
14:07no matter what happens,
14:09all you have to do is get the egg to me.
14:12I understand.
14:13Very good.
14:14I have a question.
14:15Let's say a lot of evil bees attack us
14:19and follow us.
14:21Buzz, buzz.
14:22And they kill us.
14:24Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
14:26And I'm in a situation where I can either save the egg
14:29or my brother Soren.
14:31So, who should I save?
14:35Dad, I'm just kidding.
14:37You know, nothing like that will happen.
14:40Just what you think will happen.
14:44The egg.
14:46If you have to choose,
14:48choose the egg.
14:58Rela, walk a little slower.
15:00I'm having a little trouble.
15:03Rela, try to understand.
15:05We took this difficult path because of you.
15:07At least let us walk with you.
15:09I want to put the egg down and sit for a while.
15:14You know there's a way to do it.
15:16Let me take the egg.
15:20I can even take it forcibly if I want to.
15:22What do you think?
15:23How long will it take me to take it?
15:25Wow, that's great, Rela.
15:26We trust you even more.
15:27But I won't take it.
15:28That's the thing.
15:29Wow, you're so nice.
15:31You didn't threaten us just now.
15:33That was your way of showing your love.
15:35You're brave.
15:36You deserve the reward.
15:37You deserve it.
15:38I can take it and go back to my own area.
15:41You two, talk to her.
15:42After that, everyone will praise my bravery.
15:44Yes, so who stopped you?
15:45Because you should give this egg yourself.
15:48That is, the Human Prince returned the egg to the Dragon Queen.
15:51This will have a great impact.
15:53This will end the war and change the world.
15:56You two will have to stop this argument.
15:58Look at that.
16:01Your screaming is breaking the ice.
16:03If you don't shut up now, the ice will break and fall.
16:08Now shut up.
16:10Good, now it stopped breaking.
16:44Why does your hand hurt?
16:45I'll tell you later.
16:46Now run.
16:51I don't think we'll be able to escape this.
16:53This looks like an ice tsunami.
16:55Why are you stopping?
16:56Follow me.
17:36Are you all right?
17:40Where is that fat frog?
17:48Look, he's over there.
17:49He's absolutely fine.
17:50We're all safe.
17:52I'll go get the egg.
18:00Don't move.
18:01We're coming to get you.
18:16Bhukkad, what's the matter?
18:18You look worried.
18:22Bhukkad is very hungry.
18:26Did father say something strange to you?
18:30Yes, he did.
18:32Was he talking to you in a strange way?
18:35No, not at all.
18:37He was talking to me like he always does.
18:40What else?
18:42All right, then.
18:44Now tell me, what did he say to you?
18:48He said his favorite fruit is walnuts.
18:53See, even father talks like that.
18:56But I don't think walnuts are a fruit.
18:58Yes, that's what I mean.
18:59Oh, so that's what was strange.
19:01So I thought, what would be his favorite vegetable?
19:03Ice cream?
19:09Anyway, are you ready to go?
19:13I've been ready for a long time.
19:15You won't die, will you?
19:18Yes, in doing this job.
19:19You will die in the future.
19:23But maybe you won't die.
19:26Thank you, Claudia.
19:42Don't move.
19:43I'm coming.
19:53Give me the egg.
19:58What are you going to do now?
20:01Now I'm going to give you the egg.
20:05I'm sorry for my stupidity, Rela.
20:08I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
20:10And I have complete faith in you.
20:13No, wait.
20:14Don't trust me so soon.
20:16I still have one truth to tell you.
20:20This morning, I told you to leave early because someone had attacked.
20:24A man I stopped with great difficulty because of this bandage.
20:28You don't have to tell me all this now, Rela.
20:30Yes, I do.
20:31This is a special bandage for murderers.
20:33It's a Moon Shadow Elf tradition.
20:36Before I met you, I took an oath.
20:38I wore this bandage.
20:41To kill Prince Azrin.
20:43And it will only open when I complete this task.
20:46With time, it will tighten until my hand is separated.
20:50But I don't care about my hand.
20:54Thank you for telling me all this.
20:56But for now, we have to get out of this trouble.
20:59I have to tell you one more thing.
21:02The night we met, something bad happened.
21:06Rela, hold this now.
21:08Calum, listen to me.
21:10Your gang...
21:11Hold this now.
21:20You dropped the egg?
21:22I told you, my hand is getting weak.
21:24You could have held it with the other hand.
21:26Stop fighting.
21:27Think about the egg now.
21:30Azrin, no.
21:32I'm going to get it.
21:35What? But why?
21:36He will do it.
21:37He will bring the egg back.
21:38We have to trust him.
21:40Anyway, we have to stay up here and get it out of the water.
21:43But he is a kid.
21:44He is a brave kid.
21:45He will definitely do it.
21:48Come on, Az.
21:49Come on.
21:50Don't worry.
21:51Az will be back soon.
22:12You were wrong.
22:14He hasn't come back yet.
22:17Please forgive me.
22:19I thought he would be able to do it.
22:26He is alive.
22:27My bond is still strong.
22:29Az is safe.
22:31Nothing can happen to him.
23:06Az, you did it.
23:07You brought the egg back.
23:08You did it.
23:09Open your eyes, Azrin.
23:10Nothing will happen to you.
23:11Say something.
23:12Azrin, open your eyes.
23:19I have never bathed this cold water before.
23:31What is this?
23:38Something is wrong with the egg.