Le Triangle des Bermudes du Vermont || Les disparitions de Bennington

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Le triangle de Bennington est une partie effrayante de la forêt nationale de Green Mountain, célèbre pour ses disparitions mystérieuses et ses événements étranges. Dans les années 1940, un homme nommé Middie Rivers a disparu alors qu'il dirigeait un groupe de chasse. Puis, en 1950, un garçon de 8 ans nommé Paul Jepson a disparu lors d'une randonnée en famille, et en 1951, trois chasseurs ont également disparu sans laisser de trace. Malgré de nombreux efforts de recherche, aucun indice ou explication n'a jamais été trouvé. En plus de ces disparitions, la région est réputée hantée, avec des histoires de lumières étranges et de bruits inquiétants qui ajoutent au mystère. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00A second-year university student had just finished her service at the cafeteria when she decided to go hiking.
00:07After getting ready, she greeted her roommate and hitchhiked to the beginning of the trail.
00:12Barely 18 years old, she met hikers who were returning from excursions and asked them for directions.
00:18Although the night began to fall, she continued on her way and was never seen again.
00:23She answered in the name of Paula Welden and she disappeared in 1946 while walking along a path near Bennington, a city located in the southwest of Vermont.
00:32The next day, her roommate reported her disappearance and the authorities quickly organized a search team.
00:38For four weeks, hundreds of people searched the surrounding woods.
00:43Her university even temporarily closed to allow students and staff to participate in the search.
00:49Alas, they all went home drunk. Paula seemed to have been volatilized.
00:53She had not taken bags, spare clothes or money. Everything indicated that she did not expect to be absent for more than a few hours.
01:00Her father, a renowned industrial engineer, accused the sheriff of the county of having failed the investigation,
01:06because despite all the efforts made, the young woman remained untraceable.
01:10Her case remains unsolved to this day, but Paula was not the only one to have disappeared in the forests of Vermont.
01:16A year earlier, on November 12, 1945, a dynamic and experienced septuagenarian named Middy Rivers served as a guide to a group of four hunters.
01:26He was on the crossroads with his wife and announced that he would go in reconnaissance on one of them and would be back at the camp for lunch.
01:34It was the last time someone saw him. The group he was guiding searched the man all afternoon before warning the authorities.
01:40A more extensive search was organized, but with no result. Although Middy knew the track, he had indeed disappeared.
01:48Firefighters, volunteers and soldiers could not find him, even after a month of searching.
01:55They only found a cartridge that had dropped into a nearby stream.
01:59Local authorities have still not resolved this case. At the time, no one knew that the cases of Middy and Paula would only be the beginning of a series of disappearances.
02:08In half a decade, five people disappeared in this part of Vermont.
02:13Years passed, but no explanation emerged for these mysterious disappearances.
02:18It is thus that the region is nicknamed the Bennington Triangle, in reference to the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships and planes have disappeared for centuries.
02:31In 1949, a particularly mysterious disappearance occurred in the Bennington Triangle.
02:37James Tedford, a 68-year-old veteran, boarded a local bus to go home to Bennington after visiting his family in St. Albans.
02:47His family accompanied him to the road station, and 14 witnesses claimed that he was still on the bus during his last stop before Bennington.
02:55However, he never reached his destination. His belongings were still on the trunk, and a bus schedule was unfolded on his empty seat.
03:04The man had apparently disappeared as if by magic, while the bus was in motion.
03:09Strangely, he disappeared exactly the same day, or a student had disappeared three years earlier, on December 1st.
03:16The youngest person to have strangely disappeared was an 8-year-old boy, Paul Jepson.
03:21He was with his mother while she was working on the family farm.
03:25She left to feed the pigs, leaving him alone for about an hour.
03:29On his return, the woman did not find her son.
03:32The inhabitants quickly debated, and the sheriff sent the Canine Brigade to hurry.
03:37They followed the smell, but suddenly lost track of it at a nearby intersection.
03:41The boy was never found.
03:43Another strange fact, the child was wearing a bright red jacket, which should have made him all the more visible to the rescue.
03:49But even more striking, Paula, the student who had disappeared four years earlier, was also wearing a red jacket.
03:56The last disappearance took place only 16 days after Paul's.
04:00Frida Langer, a 53-year-old woman, was camping with her family in the National Forest of the Green Mountains.
04:05She went hiking with her cousin, but fell into a stream.
04:09She then decided to return to the camp to change.
04:12Her cousin thought she would join him later, and continued alone along the path.
04:16But she never returned, and never reached their base camp.
04:20For two weeks, three hundred rescuers explored the woods.
04:24Helicopters were mobilized, but no trace of the woman ever reappeared.
04:29The last story of the disappearance of the Bennington Triangle was infamous, but not happy.
04:34In the spring of the following year, researchers found the unfortunate camper six kilometers from the initial camping site.
04:40This place had already been searched, which made the discovery even more mysterious.
04:46It was impossible to determine what had happened or why she had ended up there.
04:51The only common point between these five disappearances is the period of time and the geographical area.
04:56Three square kilometers of dense forest in the southwest of Vermont.
05:00This region, far from the green mountains, was not the most welcoming place.
05:04Bennington, and the neighboring village of Glastonbury, were at the origin of mining and forestry towns, where the living conditions were harsh.
05:12Towards the end of the 19th century, the inhabitants tried to restore the image of the region as a tourist destination.
05:19But a terrible flood took their dream of a better life.
05:23Residents began to desert the city.
05:26And in 2010, only eight inhabitants were still living in Glastonbury.
05:30The village became a ghost town.
05:32At the end of the 1940s, the region was again under the fire of projectors, but for the worst reasons.
05:38How could these disappearances have remained shrouded in mystery for so long?
05:42Someone had to have a rational explanation.
05:46A theory suggests that it could be the work of a serial killer, taking people without defense.
05:53However, he should be able to come up with a scheme.
05:56But there is none.
05:58Or maybe the elements were responsible.
06:01The student disappeared by a pleasant day at the very beginning of winter.
06:05She was slightly dressed because it was still 10 degrees outside.
06:09But in the evening, the air temperature dropped sharply, to reach minus 13 degrees the next morning.
06:17In this part of the Vermont, the weather is quite unpredictable.
06:21It can be windy, especially in winter.
06:24Maybe the bad weather and the dense forest have disoriented the missing people.
06:29Recently, in 2008, a surprisingly similar case of disappearance occurred here.
06:34A student named Robert Singley got lost in a thick fog at the top of Mount Glastonbury.
06:40When he did not return home, his fiancée called the police, who immediately started looking for him.
06:46But it was too dark and there was too much fog to see anything.
06:50Fortunately, we found him the next morning.
06:53He got lost because of the thick fog and could not find his way until the weather conditions improved.
07:02This story had a happy ending.
07:04But could the incident explain what happened to the missing people more than 70 years ago?
07:10The mountains around Bennington are full of abandoned mines, reminiscent of the past of the city.
07:15A hiker lost in the fog could easily fall into one of them and would have no way out.
07:21The region is so remote that no one would ever find them.
07:25Another danger is that of wild animals.
07:28The black bears are native to New England and the region's hiking clubs advise visitors to store their food in special boxes so as not to attract them.
07:38The National Forest of the Green Mountains is located at the heart of the Bennington Triangle.
07:42Today, this very popular leisure area is for 70 million people, less than a day's drive.
07:49We go there to camp, hike and ride a bike.
07:53But are they all aware of these 5 mysterious disappearances?
07:56I don't think I would dare to venture into this wild place and retreat from Vermont now.
