56 Madrasas को बंद करने पर Uday Pratap Singh ने कहा, ‘सरकार के साथ छलावा करोगे तो कार्रवाई होगी’

  • 3 months ago
मध्य प्रदेश के श्योपुर जिले में जांच के दौरान बंद पाए गए 56 मदरसों की मान्यता समाप्त करने की बड़ी कार्रवाई की गई है इस पर स्कूल शिक्षा मंत्री उदय प्रताप सिंह ने कहा, उन्हें अनियमितताओं के कारण बंद किया गया है. सरकार का स्पष्ट मत है की अगर सरकार अनुदान देगी मदद करेगी और प्रदेश में बेहतर गतिविधियों का वातावरण उपलब्ध कराएगी तो उनकी जवाबदेही भी तय होगी. सरकार अनुदान देती है स्कूल चलाने के लिए अच्छा वातावरण देती हो तो उसमें अगर ईमानदारी से काम नहीं करोगे और सरकार के साथ छलावा करोगे तो कार्रवाई तो होगी ही


00:00The government has a clear intention that if the government helps in providing a better environment for activities in the state,
00:10then their accountability will also be established.
00:12The government gives you a grant, provides a better environment to run the school,
00:18the government provides a platform for the children to get education under the right of education,
00:26and if you don't work with honesty and deceit with the government, then the investigation will take place.
00:32This is the subject of investigation.
00:33We had closed their school 7-8 months ago.
00:37We did not find the school in a very good condition.
00:39We only saw the number of children there in the documents.
00:42The evidence that they used to submit was seen.
00:45That is why we have closed the schools and we are investigating this in the entire state.
00:49We will investigate wherever it is possible.
00:51This is the subject of investigation.
00:52The school has been closed for 86 months.
00:54If investigations are carried out, then the investigation will take place.
