Aftermarket Ferrari F430! - Automotive Experience

  • 3 months ago
It's that time again. Time to test an amazing car. Well today we test out a pre-owned Ferrari F430 with a lot of Fabspeed work and we test what it's like to drive. What we know is this thing is fast, but will it be driveable, nimble, good on rough regular roads? Well, we're going to find out. Then we'll find out what the cost entails and what it would take to own one of your own. Strap in, it's going to be a fast one!

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00:00Today we're gonna be showing you something on what it's like to drive
00:03something very awesome fast a lot of luxury but for the most part definitely
00:11fits the word exotic and aftermarket take a look at it guys we got a Ferrari
00:16f-430 hey everybody welcome back to what it's like to drive and I feel like this
00:30is a special episode today originally we have thought about calling this may be
00:34pre-owned exotics or aftermarket exotics because this rings every bell when it
00:39comes to it but let's be honest Ferrari f-430 this is kind of Ferrari's
00:44epitome of driving cars back when the rally world started when everybody saw
00:50the big driving events came on this car led the charge it had a lot of upgrades
00:55and different things that had been put in the car by Ferrari to make it even
00:59more driver friendly than any other vehicle they had made before now the
01:03beauty of this car is it also has a lot of aftermarket work from fab speed done
01:08to it you're gonna see the exhaust you're gonna see some other crazy things
01:11to it but most of all the sound if there's one thing that these cars have
01:15to have it's sound and this car rings all the bells it's just performance
01:21ready so the thing is is I'm both a little worried and a little excited to
01:27get in the driver's seat take it for a spin and see what it's like to drive so
01:31today as always we're gonna show you what it's like to drive what are the
01:35cost of ownership as I giggle away there and lastly are there any pitfalls any
01:40things like that that you have to worry about if you wanted to own your own car
01:44now things are gonna be a little bit different today because a lot of this
01:48stuff is not made for normal people I'm living a midlife crisis right here right
01:52now it is what it is but it's something that if you are looking for a vehicle
01:56like this I want to see if it's something that you should consider I
02:00have a feeling what the answer is gonna be but otherwise let's check it out
02:04right now hey everybody we're in the driver's seat of a 2006 f430 Ferrari now
02:12the reason normally I have these cars started up by now one of the reasons I
02:16don't have it started up right now is because I think you should hear the
02:18majesty of this car starting even the moments like this make this car
02:24everything it is
02:28I was like looking for the button to I'm like oh there's it over here this over
02:32here okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna baby it oh my god
02:40everything about this car just says power probably a smart idea to put this
02:45on so this has a fab speed tune fab speed exhaust fab speed a lot of stuff
02:51here so not only am I getting an f430 spider so we're gonna drive with the top
02:56down but I also am gonna get it with performance stuff and it's in race mode
03:01so pray for me no that's the thing is this is my first time in an f430 I'm
03:07used to fast cars like this so I've driven Lambos I've driven Ferraris
03:12before but each of these cars has their own little characteristics that make
03:16them kind of their own thing which I really dig but I just want to be
03:20everything about careful here
03:32all right so I'm gonna start off that way I guess man this thing just wants to
03:38get up and go that's incredible
03:46so 600 horsepower we got here
03:53and I'm still driving careful
04:01see as a driver goes I love the smoothness to it I love the the kick
04:08that you have but there's a real linear feel to these high revving engines it's
04:16just an experience and it's not an experience you're gonna get on a lot of
04:21cars we drove some of the other cars that had these rough suspensions with
04:27them and and these things man this just doesn't feel like rough or doesn't want
04:35to beat me up so yeah this road is pretty bad not the worst road I've ever
04:39driven on but as a whole it's not exactly the friendliest road and you're
04:45gonna see a couple of bumps you're gonna see a little bit of the walking with the
04:48the camera and stuff but when it comes to the seating position not having any
04:54problems whatsoever it's just a great little drive and it's just amazing that
04:59this has 600 horsepower that you can just kind of get in the pedal a little
05:05bit and know where you're at that's the thing that I need to say is is that you
05:12don't want to get into this and go take off the second you get in it and get
05:16crazy with it it's something you want to just kind of get used to and you know
05:22just get in the drive and feel it and enjoy it but this is one of those cars
05:27you get in it and just man I can just drive for hours I love the radar so if
05:33you get one of these you got to have radar you got to have something I don't
05:37know maybe it's just a rite of passage everybody I know has ever had one a man
05:42what a comfortable drive it's amazing that you can just
05:47you get in this you want to drive forever like it just it's an experience
05:52potentially religious too
06:01I got the old tenant too it's not my car it is what it is
06:06one of the great things I like about this car is you get in it you press the
06:11gas the second you hit that gas it wakes you up I don't care how much cups of
06:16coffee you've had what you've done prior the second you press that gas
06:20you're in it and you're ready and funny thing is is I always see people who have
06:25these they drive like a hundred yards away from the guy in front of them a lot
06:31of that is because of rock chips and other things but it's so funny when I
06:34got in it it was like well it's not my car I still feel like doing
06:41that downshift man is just incredible so if you don't like attention Ferraris
06:49probably not your car we've gotten honks we've gotten looks we've gotten
06:55everything and it's not like we're the quietest thing on the road so basically
07:10man right up the rpm scale just poop poop poop poop poop
07:16shoot I'm telling you you don't pay attention to this you're suddenly going
07:20a hundred miles per hour
07:23the man I am I gotta say I'm ready to review this just so much different than
07:44any car that we've driven before and that's just the way it's going to be
07:48it's always going to be this way these cars were designed to be powerhouses
07:55they were designed to be fast and just crazy fun to drive I just have to tell
08:04anybody if you have a chance in your life to drive one of these cars you got
08:09to take it it's just just to see the difference between everything or even if
08:15you're a designer and you're like tuning your car and you say hey you know
08:19what I want to know how to do mine like hey this is a great example so all right
08:25we're ready
08:30okay so what is it like to drive manifique it is absolutely it's a
08:38driving experience oh I think even in one of the driving things I actually
08:41said it was religious it is one of those cars that really takes everything
08:47you've heard about cars throws everything performance-wise it puts it
08:51in a perfect little box to be driven now 600 horsepower is not something to be
08:58scoffed at I've driven 600 horsepower plus race cars and they didn't feel as
09:03linear power wise as this one thing that I used to say a long time ago as as they
09:09upgraded exotic cars was that the problem was that it was too easy to go
09:15fast and this is a perfect example of that it took everything within my power
09:21not to put the gas down with a redline around 9,000 RPMs with all the
09:26aftermarket work it's been done to it and the linear curve that just made it
09:31so easy to drive yeah I literally could have fallen asleep doing it it's a
09:37cruising 600 horsepower car and I don't think there's a lot of cars that could
09:41say that this was a driving experience we took it on a really rough road that
09:46just was supposed to beat normal cars I tested with my Genesis and although my
09:51Genesis was a little rough on it it just was totally different I have all this
09:56dialed-in suspension and this thing just beat the junk out of it it just
10:00embarrassed all that aftermarket work that I did and this is from the factory
10:05like that so other than the Fabspeed stuff the Fabspeed stuff is done to make
10:09power it's done to be performance oriented so that was the crazy thing we
10:14got in this car we took it down the road press the gas go press the brake stop
10:19the paddle shifting thing really easy to learn literally and I have done it in
10:24the past but even when I've done it in the past it's been three seconds of
10:28getting in the car pressing the buttons and you know what to do it's actually
10:32scary easy so like I said if you're looking for a car especially an exotic
10:37f430 is the car to consider definitely on the list it definitely got a 10 now
10:42the thing that I have to say is that as a daily driver may not be the car to fit
10:49that bill but as the kind of car that you're going to take out and have fun
10:53with and you know what there's a lot of people out there that will take these
10:56cars and try to daily drive them you know what if that's your thing I don't
11:00want to stop you because it's you know what I drove it and I would like to
11:04daily drive it okay so what is it going to cost to own your own Ferrari f430
11:10well expect to pay about a hundred and twenty thousand dollars for the car
11:14right now and remember again right now we're in a buyer's market so there's a
11:18good chance you probably will pay more that's also based on this car there's
11:24also $13,000 worth of fab speed stuff thrown into it for flavor and I hate to
11:31say this but you've heard how it sounded you heard how it drove I don't know I
11:37think that's pretty much a no-brainer and if you just spent a hundred twenty
11:39thousand dollars on the car hey what's another 13,000 I know I say that but a
11:43lot of people that spend that kind of money go hey you know what maybe I don't
11:46want to spend the extra money you may want to spend the extra money just for
11:51the experience and the idea that it really there's a lot of things that
11:55have done to these cars restrictively that really take them way lower than
12:01what they should be and some of this aftermarket stuff that they put in it
12:05really springs them back to life and makes them alive and purposeful what
12:10they were meant to do so that to me I just think is a no-brainer but hey
12:14that's just me it is what it is so but yeah so if you're gonna buy a car like
12:19this expect to spend that much and yeah hopefully you're gonna do some
12:23aftermarket work and make it sound perfect okay so what are the pitfalls
12:27what are the things that you're gonna have to do with this what's the service
12:30gonna like so the owner of this spends about a thousand dollars a year doing
12:36maintenance he also knows how to do his own maintenance let's just do the
12:41reality that there are things on this car that can get very expensive if they
12:45break but I'm hoping that you do the maintenance that you need to do to keep
12:51up with it so if you're spending the money that you need every year you
12:55should be getting ahead of everything that's a problem for it but a lot of
12:58people will hear those numbers and that's not the numbers that they like
13:02here's the thing do the research so if you're looking to buy a car there are
13:07places that you can call to say hey I'm looking to buy this car I want to know
13:10what it's like to do the work on it the other thing is is when you're buying a
13:14car like this you want to do what's called a PPI so a pre-purchase inspection
13:18so when you buy a car you bring it in the dealership looks at it they get a
13:23good usually about $250 they give you everything that the car is going to need
13:27before you purchase it you can use that as part of your negotiation however you
13:30want to do it but that's the thing is is you should know exactly where the car
13:34sits when you purchase the car obviously there are times when things are not
13:38going to go perfect but the idea of be ready for a purchase like this and the
13:43idea that it's an investment of love one thing that you're going to see here
13:47is this car is diamond perfect with from paint to correction and all that other
13:51stuff and that's because when you buy a car like this you're going to want to
13:54put the love in so now you don't just have the service you want to do the
13:58detail to it you want to keep up with it don't try to dodge stuff or try to take
14:02shortcuts this is not the car for it so that's that you just precision cars
14:07anything precision you're going to want to keep it on the edge and when it's on
14:10the edge you want to make sure everything is dialed in perfect so but
14:14by the right tires by the right stuff a lot of the things that go on these cars
14:18are specific to this type of car so it shouldn't be that hard but that's the
14:24thing is is you're always going to be tempted and I would hate for you to be
14:27tempted so here's the thing keep up with your maintenance make sure before you
14:31buy that you have a pre-purchase inspection so you know what you're
14:34getting and then make sure you either have a detailer on call or you know how
14:37to detail it yourself I think that's pretty much it for the long run I don't
14:42think there really is problematic as most people say and as for the other
14:47thing I don't think the cars ever caught on fire and to be honest I don't think
14:51that's the thing anymore so in fact I don't even know if it was a thing back
14:54in the day there was a time when heat shields were against catalytic
14:58converters and there was a time when certain cars caught on fire you know
15:02what just do the research yourself on any car you're buying and you should
15:06know what the pitfalls are before you get there and you'll notice a lot of the
15:09stuff that they have are just missing things that people who put out there
15:13just for the fun of it so whatever it is when you buy it if you get the good car
15:18you're not going to regret the purchase so that's it for today for what it's
15:21like to drive I hope you enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed this f430 I certainly
15:26did so what's the scores for today obviously based on price they would push
15:32the down because it's not really an accessible car for everybody but as a
15:36whole a plus plus car the only downfall it really has it keeps it from being the
15:41best in the world is because I'm not sure it's a daily driver I would like to
15:46say it is but not really sure so and the thing is is I've never really owned one
15:51to test it out there's places in here that water can get in the daily abuses
15:56of the roads that we have especially around here just want to beat cars up so
16:00I don't think I'd daily drive it all the time but it definitely when it came
16:03to weekends I'd take every opportunity that I had to get in that driver's seat
16:09and drive and really driving less than an hour would be just disappointing
16:14because this car is made to drive no matter what speed it was that it was
16:19comfortable no matter what it did it was linear power it was enjoyable it never
16:25got scary it was just all the things that people warned me about it wasn't
16:30any of it and it was perfect so like I said this is my first time driving at
16:34430 and definitely made the grade so I mean look at it brakes the look I mean
16:41like I said if you want attention this might just be the car for you thank you
16:46guys tuned in today we're gonna continue our search for the next car the next
16:50thing the next whatever it is at this point I don't know this is gonna be a
16:55real tough thing to beat but you know what we will find something and when we
16:59do we'll show you what it's like to drive
